Echoes: A Second Skin Novel (Second Skin Book 6)

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Echoes: A Second Skin Novel (Second Skin Book 6) Page 11

by M Damon Baker

  Tási may have had her sources of information, but Endreí wasn’t without a means to gather his own intelligence. Returning home once again, he retrieved a small metallic object—flat on one side yet convex on the other. It was the product of one of his many failed attempts to create some method of communicating over long-distances, and the closest he’d ever come to actually achieving that goal. Although Endreí hadn’t quite succeeded in what he’d initially set out to accomplish, the tiny metal disk was perfectly suited for the task at hand.

  Pocketing the device, he strode back outside again, resuming his aimless meandering for a while before taking a seat beneath a large tree near the center of the village. As he sat there, Endreí scratched at the earth beneath him and then buried the little object under a thin layer of dirt. Even though he was convinced that his surreptitious actions had given nothing away, Endreí remained there for a while to avoid raising any suspicions. Only when he was sure that enough time had passed did Endreí get up again and return home.

  Rissa was waiting for him this time, the broad smile on her face telling Endreí that all had gone just as she’d intended. With both their tasks accomplished, and their meager belongings already packed away, there was little left for them to do until morning came and it was time to leave. After several false starts, he finally worked up the courage to relay his plan when they sat down together for dinner.

  “We need to know if this works, and even more importantly, if it doesn’t,” Endreí stopped merely pushing the food around on his plate as he began to carefully lay out his reasoning. “The Bone Crushers almost killed us all because we assumed everything went the way we thought it would. We can’t afford to make that mistake again. These people are too powerful for us to survive even a single wrong move.”

  “What are you suggesting?” Rissa recognized his attempt to set her up and responded with an obvious sense of apprehension.

  “I’m going to stay behind,” Endreí almost couldn’t believe he said the words himself, and certainly wasn’t surprised to see the shocked look on Rissa’s face.

  “We can find a spot nearby to watch from,” he quickly added. “I’m sure it’ll be safe enough if we’re careful.”

  “We?” Rissa’s tone rang of disapproval.

  “I can’t do this alone; that would be far too dangerous,” he replied. “We haven’t worked together much, but I’m sure Daisy would be willing to come with me.”

  While this certainly wasn’t the ideal mission to break in a new partner, he knew that both Rissa and Nate would have objected to Kara accompanying him. As much as Endreí wanted her with him, he needed to start taking Rissa’s feelings into account. Not only that, but with the end of Tási’s curse practically in sight, he and Kara had to begin the process of separating themselves from each other. While that might start with this assignment, Endreí hoped that Daisy might eventually become his new partner, putting an end to his time alone in the wilds with Kara. Tási’s curse may have forced them together, but Endreí also recognized that some of the feelings he had for Kara went beyond that. Rather than risk falling prey to those impulses, he’d chosen to make a clean break—or at least, to try.

  “You’re right,” Rissa relented, yet with an obvious sense of reluctance. “We do need to know what happens.”

  “But you’re also very wrong,” she sighed, slouching into the back of her chair. “Daisy’s not the right person to go with you, and we both know it. You need Kara for this.”

  “I just thought…” Endreí fumbled in his surprise.

  “I know what you thought,” Rissa smiled back at him. “It’s enough for me to know that you did. What’s even more important is getting you back to me in one piece. As much as I hate to admit it, Kara is more likely to do that.”

  Endreí couldn’t argue with that. After years of scouting together, the two of them functioned like a single entity, each knowing exactly how the other would react in almost any situation. That synergy had saved their lives on more than one occasion, and Endreí was relieved to hear Rissa veto his suggestion.

  “I’ll talk to Nate and make sure he agrees as well,” Rissa’s tone left no doubt in Endreí’s mind that she’d manage to do just that—one way or another.

  “Thanks,” Endreí tried not to let his overwhelming sense of relief show.

  With nothing else left to discuss, the couple busied themselves by taking one last look through their home, searching for anything useful that might have been overlooked in Endreí’s hasty packing. It was mostly just an effort to occupy their minds, a diversion from the nervous anticipation of what lay ahead. In the end, they only added a few small items they probably could have done without, but still had room for in their packs. Finally out of distractions, Endreí and Rissa settled in for a restless night’s sleep, their minds both dreading yet also looking forward to the morning and its pivotal events.

  Endreí woke with the dawn and put on his gear, realizing as he did so that these might very well be the last moments he ever spent in the house he and Rissa had called home for so long. He might never again sleep inside the wooden walls they’d put up together, but rather than stir a sense of melancholy, the steep price Tási’s curse had laid upon him only stoked Endreí’s anger instead.

  While he’d try to avoid her if he could, Endreí couldn’t rule out the possibility that Tási might seek him out again before he could get away. Things might not go well if she sensed his fury, so Endreí sought the diversion of preparing breakfast for him and Rissa, allowing her a few more precious minutes of rest while he did so. It wasn’t much, but considering the difficult day ahead of them, he thought it might help. Once everything was ready, Endreí smirked as he left the dirty pan on the stove. If the ‘Empress’ and her glorified band of thieves and extortionists wanted to use his home, they’d have to clean up the mess he’d left behind for them.

  After setting out the dishes, Endreí turned to walk upstairs and wake Rissa only to find her standing right in front of him, dressed and ready for the day. She favored him with a genuine smile as they sat down to enjoy their last meal before they were forced to abandon their home. Hoisting their packs over their shoulders, Endreí and Rissa shared a brief hug before heading out the door, leaving the dishes behind for someone else to deal with.

  By agreement, Rissa cast a foul glance in his direction the minute they stepped outside, playing on Tási’s notions of his unhappiness in case anyone was watching. Endreí did his best to appear forlorn as she stalked away from him, a task made quite easy as he considered the dangers that lurked ahead of him that day. While his wife went off in search of Nate and Kara, Endreí wandered among the rest of the village’s residents as they too prepared to leave everything they knew behind. Stopping to help one young mother strap her pack in place while cradling her child in her arms, he was struck by the woman’s determination. As daunting as the prospects were, like most, she seemed to accept their fate with a sense of grim resolution. They knew well enough that despite the dangers, the alternative was likely far worse.

  Rounding a corner, he pulled up short when he found Nate standing right in front of him, glaring at Endreí as if he’d been waiting there just to ambush him. Endreí feared that Rissa’s attempt to persuade Nate to let Kara accompany him on his reconnaissance mission hadn’t fared quite so well, and after their last conversation, Endreí could only imagine what that might mean.

  “You’re an asshole, but that doesn’t mean I want to see you get yourself killed,” Nate’s harsh expression softened only slightly. “Get back safely and keep your hands to yourself.”

  Without giving him a chance to reply, Nate stalked off, obviously not completely at ease with the situation—nor could Endreí fault him for that. He and Kara had betrayed Nate just as much as they’d deceived Rissa, and both their spouses had reason to be angry with them. With any luck, the road to redeeming himself would begin shortly—Tási’s death by Rissa’s poison would put a somewhat poetic end to the curse that had caused t
hem so much trouble.

  Eventually, it came time for them to leave, and as the gates slid open, the first few villagers ventured past the army camped beyond their walls, silently making their way towards the remains of the old road. Endreí took his place walking several paces ahead of Rissa, who was playing her role as disgruntled spouse, glaring disdainfully at his back as she strode behind him. Endreí caught sight of Tási looking on in approval at the display they’d arranged for her, smiling broadly at his apparent discomfort. He was relieved that their farce had its intended effect until Tási crooked her finger, beckoning him to her side.

  “Be careful out there, the world can be a dangerous place,” Tási cautioned him before planting yet another kiss on Endreí’s lips.

  “If you want this two-timing piece of shit, you’re more than welcome to have him,” Endreí jerked in shock as Rissa unleashed her anger at Tási. “But only after he helps us get resettled. He promised me that much, and I’m going to hold him to it.”

  It definitely wasn’t something they’d planned in advance, but even knowing that it was part of their charade, Rissa’s harsh words stung Endreí deeply. The hurt expression on his face only served to reinforce Tási’s perception of things, however.

  “I’ll let you have him for a little while longer. Just remember that he’s mine now, even if I’m not there,” Tási’s arrogant smirk spoke of her profound confidence even more convincingly than her words.

  “It’s not me you have to worry about,” Rissa rolled her eyes before stalking away.

  The confrontation left Endreí at a complete loss for words. Although his wife had certainly played her part brilliantly, Rissa’s rash actions had also been quite risky. If Tási had interpreted things differently, Endreí might have been digging Rissa’s grave at that very moment.

  “That was quite a show,” Endreí recognized Dreya’s mocking voice even before he turned towards her.

  “Tási’s told me good things about you,” the would-be Empress continued. “I’m glad to see she’s finally managed to find you after all these years.”

  “Me too,” Endreí forced a smile, hoping it would be convincing enough.

  “I know this is all very sudden for you,” Dreya’s false sympathy rang hollow. “But everything will work out for the best once you come back. In fact, I’m counting on it.”

  “What do you mean?” Endreí’s curiosity got the better of him.

  “My empire needs citizens,” Dreya’s shoulders fell almost imperceptibly as she let out a frustrated sigh. “Quite honestly, I’m hoping you might be able to convince your people to return home again once you see just how good things can be for them.”

  Endreí sensed far more than just her obvious annoyance with their departure, however. Dreya’s words bore the unmistakable hint of a threat as well. She wasn’t just ‘hoping’ Endreí would persuade his people to return, she would be demanding it. Yet the thinly veiled menace in her words begged a question in Endreí’s mind, one he simply couldn’t resist asking.

  “I thought you already had the other village under your control,” he cautiously inquired, seeking some sort of confirmation of their fate.

  “That place is no longer of any value to me,” the slight narrowing of her eyes and the harsh edge Dreya imparted to her words all but confirmed the grave misfortune that he’d suspected had befallen their neighbors. “We’re focusing our efforts… elsewhere for now.”

  With a subtle shake of her head, Tási warned him not to pursue the matter any further. As Dreya held Endreí’s gaze, he could almost swear that her eyes flared with an eerie light. Her glare was so disconcerting that Endreí was forced to look away, awkwardly hiding his discomfort and quickly changing the subject when he addressed Tási instead.

  “I promised to help them get set up again, but I’ll be back as soon as that’s done,” he did his best to sound convincing despite the sudden nervousness Dreya had provoked in him. “That should also give me enough time to sort things out. The next time I see you, everything will be so much better—I’m sure of it.”

  “That’s all I wanted to hear, Alex,” Tási obviously interpreted his comment differently than he’d meant it.

  Endreí knew exactly what was expected of him when Tási leaned in closer, and he stifled his sense of disgust as he kissed her once more; hopefully, for the last time.

  “I’ll see you soon,” Endreí tried to pull away.

  “Yes, you will.”

  Just like the way she’d kissed him, Tási’s words struck Endreí as a bit odd. Like the day before, the gesture was filled with longing, yet also something more… Almost testing him, perhaps. Tási had expressed her confidence in his quick return on both occasions, and he couldn’t shake the uncomfortable feeling that she thought the promise of her ‘charms’ was somehow enough to overcome his hesitation.

  “Until then,” he shoved aside his utter disdain, trying his best to make the comment sound pleasant.

  Endreí let out a deep breath when Tási let him go, and he took his place among the others as they made their way slowly down the road. Once they were a mile or so farther away, Daze and a few others began obscuring their tracks, brushing away the traces of their passing as best they could. Soon after, most of the villagers broke away, heading north towards a secluded location they’d scouted out long ago. Having a fallback position wasn’t exactly a new concept for them, and the bulk of their citizens headed straight there while Endreí and his companions continued on down the road. Should there be any survivors from the Empress’ army, their efforts would hopefully lead them astray if they came seeking revenge.

  A short while later, Kara stopped on the road just ahead of him, and Endreí knew it was time for them to set off together. While Nate, Rissa, and the rest of his friends continued on a bit farther, the two of them would remain behind to observe the outcome of their deadly scheme. With any luck, all that would remain to be seen would be a pile of bodies, but Endreí knew better than to rely on good fortune alone. That had failed him far too many times for him to have any faith in mere providence.

  “Just come back,” Endreí startled slightly as Rissa’s soft voice took him by surprise. “Whatever happens, just come back to me.”

  He heard far more than simple concern for his safety in her words; Rissa clearly understood the greater danger that his time alone with Kara might represent. Despite the growing desires he was feeling, Endreí was certain he could hold out a little longer with his freedom so close at hand.

  “I’m not coming back to you,” Endreí ran his fingers through her hair as he replied. “I’m coming back for you. I owe you so much, and once this is all over, I’m going to spend a very long time making up for everything I’ve done wrong.”

  “Good answer,” her eyes slid half-shut as she basked in the sensation of his gentle touch.

  “Now go, before I decide to keep you with me.” Rissa finally gave him a playful shove, sending Endreí off on his mission with a genuine smile on her face.

  Chapter 10

  Kara led the way through the forest’s thick undergrowth with Endreí following closely behind her. Their mission was to observe the outcome of their attempt to slaughter Dreya and her army, but they didn’t intend to venture too close just yet. Considering what was to come, a thin smile of satisfaction crossed Endreí’s lips. Despite the tight reins the so-called Empress held over her troops, he had no doubts that there would be a rather enthusiastic celebration once they discovered the casks of ale that had been left behind. Any such indulgences would likely only take place sometime after nightfall, once the army had made the village secure. Approaching before that was simply too risky, so Endreí and Kara’s scouting would have to wait until morning.

  Knowing this, Kara headed straight for one of the small hollows they’d often used to camp overnight. It was far enough away and surrounded by brush to ensure their safety, yet still close enough to the village that they could easily return to observe things once the time was right. After
slipping through the narrow path they’d made past the brambles, Kara set a few traps to prevent anyone or anything from following after them.

  Exhausted from the day’s exertions but too filled with anticipation to fall asleep, Endreí set out his bedroll and began eating some of his trail rations. Kara practically mirrored his actions, sitting across from him as she unslung her pack and prepared for the hours to come. The distance between them was unusual, yet not something Endreí hadn’t expected. An awkward silence filled the air as time went on, neither one daring to speak for fear of what might follow.

  Darkness finally fell, and as the faint chorus of chirping crickets and frog calls echoed through the air, Endreí wrapped himself up in his blankets to ward off the chill. With his sharp vision, he could see Kara doing the same thing as she curled up only a few steps away, and part of him longed to simply hold her next to him, sharing the warmth of their bodies as they’d done so many times before. Yet he also knew that this night was far different than any other they’d spent together. With Tási so close, he could almost feel the power of her curse flowing through his veins, and Endreí understood that the temptation of Kara lying beside him would be far more than he could resist. Rather than risk ruining everything when he was so close to earning his freedom, Endreí pulled the covers even tighter around himself as he struggled to fall asleep. Despite the unhelpful thoughts that plagued his mind, Endreí managed to finally fade into an uneasy slumber, broken early the next morning when Kara woke him.

  “Come on, it’s time,” she gently nudged him awake.

  It was still dark as Endreí gathered up his belongings, preparing to head out again in the pre-dawn gloom. The task ahead of him weighed heavily on Endreí’s mind; at least, that’s what he thought it was until Kara spoke to him again.


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