Double Shift

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Double Shift Page 4

by Amara A. Minx

  Gideon was familiar with the substance from his days in captivity. He resumed his attack on the bloodsucker.

  ‘Gabe get the knife.’ Gideon messaged.

  Julius had the upper hand but Gideon only needed to stall him.

  Gabriel arched the dagger up to deliver the deadly blow. Gideon tried to hold Julius but the ancient was too strong, he vanished and was gone as the knife cut through the empty air.

  “No!” Gideon screamed.

  “What the hell? I can’t shift!” Gabriel said.

  Gideon looked at his brother.

  Gabriel’s expression changed from curiosity to anger.

  “That’s the shit he used on you to keep you human. Fuck!”

  Gideon ran his hands through his hair.

  “Check on Emily. She ran into the living room a couple minutes ago. I need a moment to get my anger under control.” Since laying eyes on Emily, the calm waters of his emotions had slowly had turned to a churning sea.

  Gabriel ran back to the room.

  “She’s gone,” he said.

  Gideon’s emotions erupted. His sea was now a tsunami.

  Chapter Four

  Emily slammed the front door of their apartment and called out.


  Beth ran into the kitchen. Her long, black hair streaking behind her.

  “Hey girl. What happened to you? I’ve been calling everybody I know looking for you!” she stopped and looked Emily over. “Sugar were ya attacked? If some motherfucker touched ya I will go Jamaican crazy on his ass.” She was about to continue but Emily held up her hand.

  “No honey it’s not like that. I mean I was attacked but not by the men.” Emily let out the breath she didn’t realize she was holding.

  Beth folded her arms and tapped her foot.

  “The men as in plural. Girl you better spill. Now!” Her chin tilted to one side, her eyebrows arching.

  Emily choked back a laugh. Beth’s attitude toward men took the edge of her hysteria.

  Beth put her arm around Emily and guided her to one a chair at the tiny kitchen table. Beth’s accent was thicker than usual.

  “Sit, Sistra. I’ll fix ya some tea.”

  Emily recounted the previous evening. She had just started to tell Beth about Gideon joining her and Gabriel when Beth interrupted.

  “Girl, are you about to tell me that you had sex with not one but two men of hotness?” Beth fiddled with her rooster tea cup.

  “Yes, I had sex with two hot men. But that’s not the bad part,” Emily said.

  “Damn straight! You left here a virgin and you come back a sex goddess. I snap my G-string to you girl!” She slapped her hands down on the table then added. “I’s gonna have to step up mah game.”

  “There’s more to the story. I need to tell you so we can pack and get the hell out of here,” she said.

  “Leave? These men did they threaten ya? Coz I will slap those mothers down if they hurt ya.”

  Emily’s shoulders sagged. “No. It wasn’t the men. It was someone else. But he was scariest man I have ever seen in my life.”

  “Some man dun scare ya? I will….”

  “Beth. You’re not helping. I need to tell you what happened so we can leave,” Emily said.

  “Girl ya trippin. You don’t gotta tell me no story to get me to go. The rats is too good to live in this place,” Beth said.

  “Beth, I’m serious here!”

  Beth gestured, locking her lips and throwing away the key. Emily recapped the events leading up to her dressing in the elevator and rushing home.

  Emily waited for Beth to respond and although she was looking straight at Emily she seemed to be staring right through her.

  “Queffa,” Beth said, finally.

  Killer? Emily was confused by Beth’s emotionless tone. She was always fully animated but seemed frozen. The rush of cold air made her neck tingle in an unnatural way.

  As she turned in her chair to see what caused the sensation, Julius materialized beside their table.

  “Hello Emily,” he said.

  Emily felt nauseous “How did you…?”

  His smile was cold. “Find you? I followed you. I was down the stairs before your elevator reached the ground floor.” He turned his attention to Beth. “You my dear will serve as a lesson.”

  Julius stared directly in Beth’s face and Emily noticed the strain in her dark brown eyes. They twitched then softened. She gazed back at Julius.

  “Rise,” he said.

  Beth complied. The last time she had seen that look Beth had eaten an entire tub of maple pecan ice cream.

  “Come to me,” Julius said.

  Beth stepped around the table and approached him. She put her hands on Julius’ shirt and undid the buttons,

  Julius tipped Beth’s head up and kissed her, his obscenely, long tongue snaked over her lips.

  “Women are not my preference but even I sometimes enjoy a bite of chocolate.” He guided her head to his chest. Beth licked his nipples.

  “She is very talented. Were you as gifted with your tongue when you sucked Gideon’s cock?” He pulled Beth’s head back to expose her throat.

  “Stop. Don’t do this!” Emilyyelled.

  Julius’eyes glinted with malice. His fangs lengthened. He bit down on Beth’s neck with such ferocity blood sprayed across the table.

  “No!” While Emily retched she heard a voice. ‘Emily…’ Now I’m hearing voices. Maybe I have dementia. God, I hope so. It’s terrible but at least I won’t remember any of this.

  ‘Emily. It’s Gideon. I can feel your fear. Where are you?’

  ‘I am in my apartment. How come we can talk like this? Have I gone crazy?’

  ‘Emily. Calm down and listen to me. Our mating allows us to speak telepathically. We’re on our way. I need to know what’s going on.’

  ‘Julius is here. He ripped out Beth’s throat and now he’s drinking her blood. She’s dying and it’s my fault. He followed me here!’

  ‘Honey. Listen to me. We’ll do everything in our power to help Beth but he is going to take you. I need you to stay calm.’

  Emily closed her eyes to block out the gory sight in front of her and concentrated on Gideon’s voice.

  ‘He’s going to take me? Not kill me?’

  ‘He wants to taunt me. Do not provoke him.’

  ‘Beth didn’t provoke him. He came here for me and said she was a lesson. What could her death possibly teach me?’

  Gideon’s voice was calm.

  ‘He wants you to fear him. He gets off on it. You need to act very scared or he will hurt you to get the reaction he needs.’

  ‘I am scared!’

  ‘Baby, I know, but you can’t show any form of aggression. Our bond prevents him from controlling your mind. He can’t manipulate your fear so he’ll need to invoke it.’

  Julius flung Beth against the kitchen cabinets. Blood dripped from the mangled mess of her neck. She didn’t move or make a sound. Emily screamed as her surroundings blurred and her head slammed against the same cabinet. She felt momentarily guilt for landing on Beth’s body before darkness engulfed her.

  Gideon felt a quick sting of pain as Emily lost consciousness. He ran faster, his paws thumped over the hard pavement. A blood thirsty howl confirmed that Gabriel wasn’t far behind. The ten blocks from his penthouse to Emily’s apartment were the longest miles of his life.

  He bounded up the building’s steps before shifting to human form at Emily’s door. The instant he entered, he knew Emily was gone. He had failed his mate. The stench of blood and death filled the air. He crouched over Beth’s body as Gabriel arrived.

  Gabe entered and grabbed the phone on the wooden counter.

  “I will take care of Beth. Go get Emily,” he said, as he punched a number into the handset. “Donovan. Hey, man, I need your help.”

  Gideon left the apartment and ran to his office building four blocks away. He needed his Mercedes to reach Julius’s estate. He entered the code o
n the cars door handle.

  They always kept one vehicle and a bag of extra clothes for emergencies. He floored the gas pedal and the car responded with squealing tires. The vehicle sped up the ramp then bottomed out at the top as he slid sideways before hitting the street.

  The need to get to Emily was strong. Gideon’s vision turned wolf as he swerved through traffic. As soon as he was outside the inner city he turned off the headlights. He screeched to a stop at the edge of the forest that surrounded Julius’s estate.

  Gideon transformed leaving the car door open. His paws flew over the forest’s floor as the lights in the distance loomed closer. The open ground surrounding the mansion would expose any intruder until they reached the cellar. The one place Gideon swore he’d die before returning.

  The animal’s instinct was to find its mate and secure her safety. Emily’s welfare took precedence over Gideon’s need to kill Julius.

  ‘Gabe. Where are you?’

  ‘I’m two minutes away. Don’t wait for me. Go get her.’ Gabriel was all business. An image of the blurred road flashed in Gideon’s mind before Gabe cut contact.

  Gideon loped across the courtyard and into the open door of the cellar. He padded down the dark stone hallway. Emilyhung unconsciousness from chains, her face bruised. Julius rested his hand on her neck.

  It was a clear warning. Julius could snap her neck as easily as turning a doorknob.

  The wolf emerged from the shadows growling and slathering.

  “Gideon so good of you to come,” Julius purred.

  Gideon shifted to human. “Let her go.”

  “Ah, Gideon, you know I can’t do that. You broke the rules and now your little twat will pay the price. I hope she is as delicious as her friend.” His gaze slithered over Gideon. His lust barely contained.

  Gideon approach Julius, stopping a foot away, to run his left hand through his hair. As Julius watched the soft locks sifting through his fingers. Gideon punched him with his right.

  Gideon transformed after his fist contacted with the vampire’s jaw. The blow pushed Julius off balance, forcing his hand to drop from Emily’s neck. Gideon sprang.

  All he could do was stall him and give his brother time to bring the dagger.

  Julius raked his spiked fingernails down Gideon’s side.

  The wolf yelped. Emily cried out.

  Gabriel showed him an image of the cellar door. His brother had arrived.

  Surprisingly, Gabriel was in human form. A wolf would have been much faster through the forest. It was a question for later, now was the time to rid the world of Julius’ taint. Gideon transformed in spite of the pain in his side to distract Julius’s attention.

  Gabriel approached Emily and removedher restraints.

  “We’re taking her.”

  “How many times have you tried to kill me?” Julius spat. “A dozen? More? You remember how that turns out? Do you really want your brother to suffer the same fate?”

  “I was alone. I’m not anymore,” Gideon said.

  “Even you two can’t kill me without the knife,” Julius said. “I would smell it if it were here.” Gideon glanced at his brother.

  “I don’t have the dagger,” Gabriel said, before Gideon could ask his twin the obvious question. Julius looked pleased.

  “You lack the power to kill me so why don’t we make a little deal.” His eyes sparkled with excitement as he focused on Gideon. “You and Emily can leave provided you let me keep Gabriel for one month. I promise to return him undamaged… for the most part.”

  “No fucking way!” Gideon snarled. “I’d die before letting you play your twisted games with my brother.”

  Gabriel distracted Gideon by stripping off his clothes.

  “What the hell are you doing, Gabe?”

  Gabriel shrugged. “Julius obviously likes games. Let’s play.” He smiled then shifted. Gideon followed and they attacked the shocked vampire.

  Both wolves sprang at the same time. The force pushed Julius backwards but he was stronger than Gideon remembered. He threw Gabriel off and attempted to crush Gideon’s chest. Gabriel sunk his jaws into Julius’s arm, causing the vampire to release his grip on Gideon. He slashed Gabriel across the shoulder then kicked him across the room. There was an audible crunch as Gabriel hit the wall.

  Gideon renewed his attack.

  ‘Gabe get Emily and go! I won’t make it.’

  Gideon knew exactly when he had lost the fight. Julius’ arms closed around him. The wolf fought hard but it wasn’t enough to overpower the ancient. He continued to bite and snap as his body was slowly crushed. His breath was ragged when the vampire’s fangs punctured his fur.

  He felt the blood rushing out of his body. He sent Gabe a final plea to go. Julius pulled back and released him as he was about to lose consciousness.

  Julius’s expression showed disbelief. He clutched his chest from an unseen attack. Gideon watched in fascination as Emily backed away from Julius. When the vampire turned to face her, Gideon saw the dagger sticking out of his back. The ancient screeched as he dehydrated and exploded to ash.

  Gideon transformed to human form as Gabriel approached. He had already shifted and had a smirk on his face. They stood together looking at Emily as she picked the knife up from the floor.

  “How?” he asked.

  Gabe answered him. “You know that nasty shit that blocks your shifting abilities for a while. Well the jerk who makes it also makes a similar powder that blocks a vampire’s senses. I slipped Emily the knife when I untied her. You didn’t think I would run through the forest fully-clothed for no reason did you? Fuck me, you did didn’t you?”

  “How did you get it?”

  “Donovan brought me the powder when he came to help Beth,” Gabriel said.

  At Beth’s name Emily dashed over.

  “Beth? You got Beth help? Is she okay? Should we go to the hospital? Is she in surgery?” Emily continued to babble until Gideon gently grabbed her by the shoulders. He needed to comfort her.

  “Baby it’s a little more complicated than that. They couldn’t save her as a human so a friend of Gabe’s has turned her vampire. Please trust me,” Gideon said.

  He could see Emily wanted answers but her composure dissolved and she doubled over, clutching her stomach. Her scent drifted to Gideon’s nostrils after taking on a wild, musky odour.

  Gideon and Gabe exchanged a knowing look.

  “It’ll be all right. We just need to get her home. We’ll explain on the way about what’s going to happen,” Gabriel said. His voice was calm but Gideon sensed his brother’s shock. The chances of this happening were so rare that neither of them had considered it.


  Emily could tell the men were anxious. The mental bond they shared continued to strengthen. They were able to block their thoughts from her but not their emotions. They were concerned about something. She couldn’t take the imposed silence on the walk through the woods any longer. “What’s going on? I can tell you’re both worried.”

  “Let’s get you in the car,” Gideon answered. “We will explain everything on the way home.”

  Emily’s stomach continued to cramp. It can’t be food poisoning I haven’t eaten in the last twenty-four hours and my period isn’t due for two weeks. What the hell is wrong with me? She let Gideon help her into the front seat.

  He quickly pulled on a black shirt and track pants from a bag of emergency clothes he kept in the trunk.

  “Where’s Gabe?” she asked.

  “He’s going to drive the Jeep back.” He started the Mercedes’ engine.

  Emily had a bad feeling. “What’s happening to me?”

  “Honey I’ll try and explain as fast as I can. Just interrupt if there’s something you don’t understand okay?” Gideon said.

  Emily nodded as a sharp pain shot through her stomach. She grabbed the dashboard when the pain took her breath away.

  “Start talking,” she said.

  “Baby I’m sorry,” Gideon said. “
We never considered this could happen, it’s pretty rare but it’ll be okay. You’re going to be fine.” His knuckles whitened on the steering wheel, his face was calm, but the emotions that pierced Emily’s mind were chaotic.

  “Is this to do with the mating? You never fully explained that. Or is this to do with the telepathy thing?” she said.

  He nodded. “The physical pain has been triggered by our mating. When we bit you we bound you to us. The mental bond that Gabriel and I have is strengthening to encompass you.”

  Emily took a shallow breath. “Is that what’s causing the pain? Because my head doesn’t hurt. My body does.”

  “No baby, it’s not that. When shifter males mate with a human woman she gains the ability to speak telepathically, has heightened senses, and a prolonged life….”

  “Wait. Prolonged life? I will live longer? This is my body changing into a human mate?”

  “Yes, you will live longer. But the pain is because you’re not a human mate,” Gideon said.

  “What do you mean I’m not human?” Part of her didn’t want the answer.

  “You’re experiencing your first transformation.”

  “I’m not a wolf, Gideon. I would know if I suddenly felt like chasing a rabbit or fetching a stick!” she snapped back, as the pain increased

  “Wolves don’t fetch sticks.” He sounded insulted. He sighed. “I haven’t chased a rabbit since I was twelve.”

  Emily remembered trying to trace her birth parents. The conversation with a social worker had left her heartbroken.

  “So, shifters commonly give their babies away? I tried to find my parents in my late teens. I was told I had a closed adoption and they had requested, specifically, a no contact order.” She was barely able to keep the tears away.

  “My guess is you were put up for adoption because you couldn’t transform. In the old-world, families abandoned their children to the human world if they lacked the ability to shift. And, while we now know that mating can trigger the latent gene, there’s no guarantee. Some families still believe a child that can’t transform, is an abomination,” Gideon said.


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