Where There's a Will

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Where There's a Will Page 24

by Brenda Sinclair

  Chapter 36

  On the first Saturday in September, Willow gazed into the cheval mirror in the small room in the Milestone Community Church where Mrs. Fitzpatrick insisted they wait.

  “Is that really me?” Willow whispered, staring wide-eyed at the young lady dressed in a blue satin gown trimmed in white lace and featuring a billowing skirt. She’d known Amanda’s remarkable creation would be the perfect wedding dress for her, the moment she spotted it on the rack in her future sister-in-law’s store. With Willow’s hair finally long enough to style in a fancy bun, Lily left a few tendrils framing her glowing face. With the beautiful gown and her fancy hair style, Willow’s reflection seemed a far cry from the denims she’d grown accustomed to and the cropped locks she’d hated so much.

  “You look absolutely beautiful,” Mrs. Sheridan gushed and turned toward Amanda. “Both of you are a lovely sight to behold.”

  “Are we really doing this?” Amanda giggled, standing in the sapphire blue satin gown with pale lace trim she created for herself after consulting with the ladies who’d soon be her sisters-in-law, including Willow.

  “If by ‘this’ you mean having a double wedding… may I remind you, Amanda McLennon, it was your idea.” Willow peeked at her through the mirror’s reflection. “But after a day’s consideration, I broached the idea with Adam and he readily agreed.”

  When Willow mentioned Amanda’s suggestion to Adam on the way home from their discussion with Mrs. Fitzpatrick, he had jumped at the opportunity to tie the knot so soon. At the time, three weeks to finalize plans for her ceremony and the wedding meal afterward had seemed daunting. But Amanda had reminded her most of the plans were already completed. To accommodate Adam and Willow simply required ordering more food and finding Willow a suitable dress and bouquet. Neither bride had been able to contain her excitement since. Especially when the reply to Willow’s telegraph to her brother had come the next day. Wouldn’t miss your special day. Will be there. Leonard.

  “Yes, it was one of my better ideas, if I may say so.” Amanda laughed with her soon-to-be new sister-in-law.

  “With the roundup beginning next week and predictions for an early winter and frigid temperatures, an early September wedding seemed best.” Willow had overheard old-timers and AJ talking about signs of a tough winter ahead. She hadn’t noticed, of course, busy with the Thoroughbreds and wedding plans. But she supposed men like the McLennons, who worked with the land spending the majority of the time outdoors, took note of such things.

  These old ranchers mentioned the cattle were growing thicker fur, and they’d noticed beavers stacking more wood for their dens. She hoped what hay had been stockpiled would be sufficient if the predictions of a hard winter proved correct. But she’d heard Jackson mention selling off more cattle than usual after fall roundup as a precaution against feed shortages. She recalled the summer drought in Texas and hoped Leonard would fare all right on the Circle H, as well.

  “And Leonard arrived yesterday with Mrs. Griffith,” Mrs. Sheridan said, as if reading Willow’s thoughts of her brother. “Such a lovely lady.”

  “And with his new bride in tow.” Willow had been surprised to learn the beautiful young lady she’d hired to work at the Circle H had accompanied her brother and Mrs. Griffith, but she’d almost fainted when Leonard introduced Betsey as his wife. Willow recalled her brother asking Betsey Garner to accompany him to a couple of dances, but she hadn’t realized he’d been so serious about her. “Betsey had waited for him, believing Leonard innocent while he was on the run. Once reunited, they hadn’t wanted to be apart for another day. I understand their decision, but I would have loved to witness their vows.”

  Mrs. Sheridan patted her arm. “Well, your brother is here for your wedding. That’s what counts.”

  “And my brothers are happy we’re tying the knot before they’ll be out on the range for a month rounding up cattle.” Amanda fussed with one strand of her hair.

  “I wish someone would round up all the butterflies in my stomach,” Willow complained. She’d never felt so nervous in her life.

  “I’ve got them also,” Amanda lamented. “I can’t wait until the ceremony is over and we can enjoy that lovely supper we arranged at the Milestone Hotel.”

  “And I’m looking forward to a dance or two afterward,” Mrs. Sheridan added.

  “With Sammy?” Amanda teased.

  “With anyone who asks me,” Mrs. Sheridan replied, smiling.

  Willow trailed her hands down the soft satin skirt of her dress. “Are you ready?”

  Amanda nodded. “I cannot wait for Papa to walk me down the aisle.”

  “And Leonard is here to walk me down the aisle, too.” Willow touched Amanda’s arm. “Can you believe my father actually included the request in his will?”

  “To walk you down the aisle?”

  Willow smiled. “Yes. Even in death he’s watching out for me.”

  Amanda hugged her. “Fathers are very special people.”

  “I couldn’t agree more.” Willow reached for her bouquet of autumn flowers with evergreen sprigs, identical to Amanda’s. “Let’s go say our vows, become married ladies, and start our new lives with our wonderful husbands.”

  “Hear, hear,” Mrs. Sheridan exclaimed.

  Someone knocked softly and Mrs. Fitzpatrick poked her head into the room. “Come along, my dears. AJ and Leonard are waiting for you in the hallway.”

  Hoisting her skirts, Willow stepped into the hallway and spotted Leonard smiling broadly when he caught sight of her. Those butterflies hadn’t vacated her stomach, but she couldn’t wait to see Adam.

  “Whoa, sis. You look real pretty,” Leonard exclaimed, hooking her hand around his elbow.

  “Thank you. I’m so happy you could be here today.”

  “Wouldn’t miss it.” Her brother squeezed her hand. “Now, I’m sorry Betsey and I didn’t wait, but we never expected to hear from you so soon. We would have loved to exchange our vows alongside you and Adam.”

  “I never expected we’d be marrying so soon either. But Amanda insisted we make it a double wedding.” Willow shook her head. “My future sister-in-law is not one to argue with. You’ll never win.”

  “Could argue the spots off a leopard?”

  “Exactly. But I love her to death. She sewed this gown.”

  “Mighty talented by the looks of it.”

  “That she is.”

  “Well, sis, I hope you and Adam are as content as Betsey and me. She’s been wonderful, helping rebuild the ranch. And we hope to have a son someday to pass the Circle H to when we grow old. Like Pa wanted.” Leonard chuckled. “Is that counting chickens?”

  Willow laughed and hugged his arm. “Not at all. I hated everything I endured while fleeing my home and living as Willie Hughes, but that ordeal brought me to Adam. I’ll be forever thankful that challenging time helped me find the forever kind of love.”

  “Adam told me about your argument over working with the horses. He understands now that horses dominated your life for so long that there’s no turning back. He’s looking forward to having you contribute your time and talents to the Thoroughbred operation. And if you give him a son someday, he can’t ask for more.”

  “That’s something I fully intend to do. Or a daughter would probably please him also.”

  Mrs. Fitzpatrick stepped into the hallway and touched Willow’s arm. “We’re ready for you now, dear.”

  Willow nodded.

  “Let’s go, sis. Adam won’t believe his eyes,” Leonard predicted, chuckling. “Especially considering what you were wearing the first time he saw you arriving on the ranch.”

  Willow laughed, also recalling Adam’s expression the day he discovered Willie Hughes wearing a dress while having tea in the kitchen with Mrs. Sheridan. Thankfully, he soon developed feelings for her, or she’d have been out of a job for sure. “I’m ready to become Mrs. McLennon,” she whispered and walked to the doorway with her brother.

  She gasped when they st
arted down the aisle. Citizens of Milestone were squeezed into every pew, gazing at them and smiling. She prayed she wouldn’t trip and embarrass herself. The church ladies had decorated the room with autumn flowers and white candles. Two large bouquets stood up front, one atop the piano and another on the table beside the side door where they would sign the church register.

  Adam stood alongside Sawyer with the two best men, Jackson and Daniel, beside them. On the opposite side of the aisle, Amanda waited beside Lily and Iris. Willow had been delighted to learn Iris’s crisis with the baby had been averted, and Doc Bennett permitted her to participate in the wedding today. Mrs. Griffith was seated beside Mrs. Sheridan holding baby Edward on her lap. Both ladies were blinking back tears and the ceremonies hadn’t begun yet.

  Willow stood with knees shaking beneath her skirts while Sawyer and Amanda exchanged their vows with Daniel and Iris at their side, knowing she would be next. Soon, she stood beside Adam while Reverend Fitzpatrick guided them in exchanging their own ‘I dos’ under the watchful gaze of Jackson and Lily. Willow couldn’t wipe the smile from her face as she gazed into Adam’s beautiful blue eyes—the eyes she’d fallen in love with the first time she saw him—and she promised to love and cherish him for the rest of her days.

  “You may kiss your bride,” the reverend said.

  “It would be my pleasure,” Adam whispered and pressed his lips to hers.

  Willow’s knees weakened as she reveled in the wonderful celebration of their union. She couldn’t be happier, and miraculously, the butterflies had vanished.

  “May I present Mr. and Mrs. Sawyer Manning and Mr. and Mrs. Adam McLennon.” The reverend stood beaming while the newlywed couples made their way down the aisle and outside into warm September sunshine.

  “This is just the beginning of our lives together,” Adam whispered in her ear. “And I couldn’t ask for a better person to share my life with.”

  “I promise you won’t regret marrying one of your horse wranglers,” Willow teased. “I’ll be the ideal wife and I’ll only wear my denims in the barns.”

  Adam chuckled. “I say goodbye and good riddance to Willie Hughes, because I much prefer Willow McLennon.”

  She hugged him tightly. “And we’ll be together forever.” She had everything she’d ever wanted and their future couldn’t look rosier.

  Inherit A Dream

  Book 4

  Sons of a Gun Series

  In spring 1887 after the worst Montana winter in decades, Violet Campbell discovers most of the family’s herd of cattle has perished in the relentless blizzards and frigid temperatures, one of which took her father’s life. Already heartbroken, Violet is further devastated when her brother takes their remaining funds and returns east to complete veterinary school, instructing her to sell out to their neighbors. Violet refuses to sell but soon realizes her handsome, interfering neighbor is the least of her troubles.

  Simon McLennon dreams of winning Violet’s heart. But she refuses to sell to him, convinced she’ll arrange a loan from the bank. Not long after Violet is left alone, Simon discovers his help is desperately needed. All will be fine if she never learns what he’s done.

  Will Simon and Violet admit their feelings for each other? Or will one crushing defeat after another prevent Violet from having her ranch and forever love?


  Thank you to beta readers Vicki Chatham and S. L. Dickson for offering invaluable assistance with this series, including help with titles and critiquing all five manuscripts. You ladies were a huge part of the planning and the creation of this historical western series, once I finally settled on a series concept and title. And I couldn’t have finished it without your continued support.

  Thank you to Su Kopil from https://www.earthlycharms.com for creating the five beautiful covers for the books in the Sons of a Gun Series. And to my fellow authors Shelley, Katie, Vicki and Shaa for offering suggestions during proof approval. The covers are perfect and I love them. And don’t we all adore a handsome cowboy!

  Thank you to Ted Williams, times five for the entire series, for once again line editing and finding my grammatical errors while on the lookout for inconsistencies and blatant goof-ups. I appreciate your passion for the written word and your diligence.

  Thank you to my husband for accompanying me to Butte, Montana to complete research for the series set in the fictional town of Milestone, Montana which I imagined to be located several hours travel by stagecoach south of Butte. The fictional McLennon family’s Double M Ranch is situated approximately halfway between Milestone and Butte. The series spans the years 1885 through 1889, and I’ve tried my best to represent the time and era to the best of my abilities as an author, while taking instances of creative license to enhance the storyline where I felt necessary. My apologies for any blatant errors my readers may catch. Butte is a beautiful city oozing with history and stories from days gone by. From mining kings to Irish and Chinese immigrants, from mining disasters to annual celebrations still flourishing today. I thoroughly enjoyed my time in Butte and I encourage anyone to check out this wonderful city.

  After being preoccupied with several contemporary romance stories and multi-author projects, I’ve enjoyed returning to my first writing and reading love – historical western romance. I loved writing this HWR series! And it’s my fondest wish that my readers will enjoy reading it equally as much. I would much appreciate readers leaving a review—even one sentence will suffice—on Amazon or any social platform of your choice. Thank you so much for your support.

  Books by Brenda Sinclair





  historical western romance series

  The Spirit Creek Series


  NO PEACE (Novella)

  historical western romance series

  Carsen Family Trilogy



  Town of Pineview


  Escape to Alaska Trilogy




  50% of the author’s royalties will be donated to Humane Society shelters


  Part of the Thurston Hotel Series


  Women of Stampede Series, Book 3


  Stampede Sizzlers


  Short novella

  About the Author

  Brenda Sinclair is the author of over twenty historical western and contemporary romance novels. After a career in the accounting field, she traded in numbers for words to become a full-time author. A member of her local romance association, she supports and mentors other writers, believing in paying it forward by helping others.

  Brenda has been married to her loving husband for over forty-five years. During that time, they raised two sons and welcomed three wonderful grandchildren.

  When Brenda isn’t writing or researching her next novel, she enjoys walking her little dog, Kelly, checking out what Jack Abbott is up to on today’s installment of The Young and The Restless, or snuggling with Kelly on the sofa and enjoying a good book.

  Brenda believes life is good, and for days that life isn’t so good, just get over it. There’s always tomorrow.

  Find Brenda at:

  Website: http://www.brendasinclairauthor.com

  Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/brendasinclairauthor

  Twitter: https://twitter.com/bsinclairauthor


  Table of Contents



  Story Blurb

  Note to Readers


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36


  Books by Brenda Sinclair

  About the Author

  Find Brenda At




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