Deep Cover: A Dark Billionaire Romance

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Deep Cover: A Dark Billionaire Romance Page 112

by Sophia Reed

  And Cassie, looking again like she was going to laugh, said, "Yes, Miss. Of course, Miss. About – uh, 21 Miss?" but I saw her decide not to push her luck and go for At least a hundred, Miss? And then, "I won't mistake it again, Ma'am."

  I bit my lip hard against my own laughter, totally unexpected in this situation, then grabbed her hands and looked at Cole. Who slammed the strap into her ass. Cassie grunted but she kept her gaze on mine. "What's topping from below, Miss?"

  "It's something Doms and Daddies and Owners and Masters, those big alpha types, can't resist. The sexual sadist? They know better but they absolutely can't resist."

  Cole made a sound I didn't even want to interpret.

  Cassie grunted through another blow, watching me.

  "It's when you pick the thing you really, really want them to do – "

  Cassie yelped at another lash.

  "And convince them that's the thing you really, really, really hate, just can't bear, worst thing ever! So they haul it out as punishment – "

  Another cry and now he was making her count. She had no idea what the count was and started at 15. Cole said, "Try one."

  "But even though they can guess you're faking it? They go for it and you get the satisfaction of whatever it is that gives you satis – ack!"

  With an economy of movement, Cole plucked me off the bed, fisted his hand in my hair, walked me to Cassie's side of the bed, stripped my pants and panties off me and threw me down next to her.

  "Is this an example, Ma – Miss?" She was giggling.

  "No!" I said, twisting around and seeing Cole taking out the thickest and hardest of the Delrin canes. "This was a mistake!"

  There was a swoosh of displaced air and my ass exploded into flames. He stalked around us, first one and then the other, and I laughed through the first 10, cursed through the second, shouted through the third, cried through the fourth, and howled through the last set. Beside me, Cassie did pretty much the same.

  But when it was over and I lay sweating and damp between my legs, ass burning and Cole quietly cleaning his implements and storing them, no order yet or even permission to get up, I found myself at peace. Calm, happy, relaxed.

  At peace.



  He kept me naked through dinner. It was just the two of us, because Cassie was still in his care for addiction and staying in the labyrinth of cells under the compound. My being undressed disconcerted me. I had a feeling it would always be uncomfortable, making me blush and challenging my ability to submit. That was the point.

  My being naked at the dinner table also disconcerted the cook who served us our food nearly as much as it disconcerted me. When finally everything had been served and eaten, she retreated with obvious relief into the kitchen.

  I leaned across the table and said, "She's probably going to quit over this." It couldn't be that easy to find help who stayed after witnessing one of St. Martin's dinner parties. Or something like this.

  "Good," he said idly. "She's not a very good cook."

  For some reason that made me smile.

  He beckoned me from his side of the table. "Over my lap, Annie."

  I didn't ask why. Or what for. I was already naked. My ass was already striped and bruising from the cane. I just laid myself over his lap and let the tears fall as he mauled and pinched the twin lines from the cane strikes, taking handfuls of my flesh and squeezing, probably watching the different colors around the marks. Then he got down to the business of spanking me. He only used his hand, but he put everything he had into it.

  When he finished, I asked if I could get off of his lap.

  "Not yet." His fingers were soft on the small of my back, tracing circles there. I relaxed until he slid them down, two of them sliding inside me and a third into another place I still wasn't used to taking him. "God, you're tight," he groaned. He gentled me off his lap and swept me up into his arms, carrying me to his bedroom where I'd been very few times before. The light was low, the curtains open and the desert night black. Moonlight tracked across the floor, stopping just short of the bed. He had me kneel in it while he undressed and when he stood before me, all lean lines and sculpted muscle, that errant lock of hair falling into his face and the triangular, mischievous smile on his face, he reached down and took my chin gently in one hand. "You are so beautiful," he said. "I wish you could see yourself in the moonlight."

  I tried to duck my head but he didn't let me. Instead he rolled over a standing mirror, placing it so I could see myself reflected, kneeling naked and marked in a pool of moonlight. It made my pale skin glow. My hair was longer than ever, falling down in curls past my shoulders. I was clean shaven, my legs spread to show how slick I was, but he didn't concentrate on that. Instead he stood behind me and ran his hands through my hair, lifting handfuls of it and letting it fall. His hands were warm on my shoulders and when he knelt behind me, his breath was warm on the back of my neck as he kissed along my spine.

  For me there's always been something too selfish about letting someone else pleasure me, without reciprocating. A part of my mind never shut off, never stopped trying to make sure the scales were balanced.

  But Cole St. Martin, Sir, was my Master. If he chose to make love to me, it wasn't up to me to do anything but accept.

  His hands came around, down over my breasts, and I waited for the pinching, the pulling on the nipples, the way he sometimes crushed my breasts in his fists. But he smoothed his hands over them, palms rubbing my nipples until they were hard as pebbles, then circling them with his fingers, sending shockwaves of pleasure through me.

  He kissed my neck again, leaned around me, moving my head, and his mouth was on mine, hot and soft, his tongue in my mouth, but gently.

  His hands slipped lower and when he couldn't reach in that position, he stood and scooped me up and laid me in his bed, moving to lay beside me, up on one elbow, tracing my body from lips to breasts to my very core. His fingers slid into my wetness, sliding into me, using my own slickness to circle my clit, to slide farther down between my legs but not inside. He slid one finger into me, pressing back toward my spine, finding my G spot as easily as if he had a map.

  "Come for me, Annie," he whispered, his breath hot in my ear, and I came so hard the world went away and there was nothing but pulsing pleasure until the orgasm subsided and the world came back and by then Cole was supporting himself on his arms, his erection between my legs. When he saw me come back into myself, he said my name and slid inside me.

  I moaned and lifted my hips, meeting him thrust for thrust as he rocked into me. He leaned forward, capturing my hands, his hands around my wrists, pinning me to the bed. He watched me as he stroked in and out, feeling as huge and hard as I'd ever felt him.

  He said my name and I whispered, "Sir," in the seconds before we came together, his cock seeming to pulse longer than I pulsed around him, the two of us looking at each other.

  When we'd stopped shuddering, he fell to the side, flat on his back, staring up at the ceiling, muttering an explicative. I laughed softly and when he held his arm out to me, I slid into his embrace, my head on his chest, one arm slung across his stomach.

  This was as deep a peace as I'd experienced earlier. I felt utterly, completely content. Utterly, completely home.

  "I have to tell you something," I told Cole.

  "You don't have permission to speak." Because I thought he wanted to say it first. If he was going to say it.

  "But I have to." Giggling a little into his chest.

  "Be silent, slave."

  "I can't! It's too important!"

  "I'll punish you severely if you speak when told not to." His hand brushed over my shoulder. His other hand reached and took a nipple and squeezed so hard I drew breath.

  And expelled that breath all at once. "I love you, Sir," I said at the exact same time Cole St. Martin said, "I love you, Annie Knox."

  We looked at each other. He pulled my face to his. His mouth took mine. The kiss was deep, his
tongue in my mouth.

  When he pulled back he said, "Good. That's settled. Now kneel and wait for me to address your misbehavior."

  I slid out of bed and knelt on the floor, waiting for him, my hands loosely facing up on my knees, my legs parted so I was revealed to him, naked, wet and waiting.

  Exactly where I wanted to be.

  * * *

  The End

  A Message To My Readers

  Thanks for purchasing this book. As an author, there’s very few things better than having a reader go through one of my works. If you enjoyed Deep Cover then I’d appreciate you leaving an honest review on Amazon. Reviews are the lifeblood of my publishing endeavors. A 5 star-review would mean the world to me. Thanks!

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  A Dark Mafia Romance Series

  Varasso Brothers Book 1:

  Fallen Knight

  Luca is the oldest son of a mafia boss.

  He’s the sanest one in his family, if you ask me.

  His little girl makes him human.

  But danger is still his middle name.

  I’m drawn to his power.

  His devilish gaze that wants every part of me.

  He has a dark soul that fills a void in mine.

  Reminding me of things that I’m capable of.

  After his father’s assassination, Luca is the new king.

  And he needs a partner in crime.

  A queen.

  Click here to read:

  Varasso Brothers Book 2:

  Cruel Prince

  I gave my innocence to a mafia prince...

  But I haven’t told him that I’m carrying his baby.

  * * *

  My life was mundane before I met Marco.

  I didn’t know how dangerous he was until it was too late.

  He’d already hired me as his assistant.

  Marco has my body… and my heart.

  He also holds my career in his hands.

  The only way out of this is to run for my life.

  Even though I know he’d do everything to hunt me down.

  Now, I’ve asked for something impossible.

  * * *

  Would he abandon his mafia family to be with me?

  And how would he protect me and his unborn baby if our lives were threatened?

  Click here to read:

  Varasso Brothers Book 3:

  Dark King

  He’s part of the same family that’s responsible for my father being in prison.

  So, why do I feel such love for him?

  * * *

  Alessandro and I were together as teenagers before the pressure of being raised by a mob family got to me.

  I needed to move away from the house to get my life back.

  That also meant leaving Alessandro behind.

  He begged me to stay, and I asked him to come with me.

  Years have gone by since I’ve seen him.

  Now, fate is bringing us back.

  And a big decision is on the table.

  * * *

  Can I fit into his family and accept a life of crime?

  Or will be hold my hand and agree to start afresh?

  Click here to read:

  Varasso Brothers Book 4:

  Merciless Queen

  Falling in love with him has put my life in danger.

  * * *

  Hot as hell and impossible to resist.

  Gabriel is everything I’ve ever wanted in a man.

  Except that he belongs to

  the most dangerous family in town.

  I knew I’d regret falling into bed with a mob prince.

  Especially if I ended up pregnant.

  But I never expected one of his brothers to hurt me.

  * * *

  In the Varasso family, blood means loyalty.

  So, can Gabriel turn against his own brother to protect me?

  Click here to read:

  Varasso Brothers Book 5:


  I just want my husband back,

  but he’s strangled by darkness.

  * * *

  There was a time that the love between Alessandro

  and I was all that mattered.

  Nothing could keep us apart, neither time,

  nor space, nor his family.

  But he’s haunted by the spirit of his father,

  and now the pull towards the darkness

  is too strong to resist.

  With our family staring down obliteration,

  I have no choice but to pretend to be

  a loving, supportive wife.

  But our enemies hide right under our noses.

  Can we save our family and regain our love,

  or will this toxic business finally cost me my husband,

  or worse, my life?

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