Echoes: A Second Skin Novel (Second Skin Book 6)

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Echoes: A Second Skin Novel (Second Skin Book 6) Page 13

by M Damon Baker

  No one else was much better off; the toll of their long march had gotten the better of even the sturdy dwarves. The two nodded off quickly, although not before taking a long draw from a pair of waterskins filled with a liquid that smelled suspiciously of hops. Yet even as they tried to recover, Kara was still intent on further lengthening the gap between them and their pursuers.

  “We can’t afford to rest for too long,” despite being almost unable to keep her eyes open, Kara’s sense of determination was clear. “For all we know, they could be nearly on top of us.”

  “I really doubt that,” as he sat staring back as her, Nate’s pointed reply was laced with more than one meaning. “Right now, the biggest danger we face is screwing up because we’re too damn tired.”

  Kara glared back at him, but much of the force of her stare was lost as her eyes slowly slid shut. Unable to remain awake any longer, Kara lost the argument when her head tilted to one side, and the soft sound of her snoring was her only reply.

  Even as she slumbered, Endreí knew that Kara wasn’t completely wrong. Should they ever slow down or falter in any way, Dreya might very well sneak up on them. With Tási’s unerring ability to track him, there was no way to throw her off his trail or sneak away to some hidden retreat. All they had was the scant comfort of the distance between them, a thin layer of security that offered little real protection.

  “Were you able to look over your notifications?” Rissa inquired, handing him a small slice of jerky as she curled up beside him.

  Since he hadn’t engaged in any combat, Endreí was puzzled by her question for a moment until his tired mind realized what he’d overlooked in his panic and exhaustion. Rissa’s poison had slain hundreds of high-level enemies, ones who weren’t mere monsters, but adventurers like themselves. The XP totals from that slaughter might rise to almost ludicrous levels, and the jolt of anticipation roused him from his sleepiness as Endreí opened up his UI and let the messages play across his vision.

  Valued User: Due to the large volume of your pending notifications, level-up options have been delayed until after you’ve cleared them. We hope this slight modification improves your gaming experience.

  Experience gained – You have gained 2750 XP.


  Experience gained – You have gained 2750 XP.

  Experience gained – You have gained 2200 XP.


  Experience gained – You have gained 2200 XP.

  Experience gained – You have gained 1980 XP.


  Experience gained – You have gained 1980 XP.

  Valued User: You have gained 20 levels. In order to streamline the level-up process, your accumulated discretionary Attribute points will be allotted at once. However, you still may not assign more than one point per level gained to any single Attribute. Skills and other bonuses you have earned will be granted after you have assigned your Attribute points.

  Your non-discretionary points have been allocated as follows: Strength, eight points; Constitution, six points; Dexterity, six points; Intelligence, eight points; Wisdom, seven points; and Charisma, five points.

  Even in the game of Second Skin, Endreí had never gained so much experience before, and for a moment, he was overwhelmed by the final message that was displayed in his vision. He hadn’t dared to ask Tási what level she was, so he had no idea if he’d managed to match her, but for some reason, Endreí was certain that he was still well short of that mark. Even so, he’d certainly closed the gap between them, perhaps even enough to give himself a slim chance of surviving their next encounter.

  Considering the near certainty of that confrontation, Endreí placed his stat points carefully, slotting six each into Intelligence and Wisdom, four in Constitution, and a pair in both Strength and Dexterity. With all the trouble he was already in, he didn’t even consider placing a single additional point in Charisma. Once the final point had been allocated, the next set of choices immediately presented themselves.

  You can now choose new Abilities. You must choose four of the following:

  Flicker – Conjure a small flame emanating from the tip of your finger. Non-combat use only. Cost – 10 Aura.

  Chill – With a touch of your hand, cool any object significantly. Non-combat use only. Cost – 20 Aura.

  Ghost Light – Cause a luminous glow to emanate from any one single object. This light will continue to shine as long as the object remains in your possession. Cost – 20 Aura.

  Beckon – Draw a small object to you. The subject of this magic must remain within your sight for the entire duration of its travel. Cost – 30 Aura.

  Camouflage – Hide a small object in plain sight. Close scrutiny by a skilled individual will undo this simple magic. Cost – 30 Aura.

  False Aura – Instill a deceptive magical presence in an item, possibly deceiving anyone who can perceive such things. Cost – 30 Aura.

  Firework – Create a small pyrotechnic display that launches into the sky above you. – Cost 30 Aura.

  Flourish – Provoke a rapid growth spurt in a single young plant specimen. – Cost 20 Aura.

  Thrown Blade – Accurately hurl a dagger at your foe. Chance of a successful hit is dependent on your melee skill. – Cost 40 Aura.

  Your choice is final and must be made now. Choose wisely, as you will now only gain a new Ability every five levels.

  Looking over the choices in front of him, Endreí immediately realized the opportunities he’d overlooked during the previous day and night. While his mind had been consumed with the overwhelming need to escape, he’d missed out on any chance to slow down or even take out a few of his pursuers. The Abilities staring back at him reminded Endreí of his own deadly talents, and while they might not have been up to Tási’s level, he was certainly capable of causing a great deal of harm. Focusing on that very thought, Endreí chose Beckon, Camouflage, False Aura, and Thrown Blade. The dagger talent had its obvious uses, and although Endreí had a few ideas about how he might turn both Camouflage and False Aura against Dreya and her minions, he wasn’t so sure about Beckon; it was just the least-useless option left after he’d chosen all the others. The menu vanished once he’d made his selections, only to be replaced by the one Endreí had truly been looking forward to.

  You can now choose new Spells. You must choose four of the following:

  Frost Bolt – Create a frozen missile that seeks out your target. Cost – 20 Aura.

  Sleep – Render a single target unconscious if it fails a Constitution check. Cost – 30 Aura.

  Enhanced Sight – Provide increased vision for yourself or an ally in dark or obscured conditions. Cost – 20 Aura.

  Blind – If your target fails a Constitution check, its vision is lost. Chance of success and duration of effect depend on proficiency. Cost – 30 Aura.

  Echo – Cause your voice to emanate from a remote location. Cost – 30 Aura.

  Levitate – Cause yourself, another ally, or an object to hover above the ground a short distance. Cost – 30 Aura.

  Minor Heal – Cure small wounds and injuries. Cost – 40 Aura.

  Gout – Invoke a burst of flames at your target’s position. Cost – 40 Aura.

  Burden – Increase your opponent’s Encumbrance, possibly slowing them down or rendering them unable to engage in combat. – Cost 60 Aura.

  Evoker’s Aegis – Increases your personal Armor. Strength of this protection increases with proficiency. Cost – 80 Aura.

  Shimmer – Cause your image to blur, reducing your enemies’ chance to hit you with both melee and ranged attacks. Cost – 70 Aura.

  Push – Using the power of the air around you, forcefully propel a person or object in any direction. Cost – 80 Aura.

  Cyclone Trap – Lay a snare that unleashes a torrent of razor-sharp air currents when triggered by your enemies. Modifier – Intelligence. Cost – 80 Aura.

  Jolt – With the barest touch of your hand, convey an overwhelming electrical pulse into the body of your victim. Modifi
er – Constitution. Cost – 100 Aura.

  Your choice is final and must be made now. Choose wisely, as you will now only gain a new Spell every five levels.

  Every single one of the new options screamed at Endreí to choose them. Each one offered the potential to save his life, indicating just how powerful they truly were, especially the two with modifiers. Yet he also knew that he couldn’t simply rely on his friends to protect him any longer. Realizing that he also needed some insurance, Endreí took Evoker’s Aegis before adding Shimmer, Cyclone Trap, and Jolt to his repertoire. As soon as he selected the Spells, Endreí tried to bring up his full sheet for a review, but an unexpected prompt brought him to a sudden halt.

  You have reached level 40. It is now time for you to choose your Mastery. As an Evoker, you may decide to become either a Conjurer or Sorcerer. Your choice is permanent and must be made now.

  Endreí had never been faced with this decision before and was at a complete loss. Level 40 was far beyond where he’d been when Second Skin had crashed, and he’d never looked into the options that were now staring back at him. Fortunately, when he concentrated on the choices, he was offered a brief explanation.

  Conjurer – An Evoker who chooses the Conjurer’s path gains access to magics that enhance their innate spellcasting abilities. Although this Mastery offers nothing truly original, it does provide a modest boost to the powers already known or later acquired by the Evoker.

  Sorcerer – The Sorcerer devotes themselves to seeking out new knowledge, creating unique Spells and advancing their craft through experimentation. Such dabbling is not without its risk, but the potential rewards are almost limitless.

  The information left him only slightly less ignorant than he’d been just a moment before, but with the scant bit of insight it provided, Endreí felt certain that he knew exactly what to do. Sorcerer required too much of an investment before it would yield any real benefits—time he simply did not have. With his choice narrowed down to one option, he selected Conjurer and hoped for the best.

  The choice of Specialization grants a one-time bonus. As a Conjurer, you have been granted a Spell, chosen for you based on your previous actions and decisions. You now know: Empower.

  Even without a description, that didn’t sound half-bad. Just to make sure, Endreí pulled up his sheet to check things out.


  Elven Male

  Level - 46


  Health - 350/350 Aura - 840/840 Endurance - 350/350

  Elf – Elven racial abilities include superior vision that is equally acute in daylight as well as darkened conditions.

  Class – Evoker – Evokers have access to incredible power through their Spells. Although other classes can cast magic, Evokers’ unique focus on this ability provides them with a special advantage.

  Specialization – Enchanter

  Mastery – Conjurer

  STR - 33

  CON - 35

  DEX - 31

  INT - 42

  WIS - 42

  CHA - 25


  Darting Dagger – Your next dagger attack has an increased chance to strike your opponent. Cost – 10 Endurance. – 31%

  Staff of Defense – Chance to use your staff to block the next incoming melee attack against you. Cost – 20 Endurance. – 28%

  Detect Life – Determine if any living beings are within the radius of this Spell. Cost – 10 Aura. – 76%

  Detect Trap – Locate hidden snares within the bounds of this magic. Area of effect increases with proficiency. Cost – 20 Aura. – 41%

  Identify Magic Item – Determine the properties of an enchanted item. Cost – 20 Aura.-32%

  Detect Magic – Determine if any magical enchantments or items are within close proximity. Area of effect increases with proficiency. Cost – 30 Aura. – 29%

  Alarm – Place a temporary enchantment on an object or item that will detect the intrusion of any creature or person. At the caster’s discretion, trespassers will trigger an audible or inaudible alert. Cost – 30 Aura. – 47%

  Erase – Remove all traces of your passing. Area of effect is dependent on proficiency. Cost – 30 Aura. – 52%

  Comfort – Regulate the temperature within a small radius of your location. Cost – 40 Aura. – 61%

  Beckon – Draw a small object to you. The subject of this magic must remain within your sight for the entire duration of its travel. Cost – 30 Aura. – 1%

  Camouflage – Hide a small object in plain sight. Close scrutiny by a skilled individual will undo this simple magic. Cost – 30 Aura. – 1%

  False Aura – Instill a deceptive magical presence in an item, possibly deceiving anyone who can perceive such things. Cost – 30 Aura. – 1%

  Thrown Blade – Accurately hurl a dagger at your foe. Chance of a successful hit is dependent on your melee skill. – Cost 40 Aura. – 1%

  Spells – Affinity: Air – 43%

  Blaze – Launch a flaming orb at your foe, which may ignite any combustible materials in its path. Cost – 20 Aura. – 32%

  Shard – Summon a fragment of rock which will hurl itself at your enemy. Cost – 20 Aura.– 45%

  Surge – Send a bolt of electrical energy at your target. Cost – 15 Aura. – 39%

  Flame Trap – Set a snare that will ignite when an enemy enters its radius. Cost – 30 Aura. – 51%

  Frozen Earth – Freeze the surface of an area solid, damaging anything caught within its radius. Cost – 40 Aura. – 62%

  Spike –Summon a massive rocky spike to impale a single creature. Cost – 40 Aura. – 56%

  Flame Barrier – Conjure a curtain of fire. Dimensions and intensity of the flames you summon increase with proficiency. Cost – 50 Aura. – 21%

  Unseen Blade – Slash at your enemy with a razor-sharp projection of air. Range and damage are dependent on proficiency. Cost – 40 Aura. – 79%

  Wall of Ice – Summon a barrier of ice. Dimensions and thickness increase with proficiency. Cost – 50 Aura. – 43%

  Reflection – Repels missiles fired at the subject of this Spell, sending them back at your enemy. May be cast on self or Ally. Cost – 50 Aura. – 82%

  Imbue – Impart mystical properties to an item. Modifier – Wisdom. Cost – 100 Aura. – 52%

  Scry – Monitor a remote location. Area must either be known to the caster or within line-of-sight to be observed. Cost – 70 Aura. – 43%

  Illusion – Create a false image. Projections brought forth are from the caster’s own mind and gain an increased presence with proficiency. Cost – 120 Aura. – 32%

  Vortex – Form the currents of the air around you into a swirling tornado of destruction. Intensity and duration increase with proficiency. Cost – 150 Aura. – 22%

  Evoker’s Aegis – Increases your personal Armor. Strength of this protection increases with proficiency. Cost – 80 Aura. – 1%

  Shimmer – Cause your image to blur, reducing your enemies’ chance to hit you with both melee and ranged attacks. Cost – 70 Aura. – 1%

  Cyclone Trap – Lay a snare that unleashes a torrent of razor-sharp air currents when triggered by your enemies. Modifier – Intelligence. Cost – 80 Aura. – 1%

  Jolt – With the barest touch of your hand, convey an overwhelming electrical pulse into the body of your victim. Modifier – Constitution. Cost – 100 Aura. – 1%

  Empower – Boost the might of your Spells for a time after invoking this magic. Duration and magnitude of effect varies depending on proficiency. Modifiers – Strength and Wisdom. Cost – 100 Aura. – 1%


  Blades – 31%

  Dagger – 43%

  Critical Hit – 21%

  Armor – 21%

  Light Armor – 39%

  Pole Arms – 16%

  Staff – 32%

  Critical Hit – 19%

  Perception – 73%

  Environmental – 82%

  Identify Person – 46%

  Identify Enemy – 61% />
  Combat Dodge – 36%

  Alchemy – 46%

  Herbalism – 59%

  Potion Crafting – 51%

  Survival – 32%

  Identify Creature (Beasts) – 38%

  Skinning – 28%

  Field Dress – 23%

  Lore – 35%

  Identify Magical Item – 62%

  Subterfuge – 42%

  Stealth – 52%

  Find Trap – 32%

  Disarm Trap – 33%

  Set Trap – 29%

  The unexpected increase in his power provided Endreí with the first glimmer of hope that they just might survive what had seemed like a hopeless situation only a few moments before. As Endreí’s eyes refocused on the world around him, Rissa spoke to him.

  “The notifications started coming late in the evening,” Rissa rested her head against his shoulder, barely able to stay awake as she relayed the tale. “They seemed to go on for hours, and we just kept gaining levels throughout the night. I thought it meant that we’d won, but I guess not.”

  No, it wasn’t quite over yet, her words reminded him. Dreya had survived their attack and was intent on revenge—but she wasn’t alone. Although he and his friends were only slightly outnumbered, Endreí doubted they stood any chance of surviving an encounter with the Empress and her minions. Even with the levels they’d gained, he was certain that they all still lagged far behind the band of cutthroats.

  Part of the reasoning for his belief lay in Tási’s odd powers. Although Endreí would never claim to understand all there was to know about the intricate workings of magic, the curse she’d placed on him was far beyond anything he’d ever heard of. Initially, he’d attributed it to some strange quirk in the mystical forces that had transformed his world, an odd fluke that had latched on to her vindictive desires. But her ability to manipulate its currents so easily made him reevaluate that perception. She’d obviously achieved a degree of mastery well beyond his own—whether that had come as a result of higher levels or was simply the consequence of her greater grasp of magic didn’t really matter. The fact that Tási was that strong yet still cowered in fear when Dreya threatened her told Endreí everything he needed to know about their adversaries: A straight-up battle with them could only end with Endreí and his friends dead.


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