Make Me Dream (The Sage Creek Series Book 1)

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Make Me Dream (The Sage Creek Series Book 1) Page 34

by Dillon Bancroft



  Bright lights are shown in through the windows. A helicopter roars overhead and Charlie paces the length of the cafeteria as he figures out his next move. I’m not allowed to move. My stomach tightens and I try to breathe, just like I saw in the movies.

  “Charlie,” I plead with whatever energy I have left. “The whole place is surrounded. Am I worth risking your life for?”

  He laughs maniacally. This is it. He’s cracked.

  “Do you honestly think it’s you I’m here for?”

  Please God, help me!

  “No, Buttercup, I’m here for the child inside of you. My child.”

  “What are you going to do then? How do you think you’re going to get out of this alive?”

  “Not that you’ll ever understand this, but when you’re a man of my stature, you have friends in high places. I’ll get out of here; I promise you that.”

  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

  My breath hitches in my throat as the band of contractions start again. It feels like a rusty hook being dragged horizontally across my belly. So far, they’re only five minutes apart. I know I don’t have a ton of time.

  Please don’t come yet, baby.

  The kitchen phone trills which grabs Charlie’s attention.

  “If you move, I will make sure you are wide fucking awake when I carve the child out of you.”

  I’m sorry, Derek. I’m so, so sorry.

  “Agent Olson, what a pleasure to finally meet you,” his slimy voice raises so I hear every word. I meet his gaze and nearly hurl when his lips curve into a smirk. He’s enjoying every minute of my torture and knowing Nate is outside has me relieved and terrified all at the same time.

  “No, you won’t get to talk to her. She’s perfectly fine. In fact, she was just telling me how excited she is to come back home.”

  I roll my eyes and lean back in the seat.

  I wish I would’ve brought anything with me. A long line of shoestring, Annie’s gun, a piece of string and a paperclip.

  The rusty hook is back again, just a minute early. The groan escapes me before I can shut my mouth. Charlie hangs up the phone and storms over to me.

  “Why are you making that god awful noise?” he demands.

  “Well, labor isn’t a walk in the park, Char—oooohhhh!”

  I want to puke. I want to rip my uterus and throw it on the ground. Throat punching Charlie would make me feel a little better. But I can read the room.

  He watches me dumbfounded. What I wouldn’t give for a fucking epidural right now.

  “I need to walk,” I demand. I don’t wait for permission. I hoist myself out of the seat, his hand clapping down on my shoulder.

  “No. You’re going to sit.” My ass sings when it meets the hardness of the chair. “Don’t think I don’t know what you’re doing. This ends tonight, Buttercup. And the kid is coming with me.”

  Over. My. Dead. Body!

  He walks away, pacing again.

  “Hey, McKenzie,” Tanner’s voice echoes throughout the cafeteria. A watery laugh escapes me. I’m going to haunt him for doing this under my nose. But for now, I’m elated to hear his voice.


  “Shut your god damned mouth!” Charlie shouts, barreling over to me and slapping me across the face. My head reels from the contact and my cheek sings in anger.

  “Charlie, this is Agent Olson. You hung up on me before we could negotiate.”

  “Save it Olson. You don’t have anything I want. I have everything I need,” Charlie spits.

  “Okay. You have everything you need. What about Aria? How is she doing?”


  “Stop asking about my fiancé!”

  The silence is deafening.

  “Ace?” Derek’s voice appears next.

  The floodgates are open now. I’m in so much fucking pain and the only person I want right now is stuck on the other side of the building.

  “Derek!” I cry.

  “Talk to me, Ace. How are you doing?”

  “I said stop asking about my fiancé!” Charlie bellows so close to my ears I’m sure I’m going deaf.

  “Charlie, calm down please,” I beg. Before he even has the chance to hit me again, I’m knocked to the ground from a contraction. This one is so painful my screams echo into the hallways.

  “You fucking pissed yourself!” Charlie shouts.

  Oh, fuck!

  “My water broke. It’s not piss.” Tears prick my eyes. It’s happening. The baby is coming, and Charlie is going to take him away.



  “Put me the fuck in, Olson,” I demand, grabbing one of the bullet proof vests and throwing it over my head.

  “You can’t go in there, Hawthorn, you’re a civilian.” He looks over to Chief Parker. “Where are the paramedics?” Nate asks. I already know. Fucking Parker didn’t call them.

  “Nate,” I hiss when Parker flounders.

  “Um…Tillerson!” Chief shouts. “Call the ambulance!”

  “This isn’t even a fucking conversation anymore, Olson! I’m the only one here who is qualified to deliver that baby!”

  “You can’t,” he shouts. “There are protocols—”

  “That is my life in there!” I’m losing control, my edge. I feel like everyone is staring at me. But I don’t care. I told her we would get him. I told her she wouldn’t have to do this alone. I’m not letting fucking Charlie Dodge make me a liar. “That is my son, Olson! Give me a gun, or don’t. I don’t fucking care. I’m going in there to help her.”

  I storm off while Nate talks over the intercom to Charlie. The whole place is locked all the way down. But I have a feeling Tanner can disable the magnetic lock in Aria’s office so I can slip in.

  “Think about this, Bubba,” Joey warns, following me all the way to the truck. I grab my vet bag from the passenger seat and grip it tight. I walk to the back of the truck and pull out a sterile, wrapped, surgical kit.

  “I’ve never thought clearer in my life,” I snap. I turn to Tanner who is already working his magic on the laptop. “Talk to me, Novak.”

  “I’m working on it. Hold on.”

  Nate storms over this way, hand on his gun. Fucking kill me, prick. I dare you.

  “You’re not going in alone.” He narrows his eyes at me. We’re still brothers. He’ll still watch my six and be my ride or die.

  “Who’s going to stick around for negotiations?” Tanner asks.

  “Parker’s got it for now, not that it matters. Dodge isn’t cooperating. He has something else up his sleeve, I don’t know what it is or how he’ll access it.”

  I nod. “Let’s go.”

  We approach the side of the building and wait for Tanner’s okay. The magnetic lock of the window clicks and I slide it up with no hesitation. That’s going to change. When this is all over, I’ll nail these windows shut myself.

  I know exactly where I’m going, and I know he’s going to fire a shot the second he sees movement. Nate takes the lead, gun at the ready and clearing the hallway. My Glock feels like a hundred pounds in my hand while we slink down the hallway. My whole life is being ripped at the seams and I swear, my head spins along with it.

  We enter the hallway before the cafeteria slowly and quietly. The double doors are cracked. Aria lies on the floor, resting herself on her forearms while her heavy breathing echoes.

  “Charlie, this is Agent Olson,” Nate announces as we enter the cafeteria.

  Charlie whirls around in surprise, aiming the gun at Aria. My heart catches in my throat and I pray to whoever’s out there to spare her.

  “Get out of here, Olson,” Charlie growls.

  “Don’t hurt her,” I plead. I hold up my bag, showing him I come in peace. Sort of. “She’s in active labor, Charlie. If you want the child, she’s going to need help. Let me help her.”

  “Drop the gun,” he demands.

  Fine. I’ll do it as long as he’ll let me be near her. I
drop the gun and kick it towards him. He picks it up and motions for me to come closer.

  “You too, Olson.”

  “Charlie, I can’t do that. My job is to protect both of these people.”

  He shrugs carelessly and they argue as I crouch down to Aria. Her eyes swim with tears. Pain is etched into her rosy cheeks. Charlie and Nate argue. I tune it out so I can focus on Aria.

  “I’m so sorry,” she whispers.

  “I know. It’s okay, baby. I know what you were trying to do.” Even though I don’t like it. I push her night gown up and start pulling her panties down when she stops me.

  “I love you too. I do and I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner.”

  A laugh escapes me, and I yearn to smash my lips to hers, the situation doesn’t allow me to.

  “I need to look, Ace. Breathe.”

  I snap on gloves and reach into her, checking her cervix. She’s fully dilated, but the thing that scares the shit out of me is I don’t touch the baby’s head.

  “Shit,” I curse, reaching for my radio. “Whoever’s listening, I need you to get a hold of Dr. Erin Cash. Tell her Aria’s baby is breech and I need her to walk me through it.”

  “What?” Aria whimpers.

  “I touched his foot,” I tell her. I glance back to Nate who is watching Dodge watch me. “This is serious. I need clean towels, linens, whatever you can get me.”

  Charlie scoffs.

  “Do you honestly think I’m going to be the one who leaves for a second? Deliver the child and then you can be on your way. You’re not a part of her life anymore.”

  I glance to Nate and grimace.

  “The baby is going to need to be cleaned up. You want to transport the kid? He needs to be cleaned up.”

  “Deliver the child, Hawthorn. Then you can be on your way,” he replies through gritted teeth.


  It’s Joey’s voice in my head. I’m transported back to Afghanistan and I’m plugging up Delgado’s bullet wound and I’m out of gauze.

  Improvise. We want to get out of here alive, Hawthorn. You’re capable.

  I undo the Velcro on the vest and pull my shirt over my head and drape Aria’s torso with it. Nate curses when the vest hits the ground.

  “One of you come over here. I can’t place my tools on the ground. They’re sterile. Get gloves on because we need to do this as quickly as possible.”

  Aria sobs, and Nate crosses, reluctantly putting his gun down so he can assist.

  “Hawthorn?” Dr. Cash’s voice comes over the intercom.

  “It’s a breech baby, Cash. I need your guidance.”

  “How’s she doing? Is she in distress?”

  “Yes, but she’s working through it. What am I doing first?”

  “When she pushes on the next contraction, you’re going to deliver whatever is presenting. Can you tell me if it’s the bottom or the feet?”

  I push her dress up and completely remove the panties. Two little feet poke out.


  “Okay, it’s important you don’t pull on the baby. Guide it out while she pushes.”

  I glance up to Aria.

  “You’re doing great, baby. It’s going to be okay. I need you to push, okay?”

  “It hurts,” she wails.

  “I know. Once you get him out it’ll be all over, okay?”

  “Don’t let him take my baby,” she wails. “Derek, promise me you won’t let him take my baby.”

  Charlie watches on with a twisted smirk.

  Over my dead body, bitch.

  “I promise. Deep breath. And push!”

  The legs and feet are out and Nate finishes the count down, giving Aria a breather.

  “Legs and feet are out,” I announce.

  “Okay, good. You want the baby’s back facing up, okay? It’ll make the birth easier.”

  “All right, babe. Give me a big push.”

  “Ten, nine, eight…”

  The baby stops as does my heart. I glance up to Aria flat on the ground.

  “Aria? Are you with me?”

  “It hurts so bad,” she sobs.

  “I know, baby. But you’re doing so great. He’s almost out, I promise.”

  “Come on McKenzie, don’t let the team down,” Nate coaches, holding her hand.

  She lifts herself onto her forearms, her eyes red and puffy.

  “Push for me, Ace. Let’s meet our son.”

  With one deep breath, she pushes. The tiny torso births, marking the floor with Aria’s guts.

  “When you get to the shoulder blades, you’re going to need to sweep one arm out at a time. You’re going to need to rotate the baby to sweep the other arm out.” Cash’s voice echoes into the cafeteria.

  I have to tune everything out. Nate’s coaching, Charlie’s threats, Aria’s pained screams.

  You’ve birthed tons of horses. You’ve got this.

  I stick my finger inside of her to sweep the arm out, and she screams in pain. I mutter a thousand apologies as I rotate the little guy and do the same for the other arm.

  The pushing stops again. She’s exhausted and spent. The pain is taking everything out of her to the point where screaming is too much energy.

  “Baby, he’s almost out. It’s just his head that’s left. One more push for me?”

  “I can’t,” she whimpers. “I can’t. He’s going to take him away.”

  “Aria? It’s Doctor Cash. You’re doing great. You need to deliver the baby, sweetheart. You’re almost done. This part is important.”

  Charlie crosses the room impatiently and crouches near her head, fisting her hair and yanking her head up so she’s looking at him.

  “Hey!” Nate shouts, but it goes ignored.

  “Deliver the child, Buttercup. Or this will be the last you see of anyone.”



  Every part of my body is on fire. My hair, from Charlie yanking it. My lower half is like blinding pain. Derek watches me hopefully and Nate is ready to pounce and take Charlie out. Except Nate’s service gun is lying on the floor close to me so he can assist Derek.

  “This is the last bit, Ace. The pain will be over as soon as he’s out.”

  Please God, be with them. Please don’t let Charlie take my family.

  “Hawthorn, you’re going to flex the head down, got it?”

  He mumbles a muffled yeah. I take a deep breath and push. I want him out. I don’t want to be pregnant anymore. I want the baby to be okay.

  Nate coaches while counting down, gripping my hand tight.

  “Hi, buddy,” Derek greets with an exasperated laugh. “I’m so happy to see you. Bulb suction,” he directs to Nate as he places my baby on my stomach after wrapping him in his shirt.

  He suctions out his nose and mouth. He gently taps his bottom and the glorious sounds of his high pitched cries are music to my ears.

  “Okay, now you’re going to deliver the placenta. Aria, this won’t hurt as much, but you need to do another big push,” Dr. Cash instructs.

  I bear down as Nate and Derek watch on with hushed amazement. This would be humiliating if I actually gave a damn. But I’m holding my baby in my arms and I don’t give a shit who sees what.

  “Charlie, we need to get Aria to the hospital,” Dr. Cash’s voice rings out. Derek’s eyes squeeze shut in frustration. We know what’s coming next. It doesn’t matter my insides are outside of my body. My job is done. He’ll be gunning for me next.

  “She’s not going anywhere,” he shouts, cocking the gun and holding it to my temple. “You can leave, Hawthorn. Your work is done.”

  “I’m not leaving her, Dodge.” Derek stands up and squares his shoulders.

  “How do you plan on leaving, Charlie? The whole building is surrounded. The rest of my team are on their way. You’re surrounded by SCPD and they’re not going to let you go quietly for terrorizing one of their citizens.”

  “That’s because you’re going to get me out of here. With the child.

  The baby’s cries get louder. I should try to nurse, but I’m afraid I’m not going to get the chance.

  We’re going to make it out of here, I promise. I swear on my life you will live a good life.

  “The paramedics are here,” Tanner’s voice comes over the intercom.

  The guys look to Charlie.

  “We need to get the paramedics in here so they can cut the cord and deliver the rest of the placenta,” Nate reasons, but it doesn’t matter. Charlie doesn’t give a shit.

  “Nobody is leaving!” He shouts wildly. He crouches on the ground and grabs me by the hair again. “Buttercup, tell them you’re ready to come home.”

  “Charlie, please. This is over. There’s no way you can walk out of here—” his fist comes into contact with my gut where I swear I’m being set on fire.

  Derek bounds to his feet and runs at full speed towards Charlie. Charlie aims the gun at Derek and pulls the trigger.

  The baby and I scream together as the shot rings and echoes through the cafeteria. My eyes squeeze shut when I feel Nate move away from me.

  “If you get the shot, take it!” Nate shouts to anyone.

  Please God, end this now.

  Derek and Nate are out of my line of vision, but I hear the thuds and grunts, the closed fists hitting flesh. There’s nothing I can do. I’m stuck in this one spot with a life I’ve sworn to protect.

  He’s calmed down a little. His gray eyes meet mine and he stares at me, almost like he’s looking into my soul.

  I’ll do anything for you. I promise.

  Silent promises. I suppose now I know what Derek was talking about when Zoey came around. My heart plummets at the thought.


  Where is she? Is she okay?

  A body hits the floor. I don’t know whose it is, but a glint next to me from the floodlights outside catches my attention.

  Nate’s gun.

  If this makes my baby deaf, it’ll be worth it. I’ll learn sign language. I’ll spend all the money on hearing aids. But this ends now.

  My body screams as I use my legs to turn me to face the action. The umbilical cord is still attached to the baby and the placenta. I’m reminded of that when it pulls.


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