The Prairie

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The Prairie Page 35

by James Fenimore Cooper


  --No leave take I; for I will ride As far as land will let me, by your side. --Shakspeare.

  The passage of the Pawnee to his village was interrupted by no scene ofviolence. His vengeance had been as complete as it was summary. Not evena solitary scout of the Siouxes was left on the hunting grounds he wasobliged to traverse, and of course the journey of Middleton's partywas as peaceful as if made in the bosom of the States. The marches weretimed to meet the weakness of the females. In short, the victors seemedto have lost every trace of ferocity with their success, and appeareddisposed to consult the most trifling of the wants of that engrossingpeople, who were daily encroaching on their rights, and reducing theRed-men of the west, from their state of proud independence to thecondition of fugitives and wanderers.

  Our limits will not permit a detail of the triumphal entry of theconquerors. The exultation of the tribe was proportioned to its previousdespondency. Mothers boasted of the honourable deaths of their sons;wives proclaimed the honour and pointed to the scars of their husbands,and Indian girls rewarded the young braves with songs of triumph. Thetrophies of their fallen enemies were exhibited, as conquered standardsare displayed in more civilised regions. The deeds of former warriorswere recounted by the aged men, and declared to be eclipsed by the gloryof this victory. While Hard-Heart himself, so distinguished for hisexploits from boyhood to that hour, was unanimously proclaimed andre-proclaimed the worthiest chief and the stoutest brave that theWahcondah had ever bestowed on his most favoured children, the Pawneesof the Loup.

  Notwithstanding the comparative security in which Middleton found hisrecovered treasure, he was not sorry to see his faithful and sturdyartillerists standing among the throng, as he entered in the wild train,and lifting their voices, in a martial shout, to greet his return.The presence of this force, small as it was, removed every shadow ofuneasiness from his mind. It made him master of his movements, gave himdignity and importance in the eyes of his new friends, and would enablehim to overcome the difficulties of the wide region which still laybetween the village of the Pawnees and the nearest fortress of hiscountrymen. A lodge was yielded to the exclusive possession of Inez andEllen; and even Paul, when he saw an armed sentinel in the uniform ofthe States, pacing before its entrance, was content to stray among thedwellings of the "Red-skins," prying with but little reserve into theirdomestic economy, commenting sometimes jocularly, sometimes gravely, andalways freely, on their different expedients, or endeavouring to makethe wondering housewives comprehend his quaint explanations of what heconceived to be the better customs of the whites.

  This enquiring and troublesome spirit found no imitators among theIndians. The delicacy and reserve of Hard-Heart were communicated to hispeople. When every attention, that could be suggested by their simplemanners and narrow wants, had been fulfilled, no intrusive foot presumedto approach the cabins devoted to the service of the strangers. Theywere left to seek their repose in the manner which most comported withtheir habits and inclinations. The songs and rejoicings of the tribe,however, ran far into the night, during the deepest hours of which, thevoice of more than one warrior was heard, recounting from the top of hislodge, the deeds of his people and the glory of their triumphs.

  Every thing having life, notwithstanding the excesses of the night, wasabroad with the appearance of the sun. The expression of exultation,which had so lately been seen on every countenance, was now changed toone better suited to the feeling of the moment. It was understood byall, that the Pale-faces, who had befriended their chief were aboutto take their final leave of the tribe. The soldiers of Middleton, inanticipation of his arrival, had bargained with an unsuccessful traderfor the use of his boat, which lay in the stream ready to receive itscargo, and nothing remained to complete the arrangements for the longjourney.

  Middleton did not see this moment arrive entirely without distrust.The admiration with which Hard-Heart regarded Inez, had not escaped hisjealous eye, any more than had the lawless wishes of Mahtoree. He knewthe consummate manner in which a savage could conceal his designs, andhe felt that it would be a culpable weakness to be unprepared for theworst. Secret instructions were therefore given to his men, while thepreparations they made were properly masked behind the show of militaryparade, with which it was intended to signalise their departure.

  The conscience of the young soldier reproached him, when he saw thewhole tribe accompanying his party to the margin of the stream, withunarmed hands and sorrowful countenances. They gathered in a circlearound the strangers and their chief, and became not only peaceful, buthighly interested observers of what was passing. As it was evident thatHard-Heart intended to speak, the former stopped, and manifested theirreadiness to listen, the trapper performing the office of interpreter.Then the young chief addressed his people, in the usual metaphoricallanguage of an Indian. He commenced by alluding to the antiquity andrenown of his own nation. He spoke of their successes in the hunts andon the war-path; of the manner in which they had always known how todefend their rights and to chastise their enemies. After he had saidenough to manifest his respect for the greatness of the Loups, and tosatisfy the pride of the listeners, he made a sudden transition to therace of whom the strangers were members. He compared their countlessnumbers to the flights of migratory birds in the season of blossoms, orin the fall of the year. With a delicacy, that none know better howto practise than an Indian warrior, he made no direct mention of therapacious temper, that so many of them had betrayed, in their dealingswith the Red-men. Feeling that the sentiment of distrust was stronglyengrafted in the tempers of his tribe, he rather endeavoured to sootheany just resentment they might entertain, by indirect excuses andapologies. He reminded the listeners that even the Pawnee Loups hadbeen obliged to chase many unworthy individuals from their villages. TheWahcondah sometimes veiled his countenance from a Red-man. No doubt theGreat Spirit of the Pale-faces often looked darkly on his children.Such as were abandoned to the worker of evil could never be brave orvirtuous, let the colour of the skin be what it might. He bade his youngmen look at the hands of the Big-knives. They were not empty, like thoseof hungry beggars. Neither were they filled with goods, like those ofknavish traders. They were, like themselves, warriors, and they carriedarms which they knew well how to use--they were worthy to be calledbrothers!

  Then he directed the attention of all to the chief of the strangers. Hewas a son of their great white father. He had not come upon the prairiesto frighten the buffaloes from their pastures, or to seek the game ofthe Indians. Wicked men had robbed him of one of his wives; no doubt shewas the most obedient, the meekest, the loveliest of them all. They hadonly to open their eyes to see that his words must be true. Now, thatthe white chief had found his wife, he was about to return to his ownpeople in peace. He would tell them that the Pawnees were just, andthere would be a line of wampum between the two nations. Let all hispeople wish the strangers a safe return to their towns. The warriors ofthe Loups knew both how to receive their enemies, and how to clear thebriars from the path of their friends.

  The heart of Middleton beat quick, as the young partisan[*] alluded tothe charms of Inez, and for an instant he cast an impatient glance athis little line of artillerists; but the chief from that moment appearedto forget he had ever seen so fair a being. His feelings, if he had anyon the subject, were veiled behind the cold mask of Indian self-denial.He took each warrior by the hand, not forgetting the meanest soldier,but his cold and collected eye never wandered, for an instant, towardseither of the females. Arrangements had been made for their comfort,with a prodigality and care that had not failed to excite some surprisein his young men, but in no other particular did he shock their manlypride, by betraying any solicitude in behalf of the weaker sex.

  [*] The Americans and the Indians have adopted several words, which each believe peculiar to the language of the others. Thus "squaw," "papoose," or child, wigwam, &c. &c., though it
is doubtful whether they belonged at all to any Indian dialect, are much used by both white and red men in their Intercourse. Many words are derived from the French, in this species of prairie nomaic. Partisan, brave, &c. are of the number.

  The leave-taking was general and imposing. Each male Pawnee was sedulousto omit no one of the strange warriors in his attentions, and of coursethe ceremony occupied some time. The only exception, and that was notgeneral, was in the case of Dr. Battius. Not a few of the young men,it is true, were indifferent about lavishing civilities on one of sodoubtful a profession, but the worthy naturalist found some consolationin the more matured politeness of the old men, who had inferred, thatthough not of much use in war, the medicine of the Big-knives mightpossibly be made serviceable in peace.

  When all of Middleton's party had embarked, the trapper lifted a smallbundle, which had lain at his feet during the previous proceedings,and whistling Hector to his side, he was the last to take his seat. Theartillerists gave the usual cheers, which were answered by a shout fromthe tribe, and then the boat was shoved into the current, and began toglide swiftly down its stream.

  A long and a musing, if not a melancholy, silence succeeded thisdeparture. It was first broken by the trapper, whose regret was not theleast visible in his dejected and sorrowful eye--

  "They are a valiant and an honest tribe," he said; "that will I sayboldly in their favour; and second only do I take them to be to thatonce mighty but now scattered people, the Delawares of the Hills. Ah'sme, Captain, if you had seen as much good and evil as I have seen inthese nations of Red-skins, you would know of how much value was a braveand simple-minded warrior. I know that some are to be found, who boththink and say that an Indian is but little better than the beasts ofthese naked plains. But it is needful to be honest in one's self, to bea fitting judge of honesty in others. No doubt, no doubt they know theirenemies, and little do they care to show to such any great confidence,or love."

  "It is the way of man," returned the Captain; "and it is probable theyare not wanting in any of his natural qualities."

  "No, no; it is little that they want, that natur' has had to give. Butas little does he know of the temper of a Red-skin, who has seen but oneIndian, or one tribe, as he knows of the colour of feathers who has onlylooked upon a crow. Now, friend steersman, just give the boat a sheertowards yonder, low, sandy point, and a favour will be granted at ashort asking."

  "For what?" demanded Middleton; "we are now in the swiftest of thecurrent, and by drawing to the shore we shall lose the force of thestream."

  "Your tarry will not be long," returned the old man, applying his ownhand to the execution of that which he had requested. The oarsmen hadseen enough of his influence, with their leader, not to dispute hiswishes, and before time was given for further discussion on the subject,the bow of the boat had touched the land.

  "Captain," resumed the other, untying his little wallet with greatdeliberation, and even in a manner to show he found satisfaction in thedelay, "I wish to offer you a small matter of trade. No great bargain,mayhap; but still the best that one, of whose hand the skill of therifle has taken leave, and who has become no better than a miserabletrapper, can offer before we part."

  "Part!" was echoed from every mouth, among those who had so recentlyshared his dangers, and profited by his care.

  "What the devil, old trapper, do you mean to foot it to the settlements,when here is a boat that will float the distance in half the time,that the jackass, the Doctor has given the Pawnee, could trot along thesame."

  "Settlements, boy! It is long sin' I took my leave of the waste andwickedness of the settlements and the villages. If I live in a clearing,here, it is one of the Lord's making, and I have no hard thoughts on thematter; but never again shall I be seen running wilfully into the dangerof immoralities."

  "I had not thought of parting," answered Middleton, endeavouring toseek some relief from the uneasiness he felt, by turning his eyes on thesympathising countenances of his friends; "on the contrary, I had hopedand believed that you would have accompanied us below, where I giveyou a sacred pledge, nothing shall be wanting to make your dayscomfortable."

  "Yes, lad, yes; you would do your endeavours; but what are the strivingsof man against the working of the devil! Ay, if kind offers and goodwishes could have done the thing, I might have been a congress man, orperhaps a governor, years agone. Your grand'ther wished the same, andthere are them still lying in the Otsego mountains, as I hope, whowould gladly have given me a palace for my dwelling. But what are richeswithout content! My time must now be short, at any rate, and I hopeit's no mighty sin for one, who has acted his part honestly near ninetywinters and summers, to wish to pass the few hours that remain incomfort. If you think I have done wrong in coming thus far to quityou again, Captain, I will own the reason of the act, without shame orbackwardness. Though I have seen so much of the wilderness, it is notto be gainsayed, that my feelings, as well as my skin, are white. Now itwould not be a fitting spectacle, that yonder Pawnee Loups should lookupon the weakness of an old warrior, if weakness he should happen toshow in parting for ever from those he has reason to love, though hemay not set his heart so strongly on them, as to wish to go into thesettlements in their company."

  "Harkee, old trapper," said Paul, clearing his throat with a desperateeffort, as if determined to give his voice a clear exit; "I have justone bargain to make, since you talk of trading, which is neither more orless than this. I offer you, as my side of the business, one half of myshanty, nor do I much care if it be the biggest half; the sweetest andthe purest honey that can be made of the wild locust; always enough toeat, with now and then a mouthful of venison, or, for that matter, amorsel of buffaloe's hump, seeing that I intend to push my acquaintancewith the animal, and as good and as tidy cooking as can come fromthe hands of one like Ellen Wade, here, who will shortly be Nellysomebody-else, and altogether such general treatment as a decent manmight be supposed to pay to his best friend, or for that matter, to hisown father; in return for the same, you ar' to give us at odd momentssome of your ancient traditions, perhaps a little wholesome advice onoccasions, in small quantities at a time, and as much of your agreeablecompany as you please."

  "It is well--it is well, boy," returned the old man, fumbling at hiswallet; "honestly offered, and not unthankfully declined--but it cannotbe; no, it can never be."

  "Venerable venator," said Dr. Battius; "there are obligations, whichevery man owes to society and to human nature. It is time that youshould return to your countrymen, to deliver up some of those storesof experimental knowledge that you have doubtless obtained by so longa sojourn in the wilds, which, however they may be corrupted bypreconceived opinions, will prove acceptable bequests to those whom, asyou say, you must shortly leave for ever."

  "Friend physicianer," returned the trapper, looking the other steadilyin the face, "as it would be no easy matter to judge of the temper ofthe rattler by considering the fashions of the moose, so it would behard to speak of the usefulness of one man by thinking too much of thedeeds of another. You have your gifts like others, I suppose, and littledo I wish to disturb them. But as to me, the Lord has made me for a doerand not a talker, and therefore do I consider it no harm to shut my earsto your invitation."

  "It is enough," interrupted Middleton, "I have seen and heard so much ofthis extraordinary man, as to know that persuasions will not change hispurpose. First we will hear your request, my friend, and then we willconsider what may be best done for your advantage."

  "It is a small matter, Captain," returned the old man, succeeding atlength in opening his bundle. "A small and trifling matter is it, towhat I once used to offer in the way of bargain; but then it is thebest I have, and therein not to be despised. Here are the skins of fourbeavers, that I took, it might be a month afore we met, and here isanother from a racoon, that is of no great matter to be sure, but whichmay serve to make weight atween us."

  "And what do you propose to do with them?"

  "I offer
them in lawful barter. Them knaves the Siouxes, the Lordforgive me for ever believing it was the Konzas! have stolen the best ofmy traps, and driven me altogether to make-shift inventions, which mightforetell a dreary winter for me, should my time stretch into anotherseason. I wish you therefore to take the skins, and to offer them tosome of the trappers you will not fail to meet below in exchange for afew traps, and to send the same into the Pawnee village in my name. Becareful to have my mark painted on them; a letter N, with a hound's ear,and the lock of a rifle. There is no Red-skin who will then dispute myright. For all which trouble I have little more to offer than my thanks,unless my friend, the bee-hunter here, will accept of the racoon, andtake on himself the special charge of the whole matter."

  "If I do, may I b--!" The mouth of Paul was stopped by the hand ofEllen, and he was obliged to swallow the rest of the sentence, whichhe did with a species of emotion that bore no slight resemblance to theprocess of strangulation.

  "Well, well," returned the old man, meekly; "I hope there is no heavyoffence in the offer. I know that the skin of a racoon is of smallprice, but then it was no mighty labour that I asked in return."

  "You entirely mistake the meaning of our friend," interrupted Middleton,who observed, that the bee-hunter was looking in every direction but theright one, and that he was utterly unable to make his own vindication."He did not mean to say that he declined the charge, but merely thathe refused all compensation. It is unnecessary, however, to say moreof this; it shall be my office to see that the debt we owe, is properlydischarged, and that all your necessities shall be anticipated."

  "Anan!" said the old man, looking up enquiringly into the other's face,as if to ask an explanation.

  "It shall all be as you wish. Lay the skins with my baggage. We willbargain for you as for ourselves."

  "Thankee, thankee, Captain; you grand'ther was of a free and generousmind. So much so, in truth, that those just people, the Delawares,called him the 'Openhand.' I wish, now, I was as I used to be, in orderthat I might send in the lady a few delicate martens for her tippetsand overcoats, just to show you that I know how to give courtesyfor courtesy. But do not expect the same, for I am too old to give apromise! It will all be just as the Lord shall see fit. I can offer younothing else, for I haven't liv'd so long in the wilderness, not to knowthe scrupulous ways of a gentleman."

  "Harkee, old trapper," cried the bee-hunter, striking his own hand intothe open palm which the other had extended, with a report but littlebelow the crack of a rifle, "I have just two things to say--Firstly,that the Captain has told you my meaning better than I can myself; and,secondly, if you want a skin, either for your private use or to sendabroad, I have it at your service, and that is the skin of one PaulHover."

  The old man returned the grasp he received, and opened his mouth to theutmost, in his extraordinary, silent, laugh.

  "You couldn't have given such a squeeze, boy, when the Teton squawswere about you with their knives! Ah! you are in your prime, and in yourvigour and happiness, if honesty lies in your path." Then the expressionof his rugged features suddenly changed to a look of seriousness andthought. "Come hither, lad," he said, leading the bee-hunter by a buttonto the land, and speaking apart in a tone of admonition and confidence;"much has passed atween us on the pleasures and respectableness of alife in the woods, or on the borders. I do not now mean to say that allyou have heard is not true, but different tempers call for differentemployments. You have taken to your bosom, there, a good and kind child,and it has become your duty to consider her, as well as yourself,in setting forth in life. You are a little given to skirting thesettlements but, to my poor judgment, the girl would be more like aflourishing flower in the sun of a clearing, than in the winds of aprairie. Therefore forget any thing you may have heard from me, which isnevertheless true, and turn your mind on the ways of the inner country."

  Paul could only answer with a squeeze, that would have brought tearsfrom the eyes of most men, but which produced no other effect on theindurated muscles of the other, than to make him laugh and nod, as ifhe received the same as a pledge that the bee-hunter would remember hisadvice. The trapper then turned away from his rough but warm-heartedcompanion; and, having called Hector from the boat, he seemed anxiousstill to utter a few words more.

  "Captain," he at length resumed, "I know when a poor man talks ofcredit, he deals in a delicate word, according to the fashions of theworld; and when an old man talks of life, he speaks of that which he maynever see; nevertheless there is one thing I will say, and that is notso much on my own behalf as on that of another person. Here is Hector,a good and faithful pup, that has long outlived the time of a dog; and,like his master, he looks more to comfort now, than to any deeds inrunning. But the creatur' has his feelings as well as a Christian. Hehas consorted latterly with his kinsman, there, in such a sort as tofind great pleasure in his company, and I will acknowledge that ittouches my feelings to part the pair so soon. If you will set a valueon your hound, I will endeavour to send it to you in the spring, moreespecially should them same traps come safe to hand; or, if you dislikeparting with the animal altogether, I will just ask you for his loanthrough the winter. I think I can see my pup will not last beyond thattime, for I have judgment in these matters, since many is the friend,both hound and Red-skin, that I have seen depart in my day, though theLord hath not yet seen fit to order his angels to sound forth my name."

  "Take him, take him," cried Middleton; "take all, or any thing!"

  The old man whistled the younger dog to the land; and then he proceededto the final adieus. Little was said on either side. The trapper tookeach person solemnly by the hand, and uttered something friendly andkind to all. Middleton was perfectly speechless, and was driven toaffect busying himself among the baggage. Paul whistled with allhis might, and even Obed took his leave with an effort that bore theappearance of desperate philosophical resolution. When he had made thecircuit of the whole, the old man, with his own hands, shoved the boatinto the current, wishing God to speed them. Not a word was spoken, nora stroke of the oar given, until the travellers had floated past a knollthat hid the trapper from their view. He was last seen standing on thelow point, leaning on his rifle, with Hector crouched at his feet, andthe younger dog frisking along the sands, in the playfulness of youthand vigour.


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