Intense - Aspen Drake & Emily Cain

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Intense - Aspen Drake & Emily Cain Page 4

by Special Forces - Operation Alpha

  He watched me in silence, contemplating my words.

  “I won’t fight you. I won’t try to run. I’ll do whatever you ask. It’s a fair trade. Please take it.” I knew what Parker would do to me. I wasn’t stupid. He wasn’t the sweet but dark man I thought I knew. He was pure evil. A monster. He would enslave me and take me against my will. I’d be his plaything and probably wish for death.

  But I had to try.

  He released a quiet sigh. “If I agree, you can never run. If you do, I’ll kill him.”

  Tears broke the surface and dripped down my cheeks. “Okay.” I was relieved he was accepting my offer so my father could be free. But I was also disappointed to hand my life over to a man I knew nothing about.

  He studied my face for another moment before he turned away. “Release him.”

  I wanted to fall to my knees, but I managed to stay on my feet. I’d accomplished what I set out to do.

  They pulled my dad out of the van and returned him to the concrete. One man cut his restraints, and the other cut his blindfold. Dad was still passed out, but his lips were slightly parted as if he were merely sleeping.

  Parker eyed him then he turned his gaze on me, silently commanding me to get into the van.

  I approached my dad and kneeled on the floor. My hand rested on his bloody cheek as his chest rose and fell at a steady rate. I stared at him, trying to remember the last moment I had with my father. “Goodbye, Daddy. I love you.” I kissed his forehead before I got up on my feet.

  Like a statue void of emotion, Parker watched me without sympathy.

  Never in my life had I been so scared. I was about to get in the back of a dark van without any idea where I would end up. I’d agreed to be Parker’s prisoner, and I knew unspeakable things would happen. It would probably be worse than death, and I prayed for the end to come quickly.

  I usually faced my fears and conquered them, but in this instance, I was beyond terrified. No longer was I in control of my own destiny. I’d handed the reins over to a fiend. Invisible shackles bound my wrists, ankles, and my neck. Every time the sun set, I would hope it would be my last.

  I stepped inside the van and took a seat in the corner.

  Parker got inside then shut the door behind him. He leaned against the opposite wall and watched me with an unreadable expression.

  In most cases, I could hold any gaze without being intimidated. I always held my ground without falter. When the ground was uneven, I found my footing and stayed steady.

  But this time was different.

  This time, I looked away.

  Chapter 5

  A syringe was plunged into my arm as soon as the van started moving. I don’t know how much time passed, but when I woke up, I was in a warm bed with luxurious sheets. The pillows were made of silk, and I felt like I was sleeping on a cloud.

  When I opened my eyes, I took a deep breath and stared at the high ceiling. It was dark, rustic wood. It took a few seconds for my eyes to focus, still groggy from whatever was used to sedate me. Since I avoided medications as much as possible, even for headaches, that stuff knocked me out hard.

  Once my gaze was clear, I examined my surroundings. The hardwood floor was made of a rich mahogany, and a white rug covered most of it. The fireplace directly in front of my bed was made of white stone, and the dressers and vanity were white too, pure as fresh snow. My gaze drifted to the large window that I assumed would be my permanent view. It reached from floor to ceiling, and it was at least twelve feet tall. The view I saw made me blink and gasp at the same time.

  A village was at the bottom of a hill, and the lights from the houses twinkled like Christmas lights. The valley was small, and there were only a few hundred buildings.

  “Oh. My. God.”

  I knew exactly where I was. I was in Switzerland.

  I sat up quickly and realized I was wearing red plaid pajamas. It was a two-piece set, and the delicate fabric was one I didn’t recognize.

  I left the bed and stood at the window. Staring out over the breathtaking view, I forgot the real danger I was in. It was so peaceful that it subdued my mind. After Parker did unspeakable things to me, at least I could come in here and stare at this.

  When I knew I couldn’t put it off any longer, I examined the private bathroom and the walk-in closet. Clothes were already inside, and they looked like they would fit me.

  I returned to the main room and looked around. The fact that Parker changed my clothes pissed me off, but there was nothing I could do about it. I gave myself over to him freely, and I knew what to expect.

  There was a light tapping on my door.

  Apparently, Parker knew I was awake.

  “Come in.” May as well get it over with.

  The door opened, but Parker didn’t come inside. A woman in her forties greeted me with a genuine smile. “How are you feeling, dear?”

  Caught off guard, I blurted out the first thing that came to mind. “Who are you?”

  Her smile didn’t falter, not at all taken aback by my rudeness. “I’m Jana. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” She didn’t attempt to shake my hand or hug me. “I’m the caretaker here. If there’s anything you need, just let me know.”

  Caretaker? What? “Thanks…I’m Sierra.”

  “Yes, I know. It’s a pleasure to formally meet you.”

  Why was she so polite and nice? Did Parker threaten to kill her if she did otherwise? “You too…”

  “Can I get you anything?” she asked. “Perhaps some hot cocoa. The Swiss version is much better than the American version, even those that claim they’re from Switzerland.”

  “I’m okay.”

  “How about some food? You haven’t eaten in nearly twenty-four hours.”

  That much time had passed? What was my father doing? Was he okay? Everything came back to me. “I want to talk to Parker.”

  “He’s unavailable.” She wasn’t as cheery as she was a moment ago.

  “Why? What do you mean?”

  “He’s working right now. But I’ll pass on the message.”

  “He’s working?” I asked. “Does that mean he’s killing someone?”

  Jana’s face contorted in disapproval. “I’ll let him know you want to speak to him.” She walked out and shut the door behind her, purposely slamming it.

  I sighed then turned back to the window. The only way I would make it through this was if I stayed calm.

  Without anything better to do, I decided to take a shower. That was one simple pleasure I could have. And when the water fell, it blocked out all other noise. It was a great way for me to pretend I was alone—even if I wasn’t.

  Hunger started to get to me, so I finally left my bedroom. It was at the top of a staircase and doors were on either side of my room. Over the railing, I could see the living room down below.

  My instinct told me to use the opportunity to snoop around the house, but I didn’t want to get a beating for it, so I didn’t take the chance. As I headed to the kitchen, I examined every door and bit of architecture. The living room had an expansive window, ten times bigger than the one in my room, and it showed the same view. The village glowed like it was on fire.

  When I entered the kitchen, Jana was cooking at the stove.

  “I’m glad you had a change of appetite,” she said as she scooped beef stew into bowls. “I was getting worried there.”

  “I don’t eat much. Just giving you a heads-up.”

  “Well, you’re welcome to have anything out of the kitchen whenever you want.”

  “Thanks.” I needed to be nice to her, but it wasn’t easy. She was Parker’s employee but that didn’t mean she was evil like him. Perhaps she was forced to be there too. I had no idea what her situation was, and butting heads with her would get me nowhere.

  Jana set the table with two places settings.

  Was she joining me? Or was that for Parker?

  “Is he available yet?” I asked.

  She glanced at the clock. “He should be home
any minute.”

  “Where does he work?” I asked. “Where does he go?”

  Jana acted like she didn’t hear my questions. “Wine?”

  “Got anything stronger?”

  She chuckled. “I can make anything.”

  “How about some whiskey on ice?”

  “That’s pretty hard for dinner, but if that’s what you want…” She opened a few cabinets then made the drink. She set the glass on the table along with a fresh loaf of bread from the oven.

  My mouth immediately started to salivate.

  Just when I was about to take a bite, I heard the sound of a door opening and closing.

  Parker walked into the room in jeans and a thick black jacket. He took it off and hung it on the coat rack. Underneath, he wore a long-sleeved t-shirt. The muscles of his arms were sharp and defined. His chest was wide and powerful, and his face was cleanly shaven.

  “Hey, Jana,” he said politely. “Dinner smells good.”

  “Thanks.” She smiled like his compliment meant a lot to her. “Sit down and dig in.”

  What the fuck? Why were they acting so normal?

  Parker came to the table and took the seat across from me. He didn’t look at me and pretty much acted like I didn’t exist. When I took my father’s place, I didn’t expect to wake up in a beautiful house with an even more beautiful view. And I didn’t expect to have a maid who said I could have whatever I wanted.

  Parker broke off a piece of bread and ate like this was totally normal.

  I watched him in utter fascination, no longer hungry.

  When he realized I wasn’t going to stop staring, he looked at me. “Yes?”

  Now that I had his attention, I didn’t know what to say. There were so many questions in my head. “My father. Is he okay?”

  “They dropped him off at his house. He woke up with a bad migraine. Other than that, he’s fine.”

  “Did you tell him what happened to me?”

  “I’m sure he figured it out.”

  My father would come for me. He was a CIA operative, and he had the skills and resources to track me down. Eventually, he would figure out where I was and break me out.

  Parker read my mind. “He’s not coming for you.”

  “Excuse me?” I still hadn’t eaten my food.

  “If you think he’s going to rescue you, he’s not.” Parker kept eating like this conversation was casual.

  “He will.”

  “No, he won’t.”

  “He wouldn’t give up on me.”

  “That’s what bothers me the most,” he said with a sigh. “You were willing to risk your life to save him, but he won’t do the same for you. It’s disgusting.”

  “You don’t know him.” My voice came out threatening. I had nothing to bring him down with, but if it were just Parker and me and he didn’t have a gun on him, I think I could take him.

  “Yes, I do. You’re the one who doesn’t know him.”

  “Every villain thinks their crimes are justified. Hitler thought he was the hero, not the devil.”

  “He was the devil,” he said. “And I completely agree with your statement. But your father is the villain in this story. I hate to break it to you, sweetheart.”

  “Yet, you’re the one who kidnapped me.”

  “It’s not kidnapping when it’s voluntary.” He broke off another piece of bread.

  “Who are you?” He probably had a completely different name and identity. It couldn’t have been a coincidence that he spent time with me and then kidnapped my father a few weeks after that.


  “That’s not your real name, and we both know it.”

  “Actually, it is.” He sipped his wine and kept eating. He seemed indifferent, like he didn’t care what I thought about him. “Everything I told you about myself is true.”

  “You didn’t tell me anything.”


  I shook my head in disbelief. “And you’re a vigilante or something?”

  He chuckled. “No, I work for a company called McKay-Taggart Group. I’ve been hired to disable your father.”

  I crossed my arms over my chest and didn’t eat. “If he’s so dangerous, why did you let him go?”

  His eyes were glued to his food. “I have my reasons…”

  I knew what they were. I knew what he expected of me. He made it very clear he wanted me, and when he didn’t get me, he was disappointed. Now, he had exactly what he wanted. I was at his mercy, and there was nothing I could do but bend over and take it. “How can you consider yourself to be a good guy if you took me hostage?”

  “You aren’t a hostage,” he said. “You gave yourself up voluntarily. I didn’t make you do anything.”

  “But you—”

  “That’s enough questions and accusations for the night.” He cut me off with just his tone. “Now let me enjoy my dinner. You can talk about something else if you want, but I’m not in the mood to be interrogated.”

  “Bad day?” Venom seeped from my voice. “Have to kill some kids?”

  His eyes met mine, and there was a threat there. His brown irises were practically black, and his muscles coiled like he was provoked. He was a snake about to strike.

  I fell silent because I was actually scared.

  He looked down again and kept eating.

  I cleared my throat and started to eat. “Switzerland?” It wasn’t really a question, but it’s the first thing that came to mind.

  “Yes.” He didn’t even look up from his plate.

  “Were you born here?”

  “No. I’m American.”

  “Oh.” I took a few bites of my stew and actually liked it. It was way better than anything I ever made, even the frozen cheese sticks.

  “I’ll show you around the village,” Parker said. “You’ll love it.”

  “Are you here all the time?” I may as well ask as many questions as he allowed. When my father rescued me, I wanted to have as much information as possible.

  “No. I’ve been in Fort Hood, Texas for the past year. This just happens to be one of my favorite homes.”

  “How many homes do you have?” His car was nice and all, but I didn’t think he had that kind of money.

  “A lot. Do you like your room?” Even though he was obviously avoiding my question, it seemed like he really wanted to know how I was doing. He wasn’t just asking to be polite.

  I smiled and put my spoon down. “Yes, it’s beautiful.”

  “The fireplace isn’t gas. Let me know if you need firewood. I keep it outside.”

  “I’ll be fine, thanks.” I wasn’t going to start demanding things in his home. Being easy to live with was my best hope for having a pleasant life. “Do you ski?”

  “Snowboard,” he said. “I go whenever I have time.”

  “That’s another hobby of yours you didn’t tell me about.” It was hard to believe he was the same guy who made my knees buckle and my thighs squeeze together. Not once did I suspect he was a criminal.

  He chuckled. “I guess I forgot.” His eyes turned to mine and they lightened slightly.

  “What do you do when you’re here?”

  “There’s another building on the property. I work from there for the privacy.”

  That gave me an idea. If I could get to a phone or an Internet line, I could call for help. All I had to do was be discreet about it.

  Parker read my mind without even looking at me. “If you try to call someone and tell them where you are, your father won’t survive. Call my bluff. I hope you do. And if you try to hurt Jana or me, I’ll kill him. If you do anything outside of the rules I laid out, I’ll end his life with the snap of my fingers.” He looked up at me and stared deep into my eyes. “Do you understand me?”

  I didn’t need to call his bluff to know he was being honest. His eyes said it all. His entire body exuded hostility. There was so much about him I didn’t know, but I knew he had unlimited resources. He could make anything happen if he wan
ted it to happen.

  He continued to watch me as he waited for my response.

  “I understand.”

  A fire roared in the hearth as I sat on the floor facing the window. The white rug underneath me was so soft I could sleep on it. When my hair was nearly dry, I braided it while I stared out the window.

  My former life was gone. It was like I’d disappeared from the world. My friends would wonder what happened to me. Dr. Phillips would be happy I was no longer in her class. There might be an investigation into my disappearance, but maybe not. My father wouldn’t push for a search because he knew exactly who took me. One day, he would find me. Parker said that wouldn’t happen, but I didn’t believe a word he said.

  I didn’t know him at all.

  The only solace I had was the view. It was the only thing keeping me sane. A psychopath was now my master, and there wasn’t a single thing I could do to get away. I’d made my sacrifice. Bitching about it and feeling sorry for myself wouldn’t change anything.

  There was a loud knock on the door. It didn’t sound like Jana’s. Hers was light and somehow feminine.

  I knew it was Parker. “Come in.”

  The lights were off because the roaring fire was enough. Plus, the lights from the village were prettier without artificial lights surrounding me.

  Parker came into the room then sat beside me on the ground. He wore grey sweatpants that hung low on his hips, and he was shirtless.

  I tried not to notice.

  He looked out the window with me and didn’t say anything.

  I knew why he was there. I had to fulfill my end of the bargain. I promised I would do as he asked in exchange for my father’s life. It was a fair exchange, and I was attracted to him. At one point, I wanted to sleep with him anyway. It wouldn’t be that bad.


  He rested his arms on his knees. “It looks like something from a Disney movie, huh?”


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