Crushing Violet

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Crushing Violet Page 5

by Bree Rivers

  “Tell me which kind of toys you saw me used and you liked.”

  Vanity bit her lower lip, and her stomach undulated with her gasping breath. “There were plugs, dildos ...”

  “Go on.” Kane decided to encourage her by moving to stand in front of her and clasp her hips in his hands to steady her body.

  “I saw you use clips—”

  “Where did I use the clips, sweeting?”

  “In the bedroom.”

  He spanked her pussy, letting her clit take the majority of the blow. She spasmed, her hands jerking to cover her pussy, Kane wrenched them back to her sides. “No games. Not unless I choose them.”

  “You used clips on their nipples and on their clits. Sometimes they had weights attached to them, sometimes you wired it to a machine. I don’t know—”

  “A slight electric pulse. Just enough to get the nerve endings firing.”

  “Oh.” Her cheeks filled with a flush as red as his handprints on her ass. “That wasn’t in my research.”

  “Now.” Kane let one fingertip move up her arm, and slide beneath her bra strap. “One more time. Just for good measure. Is this truly what you want? Because I’m about to unwrap you and take you to bed.”

  “I have never wanted anything more.”

  He pulled her straps down, and stepping closer, so their eyes were almost direct, Kane reached around her to unsnap her bra. He pulled the garment down her arms, while Vanity kept locking her muscles to try and keep from breaking his rules. Before she could think to cover herself, he ripped her panties off.

  Kane swept her into his arms and moved swiftly up the wooden staircase to get to the large second story bedroom he’d made into his personal play space. The bed was already primed for him, covers folded down, plenty of pillows on top, fabric ties attached to each of the posters. When Vanity was lying on the black silk sheet, he gave himself the freedom of running his palm from her sternum down to her pussy. She was hot and so wet he could see the dampness on her thighs.

  “Remember one thing ... I’m doing this for you, but it doesn’t mean I’m not going to enjoy every fucking part of it.” He slipped her shoes off her feet and tossed them in the corner. Then he sent his jacket flying soon after.

  Vanity leaned up on her elbows, drawing her legs tightly together and tucking them to her side. “Kane ... what do you mean?”

  He wrenched her legs open and used his body to keep them that way. Sliding his hands under her ass, he lifted her to his mouth. “You’re so beautiful. I’m going to keep this memory to torture my nights for the rest of my life, sweeting.” His voice was so hoarse, layered with need and desire, it sent a new wave of cream flooding from her body to prepare her for his invasion. He pressed a kiss to her inner thigh, scraping the skin lightly with his teeth. He said no more, just tilted her pelvis for a better angle, and feasted. Tracing her folds with his tongue. Licking around her clit to watch it grow into a bright red button “Scream sweeting, go right ahead and scream all you want.” When his lips latched onto her clit, she did just as he commanded, as his girl would.

  He’d never seen a reason to hold back with a female in his bed. And his tongue was the least shy part of his anatomy. It swirled around her clit. He guessed she’d like licking, but it was when he suckled her hard that her panting and screaming would increase in volume. He plunged into her little virgin hole, tongue-fucking her to prepare her mind for what he’d do before they were through. Before he got his cock in, he wanted her to know his tongue. His fingers.

  She moaned. She screamed. She begged him to stop or to give her something. She swore to him she’d die if he didn’t fill her up. She tried to wiggle out of his hold, and it took a sharp smack to her side to get her to understand. Vanity was his.

  Kane’s cock protested the lack of attention. Shifting his weight, he pushed the discomfort from his mind. Vanity. This was all for his Vanity, and nothing was getting in his way of branding his touch on her soul. He finally started to see stars, tingles zipping over his skin as if he were being electrocuted. Kane pushed his tongue as far into her as he could, pressing his teeth into her labia. Her skin was covered with streams of sweat, her breasts shook so hard he used one hand to reach out and grasp her gasping tit so he could pull and twist her nipple to give her the small bite of pain. His fingers dug into her hips, he could feel her skin change under his hold as he started to bruise her.

  Vanity pulled at the covers trying to escape his tongue. His mouth. His fingers. He scraped his teeth over her clit, chuckling when she threw her head back to release a scream that came from so far deep within her it had no sound. His entire face was pressed into her pussy, her taste was making his head swim. She was delicious. Sweet and creamy. So perfectly her. He slid one finger into her. “Sweeting, you’re so tight.” He scraped his teeth over her clit again, when she started to scream Kane slid another finger into her center.

  As he went back to exploring her folds with the tip of his tongue letting her back down from the force of her need, he chuckled as he saw her clit continue to throb in time with her heartbeat. Sliding another finger in, he latched his lips around her clit to suckle as he sawed his fingers in and out her dripping channel. Vanity was his. Her body was his. He wanted her ready when he eventually got within her. He slid a third finger in, widening her as he also pierced the thin membrane within her Vanity would know pain in his bed, but it would be pain of his choosing, not biology. A feeling of a pop, blood oozed out with her need, and he could not move easier within her. Now that obstacle was officially breached, he went back to full assault. Sucking. Nibbling. Taking her higher and higher, until he had no choice but to let her fly apart into a million pieces or risk losing her to insanity itself.

  Shifting up, he lay over her as a sensual blanket, waiting for her mouth to stop gasping for oxygen. Using his fingers, he helped ease her through the aftershocks of the double orgasm she was having. Murmuring encouragement into her temple, as his entire body held her down, one of his legs kept her open and available for his touch.

  Vanity was his, and nothing would ever change that now.

  Picking her up, he situated a still trembling Vanity on the bed and covered her with the sheet. Going back to the bathroom, he got out of his clothes and stepped into the shower to try and use the frigid water to calm his cock from agony to slow interest.

  When he went back to the bed, his skin was icy cold, his balls might be blue, but he knew he could deal. Settling the covers back over them, he pulled Vanity into his arms, her back to his front, his arms wrapped around her, one leg slung over hers. When one of his hands cupped her breast, she made a slow, steady purring noise that instantly shot his cock into life. Since the first moment she broke her fairy wand over his head, this female had always been his.

  SHE WOKE UP FEELING transformed in some way. After what felt like a lifetime of eavesdropping on Kane and his women, to be that woman, to be in his arms and directed by his will ... it was so much more than she ever dreamed. Consciousness was a bossy bitch when you were least in the mood, but she wasn’t to be denied. Vanity’s brain felt like it was filled with concrete, her body though, felt adored. Shifting, she felt an arm tighten around her waist. The other, threaded beneath her neck, angled down so his hand could hold her breast. She felt his cock against her ass, and it was definitely awake even if its master was not.

  Master. Who would have thought she’d be the kind of girl who’d want to use that word? She never let her dad tell her what to do, or, pretty much anyone else for that matter.

  Kane’s breathing changed, going from steady to a slight hitch. She felt his cock move and even grow against her. His fingers tightened on her nipple, establishing a slight milking motion, giving the sensitive flesh a twist. He brushed her hair to the side, and she felt his teeth nibble over the curve of her neck

  His hand left her waist, he shifted her legs with one of his, and then something big started to rub through her dripping core. Vanity’s breath hitched as he began a rocking
motion, the tip pressing against her entrance, making small progress with each forward thrust of his hips. His hand steadied her, his fingers running around her core to set her body from simmer to burning. “Take a deep breath, sweeting.” Kane tilted her head up and to the side so his mouth could cover hers as his hips pushed through her untried resistance to slide into her depths.

  Vanity shook, she tried to reach out, to get away from the invasion in her center, making her feel as if she were being torn in two. He shifted his leg, wrapping it around hers, keeping her against him, positioned for him to continue to gain more ground within her. He thrust, pressing up, using the extra leverage to press more of what felt like his endless flesh into her channel. “You’re perfect, sweeting,” he gasped.

  His breathing grew erratic, sawing in his breath, as his hips continued to move. Forge her into a creature of pleasure as his body kept going. “I’ll be all in, soon, sweeting. Just hold on.” Her arms moved up and back, spearing her fingers into his silky hair, jerking him into her body, needing to be closer. He smeared fluid leaking out of her into her clit, rubbing, flicking the bundle of nerves. Kane’s hips kept moving, altering the angle, as if he was looking for something. When he hit one spot, she started to let out shotgun style screams from so deep within her she didn’t even recognize her own voice in it. His body was so tense it was a solid piece of marble, though so hot, Vanity feared she’d just melt into him. His thrusts grew harder, ruthless. As her lungs forgot to breathe, her mind went blank, she still heard his chuckle, and then he reached down and pinched her clit-hard.

  Vanity felt her body shake hard as she came. It wasn't a step into knowing rapture, more like being shot by a rocket into that state of bliss. A wash of fluid covered his hand, and he chuckled, reaching up, he thrust his fingers into her mouth. She tried to evade him, but he just pushed inside. She sucked on them hard, to try and torture him as he was her. His cock exploded from within her, she felt the jets of hot semen filling her, and she let herself drift off to sleep as she heard his satisfied chuckle.

  Chapter 10 - After

  Watching the therapist drive off, Violet swiped at the tears in her eyes. She didn’t understand. No matter how many times the therapist swore to her it was the best way for her to feel better, it didn’t seem possible. She couldn’t do that. The therapist was an idiot, and if she had her way, wouldn’t be returning.

  Start to talk to people? Have them in her house? Let herself ... be touched? What the hell did she know?

  Retreating into the sewing room, Violet looked at the sketches she finished last night. They were good. She decided to make all of the dresses in emerald silk, the designs would be altered to highlight each woman’s body. She’d make sure that these bridesmaids’ dresses wouldn’t just sit in the back of their closets for the next decade. Humming to herself, she pulled out the antique lace she wanted to use on Daisy’s dress, should she actually do what Lara and Ivy said and ask her to design it for her. She knew just what she’d do. Daisy should have the colors of white, green, and gold. A unique shade for each of these personalities in this rare union.

  Turning off her thoughts of what the therapist said, she lost herself in mocking up the first bridesmaid gown in plain cotton muslin. She needed to see how the bodice would drape into the skirt before she started cutting out the expensive silk.

  Going out to the bread box she scowled when she saw the Danish Ivy had brought were all gone. Shrugging, she refilled the coffee pot. At least there was coffee. No reason to even try to work without coffee. While she waited for the water to heat, Violet took the time to finish putting away the groceries the therapist brought and clean up the kitchen.

  She was filling her cup when the knock on the door sounded. Opening it, she was shocked to see Davis ... holding an identical box of Danish as the one, she’d checked six times hoping some more would magically appear. Seeing them, all that delicious sugar and butter, she beamed. “Where’d you get those?”

  “It looked like you really wanted them. Ivy brought us a box, too.”

  Davis placed the box on the porch and started to back away. Violet felt so thankful to have what she wanted when she wanted it, she didn’t think. She didn’t consider what her actions would be. How it might be received. “Davis?” When she spoke his name, he whirled around, just in time for her to catapult her body into his chest. His arms went around her, and his lips covered hers. Violet responded instantly, her tongue spearing into his mouth, tasting coffee and all that maleness so intrinsically Davis. When she was panting and achy, she felt that door in her mind burst open, flooding her with the memories of the hell night.

  Violet got into the house with the door slammed shut before Davis could stop her. She crouched down, her body shaking as her eyes burned from the tears she refused to shed.

  “The Danish are by the door, Precious. I’m here when you need me.”

  There was so much warmth and understanding in his words, Violet pressed her hand to the door, longing for the courage to open it and try again. She listened to his retreating footsteps, her hands wrapped around her body to try and stop the shaking. It was a sheer force of will to beat the memories back into their hole, and rivet shut the hatch.

  When she could move without looking like a leaf on the wind, Violet cracked the door enough to drag the Danish into the house. Work, she told herself. Use the work. Fabric, color, design, draping. These were things that would keep that hatch closed. Moving the box of pastries and her coffee cup back to the sewing room she started working on cutting out the pieces. Vanity had never learned how to make a paper pattern. She just saw the cut lines in her mind and let that lead her. Taking out the flaky pastry, she bit into it as she made alterations on her drawing.

  DAVIS TOOK THE LONG way back to the security room. He needed a moment to calm down. To force the smile from his face. He knew Kane had seen what happened, but he also suspected though there isn’t supposed to be jealousy in these relationships seeing Violet voluntarily kiss him, especially that passionately, it would still burn.

  “I’m good, you know.”

  “Kane ... are you sure?”

  He stepped into the security room to find Kane facing him, seated in the office chair, the monitors behind him on mute. “I am. It’s a good sign. She’s waking up again, pushing off those memories, and taking back her power. How could I be anything else but good?”

  “She freaked out.”

  “And you let her. You let her go, D. You did exactly what you needed to do for her own good. If I didn’t already know you were the best man I’ve ever met, I fucking would now.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “Because I couldn’t do it. I’d chase her. I’d have taken her. And I would have destroyed her in the process.”

  “I think, Kane, you give yourself far too little credit.”

  “Funny. I think I give myself too much.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “It wouldn’t be the first time, my ruining Vanity. Not at all.”

  Chapter 11 - Before

  Kane rolled over as he waited for her to wake. He’d done what he could last night to ease her, well, he’d done what he wanted he should say. He chuckled as he remembered her sleeping so deep she didn’t even stir when he parted her legs and licked off the remains of her virginity. Blood wasn’t usually his thing, but with Vanity, nothing seemed ultimately off-limits.

  There were so many things he still wanted to do with her. But it was her first time, and he guessed she was bound to be sore.

  “Kane?” She turned over and gave him a sultry smile. “Good morning.”

  This really happened. Vanity was his. He’d never taken someone with an actual long-term plan before. All he was really sure about was that Vanity was his, and he was never giving her up. He placed his hand in the center of her chest to smile at the feeling of her wildly beating heart. Apparently, she was feeling the scope of this moment as deeply as he was. “Unless I’ve asked you a question, you have no right to speak in
this house without my permission. Do you understand?” he nodded, her eyes reflecting her hesitation. “Stand up, sweeting.”

  He knelt before her and fastened the cushioned cuffs of the spreader bar to her ankles. “This will keep you just where I want. Hold onto my shoulder.” Her fingers were cold, but they grasped his shoulder as he commanded. Kane wrenched the bar open wider and ran his fingers up her leg chuckling at the goosebumps that appeared in the wake of his touch.

  Kane stood, and walked around her twice before returning to look her in the eyes. They were full and unfocused, her mouth was open with small gasps escaping. He placed his hands on her hips and rocked her back and forth to check how steady she was. Pleased at how well she was adapting, he slid his hands up to her breasts to cup them in his palms. Caressing them, he alternated between gentle touches to hard twists of her nipples. Vanity let out small squeaks with every pull, but her body leaned forward each time as well. “Kane, I—”

  The smack on her ass was so loud it sounded like thunder in the peaceful room.

  “Sorry,” Vanity’s head fell forward.

  Kane moved his hand to cup her pussy, smiling at her whimper. He circled her clit tracing down to her opening, making Vanity shudder, her eyes huge now and pleading. Returning to her opening, his finger entered her easily, so he added a second right away. “Good, sweeting. I like you wet and wanting.”

  “Keep this going, and you’re going to need a sponge.”

  His eyebrow rose as he stared at her, and she bit her lip when she realized she broke the rule and knew the punishment. The sharp slap to her right ass cheek made her gasp, so he followed it up with six more, alternating between sides.

  Returning to exploring her folds, Kane ran his free hand down her back to soothe her into his hold and the posture of the spreader. When she was fully relaxed, he landed a slap on her pussy, making sure his palm hit her clit. Her head threw back, and she let out a small screech. “Noise counts as talking,” he informed her. He slapped her clit again and had to bite his own lip to keep from chuckling at the noses escaping her tightly held mouth. Then his other hand smacked her ass, alternating between her ass and her clit until she was shuddering on the verge of release.


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