Breaking Locke (Lawless MC Book 2)

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Breaking Locke (Lawless MC Book 2) Page 8

by K. C. Stone

  “Wait,” he whispers, picking me up, setting me on the table, pulling my tank top up over my head and tossing it to the ground revealing my taut nipples.

  He sits himself back onto the chair in between my legs, his mouth on the perfect level as his lips encase one rosy bud and sucks. My back arches and my body buckles under his touch. His teeth grazing the tip and I fight everything not to make a sound.

  Releasing my nipple with a pop he looks up at me. “Do not make a sound,” he whispers against my lips as he starts another assault with his tongue on my other nipple, my nails digging into his back. I know I have left marks, his beard grating against my skin adding the pleasure. My entire body is on fire and I am helpless to make any noise at all, I bite my lip as his fingers make their way under my skirt. “You’re soaked,” he hisses, inserting two fingers. I can’t hold it anymore and my body collapses, my back landing on the table as he covers my mouth with his hand reminding me to be silent, I let my legs fall inviting him in even more.

  His incessant assault has my legs shaking violently, the endless caress of his mouth and fingers are my undoing. My body explodes around him, his hand applying more force to cover my mouth muffling my screams. Once he removes his hand my body is heaving, I’m absolutely spent. I lie on the table trying to collect myself knowing I can’t leave until I am composed.

  “You smell delicious,” he whispers. “I know you taste good too,” he says, trailing kisses down my thighs.

  Watching him sends another pulse throughout my body, I stand up noticing his bulge. “What about that?” I say, pointing to it.

  “You can deal with it later,” he says but an idea sparks inside of me.

  “Why wait?” I tease, undoing his jeans and dropping them to his knees.

  “Baby, I will never stop you from touching me,” he says, caressing my face. With that I drop down, taking him into my hands, feeling the hard granite encased in softness. My tongue darts out to taste him, I run my tongue down the side of him and I am rewarded with his hands in my hair urging me forward.

  My inner sex goddess wants to scream yes, I continue applying slight pressure as his hands grip my hair, I let him take control as he bumps the back of my throat. His guttural moan lets me know he is enjoying this as much as I am, he continues picking up speed. I can feel he’s close and dig my nails into his round ass causing him to thrust deep into my mouth emptying himself as I swallow.

  He stands there for a moment, hands still in my hair, breathing heavy, gently he pulls out and I peer up at him, as he looks down at me his thumb slides across my lips. The look he gives me tells me everything I need to know.

  Pulling me upright he encases me in his arms. “We better get out there before they come bust down the door,” he says, kissing my forehead.

  “What is it about this room?” I say, winking as we head out.

  I find Jules sitting at the table. “Hey, sweetie, how are you doing with all this?” I ask her.

  “It is a lot to take in, I just didn’t realize all the bad stuff Dad was into,” she says, and I can see the sadness in her eyes.

  “I know and I’m sorry, I’m so sorry about a lot of things. I’m sorry I never told you about Sal not being your biological father, I’m sorry I never told you about Matthew and I’m sorry I never took you away from that sooner,” I confess.

  “It’s okay, Mom, that’s all in the past,” she tells me. “You don’t want to go to Ireland,” Jules asks completely out of the blue.

  “It’s not that I don’t want to go, it’s just that seeing your grandmother again was something I never thought I would do, I know that I broke her heart. I’m just nervous that’s all, I need to go find Leah and get your brother from her,” I say and for the first time I realize that I just referred to Killian as her brother.

  “How are you dealing with all this?” I ask because sometimes I forget to ask, she acts so strong all the time.

  “You mean being kidnapped, almost sold, kidnapped again, finding out my father wasn’t my real father but my actual father is the president of my future husband’s club and I have a brother that is 18 years younger than me?” she dead pans.

  “Yeah, you have been through it, but how are you doing with it all?” I ask again, needing to make sure she is okay with all of this.

  “Honestly, Mom, I’m doing okay. I mean what do I call him? Matthew, Locke, Dad what?” she says, rushing out. I know that part bothers her the most.

  “You call him whatever makes you feel the most comfortable,” I tell her. “The rest will come,” I say, grabbing her hands in mine.

  “I want to go to Ireland, Mom. I want to get to know this side of me. I want to see where he grew up and I want to meet my family,” she pleads and I know going there is the right thing to do. I am just so unsure of the outcome.

  “I know, love” is all I say.

  It has been two days, two days of the same building, same walls, I just needed to get out. I had to grabbed stuff for the trip anyways and convincing Matthew that was super entertaining.

  “Matthew, I need to go out, I need to get stuff for the trip. I need to make sure Killian has everything he needs. I have no idea how long we will be gone.”

  “Cara, send someone else, make a list. See if Ramona will go. I don’t want you leaving this compound,” he pleads.

  “Honey, please, I am sick of just staying here. We won’t be gone long, and I will even take two brothers with me,” I plead, hoping that maybe taking two brothers with me will ease his fears.

  “Cara, I can’t risk anything happening to you, babe. I know you are going nuts but soon you will be free to roam the Irish countryside, until then the answer is no,” he barks.

  “Matthew, I am going out I will be gone maybe an hour. I will take the SUV and two brothers. I should be just fine; besides I want to get something for your mother,” I tell him because it is the truth. I found a jewelry store that sells lockets and I had the girls’ photo put on one side and Killian on the other, I hope she likes it.

  “You take two damn brothers with you, stop for nobody, don’t get out of the motherfucking SUV unless it is mandatory and please pay attention to your surroundings,” he says all the fight leaving his voice.

  “Thank you, I will even let you pick my escorts,” I tease.

  “Viper, Mac,” he bellows from the hall into the main room.

  “Yo, Boss what’s up?” Mac offers.

  “You two are going to go with Cara into town, so that she can gather what she needs for Killian,” he demands.

  “Got it,” Viper confirms.

  I lean up to place a soft but eager kiss on his lips.“Thank you,” I whisper against them.

  We had only been at the store for a few minutes when I felt the urge to run kick in, one, because it didn’t look suspicious me with two giant men and two, I had seen the same couple at the previous store.

  “Rhys, why are you walking so close?” I nudge him over.

  “Cara, I need you to do me a favor?” he asks, his deep voice even makes me shiver. I could listen to him talk all day.

  “What favor might that be?” I ask, trying to distract my crazy paranoid self.

  “Casually let’s go and check out, I think we have enough,” he says and sends a nod toward Mac, who voices his agreement as well.

  “Okay,” I tell them, knowing that something is wrong just not sure what it is yet.

  Once we are back inside the SUV, I decide to grill them. “Spill it, why were you so eager to get me out of there, did it have anything to do with that couple?” I ask and by Mac’s expression he didn’t expect me to catch that. His eyes darting from the back window to me makes my anxiety accelerate.

  “Rhys, tell me now,” I demand, hoping they don’t see or smell any fear.

  “Why do you call us by our birth names and not road names?” he asks.

  “I just prefer, to call you by your birth name. What would you prefer Viper or Mac?” I ask my curiosity piqued. “Stop distracting me, tell
me what is going on,” I demand when he doesn’t respond I turn to look at him.

  “Okay . . .”

  “Kellen, spill it,” I demand, hoping that he will cave and tell me what I need to know, or confirm what I have been suspecting all along.

  “We are still being followed,” he confirms, and my body goes ridged and fear settles in because the last time I was followed in a car, I ended up in the hospital and my husband ended up dead.

  Our eyes meet in the review mirror, he knows what I am feeling, he can see it in my eyes.

  “Mac, call Locke, let him know our situation, tell him everything that has gone on,” Viper tells him.

  “So, what if I said I wanted you to call me Viper,” he asked.

  “I would still call you Rhys just as I call Locke, Matthew,” I say, trying to focus on something other than the black car that is tailing us.

  “Would your mother call you Rhys or Viper?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

  He just laughs. “You must keep Locke on his toes,” he jokes.

  “I try.” I wink back my nervous laughter lets them know that this conversation isn’t really working, the scenarios are flying wildly through my head.

  “He is one lucky bastard,” he replies and when I look back the car seems to be getting closer.

  “Not much further, Ma’am.” I stare at him peeling the skin off his bones giving him a death stare from hell.

  “Cara, may I call you Cara?” he asks a smile on his face that lets me know that he understood my stare.

  “You damn well better, I am not much older than you are,” I tell him, turning away and staring out the window.

  Just as I look back two bikers completely blacked out pull in right behind us, if they get any closer their front wheel will graze our bumper. Fuck me, my fear spikes, adrenaline is pumping, and I clinch my hands together, there is a moment of realization that no matter what I could die, tears threaten to fall more so out of anger. All of this because of greed, it doesn’t matter if it was greed for power or money, the bastard got greedy and now, we are having to pay the price for it.

  “Those two are us,” Mac says. “It’s okay they are just giving us a buffer. We are five minutes away from the turn off,” he continues.

  I visibly relax slightly but I don’t voice anything I just shake my head too overwhelmed with it all.

  I remember all the fear in his eyes, the secrets, the lies, whatever else he was hiding or how naïve I was, that I just looked past everything he was doing, to numb and disconnected to say anything. It almost cost me everything, I will never be that way again, my family is the most important thing to me.

  Before I realize it, my door is ripped open and Matthew is right there. “This is why I said you needed to stay home and this is why you are going away,” he bites through his teeth.

  “I know” was all I could get out, looking down at my hands. Shaking with fear, my lips quiver when I look at him and the anger that was there before vanishes.

  “Come here,” he says, pulling me into him. Instantly wrapping my arms around him feeling his safety flow over me.

  “I’m so sorry,” I tell him. “I will never fight you on anything again,” I plead.

  “Babe, you can fight me as much as you want in the bedroom, but when it comes to your safety believe me, I would die before I let anyone hurt you,” he tells me.

  Chapter Nineteen


  After I hang up with Mac, I see fucking blood red, those bastards had the nerve to follow her from two different stores then tail her on her way home. I will fucking kill every last one of them, I will rip Sal’s house apart to find out what the fuck he was into. I will not let this shit bleed over into my family, I will end each and every last one of them.

  I call Dom. “Yo,” he answers.

  “I need you and another brother to head out to Main and Seventh, Mac just called they are being tailed and they have Cara in the car. Make them see RED!” I bark.

  “Done” was all he said before he hung up. I don’t need to worry if he will get the job done, he knows what the job is. Make sure Cara gets to safety then worry about the pieces of shit following them. I pace back and forth. I fight between anger and anxiety; I will not settle until I see her. Anger wins when I spot the SUV pull in, I just want to fucking tell her to listen and do what the fuck I tell her to. I know it’s just fear talking but damn it I told her no and now look what happened. I yank open the door and the look of relief that mars her beautiful face hit me in the chest, she was terrified, shaking I could see she tried to be strong.

  “She did good, Boss,” Viper says. “You got a good one there you, lucky bastard,” he says, heading into the compound.

  “Come on, babe, let’s get you inside and to bed.” I pull her into my side, they will pay. Anyone who had any part in it will die.

  “Matthew, I’m so sorry, all I could think about was what if the baby was in the car, I couldn’t imagine something happening to him.” She cried and crumpled herself into me.

  “It’s okay, baby; I will take care of it.” Running my hands down her back trying to calm her down.

  “I want to leave tomorrow,” she says and for a second my heart stopped, and my body froze.

  “I hope when we get to Ireland your mother doesn’t hate me.” Her words are mumbled turning into a soft snore. Damn I could breathe again, watching as her breathing levelled out, I knew she had fallen asleep.

  Pulling out my phone, I saw the unread message a single word “Cellar”. I knew they had them, I knew my boys would always come through. I gently pulled away leaving her sleeping on the bed.

  I head downstairs to tear the flesh from those bastards that fucked with my woman.

  When I walked in all eyes turned to me, when standing over two completely unconscious bodies is Dom. “Sorry, Boss, you said make them see RED” was all he said. I look down and notice what I had missed before, he had nailed their hands to their knees, blood ran from their wounds pooling at their feet.

  “Good work, what did you find out?” I ask because at this point, he did what I asked, and I don’t care if I didn’t get to pull the trigger.

  “Not a lot, just another set of bounty hunters but I did get a call from Juice just before I walked in here,” he offers, wiping his hands on the black towel that is handed to him.

  “He said that the Bowery Boys had a party the other night and they were asking questions, trying to pry some personal shit out of a couple sweet butts they had there. He doesn’t know their names but from what he could hear they had no idea where Cara and Jules are,” he retells the story.

  “Well, somebody told them, someone knows because they followed her, and they were not surprised to see us with her,” Mac tells him, irritation lacing his tone.

  “Shit, we need to move up the timeline. They need to leave soon. I have already cleared it with Dublin and my mother so they need to leave tomorrow, when I get back, we can deal with the Bowery Bitches.” My frustration is rising because every time I think we have something we get kicked the fuck back ten feet.

  “Here is the plan, we get the girls and Killian out of here, you go on lockdown till I get back, after that we will deal with this shit. I want you all to lay low until I get back got me,” I order. I know these assholes, they would try and solve this shit without me.

  “Wouldn’t think of it, Prez. Not without you,” Ezra volunteered.

  “When I get back, I want you guys to have all the intel you can pull, I want to know where these fuckers sleep, eat, and where they fuck. I don’t care if they go to visit their sick mother, I want details. We will catch them and pick them off one by motherfucking one until they back off and realize those girls are off fucking limits.

  “Alright, let’s get this shit done,” Dom agrees. I know he is ready for this shit to end.

  “Dom, stay behind, I need a word,” I holler. “What did we find out?” I ask once the door was shut.

  “They were paid. My guess, the guy we caugh
t sneaking around the house, it was not his first time. He must have been doing recon, went back and told the Bowery, when he never went back, they decided to have a party, the only issue I have is the clubwhores, we don’t know who they tried to get information out of,” Dom explains.

  “I know that shit needs to be locked down, those girls don’t need to come around right now. Once we know what the fuck happened, we will decide what to do about them,” I say, leaning forward pulling out my cigar I had from earlier. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day, I haven’t left the club for longer than a few days and now I am going to leave them for a fucking week and in the middle of this shit storm.

  “Don’t worry, Prez, I got this place, I got your back,” Dom reassures me.

  “Fuck, VP, you are Boss while I am gone, your ass can burn in the hot seat,” I tell him, knowing damn he will do an amazing job.

  “Alright, brother, I am going to get laid and make sure everything is ready for tomorrow,” I tell him, heading out the door.

  Chapter Twenty


  Lying here feeling completely drained from the day’s events, knowing damn well we are leaving tomorrow, dread mixed with anticipation churns in my stomach. One thing I do know, I will never be scared like that again, no matter what I will learn to defend myself to help defend others, this is our home I can protect our family if I need to and I will. My thoughts disappear when his large muscular arms wrap around me pulling me back into him, his smell encases my senses.

  “What are you thinking about?” The low base of his voice rumbles through me, I become flush all over.


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