Tales From a Not-So-Popular Party Girl

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Tales From a Not-So-Popular Party Girl Page 8

by Rachel Renée Russell

  Hey, you can never be too careful. I hear some colleges are really picky about that kind of stuff.

  I could NOT believe all of this was actually happening to me. I was so frustrated I wanted to scream, but I didn’t.

  MacKenzie had just stolen my clothes, and I was stuck in a bathroom stall wearing a stinky rat costume at the WCD Halloween dance after my secret crush, Brandon, had FINALLY asked me to go.

  I was like, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE let all of this just be another really bad dream. I wanted to wake up in my comfy bed wearing my heart pj’s and think, WOW! THAT was the craziest nightmare EVER!

  Only, I didn’t wake up. Which meant all of this was real !

  So, like any normal girl in my situation, I had a massive panic attack right there on the spot. My stomach started to churn and my knees felt weak.

  I kept thinking, If only I had bought a new cell phone instead of that stupid dress for MacKenzie’s party. Then I could call my mom and have her bring me some clothes.

  Finally, I closed my eyes and took three very deep, calming breaths because I really needed it.

  Then I sat down on the toilet seat to focus all my energy into coming up with a solution to my problem.

  The problem being, of course, that I really, really needed to get my bag from MacKenzie.

  And I had two choices.

  I could go the dance in my underwear. Or I could wear the rat costume.

  It was a very difficult decision, indeed.

  But I decided to go with the rat costume mainly because it offered one important advantage.

  When the entire WCD student body witnessed a foul-smelling, mangy rat . . .





  So I put on the rat head and rushed back into the dance.

  As I entered, two seventh graders dressed as Klingons stared at me and gasped.

  “P-U! What is THAT smell?!”

  “I don’t know, dude! But whatever it is it just burned out all my nose hairs.”

  I just waved at them both kind of friendlylike.

  I squeezed through the crowd and found a spot along the front wall. From there I scanned the entire room trying to locate either MacKenzie or my duffel bag.

  I should have known exactly where to find her!

  She was sitting next to Brandon, twirling her hair and trying to flirt with him. And he was looking superbored and trying his best to ignore her. All the while probably wondering where the HECK I was.

  Poor guy!

  HALLELUJAH! I spotted my duffel bag in an empty chair right next to MacKenzie!

  I slowly crept over to the long row of tables they were sitting at. And when it appeared that no one was looking, I quickly dove underneath.

  It was supergross crawling around under there, but I was very, very desperate to get my duffel bag back.

  MacKenzie was so distracted with Brandon that nabbing it was actually a piece of cake. I probably could have stolen the dress she was wearing and she wouldn’t have noticed.

  I was just superHAPPY to have my bag back!

  In a matter of minutes I’d be sitting right next to Brandon, gazing into his dreamy eyes and having fun with Chloe and Zoey.

  Or maybe NOT!

  As I approached the door, there was a huge commotion.

  Most of the students at the dance were crowded in a half circle staring at something. I couldn’t tell what.

  Everyone was laughing and pointing, and before long the music stopped and the house lights came on.

  Since I was chairperson of the dance and it was my personal business to know what was going on, I pushed my way through the crowd to take a look.

  I immediately wished that I HADN’T.

  “Hey, look, everybody! There’s Mr. Rat! We found him!” Brianna screamed gleefully, and pointed at me!

  Within seconds I was mobbed by the entire ballet class, and they started hugging me.

  I had a heart attack right there on the spot!

  I could NOT believe those little brats had followed me to the dance.

  Principal Winston and a few chaperones stood nearby looking very worried.

  I was sure they were trying to figure out where all the little kids had come from and what they were doing at a middle school dance.

  I walked up to Principal Winston and peeked at him through my left nostril.

  “Um, Principal Winston, I know you’re wondering what’s going on here, and I can explain every—”

  But that was as far as I got because that’s when Mrs. Hargrove, my mom and dad, and the parents of the other little girls came rushing into the dance.

  And they were NOT happy.

  It got really loud and confusing because the parents were really upset and demanding to know why Principal Winston had allowed their six-year-olds into a middle school party.

  And, of course, Principal Winston was upset and demanding to know why the parents had let their six-year-olds crash his middle school party.

  Finally, Principal Winston asked Violet to pass him the microphone.

  “Okay, everyone, please quiet down. It looks like all the children are safe and accounted for. But can anyone explain how they got here?”

  That’s when MacKenzie raised her hand.

  Principal Winston motioned for her to come forward and handed her the microphone. But before she said anything, she put on a fresh layer of lip gloss.

  OMG! That girl is SO vain!

  “Hello, everyone. I know what happened, and I personally feel it is my duty to make sure everyone knows the truth. . . .”

  Deep down, I was a little relieved that MacKenzie was going to explain everything so I wouldn’t have to.

  “It’s all HER fault! The RAT! Right there!” MacKenzie snarled and pointed at me.

  Everyone in the entire room immediately turned and stared at me. Although I felt SUPERembarrassed, at least no one knew who I was.

  I never would have thought I’d be happy to be wearing that rat head.

  That’s when MacKenzie walked over and snatched it right off my head.

  “It’s NIKKI MAXWELL’s fault! And I think she owes us all an explanation for why she endangered the lives of these poor, innocent children and RUINED our Halloween dance!”

  I was so HUMILIATED I wanted to DIE! Plus, it felt like I had a really bad case of hat hair.

  Then MacKenzie shoved the microphone into my hand, sashayed over to Principal Winston, folded her arms, and glared at me with this little smirk on her face.

  I didn’t know what to say or where to begin.

  It didn’t help that Chloe, Zoey, and Brandon had somehow made their way to the front of the crowd.

  They were standing a few feet away with these confused looks on their faces, whispering to one another.

  I stared at the floor and sighed. It was so quiet in the room you could hear a pin drop.

  Principal Winston cleared his throat. “Well, Miss Maxwell, we’re waiting . . . ?!”

  “Um . . . actually, I had agreed to help out at the ballet class Halloween party, BEFORE I was voted chairperson of the WCD party. I was just trying to do them both at the same time. Which, in hindsight, maybe wasn’t such a good idea. Anyway, the girls must have followed me over here. I’m really, really sorry for messing things up . . . !”

  When I looked around the room, everyone was just staring at me—Principal Winston, kids from school, teachers, parents, the ballet class, and even my family.

  I felt really HORRIBLE for having ruined everything for ALL these people!!!

  I handed the microphone back to Principal Winston and turned and rushed out of the dance.

  I didn’t know where I was going, but I had to get out of there.

  Chloe and Zoey caught up with me in the hall.

  “Wait, Nikki. What’s going on?!” Chl
oe asked.

  “Yeah! What are you doing in that rat getup? And where is your trash bag costume?!” Zoey added.

  But before I could answer, Brandon walked up.

  “I was wondering where you were. Why did you change out of your Juliet costume?”

  Chloe and Zoey looked at Brandon, and then they both narrowed their eyes at me.

  “Juliet costume?! What Juliet costume? You were wearing a Juliet costume?!” Chloe sputtered.

  “But where’s your trash bag costume?!” Zoey asked, still confused.

  I just stared at the floor and didn’t say anything.

  “Wait a minute!” Chloe said, folding her arms and glaring at me. “You’ve been running around all night in three different costumes?! Why are you trying to trick us?”

  “If you didn’t want to hang out with us tonight, you could have just told us,” Zoey said, obviously hurt.

  Brandon must have felt sorry for me or something because he came to my defense. “This is all my fault. I asked her to the dance. I didn’t know she was supposed to be hanging out with you guys.”

  Shocked, Chloe and Zoey spun around and both shouted at me. “BRANDON ASKED YOU TO THE DANCE?!!!”

  I could NOT believe the mess I had made. “Listen, guys,” I muttered, “all I can say is that I’m sorry. Really, really sorry!”

  I faced Chloe and Zoey. “I didn’t have the heart to tell you about Brandon asking me to the dance after what happened with Jason and Ryan. I knew how important this dance was for you. I just REALLY wanted to be there for you guys. . . .”

  Then I turned to Brandon. “So, maybe I should have told you I couldn’t go to the dance because I was going to be too busy. I planned to help out with the ballet class party AND hang out with Chloe and Zoey. But I figured I could just try to do it ALL. But now I see that wasn’t fair to you.”

  Chloe, Zoey, and Brandon just looked at me and didn’t say anything.

  I didn’t blame them for being angry with me. I was angry at myself.

  I was the worst friend EVER!

  With tears streaming down my face, I turned and ran down the hall and right out the front door.

  Once outside the building, the first thing I did was throw the rat head into some bushes.

  I really HATED that thing!

  I found a park bench about a hundred feet away and flopped down on it in utter despair.

  I stared up at the full moon. Other than the faint sound of the zoo animals and the rustling of leaves in the trees, it was a quiet night.

  It felt good being outside in the cool night air even though I felt really bad inside.

  It seemed no matter how hard I tried to make something work, it always turned out to be a complete disaster.

  I was SUCH a loser !

  I sniffed and wiped away my tears.

  “Mind if I sit down?”

  I thought I was alone, so hearing a voice startled me.

  I was surprised to see Brandon standing right behind me. He sat down next to me on the bench.

  “I just needed to get some fresh air,” I said, trying to pretend like I had not been crying. “I’m REALLY sorry for ruining everything. . . .”

  “What? Nothing was ruined.”

  “Yeah, right! Just our date. And the dance. And the kids’ Halloween party. . . .”

  “Actually, hanging out with you tonight has been . . . well, ‘exciting’ is a really good word.”

  “Sure, about as exciting as getting a cavity filled.”

  “Come on! We weren’t even HAVING a dance until you took over. Right?”

  “Yeah, I guess so.”

  “And those little kids liked you so much they followed you over here.”

  “Well, if you put it that way . . .”

  “Anyway, I mainly came out here to give you a really important message.”

  Like I needed any more bad news. I had already ruined two parties in one evening.

  I got this huge lump in my throat and felt like I was going to cry again.

  “Yeah, I was kind of expecting that. From Principal Winston?” I asked sadly.


  “My parents? I’m probably grounded until my eighteenth birthday.”

  “Nope. A friend.”

  “I still have friends? After all this, I’m sure Chloe and Zoey wouldn’t want to be seen with me.” I sniffed and wiped a tear.

  “A very special friend. He’s here waiting to talk to you.”

  “Where?!” I spun around, peering into the darkness around me. “I don’t see anyone.”

  “Close your eyes and I’ll ask him to come out.”


  “Come on! Just close your eyes. He’s a little shy.”

  I closed my eyes.

  “Hey, no peeking!”

  “I’m NOT!” I stopped peeking.

  “Okay, now open them.”

  I opened my eyes and couldn’t help but crack up laughing.

  Then he did a really awful Mickey Mouse impersonation in this silly high-pitched voice. “Excuse me, I’m looking for a rat friend of mine. Have you seen her around here?” He couldn’t help chuckling at his own stupid joke.

  I played along.

  “Actually, I haven’t seen her. Sorry!”

  “Well, I kinda like her. She’s nice. And I just wanted to hang out with her some more. Can you tell her that? If you see her?”

  “Sure!” I said, giggling uncontrollably. “If I see her, I’ll tell her.”


  “No prob!”

  We both laughed so hard it hurt.

  Brandon had a really wicked sense of humor. And nothing seemed to faze him at all.

  I really liked that about him.

  He took off the rat head and handed it to me.

  “I think this thing belongs to you.”

  “Unfortunately, it does.” I took it from him and shoved it under my arm.

  “Can I ask you a really personal question?” he asked.

  Brandon’s mood suddenly seemed to have changed, and he was gazing at me superserious.

  I hesitated for a moment. I had no idea what he was going to ask me.

  “Yeah. Sure.”

  “WHY does this thing smell so bad? WHEW!” He scrunched up his nose and narrowed his eyes like they were stinging from the odor.

  We cracked up laughing again.

  Brandon and I walked back to the building, and Chloe and Zoey met us at the door.

  They both looked a little upset, and I just knew they were going to tell me off. I really deserved it.

  “Nikki, why didn’t you tell us when Brandon asked you to the dance?” Chloe said.

  “Yeah. We could have helped out with the ballet party so you could have been at the dance the entire time!” Zoey added.

  “We’re your BFFs. I can’t believe you didn’t let us help you,” Chloe said, looking at me kind of sad.

  I got a lump in my throat and felt like crying again. I couldn’t believe they were actually upset because I hadn’t let them help me.

  “You’re right. I should have told you both. I guess I didn’t want to burden you with all my problems.”

  “Nikki, have you lost your mind?! That is just about the STUPIDEST thing I’ve ever heard you say!”

  “Yeah! You must be suffering from oxygen deprivation or something from wearing that rat head, because you are a talking like a CRAZY person!” Zoey added.

  I could NOT believe they said that to me. Chloe and Zoey are the best friends EVER!!

  They both came up to me and gave me a big hug.

  “We forgive you. But if you EVER do something like this again, we’ll personally force you to listen to a Jessica Simpson CD,” Chloe said.

  “For two whole hours!” Zoey added.

  “I think the punishment is a little extreme. But I promise, I’ll never do this again!” I giggled.

  “By the way, those little girls really LOVE you!” Chloe gushed. “They said they want Mr. Rat to come to
their party next year too!”

  “And guess what! Chloe has come up with the coolest little keepsake for them to remember you by,” Zoey said excitedly.

  “Actually, I got the idea from my new book, The Secret Life of a Teenage Party Planner,” Chloe explained, “but I’m going to need Brandon and Zoey to help out.”

  I thought it was a really cute and creative idea too. It took a lot of patience, but Brandon managed to take a very special picture with Chloe’s new BlackBerry, while Zoey went around collecting e-mail addresses for each of the ballet girls’ families.

  Then, thanks to Chloe’s superquick fingers, by the time everyone arrived home they all had a special little surprise waiting in their e-mail inboxes.

  I’m sure the girls loved it.

  Brandon is such an AWESOME photographer !

  Even though there were still technically ninety-two minutes left, everyone pretty much assumed the dance was over.

  We were all just waiting around for the official announcement.

  Principal Winston met with the chaperones for a few minutes and then walked over and whispered something to Violet.

  Violet nodded to Principal Winston and picked up the microphone. “May I have your attention. I have an announcement to make on behalf of Principal Winston. He says he’s aware that our dance is technically not over yet. However, he has asked that I inform you all that due to the unexpected disruption, effective immediately, we need to . . .


  Anyway, the second half of the Halloween dance was even more fun than the first half.

  I almost freaked out when MacKenzie came up and told me the Halloween dance totally rocked. She said I had done a really great job as chairperson. Of course, she took partial credit for the success and insisted that I thank her publicly because none of it would have happened if she hadn’t resigned.

  Sometimes I think her severe lip gloss addiction has damaged her brain cells. That girl is so incredibly VAIN!

  Then when I asked MacKenzie if she had a date for the dance, she totally LIED about it.

  She started bragging that her date was actually the lead singer of the band that was about to come onstage. And since he was going to be busy the rest of the night, she was hanging out with her BFF, Jessica. Whose date, BTW, was ALSO in the band.


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