Echoes: A Second Skin Novel (Second Skin Book 6)

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Echoes: A Second Skin Novel (Second Skin Book 6) Page 6

by M Damon Baker

  “How many are there in this army?” Despite her obvious alarm, Endreí couldn’t keep his skepticism from seeping into the words as he glanced through the window, taking his first real look at the people scampering about outside. They’d seen raiding bands before, and most were nothing more than rag-tag groups that offered little real threat to them behind their high palisade walls.

  “She counted at least three hundred, Endreí,” Rissa replied, seeming to understand his doubts.

  That was a number well-beyond anything they’d faced before; even if they were complete idiots, that many enemies could easily overwhelm their stout defenses. Irina’s village didn’t have quite the same level of protection they did, but they were no easy mark either. If they’d fallen as quickly as it seemed, the danger was obviously greater than Endreí had imagined only a moment before.

  “Was she able to tell you anything more besides their numbers?” Endreí inquired as his mind began searching for some way to counter the threat.

  “Yes,” Rissa’s voice fell into a low whisper as she replied. “Before she was forced to flee, she saw them execute one of the village leaders. Irina said it looked like the others were going to be killed as well, but she couldn’t stay long enough to see what happened after that.”

  “We need more information,” Endreí frowned, reluctant to admit that after only just returning home. Yet the presence of a large army willing to slaughter innocent people right on their doorstep warranted at least that level of response. Although there were other scouting teams, Endreí and Kara were the best the small village had. A mission as dangerous as this one obviously required their expertise.

  “That’s what we thought as well,” Rissa read his intentions clearly. “But we weren’t sure when you would get back or how soon you’d be ready to head out again, so we already sent Daisy and Len to see what they could discover.”

  Daze had become quite good over the years, and Len was no slouch either. Endreí and Kara might have been better, but he was confident they’d get the job done. Not only that, but the journey to Irina’s village would take them several days. Had he and Kara made that trip, those nights alone in the forest would have been their undoing—the sudden increase in their attraction towards each other made him certain of that.

  “What other steps are we taking?” Endreí quickly diverted his thoughts from the distressing subject. Although he’d finally noticed the bustle of activity outside, with so much occupying his mind, Endreí hadn’t really taken in what was going on around him as he sat frozen in his chair.

  “We’re adding to the barricades outside the walls, and Nate is trying to build a ballista, but it probably won’t be finished before they get here,” she replied, recognizing as he did that even though it was probably the best they could manage, the measures they were taking would not be enough to ward off the threat. Their only real hope was to present enough of an obstacle to make conquering them not worth the effort.

  “I should get to work too,” Endreí realized. If it came to a fight, he’d man the walls just like everyone else, but right up until that moment, his biggest contribution would be using his enchanting talents to enhance their defenses. With very little time to work, he’d have to get started right away for his efforts to have any real impact.

  When the shock wore off, and he was finally able to rise up out of his chair, Rissa gripped Endreí in a tight embrace before he could hurry off to his workshop. After the turmoil that had been running through his mind all morning, he wanted nothing more than to stay with her, but the dire circumstances dictated otherwise. Even so, within her arms, Endreí felt at least some of his concerns slowly begin to fade away.

  “You still reek of her,” Rissa whispered against Endreí’s chest. With the heightened senses they both possessed, he knew that Rissa would detect Kara’s lingering presence, yet there was no hint of anger or jealousy in her voice.

  “We’ll have to wash that off of you later,” her voice took on a completely different tone. “Before we go to bed.”

  With a smile that promised more than just a good night’s sleep to follow, Rissa let Endreí go, and he made his way to his workshop in a state of utter confusion. Only just that morning, both he and Kara had confessed their growing desires for each other, and he’d felt them pulling on him strongly. Yet now, only a few hours later, Endreí’s heart swung wildly towards Rissa, and thoughts of her consumed his mind.

  When he sat down at the bench within his shop, Endreí stared blankly at the pile of ballista bolts that had been left there for him. Nate had obviously planned ahead and sent the materials to be enchanted, anticipating that the device would be ready before their enemies arrived. Yet despite the urgency required, Endreí did not immediately begin working on the heavy bolts. His mind wandered down an entirely different path instead.

  The magic that was so clearly affecting both him and Kara was like nothing he’d ever encountered before. Although its hold over them was obviously quite powerful, it also seemed to wax and wane depending on the circumstances. While he was home with Rissa, its grip loosened dramatically, only to return even more forcefully once he and Kara were alone. Yet even that pattern didn’t quite hold true, Endreí realized; despite years of living with it quite safely, the forces that bound them to each other had only recently bloomed into something much more than what they’d been so comfortable with.

  It made no sense to him. Endreí understood that his love for Rissa might be enough to drive away the compulsion that he felt, just like Kara’s affection for Nate did for her. Conversely, being alone with Kara and far away from Rissa allowed the magic to take hold of him more strongly. But that clearly wasn’t the only factor at play anymore. Something else was making their feelings for each other far more intense than they had ever been before. Some other variable was in play, one that Endreí was obviously unaware of, and he couldn’t help but feel that discovering what it was might be the key to unraveling the entire mystery. Yet even after wracking his brain for hours, Endreí came up completely empty.

  The near-constant distraction provided by the shouts and commotion of the preparations underway outside hadn’t helped in the least. With the afternoon nearly gone, Endreí finally turned to the pile of bolts in front of him and began casting Imbue on them one after another. With his increased proficiency, Endreí was able to guide the Spell, enhancing the ammunition with the enchantments he desired. Considering the numbers they faced, he imparted the heavy missiles with a piercing quality, hoping that they’d take out multiple foes with each of the deadly weapons. Once that task was finally complete, Endreí slowly made his way back towards his home, looking forward to leaving not only the workshop behind him but also his failure. Despite the looming threat of the army that was arrayed against them, he couldn’t help but feel the oppressive weight of the manipulative magic even more heavily. He never made it inside.

  A distant cry of alarm rang out from the front gate, and Endreí immediately feared the worst: The enemy had snuck up on them and was already beginning their assault. Rushing forward, he’d only taken a few steps when he saw that things were not as he’d thought. The army wasn’t here to confront them, it was only Daisy and Len returning from their mission. Yet something was still obviously very wrong. Rissa had told him that the pair had only set out the day before, but Irina’s village was several days’ travel north of them. Endreí’s steps grew heavy as he approached the pair, realizing that there was only one explanation for their unexpected return.

  “… only a few hours behind us,” Len was just finishing when Endreí arrived.

  “Were there as many as Irina said?” He asked.

  “Yes, at the very least,” Daze answered as she gestured towards Nate’s cabin. “But we should finish this discussion inside, with the rest of the council.”

  Although Nate was their unofficial leader, Endreí and Rissa, along with Khael, Runil, Daze, Stephanie, and Kara, formed the rest of what they’d come to refer to as the village’s council. Be
tween them, they’d decided all of the important issues that had arisen over the years, and the next few choices they made would likely be the most critical of them all. Understanding just how important the ensuing discussion was, and also that it shouldn’t take place amongst the rapidly growing crowd that was already clamoring for more information, Endreí followed Daze as she led the way towards Nate’s home.

  Nate opened the door with a broad smile on his face, obviously only anticipating some friendly visitor at his door, but his grin fell into a look of deep concern the instant he saw Daisy standing in front of him. Nate clearly recognized the significance of her early return, and after only a moment’s hesitation, gestured for the two of them to come inside.

  “Is it bad?” Nate inquired as they sat down to await the arrival of the rest of the council.

  “Yes,” Daisy replied without going any further.

  Neither of them pressed her for any more details, knowing that she’d only have to repeat them all over again once the others arrived. Instead, Endreí began searching his mind for some way to counter the overwhelming threat they faced but came up empty once again. He’d already done all he could in that regard, however, providing each member of their village with the best enchanted weapons and armor he could create. Endreí had even gone as far as enhancing the spikes and traps beyond their walls, making their keen edges able to pierce the stoutest armor. Beyond using his Spells to their best effect in the upcoming battle, at this point, Endreí had little else to offer. Although he found it difficult to simply wait for the enemy’s attack, Endreí was confident he’d done his best.

  One by one, the rest of his companions drifted in, each one taking a seat around the large dining room table that also served to host their gatherings. Rissa sat beside him as she always did, this time taking Endreí’s hand in hers and gripping him tightly. She already knew why they’d been called here, as they all did, and the gravity of the situation wasn’t lost on any of them.

  “We headed north towards Irina’s village to see what we could find out,” Daze stood before them, beginning her debriefing as soon as the last of them had arrived. “After camping overnight, we’d only traveled for about an hour this morning when we came upon the vanguard of their forces.”

  Daisy was normally quite straightforward when giving her reports, yet she paused uncharacteristically, gathering herself before continuing again.

  “Their numbers are exactly as Irina said—three hundred, at a minimum,” Daisy told them exactly what they feared most. “But it’s even worse than that. Most of them appear to be adventurers, like us, not just regular people.”

  After years of living in their shattered world, it had become relatively easy for them to tell the difference between ordinary people and those like themselves. Among their village’s population, only the small group that comprised the council were truly ‘adventurers,’ although a few of the others, like Len, had been trained in some of the Skills they possessed. While they might achieve a certain amount of familiarity with the various weapons and talents Endreí and the rest could teach them, none of them were able to gain levels or even take on a class. This was also true in Irina’s village, where only the scant handful who had played Second Skin were gifted with the rare ability to advance in a profession. Having the eight of them to protect their village had always been enough against the threats they’d faced before—none of the groups they’d encountered had ever had more than a few former players either. But if Daisy’s assessment was correct—and Endreí had no reason to doubt her—they were faced with three hundred enemies that possessed powers as great as their own. It was a disparity that simply could not be overcome, and with a quick look around the table, Endreí could tell that the rest of his friends shared his bleak assessment.

  Silence reigned for several moments while each of them considered exactly what that might mean, but without knowing the precise intentions of their foes, it was a question none of them could answer. Certainly, an army that had surrounded their neighboring village and driven off one of its citizens was not a benevolent force. The only mystery was just how much trouble they were truly in for.

  Thoughts of fleeing ran through Endreí’s mind, just as they had years ago when Rage and his Bone Crushers had threatened them. He and Rissa could probably make it on their own, and running off with her would also solve his problem with Kara as well. But like before, Endreí simply couldn’t bring himself to abandon the many other people who depended on him, and he immediately discarded the cowardly notion, embarrassed that it had even occurred to him. Endreí and his friends were probably the only thing standing between the other residents of their village and the gruesome deaths this world handed out on an all too frequent basis. Despite the training Endreí and his companions had provided, few of them were suited for survival out in the harsh lands that lay beyond their sheltering walls.

  “Either we all leave, or we all stay and face them,” Nate spoke, breaking the stillness as he rose up to take Daisy’s place standing before the others. “No matter what we decide to do, we’re going to do it together.”

  As usual, Nate had very accurately understood exactly where the mood of the room had gone and headed off any thoughts of disunity. After all they’d been through, fracturing into tiny groups fleeing before the approaching army was simply out of the question.

  “We can’t risk it,” Kara’s voice was tinged with a sense of resolve. “If they intend to kill us all, it will be too late to flee once they get here. We have to leave. Now.”

  Endreí knew she wasn’t the type to run from a battle, but this was no fight they were facing; if it came down to a confrontation, it would be nothing short of slaughter. Glancing around the table, he saw heads nodding in agreement with Kara’s assessment—even Rissa’s, though she seemed reluctant to admit it.

  “Do we have time, Daze?” Nate turned towards her once the consensus was obvious.

  “We should if we hurry,” she replied. “They probably won’t get here until sometime tomorrow, but I wouldn’t wait more than a few hours, just to be safe.”

  A large force like the one that was approaching them obviously moved somewhat slowly, yet Endreí found himself wishing they’d had a bit more warning of their advance. If he’d had the time, placing a few Flame Traps and other obstacles along their path to delay the army’s arrival would have been extremely helpful. Once their course of action was decided and with only a brief window to pack up everything they needed, the meeting ended abruptly as they each went off to set their hasty evacuation in motion. Much would have to be left behind, and although they might want for many of the useful items they would be forced to abandon, the plunder would hopefully keep their foes occupied long enough for them to make good on their escape.

  With a plan in place, they each went their separate ways, determined to carry it out. While Nate and the dwarven brothers set off to pack up the forge and most of his friends began informing the other residents of the evacuation, Endreí began the process of sorting out his workshop, determining just what was worth carrying through the wilderness and what he could afford to do without.

  Fortunately, Endreí tended to give away anything truly valuable, preferring to see his creations put to use rather than simply gathering dust on his shelves. He packed up the few sets of armor and weapons that were left after he’d equipped everyone in town, stuffing them into a pair of backpacks he’d enchanted. Endreí added only the best equipment he had lying around yet to be worked on and took one last look about before closing the door behind him, realizing that it was probably for the final time. Walking away from the shop where he’d spent so many hours was no easy thing, yet Endreí knew that it was far easier than digging his friends’ graves would be. The only thing that was left then was to collect his own belongings, so he went inside his home to do just that.

  With his Deathless status, Endreí had little need for an extensive wardrobe. The few sets of clothes he wore fit easily inside one of the packs, and while Rissa
was still busy elsewhere, he added hers to the other. Once her belongings were tucked away, Endreí carefully arranged Rissa’s armor for her to put on when she returned, his fingers lingering over each section of metal as he laid them out one by one.

  The best armor he’d known of in Second Skin offered a 20% protection bonus. While there were rumors of even more powerful artifacts, those were supposedly extremely rare; reserved for only the most powerful Deathless in existence. Endreí’s abilities weren’t quite up to either of those levels, however. He already wore a set of enchanted robes he’d crafted not long ago, replacing his older ones with the more powerful garb. Granting him not only a 15% increase to his armor but also the ability to reflect missiles that were fired at him, they were among the best he’d ever made. Most of the protection he’d crafted hadn’t exceeded 10% in that regard, save Rissa’s. It, too, had the same 15% bonus, a benefit shared by only one other set he’d ever managed to create—Kara’s. The thought pained him slightly, knowing that it was his betrayal of Rissa that had made that feat possible, yet with so much to do and so little time to do it in, Endreí shoved his guilty thoughts aside and moved on.

  Wandering through their home and grabbing anything that might prove useful evoked memories of doing the same thing in his parents’ house so many years ago. Just like then, there would be no coming back once he left this place—the threat of being discovered here would be too great. Wherever they eventually settled would become their new home; Nate’s cabin could never be that again.

  Eventually, Endreí wound up with two backpacks full of gear and supplies for him and Rissa—their entire lives reduced to a pair of bags they could sling over their shoulders. It wasn’t much, yet if they managed to escape, it should be enough to start over again.


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