Games of the Powerful

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Games of the Powerful Page 54

by William E Samela


  The journey down Barge Road had been excruciating for both Mitch and Leadyl forced to lay on a horse-drawn travois for the entire trip to Castle Qenildor. The trip to the castle was slow going with so many wounded to care for along the way. Bilgrammus healed the most serious of them and those with injuries not quite as extensive had to wait until they arrived at the castle. Other healers would be available there that could help with the injured while Bilgrammus regained his strength from the exertion of fighting the dark wizard and all the healing he had performed. Nearly a week had passed since their journey down Barge Road, their injuries have completely healed, and they are feeling much better.

  This morning they were sitting at the dukes table in his private dining room enjoying each other’s company while waiting for breakfast. At the head of the table sat Duke Gawain wearing a knee length jerkin with the upper one-third made of regal gold brocade while the lower half in blue cotton velvet with solid gold buttons in the front. Around his waist is a gold ring belt with a rapier strapped to his left side. Underneath the jerkin, he wore a white soft cotton long sleeve shirt tied at his wrists and black pants tucked into his impeccably polished black knee high boots that sparkled in the lamp light.

  The duke is quietly chatting with his beautiful wife Duchess Llyandrus. She looked beautiful in her emerald gown with its flowing fabric that gave off a wonderful sheen in the light. The long slender shaped dress with its scooped neckline showed off her still shapely figure making her look ravishing proving that she is still a very desirable woman. The beautiful wide trim on the sleeves and above the hemline with twisted gold and green piping on the scoped neckline, shoulders, and sleeve ends accented the dress beautifully. On her dainty feet, she wore black velvet slippers with a tiny gold buckle on the strap designed for both elegance and comfort. Occasionally, she looked over at her two sons shamelessly flirting with Danielle the newcomer to the court. This one is going to have many heads turning in her direction and some that will not welcome her beauty to the court she thought half-listening to her husband.

  The duke’s sons Doric and Dorin are wearing suede doublets lined in soft cotton that lace up the center. Underneath they wore white soft cotton shirts that flared outward at the long sleeves and for pants, each wore sturdy straight-legged heavy cotton pants that laced up the sides and at the waist. Around their waists, gold ring belts carrying their rapiers adorned their sides. For shoes, they wore soft suede boots that wrap around the leg and lace up the sides. Everything matched except the color of their doublets, Dorin wore a brown one and Doric wore a black one, or is it the other way around, thought Danielle sitting between them on the opposite side of the table from the duchess enjoying the attention she is getting.

  Danielle looked ravishing sitting between two young handsome men wearing a jewel black gown made of two pieces the outer made of cotton velveteen fully lined with silk satin and the inner made of cotton velveteen. Underneath the inner is a soft cotton full-length long sleeve chemise. The outer gown laces up the front in a Y design where the inner gown shows through and pushes up her bosom. The forearms of the outer gown laces up to the elbows for a snug fit with the white chemise designed to pouf through the slashes in the upper arms of the gown. Her long blond hair lay long across her shoulders and back while her blue eyes danced with merriment.

  Shaylee the duke’s daughter sitting next to her mother glanced across the table smiling to herself at the antics of her brothers. What surprised her more than anything was that Doric is actually participating in it. Normally, he would be above the fray when it came to Dorin and women. This has to be the first time that a woman has come between them, and she hoped it would not cause them any grief. She did not know Danielle that well but she hoped she would not play their affections for her against each other. If she intentionally hurts one of her brothers she would, she did not finish the thought. Who was she, to think she could do anything against this woman? How the world is she supposed to defeat her physically, a woman that can talk to most animals big or small, and kill towering men and orcs as well as any warrior. She knows she is not a slouch having to grow up with two older brothers not to mention their friends but realistically Danielle is warrior and much better trained than her, but that did not mean she would not come to her brothers defense if need be. Her father always told her to know her limitations and for once, she would certainly heed his advice.

  Shaylee is striking; a tall girl like her father and brothers with long curly auburn hair and hazel eyes that always danced with laughter but could quickly change to sadness if something upset her greatly. Beautiful in her scarlet full-length elegant gown made of heavy cotton velvet with full bell sleeves and a generous full skirt with black laces up the front, she wondered for the tenth time, why her father insisted on a formal breakfast with their new friends even though they will be having a formal ball soon. He does not realize ladies have to have two or three hours to get ready making for a very long day when they have to get up long before sunrise. All she could think about was she could not wait to get out of this gown into her normal clothes.

  Turning to her left to look at Shaylee, Leadyl asked, “Shaylee I was wondering if you would like to take Mitch and me for a ride later this morning and show us around some?” Leadyl is wearing a green full-length dress with a high neckline that closely fit here shapely body. The stylish lacing on the sleeves and back give the dress its elegance but not overly done. Around her slim waist is a jeweled gold belt she borrowed from Shaylee.

  “What a wonderful idea Leadyl, the weather is still beautiful, it should be a perfect day for a ride,” she exclaimed excitedly.

  “Oh, there is one thing Shaylee, please find an aged horse for Mitch we do not want him falling-off,” Leadyl said in jest laughing with Shaylee joining in.

  Mitch on the other hand, did not think it too funny at first then laughed with them. Mitch is dressed in borrowed clothes from the twins wearing a suede doublet in blue with all the same trappings except he is wearing his elfin sword at his side. Fortunately, he found a black pair of boots that fit him for his feet were different sized than the twins.

  Both Celedryl and Sakura looked stunning wearing their borrowed gowns of the same style but a different color. The soft silk floor-length gowns lace up in the back with a gold jacquard that beautifies the gown’s hem and cuffs, neck and shoulder seem all accented with a fine golden lace. Celedryl chose the light green dress and Sakura took the light blue one each very pretty in them. All the girls are wearing the same style of shoes as the duchess. Both Ethan and Orin appreciated the how lovely the two girls looked in their gowns. Wearing borrowed clothes dressing similar to the other men, Ethan wore a black button down the front jerkin with a white shirt and Orin wore a blue one with a white shirt each with their weapons at their side.

  “Hey Mitch are you being made fun of again?” Ethan asked.

  “That has become a normal occurrence lately Ethan,” Mitch said turning to his right with a smile on his face.

  “Ethan, are they teasing Mitch again?" Celedryl laughed with her hand over her mouth. It had become a joke around the castle about how ungainly he looked on a horse racing off to rescue Leadyl.

  “Yes Celedryl they are at that. You will not see me join in the fun because I have never been on the back of a horse,” he turned whispering in her ear thinking she would keep his confidence.

  You have never ridden a horse before?” she asked with feigned shock loud enough for all to hear. The table went deathly silent with all eyes on Ethan then suddenly bursting out laughing at the shocked expression on his face. By this time, Celedryl is laughing so hard she is slapping her hand on the table suddenly embarrassed she covered her mouth with her hand laughing even more. Even Cormyr sitting next to Doric wearing his same cowl had a smile on his usually dour face. Hobnobby sat next to Cormyr dressed well, as Hobnobby but not joining in the laughter because dwarfs refuse to ride horses and many of them do not know how.

man I suggest you see if you can ride with Shaylee too. I have the perfect horse for you to ride,” the duke said between fits of laughter at the thought.

  “Father you have to be joking! The poor dear will die if a saddle is put on her after all these years,” Shaylee said with a shocked expression on her face.

  “I am dear I simply thought of it is quite humorous.” The guests at the table all had questioning looks wondering what was so humorous.

  “Father is talking about old Dejah the queen mother of the stables. She has given birth to some of the finest horseflesh in the area,” Doric spoke up proudly. “She is pampered and groomed by the head hostler himself who is as aged as she is. She will not tolerate anyone else grooming her. I think they will both pass on together.”

  “No Doric I am going pass on before they do,” Tyrian laughed. Tyran is sitting to the dukes left at his normal place at the table. He wore a white drop yoke shirt with ruffled collar under a black doublet in regal brocade that laced in the front, black satin trews tied at the knee and black hose underneath and on his feet were pointed black leather shoes.

  “Uncle Tyrian you have been saying that for as long as I can remember,” Shaylee gently chided him. He is not really their uncle but they loved him as such.

  Gawain's father, who at the time hoped to fill it with children, first built the dining room that the newcomers and their new friends would soon be enjoying their sumptuous breakfast in, but as it turned out Gawain was the duke's only child his mother died at his birth. On one side of the room is a granite-faced fireplace with a beautiful black oak mantle. Decorative gold candleholders with white and gold candles line the top of the mantle. A burnished steel shield with the duke’s coat of arms a red dragon belching flames with it wings spread and its long tail curled under it legs and two rapiers crisscrossed behind it hangs above the fireplace. On either side of the fireplace are tapestries depicting colorful battles with knights slaying dragons. On the opposite black oak, paneled wall full suits of amour lined the walls resting on solid black oak tables. The armor is magnificent in that it is impeccabley cared for with not a speck of rust from the helm to the sabatons the armor for the feet and as far as the duke is concerned, there never will be. Each set of armor five in all belonged to past dukes.

  The main door opened and a young page bowed at the waste before proceeding smartly to stand next to the duke bowing again before speaking, ”your grace I am terrible sorry to interrupt your breakfast but I have an important message to give to Master Tyrian. With your permission, I would like to deliver it.”

  “By all means Durin please do so,” the duke replied with genuine formality. The duke liked the lad; he saw some of himself in him at that age. Durin is very versed in the ways of the court for one his age and could go a long way in the duke’s court. He is dressed smartly in the dukes livery and always proper around the duke and his family. Shaylee knew without a doubt that he has an enormous crush on her and suspected that if he were a little older she might welcome his advances although he is not but a year younger than she is. Durin forever formal bowed to the duke who acknowledged it in return turned offering the missive to Tyrian who read it in silence.

  “My lord it appears we have some guests that say they know some our current guests and they would like permission to see them. With your permission, I will be only a moment to ascertain the veracity of this and return as quickly as I may.” Bowing quickly to the duke, he left as quickly as his old body would take him following Durin out of the main doors of the dining room the guard outside the door quickly closing the doors behind him.

  The family servants filed in with breakfast food consisting of huge bowls of steaming scrambled eggs, fried bacon and ham, loaves of fresh bread with creamy butter, bowls of fresh grapes grown from the vineyards near the castle and warm apple cider to drink. While the servants worked, the duke had said good morning and thank you to each of them. It is common knowledge that he knows the names of the servants working in the castle, if not he will take the time to know them. The beloved duke pays his servants well and does not allow any mistreatment of them by each other or any guests visiting the castle. Quickly scooping the wonderful smelling food onto their beautiful porcelain plates using the silverware provided, they quickly indulged in the wonderful smelling food.

  The main door suddenly opened and Tyrian reappeared followed by a line of dwarfs. “Whaur is mah baby lassie,” Gilia shouted walking brazenly into the room. No one not even the duke would keep her from Celedryl a moment longer.

  Hearing Gilia's voice Celedryl paused halfway to her mouth dropping her fork onto her plate with a clatter. Seeing Gilia standing by the door she quickly stood nearly knocking over her straight back chair going to her. The instant rush of emotion at seeing her was the catalyst releasing all her pent-up emotions and grief like a damn bursting, a flood of emotion welled up in her turning into a flood tears. Staggering the few feet to reach Gilia, she fell to her knees in front of her blinded with tears sobbing uncontrollably. With tears in her eyes, Gilia took her in her strong arms holding her tightly. At this show of sadness and loss not one person in the room, including the duke and duchess remained dry eyed. After a few moments, Celedryl began to calm under the gentle caresses and soothing tone of a mother that loves her. With Ethan’s help, she is soon standing regaining some of her composure. Taking her hands in his Ethan kissed her gently on the cheek escorting her back to her chair.

  “Celedryl mah bonnie daughter ye must tell me abit thes handsome young man 'at seems loove ye sae,” Gilia broke the silence with a joyful expression on her face.

  “That I will mom at the first opportunity,” she said with a knowing smile. “M’lord and lady I sincerely apologize for my unseemly behavior,” she quickly curtsied before retaking her seat. Ethan quickly sat next to her and Sakura realizing she might want Gilia to sit next to her picked up her plate and moved to the other side of Orin so she could join her.

  “Nonsense my dear after the tragic events of the recent past it is truly understandable how you feel and all of us join you in your grief,” Duchess Llyandrus spoke up immediately. “Please all take a sit at the table we shall have more food brought out I am sure you are all hungry please, please sit” the duchess graciously gestured for them to sit. The newcomers to the breakfast quickly found a place at the table and in mere moments, a group of servants brought additional place settings for the newcomers quickly followed by another group bringing out more of the same food already on the table.

  “Gilia it so nice to see you again, how is that handsome man of yours doing these days?” Llyandrus asked with a smile.

  “Llyandrus, he is as stoaner headed as always. Nae matter hoo mony times Ah crack heem oan th' heed he still does not listen,” she replied with a laugh and that had Celedryl smiling bringing smiles to the rest of the table as a result.

  “Aye mom but noo ye hae three tae crack oan th' heed an' ye are in need ay a stooter stick coz yours keeps a breakin',” Hobnobby laughed as did the entire table.

  They were finishing breakfast when Bilgrammus walked in unannounced quite the norm so no one really noticed or took offense including the duke and duchess. Llyandrus had finished eating so she grabbed all the women at the table rushing them all to her rooms to chat about what women always chat about, men. Passing the duke Gilia told him she had a missive from Dulgar that he graciously received assuring her that he would read it now. Bilgrammus sat in Llyandrus’s seat next to the duke. “Good morning m’lord I trust your breakfast was to your liking?” Bilgrammus asked politely.

  “What is wrong Bilgrammus that you are up so uncharastically early in the morning?” Breaking the wax seal to the missive, Gawain quickly read the missive and set it down on the table next to his plate giving his full attention to Bilgrammus.

  “M’lord events are fast taking shape leading me to believe that we are on the brink of an invasion the likes we have not seen for centuries. The incursions by the evil ones minions, the attempt on people’
s lives all have meaning. I fear with this increase of activity that our fears are valid enough and the decision to gird for war was the correct one to make.” Gawain picked up the missive scanned it again and set it back down on the table before speaking.

  “The word from Dulgar is grim and confirms what we already know. He is requesting aid in the form of wood, fresh cut timber to make a palisade, digging implements, and laborers to help. He strongly believes the orcs will move south in the spring and they will come through Celedryl’s village, now we know why the people of her village were massacred. I agree with Dulgar’s assessment, the orcs are manipulated by outside forces; these forces are impelling them to act in this fashion. Who is the question and what will be gained from all of this?”

  “M’lord if I may?” Orin asked, seeing the duke nod his head he continued. ”Sakura and I have insight into many things that might help. May I suggest a private meeting later in the day while our friends are out riding?”

  “A great suggestion Orin for I too wish to talk to you and Sakura. Tyrian, please cancel all my meetings today with the nobles, and merchants and give them my sincerest apology. Schedule a meeting with Orin and Sakura for later this morning and notify my captains they must be at this meeting.”


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