Taken by the Thief

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Taken by the Thief Page 7

by Eliza Lockhart

  “Yes. She was killed in a turf war with another don. She was in father’s car. They thought it was him and ran it off the road into the river.”

  It was my turn to give her a sympathetic squeeze as I paused, most of her cuts, grazes and bruises cleaned and covered again.

  “I was only five. Old enough to remember her, but not to have asked her for advice on so many things I wish I could now.”

  “I think she’d be proud of you.”

  Raising her eyebrows, she looked at me.

  “Thank you.” She gave me a wan smile. “For everything.”

  “For torturing you so Petrushkov wouldn’t win this little don war? Or for making you my toy beforehand so I’d need to break you even more than a normal woman?” I asked, not hiding my disgust at what I’d done to her.

  “For trusting me, and for caring enough to be here now. I know you don’t love me, but you’re the first person to actually ask me what I want and then help me get it.”

  “You’re helping me too. This way I get close to a powerful don and I get his daughter. One step closer to the top.”

  “It feels like fate or something like it brought us together at the club. You’ve changed my life.”

  I nodded, not trusting myself to speak. I’d done so much to her in such a short space of time.

  Pull yourself together, Kostya. This isn’t how you live your life. She’s just a woman. A pussy to fuck and someone who will give you more power.

  “There,” I said, the last cut cleaned and her body wrapped back up in the blanket again. She gave me another grateful smile and I put some distance between us, taking the first-aid kit back to the kitchen.



  Every time I moved pain flared, but still I felt calm. My ordeal was over. No one would ever do anything to me like Kostya had done ever again. I’d endured it. And already some of it was fading from my mind.

  I had also felt calmer, more like the door was closed on the whole thing, after sitting and talking to Kostya for a bit. It was almost like he was a different person. Kostya and Konstantine, two men in one body.

  As I thought about what his childhood must have been like, I shuddered. It must have been similar to what he’d just put me through but without the knowledge of an end. Without the solace of being able to stop it.

  No wonder he didn’t want to talk about it or what he’d done to me. What little I could imagine of it was enough to make me feel sick.

  But perhaps I can make him feel better. He’d walked away looking like he might cry despite his attempts to seem business-like, but I’d noticed he had also torn his eyes away from my body, like he didn’t want to stop being close to me. I wanted to comfort him, and at the same time to seek some comfort of my own.

  Leaving my blanket behind, I strode into the kitchen. He quickly whirled, my padding feet announcing my presence. Before he could utter a single word I walked up to him and ran a hand down his arm, pressing my torso close.

  “Why don’t you come back to the sofa with me and we can cuddle a bit, make out and see where it goes,” I said, hoping I sounded more confident than I felt. “I think we could both do with a little fun.”

  “Are you sure that’s what you want?” His face was full of concern but his eyes spoke of his need, roving over my body.

  “Yes. I might need you to be more gentle than normal, but I think this sort of thing might be a bit like falling off a horse. I need to get back on it as quickly as possible.”

  “Well, you’re definitely welcome to ride this horse,” he replied, grinning.

  Chuckling at the bad pun, I took his hand and led him back to the sofa. Almost as soon as we were there, he seemed to recover from his hesitation and instead of me leading the proceedings, he started to take the control back.

  He soon sat down, pulling me down with him, one leg each side of him. I was immediately aware of his erection, straddling the hardness.

  His hands snaked up my back and into my hair, moving across a part of my body significantly less damaged for whatever reason. As his mouth found my neck, he pulled my head back by my hair. A groan escaped my lips, my body beginning to hear up and respond.

  That’s better, I thought as he nibbled my skin and worked his way slowly downwards.

  Although he was still a little nippy with his teeth and often hurt me a little, he was far gentler than normal, his mouth soft on my nipples as he brought each one to a hard point in turn.

  Moaning as he continued to work lower, I felt heat flush between my legs and my body stir towards him. It wasn’t beyond the realms of possibility for me to get turned on, but I’d heard others say how a single bad experience with men could make it hard for that woman to ever truly enjoy sex again.

  I desperately hoped that wouldn’t be the case for me. Kostya needed me. He needed a woman able to take his mercurial moods and desires. Somehow I had to remember how good it had been between us. Already, it helped to look at him. The whole time he’d tortured me I’d been robbed of sight, but now I was both free and able to see him. Despite my submissive nature, this felt different.

  His hands continued to avoid my most sore areas, almost instinctively, and instead his mouth went lower and lower as he twisted me and tilted me back onto the sofa until I lay beneath him.

  As his mouth reached the top of my sex I moaned, and a few seconds later he flicked his powerful tongue across my clit. Working in circles, he stoked the fire within me by lapping at my most sensitive area until I was far wetter and panting with need.

  I expected him to stop, his manhood throbbing against my leg and my own orgasm threateningly close, but he didn’t pause. Unable to take it anymore, I tipped over the edge into oblivion. Crying out, I succumbed to wave after wave of pleasure.

  “It sounds like so far so good,” he said once I’d come down a long way and could speak again.

  I nodded, not entirely sated but feeling better about everything that had happened. Slowly, I reached out a hand for him, and instead of pushing me away as he had on previous occasions, he let my hand wander and slide into his pants, his boxers the only thing left between us.

  He moaned as I ran a firm grip up and down a single time, the fabric doing most of the work. I bypassed that next, taking hold of his erection and running a thumb over his exposed tip.

  As his eyes closed, his face more than a little pleased, I grinned to myself and slowly slid my hand up and down.

  “I think you’re enjoying this,” I said a moment later when he tilted his head back.

  “It’s amazing that you’re so willing. I honestly wondered if I’d ever get to do anything with you again. This is far more than I’d hoped for. But I love everything about you, princess.”

  He stopped speaking for a moment as I pleasured him.

  “But?” I asked, sensing the unspoken words at the end.

  “If I was inside you this would be even more perfect, but even like this, this helps make what happened feel a little less awful.”

  Hearing him talk about being in me made me actually think of it, especially considering how much he was trying not to push for it. He was still sitting back, eyes closed, letting me do as I pleased.

  After closing my eyes for a second and imagining him making love to me as he had several days earlier, I grew wetter, giving me confidence to try and give him what he truly desired. Pushing myself beyond my fears before I could truly feel them, I straddled him, freed his erection and aimed it at my opening.

  As I pressed him against me, I heard him gasp. Before he could tell me not to, I plunged down on his manhood, the suddenness both taking him by surprise and not allowing me to get anxious. Gently, I rolled my hips against him, using my body to please his in a way that hardened him even further and made his words catch in his throat.

  His hands reached for my hips, settling into the gentle rocking motion he’d found me in. So full of him, I didn’t have long to enjoy it before he was growing closer to the finish, his hands pushing me
on to a faster pace.

  I tried to slow, to keep him going and enjoying it for longer, but his grip was too tight and the best I could do was provide a pussy for him to push his manhood into again and again.

  He was soon panting, eager and hungry, but keeping himself from spilling over well enough that my own body could enjoy the dominant display and grow wetter and wetter.

  “Come for me, princess,” he said. “Let me feel you orgasm around my cock. It’ll make you so tight.”

  At first I felt my body trying to do the exact opposite and cool off, his command sounding too much like Konstantine, but I looked at him and imagined myself enjoying his commands again in the future. That and thinking of our previous sexual encounters was enough to tip me over the edge.

  Moaning, I felt the orgasm roll through me, my body becoming buzzed with hormones and other chemicals. Not long after, Kostya did the same, holding me close against him afterwards.

  As we came down I gave him a brief kiss.

  “I hope that was satisfactory,” I said, suddenly feeling a bit shy, almost ashamed of how limited our lovemaking was right now.

  “More so than you think,” he said. “I didn’t know if you’d be up to that. It’s amazing to find you are.”

  I sighed, wanting to nestle into him, grow comfortable again, and then fuck like we used to, but something held me back. For now things weren’t quite the same between us, but I was determined to get them closer to what we’d had in time.

  “Want to cuddle, watch movies, then screw some more when we’re ready?” I asked, grateful I could at least find the voice for that. He pressed a kiss to my forehead, still holding me close.

  “I would love to do all that, but it’s getting time I took these new tapes out to Vasily and your father. They need to cave and give in to my demands so I can officially let you go.”

  I nodded, letting him lift me back to my feet as he stood. Gently, he placed my blanket back around me.

  “Rest. Get your strength back and begin to heal. It will make it more fun when I do get back. We’ll have tonight together, I’m sure.”

  His words brought a smile to my face and made my heart feel lighter. I loved the sound of spending a night undisturbed with him, but as he slipped from me and out to get the packages he needed I couldn’t help but feel worried for his safety. What if he didn’t come back? He’d said he wasn’t doing the deliveries himself, but what if his messenger turned him in? Would he come back to me?

  Before he left, he placed a kiss on my lips and stroked a stray strand of hair off my face. Silently I watched him walk away, beginning to realize I’d done this sort of thing far too much in my life. It was getting to the point that I didn’t want to be the woman left behind when things got difficult anymore. I wanted to be going too. I’d just survived something deeply horrific. What worse could anyone do to me now?



  Trying not to think about the warm, completely fuckable pussy waiting back at the house for me, I sat in the cold instead, the car engine turned off as I waited for my usual messenger and the right time.

  I’d been warned not to go back to Yazov’s apartment as soon as I’d stepped foot out of the building with Nadenka. Yazov was still working on getting me some dirt I could use to get Vasily to back off more permanently, but that didn’t mean I could stay away from everything. Using the final unmarked car that I’d hidden about the city in advance, I waited.

  Eventually the kid appeared and I drove up beside him. One glance and he dismissed the kids hanging out with him, coming over to the car with a bit of a swagger.

  “Same places as last time,” I said, holding out both packages. “And same order.”

  “All right, Mister, but neither of them liked their packages last time. I didn’t get tipped.”

  “I’m paying you far too much for a tip, and don’t expect one with this lot either. It’s more of the same. Bad news for them.”

  “Almost always is. Nice to have some interesting deliveries though. And don’t get me wrong, I’ll deliver anything you want, sir, as often as you want it.”

  “Good. I may have need of you once more before this whole fiasco is over.” I smiled at him, waiting for him to stow the parcels safely before I handed him the first part of the payment.

  As the day before, I drove to a familiar spot in the woods, turned on my comm systems and listened for Vasily’s reaction to the second, much worse video.

  “How has Konstantine managed to get another video to me without being caught?” Vasily demanded first. He got to his feet, scraping a chair on the floor. He barely listened to or watched the video for more than a few minutes before he demanded his guard come back.

  “I want to know exactly why you’ve not got this man yet,” Vasily growled.

  “He’s covered his tracks well, and no one wants to tell us anything about him,” the guard replied. “Or they don’t know anything. We’ve asked a few people and we always get different answers.”

  “Who have you been asking?” Vasily demanded.

  “We asked the kid, but he just said Konstantine dropped them by the club and the dancers gave him the job.”

  “That annoying club. Yazov insists on being neutral territory, but if the other dons weren’t all in support of having somewhere in the city we consider neutral, I’d burn the place down and him along with it. He just allows those who want to cause havoc and play games to have a hiding place.”

  “Yes, sir. Should we do anything about it or send one of the lads to question Yazov?” the guard asked.

  “No.” Vasily sighed. “Leave him be for now. But I’m sure he used to help my brother. If I can ever find proof, I’m going to make him vanish as well.”

  “Of course, sir. What do you want to do about Konstantine and Nadenka? Our men haven’t found her yet, either.”

  “I’m starting to think your men are useless.”

  A smile crept across my face. He wasn’t wrong. His men were useless, but they were mostly not kitted out for this sort of problem. And I’d been doing this for as long as I could remember. They didn’t have a hope of finding me or Nadenka.

  Listening a little longer, I waited to see if he’d head to Sokolov again, like he did the first time, but instead I heard the rustle of pages and then a door opened.

  “Boris?” Vasily yelled.

  “Yes, sir?” a voice returned. There was another rustle of paper as Vasily seemed to hand something over.

  “See what you can do with this. It’s our best lead. And get the car. I’m going out. I don’t know when I’ll be back.”

  The footsteps faded away, leaving me to listen to nothing.

  Quickly I moved the car, hoping to not only listen to Sokolov’s reaction but to find that was where Vasily was heading.

  A little behind the messenger, I found Sokolov had already watched some of the video and was ranting to someone about how vile I was.

  “When that rat is finally caught I will personally see to it that he’s drawn and quartered for his betrayal. My poor little girl at the hands of that monster!”

  “Sir, I am sure we’ll find him soon.”

  “You had better. Or the idiot who started this all, Vasily Petrushkov, had better. I want Konstantine’s head, or his,” Sokolov said, yelling in his anger.

  “Sorry to interrupt, sir, but Mr. Petrushkov has just arrived,” a new voice said.

  “Good. Show him in and then ensure we’re not disturbed.”

  There was the patter of feet, closing and opening of doors, and then finally one of the men spoke again.

  “I assume you received this second video as well?” Sokolov asked.

  “I did,” Vasily replied. “Konstantine has stuck to his promise.”

  “And you’ve not yet found him?”

  “No, but—”

  “Unacceptable. You assured me yesterday that if I didn’t give in to his demands but held out you would find him before I had to. And Nadenka, my daughter and your
fiancée, has spent another twenty-four hours with that monster, suffering as he does exactly as he pleases with her.”

  “Feel free to hand over half of your entire territory,” Vasily replied, sounding like he was angry and mocking Sokolov. “It won’t take away what he’s done to her already.”

  “No, but it will get her back and ensure nothing more happens.”

  “Forgive me if I believe there’s another way. You should wait. He’s bound to make a mistake.”

  “And forgive me for not taking the chance with my daughter. Your fiancée, might I remind you again. Or at least she might be your fiancée. I am more than a little worried that if this was down to you, you’d leave her there in his hands, and I refuse to let her marry you without letting her know how you’ve treated her plight.” Sokolov spoke in a low voice, clearly threatening to break off their wedding.

  “I fully plan to get her back, and walk Nadenka down the aisle, but I will make Konstantine pay for taking her as well.”

  Sokolov boot stomped on the ground once, coming closer, and I could almost imagine the way he was threatening the Petrushkov don.

  “Then you had better hurry up and do it, because I’m giving him what he wants first thing in the morning, before he can do anything else to hurt my daughter. And if you truly care for her as you say, you won’t sleep until you’ve succeeded.”

  There was silence following these words, and I wondered what was happening. Was Vasily suitably admonished? Or had he already gone and Sokolov wasn’t simply silent?

  As a door slammed I got most of an answer. Someone was angry and they’d left. It took all my control not to laugh. They were all playing right into my hands. The Moscow dons were so proud of their little empire, but in reality, it was as easy to topple as I’d expected. And in another few days I’d be on top.

  Delight and excitement turned my mind to Nadenka and her part in all this. She’d been perfect, and more than I’d hoped for. And now I would get to enjoy an entire night with her, knowing she was still willing to let me be master of her body and sexual adventures. Just the thought made my groin stir and stiffen, eager to claim her some more.


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