Games of the Powerful

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Games of the Powerful Page 25

by William E Samela


  Detective Garrett walked away from the scene letting the crime-scene technicians' work their magic thankfully; he did not have to deal with it. He is not a huge man but he liked to think that he kept himself in good condition. Walking along the sidewalk, his blue eyes scanned the morning passerby’s for any threats. When he first came out of college, he learned the hard way about paying proper attention to his surroundings. The police academy drilled into his head that most police officer deaths came from lack of attentiveness to their surroundings.

  On a fate filled night when he was still a detective trainee he was spending some of his off-duty time in a small local nightclub frequented by off duty law enforcement as a place they can go to relax. It has a local civilian crowd that frequents the establishment for the peace and quiet not normally found in a normal nightclub. Beside all of those benefits many beautiful women come there to spend the evening with lonely policeman so if they happen to want to go home with them they can feel safe doing it.

  On one of those quiet nights at the club, one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen in his young life was talking to him, not that he could not get beautiful women to talk to him this one was special. He was not sure what made her special maybe it is her eyes as azure as the sky on a cold winter day sparkling in the light that mesmerized him, intoxicated him would be more like it. Staring deeply into her eyes not even hearing what she was saying to him, he failed to see three tuffs walk in the side door. They looked to be from the lower end in the warehouse district and they were out for trouble.

  The nightclub is not a huge affair but it boasted one of the finest mahogany long bars in the city maybe in the whole state of New York. He was sitting at the bar with this beautiful woman his back to the side and front doors. If he had been more thoughtful, he would have invited the young woman to a table that positioned him in such a way he could see both the front door and the side door with his back safely to the wall. On this night sitting next to a beautiful woman with alluring eyes that inexorably held his attention, he would learn a lesson he would carry with him to his grave. Even the bartender tried to get his attention but all he could see was those beautiful eyes before him.

  Finally, the shouting of the bartender broke through and he turned toward her slightly irritated when one of the tuffs pulled a shotgun from under his cloak and shot him in the back. The blast from the gun was deafening as it slammed him face forward on the bar. The shotgun a weapon left over from the twenty-first century still did what the manufacturer designed it for all those many years ago, maximum destruction in a small package. The newly designed tactical vest saved his life from the blast and protected him from the brutal beating that followed mercifully losing consciousness. They robbed nightclub of cash and bottles of booze but before they left, they raped and killed the bartender with a blast from the shotgun to the back of her head. The few local patrons that had been in the nightclub ran out at the first sign of trouble.

  Three weeks passed before he awoke from a sleep induced healing that he found out what happened to him. He had been brutally beaten, shot with a shotgun, survived and the physicians were not sure why and all they could say is it is a miracle that he lived. He had been near death without much hope when he woke from his sleep induced healing completely healed and out of danger. He was still weak and needed to rest but he would take what he got at least he was alive.

  He gave his report containing very little information except a full description of the beautiful girl that no one knew who she was, where she came from or where she went. His description matched the descriptions of thousands of beautiful woman that live in the city. He did not even have a name to put in his report, but the odd thing was the wineglass she had been holding did not have any clean fingerprints. The surveillance system outside the club showed the three thugs exiting with what could have been the woman but it could not be determined because the person was wearing a large full-length jacket and hood concealing their identity.

  Law-enforcement investigative teams thought that she might be a victim but when they later found the three thugs lying dead in a nearby alley with their throats viciously cut and no trace of the girl the conclusion was she might have been involved somehow. When the autopsy came back on the three thugs it showed, large talons from an animal of some kind slashed the throats of its victims, not a jagged knife blade as first thought. The more he thought about it he knew the girl was somehow involved, she was the distraction and the look-out. The girl had set him up, the thugs that shot him were the means to kill him but the gnawing question is why? Why did she want him dead? He never could figure that one out but one thing he is sure of, he will never forget those eyes and he looks for them every waking minute of his life.

  Walking to his car parked at the curb, he stopped for a moment to admire it thinking about how much he loved this car. One of the newly designed all gasoline engine cars that burned the new clean burning fuel it did not expel any carbon monoxide like the old gas burning engines. The new technology came from all the oil research the oil companies conducted after the war when people in government finally understood that the electric companies could not produce near the amount of electricity to supply the growing need for transportation especially during any kind of emergency. After the war the grid was in a shambles, electricity out everywhere so President Lee using emergency powers lifted the total ban on gas burning engines, opened up more oil drilling, coal mining and started refurbishing the oil refineries that had been in neglect. The few remaining car manufacturers from the twenty-first century began manufacturing all gas-burning automobiles instead of the all-electric versions. The Tristar made by a new company called Future Transportation Incorporated boasted having a five hundred-horse power V6 engine that gets a hundred miles to the gallon of gas city driving. Regular production cars normally get closer to one hundred and fifty to the gallon.

  Placing his right thumb on the door near the handle, he could hear the locking mechanism release so he opened the door and got in. The interior is more than comfortable with fine leather seats, a climate control system kept the vehicle at a set temperature without the engine running. The system uses the newly designed nuke-batteries developed by Extrapolated Nuclear Byproducts Corporation. The company designed the new batteries to use nuclear by-products to power them safely contained for running the cars heating and air-condition system. Teams of nuclear physicists at ENBC are working on larger versions that soon might run cars, and power homes and offices.

  Garrett placed his hand on the holographic recognition pad that controlled the car lighting the dash and the holographic heads-up display appeared on the windshield. Quickly moving his fingers, he started the car listening to it growl to life. He loved the sound of that, hating the sound of the all-electric cars with their toy car sound. The holographic heads-up display showed a number of things to include direction, communication, temperature both inside and out and ground emitting radar. That feature is for law-enforcement use only with a growing underground of people installing versions in their cars. The aerodynamic design of the body with its sleek lines set it apart from other cars making it faster and more maneuverable. Adding to its mystique the exterior of the car is a deep black and the interior is a rich burgundy color. The car body and glass is lightly armored and resting on the newly designed bulletproof tires that last up to four times longer than the older version tires.

  Garrett pulled away from the curb heading to the victim's home where his mother lived. He dreaded this part of the job more than anything else. The farther he drove the neighborhood houses lost more of their affluence but not yet seedy. He found the address he was looking for and parked across the street at the curb. Sitting for a moment, he watched people starting to move about some off to work and others to who knows where. Anyone of these older women walking down the sidewalk could be Ken's mother he thought thinking she might not even be home. He quickly splashed a picture of Ken's mother on the HHUD glancing up and down the st
reet to see if any of them might be her. Not seeing anyone that even remotely looked like her, he decided he had wasted enough time so he might as well get this reprehensible task over with before she learns about it from the local news media. Waiting for the cars to pass, he opened the door of his car exiting quickly scanning the area around him including windows and rooftops for any sign of movement before crossing the street.

  Reaching the front door, he rang the bell waiting a moment before ringing it again but still no one seemed home. Turning back toward the street, he looked up and down the sidewalk for a moment. No one was paying him any mind so went down the steps to the sidewalk then around the left side of the house toward the back. Peering into the first window he came to, he could see the dining room with no sign of life. The next window he came to was the kitchen window. Cupping his hands up against the glass, he peered inside. The shock of what he saw staggered him backward away from the window. Suddenly, he turned away retching until he thought he was going to eviscerate his bowels. Staggering from between the houses he sat on the front steps catching his breath trying not to hurl is sore insides. What could have happened in there?

  Finally, feeling somewhat better he staggered to his feet hurrying as fast as he could across the street to his car. Once inside he took a drink from a bottle of water, spitting it out on the street. This time he took a long drink sitting back in his seat closing the car door. He placed his hand on the holographic pad and as before, the dash and HHUD coming quickly to life. He quickly sent the codes for emergency at his location requesting crime scene and the special operations unit. They could bust the door down and go in first and they did not need a search warrant in this case. Then he palmed a call to Detective Maiko for the second time this morning.

  Stepping out of the shower, Maiko combed her long hair and put on her favorite silk panties and bra when the communication notification system began that irritating pinging sound again for the second time this morning. Shaking her head in disgust, she left the bathroom stepping into her office across the hall. Standing beside her desk, she placed her hand over the hand recondition system so she could answer the call. Instantly the Stellargraphic image of Garrett appeared sitting in his car with his head resting against the headrest and his face very pale. Standing in her bra and panties did not elicit the desired reaction from him that she had hoped it would have had her instantly worried. She loved to tease him and live on the edge at the same time by taking a chance and answering a call scantily dressed even though it could get her into trouble. His lack of response to her near nakedness and his very uncharacteristic mannerisms concerned her.

  “Garrett what is wrong?” she asked in a worried tone.

  “Sorry to bother you Maiko,” he apologized in a subdued tone. For the first time he used her first name was not lost on her, something was terribly wrong.

  “Mr. Payne’s mother has been murdered just like her son except Mrs. Payne was butchered as if she was put through a meat shredder of some kind with blood and pieces of her all over the kitchen. I called in the crime-scene team and the special ops to bust in the front door. I have not been inside yet but from what I saw when I looked in from the kitchen window it is the worst I have ever seen in a murder crime scene. I think you need to get here as quickly as you can detective. I will send the address to where I am to your car.” I guess saying her first name once in the conversation was a small victory she thought.

  “Garrett stay put I don’t want you going in there until I get there understood?” Not waiting for a reply, she clicked off the call hurrying from the room to get dressed.

  Quickly slipping on tightly fitting black leather pants designed to show off her body and provide flexibility at the same time, a partially see through black silk button down the front shirt and black high-heeled shoes she raced from her apartment slamming the front door behind her. Making her way to the stairs leading to the first floor parking garage she nearly flew down them sprinting across the garage to her car. Jumping into her car identical to Garrett's car except it is white with black interior the V6 engine suddenly roared to life. Not wasting a second, she hit the accelerator roaring from the garage. Once into the street, she hit her sirens and lights hitting speeds of sixty miles per hour in seconds fast enough that it threw her head back into the headrest.

  She loved this car, the way it handles, the amazing acceleration capabilities, speeding through the streets screeching tires on tight turns, and gunning through traffic control lights sirens blaring. Cars were pulling over in barely enough time to get out of her way all the while people were jumping back on the sidewalks or stopping and gawking when she flew by them. Exhilarated by the way the car handled she hit the top of a hill bumping close to seventy with all four tires quickly leaving the ground crashing down on the other side sparks flying when the car bottomed out on the road. Reaching the bottom, she quickly hit her brakes simultaneously turning her stirring wheel and hitting the accelerator spinning, the cars rear-end to make a hard right turn. Quickly accelerating down the street hitting seventy again with sirens and lights still flashing she came to a screeching halt behind Garrett. Seeing him standing next to his car with his color back to normal she quickly turned off the car exiting with all the sinuous grace of a feline.

  “I see you are looking a little better.”

  “And I see you are still making a grand entrance,” he laughed.

  “I have to admit it sure was fun. Ok tell me what you know.”

  “Spec Ops is inside clearing the house and crime scene is on the way.” “Maiko,” he paused and looked her square in the eyes before continuing. “I have never seen anything like it, very similar to the murder of Mr. Payne, but this time the victim was tortured and killed for the pleasure of it.” Twice now he used her name today, he is definitely shook up.

  “All right they have had enough time to clear the house let's go inside.”

  Crossing the street, they headed to the front door where a heavily armed Special Operations team member dressed in a green battle dress uniform with heavy Kevflex armor across his wide chest and back quickly challenged them. An imposing figure with the same armor covering his thighs and arms a helmet strapped to his head and he heavy automatic battle rifle with a protruding fifty round magazine and sidearm at his waste made him look very dangerous if crossed. Taking her badge out of her back pocket Maiko showed it to him so he would step aside and let them pass. Once in the house, Garrett took the lead steeling himself for what he was about to see. Walking down the short hall past more Spec Ops members, he turned into the dining room, quickly making his way to the kitchen.

  He turned quickly hearing Maiko gagging behind him leaning on the doorframe trying not to throw up her face very pale. Returning his attention to the ghastly scene before him, he nearly threw up smelling the stench of blood and intestinal odor emanating from the victims ripped out stomach and lower abdomen. Taking his eyes of the body he picked out the important things mingling with the carnage around him, no sign of a struggle, no broken dishes or overturned kitchenette table and chairs. Lying a few feet away from the body flung haphazardly on the floor is a set of shredded and bloody men’s clothes. Aside from the ghastly wounds, the corpse clearly looked the same as Ken's, and that got him thinking. Taking Maiko by the arm, they headed back the way they came.

  Passing more Spec Ops personnel on the stairs they crowded passed them on the way up to the second floor. They need to clear the house before they destroy any evidence he thought reaching the second floor landing. He knew the blood on the floor would lead to the bathroom because with the amount of blood in the kitchen whoever did this would need to shower it off. When they walked in the bathroom, Maiko was still visibly shaken but in more control of her stomach. Sure enough, blood is everywhere in the bathroom and he knew without checking to whom it belonged.

  Going across the hall to the bedroom with Maiko still in tow still trying desperately not to throw up her empty stomach, he saw several things that stood out. Taking
in the room in for a moment, he noticed the floor was still wet from the shower, closet doors were open with hangers on the floor, dresser drawers wide open and bras and panties were on the floor with a mix shoes.

  “Maiko let's go talk outside. I don’t know about you but I have seen enough,” Garrett grimaced both hastily leaving the room heading quickly downstairs. When they got back to the cars, they climbed in Maiko’s car both relieved to be away from the crime scene.

  “Garrett, are you thinking the same thing I am?”

  “If you are thinking we are not dealing with a normal murderer yes, if you are thinking along the lines of the supernatural yes again, and if you are thinking each time it kills it takes the appearance of the victim then absolutely yes!”

  “Ok so we are thinking same the one thing we know is that it is not human and is extremely dangerous. Right now, it should look like Mrs. Payne unless it has already killed again. I am going to tap into the street surveillance system and find the data from our location for the last three hours,” she said placing her hand on the holographic pad to activate the HHUD and in seconds' images flashed across it.

  “Stop there it is,” Garrett shouted. Maiko stopped staring at the HHUD then restarted the images slowly this time. They watched as the shade went into the house playing the images until what appeared to be Ken’s mother leaving her house and up the sidewalk.

  “What is that thing? How does it transform like this?” Maiko whispered half to herself. “I am sending everything we have to the Captain,” she said in a louder tone. Her fingers moved quickly across holographic pad changing menus and commands.

  “Send a query to the computer to scan all the local camera feeds with Mrs. Payne’s image and send us the feed of her exact track. We might be able to piece together where that thing went.”

  “Already on it but it will take a few moments before we will get what we need.”

  “That thing already has a sizable lead on us. I wish we knew what we are dealing with and what it is doing in our city,” Garrett yelled in frustration.

  “Easy Garrett we will figure this out we always do.”

  “Ok here comes the feed, let’s see where it goes.” They watched it get on a trolley and head downtown. The next feed showed it getting off the trolley at the corner of Washington Street and Franklin Avenue. It proceeded down the sidewalk to the Franklin Avenue Mall and went inside.

  Quickly starting her car the engine roaring to life Maiko quickly sped out into traffic with lights and siren blaring. Gaining speed rapidly they were soon cutting through traffic, dodging pedestrians, making fast turns, screeching tires, cresting a hill going air born to come to a tire screeching halt in front of the mall entrance. Exiting the car, they ran to the main entrance pushing through the main doors stopping abruptly with shocked expressions on their faces seeing people of all ages walking through the mall. Everywhere they looked, a crowd of morning shoppers walked the mall looking for good deals, young women with their children tagging along next to them, elderly couples walking for exercise, and teenagers laughing and flirting their way up and down the mall. The search for one elderly woman in the confines of the mall would be a daunting task.

  “This thing could have already killed and be on its way. How are we supposed to find the damn thing Maiko it could be anywhere? It has the lead on us because we have to wait for it to kill again and we only learn of it when we find the body. These are conditions and terms I don’t particular care for,” Garrett concluded in a frustrated tone.

  “I agree Garrett those are terms I can’t live with either. Let’s go to the security station and see if they will give us access to the mall surveillance system. This could take longer than we have the time to spare if we need to get a search warrant. Can you see us trying to convince a judge that an elderly woman out at the mall is in fact a supernatural serial killer?

  “I could see where that might be a problem, think about it the judge will think we are both nuts and put us away then it becomes somebody else’s problem.” Maiko gave him a sideways look not sure, if he is kidding.

  Down through the center of the mall people were sitting in comfortable chairs reading and talking among themselves. The morning sunlight shone through the glass roof sending slanting beams of light through the air toward the floor striking the shoppers walking through them stirring up the dust motes floating in the light. The day looked like it would turn out to be a beautiful day no snow on the horizon but neither of them had the luxury to stop and enjoy it. Walking through the morning crowds, they kept a cautious eye out for the creature hoping that it had not already killed again. Their number one fear is it has killed again and at this moment could be anywhere. Flying out of nowhere a large group of kids ran laughing and chasing each other through the mall startling them from their individual reflections.

  Finally reaching the security center, they walked up to the surveillance system at the door producing their badges so the security officer would allow them entry. Once inside Maiko introduced them, “Hi, I am Detective Maiko and my partner Detective Garrett."

  “Hi, I am Hreidmar,” he said getting out of his chair. He is all of six foot four inches with close-cropped blond hair and trimmed beard. His deep-blue eyes held the same genuine smile as the one on his face while offering to shake Maiko’s hand. Taking his beefy hand in hers, Maiko is impressed at his size and gentleness as he shook her hand firmly.

  “A pleasure to meet you Hreidmar,” she said shaking his hand.

  “Hreidmar is not a very common name, what kind of name is it?” Garrett asked while grasping his big beefy hand firmly in his.

  “It means dwarf king,” he replied reluctantly as if he has had to answer the same question all his life.

  “Ok I will bite. How did you get a name that means dwarf king?” she asked with a small laugh. Here is a person who towers over her and Garrett, given a name that means dwarf king there has to be some humor there somewhere she thought.

  “Long before my time a cruel, cruel joke was played on my ancestor and me," he said in mock sadness and shame before continuing. “Around 985 AD one of my Norse forebears had a little too much ale celebrating the birth of his first born son the name Hreidmar came up. It became the joke of the night. Well, after more drinking and his friends not helping matters egging him on, he named his son Hreidmar the Dwarf King. As it, turns out my dear dad ran the family tree on his side and my mother’s side. What he found out is both he and my mother were of Norse heritage. Not only did he find that out he discovered the little-known fact about my poor ancestor named Hreidmar and how he got his name. Well, my father in his infinite wisdom thought it would be a grand joke to name me Hreidmar. My mother thought it a cute name for a little babe in her arms so she agreed. Do I look like a babe in my mother’s arms now?” he asked with a feigned shamed look on his face. Maiko could not stop herself from laughing at not only the story but also the way he embellished it.

  Garrett had to clear his throat more than once to get their attention. “Hreidmar we need your help. We are trying to find and elderly women somewhere in this mall. Do you think you can help us?” Garrett asked politely.

  “We would only need the first couple hours from the main entrance where she was last seen entering the mall,” Maiko added with a genuine smile. For some reason she liked this enormous man, with a kind smile and wonderful eyes that held her rapt attention.

  Hreidmar hesitated before speaking, “If I do this it remains in this room right?” Both shook their heads agreeing to his terms.

  Sitting back in his chair Hreidmar placed his hand on the hand recondition system and the vertical glass in front of him quickly filled with holographic images of menus and communications. His hand moved with amazing speed and dexterity for such a big man and within moments, the surveillance data appeared. Setting the system to replay it quickly, they watched the images intently.

  “Stop there she is,” Garrett yelled startling them.

  “Great job Hreidmar, can we
see where she goes from there?” Maiko asked.

  “Sure we will keep it going a little fast and I can set it to follow her movements as if she is a shoplifter.” His hand moved and the images began moving again.

  The shade kept walking tirelessly back and forth through the mall looking for someone very discriminatingly obviously to the detectives looking for the right person to kill, both detectives knew exactly what it is looking for. Occasionally, it would stop and look as if deciding on the victim, decide against them and keep moving. They noticed they were approaching real time very quickly. When they were down to minutes, the shade followed a young woman into the public restroom.

  “That happened a couple moments ago,” Garrett, exclaimed.

  “Hreidmar where is that restroom?” Maiko hurriedly asked.

  “Out the door to the left a little way down the mall on the left side, you will see a large sign on the wall that says public restroom.”

  “Hreidmar call for armed backup and emergency services, let’s go Garrett we need to move,” she ordered heading for the door.

  “Wait I will come with you and help.”

  “No Hreidmar stay here and wait for backup it is too dangerous,” Maiko commanded as Garrett and her ran out.

  Hreidmar called for backup, then ran after them slamming the door closed behind him ignoring her orders to remain behind safe in his little command center. Running as fast as he could he arrived at the woman’s restroom door in time to her gunshots coming from inside. Heedless of the danger he pushed his way inside. What he saw chilled him to the bones. In front of the detectives is a creature right out of the old horror movies come to life. The creature resembled a human in form only with its two legs, two arms and a head. All resemblance to a human being ended there with its hairless black leathery skin, hands and feet ending in talons and a mouth full of razor-sharp teeth.

  In its left hand, it held a young woman off the ground by her neck with its talons buried deeply in her neck. Blood from the victim's neck flowed down the top of its hand dripping on the floor quickly forming a puddle. The two detectives were shooting the creature with their handguns loaded with the new exploding bullets that once they enter a body they flew apart and became separate razor edged pieces of lead and steel. The attack on the creature seemed ineffectual enraging it making it more dangerous if even possible considering that it is about to kill this young woman and maybe all of them in the process. Suddenly, it squeezed its left hand and the head of the girl popped off her body falling to the floor making a sickening sound when it hit. When the creature let the body go, it crumpled to the floor in a bloody heap next the girls head. It turned toward them and screamed an ear-shattering scream of rage.

  Faster than any would ever think possible it attacked Garrett backhanding him across the side of the face sending him flying across the room and into the far wall knocking him unconscious. Some inner warning galvanized Hreidmar into action. Lunging forward in front of Maiko he pushed her with his right hand sending her sprawling to the floor only to take the killing blow meant for her. Razor-sharp talons raked him from the right shoulder across his chest to his lower left side sending blood and flesh flying in a stream of red. The creature screamed in rage tearing through the restroom door ripping it from its hinges and out into the mall. As it escaped, it indiscriminately killed anyone adults and children alike unlucky enough to be in its path leaving a swath of death and carnage behind it.

  Hreidmar lay on his back staring up at the ceiling thinking he was going to die at any moment. He thought about his life thus far and was saddened that he had not married had a couple kids and done things a little different. It seemed he is going to die a lonely death on the floor of a public restroom. Quickly coming to her feet Maiko saw him lying there on the floor in a pool of his own blood, feeling outright fear for him, her heart suddenly caught in her throat making it hard to breathe. Kneeling in the blood next to him, she gently put his head on her thighs. Seeing the blood leaking from horrendous wounds on his chest and side she knew he would not make it if help did not arrive soon. When she looked into his eyes, she saw satisfaction there and a half smile on his lips. Tears brimming in her eyes Maiko gently ran her fingers through his blond hair on his head with the other hand she caressed his cheek.

  “Don’t be sad for me Maiko I finally meet the most beautiful girl ever and I blow my chance of a date. It is not the first time I have done that, it is quite normal for me. You know I was trying to find the courage to ask you if you would like to go have dinner and this happens." He paused as pain gripped him for a moment, then with a smile on his face he continued, “Well, being here with you is better than a date anyhow here I am with my head on your lap looking at your beautiful face knowing I was here at the right time to save you from that creature.” Tears were flowing freely from her eyes trying not to cry. Reaching up with his big hand he gently touched her cheek wiping her tears before succumbing to the pain filled blackness gripping the edges of his mind.

  “Don’t you die on me you damn dwarf!” Maiko cried kissing him on the forehead.


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