Love Is Danger (Club Aegis Book 3)

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Love Is Danger (Club Aegis Book 3) Page 15

by Christie Adams

  Having just about talked herself around to what she needed to do to go through with this, she was just about in position on the table when she heard the door open and close again, followed by familiar, clipped footsteps going around the foot of the table and the sound of someone making themselves comfortable on the daybed. Startled by this unexpected development, she turned to look—and saw Cam stretching out as if he were a sultan from the Arabian Nights, looking like a movie star in the aubergine-coloured silk shirt and mid-grey suit. The jacket had been carelessly discarded to one side. Her eyebrows rose on an unspoken question, while her treacherous pussy twitched hungrily at the sight of him. Down, girl.

  “Just relax, honey.” He soothed her suddenly jangling nerves with soft words and a smile. “You look beautiful. Mari’s going to get you nice and comfortable. Whatever she does, just go with the flow. Understand?”

  Beautiful? Like this? In spite of that disbelief, whatever happened next, Cam wouldn’t let her be harmed—Stacie knew that. So, while she remained more than a little apprehensive, she moved her head to a more comfortable position, let the haunting New Age music flow through her…and tried to calm down as much as she could, with her backside stuck in the air. Oh yes, this was definitely undignified…in neon letters six feet high. And this was supposed to be relaxing? Nobody had warned her that she’d have to leave her dignity on the other side of the door…

  Oh lord. Just when she thought it couldn’t get any worse, gentle hands were moving her thighs apart, exposing her intimate parts to the world. Every part of Stacie’s body tensed—although she’d had a massage at a spa before, this was the first time she’d ever been touched so intimately by a woman, by hands as light and slender as her own…so different from Cam’s firm, possessive caresses. She swallowed hard, as if by doing so, she could force down the swelling wave of panic that could easily engulf her.

  And then it started…the trickle of warmed oil over her lower back and bottom, followed by the soft touch of careful feminine hands spreading the liquid over her skin. That’s okay. The hands moved down her thighs and along her calves, even massaged the soles of her feet and her toes, before sweeping upward again, all the way to her back and shoulders.

  Mari’s expert touch was so soothing, from her shoulders down Stacie’s arms to her wrists where the young woman carried out a gentle manipulation of her fingers and other joints. Stacie was barely aware of the gentle kneading of her shoulders and the strokes down either side of her spine. It was all so divinely comforting, and little by little, she began to relax. This wasn’t so bad after all—a touch more personal than she’d anticipated, but it wasn’t challenging her boundaries too much.

  The masseuse continued to move around her, graceful and silent as she administered the treatment. Her mind up among the clouds, Stacie was finally calm, even beginning to entertain the vague thought that she could get used to this. The rude awakening came when the hands that had been touching her with impersonal care parted the cheeks of her bottom, and she felt fingers that had no business being there apply an intimate caress to her pussy.

  Stacie’s fight-or-flight reflex sprang into action. In a second, she was sitting on the edge of the massage table, ready to make a grab for her clothes and run. It was only the strong hands taking a firm grip of her upper arms that stopped her in her tracks.

  “Easy, honey.”

  Watching for the moment when Mari would change the nature of the massage, Cam anticipated that his sub would react in exactly the way she did. He was up and there in front of her before her feet could hit the floor. When he saw the fear in her eyes, he contemplated calling a halt to the session—but only for a moment.


  “Here, you call me Sir,” he said gravely. After all, this session was part of her training, in preparation for the visit to Aegis that she’d requested. “You remember what I told you?”

  “Go with the flow…Sir.” After a moment’s indecision, she resumed her position, her movements stiff and jerky with self-consciousness. By the way her hands clenched into the towel covering the massage table, she still wasn’t entirely at ease—in spite of that, she wasn’t safewording out of the situation either. Not yet, anyway.

  Cam went to the head of the table, where he dropped to one knee so that he could look her in the eye. He caught her attention by stroking her hair, and it was then that he saw the apprehension still shadowing her gaze.

  “Stacie, eyes on me,” he instructed her with quiet, absolute authority. “You know I’ll protect you. I swear it. Do you really think I’d allow anyone or anything to harm you? Nothing will ever hurt you while you’re with me. But if you want to go to Aegis, you need to know that you will be on display to a lot of people, maybe wearing not very much, and you need to be comfortable with that—with your body. This is a very private, low-key introduction—Aegis is an exclusive club, but if I’m to take you there, you’ll have to be prepared to cope with the close scrutiny of a not-inconsiderable number of people.” He put his hand close enough to hers for her to take it, if she wished.

  She squeezed his fingers. “It’s all right, Sir,” she whispered for his ears alone. “I can do this.”

  At that moment, Cam knew what it was like to be truly proud of his sub. He resumed his position on the daybed, reassured now that Stacie would be able to handle what he had planned for her, provided that he was with her. He caught Mari’s eye and gave her the pre-arranged signal to take things easy. He wanted to challenge Stacie’s limits without pushing her too far. And from a purely selfish point of view, he had to admit he was enjoying the scene immensely.

  Mari was highly skilled in a number of ways…as a masseuse and beauty therapist, and as a submissive to her Mistress, Alessandra. The loose white trousers and white top gave her an almost-ghostly appearance as she moved serenely around the room. Cam’s focus, however, remained on his sub. Once or twice she opened her eyes, her suddenly nervous gaze seeking him out for reassurance—at those times, he gave her a small encouraging smile or a slight nod of approval, and then she’d close her eyes again.

  Mari’s strokes gradually became more intimate again, and this time Cam was pleased to see that the light touches to the sides of her breasts and the gentle skimming of her pussy no longer alarmed Stacie. Having spent so much time with her, exploring the delights of her body and its wonderful responses to physical intimacy and stimulation, he could recognise her tells more easily now…and she was starting to become aroused, just as he was.

  It looked as if Alessandra might have been right after all…

  In her mind, Stacie slammed the door on reality and allowed her body to define its own reactions to what was being done to her. Cam—Sir—was just a few feet away, and he was there to take care of her.

  No woman had ever touched her so intimately before, yet it was gradually dawning on her that the contact held an impersonal quality that made it easier to bear, even as it was turning her on—almost as if she were being prepared for Cam. One hand was stroking her back, while the other was…

  Oh God. Mari’s fingers weren’t just stroking over her clit now—they were venturing more intimately. Not deeply but rhythmically, and that rhythm was so close to Cam’s when he was inside her that she couldn’t stop herself from moving restlessly and whimpering. She needed Cam.

  She turned her head to look in his direction—what she saw sent a sensual pulse of desire through her body, centring low in her abdomen. He was lounging on the daybed, yet every bit of his attention was on her and what was being done to her. He was calm and unmoving, and as she continued to watch him, that calmness transferred itself to Stacie. He wouldn’t let any harm come to her, he’d promised, so this must be all right.

  As the panic subsided, Stacie began to adjust, to accept what was going on. She wanted Cam so much—he wanted her too, the evidence was plain to see, yet he seemed to be able to ignore what was happening to his body while he focused on her. Stacie clutched at the edge of the massage table, but it didn�
��t help. She was going to come and Cam hadn’t given her permission. Her orgasms belonged to him, and he hadn’t given her permission for this one.

  “Let it go, Stacie.”

  She had Sir’s approval. The realisation zinged through the multi-coloured lights exploding in her mind. He wanted this…to see her come apart under Mari’s touch, so it had to be all right. This was happening because Cam wanted it to happen, and that made all the difference.

  All the difference in the world.

  The orgasm shuddered through her instantly at Cam’s low words—she couldn’t help herself. Mari’s hand stroking her back eased Stacie through her climax. As she finally calmed, she felt more oil being drizzled between the cheeks of her bottom, followed by Mari’s expert fingers, as light as the wings of the creature that shared her name.

  The masseuse continued with the intimate treatment, stroking Stacie’s mound and dipping her fingers into her pussy, penetrating her with more fingers this time, and before Stacie knew it another orgasm was building inside her, combining with memories of other orgasms, when Sir had bound her to his bed in a similar position and made her come until she could barely move.

  When she climaxed this time she cried out, so deep in the pleasure of it that she was only vaguely aware of Cam’s approving murmur.

  And still it wasn’t over. Mari removed the cushion so that Stacie could turn over and lie on her back. The change in position allowed Stacie to look at her Dom more easily.

  No man had ever looked at her with such intense desire or made her feel so wanted, so protected. He looked as if he’d eat her alive, and oh God, she wanted to give herself to him completely, submit to him in any way he wished. She wanted him, she adored him…she loved him.

  But it couldn’t be love, not so soon, not so quickly. Lust, yes. She’d entertained lascivious thoughts about Cam Fraser almost from the moment she met him, but love didn’t happen like that. It took time to get to know a person—more time than they’d had together. She’d had six months with Jonty, slept with him for most of that time, but still hadn’t developed the depth of feeling that she had even now for Cam.

  Yet, as she continued to look at him, her eyes connecting with his in a way that made Mari’s intimate exploration of her body fade into the background, Stacie felt something happening inside her—not a physical reaction to what Mari was doing to her, but an emotional reaction to Cam so strong that it was verging on the physical. Cam was the man she wanted…no, needed to be with, until the sun no longer lit the day, nor the moon the night.

  Overwhelmed by the turmoil inside her, Stacie broke eye contact with the man who was the cause of that turmoil. Consumed by the implications of what she’d just discovered about herself, Stacie offered no resistance to what the masseuse was doing. After all, it was done with Cam’s blessing…for both his pleasure and hers.

  “Stop thinking, Stacie. Just give in to it and let yourself feel everything.”

  He thought she was fretting about what was happening to her body. Understandable—after all, how could he know what was going on with her heart? He was the man she loved…and so much more. He was her Dom and his wish was her command. All she had to do was please him. And she knew what was pleasing him right now.

  Those delightfully capable hands caressed her neck and shoulders, weaving their magic and banishing tensions and worries. When they strayed towards her breasts, moved slickly over the soft flesh, she let herself feel the sensations as Cam wished her to. Her pleasure-clouded mind surrendered to the knowledge that he wanted this for both of them. Control was his, responsibility was his—and if it was what he wanted, she was free to give in to what was being done to her.

  What was to be her final orgasm under Mari’s care came on a crescendo of decadence and sheer hedonism. One of the young woman’s hands lay still over her heart, while the other was massaging her clit the way only someone completely in tune with the responses of the female body could. Arousal built like a wildfire, too much, far too much, but she couldn’t escape it. Her limbs were like lead and wouldn’t move, so all she could do was give in to the boiling waves of sensuality.

  Stacie moaned softly and looked back at her Dom. She wanted him on top of her, taking her for his own over and over again, filling her with his heat and strength. She wanted him to make her body ache from having his thick, hard cock inside her.

  The climax erupted from the depths of her soul. Her back arched off the table as she cried Cam’s name, repeating it again and again with each pulse of pure sexual euphoria that made her pussy throb with need. She was flying through the stars with Cam beside her, flying into eternity…with him.

  Stacie let herself drift back down to earth as Mari finished off the massage with soothing strokes across her shoulders and down her arms. That last orgasm was receding like an ebbing tide now, leaving behind it limbs that were as flimsy as seaweed, and with her senses gradually returning to normal, Stacie realised that she felt like a completely different woman…

  “Mistress A gave me a message for you, Master C—this room is yours for as long as you wish,” Mari informed him quietly as she washed her hands. “There are towels and robes behind the screen, and soft drinks in the refrigerator over there.”

  “Thank you, Mari,” Cam acknowledged as he rose from the divan. “I’m very pleased with what you’ve done, and I’ll be sure to let your Mistress know.”

  “Thank you, Sir.” She inclined her head in a gesture of respect and quietly left.

  The door closed behind her. Cam let out his breath on a long sigh—alone with his sub at last, something for which his body had been clamouring for the last twenty minutes.

  She was still lying supine on the massage table, covered by a thin cotton sheet and wearing what he could only describe as a drunkenly beatific smile. He went to sit beside her, his hip resting next to hers, one leg braced for support. Unable to be apart from her a moment longer, he entwined his fingers with hers.

  “How do you feel now, baby? Was this—” he gestured around the room “– anything to be scared of?”

  She shook her head. “No, Sir. I was nervous, especially when she began to touch me…” her eyes glanced down her body, “but as soon as I reminded myself that you were right here and I trust you to keep me safe, it was all right. Be careful—don’t get too close. The oil will stain your suit.”

  Cam shrugged. “It’s only clothes, but since you’re so concerned…” He stood up and unfastened the platinum and diamond cufflinks at his wrists. A few moments later, he was as naked as she was.

  “Come on, let’s get you cleaned up.”

  He lifted her into his arms, unwilling to risk letting her slip on the marble-tiled floor, and carried her to the luxuriously large shower enclosure. Now he could understand why Alex enjoyed having Beth in his arms so much—there was something infinitely satisfying for a Dom to hold his cherished sub in a way that meant she was totally dependent on him.

  Cam adjusted the water to a comfortable temperature then set about washing Stacie’s hair and sponging her skin clean. He was grateful that Alessandra insisted on using only subtly fragranced products in her spa. It was one thing for Stacie to be surrounded by the fragrance of a summer garden—he liked that—but when it came to himself, he had no desire to smell like a walking florist’s shop.

  After drying off, he fastened a robe around her delectable body and a towel around his hips, and led her by the hand to the divan. The lighting was still low and now lent the room a kind of romance that had been missing while the masseuse was present. Cam lay down first, and in one fluid movement pulled Stacie down beside him.

  She looked drowsy and sated, a long way from his worst-case scenario of hysteria at being touched by another woman. When he kissed her softly, she snuggled against him, one arm draped over his waist.

  “Honey, that was beautiful,” he told her. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything so truly erotic. You know I want you now?” His cock surged under the towel, pressed against her t

  “I know, I need you too, Sir—but what if someone comes?”

  He unfastened the robe, pushed the sides apart and let his eyes feast on her curves—the fullness of her breasts, the indent of her waist, the flare of her hips, and most of all, the length of her incredible legs. Unable to resist, he hooked one over his thigh, so her pussy was intimately acquainted with his towel-shrouded erection.

  “Do you still not trust me to protect you?” he queried gently. He bent his head and suckled at her breast, catching the nipple between his teeth with an intensity that had her arching beneath his touch.

  “I do, but—”

  “No buts, beautiful. Do you trust me?”

  She lifted her hand and touched her fingertips to his jawline. “I trust you, Sir.”

  Chapter 10

  “I love him, Jen.”

  Stacie looked at her best friend and gave a slightly sheepish smile, knowing that it was going to feel like a long lunch hour while she explained why she hadn’t yet introduced said friend to the man with whom she was now ready to admit that she was in love.

  Not that she’d even told him that yet.

  “Stacie Matheson, you—are—crazy!”


  She glanced around the restaurant, then back at Jen. “Can you keep it between us, please? I don’t want the world to know. Not before I’ve had a chance to tell Cam, at any rate. I feel bad enough telling you first, but I had to say something to someone.”

  “Well, before you do tell him, has he said anything about how he feels about you?” Jen prodded salad ingredients with her fork and wrinkled her nose. “You know my views on that subject.”

  Stacie did—beyond a shadow of a doubt. One spectacularly bad experience had soured Jen for life when it came to declarations of love. After that, she’d enclosed her heart in an impenetrable ring of steel and sworn that never again would she be the first to say those three little words. She dated infrequently, to the best of Stacie’s knowledge, thanks to her impossibly high standards and expectations.


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