Mothership (Invasion Survivor Book 4)

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Mothership (Invasion Survivor Book 4) Page 4

by Hayley Lawson

  Paige left the classroom first and waited outside for Angela and AJ to join her.

  “We’ll be the teacher's pets,” AJ joked. He high-fived her while Angela shook her head.

  “So, shall we go now?” Angela asked a bit impatiently.

  Paige nodded. “Yes, it’s through there,” she replied, indicating the door the teacher had pointed out to her.

  They walked a small distance in silence. Paige approached first and opened it soundlessly. Unsure of what to expect on the other side, she thought it best not to draw attention to herself.

  See, I can learn from my mistakes, she thought to herself with some light humor.

  They entered slowly, and Paige was immediately taken aback by the size of the craft.

  Oh, wow. This is really something else...

  The large space they stood in appeared to be the center of the mothership, and it was huge. There were several levels, and it was the length of three football fields.

  They stood on a white floor, and above them was a high ceiling allowing them to see other floors and walls that were also void of color.

  White and blue lights hung from the walls, pleasantly and brightly illuminating the area. That reminded Paige of Genesis. It was soothing to the eyes yet practical at the same time.

  There was a large section in the middle with some gray sofas dotted here and there. They looked so inviting, and Paige felt drawn to them. After sitting on the windowsill and staying on the hard ground for so long, her backside would appreciate something soft for a change.

  Many black doors stood all around the back walls. They were all identical to the one they had just come through.

  The number of doors lining the walls made it look like a maze, and it appeared they stood at the heart. That certainly had its advantages. They found a place that connected to everything on the ship, and now, they just had to figure out how.

  You will have to stay sharp, or you’ll never know which door you just came through, Paige reminded herself.

  She really hoped they wouldn’t have to search behind each door in the hopes of finding Dad and Willow. If that was the case, it would take them ages, but it wouldn’t stop them.

  Paige hoped there was a map somewhere, so they could familiarize themselves with the mothership.

  Paige knew herself well enough to doubt she would figure the ship out even with a map. Once again, she wished Dave was there, not just to help her out but to just be by her side. She missed his optimism and weird sense of humor. She hoped he was alright and that she would get the chance to see him again.

  Paige refocused on the surrounding space.

  Many people loitered in the common area. All of them wore uniforms of various colors ranging from blue, red, orange, and green. Looking around, Paige noticed the groups were color-coded. Reds stood with reds, blues with blues, and so on. Paige figured clicks had already formed. This reminded her of being back in school, though their current situation was probably far worse than in school. On the mothership, you could clearly distinguish between the rich and the poor merely by looking at the color of their clothes.

  Further study of everyone in the area told Paige she didn’t even need to look at the uniform color they wore. Their expressions told her everything she needed to know about their social class. The rich people came across as arrogant like they owned the place, while the poor appeared somewhat humble and mostly silent. She didn't know if this was a natural talent of hers or something she’d developed while studying at the private college. Her senses were dead on, and she was always right.

  “Should we fan out? Search this place quicker?” Paige asked, needing to stop her trail of thoughts. The more she thought about the others in green shirts and the fear they must have felt about the risk of being floated at any time on someone else’s whim, the angrier she became.

  Angela shook her head. “I think it’s better if we stay together.”

  “I agree,” AJ added.

  Paige shrugged. She was fine either way.

  She looked around for some sort of notice board that might hold a list of those on the ship. The teacher mentioned one was in this area.

  The wall opposite from them was the only one with no doors, and on it was exactly what they wanted.


  People dressed in various colors gathered around it. It was the only part of the room where everyone seemed to mix.

  Tragedies never discriminate. In that one regard, all people are equal.

  Those in the small crowd who finished reading it stepped away, while others stepped forward to take their place.

  As Paige moved closer, she realized it looked like those notice boards in airports, the ones with flight details written on them in green letters. On the ship, however, instead of flights, there were first names and surnames written in electric green letters, all listed in alphabetical order.

  There was something macabre about it even though it was just a regular-looking screen that provided information.

  Mustering courage, and taking a deep breath, Paige pushed forward. She squeezed her way through the crowd, trying to have a closer look. Angela and AJ closely followed behind her.

  Please, let them be ok. Please let them be here, she repeated to herself like a mantra.

  She looked over the names, reading and rereading them two or three times, but neither her father’s nor Willow’s names were there. For a split second, Paige even hoped to see Brooke’s name, but it wasn’t there.

  Where are you guys? she asked in her mind, trying hard not to picture the worst.

  They managed to escape Earth, and I will see them really soon. Paige tried to comfort herself. She needed to stay positive and believe they were all together and well, including Dave.

  “Do you mind,” a man grumbled.

  “Stop holding the line,” a woman added.

  People complained when she just stood there, blocking the view for the others. Disappointed, Paige pushed her way out of the group.

  Angela followed shortly after, disappointed as well. It was obvious by the way she repeatedly pressed her lips together in a thin line. She threw her hands upwards and typed furiously in the air.

  Oh, no, not again. She was causing a scene, and Paige didn’t know what to do. The movement itself looked familiar to her.

  Suddenly, Paige realized Angela was reenacting flying the aircraft. That confused her since that particular movement was useless unless she was in front of the controls.

  Why is she doing that? Paige wondered. Maybe that was her way of coping with bad news, and Paige could understand that. She wished she had something soothing to her—though less crazy than mimicking flight movements in the air. Apart from being angry all the time and wanting to hit something, she had nothing. No one.

  Moments later, Angela stopped as if nothing had happened, but she gripped Paige’s arm and pulled her to the side away from everyone else. AJ joined them.

  Angela may not have had the Black Mass inside her body, but her grip was fierce.

  “Mom, what is it?” Paige asked. Her mother’s behavior was strange, and not in her usual way. This was next level weird, and Paige didn't like it one bit. It felt like trouble.

  “Look, Paige,” she started in a hushed voice. “I need to find a radio. One that works,” she insisted.

  The one they had on the Viper acted like it had a mind of its own. It worked only when it wanted to as if a spirit had possessed it. It caused many of Angela’s tantrums. So, Paige nodded, understanding.

  “I need to get in touch with Brooke, to know where they are,” Angela continued. “I also need to warn them about the upcoming attack on Avignon.”

  Paige’s mother spoke fast, hardly taking a breath. The urgency in her voice was clear.

  Still, everything she’d said made perfect sense, making the contrast between her two sides, the erratic and the rational, even more prominent.

  “Where can we find a radio?” Paige asked, glancing both ways and hoping no one could h
ear them.

  “Where else? In the pilot’s cabin,” she replied. “Although, in a ship this size, they might have a communication room that’s separate, too.”

  Paige nodded, her mind working on the new problem already. “Ok,” she said. “Which one do you think we could sneak into more easily?”

  Angela pondered for a second. “Probably the pilot’s cabin. Com rooms are more closely guarded, and no one is crazy enough to break into the pilot’s cabin.” While she spoke, there was a strange glint in her eyes.

  Did she just make a joke? Yes, she did. Paige grinned after Angela winked at her. Once a badass, always a badass, Paige thought to herself approvingly.

  “Ok, are you sure?” Paige urged.

  Angela nodded in return. “I’m sure if we manage to find the pilot’s cabin, we’ll be able to get our hands on a radio. Then all our problems will be solved. If only I could find a radio…” She started to ramble, but luckily, AJ stopped her.

  “We have to think of a way to get into the pilot’s cabin,” AJ pointed out, urging Angela to stay focused. Paige sent him a grateful nod. “That will be the first step in our plan,” he added.

  Paige liked the way he said our plan. She thought of them as a team but would never assume he would do something just because she was doing it. Angela would need all the help available to pull something like this off.

  “That’s one of the most difficult things,” Paige said in return as Angela nodded.

  Paige noticed that one of the sofas was now empty, so she made her way toward it, without additional words.

  They looked very inviting and soft, and even though her legs didn't hurt, Paige felt like sitting for a while.

  “Paige, where are you g…” Angela started. She quickly caught on to Paige’s intentions, and she followed along with AJ in tow. “Yes, excellent, let’s sit down a little while,” Angela said approvingly.

  “You need a break, Mom,” Paige replied. Sitting also made them look less suspicious than if they continued to cower in some corner while plotting how to get to a radio.

  “I wonder where the pilot’s cabin is,” Paige thought out loud, looking around herself at the magnificent craft they were on.

  Once again, Paige regretted not being more involved in her father's work. He didn't design the mothership personally, but she was certain he was involved in some way while it was built. He probably knew the ins and outs by heart, and that would have been invaluable knowledge he could have passed along to his daughter.

  Who knew life would turn out like this?

  They sat comfortably together on a small sofa. They were all lost in thought for a while. AJ had made sure to sit on Paige’s side instead of her mother’s. Occasionally, their feet brushed together.

  Paige wondered why she noticed that instead of thinking about more important things.

  Lately, she had troubles containing her hormones. She felt like she was a teenager all over again.

  A sudden announcement put a pause on all further discussions about their radio problem as well as unnecessary hormonal thoughts.

  Chapter Five

  “Attention, the escape spaceship Genesis is prepared to dock. All necessary personnel, including the medical team, is requested at the docking area 4,” a female voice announced over large speakers located all over the common room.

  Personnel? Medical team? And all we got was an armed escort when we arrived like we were just some common criminals, Paige thought grudgingly. Those coming from the Genesis, however, were the Elites. So, naturally, they would receive special treatment.

  Paige was both excited and relieved. She would get to see Peter and Tilley again.

  “I repeat, all necessary personnel is requested, immediately.”

  The message was complete, and Paige watched as people ran toward one of the exits.

  “This is our chance. Come on,” Angela exclaimed, jumping back up onto her feet.

  “Go where?” Paige wanted to know.

  “To the Genesis, of course,” Angela replied impatiently. She seemed annoyed she had to clarify.

  “Why?” AJ inquired, proving that Paige wasn't the only one confused.

  “Genesis has the working radio,” Angela snapped back. “Now come, we wasted enough time.”

  AJ and Paige looked at one another. They stood, but it was clear there were major holes in this plan, mostly because there was no plan at all.

  Paige was certain the guards wouldn't allow them to just waltz back there.

  “They said necessary personnel only, twice. I'm sure that's not us,” AJ pointed out.

  “Doesn't matter,” Angela insisted. “We'll use the commotion to sneak back in and make the call.”

  Paige knew they needed to contact Brooke, but was this the right way? They only had one shot, and if they blew it and got caught, all was for nothing. All because they rushed into things without giving it a second thought.

  On the other hand, this was an opportunity they would be stupid to miss. It certainly wouldn't come twice.

  All that and more passed through Paige's mind in a flash. She looked at AJ again, and he shrugged.

  “Ok, let's go,” Paige agreed.

  They followed the people who ran toward the dock. Paige worried they would get lost, but once they were in the corridor again, everything was color marked and recognizable. By following a red line on the floor, they reached the docking area.

  Paige couldn't help but look over her shoulder every so often, constantly on guard and praying they wouldn't get caught. She felt relieved that every time she did, only AJ's face came into view as he walked behind her.

  “We need to hurry,” Angela prompted. “We’ll only have a small window of opportunity here.”

  Paige and AJ nodded in agreement, picking up their pace. The red line they followed ended with a set of double doors.

  “I guess this is it,” Paige said, pausing next to it.

  Angela pushed past her and opened the doors to see that Paige had been right. They were in the docking area. The glass walls Paige admired so much the first time she’d come through surrounded her once again.

  Another set of doors was directly in front of them with the number one engraved across it.

  That must be docking area one, Paige thought. They needed four.

  “There it is,” AJ pointed. Sure enough, they could see Genesis ahead and far to their right.

  Paige was happy to see that ship again. No matter what happened with Captain Zoya and Dillon, that was still the ship that saved her life. That was the ship that took her to safety, away from Earth and the aliens.

  It was good to see it that close, but that wasn’t all she saw. Numerous people poured out, and they stood between her small group and the ship.

  Suddenly, everything disappeared from Paige's sight. She quickly realized she still had her eyes wide open, but now a tall and visibly irritated soldier appeared in front of her. Paige had to crane her neck to look into his eyes.

  It was just their luck to be busted before they even tried to do anything. “You are not authorized to be here,” he boomed. It was a statement, not a question.

  Paige wasn’t sure how he knew that, but she wasn't about to argue with the man.

  Before she lost her nerves or remembered she was terrible at lying, Paige spoke. “Yes, we know. The thing is, my little brother is on that ship, and all we want—”

  “You will be reunited after issuing of the proper protocol,” he cut her off mid-sentence.

  A real stickler for the rules, are you? Paige thought bitterly. Just my luck.

  “He’s all alone in there,” she tried again. “And probably really scared. Please, sir, we just want to see him,” Paige pleaded. “I promise we won't interfere with the protocol.”

  Unfortunately, it felt like speaking with a brick wall. It was clear the soldier was prepared to brush them off, but Angela stepped in and took charge.

  “For crying out loud,” Angela mumbled, clearly annoyed by the delay.

  In one swift move, she grabbed the soldier by the nape—which was quite the feat given how tall he was—and he slumped to the ground.

  “Mom!” Paige exclaimed, shocked. “What did you do?”

  “Relax, Paige. He’s not dead,” Angela replied, clearly reading her like a book. “Just unconscious. We better hurry and leave before he wakes up. It wears off quickly,” she explained in one breath, stepping over him and moving toward their destination briskly.

  Paige followed suit.

  “That was seriously badass,” AJ praised, matching Paige's own thoughts. “I really need to learn that,” he added wistfully.

  “I would never share secret Avignon combat techniques with the enemy,” Angela replied over her shoulder.

  “Focus, Mom,” Paige said before things escalated. Luckily, she refrained from further commenting.

  She glanced at AJ, but he looked straight ahead. She couldn't decipher what was on his mind. If she asked, he would probably say he was all right and used to the abuse by now, and that saddened her.

  Reaching the ship was easy after that first setback. Docking area number 4 brimmed with activity.

  Many people milled about in the confined space that could be called no-man's-land. She was certain they were from the Genesis, but they weren't on the mothership yet. People in various colors of uniforms—even green—who worked on the mothership mixed with the passengers, giving them quick checkups and offering refreshments. The staff from the Genesis, too, had to stay put and wait for their turn. Overall, it was complete chaos. That made it easy for three more people to step into it.

  The passengers seemed grateful they’d arrived, and the present personnel was pleasant and greeted them with kindness.

  It looks so much different from our arrival, Paige couldn't help but think again.

  A woman in a blue suit barked orders. Captain Zoya marched right up to her.

  Oh, crap. She can't see us. Paige panicked. She felt a hand on her elbow as someone pulled to the side. AJ moved them behind a group of Genesis staff, out of the captain's view.

  “Thanks,” she murmured, and he nodded.


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