Mothership (Invasion Survivor Book 4)

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Mothership (Invasion Survivor Book 4) Page 6

by Hayley Lawson

  There has to be another way, a more effective one, Dave thought to himself. Then it hit him.

  “Can I have a list of passengers’ names? Just to see if he's onboard.”

  “Certainly,” Gretchen replied without hesitation. She seemed relieved he wouldn’t cause a scene of any kind.

  Ditching her and running to the other ship with no regard of the protocol wasn't beyond him, and maybe she sensed that.

  Dave sighed. I can't act like a lunatic the second I arrive. I need to be here, he reminded himself.

  “Thank you,” he told his guide.

  Hang in there, little brother, Dave sent a prayer. I will find you. No matter what.

  “Mr. Davis, if you would follow me,” Gretchen insisted.

  Glancing one last time at the survivors, Dave turned and forced his legs to walk.

  “On second thought, can I have a list of people currently on the mothership?” Dave inquired.

  That would allow him to look for everybody that came on any ship, just to make sure.

  “The list will be delivered to you as soon as it's updated with the new arrivals,” Gretchen replied in her professional manner.

  He could really get used to having a personal assistant or whatever she was. It was kind of cool.

  “Excellent,” Dave replied, pleased. “And can I have something to eat as well? I'm starving.”

  “A complimentary meal is being delivered to your room as we speak. Also, there's a private dining hall on your level with a chef who will be available to you all hours.”

  Dave didn't know what Brooke did when she created his ID, but this lady treated him like he was royalty and he loved it.

  “Good to know,” he replied, thinking she would expect him to say something.

  “Of course, every meal can be delivered to your suite if you would prefer it that way,” Gretchen offered.

  To have an actual breakfast in bed... Instantly, he remembered how many meals he had to eat in his hospital bed while recovering from the Black Mass extraction. He couldn't help but shudder. He planned to pass on that.

  They left the glass portion of the ship marked “Docking Area,” and she escorted him to the elevator. She used a special key to call for it. Afterward, she handed him one that looked identical.

  “This is your master key that unlocks the VIP elevator and the door to your suite,” she explained.

  “Thanks, Gretchen. You have been an excellent help,” he complimented.

  She still wore the same small smile when she replied. “If you need anything else after we finish this tour, you can always ask for me.”

  Should I ask for a pony since I'm clearly on a roll?

  “Perfect,” he said out loud.

  * * *

  Paige slumped to the sofa. “I don't like this waiting,” she announced despite only recently parting with Peter mere minutes before.

  AJ sat more gracefully beside her. “I'm sure everything will be all right,” he replied.

  Always the optimist. She sighed. “Yeah, I know.” A logical part of her knew that, anyway.

  “So, what do you think about the mothership so far?” AJ asked, clearly trying to distract her.

  She gave him a knowing look. So far, people were less than friendly with them. They had to work, or they would be floated out. And apart from that, she still knew nothing about the place.

  “Oh, it's great,” she replied sarcastically. “It's everything I dreamed it to be.”

  AJ nodded enthusiastically, clearly playing along. “I know, right? Great vacation spot. I love it,” he deadpanned, and Paige chuckled. She was in the process of replying when AJ beat her to it. “There's your Mom,” he announced.

  She followed his gaze and saw Angela walk through one of the doors. Paige waved at her, directing her to their position. While Angela approached, Paige stood again. She didn't like the look on her mother’s face one bit.

  Something went wrong. Paige was sure of it.

  “Did you get to the radio?” Paige asked without preamble, realizing too late she needed to adjust the volume of her voice. Paige looked around guiltily, but those who were around paid no attention to them.

  She got lucky.

  “Yes,” Angela said with a sigh. “But I couldn't reach out to Brooke.”

  Paige wanted to curse. “Why not?”

  “I had to run away from the control room because the place was swarming with techies. They arrived after me to do diagnostics. I barely escaped undetected,” Angela explained, clearly disappointed with that turn of events.

  That made two of them. “Diagnostics?” Paige prompted. “Why?”

  The craft just arrived. It made little sense to Paige why they wanted to inspect it so soon.

  “Well, I heard them talk about plans for deploying it again.”

  “To Earth?” AJ asked.

  “No, they’re going to relocate a group of people to Mars as soon as they’re able,” Angela said with a frown.

  Probably those rich snobs, Paige thought to herself.

  “Should we be a part of that crew?” Paige asked.

  “No,” Angela said adamantly. “We need to stay here.”

  “Ok, whatever you say,” Paige replied without a thought. She knew by now to trust her mother’s judgment.

  “I should have acted quicker,” Angela added, clearly chastising herself because she couldn’t reach Brooke. Not that it was her fault.

  “Hey, Mom, it's all right.” Paige put an arm around her mother’s shoulders. “We'll find another way.”

  Paige didn’t say that only because Angela felt bad. She believed every word. They always found a way. That was just a minor setback as far as she was concerned.

  “I was so close.” Angela shook her head.

  That was when Paige noticed something fantastic. “At least you got your bags,” she said instantly. She knew how important those things were to her mother, even though she couldn't always understand why.

  Paige reached inside and saw Kindles on top. Despite the somewhat failed mission, that cheered her up. Paige was glad she would have something to read again. Besides, she never got to finish the last one, and it was a good one.

  Angela nodded in return. “I got your backpack as well,” she said, taking the bag from her shoulders.

  Paige wanted to jump up and down from joy. “Mom, you are the best,” she announced, kissing her on the cheek before she accepted the load.

  Instantly Paige reached for its small inner pocket. Please be there; please be there, she chanted.

  “Yes!” she squeaked in delight. Her phone was inside, and that meant all her memories were still with her and intact. “I love you,” Paige told the device while her companions looked at her like she’d lost it.

  She didn't care.

  “So, what are we going to do now?” Paige inquired after the excitement of the recovered items wore off. “We can't break into the Genesis again, or can we?”

  “No, that’s not an option,” Angela said reluctantly.

  “So, let's just return to the original plan,” AJ provided.

  That plan was to find a radio on the mothership.

  Angela surprisingly nodded to that. “I guess we don't have any other options now.”

  Chapter Seven

  Paige was ready for business. They needed a working radio so they would use one available on the ship, plain and simple.

  Yeah, right.

  “So, we decided to use the one in the pilot’s cockpit, right?” Paige asked.

  “Correct,” Angela replied.

  “Where are they located? Do any of you have an idea?” AJ asked.

  “Well, I’ve been on numerous spaceships before,” Angela boasted proudly, raising her chin a little in the process. “Mostly, the pilots’ cabins are located on the top level of the spaceship. That doesn’t mean this one is the same. Every craft can be different,” she hedged, and Paige frowned. That information wasn’t as helpful as she’d hoped it would be.

, it may be on the top level but not necessarily. Great.

  “So, we should start at the top level. If we strike out, we change the plan, right?” Paige asked.

  Suddenly, someone grabbed her by the leg, and she jumped.

  “Got you!” Peter said, laughing.

  “You little fiend,” she replied even though she smiled, too. “You nearly gave me a heart attack.”

  That would have been super funny since she was supposed to be a super important Seedling.

  Peter looked freshly showered and clean for a change. Paige had to admit he looked smart in his green uniform despite his earlier protest he didn't like the color.

  Unrepentant, he greeted everyone with a hug.

  “Why are you all alone, Pete?” AJ asked.

  Paige wondered that as well. She assumed someone would escort them to the common room since that lady said they would all have leisure time, but she wondered if she’d heard it wrong.

  “They wanted to lock us in some room, but I managed to escape,” he replied matter-of-factly.

  Lock them up? Paige was shocked. “What?” She exclaimed at the same time AJ did. “Why?” she added.

  Peter shrugged.

  Of course, he doesn't know. Sometimes she forgot he was just a kid because he didn't always act like one. That was understandable though, considering what he went through. They all had to grow up fast to survive. She wondered if he might have heard them wrong.

  “Well, I'm glad you did,” Paige said honestly. He belonged with them, regardless of what might happen.

  “I'm hungry,” Peter announced, and Paige felt like cursing. With all the excitement, she completely forgot about the essentials. She was hungry as well.

  Where would we find food on this thing?

  That witch of a teacher didn't want to repeat herself earlier, so she didn’t learned anything useful.

  AJ chuckled at Peter's words. “Some things never change.”

  “We’ll go look for something to eat soon. I promise.” Paige made plans as she went. “For now, eat this,” she said, grabbing a protein bar from her backpack.

  It was a true blessing Angela brought Paige's bag with her. If not, they would have nothing.

  She offered the same to the others, but they declined. She eyed the bar with longing but passed as well. You never know what tomorrow brings, she reminded herself. It was better to preserve food as much as possible, just in case.

  Peter sat on the sofa without additional words and ate.

  Children need so little to be happy, Paige thought to herself.

  A few people wearing green uniforms walked towards them. Unfortunately, they looked eager to start a conversation. They also eyed Peter with interest, which Paige didn't like one bit. She moved ever so slightly to stand in front of him, blocking their view.

  She might have acted slightly paranoid, but if she’d learned anything during her journey, it was a little paranoia now and then was healthy and could save a life.

  “Hello,” a man greeted them. The rest of his little group remained a few steps behind as if they didn’t want to crowd the newcomers.

  Paige appreciated that.

  “H … Hello,” Angela answered. Paige was almost certain she intentionally tried to sound distant and aloof.

  “All the colors are divided here,” the man said without preamble. Clearly not picking up on the subtle signal, he showed the groups of people in the common area. “So, I thought it would be better for us, the Greens, to stick together.”

  Why do we need to stick together? Paige wondered. What’s happening on the mothership? Apart from threatening to float people out for the most trivial things.

  Paige caught a glimpse of Angela with her peripheral vision, and she saw her mother’s brows raise and eyes widen.

  Paige couldn’t tell if her mother was surprised or pissed off at the man's offer. Either way, she was certain she wouldn’t have to wait long to find out.

  “We don’t have time right now,” Angela finally said. “We’ll find you if we need conversation.”

  Harsh, Paige thought to herself.

  The man raised his brows in return as if he couldn’t believe she dismissed him so easily, but he stayed silent. He briefly hesitated, clearly unsure of his next move.

  He looked at Paige and AJ briefly before walking away with his small group close behind. Paige was glad because she didn't know what to say to him.

  “Mom—” Paige started, but Angela cut her off.

  “Do not go making friends with anyone on this spaceship, okay?” she whispered urgently. “We have other plans, plans that don’t include them,” she insisted, and Paige agreed.

  Regardless of how much she agreed with her mother, she still believed Angela was too rude to the strange man. It wouldn’t hurt them to have some allies on the mothership since it looked like a hostile place.

  The Greens were their safest bet if what that man said was true and everyone stayed in their own color circles. Unfortunately, that ship sailed.

  “We don’t want anyone to know about it,” Angela continued, unaware of Paige’s thoughts. “Be as distant as you can from everyone,” she added, looking sternly at AJ and Paige while obviously waiting to hear their response.

  Paige wasn't sure that was the smartest thing to do. Nevertheless, she listened to her mother, who was satisfied once they both nodded.

  They didn’t talk much after that, and they decided to chill for a while in the common room. Paige settled deeper into the sofa, trying to get herself familiar with this part of the ship, and that was when she noticed it.

  Right in front of them, hanging from the ceiling, was another notice board.

  How did I miss that the first time around? she wondered. The new screen appeared to be for announcements, but it was nothing of interest.

  Just as Paige was about to turn her gaze away, she noticed her name appear on it. Her picture in full technicolor was displayed as well. She practically choked on her tongue while trying to speak.

  “Look,” she said, climbing to her feet.

  Paige moved closer to it, so she could read it clearly.

  A small news feed on the top of the screen read “New Jobs Placements.” Sure enough, her name flashed across the big screen with the words ‘Technician – 4A’ attached to it.

  Technician 4A? What the hell is that? That was probably in the briefing I didn't hear, she added to herself, annoyed.

  “Hey, Mom, AJ, do you see that?” she asked in a hushed voice, pointing at the screen.

  “Oh, that’s your job post, Paige,” Angela provided. “Well, that’s not a bad thing. Let’s see what we can find out about what’s happening in this spaceship.”

  Paige’s information disappeared from the screen only to be replaced with AJ’s.

  “Security – 3A,” Paige read out loud. “Oh, AJ,” she teased him. “You’re going to end up like those soldiers.”

  And I really love a man in a uniform.

  Paige could imagine how handsome he would look in a soldier’s uniform. Still, she’d expected AJ's job to be like hers since they’d finished at the same time. She assumed he’d aced his test.

  He noticed the confused expression on her face. “What is it?”

  “Oh, nothing. I just thought you would end up being some kind of technician, too.”

  “I probably would have,” AJ confessed, rubbing the back of his neck. “But Francis told me to fumble with the answers a bit.”

  “Why?” Paige asked, instantly realizing her mistake the second she asked. She felt silly for not doing the same thing to remain low key.

  “I'm glad he did. Plus, being a part of the security team could be handy,” he added with a wink.

  “True,” Paige replied.

  Angela glanced at her anxiously. For a split second, she thought it was because of their exchange, but then it hit her. Her mother was worried about her own post. Paige didn’t know what to say or how to console her because Angela appeared quite nervous.
/>   Finally, her name appeared on the screen next to, ‘Kitchen – 1C’. Angela let out a relieved sigh.

  “Mom, you got the best job. You’ll get to eat lots of things while you’re working,” Paige joked, trying to lighten the mood.

  “I chose it on purpose,” she said proudly. “Still, I’m no good at cooking, so good luck to them,” Angela joked.

  She chose the kitchen duty on purpose, but why? Paige didn't have time to ask because Angela continued to speak.

  “Let’s get going. I have no idea where we’re supposed to go, but I’m certain they want us to report for duty,” her mother urged.

  “Yeah, you’re probably right,” Paige replied, saddened that her leisure time lasted such a short time.

  “What are we going to do with Peter?” Paige added. “We can't just leave him here alone.”

  “Wait, is that Tilley over there?” AJ pointed.

  “Yes, it is,” Paige replied happily. “Tilley!” she called out to her.

  She was in a group of people led by a woman wearing a blue uniform.

  I think I see a pattern here, Paige thought to herself.

  Once she heard her name, Tilley looked around, and the four of them waved to her.

  With a huge grin, she broke off from her groups and ran toward them. “Paige!” she squeaked.

  They looked like characters from a movie drama as they ran toward one another, but Paige didn't care. They met midway and embraced.

  “I-I was so scared,” Tilley confessed. “I thought you were dead.”

  “We’re all fine,” Paige tried to soothe her.

  “When did you get here? How did you survive?” Tilley was full of questions.

  “That's a long story,” Paige hedged. Not to mention a bloody one. “But it's not important anymore.”

  Tilley nodded in agreement. “I’m so happy to see you.”

  Paige smiled in return. She wasn't that good at showing affection. “You look good in red,” Paige complimented, and Tilley's smile widened.

  She gave her a little twirl. “I know. It's definitely my color.”

  The rest of the gang approached, and Tilley hugged each one of them.

  Peter frowned at her. “You left me all alone,” he accused.


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