Breaking Locke (Lawless MC Book 2)

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Breaking Locke (Lawless MC Book 2) Page 18

by K. C. Stone

  “No, Mom, you stabbed a monster, that’s where your mind and compassion are crossed. He was not a man he was a monster. One who sold women, raped them, beat, and tortured them. He was no man,” Jules says with every ounce of conviction she has.

  “You once told me, that no matter what we see when we look into the mirror, we needed to remember that we are no longer victims, we are survivors,” Leah says, taking my hand.

  “Now it’s your turn, because of what you did, he can no longer steal girls from their families, he can no longer rob their innocence from them, and he can no longer sell them to other monsters. We are safe because you stood up to a monster and I’m sorry that you’re dealing with it but since he died, I have not felt unsafe, I don’t worry that I will be back down in that hell,” Leah says.

  I’m crying uncontrollably right now and not because I’m scared but because I never realized how much my girls suffered, not just down in the cellar but after. I didn’t realize they had nightmares, or that they felt unsafe in their own home. Something inside of me clicks, Jules is right, he was no man he was a monster, a vile, disgusting monster one that deserved to die.

  “We didn’t go through anything like your girls, but you saved us, you helped us start over,” Imogen chimed in.

  The other girls agreed in unison.

  “It’s time that you stopped thinking of that bastard as a man and start thinking of him as a monster and how you did the world a favor,” Leah says.

  Looking at each one of my girls sitting around me, I know I’m going to be okay. Steeling my resolve, if these girls can be brave starting over and facing everything they have been through now I will be too.

  Chapter Forty-Six


  Listening to the girls talk to Cara on the bed, I knew it was the best thing I could have done talking to Jules. I know Cara would be pissed if she found out I went to her, but she needs someone to talk to.

  A vibration in my pocket has me looking down at my phone, finally, maybe Tech has found out something.

  I reply quickly to meet me in church. I place my phone back in my pocket and make my way, thinking about my phone call earlier.

  I know that it’s not a normal procedure to have a sit down with someone you have never really dealt with, but this is a different situation and I can promise that there is nothing nefarious about this. I just want to end this shit once and for all, for my family.

  I can relay the message to my boss but there is no way I can tell you for sure. What you are offering is generous but there is no way I can or will say yes or no.

  I completely understand, thank you, Mr. Moretti. I look forward to hearing back from you.

  I walk into the room to seven men huddled in a circle standing over Sal’s ledger.

  “So, what did we find out?” I ask and they all turn to look at me at once.

  “You will never guess what,” Tech says.

  “No shit, Sherlock, that’s why I fucking asked the question.” I look at him with a stare telling him that was about the dumbest remark he could have made.

  “It’s in an Italian bank account under Juliane Valentino, he laundered shit and then skimmed off the top,” Tech says.

  “Wait, Juliane Valentino has an Italian bank account that has one point five million dollars in it?” I say in astonishment.

  “Yes, he was funneling money back to his home country,” he answers.

  “How did you find that out?” I asked. “Valentino is not a name you would come across easily.”

  “Nope it isn’t, and I still don’t know who it is, but on each of the pages he puts a number, and each number corresponds with a single letter of the alphabet. They all spell out Juliane Valentino, see here,” Tech says with obvious pride in his voice, pointing to each page and at the top there is one letter on everyone.

  “Still, how do you know what is spelled?” I ask because those letters could spell out a million things.

  “I put the letters in my computer, ran a software program, and it came up with several options but then I cross referenced them with Salvatore Galenti and this is the most accurate name that came up.

  “Do you know who she is?” Tech asks.

  “Yes, Valentino Gallo is Cara’s father,” I say, leaving the rest out because not many people know of the Gallo crime family. They dissolved into the Outlaws Italian MC but people have connections back in Italy when they need something.

  “Wait Cara, your Cara, is Cara Gallo the only daughter of Valentino Gallo,” Dom says looking at me stunned.

  “How the hell did I not know this, I knew she didn’t talk to her family, but I didn’t know that she didn’t talk to them because most of them were wiped out,” he demands, sounding a little shocked.

  “She doesn’t like to talk about it but, yes, that’s her father and Jules probably doesn’t know anything about them,” I say annoyed with the twenty questions. “We can deal with that shit later, okay, right now we need to figure out how to access the account.

  “That’s what we will need Cara for, she might not like it, but we need to dig into her family history to find out what we need to do,” Ranger informs us.

  “Listen, she doesn’t like to talk about that because her father was murdered and they never figured out who did it. She had a very close relationship with her father and this will rip open more wounds so you better be damn sure about this, before I make my woman cry,” I demand pissed because shit just keeps getting muddier and muddier lately.

  “Well, if we want to get that money, we will need to talk to her, even if that means busting those memories open,” Ezra says.

  “Son of a bitch. This bullshit is making my hair turn gray, I will fucking talk to her. Keep digging and tell me what you find, go ahead and expand your search on Valentino as well. Who the hell knows what else we will fucking find out? This damn club needs a break and something tells me, we are digging up one of the most gruesome murders in crime history, who the hell knows what kind of bullshit we will come across,” I say, sinking further into my chair and flinging my head back letting it hit the back rest.

  Warm hands snake around me lighting my skin on fire, searing every vein with her touch. I open my eyes to meet steel gray ones rimmed with red.

  “Are you doing okay, Angel,” I say, everything inside me wants to fight all of her demons, never wanting anything to touch her, but I know that I can’t.

  “I will be.” She leans down tracing my lips with her tongue causing me to growl against her mouth. She opens for me, I love her compliance, the way she just gives me what I’m craving, demanding without a second thought. I don’t think I will ever be sick of the way she tastes, honey, lavender, and a hint of mint. My fingers flex instinctively at her waist feeling their way, mapping every inch of her flesh.

  She pulls away panting. Gasping for air, dragging in the cool air chilling the heat between us.

  “Thank you, by the way,” she says when she finally regains her composure.

  “Baby, you can take whatever you want from me, whenever you want it from me,” I tell her, tucking a stray chunk of hair behind her ear.

  “Good, that will make me happier than I could ever be,” she jokes.

  “Good, I need to talk to you about something,” I open my mouth to begin when my phone rings.

  I look down at the number. “Fuck I need to take this, baby,” I say, slapping her ass as she gets up. She leans down and whispers in my ear, “Later I want to ride you like you ride your Harley.”

  “Oh, you’re a fucking tease,” I growl, gripping her hips forcing them against my hard shaft in response. Her moan brings a smile to my face as she goes traipsing out the door shutting it behind her.

  Chapter Forty-Seven


  Shit, now I’m turned on. I rub my thighs together causing friction trying to take the edge off. That was not what I was going in there to do but the way his eyes burned into me, instantly heated my blood. The urge to taste him was undeniable, his kisses muddled m
y brain halting all coherent thoughts. “Damn, what was I going in there to tell him?” I mutter to myself.

  I stop when I see Viper and Leah arguing, not able to hear what they are saying but animatedly waving their hands at one another. Next thing I see is Leah stomping away, just as I was about to turn and head after her, strong arms locked me in place, my back against strong muscles, his signature smell comes over and I instinctively lean back against the hardness. My hands going behind my back grabbing him through his jeans. Hearing him hiss made my pulse quicken, so I squeezed him once more. His breath on my ear sent shivers down my spine causing me to shudder.

  “I believe you said you wanted to ride me like I ride my Harley,” he whispers against my ear, causing a tingling to pool at my core. His fingers trail down to my breasts pinching my nipples as I arch into them, panting practically begging him to keep going. Just before I voice anything, he flicks the button of my jeans instantly sliding his hand inside my panties finding my spot, I bite my lip to keep from moaning too loud.

  “Shh, unless you don’t mind people watching you unravel, I wouldn’t mind someone watching my beautiful Angel come, but I don’t think you would.” His breathing is ragged, and I can feel just how rock hard he is hitting me in my backside.

  “Please, don’t stop,” I pant, flexing my hips upwards meeting the palm of his hand. He speeds up his assault, my legs quaking chasing pleasure. I explode, a rush of heat and pleasure causes me to bite down on his arm as I meet him thrust for thrust riding out my orgasm.

  He slides his fingers from me, a growl from behind causes my belly to tighten again. I know my next move. I spin around licking my lips and drop to my knees. Before he has a chance to protest, I unzip his jeans freeing him and in one swoop I swallow him. “Fuck,” he hisses, placing both hands on my head, flexing his fingers in my hair. His noises make me want to keep going, I suck his hard steel incased in soft flesh, a hint of salty mixed with a hint of arousal.

  His hands keeping a steady rhythm as I dig my nails into his hips and unsheathe my teeth, applying a little pressure causing him to groan. “That’s it, baby, just like that,” he pants, bracing himself with one arm. His hand gripping my head is heavy, I swallow deep, when I feel his hardness pulse down the back of my throat I hum, the vibration causes his hips to flex, his tip hitting the back of my throat until he’s completely spent. I pull away when I feel his body relax against the wall.

  “Baby, you know how to unravel me every time,” he says, rubbing his nose over my cheeks.

  His kiss ignites another flame inside of me, so wanton so strung tight, our earlier escapades took the edge off but now it’s back full force.

  “Cara, honey, I need to talk to you, I really want to fuck you, but we need to talk,” he says.

  “Can it wait?” I’m trailing kisses down his biceps, my thoughts on one thing and one rock hard thing only.

  “Fuck, baby, you’re a temptress, shit that feels good,” he says, and my insides fill with pride.

  “Baby, ahh, shit, baby, we need to talk about your father,” he pants and just like cold water dousing my arousal I stop.

  “What, why?” I ask, he knows I hate talking about him, he knows I hate talking about what happened to him.

  “Baby, come on,” he says, grabbing my hand and dragging me back toward the back room.

  “What the hell is going on and why do we need to talk about my dad?” I demand. “And why does Sal’s ledger have anything to do with my dad, what the hell is with all the secrets?” I rant. He slants his lips over mine trying to shut me up.

  “Babe, shut it, let me talk,” he says forcefully.

  “In Sal’s ledger, on each corner had a letter just one single letter at the very tip and when Tech put the letters in his software, they spelled out Juliane Valentino. That name is linked to a bank account with the account holder’s name being Juliane Valentino. We are still working out the details but it appears Sal has been funneling the money into that account and that’s where the money is,” he explains, and I’m dumbfounded, unable to grasp fully what he is saying to me.

  “You’re telling me that Sal has a bank account that’s in Jules’s name and my father’s?” I ask.

  “Actually, no” we hear from behind us, I turn to see Tech and Dom in the doorway.

  “Okay, then what exactly are you saying,” I demand.

  “That account has been there for fifteen years, Sal was not the one to set up the bank account. I looked into that account and it was set up fifteen years ago by none other than Valentino Gallo,” Tech informs us.

  “So, you’re telling me that my father set up an account for Juliane Valentino, and what just put money into it for no reason?” I ask, hating that I have no answers.

  “We were hoping that maybe you would know something, anything that could help,” Dom says.

  “No, I have no idea, I didn’t even know he had that account until you just told me,” I reply.

  “I do have one idea, but you will need to be there since you’re his only heir,” Tech said.

  “What exactly are you proposing?” Matthew says, wrapping a possessive arm around my waist.

  “I want to call the bank to find out some information, he had to have set that account up like that for a reason, something made him do it,” Tech says.

  “But why would Sal just store money in there and never tell me that he has one point five million dollars in a bank account,” I say anger surfacing again.

  “No, there is way more than that in the account right now, there is close to five million in there. Sal just stored the stolen one point five in there,” Dom says, leaning against the door frame, crossing his left foot over his right.

  I gasp. “What do you mean close to five million?” I ask incredulously.

  “That’s why we need to get as much information as we can to access that account and we will need you to do that,” Tech says, leaning back in the chair and folding his arms over one another.

  “Angel, look at me.” His voice soft yet demanding.

  “I know that it’s a lot and you don’t like to talk about him, let alone go through his stuff, but if we are going to get that money back and into the right hands, we will need to dig into some information.”

  “Fine, whatever we need to do so this shit will be over with.”

  “On a different note, I was just getting ready to call church, I spoke to Moretti’s second today. That’s another subject we will need to deal with and tread lightly. We can leave that for another day,” he says, sending an uneasy feeling through me.

  “Okay,” I say, a feeling of dread washes over me.

  “What do you guys need to know about my dad,” I ask, my heart racing already. Talking about him makes me vulnerable. I close my eyes and images of my parents start bombarding my mind.

  “We need to know what happened, did your dad ever say anything, did he have any kind of suspicion about things going on?” Dom questions me.

  “No, he never voiced any of that to me. He never mixed me into that world, he and my mother died when Jules was barely four, I had no idea about any of it,” I tell them.

  “What about Sal, would he have expressed concern to him about stuff?” Matthew inquires.

  “I honestly don’t think so, my father was pushing me to marry Sal but after we did their relationship changed. When things were rough between Sal and I my dad used to tell me that I could always come home but that was mainly because Juliane was his princess, my mother and he adored her,” I tell them, remembering the sleepovers and countless times they would beg to pick her up and take her on outings.

  “Shit, maybe we can get somewhere with the bank, I can give them a call,” Tech says with the look of defeat on his face.

  “What did they say about the way they died, I mean they were very infamous in New York, what happened to them rocked the whole underground city,” Tech says.

  “I know the same thing you do, my parents had standing tickets to the New York City Ballet, my fa
ther took my mother at least once a month, she loved to watch the ballet. That night they left like always, to the show they only took one car, so it was their SUV, and one car with two guards for protection. They stopped at Val’s, their favorite restaurant, and from what the police report says it was an ambush, there were two other couples in the restaurant that night, they killed them all.” My voice seems so far away, the memory so fresh in my mind, I can still hear that dreaded knock, the one that changed my life and flipped my world upside down.

  “I remember the headlines read, ‘Mob boss and wife gunned down at Val’s, six shots to Gallo and three in his wife’,” Dom finished the story.

  “Sadly, yes, that’s what the papers splashed all over the headlines. My mom was shot three times, once in the head and twice in the heart, my dad was shot six times. They shot him twice in the head.” The words are echoes, for so long after their deaths that was all I dreamed about.

  I don’t even realize I’m crying until Matthew wipes my cheeks.

  “I’m sorry, boys, but that’s all I have,” I say, standing.

  “Now I need to go get dinner started, we are going to have a big family dinner,” I tell them not leaving any room for arguing.

  Chapter Forty-Eight


  “Okay, boys, so this is where we are on this account bullshit,” I say, leaning back into my chair. “Bullshit, I had to fucking threaten those bastards to give me any information. Fuckers wouldn’t budge, saying some shit about needing to empty out the safe deposit box or some shit. I told them that we are in fucking New York and if we had to fly over there, shit wouldn’t be pretty.

  “I spoke to Moretti today, I told him that we needed a little help with an issue we are dealing with over there. Gave them the fucking run down. He offered to find some information out for us and in exchange we owe him a favor. I hated doing it but damn if I really needed to, I would fly over there and deal with this shit myself,” I tell them.


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