Doña Perfecta (?????????)

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Doña Perfecta (?????????) Page 30

by Benito Pérez Galdós


  This vocabulary aims to be complete, except for such proper names as donot appear to involve a play on words or a change of form in translationinto English. Superlatives in =-isimo= are not given unless irregular,but diminutives and augmentatives are given. Adverbs in =-mente= aregiven under their adjectives, and are not separately defined if thedefinition of the adjective sufficiently indicates their rendering.Adjectives and personal substantives which form regular feminines aregiven in the masculine form, with the masculine definitions only, so faras the feminine definitions can be inferred from these; thus, for =tia=look under =tio=, and, finding the definition 'uncle,' render thefeminine by 'aunt.' This rule has been followed even where, as with=descalzo, maton=, the feminine is the only form found in our text.Infinitives used substantively, translatable by the English form in_-ing_, are not separately given. The participial form in =-nte= isgiven separately, but that in =-ndo= and the past participle are notgiven apart from their verbs if the verbs occur. Neither is thesubstantivized past participle, even such as =pecado=; but not so wordswhich merely coincide with the participle in form, as =estado=. Wordswhich take the accent mark merely to indicate interrogative orexclamatory use are given under the unaccented form, and the existenceof an accented form is not mentioned if the English equivalent remainsthe same. Irregular forms of verbs in Chapters I-III are separatelygiven so far as they affect the finding of the word; usually a group offorms that begin alike is represented by one of its simplestmembers--thus, in looking for =puso= or =pusiese= take '=puse= _see_=poner=' as guide. A statement of reflexive use is given under =se=, anda verb is not separately defined as reflexive if its reflexive meaningis derivable from the non-reflexive by applying what is found under=se=. A participle which has reflexive force without the reflexivepronoun is in general especially defined, but the student will do wellto keep in mind the principle that any past participle may be areflexive without the pronoun.

  The effort has been made to list each defined phrase under the word thatthe student was surest to look up, either the most unfamiliar word orthe one which he would identify as not having here its familiar sense.When the word which has here an unusual sense (or whose regular Englishequivalent is not used in translating this phrase) is one which will notbe looked up, such as a familiar preposition, its special definition forthis occasion is appended in parentheses to the appropriate definitionof the other word, which definition it precedes or follows according tothe order of the Spanish phrase: thus, under =acabar=, 'end (=por=with)' means '=acabar= end; =acabar por= end with'; under =adelante=,'(=mas= further) on' means '=adelante= on; =mas adelante= further on.'Parentheses in a Spanish phrase inclose words which can be added withoutaffecting the translation except as indicated by parenthesized Englishwords. Other parenthesized words are generally meant as mereexplanations, but can sometimes be advantageously taken as supplementsto be optionally added to the definition.

  The special definition of a phrase does not mean that the words whichmake up that phrase may not be found together also with their ordinarymeanings. Thus, '=tener por= regard as' does not mean that =tener='have' or 'hold' may not also be followed by =por= 'for' or 'by' invarious senses; and the giving of a special definition for the reflexiveuse of a verb does not mean that its reflexive use may not have also thesenses of its active use with the reflexive modifications describedunder =se=. Nor does a special definition for a participle mean that theparticiple is not used also in the general sense of the verb.

  A rendering found in the vocabulary should not be distrusted becausewhen put into the sentence it results in a bold use of words. Such usesare more or less characteristic of Galdos; and if the translatorundertakes to reproduce Galdos' style in English, which is doubtless thehighest ideal of translation, he must not be too timid in his use ofEnglish words. And the student should notice that the quality of theSpanish varies according to the person who speaks. Not every characterin the book can be taken as a model of good conversational style,cultured or uncultured. Translate accordingly.

  The citations from the Academy can usually be verified in otherunabridged Spanish dictionaries; for these habitually copy the Academyverbatim. The student must not expect that the Academy shall be alwaysright or always wrong.


  Periods after abbreviations have been omitted where the abbreviationstands in especially close connection with the Spanish word.

  _A._ = the Academy's dictionary, or rarely its grammar._acc._ = accusative._adj._ = adjective._adv._ = adverb._augm._ = augmentative._c._ = colloquial._conj._ = conjunction._d._ = diminutive._dat._ = dative._depr._ = depreciative._Eng._ = English._esp._ = especially._f._ = feminine._fig._ = figuratively._G._ = Galdos._Gall._ = Gallicism, Gallicistically._i._ = intransitive._im._ = impersonally._ind._ = indicative._inf._ = infinitive._intj._ = interjection._L._ = Latin._lit._ = literally._m._ = masculine._N._ = note to._neg._ = negative._obs._ = obsolete._pl._ = plural._pr._ = pronoun._prep._ = preposition._ptc._ = past participle._r._ = reflexive._rel._ = relative._sc._ = you are to think of._sg._ = singular._subj._ = subjunctive._sup._ = superlative._t._ = transitive._tr._ = translate._untr._ = to be left untranslated._w._ = with.

  _adv._ =-mente= = the feminine of this adjective with the suffix=-mente= is used as an adverb, translated by adding the suffix '-ly' tothe definition of the adjective, or by putting 'in' before the adjectiveand 'fashion' after it.

  _conj. w._ =que= = with =que= it forms a phrase used as a conjunction;same translation as without =que=.

  _prep. w._ =de= = with =de= it forms a phrase used as a preposition;same translation as without =de=.

  The sign =-= in the black type means the word which stood in black typeat the head of the paragraph: =las -s= under =ala= means =las alas=.When this sign is accompanied by letters in black italic type, themeaning is that the beginning or ending of the word at the head of theparagraph is to be changed to what is printed in black italics: _-do_under =acabar= means =acabado=.

  =a= to, into, on, at, in, for; _w. same word after as before_, by;_introduces personal direct object_; =a que= in order that, to have,I'll bet, what will you bet that; =a lo tonto= in a stupid way; =a launa ... a las dos ... a las tres= one--two--three; _a los tres dias_ inthree days; =ia trabajar!= (go) to work; =estar a= _w. inf._ be readyto, be on a footing to; =canon de a ocho= eight-pounder.=abajo= down, below; down-stairs; =hacia----= downward, down.=abandonar= _t_ abandon, forsake, break off, quit.=abandono= _m_ forsakenness.=abate= _m_ abbe.=abatir= _t_ cast down, abase.=abdomen= _m_ abdomen.=abeja= _f_ bee.=aberracion= _f_ aberration.=abigarrado= gaudy, garish, motley.=abismo= _m_ abyss.=abnegacion= _f_ self-abnegation.=abofetear= _t_ slap in the face.=abogacia= _f_ law (as profession).=abogadejo= _m_ limb of the law.=abogadillo= _m_ little lawyer.=abogado= _m_ lawyer, advocate.=abolengo= _m_ ancestry, parentage.=abominable= abominable.=abordar= _t (nautical)_ run into, come up to; (_of question_) enterupon, attack.=aborrecer= _t_ hate, abhor, detest.=aborrecimiento= _m_ hate.=abrasador= scorching.=abrasar= _t_ scorch, inflame; _r_ be all on fire (=en= with).=abrazar= _t_ (_r w._ =a=) embrace.=abrazo= _m_ embrace.=abrigo= _m_ shelter, protection; wrap.=abril= _m_ April.=abrir= _t_ open (=tanto= so wide); _=--ierto= adj._ open.=abside= _m_ apse.=absoluto= absolute; unlimited; _adv._ =--mente=; =en----=unqualifiedly, outright.=absolver= _t_ absolve, exculpate.=absorber= _t_ absorb.=absorto= astounded, dumfounded.=abstener= _r_ abstain.=absurdo= absurd; _m_ absurdity.=abuelo= grandfather, forefather.=abundancia= _f_ abundance.=abundante= abundant, in abundance; _adv._ =--mente=.=abundar= _i_ abound.=abur= good-by (_curtly_).=aburrimiento= _m_ boredom, dull times, ennui.=aburrir= _t_ bore, weary; annoy.=aca= here (hither; _cf._ =aca 154= 2, =aqui 154= 3).=acabamiento= _m_ extinction, collapse.=acabar= _t or i_ finish; have just (=de=); come to an end, be over, bedone; end (=por= with); make an end (=con= of); =casi---- de= havehardly more than just; =y--emos= and done with it; =--do= complete,consummate. N =40= 1.=academia= _f_ academy.=acaecer= _i_ befall.=acalorar= _t_ warm up.=acapa
rar= _t_ corner, monopolize, engross, lead by the nose.=acaso= perchance, peradventure; =si---- = if anything.=acatar= _t_ look up to, do homage to.=acaudillar= _t_ head (in war).=acceso= _m_ access.=accidente= _m_ accident; fit, seizure.=accion= _f_ action.=accionar= _i_ gesture.=acechar= _i_ watch.=aceite= _m_ (_esp._ olive) oil.=acendrar= _t_ refine (in cupel); =--do= stainless.=acento= _m_ accent.=aceptar= _t_ accept.=acequia= _f_ channel.=acerado= steely, stark.=acerbo= harsh, severe, sore; _adv._ =-mente=.=acerca de= about, regarding.=acercar= _t_ bring near; _r_ near, draw near.=acero= _m_ steel.=acertar= _t or i_ hit; =--do= sensible.=aciago= untoward.=acicalar= polish (weapon); make up (person; decorating, doing up hair,etc.).=acierto= _m_ good aim.=aclaracion= _f_ clearing up, elucidation.=acobardar= _t_ intimidate, cow; _r_ show the white feather.=acoger= _t_ admit, receive.=acolito= _m_ acolyte.=acometer= _t_ fall upon, rush at, assail.=acometida= _f_ onslaught.=acomodamiento= _m_ accommodation.=acomodar= _t_ accommodate; _r_ get on together.=acomodo= _m_ accommodations.=acompanar= _t_ accompany (=de= with), keep one company.=acongojar= _t_ distress, weigh down with distress.=aconsejar= _t_ advise (_person dat., thing acc._).=acontecer= _i_ take place.=acopiar= _t_ lay in.=acordar= _t or i_ decide, accord; _r_ remember (=de=).=acordonar= _t_ quarantine (not nautically).=acostar= _t_ put to bed; _r_ go to bed; =--do= in bed, lying.=acostumbrar= _t or i_ get used, accustom, be used, be accustomed;=--do= wonted.=acreedor= creditor.=acrisolar= _t_ refine (in crucible); verify, prove ('como la verdad, lavirtud, etc.' _A_.); =--do= (_not in A.; cf._ =acendrado=) thorough,unsophisticated.=actitud= _f_ attitude.=actividad= _f_ activity.=activo= active; _adv._ =-mente=.=acto= _m_ act; =en el---- = forthwith.=actual= present.=actuar= _i_ act.=acuchillar= _t_ knife.=acudir= _i_ come (when or as one should, or habitually, or to help, orfor help).=acuerdo= _m_ accord; decision; =ponerse de---- = agree, come to anunderstanding.=acumular= _t_ mass, pile up.=acusar= _t_ accuse.=achacar= _t_ impute.=achaque= _m_ (habitual) ailment, failing.=achicharrar= _t_ scorch, parch (in cooking).=adalid= _m_ captain, chieftain; _fig._ champion, paladin.=adelantar= _i_ advance, make progress; _t_ push ahead, quicken up; _r_go ahead, get ahead; =--do= _m_ adelantado, N =57= 16.=adelante= forward, (=mas= further) on; further; step this way;=llevar---- = go ahead with, stick to; =salir---- = come through.=adelfa= _f_ oleander.=ademan= _m_ air, (expressive) movement.=ademas= besides; _prep. w._ =de=.=adios= _intj or m_ adieu, good-by.=adivinar= _t_ guess.=administracion= _f_ management, administration; office.=administrar= _t_ administer, manage.=admirable= admirable.=admiracion= _f_ admiration.=admirar= _t_ admire.=admitir= _t_ admit, allow of, agree to, accept.=adobe= _m_ adobe, sun-baked brick.=adocenado= common, vulgar; N =141= 3.=adoptar= _t_ adopt.=adorable= adorable.=adorar= _t_ adore.=adornar= _t_ adorn, decorate.=adorno= _m_ ornament, decoration.=adquirir= _t_ acquire.=adulador= flatterer, flattering, sycophantic.=adusto= adust; stern, grim.=advertencia= _f_ (=hacer= give) caution, admonition.=advertir= _t_ notice; point out, intimate, suggest; notify, warn (of,_acc._), caution.=afable= affable.=afan= _m_ anxiety; eagerness (=de= for); toil; (_not in A._)(pertinacious) propensity.=afeccion= _f_ affection (_all senses, cf._ =aficion= _in one sense_,=carino= _in one_).=afectar= _t_ affect; _adv._ =--damente=.=afecto= well-disposed; =su--isimo= yours with best regards; _m_ (any,_esp._ fond) passion, affection.=afectuoso= affectionate.=aficion= _f_ predilection, fancy.=afilado= hatchety (of face; _lit._ whetted).=afirmacion= _f_ assertion.=afirmar= _t_ declare.=afirmativo= affirmative.=afliccion= _f_ distress.=aflictivo= distressful.=afligir= _t_ afflict, distress.=aflojar= _t_ slacken; _i_ abate.=afortunado= lucky; _adv._ =--mente=.=agasajar= _t_ fondle, caress.=agente= _m_ agent, agency.=agitacion= _f_ agitation, stir.=agitar= _f_ agitate, stir, stir up.=Agnus Dei= _L m_ (_A._ =agnusdei=) Agnus Dei, N =175= 12.=agolpar= _r_ rush (all together).=agraciar= _t_ grace; =--do= handsome.=agradable= pleasant.=agradar= _i_ please, suit (=a=).=agradecer= _t_ thank (a person =a=, for a thing _acc._).=agradecimiento= _m_ thanks.=agrandar= _t_ greaten.=agravar= _t_ aggravate, aggravate the condition of.=agraviar= _t_ aggrieve, put one's self wrong with, provoke.=agresivo= aggressive.=agronomia= _f_ agronomy, agricultural science.=agronomo= agronomist, master of agriculture.=agrupar= _t_ group.=agua= _f_ water.=aguantar= _t_ stand, endure.=aguardar= _t_ await, wait for; _i_ wait (more on the alert than=esperar=).=agudo= sharp.=aguerrido= inured to war, war-worn.=aguila= _f_ eagle.=aguja= _f_ needle.=agujerear= _t_ make a hole in.=agujero= _m_ hole.=ah= ah.=ahi= there (where you are, _or_ less remote than =alli=), here;=hasta---- = up to that point; =---- donde le ve= N =12= 31.=ahogar= _t_ stifle, choke.=ahora= now; just now.=ahorcar= _t_ hang.=ahuecado= hollowed, loosened up, puffed out, puffed up, pompous.=ahuyentar= _t_ drive away.=aire= _m_ air; _pl_ air.=airoso= breezy; graceful, charming.=aislamiento= _m_ isolation.=ajeno= another's, other people's.=ajero= garlic man, garlic-seller.=ajo= _m_ garlic.=al= = =a el=.=ala= _f_ wing; (hat) brim; =se me caen las--s del corazon= I lose heartutterly.=alabanza= _f_ praise.=alabastro= _m_ alabaster.=alambicado= distilled; _fig._ double-distilled, finical.=alamillo= _m d of_ alamo.=alamo= _m_ poplar.=alarde= _m_ parade, display.=alardear= _i_ parade (=de= as).=alargar= _t_ lengthen, run out, run up, put out, reach.=alarma= _f_ alarm; hubbub; =grito de---- = alarm-cry, alarum.=alarmante= alarming.=alarmar= _t_ alarm, throw into commotion.=alborotador= unsettling, disturbance-breeding.=alborotar= _r_ get boisterous; =--do= boisterous, tumultuous.=alborozar= _t_ enrapture, ravish.=albricias= _f pl_ pay for good news; joy, joy!.=alcalde= _m_ alcalde, chief magistrate (of town).=alcaldesa= _f_ alcalde's wife.=alcanzar= _t_ reach, attain, come up with, obtain; make out, take in,see, understand; =no---- mas= (_A._ =no se me alcanza mas=) not havemuch brains.=alcoba= _f_ bedchamber.=alcurniado= _m_ (_not in A._) aristocratic.=aldaba= _f_, =aldabon= _m_, knocker.=aldea= _f_ (little, unorganized) village, hamlet.=aldeano= village, villager.=alegrar= _t_ gladden; _r_ be glad.=alegre= cheery, merry, blithe.=alegria= _f_ gladness, joy, glee.=alejar= _t_ remove (to a greater distance), get out of the way; _r_recede, move away.=aleman= German.=Alemania= _f_ Germany.=aletargar= _r_ fall into a lethargy.=aleve= traitor.=alevosia= _f_ treachery.=alevoso= traitorous, sinister, iniquitous.=alferez= _m_ color-bearer.=algarabia= _f_ din of voices, hubbub, Babel.=algazara= _f_ noise of gay voices.=algo= something, somewhat, anything.=algodon= _m_ cotton.=alguacil= _m_ constable.=alguien= somebody.=algun[o]= some, any, some sort of, one and another, a few; some one(of, _etc_.).=alhaja= _f_ jewel.=aliciente= _m_ attraction, incentive.=aliento= _m_ breath; energy, pluck.=alimentar= _t_ feed (=de= on).=alimento= _m_ food.=alinear= _t_ align; =--do= in line with each other.=alma= _f_ soul, heart; life (as a principle residing in man or beast);=de mi---- = my dear; =con el---- en un hilo= in mortal terror.=almenado= battlemented.=almibarado= honeyed.=almohada= _f_ pillow.=almoneda= _f_ auction.=almorzar= _i_ breakfast.=alojamiento= _m_ lodging.=alojar= _t_ lodge; _r_ take up one's lodgings.=alquitran= _m_ tar; coal-tar (=---- mineral=).=alrededores= _m pl_ environs.=altaneria= _f_ loftiness, haughtiness.=altanero= lofty, haughty.=altar= _m_ altar (=mayor= high).=alterar= _t_ alter, modify, change, perturb.=alternativo= alternate; _adv._ =--mente=.=altisonante= big-sounding.=alto= (1) high, tall, lofty, upper, top; =de---- = tall; =en---- =(=pensar= send one's thoughts) on high; =en voz---- a= aloud; =a--ashoras de= deep in; =pasar por---- = pass over; (2) _m_ halt; =---- alla=hold on.=altura= _f_ height, altitude; exaltation; _nautically, not in A._,latitude; =a la---- de= on the level of, up to the standard of,(_nautical_) off.=alucinacion= _f_ hallucination.=alumbrado= _m_ lighting system.=alumbrar= _t_ light, light up.=alumno= foster-son, pupil.=alzar= _t_ lift; _i_ elevate the host.=alla= there (thither), off there; =mas---- = further off, further back,beyond (_prep. w._ =de=); =---- va= look out, look out below there;=---- (lo) veremos= we'll see (about it).=allegar= _t_ bring together; =--do= sympathizer, kindred spirit.=alli= there (not near me or you).=amabilidad= _f_ amiability.=amable= amiable; _sup._ =amabilisimo=.=amanecer= _i_ dawn, day breaks, daylight comes; _of God_ send the newday; _w. predicate adj. etc. (originally Arabism)_ present itself in themorning ..., be found ... in the morning.=amaneramiento= _m_ mannerism.=amant
e= loving, lover.=amar= _t_ love.=amargar= _t_ embitter.=amargo= bitter.=amargura= _f_ bitterness.=amarillez= _f_ yellowness.=amarillo= yellow.=amasar= _t_ prearrange (_esp._ illegitimately), juggle, pull the wiresfor.=amasijo= _m_ lump of dough, congeries.=ambicion= _f_ ambition.=ambicioncilla= _f_ grain of ambition.=ambito= _m_ space, precincts.=ambos= both, both the.=amedrentar= _t_ put in fear, make afraid.=amenaza= _f_ threat.=amenazador= threatening.=amenazar= _t_ threaten.=amenguar= _t_ impair.=ameno= pleasant.=amerengado= meringuy, meringue-like; _fig._ mushy, unsubstantial.=amigable= friendly (in negative sense of mere absence of ill feeling).=amigo= friend, friendly (positively), with whom one is on friendlyterms; _the f._ =amiga=, _unmodified, when applied to a man's friend,admits of a double meaning and hence is avoided by some, but G. andother good writers use it without bad sense_.=amigote= bosom friend, pal, that friend of his.=amiguito= good friend, little friend, child friend; =---- de escuela=school friend of one's childhood.=aminorar= _t_ lessen.=amistad= _f_ friendship; =hacer---- = make friends.=amistoso= friendly.=amo= master (of house or servants), owner; =--a= (priest's, bachelor's)housekeeper.=amonestacion= _f_ admonition.=amonestar= _t_ admonish.=amor= _m_ love.=amoratado= empurpled (_cf._ =mora= mulberry).=amoroso= loving, love, amorous, of love.=amparar= _t_ protect; _r Gall._ take possession.=amparo= _m_ (=a= under) shelter (=de= of, =209= 7; =de= from, =209=15), protection.=ampolla= _f_ blister.=anacoreta= _m_ anchorite, hermit.=analizar= _t_ analyze.=anatema= _m_ anathema.=anciano= old man, aged.=ancho= broad.=andante= errant; =caballeria---- = knight-errantry.=andar= _i_ go (=tras= after, about; =con= in _of clothing, typically_;=en= in _of clothing, literally_), walk; _w. gerund or ptc._ be; =--secon= use, take; =no me--en con gramaticas= don't go talking Latin; =todose--a= it will come in good time; =modo de---- = gait; =anda, andeusted=, fie, pooh, for shame.=anden= _m_ platform (of railway station).=anegar= _t_ flood, drown.=anemico= anaemic.=anfora= _f_ amphora.=angel= _m_ angel.=angelical= angelic.=angosto= narrow.=angulo= _m_ angle, corner.=angustia= _f_ anguish.=angustiado= anguished; _currently (A.)_ shabby.=angustioso= anguished; harrowing, agonizing.=anhelar= _i_ pant; _t_ pant for.=anhelo= _m_ longing.=animacion= _f_ animation.=animal= _m_ animal, creature; dunce, _adj._ animal; ignorant.=animalejo= _m depr_ creature.=animalito= _m_ little creature.=animar= _t_ animate.=animo= _m_ spirit; mind; courage.=aniquilar= _t_ annihilate, extinguish.=anoche= last night.=anochecer= _i_ the night comes on, night falls; _m_ nightfall.=anonimo= anonymous; _m_ anonymous letter.=ansiedad= _f_ anxiety, anxiousness.=antagonista= antagonist.=antano= _m_ last year; formerly; bygone days; =de---- = old-time;=aquel de---- = the old-time sort.=ante= before (_A. only in the senses_ 'in presence of,' 'in preferenceto').=anteanoche= night before last.=antecedente= _m_ antecedent, _pl_ record.=anteojos= _m pl_ spectacles.=antepasado= one who went before, forefather.=antepecho= _m_ parapet; (window-) sill, window-seat.=anterior= anterior, previous.=antes= first, before, heretofore, sooner; _prep. w._ =de=, _conj. w._=de que= _or_ =que=; =cuanto---- = as soon as possible; =---- bien=rather (in antithetical sense).=anticipo= _m_ anticipation; payment in advance; (occasion for) actingahead of time, being ahead of time, precipitating matters.=anticuado= antiquated.=anticuario= antiquarian, antiquary.=antigualla= _f_ antiquity, antiquated thing, relic of the past, ancienthistory (_often pl._).=antigueedad= _f_ antiquity.=antiguo= ancient, former, old; of long standing, by long prescription,from time immemorial.=Antinoo= _m_ Antinous (_pronounce_ an-tin'-o-us), N =86= 5.=antipatia= _f_ antipathy, repugnance, dislike, aversion.=antiquisimo= _sup of_ =antiguo=.=antireligioso= _properly_ =antirreligioso=; (_not in A._) anti-religious.=antojar= _r w. dat. pr._ seem good to, I take a fancy, I like, Iplease; seem, strike one (as).=anunciar= _t_ announce, inform (_dat._), herald, manifest.=anadir= _t_ add.=ano= _m_ year.=apabullar= _t c_ squelch.=apacible= peaceful.=apadrinar= _t_ be sponsor for, countenance.=apagar= _t_ put out, slake.=apalear= _t_ drub, cane, cudgel, give a drubbing _etc._.=aparador= _m_ dish-cupboard.=aparato= _m_ apparatus.=aparceria= _f_ agreement for cultivation (etc.) on shares.=aparecer= _i_ appear (become visible).=aparentar= _t_ make believe.=aparente= apparent; _adv._ =--mente=.=aparicion= _f_ appearance (act of appearing); manifestation, apparition.=apariencia= _f_ appearance (looks, semblance).=apartar= _t_ separate, part company, turn away, remove, put out of theway, brush away; =--do= out of the way.=aparte= aside, separately; =cuestion---- = a separate question.=apasionado= impassioned.=apatecer= _t_ feel a desire for.=apeadero= _m_ station (without side track etc.).=apedrear= _t_ throw stones (at), stone.=apelacion= appeal.=apellido= _m_ surname.=apenas= hardly.=apetito= _m_ appetite.=apiadar= _r_ take pity (=de= on).=apinar= _t_ crowd.=aplacar= _t_ appease, placate, calm down.=aplastamiento= _m_ crushing flat.=aplastar= _t_ flatten out; crush flat (=moler= _is_ crush to powder).=aplaudir= _t_ applaud.=aplauso= _m_ applause (_pl. of applause on many occasions_).=aplicacion= _f_ application.=aplicar= _t_ apply.=apoderar= _r_ take possession, master (=de=).=apodo= _m_ nickname.=Apolo= _m_ Apollo.=apopletico= apoplectic.=aporrear= _t_ club, cudgel, maul.=aposentar= _t_ quarter, put up, house.=apostar= _t_ bet (=que= _or_ =a que=, _the latter less affirmative_).=apostolico= apostolic (=los A---- s= were those who were later styledCarlists).=apostrofar= _t_ apostrophize; _i_ (_not in A._) soliloquize.=apostura= _f_ style, caparison.=apoyar= _t_ support, rest (=en= on).=apoyo= _m_ support.=apreciacion= _f_ appreciation.=apreciar= _t_ appreciate, think highly of.=aprehender= _t_ apprehend.=apremiante= urgent.=apremiar= _t_ drive.=apremio= _m_ constraint; writ to enforce the payment of taxes;mandamus; =comisionado de---- s= enforcer of taxes.=aprender= _t_ learn.=apresuramiento= _m_ haste, hustling, quickness.=apresurar= _t_ hasten; =--do= hasty, in haste; _adv._ =--mente=.=apretar= _t_ push, press, squeeze, quicken; =--do= tight.=apreton= _m_ grip.=aprieto= _m_ straits.=apropiar= _t_ appropriate; =--do= appropriate.=aprovechamiento= _m_ progress, success (in studies etc.).=aprovechar= _t_ turn to account, improve; _i_ make progress, do well,improve; =--do= thriving, hopeful.=apuntar= _t_ note.=apunte= _m_ (=tomar= take, perhaps incidentally; =sacar= get, as objectof study) note; _c_ scamp, good-for-nothing.=apurar= _t_ worry; =--do= trying.=aquel, aquello=, that; N =1= 9; =por--lo de que= on that account that(_clumsy language_).=aqui= here; =por---- = this way, on this side, hereabouts.=aquiescencia= _f_ acquiescence.=arado= _m_ plough.=arbol= _m_ tree.=arboleda= _f_ growth of trees.=arbolito= _m_ young tree, little tree.=arboricultura= _f_ arboriculture.=arbusto= _m_ shrub.=arco= _m_ bow; arch; arc.=arder= _i_ glow, burn.=ardid= _m_ device, maneuver, policy.=ardiente= glowing, fiery; _adv._ =--mente=.=ardor= _m_ ardor, burning, longing.=arduo= arduous.=arena= _f_ sand.=argamasa= _f_ mortar.=argucia= _f_ quibble.=argumentacion= _f_ argument (process).=argumentar= _i_ argue.=argumento= _m_ argument (ground, series of grounds).=arido= arid.=arma= _f_ arm, weapon.=armadura= _f_ suit of armor.=armamento= _m_ armament.=armar= _t_ arm; set up; get up.=armonia= _f_ harmony.=aroma= _m_ aroma.=arquear= _t_ arch.=arqueologia= _f_ archaeology.=arqueologico= archaeological.=arqueologo= _m_ archaeologist.=arquitectonico= architectural.=arquitectura= _f_ architecture.=arquitrabe= _m_ architrave.=arrabal= _m_ outlying quarter, suburb, outskirt.=arraigo= _m_ rooting, getting rooted.=arrancar= _t_ uproot, tear out, tear (away), pull out.=arrasar= _t_ raze.=arrastrar= _t_ drag.=arrebatar= _t_ snatch, sweep away; _r_ fire up, fly into a passion;=--do= hasty, precipitate, passionate, impetuous.=arrebato= _m_ outburst, fit of passion, rush.=arreglar= _t_ arrange, settle, put in order.=arreglito= _m_ nice settlement.=arreglo= _m_ arrangement, compromise, accordance; =con---- a= inaccordance with.=arrellanar= _r_ settle one's self at ease.=arrendar= _t_ rent (as landlord or as tenant); =no le arriendo laganancia= I wouldn't be in his shoes.=arrepentimiento= _m_ repentance, regret.=arrepentir= _r_ repent.=arriba= up, above; =hacia---- = up; =de---- a bajo= (_A._ =abajo=) upand down (_not so A._).=arriesgar= _t_ venture, risk; =--do= risky.=arroba= _f_ arroba (weight, over 25 lb.; liquid measure, varying fromprovince to province).=arrobamiento= _m_ ecstasy, rapture.=arrodillar= _r_ kneel.=arrogante= arrogant, haughty, cavalier, spirited, mettlesome, gay.=arrojar= _t_ throw, fling; throw out; thrust away.=arropar= _t_ cloth
e, wrap.=arroyo= _m_ brook.=arruga= _f_ wrinkle.=arrugar= _t_ wrinkle.=arruinar= _t_ ruin.=arsenal= _m_ arsenal.=arte= _m (f), pl f_, art, skill, deftness.=articular= _t_ articulate.=artifice= artificer.=artificio= _m_ artifice, artful dodge, trick.=artilleria= _f_ artillery.=artimana= _f_ pitfall; artifice.=artista= artist.=artistico= artistic; _adv._ =--mente=.=asa= _f_ handle.=asaltar= _t_ assault, assail; come over.=asalto= _m_ assault.=ascendiente= _m_ ascendancy.=asegurar= _t_ assure, guarantee, affirm.=asemejar= _r_ resemble, come to resemble (=a=).=asentar= _t_ seat.=aseo= _m_ neatness.=asesinar= _t_ murder.=asesinato= _m_ murder.=asesino= _m or f_ murderer.=asestar= _t_ point (weapon), fire, deal, deliver, land (blow etc.).=asi= thus, so; like that; _in wish_ N =4= 13; =ser---- = be such; =yosoy---- = it's my way, that's my way; =---- como= just as, as well as.=asiento= _m_ seat; discretion.=asilo= _m_ asylum.=asimismo= likewise.=asistencia= _f_ help; care (of sick).=asolador= devastating.=asolar= _t_ wreck, devastate, raze.=asomar= _i_ show itself; _r_ show one's self (at window etc.), go to... and look out, look out, look through (=a=).=asombrar= _t_ astonish.=asombro= _m_ terror; astonishment; (astonished) admiration.=asombroso= astonishing.=aspa= _f_ (set of) sails (of windmill).=aspecto= _m_ aspect.=aspero= harsh, rough; _adv._ =--mente=.=aspiracion= _f_ aspiration.=aspirar= _i_ aspire.=astro= _m_ star (in a wide sense), heavenly body, luminary.=astronomia= _f_ astronomy.=astucia= _f_ shrewdness, subtlety, cunning, guile.=astuto= shrewd, astute.=asuntillo= _m_ little matter.=asunto= _m_ subject, affair, matter.=asustar= _t_ scare.=atacar= _t_ attack.=atajar= _t_ head off.=ataque= _m_ attack.=atar= _t_ tie, tie up; =---- cabos= put two and two together.=atarear= _t_ set a task, give one something to do; _r_ keep hard atwork.=ateismo= _m_ atheism.=atencion= _f_ (=llamar= draw, =poner= pay) attention.=atender= _i_ attend (=a= to), listen.=Ateneo= _m_ Athenaeum, N =40= 18.=atener= _r_ pin one's faith.=atentado= _m_ (heinous) crime, outrageous attack.=atento= attentive, intent; _adv._ =--mente=.=atenuacion= _f_ attenuation, abatement, mitigation.=atenuar= _t_ attenuate, extenuate, mitigate, palliate, abate.=ateo= atheist.=aterrador= terror-striking, intimidating.=aterrar= _t_ terrorize; _r_ be terror-struck.=atico= Attic.=atisbar= _t or i_ peer, scrutinize; peer out _etc._.=atmosfera= _f_ atmosphere.=atonito= thunderstruck, lost in amazement.=atormentar= _t_ torture.=atracar= _r c_ eat all one can hold.=atraccion= _f_ attraction (the act or power); attractiveness.=atracon= _m_ surfeit.=atractivo= _m_ attraction (that which attracts).=atraer= _t_ attract, draw upon.=atras= back, in the rear.=atraso= _m_ behind-the-timesness, fossilism.=atravesar= _t_ cross, traverse, go across.=atrever= _r_ dare, have the audacity, venture (=a= on); =--ido=audacious fellow.=atrevimiento= _m_ daring, audacity, venturesomeness.=atribuir= _t_ ascribe.=atrocidad= _f_ atrocity, outrage; _c_ excess, indiscretion, wild scheme.=atronador= thundering.=atropellar= _t_ ride rough-shod over, override, treat with violence, doviolence to.=atropello= _m_ (piece of) arbitrariness, outrage.=atroz= atrocious, savage, outrageous, severe, enormous; _adv_.=--mente=.=aturdir= _i_ fluster, perturb, stupefy; =--do= inconsiderate.=audacia= _f_ audacity, hardihood.=audaz= daring, venturesome, audacious.=auge= _m_ high standing, consequence.=augurar= _t_ forebode.=augustinus= _L_ Augusta's.=augusto= august, majestic, illustrious; _also Latin_.=aula= _f_ classroom.=aulico= aulic.=aullar= _i_ howl.=aullido= _m_ howl.=aumentar= _t or i_ increase (=de, en=, in).=aun= even, also; =aun= yet, still. (_So Knapp; but A._ =aun= _beforeverb_, =aun= _after verb, whatever the sense. By 'verb' understand themodified word_.).=aunque= although.=aureola= _f_ aureole.=aurora= _f_ (red) dawn, daybreak.=ausencia= _f_ absence; departure.=austero= austere.=autor= author.=autoridad= _f_ authority.=autorizar= _t_ authorize, license.=auxilio= _m_ (=en= to the) help, aid.=avanzar= _t or i_ advance.=avaricia= _f_ (piece of) avarice.=avaro= avaricious.=ave= _f_ bird (_esp._ large, of wild places).=Ave Maria= (_A._ avemaria) _f_ Ave Maria, Hail Mary; =Ave Maria= (_soA._) =Purisima= _interjectional phrase, not the first words of theprayer_.=avecilla= _f_ nestling (of =ave=).=avellanado= nut-brown.=avenir= _t_ harmonize.=aventar= _t_ winnow.=aventura= _f_ adventure, venture, (running) risk, (_not in A._) story.=aventurar= _t_ risk; =--do= venturesome, overbold.=avergonzar= _r_ be ashamed.=averiguar= _t_ ascertain, find out.=avisar= _t_ warn (=a=) of (_acc._).=ay= oh (_'thoroughly Spanish for the_ oh _of other peoples,' Knapp_);alas, ah me; =---- de mi= oh poor me.=ayer= yesterday.=ayuda= _f_ (=en= to) aid, help.=ayudar= _t_ aid, help.=ayuno= _m_ (=hacer, observar=, keep) fast, (=hacer= do) fasting.=ayuntamiento= _m_ town council; town hall.=azada= _f_ shovel.=azoramiento= _m_ perturbation, bewilderment, flustering.=azote= _m_ lash, cut of the whip, spank, stroke of spanking.=azotea= _f_ (flat) roof (or part of roof; as place to walk on etc.).=azufre= _m_ sulphur.=azul= blue.

  =baba= _f_ slaver, thick saliva.=bah= pshaw.=bailar= _i_ dance.=bailarina= _f_ ballet-dancer, chorus girl.=bailoteo= _m_ dancing ('much, esp. without grace or decorum,' _A._),capering.=baja= _f_ casualty, loss.=bajada= _f_ descent.=bajar= _i_ go down, come down, get down, descend; _t_ lower, bringdown; drop; _acc. of place_ (=---- la escalera=) _not in A._.=bajeza= _f_ lowness, meanness, paltriness.=bajo= under; lower; low; _'barbarism' (A.) for_ =desde= _before_ =puntode vista=.=bala= _f_ shot (not of shotgun).=balbuciente= faltering, broken.=balbucir= _i or t_ falter (in speech).=balcon= _m_ balcony, balcony window.=baldosa= _f_ tile (of floor).=balija (_A._ valija=) _f_ valise, satchel, mail-bag.=banco= _m_ bench; bank.=bandada= _f_ flock (of birds flying), bevy, flight.=bandido= _m_ bandit.=bandolerismo= _m_ (_not in A._) brigandage.=banquete= _m_ banquet.=bano= _m_ bath.=barba= _f_ beard (_pl in same sense_), chin.=barbaridad= _f_ barbarousness, foolhardiness, Gothishness, spirit ofprimitive savagehood; barbarity.=barbarie= _f_ barbarism, savagery.=barbaro= barbarian, barbarous; foolhardy, harebrained, reckless.=barbilampino= thin-bearded.=barda= _f_ brushwood (or straw etc.) on top of wall (to prevent tapiafrom weathering away).=bardal= _m_ a tapia topped with brush; _say_ wall.=barniz= _m_ varnish.=barra= _f_ bar (N =13= 1).=barraca= _f_ hut.=barranco= _m_ gully, ravine.=barrer= _t_ sweep.=barricada= _f_ barricade.=barrido= _m_ sweeping; sweepings.=barro= _m_ wet earth, clay; =de---- = earthen.=barruntar= _t_ have an inkling of.=Bartolome= _m_ Bartolome, Bartholomew.=basca= _f_ qualm.=base= _f_ base, basis.=basilisco= _m_ basilisk.=bastante= enough; tolerably, a good deal, rather.=bastar= _i_ suffice; =basta= enough, no need of any more; =con X. basta(y sobra)= X. is enough (and more).=bastardear= _i (not r by A._) degenerate, be debased.=batalla= _f_ battle.=batallar= _i_ battle.=batallon= _m_ battalion.=batir= _t_ beat, beat against; _r_ fight; =---- palmas= clap one'shands.=baul= _m_ trunk.=bayo= bay (horse).=beatifico= beatific; (_not in A._) seraphic (as if inspired by theBeatific Vision).=beber= _t or i_ drink, drink up.=beduino= Bedouin.=behetria= _f_ old-time free town, N =125= 1; anarchy, turmoil.=bellaqueria= _f_ knavery.=belleza= _f_ loveliness.=bello= beautiful (_deeper word than_ =hermoso=).=bendecir= _t_ bless.=bendicion= _f_ blessing.=bendito= blessed; =un---- = an innocent; =agua--a= holy water.=beneficencia= _f_ beneficence.=beneficio= _m_ good deed, kindness.=beneficioso= beneficial, of benefit.=benefico= beneficent.=benevolencia= _f_ kindness, kindliness, good will.=benevolo= benevolent, kindly; _adv._ =--mente=.=benignidad= _f_ suavity.=bergante= _m_ scoundrel.=bermellonar= _t_ vermilion, paint with vermilion.=besar= _t_ kiss.=beso= _m_ kiss.=bestia= _f_ beast; lout, lubber.=besuquear= _t_ keep kissing.=Biblia= _f_ Bible.=bibliofilo= bibliophile.=biblioteca= _f_ library.=bien= well; very; quite; easily; well off; comfortable; _m_ good;=mas---- = rather, _w. imperative_ just; =si---- = though _w. accent onfollowing auxiliary_ (_w._ do _if no other auxiliary_), even though;=o---- = or else; =encontrar---- = find good, think well of; =hombrede---- = honest man.=bienestar= _m_ welfare, well-being.=bigote= _m often pl_ mustache.=bigotejo= _m_ scrubby mustache.=bilioso= bilious.=bizarria= _f_ gallantry.=bizco= squint-eyed; N =75= 22.=blanco= white.=blando= soft, sweet.=blanquecino= whitish.=blanquinegro= (_not in A._) grizzled.=blasfemia= _f_ blasphemy; (piece of) abuse, (piece of) billingsgate.=blasfemo= blasphemer, blasphemous.=boberia= _f_ silliness.=bobo= dolt, simpleton; =sacar de---- s= enlighten our ignorance,undeceive.=boca= _f_ mouth.=boda= _f_ wedding.=bofetada= _f_ slap (ho
stile); =dar--s, dar de--s=, slap.=bofeton= _m_ slap, hard slap.=bolita= _f_ little ball.=bolsillo= _m_ purse.=bombardear= _t_ bombard.=bonachon= amiable.=bondad= _f_ goodness, kindness, kindliness.=bondadoso= kindly, kind, amiable, benignant; _adv._ =--mente=.=bonito= pretty.=boquete= _m_ breach.=Borbon= _m_ Bourbon; N =150= 31.=borboton= _m_ uprush (of water, heaving the surface).=bordado= _m_ embroidering.=bordar= _t_ embroider.=borde= _m_ edge.=bordo= _m_ side (of ship); (_A. 'obs.'_) edge, margin, side (ofanything).=borla= _f_ tassel.=borracho= drunk, drunkard.=borrico= donkey.=bosque= _m_ grove, thicket.=bostezar= _i_ yawn, gape.=bota= _f_ boot.=botella= _f_ bottle.=botica= _f_ drug-store.=boton= _m_ button.=boveda= _f_ vault.=bozo= _m_ down (on youth's face).=bramar= _i_ bellow; _sometimes tr._ roar.=bramido= _m_ bellow.=bravo= doughty, brave, wild, swashbuckler, fighting man.=bravucon= _augm of depr_ fire-eater.=brazo= _m_ (=entre= in) arm.=breve= short, brief.=Briador= _m_ Brigliadoro, N =167= 5.=bribon= rascal.=brigada= _f_ brigade.=brigadier= _m_ brigadier-general.=brillante= brilliant.=brillantez= _f_ brilliancy.=brillar= _i_ sparkle; (of personal merit) strike the eye.=brindis= _m_ brindisi, drinking-song.=brio= _m (sg or pl)_ strength, muscle, mettle, vivacity.=broma= _f_ fun, joking, sport.=bromear= _i_ crack jokes.=bronco= rough, grating, jarring, jangling.=Brumario= _m_ Brumaire, N =150= 31.=brusco= blunt, brusque, abrupt, bluff; _adv._ =--mente=.=brutal= brutish, churlish, rude, brutal; _adv._ =--mente=.=brutalidad= _f_ brutishness, blackguardism.=bruto= blockish, stupid, brute; _m_ brute.=buen[o]= (_comparative_ =mejor=) good, well; all right; (_comparative_=mas bueno=) kind, nice, good-natured, pleasant; simple; =de--as aprimeras= at the very start, at first sight, without warning.=bufete= _m_ desk, law-office.=bufo= buffo; =opera--a= opera bouffe.=bufon= buffoon.=buitre= _m_ vulture.=bulto= _m_ bulk; something (imperfectly seen; _so Longfellow_ '_a bulkin the dark_'); bale ('fardo' _A._), (_not in A._) parcel, piece (ofbaggage).=bullicio= _m_ uproar, hubbub.=bullicioso= boisterous.=buquinista= _Gall._ bouquiniste.=burla= _f_ jest, ridicule; =de--s= jocular.=burlar= _t_ baffle; _r_ mock, poke fun (=de= at), ridicule (=de=), makefun.=burlesco= jocular, comic, farcical.=burro= donkey.=busca= _f_ quest, search.=buscador= seeker.=buscar= _t_ look for, hunt up, seek, pick (quarrel).=busto= _m_ bust.=butaca= _f_ easy-chair.

  =cabal= precise; _adv_ just, precisely; _adv. also_ =--mente=.=cabalgadura= _f_ mount, (ridden) horse.=caballeresco= knightlike.=caballeria= _f_ knighthood, chivalry; cavalry; beast (horse, ass, ormule).=caballerito= _m_ younker, young gentleman.=caballero= _m_ knight, gentleman; man of honor; _before proper namesay_ Squire.=caballerosidad= _f_ chivalry, knightliness.=caballista= _m_ expert in horses, horsemaster, horse man.=caballo= _m_ horse; =a---- = on horseback.=Caballuco:-uco= _is depr. suffix_.=cabecera= _f_ head (of table etc.).=cabellera= _f_ (head of) hair.=cabello= _m_ (a) hair.=caber= _i_ find room, find a place, there is room for; belong to,be------ 's, fall to; =N =190= 14=.=cabeza= _f_ head; =como me pusieron la---- = what a time they gave me(with their talk).=cabo= _m_ end; corporal; =al---- = ultimately, to end up with, now _asintroductory conj._.=cabra= _f_ goat (either sex); she-goat (_m_ =cabron=).=cacarear= _i_ crow, cackle.=cacique= _m_ cacique; leader in politics, boss.=caco= _m_ thief; =Caco= Cacus.=cachaza= _f_ phlegm, apathy, leisureliness.=cada= each, every.=cadaver= _m_ corpse.=caer= _i_ fall, fall a victim.=cafe= _m_ coffee.=cafre= Kafir.=caida= _f_ fall.=caja= _f_ box, case; coffin.=calamidad= _f_ calamity (_A._ 'which extends to many persons').=calavera= _f_ skull; madcap.=calaverada= _f_ piece of recklessness, madcap freak, escapade, spree.=calculo= _m_ calculation; (_not in A._) scheme.=caldeo= Chaldee, Chaldean.=calentar= _t_ warm, heat.=calificacion= _f_ characterization, epithet.=calificar= _t_ characterize (=de= as), put a (descriptive) name to.=calificativo= _m_ epithet, characterization.=calma= _f_ calm, quiet, placidity, calmness.=calmar= _t_ calm.=calor= _m_ (=a= by) heat, warmth.=calumnia= _f_ slander, calumny.=calumniador= slanderous, slanderer.=calvicie= _f_ baldness.=calzada= _f_ causeway.=calzar= _t_ shoe.=calzon= _m mostly pl_ breeches.=calzonazos= _m pl, also as sg_ (=un----, unos---- =), _c_ wishy-washyfellow.=calladita= _f d of_ =a las calladas= on the quiet, under cover.=callar= _i_ be silent, keep silence, hold one's tongue; _t_ say nothingof; =--do= silent; =calla= no such thing (_'c. intj. denoting surprise'A._).=calle= _f_ street.=callejon= _m_ alley.=cama= _f_ bed.=camaleon= _m_ chameleon.=camarero= (chief) valet de chambre; =--a mayor= mistress of the robes(chief of a queen's maids).=cambiar= _t_ change, exchange.=cambio= _m_ exchange (=de= for); =en---- = on the other hand.=camello= _m_ camel.=caminar= _i_ go, travel.=caminata= _f_ course, jaunt.=caminejo= _m_ bad road.=camino= _m_ road, journey, journeying, course; =---- real= turnpike.=camisa= _f_ shirt; =meterse en---- de once varas= interfere in otherpeople's business.=camorra= _f_ quarrel.=campana= _f_ (large) bell.=campanilla= _f_ (little) bell.=campana= _f_ plain; the field; campaign.=campeador= champion, _esp._ the Cid, N =152= 31.=campeon= _m_ champion.=campesino= rural, rustic, countryman, yeoman.=campina= _f_ (arable) territory, region (around a town).=campo= _m_ field, fields; the country.=canaleja= _f_ watering-trough; shovel hat.=canalla= _f_ riffraff, (set of) rascals; _m_ rascal; _adj (Gall.?)_blackguardly; =---- de= rascally.=canana= _f_ cartridge-belt.=canario= _m_ canary.=cancion= _f_ song.=candelero= _m_ candlestick.=candidatura= _f_ candidacy.=canela= _f_ cinnamon.=cangilon= _m_ jar, pot.=canonigo= _m_ canon.=cansancio= _m_ exhaustion.=cansar= _t_ tire, weary.=cantar= _i or t_ sing; (of cock) crow.=cantara= _f_, =cantaro= _m_, pitcher.=cantidad= _f_ quantity, number, sum.=cantinela= _f_ old song, yarn, reiteration, refrain, strain.=canto= _m_ song; crowing.=cantor= singer.=cana= _f_ reed, cane; =las--s se vuelven lanzas= _proverb fromjereed-play_ the jest turns to earnest.=canada= _f_ vale.=canon= _m_ (gun-)barrel; cannon (_sg. sometimes in collective sense, asin Eng._).=canonazo= _m_ cannon-shot.=caoba= _f_ mahogany.=capa= _f_ cloak (N =2= 19).=capacidad= _f_ capacity.=capaz= capable.=capilla= _f_ chapel.=capita= _f_ precious capa, _fig._ nice cloak.=capital= _m_ capital (means); _f_ metropolis, capital (chief city).=capitis diminutio= _term of ancient Roman law_ loss of status.=capitular= _m_ capitular, N =153= 1.=capitulo= _m_ chapter.=capote= _m_ capote (_not pronounced or meant as in ordinary Eng._),short cloak with sleeves; =para mi---- = in my mind, to myself.=caprichillo= _m_ whimsy, whim-wham.=capricho= _m_ caprice, whim.=cara= _f_ face; =tenir ...---- = be looking ...; =poniendo ---- =looking.=caracol= _m_ snail.=caracter= _m_ character.=caracterizar= _t_ characterize, mark, bring out well; _see_ =184= 32.=caratula= _f_ mask (comic or protective, not for concealment);(preternaturally comic) visage.=caravana= _f_ caravan.=carbon= _m_ coal, charcoal.=carcajada= _f_ guffaw.=carcel= _f_ prison, jail.=carcomido= worm-eaten (of wood), honeycombed; wasted away,weather-eaten.=Cardec= 'Allan Kardec,' author of _Livre des esprits_ etc., N =145= 30.=cardo= _m_ thistle.=carecer= _i_ lack (=de=), be destitute.=cargadito de= rather strong of.=cargante= disagreeable.=cargar= _t_ load, carry; be a nuisance to.=cargo= _m_ load, charge; mission, duties.=caribe= Carib; _fig._ Mohawk ('hombre cruel y inhumano' _A._).=caricatura= _f_ caricature.=caricia= _f_ caress.=caridad= _f_ charity.=carilla= _f_ little face.=carilleno= full-faced, full (face).=carino= _m_ affection.=carinoso= affectionate; _adv._. =--mente=.=carita= _f_ little face.=Carlos= _m_ Charles; N =150= 31.=Carmen= _m_ the Carmelites.=carnal= of the body; (of relatives) own.=Carnaval= _m_ Carnival.=carne= _f_ flesh.=carnicero= of prey; bloodthirsty.=carnoso= fleshy, massive.=caro= dear; _w._ =costar= _inflected or uninflected_.=carrera= _f_ running; course; rush, rushes; (=hacer= have a) career.=carromatero= _m_ carter.=carta= _f_ letter; (playing-)card; _obs._ paper; =tomar --s= take ahand.=cartera= _f_ pocket-book, wallet; portfolio, letter-case.=cartita= _f_ note.=carton= _m_ pasteboard, papier mache.=cartoncejo= _m_ little pasteboard box.=casa= _f_ house, home; =en---- = at home, in my house; =a ----, asu---- =, home; =---- de= (_without_ =la=)------ 's (house), the; =los de----, las personas de---- =, one's home people, one'sfolks, household.=casaca= _f_ coat (_esp._ of uniform).=casamiento= _m_ marriage.=casar= _t_ marry; =--se con= marry.=cascara= _f_ shell, bark, peel; =de la---- amarga= _c_ cross-grained,bumptious, truculent.=cascarazo= _m (not in A.)_ shot with the peel.=casco=
_m_ skull; helmet; shard, fragment, piece (of broken crockery,burst bomb, etc.); layer (of onion); hoof; _(not in A.) for_ =gajo=segment (of orange etc.).=caserio= _m_ cluster of houses, hamlet; farmhouse.=casero= domestic, household, indoor.=casi= almost.=casino= _m_ (social) club.=caso= _m_ case; topic; situation; =el---- = the point; =hacer---- =regard, mind, pay any attention to (=de= _or dat._); =verse en el----de= (have) come to the point of.=casta= _f_ race, ancestry, breed, blood.=castel= _m obs_ castle.=castellano= Castilian.=castigar= _t_ chasten.=castigo= _m_ punishment.=castillo= _m_ castle.=casto= chaste; _adv._ =--mente=.=casualidad= _f_ accident, chance.=casucha= _f_ hovel.=casulla= _f_ chasuble.=casus belli= _m_ casus belli.=catadura= _f c_ (_usually_ evil) looks, air.=catafalco= _m_ catafalque.=catastrofe= _f_ catastrophe.=catedral= _adj or f_ cathedral.=catequizar= _t_ teach the catechism to, teach the (Christian, _A._)religion to.=catolico= Catholic.=cauce= _m_ bed (of stream), channel.=caudal= _m_ wealth, stock.=caudillo= _m_ commander.=causa= _f_ cause, suit, prosecution; =a---- de, por---- de=, becauseof, on account of.=causar= _t_ cause.=cautela= _f_ caution.=cautivar= _t_ captivate, take captive.=cavernoso= cavernous.=cavilacion= _f_ brooding, anxiety, nervous pondering, fidget.=cavilar= _i_ rack one's brains.=Cayetano= _m_ Cayetano, Cajetan.=caza= _f_ hunting, game.=cazador= hunter.=cazuelillo= _m d of_ =cazuelo=.=cazuelo= _m_ (_A._ =--a= _f_) (earthen) pan, (stewpan-like) dish,casserole.=cebo= _m_ fodder, feed, bait.=ceder= _i_ give way.=cedula= _f_ billet (=de alojamiento= _untr._).=cegar= _t_ blind.=ceguera= _f_ blindness.=ceja= _f_ eyebrow.=cejar= _i_ (_of horse_) back; _fig._ back down, weaken.=cejijunto= with meeting eyebrows; _(not in A._) with knitted brow.=celador= person appointed to see to the observance of order andordinances; _say_ warden.=celaje= _m_ broken clouds; colored clouds; storm-scud.=celebrar= _t_ celebrate, applaud, laud, extol; hold (a meeting etc.);execute (a legal document etc.); (_not in A._) be glad of.=celebre= famous.=celeste= celestial.=celestial= heavenly.=celibato= _m_ celibacy.=celosia= _f_ jalousie.=celoso= jealous.=cena= _f_ supper.=cenar= _i_ sup, take supper, have supper.=ceniza= _f_ (_sg or pl_) ashes.=centauro= _m_ centaur.=centella= _f_ flash (of lightning); spark (of flint and steel).=centinela= sentinel; =de---- = standing sentry.=central= central.=centro= _m_ center; =fuera de su---- = out of one's element.=centuplicar= _t_ centuple, expand a hundred fold.=cenir= _t_ gird, gird about, belt, encircle.=ceno= _m_ brow; frown.=cenudo= frowning.=cerca= _adv._ near, close by; _prep. w._ =de=, _but_ =de---- = _adv._.=cercania= _f_ proximity; (_mostly pl._) vicinage, purlieus.=cercano= _adj_ near, near by, close by.=cercenar= _t_ lop, clip; lop off, clip off; _fig._ cut down.=cerebro= _m_ brain.=cereza= _f_ cherry.=cerradura= _f_ lock.=cerrar= _t_ shut, close; lock.=cerrillo= _m_ knoll.=cerro= _m_ hill.=cesante= out of a (government) job.=cesar= _i_ cease, come to an end; be put out of one's office.=Cesar= _m_ Caesar.=cesta= _f_ basket.=Ciceron= _m_ Cicero.=ciego= blind; _adv._ =--mente=.=cielo= _m_ sky, heaven; N =44= 2.=ciencia= _f_ science.=cientifico= scientific, in science.=cien[to]= hundred.=cierto= _before noun pl._ certain (some), _sg._ a certain; _after noun_certain (sure), _adv._ =--mente=; _as predicate, in antithesis to acontrary suggestion_, true (=seguro= certain. =149= 5, 13); =por----,por---- que=, you may be sure.=cigarrillo= _m_ cigarette.=cigarro= _m_ cigar.=cima= _f_ top (of mountain or tree).=cimiento= _m_ foundation.=cinco= five.=cinto= _m_ belt (of person); waist.=cinturon= _m_ belt (of things).=circulo= _m_ circle; club (_A._ '=casino='), coterie.=circunscribir= _t_ circumscribe, limit.=circunspeccion= _f_ circumspection.=circunspecto= circumspect.=circunstancia= _f_ circumstance.=circunstante= (_hardly in sg._) person present, _pl_ company.=cirio= _m_ (large wax) candle.=cita= _f_ quotation.=citar= _t_ cite, quote, summon.=ciudad= _f_ city (town which anciently had privileges superior to thoseof a villa).=civil= civil.=cizanoso= mischief-maker.=clamorear= _i_ clamor, blare.=clamoreo= _m_ clamor.=clandestino= clandestine; _adv._ =--mente=.=claqueteo= _m Gall._ clatter, clacking.=claraboya= _f_ skylight.=claridad= _f_ clearness, brightness; light (_A._ the effect of light inmaking everything visible); plainness; (=tenue---- =) glimmering, gleam.=clarin= _m_ clarion.=clarinete= _m_ clarinet.=claro= clear; light; plain (of language etc.); illustrious; _adv._=--mente=.=clase= _f_ class; sort (_more c. than_ =suerte=); subject (ofinstruction), study.=clasico= classic.=clasificar= _t_ classify.=clavar= _t_ nail, drive in, stick in; fasten (eyes).=clerical= clerical.=clerigo= _m_ clergyman.=clero= _m_ clergy.=cliente= client.=club= _m_ club (_A._ political, 'usually clandestine').=coaccion= _f_ compulsion, constraint.=coalicion= _f_ coalition.=cobarde= coward, cowardly, faint-hearted.=cobardia= _f_ faint-heartedness, cowardice.=cobrar= _t_ receive, take in, collect.=cocina= _f_ kitchen.=coco= _m c_ grimace; =hacer--s= flirt (=a= with; N =85= 32).=coche= _m_ coach, carriage, car.=cochero= _m_ coachman, stage-driver.=codo= _m_ elbow; =hablar por los--s= have one's tongue hung in themiddle and going at both ends.=coetaneo= coeval.=coger= _t_ grasp, catch, pick up, take up, take in.=cogote= _m_ nape of one's neck.=coincidencia= _f_ coincidence.=coincidir= _i_ coincide.=cojear= _i_ be lame (one-sidedly).=col= _f_ cabbage.=cola= _f_ tail; string of consequences.=colaboracion= _f_ collaboration, cooperation.=colegio= _m_ preparatory school.=colera= _f_ exasperation, wrath.=colerico= exasperated.=colgar= _t or i_ hang, hang up.=colilla= _f_ stub (of cigar).=colindante= adjoining (of real estate), adjoining proprietor.=colocar= _t_ place.=colophon= (_A._ =colofon=) _m_ colophon.=coloquio= _m_ colloquy, conversation.=color= _m_ (_pl used of blushing_) color.=colosal= colossal.=columna= _f_ column.=comarca= _f_ district (containing several villages); (populous orextensive) region.=combate= _m_ combat.=combatir= _t_ combat, contend.=comedia= _f_ comedy, play, acting.=comediante= actor; shammer, dissembler.=comedido= mannerly, courteous, self-restrained.=comedimiento= _m_ civility, self-restraint, mannerliness.=comedor= _m_ dining-room.=comensal= companion at table; _pl_ company.=comentario= _m_ commentary, comment, remarks ('lengthy conversation ontopics of everyday life, mostly with some backbiting' _A._).=comenzar= _t_ commence.=comer= _t or i_ eat; _as necessity of life_ have something to eat, getsomething that one can eat, fill one's stomach; =--ido de= (by) ... =veayo= _is a customary form of c. imprecation_.=comerciante= merchant.=comercio= _m_ commerce, intercourse.=cometer= _t_ commit, do, be guilty of.=comico= comic, comical; comedian, actor.=comida= _f_ meal, food.=comision= _f_ commission.=comisionar= _t_ commission; =--do= commissioner, agent.=como= as, like; as I do _etc._; such as; something like, as it were; assoon as; if; that; =como= how; how is it that; what ... like; what?.=comoda= _f_ bureau.=comodo= convenient, comfortable.=compana= _obs. or provincial for_ =compania=.=companero= comrade, companion.=compania= _f_ companionship, company.=comparacion= _f_ comparison.=comparecer= _i_ put in an appearance.=compartir= _t_ divide, apportion.=compas= _m_ beat, time (e.g. musical).=compasion= _f_ compassion.=compensar= _t_ compensate, make up for.=compilar= _t_ compile.=compinche= '_c_ friend, comrade' _A._; =de---- = pals, in cahoots.=complacencia= _f_ complacency.=complacer= _t_ gratify (_r_ =de, en=, with), accommodate, follow thewishes of.=completar= _t_ complete.=completo= complete, full; _adv._ =--mente; por---- = completely.=complexion= _f_ physique, constitution, habitus, type.=complice= accomplice.=complot= _m_ plot.=componedor= arbitrator.=componer= _t_ compose; mend; settle (=se las= it between them).=comportamiento= _m_ behavior.=composicion= _f_ composition.=compostura= _f_ (more external than =gravedad=) composure, gravity,seriousness, decorum; neatness.=comprar= _t_ buy.=comprender= _t_ understand (grasp, see, see through); realize.=comprimir= _t_ compress; repress.=comprometer= _t_ jeopardize, put in peril; make responsible, makeliable.=compromiso= _m_ engagement, promise entered into.=computo= _m_ calculation.=comun= common; =de---- = jointly; =por lo---- = commonly, in general.=comunicacion= _f_ communication.=comunicar= _t_ communicate, connect.=comunicativo= communicative.=con= with; toward (a person); =---- elegancia= _etc._ elegantly _etc._;=---- que= (_A._ =conque=) so then, well then.=concebir= _t_ conceive.=conceder= _t_ grant, concede.=conceptista= conceptist, dealer in double meanings, double-meaning; N=175= 19.=concepto= _m_ conception, conceit, estimation.=concerniente= relating (=a= to), concerning (=a=).=concertar= _t_
arrange, agree, harmonize.=conciencia= _f_ consciousness, conscience.=concienzudo= conscientious.=concierto= _m_ concert.=conciliacion= _f_ conciliation.=conciliar= _t_ reconcile.=concilio= _m_ council.=concluir= _t or i_ finish (_acc. or_ =de=); end.=concordar= _i_ harmonize, agree.=concordia= _f_ concord, harmony.=concretar= _r_ confine one's self.=concurso= _m_ concourse.=concha= _f_ shell (of any animal).=conde= _m_ count.=condenar= _t_ condemn; disuse, close (permanently, room or door); _r_be damned; =--do= _as objurgation_ confounded (_lit._ damned, _butpossible in lady's mouth_, =157= 22).=condensar= _t_ condense.=condesa= _f_ countess.=condescendencia= _f_ accommodatingness, complaisance, leniency,easy-goingness.=condescendiente= facile, complaisant.=condestable= _m_ Constable (highest rank in mediaeval army).=condicion= _f_ condition; nature, temperament; qualification.=conduccion= _f_ carrying.=conducir= _t_ conduct, take, lead, comport.=conducta= _f_ conduct.=conducto _m_ conduit, channel; =por---- de= by the hands of, through.=conductor= conductor; carrier.=conexion= _f_ connection.=confabular= _i_ confabulate; _r_ collude; =se han--do= are in collusion.=conferencia= _f_ conference, lecture.=conferenciar= _i_ confer, hold a conference.=confesar= _t_ confess, acknowledge.=confesion= _f_ confession.=confesonario= _m_ confessional.=confesor= _m_ confessor.=confianza= _f_ trust; (sense of) intimacy; =persona de---- = intimate;=amigo de---- = trusty friend; =de mucha---- = highly confidential.=confiar= _i_ trust; _t_ entrust, confide.=confidente= confidant.=confirmacion= _f_ confirmation.=confirmar= _t_ confirm (=me en= to me).=confite= _m_ bonbon.=conflicto= _m_ thick of the fight, tug of war, crisis; predicament,trouble.=conformar= _t or i_ conform.=conforme= agreed, agreeable, willing to agree; that depends; accordingas.=conformidad= _f_ agreement.=confundir= _t_ confound, confuse.=confusion= _f_ confusion.=confuso= confused; _adv._ =--mente=.=congenito= inborn, congenital, native.=congoja= _f_ distress.=congojoso= distressful.=congreso= _m_ congress (_A. [against using foreign words] 'In place of_meeting _we can say_ =reunion, junta, asamblea, congreso, conventiculo=,_etc._').=conjetura= _f_ conjecture, guess.=conjunto= _m_ aggregate, mass.=conjurar= _i_ conspire, band together (mutinously).=conmigo= _used instead of_ =con mi=.=conmover= _t_ affect, move, agitate.=connaturalizar= _r_ inure, acclimatize, familiarize; (_not in A._)establish.=conocer= _t_ know (be acquainted with,--_but distinguished from_tratar, =145= 3, =---- de= by; recognize, =en= by), know of, knowanything of; recognize, perceive; become acquainted with; _r_ be evident.=conocimiento= _m_ knowledge (_sometimes Eng. sg. represents Spanishpl._), acquaintance; consciousness.=conquista= _f_ conquest.=conquistador= conquering, conqueror (applied e.g. to any soldier ofCortez's army).=consabido= aforesaid.=consagrar= _t_ consecrate, devote.=conseguir= _t_ obtain, bring about, manage.=consejero= counselor; councilor.=consejo _m_ counsel, advice; =poner en---- = submit to counselors, takeadvice on.=consentimiento= _m_ consent.=consentir= _t_ allow, give one's consent.=conservar= _t_ preserve.=considerable= considerable.=consideracion= _f_ consideration, considerateness; =de---- =considerable, of some consequence; =guardar--es= be considerate, haveconsiderateness.=considerar= _t_ consider, look upon.=consigo= _used instead of_ =con si=.=consistir= _i_ be based (=en= on), rest (=en= with), consist (=en= in).=consolar= _t_ console, comfort.=consonancia= _f_ harmony.=consonante= _m_ riming word; harmonizing sound; _f_ consonant.=conspiracion= _f_ conspiracy.=constante= constant, continual; _adv._ =--mente=.=constar= _i_ be (positively) known; =me consta= I have assurance.=consternacion= _f_ consternation.=consternar= _t_ dismay, appall.=constitucion= _f_ constitution.=constructor= construction.=construir= _m_ construct.=consuelo= _m_ consolation, comfort.=consulta= _f_ counsel, consultation.=consultar= _t_ consult (=me lo me= about it).=consumar= _t_ consummate, carry through.=consumir= _t_ consume, use up.=contagioso= contagious, catching.=contar= _t_ tell, tell the story, recount, count (=con= on).=contemplacion= _f_ contemplation, viewing.=contemplar= _t_ contemplate, view.=contemporaneo= contemporary, of our own day.=contener= _t_ contain, restrain, keep in, hold back.=contentar= _t_ content.=contento= glad, pleased, suited (=de= with); _m_ cheer, satisfaction.=contestacion= _f_ reply.=contestar= _t_ reply, respond, answer.=contigo= _used instead of_ =con ti=.=continuar= _t or i_ continue.=continuo= continual.=contra= against, contrary to; over against; _m. see_ =pro; en---- de,en---- a=, against, unfavorable to.=contradecir= _t_ contradict.=contradiccion= _f_ contradiction; =---- del mismo= self-contradictionof.=contrariar= _t_ antagonize; (_not in A._) disappoint, irk, annoy.=contrariedad= _f_ hindrance, obstacle.=contrario= (=al, por el, por lo=, on the, _A.; but_ =por el 22= 9 =111=30 on the, =por lo 54= 13 for the) contrary; opponent.=contrarrestar= _t_ withstand.=contrato= _m_ contract.=contribucion= _f_ tax.=contribuir= _t_ contribute.=contristar= _t_ sadden.=controversia= _f_ controversy; =de---- = controversial.=contundente= bruising, scathing.=convencer= _t_ convince.=conveniencia= _f_ propriety; advantage; (domestic servant's, _A._)place, situation.=conveniente= expedient, advantageous, best, proper.=convenir= _i_ agree (=en que= that), be to the purpose, be well, (_notin A._) suit; =--do= agreed on.=conversacion= _f_ conversation.=convertir= _t_ turn, convert, change.=convexo= convex.=conviccion= _f_ conviction.=convidar= _t_ invite; treat.=conviene= _see_ =convenir=.=convulsion= _f_ convulsion, spasm, convulsive strain.=convulso= convulsive (person); _adv._ =--mente=.=cooperar= _i_ cooeperate.=copa= _f_ goblet (cup with foot); cup.=cophto= Copt, Coptic.=copioso= copious, ample.=copla= _f_ verse, song (N =10= 28).=copon= _m_ ciborium.=coraje= _m_ valor, gallantry.=corazon= _m_ heart; courage, pluck, nerve.=corazonada= _f_ (inward) prompting, presentiment.=corcel= _m_ steed, courser.=corchuelo= _m d depr of_ =corcho= cork.=cordial= cordial; _adv._ =--mente=.=cordialidad= _f_ cordiality.=cordon= _m_ cord (in clothing, etc.).=corifeo= _m_ coryphaeus.=corneta= _f_ cornet.=coro= _m_ chorus; choir; (divine) office, service.=corona= _f_ crown.=coronar= _t_ crown.=coronel= _m_ colonel.=corpachon= _m_ unwieldy body.=corporacion= _f_ corporation.=corpulento= corpulent.=corpusculo= _m_ corpuscle.=correccion= _f_ correctness.=correctivo= _m_ corrective.=correcto= correct.=corregidor= _m_ corregidor (N =147= 20).=correo= _m_ mail, post.=correr= _i_ run; go about; (_not r in A._) be seen to (i.e. passthrough the regular channels); _t_ run; draw (curtain etc., eitheropening or closing); face, go through (=aventuras= _etc._); pursue,chase (=aventuras= _Gall.?_); =---- a cargo= _etc._ =de= be under thecharge _etc._ of.=correspondencia= _f_ letters, correspondence.=corresponder= _i w._ a return, reciprocate, match, correspond to;belong to, be the part of, be for.=correspondiente= corresponding.=corretear= _i_ gad about, go up and down.=corrida= _f_ run.=corriente= current; settled (as general opinion); _f_ current; =---- deaire= draft.=corromper= _t_ corrupt.=corrupcion= _f_ corruption.=corruptio optimi pessima= _L_ a corruption of the best is worst.=cortar= _t_ cut, cut off, cut short; disconcert.=corte= _f_ court; (monarch's) capital.=cortejo= _m_ gallant ('especialmente si las relaciones son ilicitas'_A._); cortege.=cortes= courteous.=cortesania= _f_ courtliness.=cortesano= courtly; _m_ courtier, _f_ courtesan.=cortesia= _f_ courtesy.=Cortez= _see_ =Ferdinand=.=corteza= _f_ bark, rind.=cortijo= _m_ grange.=cortinaje= _m_ (set of) curtains.=corto= scant, slight, little.=cosa= _f_ thing, matter; _pl_ doings; =no ...---- = nothing; =gran----= much of anything; =que--s tienes= what a fellow (_etc._) you are;=---- de= (_inf._) a thing to ... over.=cosecha= _f_ harvest, crop, crops.=coser= _i_ sew.=cosita= _f_ a little something, little matter.=costa= _f_ cost; =a---- = at the expense.=costar= _i_ cost.=costumbre= _f_ custom, habit; =de---- = usual.=costura= _f_ sewing.=costurero= _m_ work-box (with cushion top; sometimes with legs, makingit a stand).=cotorra= _f_ parrakeet; magpie.=coyuntura= _f_ opportunity.=craneo= _m_ skull (_less ambiguous than_ =casco=).=creacion= _f_ creation.=crear= _t_ create.=crecer= _i_ grow, increase.=crecimiento= _m_ growth.=credito= _m_ credit.=creencia= _f_ (=segun= in) belief.=creer= _t_ believe, think, suppose (that, =que= _if the following verbhas a subject different from that of_ =creer=; _usually inf. if the twosubjects would be the same_); =no crea Vd.= believe it or not.=crepuscular= (of the) twilight.=creyente= believer.=creyo= _see_ =creer=.=criadero= _m_ nursery (in agricultural sense); (mineral) deposit.=criado= servant.=cria
r= _t_ create.=criatura= _f_ baby.=crimen= _m_ crime ('delito grave' _A._).=criminal= criminal.=crisis= _f_ crisis.=cristal= _m_ crystal; (_A._) flint glass; (_not in A._) pane, _pl_ sash.=cristiandad= _f_ Christendom.=cristianismo= _m_ Christianity.=cristiano= Christian.=Cristo= _m_ Christ.=Cristobal= _m_ Cristobal, Christopher.=criterio= _m_ criterion; judgment.=cronica= _f_ chronicle.=cruce= _m_ crossing.=crucificar= _t_ crucify.=cruel= cruel.=cruento= gory, sanguinary.=cruz= _f_ cross.=cruzar= _t or i_ cross; fold (arms, hands).=cuaderno= _m_ fascicle, section, part (of unbound book).=cuadrar _i_ square, fit, harmonize, correspond; befit, suit (=a=).=cuadrilatero= _m_ quadrilateral.=cuadrito= _m_ little picture.=cuadro= _m_ picture.=cual= such as, like a; (_after =tal, tan=) as; =el---- = who, which;=tal para---- = six of one and half a dozen of the other (_usuallydisparaging_); =---- si= as if; =cada---- = each one; =cual= which.=cualidad= _f_ (_esp._ individual) quality.=cualquier[a]= (_positively_) any, anybody, any whatever, anybodywhatever, any and every, anybody and everybody, any no matter what;=---- que= whatever; =un---- = a nobody.=cuan= as ... as; _after_ =tan= as; =cuan= how.=cuando= when; since; if; _as prep. c._ at the time of; =----menos= atleast; =de vez en---- = from time to time.=cuanto= as much as, all that, _pl_ as many as; _after_ =tanto= as;=en---- = as soon as; =en---- a= as to; =unos--s= a few; =cuanto= howmuch, _freely_ how, _pl_ how many.=cuartago= _m_ nag.=cuarto= _m_ quarter; room, apartment; farthing (N =6= 34).=cuatro= four; _indefinitely_ half a dozen, a few.=cubicularia= _L. word_ night-lamp (lucerna cubicularia, _Martial_).=cubrir= _t_ cover; =--ierto= _m_ 'plate, knife, fork, spoon, bread, andnapkin' (_A._) at a diner's place; _say_ plate.=cuchicheo= _m_ whispering.=cuchillo= _m_ knife.=cuchufleta= _f_ pleasantry, quip.=cuello= _m_ neck.=cuenca= _f_ hollow, basin.=cuenta= _f_ account, accounting; =tener en---- = bear in mind;=darse---- de= (_not in A._) realize; =tomar por su---- = take uponone's self (an affair that would normally be another's).=cuento= _m_ story.=cuerda= _f_ cord, string.=cuerdo= sane.=cuero= _m_ leather.=cuerpo= _m_ body; corps; =de---- entero= full-length; =estar de----presente= be a corpse at its funeral; =a---- de rey= in clover.=cuestion= _f_ question (topic, not inquiry), dispute, altercation,debate.=cueva= _f_ cave.=cuidadito= _m_ take mighty good care (=con= about).=cuidadoso= careful, cautious; _adv._ =--mente=.=cuidar= _t, or i w._ =de=, take care, care for, tend; _r_ regard(=de=), concern one's self; =--do= _m_ (=tener= take) care, anxiety,have a care, be careful, look out, O my, O my what, I must say; =estarcon--do= be apprehensive; =estar sin--do= have no fears.=cuita= _f_ trouble, trial.=culebra= _f_ snake.=culebrear= _i_ twist and turn, meander (_A._ 'go making S's').=culminante= culminating, capital, transcendent.=culpa= _f_ fault, (=tener, tener la=, be to) blame.=culpabilidad= _f_ blameworthiness, guilt.=culpable= culpable, guilty, party at fault.=cultivar= _t_ cultivate.=culto= civilized; _m_ worship (_in broad enough sense to include,without metaphor, the 'worship' of saints_).=cultura= _f_ culture.=cumplimiento= _m_ fulfillment.=cumplir= _t_ fulfill; =--do= _m_ courteous words, act of courtesy.=cumulo= _m_ pile.=cuna= _f_ cradle.=cundir= _i_ spread (esp. of liquid soaking in and of popular movement).=cunado= brother-in-law.=cura= _m_ pastor, priest; _f_ cure.=curar= _t_ cure.=curia= _f_ court; lawyers and court officers.=curiosidad= _f_ curiosity.=curso= _m_ course=.=cuyo= whose, of which ('of which' _may be indistinguishable from, orconfused with, adjectival_ 'which,' N =24= 7).

  =chaco= _m_ shako.=charla= _f_ chatter.=charlar= _i_ talk (_A._ 1, 'much and pointlessly'; 2, 'for merepastime'), chatter.=charlatan= chatterer, gabbler, prater.=charolar= _t_ japan.=chasquido= _m_ whiz, crepitation, click.=chaveta= _f_ forelock, key; =perder la---- = _c_ go off one's nut.=chico= little; boy.=chichear= _i_ chirrup (_A._ as token of displeasure, e.g. at theater).=chillon= strident, shrill.=china= _f_ pebble.=chiquillo= _d of_ =chico=.=chirrido= _m_ strident noise, scraping, creaking.=chisme= _m_ (bit of) gossip; gimcrack.=chismoso= gossiper, gossipy.=chispa= _f_ spark; acumen, brightness.=chispilla= _f d of_ chispa.=chiste= _m_ witticism, joke; facetiousness, wit.=chocante= clashing, harsh, jarring, repellent, offensive.=chocar= _i_ strike, hit (=con= against).=chocarreria= _f_ (piece of) buffoonery.=chocolate= _m_ chocolate.=chopo= _m_ black poplar (tall).=choza= _f_ hut, booth.=chucheria= _f_ knickknack.=chupar= _t_ suck.=chusma= _f_ gang (_when said of respectable people it is 'slang,' A._).

  =D.=, =Don=.=dama= _f_ lady (_f. of_ =caballero=).=danza= _f_ dance; _c_ (ill-contrived) affair, doings, carrying on.=danado= evil, wicked.=dano= _m_ damage, harm, injury.=dar= _t or i_ give, deal (blows etc. _acc. or_ =de=); take (a walketc.); run (one's head against the wall =con la cabeza en la pared=);land; strike; =me da= I am taken with, I am taken with a fancy, _cf._ N=38= 6; =---- en tierra con= floor, swamp, make away with; =---- con elcuerpo en= get into, come to; =---- por= consider, deem, take, profess,acknowledge; =---- diente con diente= have one's teeth chattering.=darsena= _f_ dock.=Darwinismo= _m_ Darwinism.=dato= _m_ datum, item of information.=de= of, from; made of; one of, among; in; than; _w. inf._ to;_superfluous in phrases like_ =el bueno---- D. Juan=; _tr. by possessivecase, or by attributive use of noun, as_ =sala---- periodicos=periodical room; =---- fuego= all on fire; =los---- dentro= the personsinside; =hay ... de ...= there are ... and ...; =es----notar= it is tobe observed.=dean= _m_ dean.=debajo= _adv_ under; _prep w._ =de=.=debate= _m_ debate.=deber= _t_ owe; ought, should, must, have to, is to; _r_ be due, be thedue of; _m_ duty; =---- de= must _in sense of_ it is presumable; =no----de= cannot _in the like sense_.=debil= weak.=debilidad= _f_ weakness.=decadencia= _f_ decay, decadence.=decaer= _i_ fall off, deteriorate.=decente= decent, seemly.=decidir= _t_ decide.=decir= _t_ say, tell, utter; =es---- = that is to say; =digamoslo asi=so to speak; =cuando digo que= to think that, just think; =bien dice= isright in saying, is right in thinking, =bien decia yo= I knew; =dicho=said, the said, that; =mejor dicho= one might better say, or rather;=dicho se esta= it goes without saying; =con lo cual dicho se esta=which is as much as to say.=decision= _f_ decision, determination.=declaracion= _f_ (=dar= make) declaration.=declarar= _t_ declare.=declinar= _t_ decline.=decoroso= decorous; _adv._ =--mente=.=decreto= _m_ decision, warrant, decree.=dedicar= _t_ dedicate, devote.=dedo= _m_ finger.=defectillo= _m_ little defect.=defecto= _m_ defect.=defender= _t_ defend, maintain.=defensa= _f_ defense.=defensor= defender.=definir= _t_ define.=definitivo= definitive, positive, for good; _adv._ =--mente=.=deforme= misshapen, unsightly.=degeneracion= _f_ degeneracy.=degollar= _t_ cut the throat of; cut off the head of.=degradar= _t_ degrade; put out of caste.=dehesa= _f_ pasture.=dejar= _t_ leave, let; leave off (=de=); (_w._ =de= _and inf._)cease to, fail to, leave un-; =---- de la mano= let slip, neglect;=no---- de, sin---- de=, all the same, at any rate; =----hacer= letalone, let one do as he will; =--se ver= show one's self.=dejo= _m_ leaving; taste left in the mouth; (_not in A._) remnant.=del= = =de el=.=delante= before one; =---- de= before.=delantera= _f_ front; (the) start (N =12= 5).=delegacion= _f_ delegation, authorization.=delegado= delegate.=deleitar= _t_ delight; _r_ take delight, go into raptures, feel a gusto.=deleite= _m_ delight (subjective), gusto.=delgado= thin, slender.=deliberado= aforethought, deliberate; _adv._ =--mente=.=delicadeza= _f_ delicacy.=delicado= delicate (=de= in).=delicia= _f_ delight (objective).=delincuente= delinquent.=delirio= _m_ delirium.=delito= _m_ crime.=demagogia= _f_ ochlocracy, mob rule.=demagogico= demagogic.=demanda= _f_ demand.=demarcar= _t_ delimit, mark off, draw the line.=demas= other, the rest, anything else, _pl_ anybody else; =por lo---- =however.=demasiado= too.=demente= demented, infatuated, daft.=demonche= _m c (not in A.)_ devilkins.=demonio= _m_ demon; _euphemistic for_ devil; =vayanse con mil---- s=_see_ =dios= and N =1= 17.=demostracion= _f_ demonstration, manifestation.=demostrar= _t_ demonstrate, manifest.=demudar= _t_ alter.=dentro= within, inside; _prep. w._ =de=.=denunciar= _t_ denounce, inform against.=deplorable= deplorable, lamentable.=deplorar= _t_ deplore.=depositario= _m_ depository.=deposito= _m_ station, store.=depurar= _t_ purify, get pure.=derecha= _f_ right, right hand; _adv_ (_A._ =derecho=) straight,straight on.=derechito= _d of_ =derecho=.=derecho straight; right; =a--as= aright, rightly; _m_ right.=derramamiento= _m_ shedding.=derramar
= _t_ shed.=derretir= _t_ melt.=derribar= _t_ pull down, knock down, strike down, break down.=derribo= _m_ pulling down.=derrochar= _t_ squander.=derrotar= _t_ rout.=desacorde= out of tune, incongruous; _adv._ =--mente=.=desacuerdo= _m_ disagreement.=desafiar= _t_ challenge.=desafio= _m_ challenge.=desafuero= _m_ misdeed, malefaction.=desagradable= disagreeable.=desagradar= _t_ be disagreeable to.=desagraviar= _t_ make amends to, put one's self right with, appease.=desahogar= _t_ ease, relieve.=desahogo= _m_ relief, easement, comfort.=desairar= _t_ slight; =--do= ignominious, unseemly.=desaire= _m_ (=hacer= show) slight.=desalado= as fast as his feet will carry him.=desaliento= _m_ nervelessness.=desalmado= conscienceless, coldblooded, fiendish.=desamparar= _t_ leave without protection, cease to stand by; =--do=unsheltered.=desaparecer= _i_ disappear.=desarmar= _t_ disarm.=desarrollar= _t_ develop.=desasir= _t_ loose.=desasosegar= _t_ perturb.=desasosiego= _m_ perturbation.=desastroso= untoward, unhappy.=desatar= _t_ untie.=desatino= _m_ nonsense, piece of nonsense, act of senselessness.=desavenencia= _f_ disagreement, disharmony, misunderstanding, jar.=desayuno= _m_ (light) breakfast.=desbancar= _t_ supplant (in love etc.), cut out.=desbordar= _i_ overflow, get beyond bounds.=descalzo= barefoot; barefooted friar, barefoot brother.=descansar= _i_ rest.=descanso= _m_ rest (=a= from).=descarado= impudent; _adv._ =--mente=.=descargar= _t_ discharge (at, _properly_ =en, contra, sobre=; _fig.dat._), disburden; bring down (a violent blow).=descastar= _t_ exterminate; (_not in A._) deracialize, unbreed; =--do=unresponsive to affection _etc.; perhaps say_ surly.=descendente= descending, down.=descender= _i_ descend.=descolgar= _t_ take down (thing hanging).=descolorido= colorless, pale, pallid.=descomponer= _t_ decompose; throw into confusion; =--uesto= indecorous,uncivil.=descomunal= uncommon.=desconcertar= _t_ disconcert.=desconcierto= _m_ discomposure, dissidence, indiscretion.=desconfianza= _f_ mistrust.=desconfiar= _i_ be mistrustful, have no confidence (=de= in).=desconocer= _t_ be unaware, not recognize; =--ido= unknown, in thebackground, covert, stranger.=desconsolado= broken-hearted, inconsolable; _adv._ =--mente=.=descontento= ill pleased, little pleased, discontented.=descortes= discourteous.=descredito= _m_ discredit, lack of confidence.=descreido= disbelieving, unbeliever.=descreimiento= _m_ disbelief, unbelief.=describir= _t_ describe.=descripcion= _f_ description, describing.=descriptivo= descriptive.=descuartizar= _t_ cut into quarters, cut up.=descubrir= _t_ uncover, expose, discover; =al--ierto= openly, exposed.=descuidar= _i_ be careless, be negligent; not worry.=descuidillo= _m_ little oversight.=descuido= _m_ oversight.=desde= _prep_ from, beginning from, since, from ... on; for (length oftime past); =---- que= from the time when, since, as soon as, after.=desden= _m_ disdain.=desdichado= unlucky; _c_ timid, guileless, mollycoddle, easy mark.=desear= _t_ desire, wish.=desechar= _t_ reject, lay aside.=desembarazar= _t_ disencumber, relieve.=desempenar= _t_ redeem, clear, fulfill; play (such and such a part).=desempeno= _m_ carrying out.=desenfreno= _m_ unbridling; breaking of bounds, license.=desengano= _m_ disappointment.=desenmascarar= _t_ unmask.=desenojar= _t_ placate, appease, make up with.=desenterrar= _t_ disinter.=desentranar= _t_ disembowel; thresh out (a question).=desenvainar= _t_ unsheathe.=desenvoltura= _f_ free-and-easiness, unconstraint.=desenorar= _t_ unlady.=deseo= _m_ desire.=desesperacion= _f_ desperation, fury, utter vexation; despair.=desesperar= _t_ drive to despair; get out of patience; =--do=desperate, in despair.=desfallecer= _i_ grow faint.=desfallecimiento= _m_ weakening; fainting.=desfavorable= unfavorable.=desfigurar= _t_ disfigure, disguise.=desgarbado= ungraceful, ungainly, uncomely.=desgracia= _f_ misfortune.=desgraciado= unlucky.=deshecho= stormy; agonized.=deshonra= _f_ dishonor.=deshonrar= _t_ dishonor.=designio= _m_ design.=desistir= _i_ desist, break off, give up.=desliz= _m_ slip.=deslizar= _i_ slip, slide.=desmayar= _i_ grow faint, _r_ faint; =--do= faint.=desmayo= _m_ fainting fit, swoon.=desmejorar= _t_ damage; =me desmejora= I am the worse for.=desmentir= _t_ give the lie, impugn.=desmerecer= _i_ lose, fall ('lose part of its merit or value' _A._).=desmoralizacion= _f_ demoralization, demoralized condition.=desmoralizador= demoralizing.=desnudo= naked, bare.=desobedecer= _t_ disobey.=desobediencia= _f_ disobedience.=desolacion= _f_ desolation.=desolado= desolate.=desollar= _t_ flay, take off the skin.=desorden= _m_ disorder.=desordenar= _t_ disorder.=despabilado= wide-awake.=despacio= leisurely, lingeringly, (_not in A._) at leisure; gently, goslow.=despacito= _intensive d_ gently.=despachar= _t_ dispatch; do for (kill); get off one's hands; =----pronto= make quick work (of it), be quick.=despacho= _m_ office.=desparpajo= _m_ flippancy.=desparramar= _t_ sprinkle.=despechar= _t c_ wean.=despedazado= dilapidated.=despedir= _t_ let fly; dismiss, send off; give off, emit; _r_ takeleave.=despegado= ungracious, cold (in manner).=despego= _m_ coldness.=despejado= clear, clear-headed; (_not in A._) broad.=despensa= _f_ pantry.=despenadero= _m_ precipice.=desperdigar= _t_ scatter.=desperezar= _r_ get one's self awake, bring one's self to life, N =131=23.=desperfecto= _m_ impairment, detriment.=despertar= _t or i_ wake, awake, wake up.=despiadado= pitiless, inhuman.=despierto= awake, up.=desplegar= _t_ unfold, display.=desplome= _m_ crashing down.=despojar= _t_ rob, strip; give up (=de=).=despreciar= _t_ despise, treat with contempt.=desprecio= _m_ contempt, display of contempt.=desprender= _t_ disengage, sever, break (away).=despreocupacion= _f_ unprejudicedness; (_not in A._) recklessness.=despreocupado= unprejudiced; (_not in A._) reckless.=desprestigiar= _t_ spoil one's reputation.=desproporcionado= disproportionate, proportionless.=desproposito= _m_ absurdity, incongruity.=despues= after that, afterward, later, then; =---- de= after, next to.=destacar= _t_ detach; _r_ stand out.=destinar= _t_ destine, intend (=a= for, to).=destinejo= _m_ shabby place under the government.=destino= _m_(_esp._ government) job, position.=destitucion= _f_ dismissal (from office etc.).=destituir= _t_ remove (from office), dismiss, get dismissed.=destreza= _f_ skill.=destrozar= _t_ knock to pieces, shatter.=destruccion= _f_ destruction.=destruir= _t_ destroy, do away with.=desvanecer= _t_ dispel; turn one's head; _r_ vanish, evaporate; growdizzy, one's head swims.=desvencijado= enfeebled, rickety.=desventura= _f_ mischance.=desvergonzado= shameless.=desvio= _m_ ungraciousness.=detallado= detailed; _adv._ =--mente=.=detalle= _m_ detail.=detener= _t_ stop, retain; =--idamente= deliberately, without hurrying,taking time to go into the matter.=detenimiento= _m_ deliberation, circumspection, (time spent in)heedfulness, heed.=determinacion= _f_ (=tomar= come to) resolution.=determinar= _t_ determine; _r_ make up one's mind.=detestable= detestable.=detractor= detractor.=detras de= back of; after.=detuve= _see_ =detener=.=deuda= _f_ debt.=deudo= kinsman, relative.=deus= _L_ a god; _D----_ God.=devocion= _f_ devotion, devotions.=devolver= _t_ restore, return.=devorar= _t_ devour.=devoto= devout, devotional, devoted.=dia= _m_ (=de= by) day; =es de---- = it is daytime, it is daylight; =enmis --s= in my life; =cada---- = day by day; =buenos--s= good morning(familiar greeting at any daylight hour); =hoy---- = at this day.=diablo= _m_ devil.=diablura= _f_ deviltry, mischief, devilish trick.=diabolico= diabolical.=dialectica= _f_ dialectic.=dialogo= _m_ dialogue.=diario= daily; _adv._ =--mente=.=dibujar= _t_ draw.=dibujo= _m_ drawing.=dice= _see_ =decir=.=diciembre= _m_ December.=dictar= _t_ dictate.=dicha= _f_ happy lot, happiness, good fortune.=dicho= _ptc of_ =decir=.=dichoso= happy, lucky; _c_ plaguy.=diente= _m_ tooth.=diestro= skillful.=diez= ten.=diferente= diverse, different.=dificil= difficult, not easy.=dificultad= _f_ difficulty; objection.=difundir= _t_ diffuse, shed.=dignar= _r_ deign, be pleased to.=dignidad= _f_ dignity, self-respect.=digno= worthy.=digo= _see_ =decir=.=dije= _see_ =decir=.=dilacion= _f_ delay.=dilatar= _t_ prolong.=diligencia= _f_ diligence; _c_ chore, job, errand.=diligente= diligent.=diluvio= _m_ flood, deluge.=dinastia= _f_ dynasty.=dinero= _m_ money.=dio= _see_ =dar=.=dios= _m_ god; =Dios= God, _in exclamatory phrases mostly_ heaven,goodness, gracious, mercy, _the force not being usually such as_ 'God'_conveys in Eng.; may designate the sacramental wafer_; =hombre de D----= man alive; =vaya Vd. con D----, quede Vd. con D---- =, good-by; =todosea por D---- = never mind, I won't complain, God's will be done; =deD---- = '_c_ copiously, in great abundance' _A._.=diplomatico= diplomatic, diplomat; _c_ sly-boots (=de= in).=diputado= _m_ deputy, representative in the Cortes.=direccion= _
f_ direction, course.=directo= direct, straight; _adv._ =--mente=.=director= director.=dirigir= _t_ direct, address, guide, superintend; _r_ turn, turn one'ssteps, address one's self, apply.=disciplina= _f_ discipline.=discorde= discordant.=discordia= _f_ discord, dissension.=discrecion= _f_ discretion.=discreto= discreet; bright, witty, nimble-witted.=disculpable= excusable.=disculpar= _t_ exculpate, exonerate; excuse, make allowance for.=discurrir= _i_ discourse, reflect, meditate; rove, stray; _t_ think up.=discurso= _m_ discourse, tract, speech.=discusion= _f_ discussion.=discutir= _t_ discuss.=disertar= _i_ dissert, canvass the question.=disforme= misshapen; monstrous.=disgregar= _t_ segregate, part, separate.=disgustar= _t_ displease.=disgusto= _m_ annoyance.=disimular= _t_ dissemble, conceal; =--do= covert, surreptitious, _adv._=--mente=.=disimulo= _m_ dissimulation, surreptitiousness.=disipar= _t_ dispel; _r_ melt away.=disonancia= _f_ dissonance.=disparadero= _m_ trigger; =en el---- de= ready for ... on the slightestimpulse.=disparar= _t_ discharge, fire, let fly (_w. person as subject_;=despedir= _w. gun etc. as subject); (not in A._) fire on, fire at.=disparatado= ill-assorted, incongruous.=disparate= _m_ absurdity, unreasonable thing, (piece of) bosh.=dispensar= _t_ dispense, excuse, excuse for.=dispersar= _t_ disperse, scatter.=disperso= dispersed, scattered.=displicencia= _f_ coldness, indifference.=disponer= _t_ arrange, dispose; prepare; direct; =--uesto= (_Gall.?_)willing, inclined, ready.=disponible= available.=disposicion= _f_ disposition; disposal; condition; aptitude; executiveability; =en---- = in a position, in a condition, able.=disputa= _f_ dispute.=disputar= _t or i_ dispute (a thing _acc._ with a person _dat._).=disquisicion= _f_ disquisition.=distancia= _f_ distance.=distante= distant, remote.=distinguir= _t_ distinguish.=distinto= distinct, _adv._ =--mente=; different, _adv._ =de---- modo=.=distraccion= _f_ distraction, occupation for the mind, (bit of)absent-mindedness.=distraer= _t_ distract, divert one's attention; =--ido= absent-minded.=distrito= _m_ district.=disturbio= _m_ disturbance.=disuadir= _t_ dissuade.=ditado= _obs for_ =dictado= dictate.=divagar= _i_ ramble.=diversidad= _f_ diversity, variety.=diversion= _f_ diversion.=diverso= divers, diverse, various, different.=divertir= _t_ amuse; =--do= merry, sportive; amusing; =estar--do= havea good time.=dividir= _t_ divide.=divino= divine.=do= = =donde=, N =126= 13.=doble= double, twice as great.=doce= twelve.=docena= _f_ dozen.=docto= learned.=doctor= doctor (_not_ = =medico= _except c._).=doctorcillo= little doctor.=doctrina= _f_ doctrine.=documento= _m_ document.=dogma= _m_ dogma.=dolor= _m_ pain.=dolorido= pained, woe-begone.=doloroso= painful, woeful, dolorous.=domestico= domestic, (of the) household.=domicilio= _m_ domicile.=dominar= _t_ dominate; master.=domine= _m c_ dominie, teacher of Latin.=domingo= _m_ Sunday; D---- Domingo, Dominic.=don= _m_ (1) Mr., Esq. (_title, before Christian name, for anygentleman_; =senor=, _before any name, for any man_); (2) gift.=doncella= _f_ maiden, respectable girl; maid.=doncellez= _f_ virginity.=donde= where; _before inf. of purpose often untr._; =en---- = where;=a---- = to what point; =de----, desde---- =, whence; =por donde= how(by what route).=Donna Marine= _French form for_ =Dona Marina=.=dona= _f_ lady; Lady, Madam; _cf._ =don=.=dorar= _t_ gild.=dormir= _i_ sleep, be asleep; _r_ go to sleep; =--do= asleep, sleeping.=dormitorio= _m_ sleeping-room.=dos= two, a couple of; =nos a los---- = the two of us.=dote= _m or f_ dowry, endowment.=dragon= _m_ dragon.=droga _f_ drug.=duda= _f_ doubt; =poner en---- = throw doubt upon.=dudar= _i or t_ doubt.=dudoso= dubious, doubtful, to be doubted.=duende= _m_ goblin, spook, bogle.=dueno= master, owner.=dulce= sweet, agreeable, mild, complacent.=dulzura= _f_ sweetness, amenity, pleasantness, gentleness.=duque= _m_ duke.=duquesa= _f_ duchess; =gran---- = grand duchess.=duradero= lasting, durable.=durante= during, for.=durar= _i_ (=lo que= how long) last (=mucho= long, =poco= not long, =loque= as long as).=dureza= _f_ hardness, harshness, sharpness.=Durlindana= _f_ Durendal, N =167= 7.=durmiente= sleeping, slumbering.=durmio= _see_ =dormir=.=duro= hard, harsh, stern; _m_ duro, peso, dollar.

  =e= and (_used before_ =i= _or_ =y=).=eclesiastico= ecclesiastical; _m_ ecclesiastic, churchman.=eco= _m_ echo; =de menos---- = that make less noise.=echar= _t_ throw, emit, pour out, put (=de= out of), put out, put on,send (_'general-utility verb,' Bassett_); _i_ take to (=por= path, =a=_inf._), start; _r_ burst out, take to; =---- de menos= miss; =--lade,--sela de=, set up for a; =--se a la calle,--se al campo, N =162=1;---- mano a= lay hands on.=edad= _f_ age; =E---- Media= Middle Ages; =de---- = elderly.=edicion= _f_ edition.=edificacion= _f_ edification.=edificante= edifying.=edificar= _t_ build, build up.=edificio= _m_ building.=educacion= _f_ education.=educar= _t_ educate, bring up.=efectivo= actual, in fact; _adv._ =--mente=.=efecto= _m_ effect; =en---- = in fact.=eficaz= efficacious, efficient.=egoismo= _m_ egoism.=egregio= eminent, notable.=eh= soho, hey.=ejecutar= _t_ execute.=ejemplar= exemplary; _m_ copy, specimen.=ejemplaridad= _f_ (_not in A._) dutifulness.=ejemplo= _m_ example.=ejercer= _t_ exercise, practice.=ejercicio= _m_ exercise.=ejercito= _m_ army.=el, la, lo=, the; =lo= the ... thing, what is, the--ness; =---- 60='60, in '60; =---- de= that of, he of, the man with,--'s; =lo de= thatabout, the matter of, that of--'s; =---- de siete anos= the seven-yearone; =las de Cirujeda= the Cirujedas (female; Senora de C. and herdaughters or sisters); =---- que= he who, that which; =las dos= two(o'clock); =por lo= by being so; =lo fuerte que habia dicho= (his)having spoken so strongly.=el, ella, ello, le, la, lo=, he, she, it; =lo= so, _sometimes untr._;=la, las=, N =7= 16; =ello es= it is a fact; =los hay= there are some;=la tiene= he has such a thing.=eleccion= _f_ election.=electoral= electoral, of the elections.=electricidad= _f_ electricity.=elegancia= _f_ elegance.=elegir= _t_ select; =--do= elect.=elevacion= _f_ elevation.=elevar= _t_ raise, exalt; =--do= lofty.=Eliseo= Elysian; =Campos---- s= (1) Elysian Fields, (2) Champs-Elysees.=elocuencia= _f_ eloquence.=elocuente= eloquent.=elogiar= _t_ eulogize.=elogio= _m_ eulogy.=ella, ello=, _see_ =el=.=emanacion= _f_ emanation.=emanar= _i_ emanate.=embarazo= _m_ embarrassment.=embarazoso= embarrassed, embarrassing.=embarcar= _t_ embark.[=embargo _m obs_. impediment]; =sin---- = nevertheless, notwithstanding.=embaular= _t_ pack in.=embelesar= _t_ fascinate, absorb, _passive_ be all taken up (with).=emblema= _m sometimes f_ emblem, device, crest, N =220= 6.=embrazado= on one's arm (shield etc.).=embriaguez= _f_ drunkenness.=embrollar= _t_ tangle, tangle up, involve, confuse.=eminencia= _f_ eminence, eminent man.=eminente= eminent, distinguished.=emisario= emissary.=emocion= _f_ emotion.=empalagoso= sickening, fulsome.=empalme= _m_ dovetailing; junction.=empaque= _m_ air, N =32= 21.=empaquetar= _t_ stow, pack ('in bales, boxes, or other packages(=paquetes=)' _A._).=emparentado= related, connected (=con= with, to).=empedrar= _t_ pave.=empenar= _t_ mortgage, obligate; _r_ insist (=en= on, =en que= that);mediate.=empeno= _m_ obligation, eagerness, determination (=en, de=, to); strongdesire.=emperador= emperor.=emperegilar= (_A._ =emperejilar=) _t_ bedeck, bedizen, dress up finely.=empezar= _t or i_ begin (=por= with).=empinar= _t_ exalt; _r_ tower.=emplear= _t_ employ, make use of (_refers more simply to the thingdone, less to its relation as means to an end, than_ =valerse=; _theaccusation that methods are criminal uses_ =emplear 134= 16, _thedefense that the end was good uses_ =valerse 136= 18; =emplear= _also inpassive where its reflexive synonyms could not be used_), spend; =--do=official, clerk.=empleo= _m_ employment.=empleomania= _f_ craze for office.=empolvar= _t_ cover with dust.=empollar= _t_ hatch.=emprender= _t_ undertake.=empujar= _t_ push.=empuje= _m_ push, pushing.=empunar= _t_ grasp.=en= in, into, at, during, among, on; =de ...---- = from ... to.=enamorado= in love (=de= with), lover.=enano= dwarf, dwarfish.=encaje= _m_ lace.=encaminar= _t_ guide, direct; _r_ bend one's steps, make for.=encanallamiento= _m_ debasement, demoralization.=encantador= charming, bewitching, entrancing.=encantar= _t_ charm, enchant.=encanto= _m_ enchantment.=encarar= _i_ confront (=con=).=encarecer= _t_ put a high value on, cry up, extol, magnify.=encargar= _t_ charge; order.=encargo= _m_ commission, order.=encarnacion= _f_ incarnation.=encarnado= red.=encender= _t_ set on fire, inflame, light; =--ido= (very) red, fieryred.=encerrar= _t_ shut up; lock up, lock one's door.=encierro= _m_ shutting in, locking up, seclusion, reclusion.=encima= above, over, over one, on top; _prep. w._ =de=, _but_ =de---- =off from (
from on top of).=enclavar= _t_ nail on; (_not in A._) plant.=encomiado= laudatory, of laudation.=encomienda= _f_ encomienda, N =192= 12.=encomio= _m_ encomium.=encono= _m_ dudgeon.=encontrar= _t_ meet with, hit upon, come upon, find, encounter.=encrespar= _r_ roughen, rise (sea).=encrucijada= _f_ street-corner.=encubridor= concealer; that plays the stalking-horse.=encubrir= _t_ cover up, screen; =--ierto= covert.=encuentra= _see_ =encontrar=.=encuentro= _m_ meeting; =al---- de, al---- a=, to meet.=encharcar= _t_ flood, cover with water.=enderezar= _t_ straighten.=endiablado= _c_ fiendish.=enemigo= enemy, hostile.=enemistad= _f_ enmity.=energia= _f_ energy.=energico= energetic; _adv._ =--mente=.=enfadar= _t_ fret, offend, provoke, anger, get angry.=enfado= _m_ vexation.=enfadoso= vexatious.=enfasis= _m or f_ emphasis.=enfatico= emphatic; _adv._ =--mente=.=enfermar= _i_ fall ill, be taken with disease; _t_ blight, causedisease in.=enfermedad= _f_ disease, illness.=enfermizo= sickly, unhealthy.=enfermo= sick, ill.=enfrente= facing one, face to face with one (=de=).=enfriar= _t_ chill.=enfurecer= _t_ enrage, infuriate.=enganar= _t_ deceive, cheat, humbug; _r_ be wrong, be mistaken (_A._'equivocarse'; _but at_ =46= 1, 21, =equivocarse= _is the milder term,more courteous to a lady_); =llevarse--da= inveigle.=engano= _m_ deceit, fraud; mistake.=enganoso= deceptive.=engendrador= generator, parent.=engendrar= _t_ engender, beget.=engolfar= _i_ put out to sea (out of sight of land), launch out; _t_involve, carry away.=engordar= _t_ fatten, make fat.=enjaezar= _t_ adorn (a horse).=enjambre= _m_ swarm (of insects).=enjugar= _t_ wipe away.=enlazar= _t_ knot, clasp, link.=ennegrecer= blacken; _r_ grow black.=enojar= _t_ anger, provoke; =--do= angry.=enojo= _m_ anger, pique, umbrage, indignation (_A._ '=enojo=: emotionwhich causes =ira=' and '=ira=: passion which moves to =indignacion yenojo=').=enorme= enormous, monstrous.=enormidad= _f_ vastness; enormity.=enredadera= _f_ twining vine, climber.=enredador= mischief-maker.=enredo= _m_ entanglement; fraud, chicanery, trickery; plot.=Enriqueta= _f_ Henrietta, Harriet.=enroscar= _t_ curl up.=ensalada= _f_ salad.=ensalzar= _t_ exalt, extol.=ensanchar= _t_ broaden.=ensartar= _t_ string, string together.=ensenanza= _f_ instruction, education.=ensenar= _t_ show, exhibit; teach.=enseres= _m pl_ implements, furnishings.=ensillar= _t_ saddle.=ensimismado= absorbed in one's own thoughts.=ensoberbecer= _t_ get conceited.=ensueno= _m_ dream.=entablar= _t_ set (chessmen), start (business etc.).=entalle= _m ('obs.' A.)_ carving, relief.=entena= _f_ lateen yard, N =167= 9.=entender= _t_ understand (words, _acc., the sense being_ catch, takein; affairs, =de=; _also_ =de= about); =mal --ido= mistaken; =dar a----= make it understood, give intimations.=entendimiento= _m_ understanding, intellect, mind.=enterar= _t_ inform.=entereza= _f_ integrity; determination.=enternecimiento= _m_ movement toward tenderness; relenting.=entero= entire; _adv._ =--mente=.=enterrar= _t_ bury.=entonar= _t_ pitch, strike up.=entonces= then.=entorpecimiento= _m_ stupefaction, dullness; hampering, impediment,check.=entrada= _f_ entrance.=entrambos= both.=entranable= dear, tender; _adv._ =--mente=.=entranas _f pl_ bowels, viscera; =de mis---- = my own (child).=entrar= _i_ enter (=en= _of place_, =por= _of path; also_ =en= upon),go in, run into, come in, come on; _t_ put in; take possession of;=me--o por el ojo derecho= I was taken with him.=entre= between, among, amid; =---- los dos= _etc._ between us _etc._;=---- Ramos y yo= Ramos and I between us.=entrecortado= broken.=entregar= _t_ hand over, give up.=entresacar= _t_ pick out.=entretener= _t_ entertain, amuse; =--ido= entertaining.=entretenimiento= _m_ entertainment.=entrevista= _f_ interview.=entristecer= _t_ sadden, grieve, cause sadness to.=entroncar= _i_ marry into the family of (=con=).=entusiasmar= _t_ enthuse, get enthusiastic, move to enthusiasm.=entusiasmo= _m_ enthusiasm.=entusiasta= enthusiast, enthusiastic.=enumeracion= _f_ enumeration.=envalentonado= in high feather, in a roistering mood.=envanecer= _t_ inflate, puff up.=envejecer= _t_ age, make older.=envenenar= _t_ poison.=enviar= _t_ send.=envidia= _f_ envy.=envidiable= enviable.=envidiar= _t_ envy.=envidioso= envious.=envoltorio= _m_ roll, bundle (cloth etc.).=envolver= _t_ wrap (=en los dedos= around the fingers), wrap up.=epico= epic, Homeric, heroic.=epicureo= Epicurean, epicurean.=epigrama= _m_ epigram.=episcopal= episcopal, bishop's, of a bishop's see.=epoca= _f_ epoch.=equilibrio= _m_ equilibrium.=equipaje= _m_ baggage, luggage.=equivaler= _i_ be equivalent.=equivocacion= _f_ mistake.=equivocar= _r_ be mistaken; make a mistake, make mistakes.=era= _verb see_ =ser=.=era= _f_ threshing-floor.=ergo tua rura manebunt= _L_ so thy fields shall be left thee.=erguir= _t_ raise (head).=erizar= _r_ stand on end (hair etc.).=ermita= _f_ hermit's chapel.=errar= _t_ miss; _r_ err; =--do= erring, mistaken, _adv._ =--mente=.=erroneo= erroneous, mistaken.=error= _m_ error.=erudicion= _f_ erudition.=erudito= erudite, learned, man of learning.=erupcion= _f_ eruption.=es= _see_ =ser=.=escabechar= _t_ pickle; do for, kill (_A._ 'in hot blood, usually withsteel').=escalera= _f_ stairs, stairway.=escalon= _m_ stair (step).=escandalizar= _t_ scandalize.=escandalo= _m_ scandal; row, racket.=escapar= _i_ escape.=escape= _m_ escape, hasty flight; =a---- = at full speed.=escarbar= _t_ paw, scratch in.=escarmentar= _t_ chastise.=escasear= _i_ fail, fall off, give out.=escaso= scanty, slight.=escena= _f_ scene.=escenario= _m_ stage.=esclarecido= illustrious.=escoba= _f_ broom.=escoger= _t_ choose; =--ido= select, chosen.=escolastico= scholastic.=escollo= _m_ reef, sunken rock.=esconder= _t_ hide, go into hiding; =--ido= recondite, in hiding.=escondite= _m_ hiding-place; hide-and-seek.=escondrijo= _m_ hiding-place, hidden recess.=escopeta= _f_ gun.=escribano= _m_ notary public, clerk of court.=escribir= _t_ write.=escritor= writer.=escritura= _f_ writing.=escrupulo= _m_ scruple.=escrupulosidad= _f_ scrupulousness.=escrupuloso= scrupulous, punctilious.=escuadra= _f_ square (as tool), T-square, draftsman's triangle.=escuadron= _m_ squadron (cavalry, not navy).=escuchar= _t_ listen to.=escudero= _m_ squire.=escudo= _m_ shield.=escudrinar= _t_ scrutinize, probe.=escuela= _f_ school.=escueto= bare.=escultor= sculptor.=escultura= _f_ sculpture.=escupir= _i or t_ spit (on, _dat._).=escurrir= _i_ slide; _r_ slide; slip out.=ese, eso=, that (where you are; what you speak of; you know what; _orless remote than_ =aquel=); N =1= 9; =eso es= that's it, that's right,just so; =a eso de= (of hour) about.=esencia= _f_ essence.=esfera= _f_ sphere.=esforzar= _r_ endeavor, strive (=a, en, por=, to); =--do= valiant.=esfuerzo= _m_ effort, endeavor.=esgrimir= _t_ ply (as sword in fencing); _say_ level at one.=esmerado= careful, scrupulous, attentive, fine.=esmero= _m_ nicety.=espacio= _m_ space.=espada= _f_ sword.=espalda= _f mostly pl_ back (above waist); =de---- s= from behind; =porla---- = in the back.=espantable= 'espantoso' _A._; =125= 31 _of remoter hearsay_, =espantoso50= 12, =98= 7, _of observed or accredited fact_.=espantar= _t_ frighten.=espanto= _m_ fright.=espantoso= frightful.=Espana= _f_ Spain.=espanol= Spanish, Spaniard.=espanolismo= _m_ Spanishness.=espartano= Spartan.=especie= _f_ sort (_esp. in phrase_ =una---- de=), species; (loose)statement, story.=espectaculo= _m_ spectacle.=espejo= _m_ mirror.=espejuelos= _m pl_ spectacles.=espera= _f_ faculty of waiting, self-restraint.=esperanza= _f_ hope; expectation.=esperar= _t_ hope, expect; await, wait for; _i_ wait; =tan--do= solong-awaited.=espeso =dense.=espesura= _f_ density; thicket, mass (of trees etc.).=espiar= _t_ spy on, shadow.=espigar= _r_ shoot up (young person in growth); _treated as passive in_=86= 23.=espina= _f_ thorn.=espinazo= _m_ spine, backbone.=espionaje= _m_; espionage, spying.=espiritismo= _m_ Spiritualism.=espiritu= _m_ spirit, genius.=espiritual= spiritual.=esplendido= splendid.=esplendor= _m_ splendor.=esplendoroso= resplendent.=espolear= _t_ put the spurs to.=espolique= _m_ running footman.=esponja= _f_ sponge.=espontaneidad= _f_ spontaneity.=esposo= husband; _also, according to A._, betrothed.=espuela= _f_ spur.=esquela, esquelita=, _f_ billet, note.=esquila= _f_ (good, bell-shaped) (cow-) bell.=esquilon= _m_ bell (calling the clergy; smaller than =campana=).=esquina= _f_ corner (outside).=est= _L_ is, there is, he _etc._ is.=establecer= _t_ establish, fix, post.=establecimiento= _m_ establishment.=estacion= _f_ station.=estado= _m_ estate, state, condition; =---- mayor= staff.=estambre= _m_ warp; (a certain quality of) wool, yarn; staple.=estampa= _f_ stamp, type; print; =dar a la---- = have printed.=estampido= _m_ bang, crash.=estancar= _t_ obstruct (stream); =--do= stagnating.=estancia= _f_ quarters, room.=estanque= _m_ pond.=estante= _m_ bookcase.=estar= _i_ be (especia
lly at a given time) (=que= so that); _notauxiliary of passive_; _r_ stay; =---- a visitar= be visiting; =?--mos?=see? understand?=estatua= _f_ statue.=estatura= _f_ stature.=este, esto=, this; the latter; N =1= 9.=este= _m_ east.=Esteban= _m_ Esteban, Stephen.=estepa= _f_ steppe.=estera= _f_ mat.=Estigio= Stygian.=estigma= _m_ stigma.=estilar= _r_ be in style.=estilo= _m_ style.=estimable= estimable, esteemed.=estimar= _t_ esteem, appreciate.=estimular= _t_ stimulate.=estirar= _t_ stretch.=estorbar= _t_ interfere with (=le ... que hablase= his talking),bother, disturb.=estrago= _m (sg or pl)_ havoc.=estrangular= _t_ strangle.=estrategia= _f_ strategy.=estrategico= strategic; (_not in A._) strategic _in loose sense_,crafty, wily.=estrechar= _t_ compress, press.=estrecho= narrow, close, tight.=estrella= _f_ star.=estremecer= _t_ shake; _r_ shudder, start.=estrepito= _m_ din, crash, uproar.=estrepitoso= ear-splitting, uproarious.=estribillo= _m_ refrain.=estribo= _m_ stirrup.=estridente= strident, grating.=estropicio= _m_ smash (of crockery etc.); catastrophe (more noisy thanserious, _A._).=estrujar= _t_ squeeze.=estudiar= _t_ study.=estudio= _m_ study; nicety.=estudioso= studious, student, academic.=estupefacto= dumfounded.=estupendo= tremendous.=estupidez= _f_ stupidity.=estupido= stupid.=estupor= _m_ stupor; bewilderment.=estuve= _see_ =estar=.=eterno= eternal; _adv._ =--mente=.=etiqueta= _f_ etiquette, ceremoniousness.=evadir= _r_ slip off, make one's escape.=evangelico= (of the) gospel.=evangelio= _m_ gospel.=evidente= evident.=evitar= _t_ avoid, obviate, get clear of, ward off (from, _dat._).=evocar= _t_ evoke, call up.=exactitud= _f_ exactness, preciseness.=exacto= exact, accurate; _adv._ =--mente=.=exageracion= _f_ exaggeration, extravagance.=exagerar= _t or i_ exaggerate.=exaltacion= _f_ exaltation, thrill.=exaltar= _t_ exalt; =--do= impassioned, passionate.=examinar= _t_ examine.=exanime= lifeless.=exceder= _t or_ =de= exceed, go beyond.=excelente= excellent, the best of.=exceptuar= _t_ except.=excesivo= excessive; _adv._ =--mente=.=excitacion= _f_ excitation, excitement.=excitar= _t_ excite, provoke, stimulate.=exclamacion= _f_ (=dar= utter) exclamation.=exclamar= _t_ exclaim.=exclaustracion= _f_ suppression of a monastery; =la---- = suppressionof the monasteries.=exclusivo= exclusive; _adv._ =--mente=.=excursion= _f_ excursion.=excusa= _f_ excuse.=excusar= _t_ excuse; avoid, forbear; _r_ make one's excuses (=con= to).=exento= exempt, devoid.=exhalacion= _f_ exhalation; bit of breath.=exhalar= _t_ breathe out.=exhibicion= _f_ exhibition.=exigir= _t_ demand (_dat._ of).=existencia= _f_ existence.=existente= existing, in existence.=existir= _i_ exist.=exito= _m_ success.=expansion= _f_ opening out, broadening out.=expansivo= expansive, unreserved, open-hearted; _adv._ =--mente=.=expectativa= _f_ expectation (_A._ of getting something or attaining anobject, _otherwise_ =esperanza= _or, intenser_, =expectacion=).=expediente= _m_ expedient; (judicial) proceeding in chambers; thepapers (of a case at law etc.); =cubrir el---- = make up a full set ofpapers, _c_ save appearances.=expeler= _t_ expel.=experiencia= _f_ experience.=experimentar= _t_ experience.=experto= expert.=explanar= _t_ level (ground); _fig._ = =explicar=.=explicacion= _f_ explanation.=explicar= _t_ explain, make clear.=explicito= explicit.=exploracion= _f_ exploration.=explorar= _t_ explore.=explotar= _t_ exploit.=exponer= _t_ set forth; expose.=exposicion= _f_ exposition.=expresar= _t_ express.=expresion= _f_ expression; utterance, words; _pl_ (my _etc._) regards.=expresivo= expressive.=expulsar= _t_ expel, have expelled.=expulsion= _f_ expulsion.=extender= _t_ extend, stretch out, stretch.=extension= _f_ extension, expanse, extent.=exterior= _adj and m_ exterior, outside.=exterminio= _m_ extermination.=extiende= _see_ =extender=.=extirpacion= _f_ extirpation.=extirpar= _t_ extirpate.=extranjero= foreign, foreigner; _m (Gall.?)_ foreign countries.=extranar= _t_ wonder at.=extrano= strange; alien; queer.=extraordinario= extraordinary, extreme, exceptional.=extravagante= extravagant.=extraviar= _r_ go astray.=extremeno= Estremaduran.=extremo= extreme; _m_ extremity.

  =fabrica= _f_ manufacture, factory, building, structure.=fabula= _f_ fable.=fabulear= _is not a word; say_ =lusion=.=fabuloso= fabulous.=faccion= _f_ insurrection, insurgent party, insurgents; feature.=faccioso= mutinous, seditious.=facil= easy, ready; _adv._ =--mente=.=facultad= _f_ faculty.=facundia= _f_ facundity, flow of words.=facha= _f c_ looks, cut.=faena= _f_ toil, business.=falda= _f_ skirt.=falderillo= _m_ little lap-dog.=falsear= _t_ counterfeit, adulterate, sophisticate, falsify.=falsedad= _f_ falsity, fallacy (_A._ '1, lack of truth; 2, lack ofconformity between words, ideas, and things').=falso= false.=falta= _f_ lack, absence, default, shortcoming, misdemeanor,dereliction, thing wrong; =---- de respeto= disrespect; =sin---- =without fail; =hacer---- = be (=buena= badly) wanted, be needed; =mehace---- = I need to be supplied with, I am in want of; =poner---- s=find fault.=faltar= _i_ be lacking, fail to come; there is lack of; there is no(=no creas que falta= _more euphonious than_ =no creas que no hay=);neglect what is due; =falta a X.= X. lacks, X. is without, X. isdeficient in, X. is short of; =no te falta mas que= the only thing youhave left undone is, the next thing will be; _similarly_ =es lo quefalta=, _begin translation with_ 'that'; =(pues) no--ba mas= of course,naturally, most certainly.=faltriquera= _f_ pocket.=fama= _f_ fame, (=de= by) reputation (_cf._ =reputacion=); =F---- =Rumor.=familia= _f_ family.=familiar= familiar.=familiaridad= _f_ familiarity.=famoso= famous, renowned, notorious.=fanal= _m_ (lighthouse-)light; (lamp-) globe.=fanegada= _f_ fanegada, N =7= 13.=fango= _m_ mud (the 'glutinous' kind, _A._).=fantasia= _f_ fancy, fantasy.=fantasma= _m_ phantasm, phantom.=fantasmon= _m augm_ hobgoblin.=fardo= _m_ bale; (_not in A._) load.=farmacia= _f_ pharmacy.=farol= _m_ lantern.=farolillo= _m_ little street-lamp.=farsa= _f_ (=hacer= act, carry on) farce; guile, chicane.=fascinacion= _f_ fascination; hypnotism _fig._.=fascinar= _t_ smite with the evil eye, overlook (N =118= 24); hypnotize_fig._.=fastidioso= distasteful, offensive.=fatalidad= _f_ fatality.=fatiga= _f_ fatigue.=fatigar= _t_ weary.=fatuidad= _f_ fatuity, stupidity.=fatuo= coxcomb; numskull.=favor= _m_ favor.=favorecer= _t_ favor, protect, help.=faz= _f_ face (_mostly fig._).=fe= _f_ faith.=febrero= _m_ February.=febril= feverish.=fecha= _f_ date.=fechoria= _f_ deed ('in mala parte' _A._), piece of bad business;=hacer una---- = do something bad.=felicidad= _f_ happiness.=felino= feline.=Felipe= _m_ Felipe, Philip.=feliz= happy, lucky; _adv._ =--mente=.=felonia= _f_ felony.=femenil= feminine.=fenicio= Phoenician.=fenix= _m_ phoenix.=fenomeno= _m_ phenomenon.=feo= ugly, unsightly, ill-favored, bad-looking, unseemly.=Ferdinand Cortez= _French for_ =Hernando Cortes=, _modern_ =HernanCortes=.=feria= _f_ fair, market.=feroz= savage, truculent.=ferreo= iron; =via-a= railway line.=ferro= _m_ iron; _fig._ steel.=ferrocarril= _m_ railway.=fervor= _m_ fervor.=fervoroso= fervent.=festivo= gay, jovial; _adv._ =--mente=.=feudalismo= _m_ feudalism.=fiambre= _m_ cold food, cold lunch.=fiar= _t or i_ go security, give on credit, entrust, trust (=a, de=,to).=fibra= _f_ fiber.=ficcion= _f_ fiction.=ficticio= fictitious.=fiebre= _f_ fever.=fiel= trustworthy; (Catholic) good Christian, believer.=fielato= _m_ fielato, office of the octroi on eatables.=fiero= ferocious, savage; _adv_. =--mente=.=fiesta= _f_ feast, festival, festivity; joke, _pl_ joking; =por finde---- = to top off with.=figura= _f_ shape, figure; face; character (i.e. person in a drama);style.=figurar= _i_ figure; _r_ imagine; =se me figura= I fancy, it strikes me.=figurilla, figurita= _f_ little figure; little image.=figuron= _m_ comedy star.=fijar= _t_ fix (=en= on), consolidate; _r_ fix one's eyes.=fijo= fixed.=fila= _f_ rank (_not_ file).=filiacion= _f_ sonship.=filipica= _f_ philippic.=filosofia= _f_ philosophy.=filosofico= philosophic.=filosofismo= _m_ pseudo-philosophy, philosophism.=filosofo= _m_ philosopher.=fin= _m or f_ end; =poner---- a= make an end of; =en---- = in fine,finally, come now, well, in short, after all; =por---- = finally;=al---- = at last; =al---- y al cabo= sooner or later, when all's done;=a---- de= in order (to), _conj. w._ =que; con este---- = to this end,with this intention.=final= final.=finca= _f_ real estate, property.=finchado= conceited, pretentious.=fingir= _t_ pretend, feign.=fino= fine; slender; polished.=finura= _f_ fineness, elegance.=firmar= _t_ sign (one's name).=firme= firm, resolute.=firmeza= _f_ firmness.=fiscal= fiscal.=fisico= physical; _m_ physique.=fisiognomico= physiognomic, facial.=fisonomia= _f_ physiognomy.=flaco= lean.=flamenco= Flemish (_etc., see_ =ingles=), _loosely_ Dutch _etc._.=flaque
ar= _i_ weaken.=flaqueza= _f_ weakness.=flematico= phlegmatic; _adv._ =--mente=.=flexibilidad= _f_ flexibility.=flor= _f_ flower.=florecer= _i_ flourish.=florero= _m_ (flower-)vase; flower-pot; flower-window, _etc._.=floresta= _f_ park, grove, lea, garden.=florido= flowery, florid.=flote= _m_ flotation; =a---- = afloat.=flujo= _m_ flux.=foca= _f_ seal (marine animal).=fogosidad= _f_ fieriness.=fogoso= fiery, ardent.=follaje= _m_ foliage; (aggregation of) frippery.=fomentar= _t_ foment.=fomento= _m_ fomentation, tending, promotion; =Ministerio de F---- =Department of Development (agriculture, commerce, industry, publicworks, and, in the nineteenth century, schools).=fonda= _f_ inn.=fondo= _m_ bottom; character at bottom.=forastero= outsider.=forma= _f_ form, shape.=formal= formal, regular, serious; (_not in A._) well-behaved (e.g.child).=formalito= _d of_ formal.=formar= _t_ form, shape, institute, make up.=formidable= formidable.=formula= _f_ formula, formal expression; =por---- = as a matter ofform, pro forma.=formular= _t_ formulate.=foro= _m_ forum; the courts.=forro= _m_ coating, lining.=fortalecer= _t_ strengthen, confirm, brace up.=fortuna= _f_ fortune, good luck.=forzar= _i_ force; (_Gall.?_) strain.=forzoso= compulsory, inevitable.=fosforito, fosforo=, _m_ match.=fracasar _i_ be wrecked, go to pieces, come to nothing, make a failure.=fragil= fragile.=fragmento= _m_ fragment.=frances= French (_etc., cf._ =ingles=).=Francia= _f_ France.=franco= frank (_dat._ with), unreserved, undisguised, candid; leal,stanch; _adv._ =--mente=.=franqueza= _f_ frankness, straightforwardness.=frase= _f_ phrase, phraseology.=Frasquito= _m irregular d of_ =Francisco=.=fraternal= brotherly, sisterly.=frecuencia= _f_ frequency.=frecuentar= _t_ frequent.=frecuente= frequent; _adv._ =--mente=.=fregado= _m_ dish-washing; =ser lo mismo para un---- que para unbarrido= be ready for anything (for a fight or a frolic, for anythingfrom preaching to fiddling, etc.).=frenesi= _m_ frenzy.=frenetico= frenzied, frantic.=freno= _m_ bridle.=frente= _f_ forehead; front; =---- a= facing, face to face with; =eluno---- al otro= face to face; =hacer---- a= confront; =---- por---- =directly opposite; =de---- = flatly, point-blank, categorically.=fresca= _f_ bit of plain speaking, blunt thing (said); =decircuatro---- s= speak one's mind a bit.=fresco= cool; fresh; pink-and-white.=frescura= _f_ freshness.=frio= _adj or m_ cold; cool, _adv._ =--mente=.=frisar= _i_ approach (=en=), verge.=frivolidad= _f_ freakishness, frivolousness.=frivolo= freakish, volatile.=frondosidad= _f_ leafage.=frondoso= leafy.=frontis, frontispicio=, _m_ front, facade.=frotamiento= _m_ rubbing.=frugal= frugal.=fruncir= _t_ pucker, contract.=fruta= _f_ fruit (as food, esp. for pleasure).=fruto= _m_ fruit (in broad senses), product, profit.=fue= _see_ =ser, ir=.=fuego= _m_ fire, flames; _as command = Eng. imperative verb_; _pl_firing, shots.=fuente= _f_ spring, source.=fuentecilla= _f_ (little) spring.=fuera= _adv_ outside; away with; =---- de= out of, outside, besides,aside from, off from; =hacia---- = outward.=fuero= _m_ law; chartered privilege, chartered right.=fuerte= strong, vigorous, stout, decided; _adv._ =--mente= tight;=almorzar---- = take a hearty breakfast.=fuerza= _f_ (_sg or pl_) force (=superior= compulsive, coercive),strength, might; =es---- = I (_etc._) cannot but; =---- es decirlo= itmust be said.=fuga= _f_ flight.=fugaz= fugacious, momentary.=fugitivo= fugitive, fleeting, in flight.=fulano= so-and-so.=fulgor= _m_ radiance, glare.=fulminante= fulminating, foudroyant; =grito---- = thundered.=fumar= _i_ smoke.=funcion= _f_ function; pageant, show.=funcionar= _i_ act (in one's proper capacity), work (of mechanism etc.,_i_), go (_same sense_), perform one's functions.=funcionario= _m_ functionary.=fundar= _t_ found, base.=funebre= funereal.=funesto= baleful.=furgon= _m_ car (freight or baggage).=furia= _f_ fury.=furibundo= furious, of fury.=furioso= in a fury, infuriated.=furor= _m_ fury (_not in mythological sense_).=fusilar= _t_ shoot (as a form of capital punishment).=fusileria= _f_ musketry, rifles.

  =gaban= _m_ frock coat; overcoat.=gabinete= _m_ cabinet; sitting-room; study.=gafa= _f_ can-hook; _pl_ (spectacle-) bows, spectacles (with bows).=gala= _f_ gala costume, finery, magnificence; pink, paragon.=galan= _m_ gallant, beau.=galera= _f_ wagon; galley.=galeria= _f_ gallery, (lighted) corridor.=galgo= _m_ greyhound.=galon= _m_ braid (woolen, silk, or gold), gold lace.=galopar= _i_ gallop.=gallardo= jaunty; _adv._ =--mente=.=gallardia= _f_ a (polished) air.=gallina= _f_ hen.=gallo= _m_ cock.=gana= _f_ appetite, hankering (=de= for); =de buena---- = willingly,like to; =me da la---- = I feel like (it), N =38= 6.=ganancia= _f_ profit; thing (_in sense of profit, w._ good _or_ bad).=ganar= _t_ gain, win, earn; excel, surpass (=a= in, in being).=garabato= _m_ hook, pothook, scrawl.=garbanzo= _m_ chick-pea, gram.=garganta= _f_ throat.=garra= _f_ (_strictly_ paw or foot armed with claws, _A._) _pl_ talons.=garza= _f_ heron (=real= great, 'the' heron of falconry etc.).=Gasparon= _m augm of_ =Gaspar= (Gaspar, Jasper).=gastar= _t_ spend; (of 'personal objects') have, use, wear(habitually); wear away, lose.=gatuperio= _m_ mess, muddle, rats'-nest.=gaznate= _m_ larynx.=gemir= _i_ groan.=generacion= _f_ generation.=general= _adj or m_ general.=genero= _m_ kind, race.=generosidad= _f_ generosity.=generoso= generous, chivalrous.=genial= genial; _m not in A._ spirit, bent.=genio= _m_ genius.=gente= _f_ people, folks, family, (=una= a set of) followers, men; _pl_peoples, folks.=gentileza= _f_ (genteel) tone.=gentuza= _f depr_ pack, gang.=geografia= _f_ geography.=geografo= geographer.=geologia= _f_ geology.=geometrico= geometrical.=Georgicas= _f pl_ Georgics.=germen= _m_ germ.=gesta= _f obs_ gest.=gesto= _m_ gesture.=gineta= (_A._ =jineta=) _f_ the gineta style of horsemanship (Moorish;short stirrups).=ginete= (_A._ =jinete=) _m_ horseman.=giro= _m_ turn.=globo= _m_ globe; (=---- aerostatico=) balloon.=gloria= _f_ glory, credit, fame.=glorieta= _f_ (_A._ open space in garden, usually with =a=)summer-house, arbor.=glorioso= glorious, illustrious.=gobernador= governor.=gobernar= _t_ govern, manage.=gobierno= _m_ government.=goce= _m_ enjoyment.=golpe= _m_ blow; (light =golpe=) tap; =de---- y porrazo= off-hand.=gongorismo= _m_ Gongorism, N =22= 27.=gordo= big.='gorigori= _m c_ term popularly used in referring to the doleful chantof funerals' _A._.=gorra= _f_ (outdoor) cap.=gorrete= _m d of_ =gorro= (indoor) cap.=gota= _f_ drop.=gozar= _t_ enjoy (_acc. or_ =de=); _r_ joy.=gozo= _m_ joy.=gozoso= rejoiced.=grabar= _t_ engrave.=gracejo= _m_ pleasantry, waggery.=gracia= _f_ grace; _pl_ (=dar= return) thanks; =dar---- s a= thank;=Ministerio de G---- y Justicia= Department of Grace and Justice (i.e.religion and courts).=graciado= _obs_. = =gracioso=, _or_ generous.=graciosidad= _f_ winsomeness, loveliness.=gracioso= winsome; witty, (_not in A._) funny.=grado= _m_ degree; grade; _in special phrases_ will, willingness,pleasure.=graduar= _t_ grade, graduate.=gramatica= _f_ grammar; Latin.=grana= _f_ cochineal, carmine; kermes, crimson.=granado= prominent; =lo mas---- = the foremost people.=gran[de]= large, big, great; grandee; _adv._ =--mente=.=grandecito= biggish.=grandeza= _f_ greatness.=grandioso= grand, magnificent.=gratitud= _f_ gratitude.=grato= gratifying, pleasing.=grave= serious, important, sober; _adv._ =--mente=.=gravedad= _f_ gravity, sedateness, composure; seriousness, importance.=graznar= _m_ unmelodious carol.=gredoso= of fuller's earth.=Gregorio= _m_ Gregory (=San---- = _here likelier Pope Gregory I or VIIthan an Eastern saint_).=gresca= _f_ racket, rumpus, squabble.=grieta= _f_ crack.=grima= _f_ the creeps.=gritar= _t_ cry, call out, shout.=grito= _m_ cry, loud cry; =a---- -s= clamorously.=grosero= coarse, gross, ungentlemanly.=grotesco= grotesque.=grunido= _m_ grunt, growl.=grunir= _t_ grunt, growl.=grupa= _f_ croup (of horse).=grupo= _m_ group.=guapeza= _f_ gallantry.=guapo= smart, pretty.=guarda= warden, custodian.=guardar= _t_ guard, keep (_r_ to one's self), maintain; _r_ take care,look out (=de= not to, for).=guardia= _f_ guard (civil N =9= 29); _m_ guardsman, guard; =en---- = onguard, ready (in mind and attitude).=guarismo= _m_ figure (Arabic), number (written in figures).=guedeja= _f_ mane; strand, mass (of long hair).=guerra= _f_ war.=guerrero= warlike, warrior.=guerrillero= guerrilla.=guia= guide.=guiar= _t_ guide, be the guide of.=guitarrillo= _m_ guitarrillo, N =90= 5.=gusanera= _f_ wormery, nest of worms, mass of worms, breeding-place ofworms; _c_ (assumed site of) ruling passion (=le dio en la---- = ittouched his hobby and stirred him up).=gusanito= _m_ tiny worm.=gusano= _m_ worm.=gustar= _t_ taste; _i_ please, take pleasure (=de= in), like to; =megusta= I like.=gusto _m_ taste; pleasure; =a---- = at one's ease; =de ...---- = in ...taste; =de mi---- = to my
taste, pleasing to me.

  =Habana= _f_ Havana.=haber= _t_ have; _im_ (_w. present ind._ =hay=) there is, there is sucha thing as; =---- de= must, should, am to, will be the one to; =que hede= what reason is there why I should; =como ha de ser= how can one helpit; =hay que= we have to, you ought to, _etc._.; =no hay que= don't, youcan't, it's no good to, there is no; _but_ =hay ... que= there is, =todo cuanto hay que ser= everything that there is, everything thatone can be; =le hay= there is (one, some); =hay para= there is enoughfor; =no hay para que= there is no occasion to; =lo que hay es= the factis.=habil= able, expert.=habilidad= _f_ expertness, skill.=habitabilidad= _f_ inhabitableness.=habitacion= _f_ apartment.=habitante= inhabitant.=habitar= _i_ reside.=habito= _m_ garb (_esp._ religious); habit.=habitual= habitual.=habituar= _t_ habituate.=habla= _f_ speech.=hablador= talkative.=hablar= _i or t_ speak, talk, talk to, speak with; talk over; _incertain locutions_ say.=hablillas= _f pl_ gossip, town talk, twaddle.=habria= _see_ =haber=.=hacendoso= industrious.=hacer= _t_ make, do (=de= with), commit; put (question); habituate,accustom; play; _r imperative_ play ... will you? _im_ be (of weatheretc.); =---- como que,---- que=, make a pretense of; =hecho= mature;=estar hecho= be made into, have grown to be; =hace un ano= a year ago,for a year past.=hacia= toward;-ward.=hacienda= _f_ estate, property.=hachazo= _m_ blow of an ax.=halagar= _t_ fondle, flatter, tickle, please.=halito= _m_ puff of vapor.=hallar= _t_ find; _r_ be (at a given time; _A._ 'estar').=hambre= _m_ hunger.=hambriento= hungry; hungry fellow.=harapiento= ragged; tatterdemalion.=harpia= _f_ harpy.=harto= sated, full (of food); enough ('or too much' _A._); quite;=estar---- = have had enough; =estar---- de saber= know as well as onewants to.=hasta= until, to, even, (the) very, everything down to, so far as;_conj. w._ =que;---- donde= so far as, as far as; =----donde= how far;=---- lo sumo= in the highest degree; _in_ =---- no estar=, =173= 19,_either render_ =hasta= so long as _(w. ind.) or reckon_ =no= _as untr._.=hastiar= _t_ disgust.=hastio= _m_ repugnance, disgust.=hay= _see_ =haber=.=hazana= _f_ exploit.=he= _interjection_ is.=hebra= _f_ needleful of thread.=hecho= _ptc of_ =hacer=; _m_ fact, deed, act, overt act.=hechura= _f_ make, build.=helar= _t_ freeze; =--do= icy, chilly.=hembra= _f_ female.=henchir= _t_ fill, cram.=herculeo= herculean.=heredar= _t_ inherit.=heredero= heir.=hereje= heretic.=herejia= _f_ heresy.=herejote= violently heretical.=herencia= _f_ inheritance.=herida= _f_ wound.=herir= _t_ strike, smite, wound.=hermano= brother.=hermoso= beautiful, lovely, handsome; _adv._ =--mente=.=hermosura= _f_ beauty.=heroe= _m_ hero.=heroico= heroic.=heroina= _f_ heroine.=heroismo= _m_ heroism.=herradura= _f_ horseshoe.=herramienta= _f_ tool.=hice= _see_ =hacer=.=hidalgo= hidalgo, gentleman (of ancestry), high-minded.=hidalguia= _f_ high-mindedness.=hiel= _f_ gall.=hielo= _m_ ice, frost, freezing cold.=hieratico= hieratic.=hierba= _or_ =yerba= _f_ herb, herbage.=hierrecillo= _m_ bit of iron.=hierro= _m_ iron; bar; _fig._ steel.=higienico= hygienic.=hijo= son; (_in address_) dear man.=hilera= _f_ row, file.=hilo= _m_ thread; (fine) wire.=hinchazon= _f_ swollenness, swell, swelling.=hinojo= _m_ (=de= on one's) knee.=hiperbolico= hyperbolical, hyperbolist; _adv._ =--mente=.=hipocondria= _f_ moody nervousness, moodiness, _not exactly'hypochondria'_.=hipocresia= _f_ hypocrisy.=hipocrita= hypocrite, hypocritical.=hipoteca= _f_ mortgage.=hispano= Spanish (_Latinistic form_).=historia= _f_ history.=historiador= historian.=historico= historic.=hizo= _see_ =hacer=.=hogar= _m_ home.=hoja= _f_ leaf; sheet (of paper); blade.=hojalata= _f_ tin (i.e. tin plate).=hojear= _t_ turn the leaves of.=hola= hallo.=holgazan= loafer, idler; loafing.=hombre= _m_ man.=hombro= _m_ shoulder.=homicidio= _m_ homicide.=hondo= deep, deep-seated; _adv._ =--mente=; _m_ depths; _cf._=profundo=.=hondura= _f_ depth (deep place).=honor= _m_ honor (mainly objective).=honra= _f_ honor (mainly subjective).=honradez= _f_ honesty.=honrar= _t_ honor;--do honest.=honroso= honorable.=hora= _f_ hour, o'clock; =es---- de= it is time for; =en buen---- =well and good; N =35=, 26.=horaciano= Horatian, from Horace.=Horacio= _m_ Horace.=horario= _m_ hour-hand.=horizonte= _m_ horizon.=hormiguero= _m_ ant-hill.=horrendo= horrid, hideous, repulsive.=horrible= hideous, horrible.=horror= _m_ horror.=horrorizar= _t_ horrify, make shudder; _r_ shudder.=horroroso= horrible, revolting.=horticultura= _f_ horticulture.=hospitalario= hospitable.=hospitalidad= _f_ hospitality.=hostia= _f_ host (consecrated wafer).=hostilidad= _f_ hostility.=hoy= to-day; =---- por---- = at present, as things are.=hoyo= _m_ pit; grave.=hoz= _f_ sickle; =meter la---- en mies ajena= meddle with otherpeople's business.=hube= _see_ =haber=.=hueco= hollow; grandiloquent, bombastic.=huerfano= orphan.=huerta= _f_ (large) garden.=hueso= _m_ bone; =la sin---- = one's tongue.=huesped= guest.=hueste= _f_ host.=huir= _i_ flee, take flight, run away, shun (=de=); =hacer---- = driveaway, dispel.=hullero= (bituminous-) coal-bearing.=humano= human; _adv._ =--mente=.=humareda= _f_ a smoke.=humedad= _f_ moisture.=humedecer= _t_ moisten; _r_ grow moist.=humedo= moist, damp.=humildad= _f_ humility.=humilde= humble; _adv._ =--mente=.=humillacion= _f_ humiliation.=humo= _m_ smoke; (_esp. pl._; =echar= put on) airs, conceit.=humor= _m_ (=tener= be in a) humor; =de mal---- = put out, grumpy,grumpily.=hundir= _t_ sink, bury, thrust.

  =iconoclasta= Iconoclast; (_not in A._) iconoclast.=ictericia= _f_ jaundice.=ida= _f_ going.=idea= _f_ (=buena= good =161= 25, worthy =161= 29) idea.=ideal= _m_ ideal.=idealismo= _m_ idealism.=idear= _t_ have the idea of, think of.=idilio= _m_ idyl.=idolatrar= _t_ idolize.=idolo= _m_ idol.=iglesia= _f_ church.=ignorancia= _f_ ignorance.=ignorante= ignorant, ignoramus.=ignorar= _t_ be ignorant, not know.=ignoto= unknown.=igual= equal; =al---- de= on an equality with.=igualar= _t_ equate, equalize; _i_ equal (_dat._).=igualdad= _f_ equality, identity.=ilogico= illogical.=iluminar= _t_ light up, illuminate, enlighten.=ilusion= _f_ illusion.=ilusorio= illusory.=ilustrar= _t_ enlighten.=ilustre= illustrious, distinguished; =Su I--isima= his grace, hishighness, his lordship.=ille= _etc._ =54= 3, 4 _L_ the other [sort of queen bee, _according toVergil_] shaggy with idleness, and ignobly dragging a broad abdomen.=imagen= _f_ image.=imaginacion= _f_ imagination.=imaginar= _t_ conceive, think up, get up the idea.=imaginario= imaginary.=imantar= _t_ magnetize.=imitar= _t_ imitate.=impaciencia= _f_ impatience.=impacientar= _r_ grow impatient.=impaciente= impatient.=imparcial= impartial; _adv._ =--mente=.=impedir= _t_ hinder, prevent (_person dat., thing acc._).=imperio= _m_ empire.=imperioso= imperious, peremptory; _adv._ =--mente=.=impertinente= irrelevant, intrusive, ungracious.=imperturbabilidad= _f_ imperturbability.=imperturbable= imperturbable.=impetrar= _t_ beseech.=impetu= _m_ impetus, rush; impetuosity; ardor.=impetuoso= impetuous.=impiedad= _f_ impiety.=impio= impious.=implacable= implacable; _adv._ =--mente=.=imponente= imposing.=imponer= _t_ impose; inform.=impopularidad= _f_ unpopularity.=importancia= _f_ (=dar= attach, =darse= give one's self the air of)importance.=importante= important.=importar= _i_ be important, be of consequence, matter.=importuno= ill-timed, out of place, obtrusive.=imposible= impossible.=imposicion= _f_ imposition, dictation.=impregnar= _t_ impregnate.=imprenta= _f_ printing, press.=imprescindible= indispensable.=impresion= _f_ impression.=impresionar= _t_ impress.=imprevisto= unforeseen.=imprimir= _t_ print.=impropio= improper, not proper (=de= for).=improvisar= _t_ improvise.=improviso= unexpected; =de---- = unexpectedly, suddenly; _contrast_=de---- = _descriptive_, =63= 29, =174= 26, _with_ =de repente= _and_=de subito= _marking a break in the chain of events,_ =63= 26, =174= 32.=imprudente= imprudent.=impulsar= _t_ impel.=impulso= _m_ impulse.=impunemente= with impunity.=in= _L_ in.=inadvertido= inadvertent; _adv._ =--mente=.=inamovible= irremovable.=inapreciable= priceless.=inaudito= unheard-of.=incapacidad= _f_ incapacity.=incapaz= incapable.=incendio= _m_ conflagration.=incidente= _m_ incident.=incitar= _t_ incite, stir.=inclinacion= _f_ inclination.=inclinar= _t_ incline (=a= to, toward), bend over, bow.=incluso= including.=incoherencia= _f_ incoherence.=incoherente= incoherent.=incomodar= _t_ put out, annoy.=incomparable= incomparable.=incomunicacion= _f_: =en---- = cut off from communication.=inconsiderado= inconsiderate.=incontrastable= irresistible.=incontrovertible= incontrovertible, unimpeachable.=inconveniente= improper, uncongenial, troublesome, a nuisance.=incorporar= _t_ join.=incorruptible= incorruptible.=incredulidad= _f_ incredulity.=inculcar= _t
_ jam, crowd; inculcate.=incurable= incurable.=incurrir= _i_ run into, get into (=en=).=indagar= _t_ trace out.=indecible= unspeakable.=indeciso= undecided.=indefinible= indefinable.=indemnizar= _t_ indemnify.=independencia= _f_ independence.=indicar= _t_ betoken, give token of, indicate; (_not according to A._)remark.=indice= _m_ index.=indicio= _m_ indication, presumptive evidence, hint.=indiferencia= _f_ indifference.=indiferente= indifferent.=indignado= indignant.=indignidad= _f_ unworthiness, act of baseness; indignity.=indigno= unworthy.=indirecto= indirect; _adv._ =--mente=.=indispensable= indispensable.=individual= individual (_adj._), individual's.=individuo= _m_ individual, person.=indole= _f_ nature.=indolencia= _f_ negligence, indolence, inaction.=inducir= _t_ induce.=inductivo= inductive (pertaining to induction).=inductor= induction, inductive (what induces).=indudable= unquestionable; _adv._ =--mente=.=indulgente= indulgent.=indultar= _t_ pardon.=industria= _f_ industry.=industrial= industrial.=inedito= unpublished.=inefable= ineffable, unspeakable.=ineludible= ineludible, that cannot be dodged, that there is no eluding.=inepto= unfit, incapable (=para= of); doltish.=inerte= inert.=inestimable= inestimable.=inexperto= inexpert.=inexplicable= inexplicable, unaccountable.=infalibilidad= _f_ infallibility.=infame= infamous, despicable, scamp, scamp of a, wretch.=infamia= _f_ infamy.=infantil= babyish, puerile.=infecundidad= _f_ unproductiveness.=infecundo= unfruitful.=infeliz= luckless; luckless man _etc._, poor thing, wretch; a soft, awell-meaning man; N =145= 17.=inferior= inferior, lower, under.=infernal= of hell, hellish.=infestar= _t_ infest (=de= with).=infiel= infidel.=infierno= _m_ hell.=infinito= infinite, an infinity of.=inflamar= _t_ inflame, fire; _r_ burn, glow.=influencia= _f_ influence.=influir= _i_ have an influence, be concerned.=influjo= _m_ influencia _A._.=informe= _m_ news, report, intelligence.=infranqueable= _A._ hard to clear the way over; _Gall._ impassable.=infundir= _t_ inspire (=animo a mi, en mi=, me with courage, courage inme), infuse into.=ingeniero= _m_ engineer (=de caminos= civil; =civil= _includes_ civil,mechanical, mining, _etc., all but military_).=ingenio= _m_ genius.=ingenioso= ingenious.=ingenuidad= _f_ ingenuousness, naivete.=ingenuo= ingenuous, candid; _adv._ =--mente=.=ingertar= (_A._ =injertar=) graft.=ingerto= (_A._ =injerto=) _m_ graft, grafted tree.=Inglaterra= _f_ England.=ingles= English, Englishman; _pl_ English, Englishmen, English people.=inhabitable= uninhabitable.=inherente= inhering.=iniciativa= _f_ initiative.=inicuo= iniquitous, unrighteous, unconscionable.=iniquidad= _f_ foul play, (gross) injustice.=injuria= _f_ insult, contumely.=injuriar= _t_ abuse, treat offensively.=injusticia= _f_ injustice.=injustificado= unjustifiable.=injusto= unjust.=inmediacion= _f_ immediateness; _pl_ immediate neighborhood, environs.=inmediato= contiguous, immediate, next; _adv._ =--mente=.=inmejorable= faultless.=inmensidad= _f_ immensity.=inmenso= immense, vast, measureless.=inmigracion= _f_ immigration.=inmodestia= _f_ egotism, lack of modesty.=inmortal= immortal.=inmovil= immobile, motionless.=inmundo= unclean, foul.=inmutable= changeless.=innegable= undeniable.=innoble= ignoble.=innumerable= innumerable.=inocencia= _f_ innocence.=inocente= innocent.=inodoro= odorless.=inofensivo= inoffensive.=inolvidable= unforgetable.=inopinado= unthought-of, unexpected.=inquebrantable= unbreakable, unyielding.=inquieto= uneasy.=inquietud= _f_ disquietude, uneasiness.=inquirir= _t_ inquire into, ferret out, probe (_cf._ =inquisicion=).=inquisitorial= inquisitorial, Inquisition-like.=insaciable= insatiable.=insecto= _m_ insect.=inseguro= insecure, unsure, unsettled.=insensato= senseless, unreasonable.=insensible= insensitive, insensible.=insere= _etc._ N =51= 17.=insigne= eminent, notable.=insignificante= insignificant, unimportant.=insinuacion= _f_ insinuation; exordium (_for precise rhetorical sensesee_ insinuation _in an unabridged Eng. dictionary_).=insistencia= _f_ insistence, persistency.=insistir= _i_ insist (=en= on), persist.=insolencia= _f_ insolence, impudence, insolent thing.=insolente= insolent.=insoportable= insupportable, unbearable.=inspiracion= _f_ inspiration.=inspirar= _t_ inspire.=instalar= _t_ install.=instancia= _f_ urgency; process (of lawsuit); =de primera---- = ofprimary jurisdiction, of the lower court.=instante= _m_ (=al= on the) instant, moment.=instintivo= instinctive; _adv._ =--mente=.=instituto= _m_ institute.=instruccion= _f_ education.=instruir= _t_ instruct, educate.=instrumento= _m_ instrument; document.=insubordinacion= _f_ insubordination.=insultar= _t_ insult.=insulto= _m_ insult.=insurreccion= _f_ insurrection.=insurreccional= (_Gall.?_) insurrectional.=intachable= irreproachable, faultless.=intelectual= intellectual.=inteligencia= _f_ intelligence, understanding.=inteligente= intelligent.=intencion= _f_ intention, movement toward (=de=), design; =decircon---- = say meaningly.=intensidad= _f_ intensity.=intenso= intense.=intentar= _t_ have a mind to; try.=intento= _m_ intent.=interes= _m_ interest, concern, business interest.=interesante= interesting.=interesar= _t_ interest, concern; _r_ take an interest (=por= in).=interior= interior, inward; =en su---- = inwardly.=interlocutor= interlocutor.=interno= inside.=interpelar= _t_ interrogate, question, challenge.=interpretacion= _f_ interpretation.=interpretar= _t_ interpret.=interrumpir= _t_ interrupt.=intervencion= _f_ intervention.=intervenir= _i_ intervene.=intimacion= _f_ intimation.=intimar= _i_ have intimacy, be intimate.=intimidar= _t_ intimidate.=intimo= intimate.=intolerable= unendurable.=intranquilo= ill at ease.=intrepidez= _f_ intrepidity.=intriga= _f_ intrigue.=intrigante= intriguer.=introducir= _t_ introduce.=intruso= intruding.=inundar= _t_ inundate, flood.=inusitado= unusual.=inutil= useless, to no purpose; _adv._ =--mente=.=invadir= _t_ invade.=invasion= _f_ invasion.=invasor= invader, invasive.=inventar= _t_ invent, make up.=inverosimil= improbable, unlikely, implausible.=investigacion= _f_ investigation.=invisible= invisible.=invocacion= _f_ invocation.=invocar= _t_ call on, invoke.=ir= _i_ go; _w. gerund or ptc._ be, keep, be coming to; _r_ be going,go away; =---- bien= be all right; =voy a= am going to, shall, will; =novayas a= don't go and; =alla voy= I'm coming, N =122= 14; =mucho va deX. a Y.= Y. is very different from X.; =vamos= come on, come, well;=vaya= O dear, all right, come, there; =vaya con lo que sale Vd.= whatan idea that is that you are springing, a fine idea _etc._; =alla se va=(_w. dat._) comes to about the same (as).=ira= _f_ wrath, anger.=iracundia= _f_ irascibility.=irguio= _see_ =erguir=.=ironia= _f_ irony.=ironico= ironical; _adv._ =--mente=.=irradiar= _t_ radiate.=irreconciliable= irreconcilable.=irrecusable= unimpeachable, undeniable.=irregularidad= _f_ irregularity, abnormality.=irreligiosidad= _f_ irreligiousness.=irresistible= irresistible.=irrespetuoso= disrespectful.=irreverencia= _f_ irreverence.=irrisorio= ludicrous.=irritacion= _f_ irritation.=irritante= irritating.=irritar= _t_ irritate.=irrupcion= _f_ irruption, inburst, invasion.=islamismo= _m_ Islam, Mohammedanism.=izquierda= _f_ left, left hand.=izquierdo= left.

  =jaca= _f_ pony.=jamas= never (_more emphatic than_ =nunca=).=jaqueca= _f_ megrim, (_esp._ one-sided) headache.=jaula= _f_ cage.=jefe= _m_ chief, commanding officer.=Jerusalen= _f_ Jerusalem.=Jesus= _m_ Jesus; _exclamation_ goodness, gracious, _or other attributeof God_.=jofaina= _f_ wash-basin.=jornada= _f_ day (as a body of events).=Jose= _m_ Jose, Joseph (_esp._ the Virgin's husband).=joven= young, young man.=jovencito, jovenzuelo,= young fellow, young chap, youngster.=jovial= jovial, gay; _adv._ =--mente=.=jovialidad= _f_ joviality, gayety.=Juan= Juan, John; =---- Lanas= (=lana= wool) _c_ easy mark.=jubileo= _m_ jubilee.=jubilo= _m_ glee, rejoicing.=judicial= judicial.=juego= _m_ play, sport; gambling; =---- de manos= handling (theperson), horse-play.=juez= judge.=jugador= player, gambler.=jugar= _i_ play (=al= at _or untr._), gamble.=jugo= _m_ juice, moisture.=juguete= _m_ plaything, toy.=juicio= _m_ judgment; trial, hearing; senses.=juicioso= sensible, well-balanced.=junco= _m_ rush.=junio= _m_ June.=juntar= _t_ get together, conjoin.=juntillo= _d of_ junto; =a pie---- as= (of jumping) close-footed; (ofbelief) firmly, implicitly.=junto= together; _adv._ =--mente= jointly, in combination; =---- a=near, close to, by.=jurado= _m_ jury.=juramento= _m_ oath.=jurar= (_t_ seriously, _i_ profanely) swear.=jurisconsulto= _m_ counselor at law.=jurisprudencia= _f_ jurisprudence, the law (as science).=justicia= _f_ justice; court.=justiciada= _f nonce-word_ stroke of justice.=justificar= _t_ justify.=justo= just, exact; _adv_ just, exactly, precisely; _adv. also_=--mente=.=juvenil= juvenile, youthful.=juventud= _f_ youth (time of
life, _or collective_).=juzgado= _m_ court.=juzgar= _t_ judge, judge of.

  =kilometro= _m_ kilometer.

  =la= _see_ =el, el=.=laberinto= _m_ labyrinth.=labio= _m_ lip.=labor= _m_ work, farm work; =casa de---- = farm-hand's cabin.=labrador= farmer.=labrar= _t_ work in; farm; plow; work _(t.), past_ wrought.=labriego= peasant.=lacedemonio= Lacedaemonian.=laconico= laconic; _adv._ =--mente=.=ladino= crafty, wily.=ladito= _nominally d of_ =lado=; _practically_, =a un---- = _d of_ =aun lado=.=lado= _m_ (=a= to, at, on; =hacia= to, toward) side; =dejar a un---- =put aside, let alone, let pass.=ladrido= _m_ bark.=ladrillo= _m_ brick.=ladron= robber; thievish.=lago= _m_ lake.=lagrima= _f_ tear.=lagrimear= _i_ weep (excessively, as disease or weakness), blubber;_fig. t._ (drip, dribble).=laguna= _f_ pond, pool.=lamentable= lamentable; shocking, dire.=lamentar= _t or i_ lament.=lamina= _f_ plate; engraving.=lampara= _f_ lamp; gas-burner.=lance= _m_ casualty, crisis, adventure, episode.=lanza= _f_ spear, lance.=lanzada= _f_ spear-thrust.=lanzar= _t_ launch, dart, fling, fling out.=largo= long; extensive; a long story; _adv._ =--mente; lo---- = length;=de---- a---- = from end to end; =ir---- = take a long time; =cuan----es= at full length.=largueza= _f_ liberality.=las= _see_ =el, el=, _and_ N =7= 16.=lastima= _f_ pity, object of pity, complaint; =de---- = pitiful,woeful.=lastimar= _t_ wound, hurt, affront.=lastimero= piteous.=lastimoso= pitiable, pitiful.=latin= _m_ Latin.=latinidad= _f_ Latinity; (good etc.) Latin.=latinista= Latinist (specialist in Latin).=latino= Latin; Latinist (one who knows Latin).=latir= _i_ beat (heart).=laton= _m_ brass.=latrocinio= _m_ robbery.=laurel= _m_ laurel.=lavabo= _m_ washstand.=lavandera= _f_ laundress.=lavar= _t_ wash, wash out.=lazo= _m_ bow-knot, noose, lashing, bond; snare, (hostile) stratagem;=armar---- = _c_ practice chicanery _A._.=le= _see_ el; _also_ you.=leal= stanch, faithful, trusty, true.=lealtad= _f_ loyalty, true-heartedness, fair dealing, integrity.=leccion= _f_ lesson.=lector= reader.=lectura= _f_ reading.=lecho= _m_ bed (_A._ bedstead with bedding, =cama= with or withoutbedding, _but cf._ =131= 16, 17, 23, =sobre= el lecho, =en= la cama;_fig. senses belong mainly to_ =lecho=).=leer= _t_ read; =lease= read _(imperative)_.=legion= _f_ legion.=legislador= lawgiver, lawmaker.=legista= legist.=lejano= distant, remote.=lejos= far, far off, at a distance; _also_ =a lo----, de---- =.=lelo= dazed.=lengua= _f_ tongue; language (national).=lenguaje= _m_ (=hablar= speak in, _not_ speak) language (style).=lenguaraz= loose-tongued, scurrilous.=lente= _m or f_ lens; =pl= (eye-)glasses.=lento= slow; _adv._ =--mente=.=leon= lion.=les= _see_ =el=; _also_ you.=letargo= _m_ lethargy.=letra= _f_ letter.=letradillo= little man of learning.=letrero= _m_ placard, (temporary) inscription.=levantamiento= _m_ raising, uprising, coming out.=levantar= _t_ raise; bring into the field; take off, revoke; _r_ getup, rise; come out (as insurgents); =---- mano de= take one's hand from;=--do= up.=levantisco= (1, _from_ =Levante=) Levantine, Turk-like; (_2, from_=levantar=) turbulent, revolution-loving.=leve= light, slight.=ley= _f_ law, rule; =es---- = it is the rule.=leyo= _see_ =leer=.=libertad= _f_ (=en= at) liberty, one's liberty.=libertinaje= _m_ profligacy, debauchery.=libidinoso= lewd, lustful, libidinous.=librar= _t_ free, keep free, deliver; =libreme Dios de= God forbid thatI; =---- batalla= give battle; =---- una batalla= engage in a battle;_i_ =---- bien= come off well.=libre= free.=librito= _m_ little book.=libro= _m_ book.=librucho= _m_ trumpery book.=licencia= _f_ license, permission; furlough; =---- absoluta= discharge.=licito= licit, permissible.=Licurgo= _m_ Lycurgus.=lid= _f_ fray, combat.=lidiar= _i_ fight, battle.=ligereza= _f_ levity, giddiness, hastiness.=ligero= light, slight; _adv._ =--mente=; =a la-a= hastily, withinadequate equipment.=limbo= _m_ limbo, N =118= 17.=limite= _m_ limit, bound.=limosna= _f_ alms, charity.=limpiar= _t_ clean, cleanse.=limpieza= _f_ cleanness.=limpio= clean, unsullied.=linaje= _m_ lineage; _pl_ =linajes=, founders of families (_A._ 'noblecitizens recognized as such and incorporated into the body of thenobility').=lindero= _m_ boundary line.=lindo= pretty, dainty; _adv._ =--mente=.=linea= _f_ line (_includes_ =raya= _and other senses_); =por la----materna= on one's mother's side.=linterna= _f_ lantern (=de convexo cristal= bull's-eye).=lio= _m_ bundle; imbroglio, embroilment; artful dodge.=lirico= lyrical.=lirio= _m_ lily.=lisonja= _f_ flattery.=lisonjero= flattering, wheedling; agreeable.=lista= _f_ strip, stripe, list, roll-call.=listo= active, lively, clever.=literario= literary.=litigio= _m_ litigation.=Livio Andronico= _m_ Livius Andronicus.=lo= _see_ =el, el=.=lobo= _m_ wolf.=lobreguez= _f_ gloom.=local= local, of place.=localidad= _f_ locality; =de la---- = local.=loco= mad, insane, crazy, lunatic (=con= over).=locura= _f_ insanity.=locutorio= _m_ locutory, convent parlor.=lodazal= _m_ mud-puddle, mud-hole, slough.=lodo= _m_ mud (_esp._ as it is made by rain).=logica= _f_ logic.=lograr= _t_ obtain, attain, succeed in, get so far as to; =---- que=get one to.=loma= _f_ ridge.=lomo= _m often pl_ loin; back (of beasts).=Londres= _m_ London.=longaniza= _f_ long sausage (of pickled meat; will last some time).=loro= _m_ parrot.=los= _see_ =el, el=.=losa= _f_ flagstone, (_esp._ sepulchral) slab.=lozania= _f_ lushness, verdure; vigor, vitality.=lozano= lush, luxuriant.=lucecilla= _f_ little light.=lucir= _t_ show off, sport.=Lucrecio= _m_ Lucretius.=lucha= _f_ wrestling, struggle, combat.=luchar= _i_ wrestle, struggle, combat.=luego= at once, next, then, so (_accented when illative, Knapp: somesay the contrary, accented except when illative; A. does not accent itat all_); =desde---- = at once, from the start; =---- que= as soon as.=luengo= (_archaic or poetic_) long.=lugar= _m_ place; occasion; village.=lugareno= villager, village boy.=lugaron= _m_ execrable place.=lumbrera= _f_ luminary.=luminoso= luminous.=luna= _f_ moon.=lustrar= _t_ polish.=lustre= _m_ luster.=luterano= Lutheran.=luto= _m_ (=de= in) mourning.=luz= _f_ (=a= by) light.

  =llamar= _t_ call; invite; knock, ring; _r_ be called, my name is.=llamarada= _f_ (momentary) flame, blaze; flush.=llana= _f_ trowel.=llano= _m_ plain; level.=llanto= _m_ weeping, tears, fit of crying.=llave= _f_ (=echar= turn, to lock) key.=llegada= _f_ arrival.=llegar= _i_ arrive, come; _r_ go (to a certain near place), approach(=a=); =---- al alma= sting.=llenar= _t_ fill.=lleno= full.=llevar= _t_ bear, carry, carry off (_esp. w._ =se=), move, take; takeoff; wear; get; win; (_of time_) have had, have been.=llorar= _i_ weep, shed tears, cry.=lloro= _m often pl_ weeping.=lloron= tearful, lachrymose.=lluvia= _f_ rain, shower.

  =maceta= _f_ flowerpot.=machacar= _t_ batter.=machar= _t_ pound; =a macha martillo= stoutly, thoroughly, N =43= 20.=macho= _m_ mule.=madera= _f_ wood; =de---- = wooden.=madre= _f_ mother.=Madrileno=, _provincial_ =Madril=, of Madrid; Madrid man, _pl_ Madridpeople.=Madriz= _Castilian dialect for_ =Madrid=.=madrugada= _f_ dawn.=madrugar= _i_ keep early hours, be on foot early.=madurez= _f_ maturity, ripeness.=Maestrique= Maastricht.=maestro= master, teacher; past master, adept.=magistral= magistral, magisterial; _m_ magistral (a canon whose specialduty is preaching).=magnanimidad= _f_ large-heartedness.=magnesia= _f_ magnesia.=magnificencia= _f_ magnificence.=magnifico= magnificent.=majaderia= _f_ twaddle, bosh, tomfoolery.=majadero= fool.=majestad= _f_ majesty.=majestuoso= majestic.=mal= _m or adv_ ill, evil, badly; ailment; wrong; =llevar---- = takeamiss.=maldad= _f_ badness, wickedness; bad action, misdeed.=maldiciente= carper, detractor.=maldicion= _f_ curse; N =130= 3.=maldito= accursed; damned, confounded, execrable.=maleable= malleable.=malecon= _m_ dike, levee.=maledicencia= _f_ detraction, evil-speaking.=maleficio= _m_ maleficium, sorcery.=malefico= noisome.=maleta= _f_ valise.=malevolencia= _f_ malice.=malhadado= ill-starred, unlucky, unblest, _lit._ ill-fated.=maligno= malign, malignant.=mal[o]= bad (_in our text comparative_ =mas malo=, _superlative_ =elpeor=), ill (_comparative_ =peor=).=maltratar= _t_ maltreat, ill-treat, misuse, ill-use (_the Englishlanguage is not in want of the newly popular word_ mistreat), abuse,manhandle.=malvado= wicked.=mama= _f_ mamma.=mamarracho= _m_ daub, botch (as to looks; _esp._ of bad art).=manada= _f_ flock, pack.=manantial= _m_ fountain-head, source.=mancha= _f_ spot, stain.=mandar= _t_ send (_A._ 'enviar'); bid, order; have (a thing done); bein command of; _i_ command, rule, give orders; =----llamar= send for.=mandarin= _m_ mandarin.=mando= _m_ command.=mandria= flat, no-account, duffer, worthless fellow.=manejar= _t_ handle, wield, manage.=manejo= _m_ management, practice; intrigue.=manera= _f_ (=de=
in) wise, way, manner (_pl not_ 'manners' = behavior,_but_ ways); =de otra---- = otherwise; =de ninguna---- = by no means;=sobre---- = beyond measure.=manga= _f_ sleeve; =de---- ancha= easygoing, indulgent _(primarily ofpriest as confessor_).=mania= _f_ mania, craze (=de= for), crotchet; (_still sg._) madness.=maniatico= crazy, lunatic.=manicomio= _m_ (lunatic) asylum.=manifestar= _t_ manifest, give token of, declare, suggest.=manifiesto= manifest, open; _m_ benediction (of the Blessed Sacrament),N =227= 9.=manjar= _m_ eatable, viand, dish.=mano= _f_ (=de= by; =poner su= take a) hand; =buena= (=mejor= greater,greatest) =---- = aptitude, skill; =poner----en= put one's hand to.=mansalva= _f_: =a---- = without facing any risk, without risk to one'sself.=mansedumbre= _f_ meekness.=mansion= _f_ abode.=manso= gentle, quiet; tame.=manta= _f_ shawl (not fine), mantle.=manteleta= _f_ mantlet.=mantener= _t_ maintain, support, keep, keep up.=manteo= _m_ (priest's) mantle.=manto= _m_ mantle; robe.=manton= _m_ great mantle.=mana= _f_ knack, trick, habit.=manana= _f_ morning, morrow, tomorrow.=maquina= _f_ machine.=mar= _m_ sea.=maravilla= _f_ marvel, wonder; =a las mil---- s= most admirably.=maravilloso= wonderful, marvelous.=marcar= _t_ mark.=marcial= martial; =M---- = Martial.=marcha= _f_ walk (movement), course.=marchar= _i_ go; _r_ go away, be off.=marear= _t_ work (a ship); _c_ plague, heckle, hatchel; _r_ getseasick; one's head swims.=marfil= _m_ marble.=margen= _m_ margin.=Maria= _f_ Mary (_even a man may be named for the Virgin as patronsaint_).=maria ac terras caelumque profundum= _L_ the seas and the lands and thedepths of heaven.=marido= _m_ husband.=marina= _f_ marine.=Marine= _see_ =Donna=.=Mariquilla, Mariquita,= _f d of_ Maria.=marisma= _f_ marsh.=marmolejo= _m_ stone post ('columna pequena' _A._).=marmoreo= (of) marble, marble-like.=marques= marquis.=Marruecos= _m or f_ Morocco.=marrulleria= _f_ cajolery, wile.=marrullero= cajoling, wily.=Marte= _m_ Mars.=martillazo=_m_ hammer-stroke; =a---- -s= with one's hammer.=martillo= _m_ hammer.=martir= martyr.=martirio= _m (as a series of sufferings also pl.)_ martyrdom.=marzo= _m_ March.=mas= more, most; more of a; any more; the more (_not w._ =el=); all themore; else, any (=que= but); =merece---- = deserves something better;=---- tiranos= bigger tyrants; =a---- = in addition (=de= to); =por----que= however much; =no---- que, nada---- que=, no more than, notanything but, only; =no hay---- que= there's nothing more to; =notener---- que= have only to; =no tener----... que= have no ... left but;=no---- sino que= not anything more than that.=masa= _f_ mass.=mascar= _t_ chew.=mascara= _f_ mask; (=de= in) masquerade (costume).=mascullar= _i_ mumble.=masticar= _t_ chew.=matador= killer, slayer.=matar= _t_ (_ptc_ =muerto= _of human beings, except r._) kill; (_ptc_=matado=) be the death of, worry to death.=matematicas= _f pl_ mathematics.=matematico= mathematical, mathematician.=Mateo= _m_ Mateo, Matthew.=materia= _f_ material, matter.=material= material.=materializar= _t_ materialize (in depr. sense).=maternal= motherly.=materno= maternal.=maton= fire-eater, desperado, rough.=mayor= greater, larger, bigger, major, elder, greatest, largest,biggest, utmost, eldest; that amounts to something, of importance;=altar---- = high altar.=mayoria= _f_ majority.=mayormente= especially.=me= me; _r see_ =se=.=mecanico= mechanical.=medalla= _f_ medal.=mediano= medium, middling, middle, tolerable; _adv._ =--mente=tolerably well, in tolerable fashion.=mediante= in consideration of.=medicina= _f_ medicine.=medico= doctor.=medio= half; the middle of the; _m_ mean; medium; measure, tactics;middle, midst; =a---- as= half, half-way; =por---- de= by means of, byway of, through.=medir= _t_ measure.=meditabundo= pensive, preoccupied, wrapped in thought.=meditacion= _f_ meditation, musings.=meditar= _t_ reflect on, think over; _i_ reflect, meditate.=medrar= _i_ grow, have things better, be finely off.=medula= (_accent permissible, but_ =medula= _preferable_) _f_ marrow.=Mejico= _m_ Mexico.=mejilla= _f_ cheek.=mejor= better, best; so much the better; =a lo----, el---- dia=, thefirst you know, some fine day (_esp. of untoward events_; =el---- dia=_predictive and_ =a lo---- = _declarative, A._); _cf._ N =11= 8.=mejorar= _t_ better; =--ndo lo presente= without saying anythingagainst present company (_said in praising the absent, A._).=melancolia= _f_ melancholy.=melancolico= melancholy.=Melibeo= _m_ Meliboeus.=melifluo= mellifluous.=melodrama= _m_ melodrama.=melosillo= (_d of_ =meloso= honeyed) nice honeyed.=memoria= _f_ memory, memorial, memoir; =de---- = by heart, by rote;=dar---- s para= ask one to remember one to.=mencion= _f_ mention.=mencionar= _t_ mention.=mendigar= _t_ beg, get by begging.=mendigo= beggar.=mendrugo= _m_ crust, old dry piece of bread given to a beggar.=menguado= feckless, no-account, ninny, silly, dastardly.=menor= smaller, smallest, younger, youngest, lesser, least, minor.=menos= less, least; even more out of the question; =ni---- = and stillless; =ni mucho---- = nor anything like it; =al----, cuando ----, porlo---- =, at least; =poco---- que= pretty nearly, the next thing to; =nopoder---- de= cannot help, cannot but; =todo, ---- = anything but.=mensajero= messenger, carrier.=mentar= _t_ mention, tell of.=mente= _f_ mind.=mentir= _i_ lie.=mentira= _f_ lie, lying; =parece---- = it does not seem as if it couldbe true.=menudo= small; =a---- = often.=mercado= _m_ market, market-house.=merced= _f_ favor, grace; =a---- de= at the mercy of.=Mercurio= _m_ Mercury.=merecedor= meriting, that deserves.=merecer= _t_ deserve; have a right to, have a claim to, be allowed todeserve, be rated at; =me merece Vd.= is your due from me, in my eyesyou merit.=merengue= _m_ meringue.=merienda= _f_ lunch.=merito= _m_ desert, merits, high qualities.=meritorio= meritorious.=mes= _m_ month.=mesa= _f_ table.=mesura= _f_ staidness, self-control.=mesurado= self-restrained, well-guarded.=metal= _m_ metal.=metalico= metallic.=meter= _t_ put; engage, occupy (a person); _r_ get, get one's self(into a place), take to, go to; =---- fuego= push things.=metidillo= _d of ptc of_ =meter=.=metodico= methodical.=metodo= _m_ method, (practical) system.=metralla= _f_ case-shot, canister.=metrico= metrical.=metro= _m_ meter.=mezclar= _t_ mix, mingle; _r_ mix, meddle, mix one's self up.=mezquino= scanty, diminutive.=mi= my.=mi= me _w. prep._.=mico= _m_ (long-tailed) monkey.=microscopio= _m_ microscope.=miedo= _m_ fear (=a= of; as mere emotion).=miedosillo= a little fearful.=miembro= _m_ member, limb.=mientras= while, so long as; =---- mas= the more the.=miga= _f_ crumb; =hacer buenas---- s= _c_ hit it off well together.=mil= _m or adj_ thousand.=milagro= _m_ (=hacer= work) miracle.=milicia= _f_ soldiership; soldiery.=militar= military, of the military; _m_ army man, soldier.=militarismo= _m_ militarism.=militarote= _m_ great man in uniform.=millon= _m_ million.=mimar= _t_ spoil (child), pet, pamper.=mimo= _m_ petting, fondling, coddling; slick ways.=mina= _f_ mine.=minero= mining, of mining.=ministerio= _m_ ministry; department (of central government).=ministro= _m_ minister (of state; _or_ = servant).=minuciosidad= _f_ (instance of) carefulness in little things.=minucioso= detailed.=minutillo= _m_ little minute, just a minute.=minuto= _m_ minute.=mio= my, mine, of mine.=mira= _f_ aim.=mirada= _f_ look, gaze, glance.=mirar= _i_ look; _t_ look at, look upon, look to, look and see; bear inmind, consider; _imperative_ see, look out, look here; _m_ way oflooking; =---- bien= take good care; =---- por= look out for.=misa= _f_ mass (=mayor= high).=miserable= wretched, wretch; _adv._ =--mente=.=miseria= _f_ wretchedness, (extreme) poverty, want, penury.=mision= _f_ mission.=mismito=: =lo---- = just the same.=mismo= same, very; himself _etc. (intensive); also intensifyingreflexive or forming with_ =si= _the noun_ self; =un---- = the same, asingle; =el---- de siempre= (_Caballuco_) the same I always was; =lo----que= the same as, as good as, equally ... and, and ... alike, as much asif; =por lo---- que= by the very fact that, for the very reason that;=asi---- = exactly so, just that; =ahora---- = this very minute, rightnow; =--isimo= very ... himself.=misterio= _m_ mystery.=misterioso= mysterious.=misticismo= _m_ mysticism.=mistico= mystic, mystical.=mistificacion= _f_ mystification.=mitad= _f_ half, middle; N =209= 13.=mixto= mixed.=mocito= whippersnapper.=moco= _m_ mucus; =a---- y baba= with sniveling and drooling.=moda= _f_ fashion, way.=modales= _m pl_ behavior, demeanor, manners.=modelo= _m_ model.=moderno= modern.=modestia= _f_ modesty (unpretentiousness).=modesto= modest (unassuming); _adv._ =--mente=.=modo= _m_ (=de= in) manner, fashion, wise, way; =de----que= so that;=de tal---- = so; =al---- de= a sort of.=modular= _t_ modulate; =---- entre dientes= hum.=mohoso= moldy, rusty.=mojigateria= _f_ sanctimoniousness, cant.=mojon= _m_ landmark (fo
r boundary), boundary monument.=molde= _m_ mold.=molestar= _t_ molest, trouble, bother.=molestia= _f_ molestation, discomfort.=molesto= annoying, uncomfortable.=molino= _m_ mill.=molusco= _m_ mollusk.=momento= _m_ (=al= this) moment.=momia= _f_ mummy.=monaguillo= _m_ acolyte (in looser sense; i.e. boy, unordained).=mondar= _t_ peel, shell.=mono= cute, darling; _m_ monkey, ape (=mono= _includes both_).=monsieur= _m French_ monsieur.=monstruo= _m_ monster.=monstruosidad= _f_ monstrosity.=montar= _i or t_ mount, ride; get (on horseback); (_Gall._) fit out,furnish; =---- a caballo sobre= bestride.=monte= _m_ mountain; (piece of) wild land; monte.=monton= _m_ heap.=monumento= _m_ monument.=mono= _m_ pug, knot of hair.=morada= _f_ abode, place of habitation.=moral= moral; _f_ morality.=morar= _i_ lodge.=morcilludo= (_not in A._) bloated, puffy.=mordaz= mordacious, acrimonious.=morder= _t_ bite.=moreno= swarthy.=moreria= _f_ Moorery, Moordom, N =69= 10.=morir= _i_ die; =muera= (_cf._ =viva=) death to, down with; =hasta----= to the death.=moro= Moor, Moorish; =de---- = Moorish.=morrioncete= _m d of_ =morrion= (morion; shako).=morro= _m_ knob, hummock; (prominence of the) lips.=mortal= _adj or m_ mortal; deathly.=mortificacion= _f_ annoyance, annoyances.=mortificar= _t_ annoy, torment.=mosca= _f_ fly; =---- muerta= dead fly, _c. for_ person seeminglylistless but really keen.=mosquita= _f d of_ =mosca=.=mosquito= _m_ mosquito (_also_ =mosco=).=mostacilla= _f_ (small, 'mustard-seed-size') beads.=mostaza= _f_ mustard.=mostrar= _t_ show.=mote= _m_ nickname; N =88= 25.=motivar= _t_ motivate, occasion, explain.=motivo= _m_ motive, reason (=para, de=, for; =para que, por que=, why),grounds; =con---- = on account.=movedizo= movable, shifting.=mover= _t_ move.=movimiento= _m_ movement, motion.=mozalbete= _m. d. de_ =mozo= _A._.=mozo= lad, young man.=muchacho= boy.=muchedumbre= _f_ multitude.=mucho= much, a great deal of, a lot of, a great matter; _often tr._great (_w. abstract nouns_); _full form of_ =muy=, _used when notpreceding adj. etc.; pl_ many; =lo---- que le quiero= the greataffection which I have for him.=mudanza= _f_ change.=mudar= _t_ change (=de= one's).=mudo= dumb.=mueble= _m_ piece of furniture, article, _pl_ furniture.=mueca= _f_ grimace.=muela= _f_ molar, grinder, jaw-tooth.=muelle= _m_ wharf, quay; freight platform.=muerte= _f_ death.=muerto= _ptc of both_ =morir= _and_ =matar=.=muestra= _f_ sign, evidence, token, sample.=mujer= _f_ woman, wife; N =95= 33.=muladar= _m_ dunghill, rubbish-heap.=Muley-Abbas= _m_ N =69= 4.=mulo= mule.=multiplicacion= _f_ multiplication.=multiplicar= _t_ multiply.=multitud= _f_ a multitude.=mundanal= worldly, fashionable.=mundano= mundane, worldly, of this world.=mundo= _m_ world; (big) trunk; =todo el---- = everybody.=municipal= municipal.=municipio= _m_ municipality.=muneco= doll.=muralla= _f_ rampart, fortification, wall.=murio= _see_ =morir=.=murmullo= _m_ murmur.=murmuracion= _f_ backbiting, personality (against the absent),criticism.=murmurar= _i or t_ murmur.=muro= wall.=museo= _m_ museum.=musica= _f_ music.=mustio= dreary, forlorn; wilted.=mutuo= mutual; _adv._ =--mente=.=muy= _shortened form of_ =mucho=, _used before adj. or adv. or theirequivalents_, very, very much, very well; _weaker than the sup., whichforms a climax after it_, =160= 24.

  =nacar= _m_ mother-of-pearl.=nacarado= pearly.=nacer= _i_ be born, take its rise, spring up.=nacion= _f_ nation.=nacional= national.=nacionalidad= _f_ nationality.=nada= nothing, not a bit, not at all, no; enough said, well; _w. neg.etc._ anything; _f_ nothingness, a nothing; =---- de= none of, no.=nadie= _m_ nobody; _w. neg._ anybody.=Napoles= _f_ Naples.=naranja= _f_ orange.=naranjero= orange man.=narigudo= big-nosed.=nariz= _f_ nose.=narracion= _f_ narration.=narrar= _t_ narrate, relate.=nativo= inborn, innate.=natura= _(Latinizing word) f_ nature.=natural= natural, _adv._ =--mente=; _m_ nature, temperament, the wayone is made.=naturaleza= _f_ nature.=naturalidad= _f_ a natural air.=naturalista= naturalist.=navaja= _f_ (clasp-) knife.=navegar= _i_ sail; =-o bien= I can steer all right.=navio= _m_ ship of the line.=nec= _etc. see_ =53= 33.=necedad= _f_ silliness.=necesario= necessary; _adv._ =--mente=; =en caso---- = in case ofnecessity.=necesidad= _f_ necessity.=necesitar= _t_ need, have need of.=necio= silly, simpleton, dunce.=nefasto= inauspicious.=negar= _t_ deny; _r_ decline, refuse.=negativa= _f_ negative.=negligencia= _f_ negligence.=negocio= _m_ business.=negro= black; _m_ negro.=negrura= _f_ blackness.=negruzco= blackish.=nerviosidad= _f_ nervousness.=nervioso= nervous.=ni= neither, nor, not even; (_before words meaning or suggesting_'even') not; (_w. preceding neg._) either, or; =---- que= or what.=nido= _m_ nest.=nieto= grandson.=ninfa= _f_ nymph.=ningun[o]= no, not any; _w. neg._ any.=ninez= _f_ childhood, boyhood.=nino= boy, child; =-a= (of eye) pupil, (_fig._) apple.=nivel= _m_ level (as instrument, _or abstract_).=nivelar= _t_ level, take the level of.=no= not, no; non-; he doesn't _etc._; =yo---- = not I; I don't.=nobis= _L_ us, me (_dat. or w. certain preps._).=noble= noble; _sup._ nobilisimo.=nobleza= _f_ nobility.=noche= _f_ (=de= at) night; =media---- = midnight; =buenas---- s= goodnight.=nombrar= _t_ name.=nombre= _m_ name.=nominavito, genivito, davito, acusavito,= _errors, w. d. ending_=-ito=, _for_ =nominativo, genitivo, dativo, acusativo,= nominative,genitive, dative, accusative.=noria= _f_ noria, sakieh, N =6= 28.=normal= normal, ordinary, regular.=norte= _m_ north.=nos= us; _refl see_ =se=.=nosotros= we.=nota= _f_ mark, standing, note, memorandum.=notabilidad= _f_ celebrity, man of mark.=notable= notable.=notar= _t_ mark, note, observe.=noticia= _f often pl_ information, news, item of news, knowledge.=notificar= _t_ give notice of.=notorio= notorious; (_usually, but not in A._) conspicuous.=novedad= _f_ novelty; anything happening.=novela= _f_ novel.=novelista= novelist.=novena= _f_ novena, N =227= 9.=noviazgo= _m_ engagement, (declared) courtship.=novillo= _m_ (unbroken) young bull, steer; =hacer---- s= play truant.=novio=bridegroom, betrothed, lover, wooer.=novisimo= _sup of_ =nuevo=.=nube= _f_ cloud.=nuestro= our, ours.=nueve= nine.=nuevo= new; =de---- = anew, re-.=nuez= _f_ nut.=numerico= numerical (_'numerous,' i.e. metrical, is =numeroso= by A._).=numero= _m_ number.=nunca= never.=nutrir= _t_ nourish.

  =o= or; =o ... o= either ... or; =o sea= that is to say.=obedecer= _t_ obey (=a=).=obispo= _m_ bishop.=objetar= _t_ object.=objeto= _m_ object; (=llevar= have) purpose; topic.=obligacion= _f_ obligation, duty.=obligar= _t_ oblige, bind.=obolo= _m_ (small) gift(s), mite, pennies.=obra= _f_ work (mainly as thing made); act, deed.=obrar= _t or i_ work, operate, act.=obsceno= obscene.=obscurecer= _t_ darken.=obscuridad= _f_ darkness, obscurity.=obscuro= dark; =---- as= the dark.=obsequiar= _t_ favor, treat, regale.=observacion= _f_ observation.=observador= observant, observer, watcher.=observar= _t_ observe; watch.=obstaculo= _m_ (=hallar= meet with) obstacle, obstruction.=obstinacion= _f_ obstinacy, stubborn fit.=ocasion= _f_ opportunity, occasion.=ocasionar= _t_ occasion, give rise to.=octavo= eighth.=ocultar= _t_ conceal.=oculto= concealed, covert; _adv._ =--mente=.=ocupacion= _f_ occupation, thing to attend to.=ocupar= _t_ occupy, concern (=con= with, =en= in; _also_ =de= with,_which A. emphatically condemns as 'solecism,' condemning at the sametime the extended use of_ =ocuparse=), take possession of.=ocurrencia= _f_ bright idea, happy thought.=ocurrir= _i_ occur, happen.=ocho=eight.=odio= _m_ hatred.=oeste= _m_ west.=ofender= _t_ offend.=ofensa= _f_ offense (=a= against).=ofertorio= _m_ offertory.=oficial= official; _adv._ =--mente=.=oficio= _m_ business, occupation; office; official letter.=oficiosidad= _f_ officiousness.=oficioso= officious.=ofrecer= _t_ offer; _r_ suggest itself; =?se le ofrece a usted algo?=can I do anything for you?=ofuscar= _t_ bedim.=oh= O.=oido= _m_ hearing; ear (_esp. in metonymy_).=oir= _t_ hear; =oiga Vd. una cosa= see here.=ojala= would that; =---- no= I wish I wasn't, _etc._.=ojeada= _f_ glance.=ojeo= _m_ battue.=ojo= _m_ (=a= in) eye.=ojuelo= _m depr d of_ =ojo=.=oleaje= _m_ waves, swell, surge.=oler= _t_ smell, scent.=Olimpo= _m_ Olympus.=olivo= _m_ olive-tree.=olmo= _m_ elm.=olor= _m_ odor; N =140= 9.=olvidar= _t_ forget _commonly a knowledge; commonly_ =se me olvidade= _a thing to be done_.=olvido= _m_ oblivion.=omitir= _t_ omit.=once= eleven.=onda= _f_ wave.=ondulacion= _f_ undulation.=onza= _f_ ounce; N =92= 28.=opacidad= _f_ opacity.=opaco= opaque.=opera= _f_ opera.=operacion= _f_ operation.=opinar= _i_ think, be of opinion, one's opinion is.=opinion= _f_ opinion, judgment, mind; public opinion.=oponer= _t_ oppose (_acc._ the obstacle, =a= the thing resisted).=oportunidad= _f_ opportuneness, timeliness, pertinence; good time,favorable time.=oportuno
= opportune, favorable, on proper occasion; _adv._ =--mente=.=oprimir= _t_ oppress, burden, press.=opuesto= opposite.=opulencia= _f_ wealth.=opulento= opulent, wealthy.=ora ... ora= now ... now.=oracion= _f_ prayer (_cf._ N =172= 15).=oraculo= _m_ oracle.=orador= orator.=orar= _i_ pray.=oratoria= _f_ oratory.=oratorio= oratorical.=orbajosense= Orbajosan.=orden= _m in one sense, f in another_, order.=ordenar= _t_ order.=ordenar= _t_ milk.=ordinario= ordinary; _adv._ =--mente=; =de---- = commonly.=oreja= _f_ ear (_esp. physically_).=Orfeo= _m_ Orpheus.=organismo= _m_ organism.=organista= organist.=organizar= _t_ organize, get up.=organo= _m_ organ.=orgia= _f_ orgy, revelry.=orgullo= _m_ pride.=orgulloso= haughty, proud; _as noun, say_ egotist.=origen= _m_ origin, rise.=original= original.=originar= _t_ originate.=orilla= _f_ bank.=ornato= _m_ decoration, adornment.=oro= _m_ gold.=os= you (_pl., familiar_); _refl see_ =se=.=osado= daring.=ostentacion= _f_ display.=ostentar= _t_ display.=Osuna= _f_ Osuna; =el duque de---- = N =227= 15.=otero= _m_ (isolated) hill.=otro= other, another; else, some ... else, any ... else; a differentperson; (_w. numeral_, =tanto=, _etc._) more; =el---- = _w. proverbsetc._ that man.=otrosi= furthermore.=oveja= _f_ sheep.=Ovidio= _m_ Ovid.=ovillo= _m_ (_d of_ =huevo=) ball, _or say_ hank (_A._ 'ball or bundle'made by winding the yarn tight from the =madeja=, the skein proper).=oye= _see_ =oir=.=oyente= hearer, auditor.

  =Pablo= _m_ Pablo, Paul.=paciencia= _f_ (=no hay= one cannot have) patience.=pacienzudo= patient.=pacifico= peaceable, at peace.=padecer= _t_ suffer.=padecimiento= _m_ suffering, ailment.=padre= _m_ father; _pl_ parents; =---- nuestro= (_A. uncapitalized_)paternoster, Lord's Prayer.=paf= _'word expressing the sound of falling or striking againstanything' A._.=paganismo= _m_ paganism.=pagano= pagan, heathen.=pagar= _t_ pay, pay for; =---- a cualquier precio= pay any price for.=pago= _m_ payment.=pais= _m_ country, land, district.=paisaje= _m_ landscape.=paisano= fellow-townsman, (local) compatriot.=paja= _f_ straw; N =198= 15.=pajarillo, pajarito=, _m_ little bird.=pajaro= _m_ bird; big-bug.=pajizo= straw-colored.=palabra= _f_ word, words, speech; =tomar la---- = take the floor, putin one's word, speak; =en buenas---- s= in plain terms.=palabreja= _f_ outlandish word, free and easy word.=palabrilla= _f_ little word, half-word, bit of word.=palabrota= _f_ big word, fine word.=palacio= _m_ palace.=palco= _m_ box (at theater).=paleontologia= _f_ paleontology.=palidecer= _i_ pale, turn pale.=palidez= _f_ paleness.=palido= pale.=palillo= _m_ (_d of_ =palo=) (wooden) toothpick.=paliza= _f_ cudgeling, caning.=palma= _f_ palm.=palmada= _f_ slap (friendly).=palmadita= _f_ little slap.=palo= _m_ stick; =---- s= _metonymically_ clubs, blows, rows, acudgeling.=paloma= _f_ pigeon, dove.=palomar= _m_ dovecote, pigeon-house.=palpitante= palpitating, quivering.=palpitar= _i_ palpitate, throb.=palurdo= rustic, clown, yokel.=pan= _m_ bread, loaf.=panenteismo= _m_ panentheism (Krause's mixture of pantheism withtheism).=panera= _f_ granary.=panorama= _m_ panorama.=pantalon= _m mostly pl_ pantaloons.=pantalla= _f_ shade, screen.=panteismo= _m_ pantheism.=panteista= pantheist.=pano= _m_ cloth.=panuelo= _m_ handkerchief.=papa= _m_ papa, father.=papel= _m_ paper; part (role).=papelillo= _m_ little paper; (druggist's) powder.=papelucho= _m_ yellow journal.=par= _m_ pair, couple (of things); =un---- = a couple, (_Germanism?_) afew.=para= for, toward; to (_not of place_); something for, enough for;=---- que= in order that, that, to, so as to; =---- eso esta= that'swhat ... is for; =no es---- tanto= it doesn't amount to so much as allthat; =aca---- entre los dos= just between you and me.=paraiso= _m_ paradise.=paraje= _m_ place.=parar= _i_ halt, hold on, come to a stop; (_also_ =ir a---- =) bringup; (finally) come to; =--do= standing, in a position.=parcial= partial; partisan.=pardo= (dark brownish) gray (color of a bear, _A._).=parecer= _i_ appear, seem (=que= that, as if); (_properly refl_) belike; _m_ view of the case (_esp._ as to what should be done); =--ido=similar; =que te parece= what do you think (of, _nominative_); =?no teparece?= don't you think so? don't you think I had better? =me parecever= I seem to myself to see; =al---- = apparently.=pared= _f_ wall (not military).=paredon= _m augm of_ =pared=.=pareja= _f_ pair (of persons or things).=parentesco= _m_ relationship.=parentesis= _m_ parenthesis, pair of parenthesis marks; =entre---- = inparentheses, by the way.=parlero= loquacious, talkative.=Parnaso= _m_ Parnassus.=parra= _f_ (grape-)vine (trained).=parsimonioso= parsimonious.=parte= _f_ part; place, quarter, hand,-where (_e.g._ =en otra---- =elsewhere, somewhere else), side; =por mi---- = for my part, on my part;=meterse en buena---- = (_ironically_) get into the wrong box, come tothe wrong door; _m_ despatch.=Partenon= _m_ Parthenon.=participar= _t_ communicate.=particular= special, peculiar; _m_ point, matter.=partida= _f_ start, leaving; band, guerrilla band, bushwhackingcompany; _w._ =de caza= _etc._ party.=partidario= partisan; bushwhacker.=partidilla= _f d of_ partida.=partido= _m_ party; advantage, benefit; judicial district; =sacar----de= make anything out of.=partir= _t_ part, divide, split, share; N =144= 10, =150= 22; _i_start; leave.=pasaje= _m_ passage.=pasajero= passing, passer-by.=pasar= _t or i_ pass, pass on, pass by; happen; cross one's mind; bemore (=de= than); have enough to live on; undergo; (_Gall.?_) take atrip; _m_ livelihood; =--do= past; =se le pasa= he gets over it; =pasaaqui= (_Gall.?_) come this way; =---- por alla= go over, come over.=pasatiempo= _m_ pastime, diversion, entertainment, amusement.=pascual= paschal.=pasear= _i_ take a walk, take the air, walk, saunter.=paseo= _m_ (=dar= take) walk, ride, turn; walking; mall, boulevard.=pasion= _f_ passion (=de= for).=pasivo= passive.=pasmoso= astounding; _adv._ =--mente=.=paso= _m_ (=dar= take; =de= at) step, pace; passage; =mal---- = scrape,pickle, hard place; =dar---- a= make way for.=pastoril= shepherd-haunted, pastoral.=pastosidad= _f_ smooth softness.=pata= _f_ paw, leg (not human); =a (la)---- (la) llana= in plaineveryday fashion.=patan= _m_ yokel, bumpkin, clodhopper.=patente= patent; _f_ charter, certificate.=paternidad= _f_ fatherhood.=patetico= feeling, of strong feeling; telling.=patio= _m_ court, courtyard.=patochada= _f_ ineptitude (senseless utterance).=patria= _f_ (one's) country, fatherland; home (town etc., not house).=patriarca= _m_ patriarch.=patriarcal= patriarchal.=patricio= patrician (_has, beside the Eng. senses, that of_ 'one whoovertops his fellow-citizens by his birth, wealth, or virtues,' _A._).=patrimonio= _m_ patrimony.=patrio= of our country.=patriotismo= _m_ patriotism.=patron= patron, patron saint.=pausa= _f_ pause.=pavo= _m_ turkey; =---- real= peacock.=pavor= _m_ trepidation.=pavoroso= terrific.=paz= _f_ peace.=pecador= sinner.=pecaminoso= sinful.=pecar= _i_ sin; =---- de= have too much tendency to be; =si de algopeca es de= if he has any fault it is that of being rather; =--do= _m_sin.=peculiar= peculiar (=de= to).=pecho= _m_ breast, chest.=pedacito= _m_ scrap.=pedante= pedantic, pedant (as boastful rather than as finical).=pedantear= _i_ pedantize, play the pedant.=pedanteria= _f_ pedantry.=pedazo= _m_ piece, bit; =hacer---- s= break in pieces, break to pieces.=pedestal= _m_ pedestal.=pedir= _t_ ask, ask for, request; order (goods).=pedrada= _f_ blow of a stone.=pedregoso= stony (with loose stones).=Pedro= _m_ Pedro, Peter; N =4= 22, =152= 21.=pedrusco= _m_ piece of stone.=pegar= _t_ (1) stick on, fasten on; =---- fuego= set fire; =---- lahebra= get one's needleful started, get started; =---- los ojos= get awink of sleep; (2) beat; strike (a blow), fire (a shot), _etc. accordingto context_.=peinar= _t_ comb; _r_ do up one's hair.=pelagatos= _m_ mudlark ('poor and contemptible man' _A._).=pelar= _t_ cut the hair of, pull out the hair from, shave; pluck (abird); =que se las pela= with all one's might, like mad; =--do= bald,bare (treeless, featherless, etc.).=peldano= _m_ step (of stairway).=pelea= _f_ fray.=pelear= _i_ combat, fight.=peliagudo= fine-haired; _c_ difficult, awkward, delicate.=peligrar= _i_ be in peril.=peligro= _m_ (=haber= be in) danger, peril.=peligroso= risky, perilous.=pelillo= _m_ trifling annoyance; =pararse en---- s= boggle overtrifles, stick at trifles.=pelmazo= _m_ slow-coach, dawdler.=pelo= _m_ hair; nap (of cloth); =---- malo= down (of birds); =tocar el=(_A._ =al=) =---- de la ropa= touch a hair of one's head, do any injuryat all to; =---- s y senales= details.=pelota= _f_ ball (e.g. for play).=pellejo= _m_ skin.=pellizcar= _t_ pinch.=pellizco= _m_ pinch.=pena= _f_ penalty, grief, pain, pains, difficulty; =valer la---- = beworth while, pay; =no vale la---- = don't mention it (N =67= 6), isn'tworth mentioning.=pendiente= hanging (=de= from, by).=pen
dulo= _m_ pendulum.=penetrante= penetrating.=penetrar= _t or i_ penetrate, make one's way in, imbue.=penitencia= _f_ repentance, penitence, penance; =hacer----con mi= takedinner, such as it is, with me; _nearly_ = take pot-luck.=penitenciario= _m_ penitentiary (N =16= 31).=penoso= painful, uncomfortable, suffering.=pensamiento= _m_ thought; mind.=pensar= _t_ think (=de= about), think about, think of, think over; _i_think (=en= on, of, about).=pensativo= pensive.=penumbra= _f_ penumbra, half-shadow.=pena= _f_ cliff, crag.=peor= worse, worst.=Pepe= _m d of Jose_; =Pepa= _f d of_ =Josefa=.=Pepillo, Pepito,= _d of_ =Pepe=.=pequenez= _f_ little thing, trifle.=pequenito= tiny.=pequeno= small, little.=pequenuelo= diminutive, petty, small fry.=pera= _f_ pear; =poner las---- s a cuarto= _or_ =a ocho= put the screwson, force to give way.=peral= _m_ pear tree.=peralito= _m_ little pear tree.=percance= _m_ perquisite; harm, mishap.=perder= _t_ lose; bring to perdition; =--ido= reprobate; =--ido de lacabeza= bereft of reason.=perdida= _f_ loss.=perdon= _m_ pardon; =no tener---- de Dios= be beyond forgiveness.=perdonar= _t_ pardon, forgive, let off.=perecer= _i_ perish.=pereza= _f_ laziness.=perezoso= lazy; _adv._ =--mente=.=perfeccion= _f_ perfection, perfectness.=perfeccionamiento= _m_ (process of) perfection, perfecting.=perfecto= perfect, consummate; _adv._ =--mente= perfectly, precisely.=perfidia= _f_ perfidy, double-dealing.=perfido= perfidious, disloyal.=perfil= _m_ profile; fine line, stroke.=periodico= _m_ periodical, newspaper.=periodiquillo= _m_ little paper.=periodo= _m_ period.=periquete= _m_ twinkling.=Periquito= _m d of_ =Perico= _d of_ =Pedro=.=perito= expert.=perjuicio= _m_ prejudice; mischief, damage.=perjurar= _i_ swear one's hardest; _t_ =jurar y---- = swear up anddown, swear by all that is holy.=permanecer= _i_ remain.=permiso= _m_ permission.=permitir= _t_ permit.=pero= but; why _followed by comma in Eng.,_ O; _gives climacticemphasis to reiteration; m c_ N =52= 11.=perogrullada= _f_ (superfluous statement of) self-evident truth,obvious fact, N =19= 5.=perorata= _f_ (inopportune) harangue.=perpetuar= _t_ perpetuate.=perpetuo= perpetual, _adv._ =--mente=.=perplejidad= _f_ perplexity.=perplejo= perplexed, in perplexity.=perrero= _m_ 'he who has charge of putting dogs out of a cathedral'_(A.); say_ beadle _or_ dog-beadle.=perro= _m_ dog.=perseguir= _t_ pursue; persecute.=persona= _f_ person.=personaje= _m_ prominent man, notability, magnate, worthy.=personal= personal.=personalidad= _f_ personality.=pertenecer= _i_ pertain, belong.=perteneciente= pertaining, belonging.=perturbacion= _f_ disturbance.=perturbar= _t_ disturb, unsettle, embroil, throw into disorder.=perversidad= _f_ perversity.=pervertir= _t_ pervert.=pesa= _f_ weight.=pesadumbre= _f_ weight; trouble, displeasure.=pesar= _t or i_ weigh, be heavy, be painful; _m_ regret, grief; =a----=in spite, in despite; =--do= heavy; disagreeable.=pesca= _f_ fishing.=pescar= _t_ catch (fish).=pescuezo= _m_ (_A. esp_. back of) neck _(esp. as part of looks; morefamiliar than_ =cuello=; =16= 28, =93= 23, _the lady gets a more classicword than the gentleman_); =cortar el---- = cut off the head.=peseta= _f_ peseta (= French franc, nearly 20 cents).=peso= _m_ weight.=pestanear= _i_ one's eyelashes quiver.=pestilencia= _f_ pestilence, pest.=petaca= _f_ cigar-case.=petreo= stony.=petroleo= _m_ petroleum.=pez= _m_ fish.=piadoso= pious.=piano= _m_ piano.=picadillo= _m_ timbale; =hacer---- a= make into mince-meat, make hashof.=picante= pungent.=picaporte= _m_ latch.=picar= _t or i_ prick (slightly), sting, bite, be hot, spur; put (spursto).=picardia= _f (from_ =picaro=) knavery, (piece of) rascality.=picaresco= roguish, sly, picaresque.=picaro= rogue, knave; rascally.=picaron= great rascal; _f_ jade, hussy.=picazon= _f_ pricking, biting (of insects etc.), itching.=pico= _m_ beak, bill; pick; peak; odd (_i.e._ odd units in excess of around number, _as in_ '200 and odd'); _c_ mouth; =---- de oro= 'personaqui habla bien' _A.; not personal at_ =165= 32.=picotazo= _m_ peck.=pide= _see_ =pedir=.=pie= _m_ foot; bottom; leg (of furniture etc.); =en---- = on his feet;=a cuatro---- s= on all fours; =al---- de la letra= literally; =ponersesobre un---- = (_A._ =andar en un----, andar en un---- como grulla=(crane), =estar en un---- =) put one's best foot foremost, bestir one'sself, be up and doing.=piedad= _f_ piety; pity (=de= on).=piedra= _f_ stone.=piedrecilla, piedrecita=, _f_ little stone.=piel= _f_ skin, hide; =de la---- del miedo= just made of fear (_A._ =dela---- del diablo= a limb of Satan).[=pienso= _m obs_ thought]; =ni por---- = not a bit, not in the least.=pierna= _f_ =leg=.=pieza= _f_ piece (_not often in sense of_ =pedazo=, fragment, scrap),room; =buena---- = rogue, fine thing.=pila= _f_ basin (large, of stone etc.); font; (galvanic) cell.=pilleria= _f_ scoundrelism, rascality.=pillo= scoundrel, blackguard.=pinchar= _t_ prick (as with pin or thorn).=pintar= _t_ paint, depict.=pintoresco= picturesque.=pintura= _f_ painting.=pinon= _m_ pine nut (seed, not cone).=pio= pious.=piquillo= _m_ (_d of_ =pico=) driblet, trifle.=piros= _L acc pl_ pear trees.=pisar= _t or i_ tread.=piso= _m_ floor, story; N =92= 14.=pistolita= _f d_ pistol handy.=pitillo= _m_ cigarette.=placentero= pleasurable.=placer= _m_ pleasure.=placido= placid.=plaga= _f_ plague (not as disease), calamity, infestation (_A._ 1,national 'calamidad grande'; 2, personal; ... 4, _fig._ any trouble; 5,'abundance of a harmful thing--said also of things not harmful').=plan= _m_ plan.=planetario= planetary.=plano= flat, plane; =de---- = plainly, outright; (_of judgment_)summarily, off-hand.=planta= _f_ plant.=plantar= _t_ set out; _c_ put ('against one's will' _A._); _r c_ get(to a place, with speed); plant one's self ('de pie firme' _A._).=plantear= _t_ mark out; establish; start (topic).=planidero= wailing.=plato= _m_ a plate (to eat on).=Plauto= _m_ Plautus.=plaza= _f_ plaza, market; fortress; =---- fuerte= fortified town.=plazo= _m_ date (set so as to give time).=plazoleta= _f_ little plaza.=plegaria= _f_ supplication.=pleiteante= litigant.=pleitear= _i_ have a lawsuit, carry on lawsuits.=pleitista= litigious.=pleito= _m_ lawsuit, (=poner= bring) suit, litigation, case.=pletorico= plethoric.=pleyade= _f_ Pleiad (coterie).=pliego= _m_ sheet (of paper); (sealed) letter; N =225= 5.=pliegue= _m_ fold.=Plinio= _m_ Pliny.=plinto= _m_ plinth.=pluma= _f_ feather; pen.=poblacion= _f_ town (_A. defines_ =ciudad, villa, pueblo, lugar=, _asdifferent grades of_ =poblacion=).=poblacho= _m_ rubbishy old town.=poblachon= _m_ big old town, rank old town, mean old town.=pobre= poor, N =45= 8.=pobrecito= poor creature, poor dear, poor fellow.=pobreza= _f_ poverty.=poco= little (not much); un-; _pl_ few; _vulgarism for_ =no---- =,_cf._ =en mi vida; un---- = a little, somewhat, rather; =---- a---- =little by little, gradually, go slow; =tener en---- = think little of,put a low value on.=poda= _f_ pruning.=poder= _t_ can, be able, may; _r_ can be done; _m_ power; =no---- con=cannot do anything with, cannot keep under; =puede (que)= maybe,possibly; =como pueda= as best he may.=poderoso= powerful.=podredumbre= _f_ decay, rottenness.=podrir, pudrir,= _both forms of inf. equally good_, rot, decay, molder.=poesia= _f_ poetry.=poeta= _m_ poet.=poetico= poetic, poetical.=poligono= _m_ polygon.=polilla= _f_ moth.=politica= _f_ politics, policy.=politico= political; politician;-in-law.=politiquejo= rascal of a politician.=polvo= _m_ (=hacer= reduce to, grind to) dust, powder.=polvora= _f_ gunpowder.=polvoriento, polvoroso=, dusty.=pollo= _m_ chicken.=pomada= _f_ pomade, pomatum.=pompa= _f_ pomp.=pomposo= pompous.=ponderacion= _f_ panegyric, laudation.=ponderar= _t_ magnify, extol, make much of.=poner= _t_ put, place, set (about, at, =a=), lay, put on, put in, setup; give (a name); make (_w. adj. etc._); (_not in A._) drop (_as in_drop me a line); _r_ become, turn (_w. adj. etc., not noun_), get; go(to, at, =a=); =---- carino a= take a fancy to, be taken with; =como tehan puesto= what a figure they have made of you; =puesto (_of hat etc._)on; =se ponia de este modo= he went like this; =--se en su penumbra=assume its penumbra; =--se en camino,--se en marcha,= set out, be off.=poniente= setting (sun).=popular= popular.=popularidad= _f_ popularity.=poquito= _d of_ =poco=; =un---- = a little bit, just a little, theleast bit; =---- a cosa= nothing much, no great shakes.=por= by, for, because of, for---- 's sake, out of (as motive), through,in the course of, on, over, at; _before adv. of place untr. or_ on the_etc._; =---- que= why; =---- lo cual= wherefore; =---- eso= that iswhy; =---- si= of one's self; =ir---- la esquina= go round the corner;=---- momentos= moment by moment; =---- las noches= nights; =---- pocomas= a little more and they would have; =---- ... que= however;=existentes y---- existir= in existence or destined to exist.=porcelana= _f_ china.=porcion=
_f_ portion, allowance, lot.=pormenor= _m_ detail.=porque= because, for; that, to the end that; =porque = por que= (_A._=por que=).=porrazo= _m_ blow with a club; blow, bruise.=portal= _m_ vestibule, entry, front hall.=portar= _r_ behave.=portatil= portable.=porte= _m_ behavior, demeanor, ways.=portento= _m_ portent, prodigy, phenomenon.=posada= _f_ hotel, inn, boarding-house, lodging-house.=poseer= _t_ possess.=posesion= _f_ possession.=posibilidad= _f_ possibility.=posible= (=en lo= as far as, =lo menos= as little as) possible.=posicion= _f_ position; social station.=postizo= extra (and artificial, e.g. false hair), accessory.=postrar= _t_ prostrate; _r_ kneel, fall at one's feet.=postre= _m_ article of dessert; _pl_ dessert.=postrer[o]= last ('in order,' _A._).=postura= _f_ posture, attitude, position.=pozo= _m_ well; (_of mine_) shaft.=practica= _f_ practice; _pl_ field work.=practicar= _t_ practice.=precaucion= _f_ precaution.=precaver= _t_ take precautions against; _r_ take precautions.=preceder= _t_ precede.=precio= _m_ price, worth; =no tener---- = be beyond price, be worthone's weight in gold.=preciosidad= _f_ precious thing.=precioso= precious.=precipitacion= _f_ precipitation, precipitancy, haste.=precipitar= _t_ hurl down, start down (a precipice); =--do=precipitate, _adv._ =--mente=.=precisar= _t_ tell precisely.=preciso= needful; precise, _adv._ =--mente=; =es---- = it is needful, Imust, have to.=precoz= precocious.=predicacion= _f_ preaching.=predicar= _t_ preach (=por= through), lecture.=predileccion= _f_ (=de= in the line of) predilection, special taste.=predio= _m_ estate, premises, parcel of real estate.=preeminencia= _f_ preeminence.=preeminente= preeminent, foremost.=preferible= preferable.=preferir= _t_ prefer.=pregonar= _t_ proclaim.=pregunta= _f_ (=hacer= ask) question.=preguntar= _t_ ask.=preguntilla= _f_ slight question.=prehistoria= _f_ prehistoric archaeology.=prelado= _m_ prelate; bishop _etc._.=prematuro= premature; _adv._ =--mente=.=prenda= _f_ article (of goods), garment; endowment.=prender= _t_ arrest.=preocupacion= _f_ preconception, prepossession, prejudice, infatuation.=preocupar= _t_ preoccupy, take up (=de= with).=preparar= _t_ prepare, get ready.=prerogativa= _f_ prerogative.=presa= _f_ dam; prey.=prescindir= _i_ set aside, dispense with (=de=).=prescripcion= _f_ prescription, title by adverse possession, gaining oftitle by adverse possession.=presencia= _f_ presence, advent.=presenciar= _t_ witness.=presentar= _t_ present; introduce; _r_ make one's appearance.=presente= present; _m_ the present.=presentimiento= _m_ foreboding.=preservar= _t_ preserve.=presidente= president; chief justice.=presidio= _m_ penitentiary, prison.=presion= _f_ pressure.=prestamista= money-lender.=prestar= _t_ lend; =--do= borrowed.=presteza= _f_ swiftness, rapidity.=prestigio= _m_ prestige, glamour.=presumir= _t_ presume; _i_ pride one's self (=de= on being); =--do=presumptuous.=presuncion= _f_ vanity, pretense.=pretender= _t_ claim.=pretension= _f_ (=tener= make) pretension, claim, pretense.=pretextar= _t_ allege (as excuse).=pretexto= _m_ pretext.=prevencion= _f_ prepossession, prejudice, bias.=prevenir= _t_ prepare, be beforehand; give warning.=prever= _t_ foresee.=prevision= _f_ foresight, prearrangement, providence.=primer[o]= first, foremost, finest; =de-a= _sc._ =clase=.=primicia= _f_ first fruit, first of the crop.=primitivo= primitive, original.=primito= (_d of_ =primo=) coz.=primo= prime; cousin; =a-a noche= after dark.=primor= _m_ skill, masterliness; fine work, masterpiece.=primoroso= neat, elegant, graceful, fine.=principal= chief, principal (_more absolute than the Eng. words, henceadmits comparison_), main, eminent; _adv._ =--mente=.=principe= _m_ prince.=principiar= _i_ begin, start (=a= to).=principio= _m_ start, element, principle.=prisa= _f_ haste, hurry; =de----, a----,= in haste, at speed, _usually_=de= _unless an adj. intervenes_.=prision= _f_ prison; arrest.=prismatico= prismatic.=privado= private.=privar= _t_ deprive.=privilegio= _m_ privilege.[=pro= _m_] =pro y contra= pro and con, affirmative and negative; =tienesu pro y su contra= there are two sides to it.=proa= _f_ prow, bow; =poner la---- a= aim at (thing); make a dead setat, set one's self against (person).=probabilidad= _f_ probability.=probable= probable.=probar= _t_ prove; try; _i_ work, agree (=a= with).=problema= _m_ problem.=procaz= impudent.=procedencia= _f_ provenance, source.=procedente= resulting.=proceder= _i_ proceed; be a product; _m_ course, behavior.=procesion= _f_ (_esp._ religious) procession.=proconsul= _m_ proconsul.=procurador= _m_ attorney.=procurar= _t_ try.=prodigio= _m_ prodigy, marvel.=prodigioso= prodigious, marvelous, extraordinary.=producir= _t_ produce, cause.=profanar= _t_ profane.=profano= profane.=proferir= _t_ utter.=profesar= _t_ profess; cherish, entertain, bear.=profesion= _f_ profession.=profeta= _m_ prophet.=profundo= deep, profound, abysmal; _in general_ =profundo= _is such asextends far down_, =hondo= _such as is located far down_.=progresista= progressist, progressive.=progreso= _m_ progress.=prohibir= _t_ prohibit, forbid.=projimo= _m_ neighbor (in ethics).=prolijo= prolix, verbose, lengthy.=promesa= _f_ promise.=prometer= _t_ promise.=promotor= promoter; =---- fiscal= state's attorney.=prontitud= _f_ promptness.=pronto= quick, quickly, soon, fast; =de---- = off-hand, all at once.=pronunciar= _t_ pronounce, utter.=propagar= _t_ propagate, preach.=propender= _i_ have the propensity, be prone.=propension= _f_ propensity, proneness.=propicio= propitious, favorable.=propiedad= _f_ property, ownership.=propietario= owner, proprietor, land-owner.=propio= own, of one's own; proper, appropriate, peculiar, belonging(=de= to), inherent (=de= in); the part (=de= of); fit; _m_ the city'sproperty (of real estate).=proponer= _t_ propose; _r_ make up one's mind, undertake.=proporcion= _f_ proportion (=de= to).=proporcionar= _t_ provide with, furnish.=proposicion= _f_ proposal, proposition.=proposito= _m_ intention, (=hacer= form the) purpose; =a---- =suitable, adapted; =a---- de= speaking of.=prorrumpir= _i_ break out.=prosaico= prosaic.=prosapia= _f_ stock, ancestry.=proscribir= _t_ proscribe.=proseguir= _i_ go on.=proteccion= _f_ protection, patronage, favor.=proteger= _t_ protect, give one's patronage to, take under one'sprotection, countenance; =--ido= protege.=protejer= _see_ =proteger=.=protestante= Protestant.=protestar= _i_ protest.=provecho= _m_ profit; =ser de---- = do (any) good.=provechoso= of advantage.=provenir= _i_ come (from a source).=providencial= providential.=provincia= _f_ province; =de---- = provincial.=provinciano= provincial.=provocar= _t_ provoke.=provocativo= provocative, challenging.=proximo= next, close.=proyeccion= _f_ projection.=proyectar= _t_ project, cast, trace; plan.=proyectil= _m_ projectile.=proyecto= _m_ project, plan, scheme.=prudencia= _f_ prudence.=prudente= prudent.=prueba= _f_ proof; sample.=psicologo= psychologist.=publicar= _t_ publish.=publicidad= _f_ publicity.=publico= public; _adv._ =--mente=; _m_ (=salir al= come before the)public; =de---- = publicly.=puchero= _m_ (pitcher-handled, usually earthenware) cooking-pot,bean-pot; whimper.=pude= _see_ =poder=.=pudico= modest, chaste.=pudor= _m_ modesty (of sex).=pudrir= _see_ =podrir=.=pueblo= _m_ city, town, place; small town, small place; populace;people.=puede= _see_ =poder=.=puente= _m_ bridge.=puericia= _f_ boyhood (age 7-14, _A._).=pueril= childish.=puerta= _f_ door, gate; N =129= 26.=puertecilla= _f d of_ =puerta=.=pues= _adv_ then, and then, well, well then, why, why but, _or untr.;conj (also_ =---- que=) since, for.=puesto= _ptc of_ =poner;---- que= since; _m_ post, station, position.=pugna= _f_ combat.=pugnar= _i_ contend, conflict.=pulcher, pulchra=, _L_ beautiful.=pulcro= natty, spruce, trim, (personally) neat, tidy.=pulpito= _m_ pulpit.=pulso= _m_ pulse.=pulverizar= _t_ pulverize.=pum= bang.=punta= _f_ point (as sharp), tip, end; (_of psychical qualities; mostlypl._) turn, somewhat.=puntapie= _m_ kick; =echar a---- s= kick out.=punteria= _f_ aim.=punto= _m_ (=en= at) point (mathematical point, dot, etc.); period(=poner ... en= put ... to); moment; =al---- = right off, instantly;=a---- que= just as, just when, at the same moment as; =a---- de= on thepoint of; =a---- fijo= to a dot; =por ---- = (_not in A._) this minute.=puntual= punctual; _adv._ =--mente=.=punzante= pricking, stinging, irritant.=punzar= _t_ prick, pierce.=punetazo= _m_ blow with one's fist.=puno= _m_ fist.=pupilo= ward.=pupitre= _m_ desk (to set on table).=pureza= _f_ purity.=puro= pure; sheer, mere, bare.=puse= _see_ =poner=.

  =que= _rel pr_ that, who, which; _often introduces clause equivalent toEng. ptc.; conj_ that, the fact that, than, as, for, since, in suchfashion that; and (_e.g. in_ =roe---- roe=, _A._ 'equivalent to =ymas='); _sometimes untr., esp. directly after_ =no= _or an oath orbefore direct quotation;_
=lo---- = what, _w. subjunctive_ whatever;=pase lo---- pase= happen what may; =antes de lo---- pense= sooner thanI thought (expected to); =hay glorias---- cantar= there are glories tosing of; =dar----hablar= give something to talk of, give anything totalk of; =y eso ---- = and that when; =---- tienes= you do have; =que=what, what a, _w. adj. or adv._ how; =que de= how many, what a lot of;=?que tal?= what's the word; =a que= why (to what purpose); =por que=why (for what reason), why is it that; =que ---- ni ----, que ---- nique nino muerto= (_other words may be substituted for_ =nino muerto=),---- fiddlesticks, don't talk of ----..=quebradero= _m_ breaker; =---- de cabeza= quandary, bother.=quebrantar= _t_ break.=quebrar= _t_ break; _i_ go bankrupt; =--do= bankrupt.=quedar= _i_ remain, stay, be left, stand, be; =haberse--do en= havecome down to; =--se con= retain, be left with; =me queda= I am leftwith; =me---- e dormida= I got to sleep.=quedo= quiet; softly, cautiously; _adv._ =--mente=.=quehacer= _m_ affair, concern, thing one has to attend to, small duty.=queja= _f_ (=dar= make) complaint.=quejar= _r_ complain.=quejido= _m_ complaint, plaint.=quejumbroso= querulous.=quemar= _t_ burn.=querencioso= attached to one spot (_properly of wild beasts_),home-crazy; _perhaps (not in A._) set in one's ways.=querer= _t_ wish, will, want to, mean to, try to, be willing; love, befond of, like; will have; =---ido= dear (=para= to), beloved; =quieroque maten= I want ... killed; =no---- nada con= not want anything to dowith; =quiera= _after rel._ any ... ever; =quiera que= _after rel._ =ever _as suffix, e.g._ =donde quiera que= wherever; =Dios quiera= Godgrant; =si Dios quiere= _literally translates the very common Arabic_ insha 'll[_a]h; =lo que se quiera= what may, what you will.=quien= who, he who, one who, the one who; =o---- sea= or whoever it maybe.=quiero= _see_ =querer=.=quijotada= _f_ quixotism (_not collectively_).=quimera= _f_ chimera.=quincalleria= _f_ notion-shop, notion-counter, N =60= 32.=quince= fifteen; =---- dias= a fortnight.=quinque= _m_ Argand lamp, student lamp.=quinta= _f_ conscription.=Quintiliano= _m_ Quintilian.=quitar= _t_ take off, take away, remove, get out.=quiza, quizas,= maybe, possibly.

  =rabia= _f_ madness (of dog); _fig._ rage.=rabiar= _i_ rage.=rabillo= _m_ (_d of_ =rabo= tail) bob-tail, tag; (_not in A._)corner-stroke (_i.e._ serif).=raciocinio= _m_ ratiocination, reasoning.=racion= _f_ ration, allowance, portion.=racionero= _m_ prebendary (next grade below =canonigo=).=raiz= _f_ root.=rama= _f_ bough, limb, branch.=ramo= _m_ twig, spray, nosegay; =Domingo de R---- s= Palm Sunday.=rancio= antique, time-worn.=rapar= _t_ shave.=rapaz= stripling.=rapidez= _f_ swiftness.=rapido= swift, rapid; _adv._ =--mente=.=rareza= _f_ rarity; strange action.=raro= rare; unusual; odd.=rascar= _t_ scratch.=rasgar= _t_ tear; =--do= large (window, eye, mouth).=rasgo= _m_ line (drawn).=rasguear= _t_ strum, stroke (_A._ 'play a guitar or other instrument bygrazing several strings at once with the tips of the fingers').=rasguno= _m_ scratch.=ratito= _m_ little while.=rato= _m_ while, space (of time), time, spell; =a---- s= from time totime.=raya= _f_ line (mark).=rayo= _m_ ray; lightning, lightning-flash.=raza= _f_ race.=razon= _f_ reason, argument; good grounds; _pl_ statements, words;=tener---- = be (=mucha= quite) in the right; =carecer de---- = beirrational, be in an irrational position, be in the wrong.=razonable= rational.=razonamiento= _m_ reasoning.=real= (1) royal; =camino---- = highway; =el R---- = _cf._ =55= 21; _m_real (_anciently_ 14 cents, _modernly_ 5 cents); (2) real; _adv._=--mente=.=realidad= _f_ reality.=realizable= realizable.=realizar= _t_ realize; accomplish, achieve.=reanimar= _t_ reanimate, revive.=rebanar= _t_ slice.=rebelar= _r_ rebel.=rebeldia= _f_ insurgency.=recado= _m_ message; present.=recaer= _i_ relapse; fall (=en, sobre,= to, upon; =sobre= _of blameetc._).=recaudador= collector.=recelar= _t_ mistrust, be apprehensive, apprehend.=recelo= _m_ mistrust, apprehensiveness, apprehension.=receloso= apprehensive, mistrustful.=recibir= _t_ receive.=recien= N =43= 9 newly.=reciente= recent; _adv._ =--mente=.=recinto= _m_ precincts.=recio= stout, robust.=reclamar= _t_ claim, call for, bring a claim (_dat._ against, _acc_.for).=reclinar= _t_ rest, lay (obliquely).=reclutar= _t_ recruit.=recobrar= _t_ recover.=recodo= _m_ bend.=recoger= _t_ get together, get in, pick up, take in, withdraw, retire,sequester; _r_ shrink down.=recogimiento= _m_ retirement; restraint; abstraction from worldlythoughts.=recoleccion= _f_ compend; harvest; collection (of money; _Gall.?_ ofobjects of virtu).=recomendacion= _f_ recommendation.=recomendar= _t_ recommend, enjoin.=recompensar= _t_ recompense, repay, remunerate.=reconciliacion= _f_ reconciliation.=reconciliar= _t_ reconcile.=recondito= out of the way, secluded.=reconocer= _t_ recognize.=reconocimiento= _m_ recognition, acknowledgment.=recordar= _t_ remind (=a= _or acc._ of), recall.=recorrer= _t_ go over; explore.=recortado= scissored out, jagged, silhouette, silhouetted, N =173= 34.=recostar= _t_ bend back, lean back, lean.=recrear= _t_ gladden, delight.=recriminacion= _f_ recrimination.=rectitud= _f_ rectitude, uprightness.=recto= right, upright.=recuerdo= _m_ reminding, recalling, remembrance; mention (over again).=recurso= _m_ recourse, expedient, instrumentality.=rechazar= _t_ repel, reject.=rechinar= _i_ squeak, creak, jangle.=rechoncho= _c_ chubby ('short and fat' _A._).=redactar= _t_ draw up, couch.=redentor= redeemer.=redonda= _f_ district; =a la---- = round about.=redondez= _f_ roundness, round.=reducir= _t_ reduce; diminish.=reedificar= _t_ rebuild.=referencia= _f_ reference.=referente= relating.=referir= _t_ refer, relate, report.=reflexivo= reflective; reflexive.=reflujo= _m_ reflux.=refregon= _m c_ rub, (hostile) wipe across (=en=); N =191= 27.=refrescar= _t_ refresh.=refriega= _f_ skirmish.=refugiar= _r_ take refuge.=refugio= _m_ refuge.=regadera= _f_ watering-pot.=regalar= _t_ make one a present of.=regar= _t_ water.=regimen= _m_ rule, government.=regimiento= _m_ regiment.=region= _f_ region (_A._ '... 2. Space which, according to ancientphilosophy, was occupied by each one of the four elements').=regir= _t_ govern, manage.=registrar= _t_ inspect, examine, search.=registro= _m_ registry; =---- civil= records of vital statistics.=regla= _f_ ruler; rule.=regocijar= _t_ gladden; _r_ rejoice, indulge one's glee.=regresar= _i_ return.=regreso= _m_ return.=regular= regular; moderate, tolerable, pretty good; _adv._ =--mente=.=rehen= _m, usually pl_, (=en= as) hostage.=rehusar= _t_ refuse.=reina= _f_ queen.=reinar= _i_ reign; prevail (be dominant).=reino= _m_ kingdom.=reir= _i_ laugh; _m_ laugh; =--se de= laugh at.=reiterar= _t_ reiterate.=reja= _f_ window-grating.=relacion= _f_ relation, connection; narrative.=relacionado= acquainted, furnished with acquaintances.=relampago= _m_ flash of lightning.=relato= _m_ tale.=relevar= _t_ relieve.=religion= _f_ religion.=religiosidad= _f_ religious feeling.=religioso= religious; scrupulous.=reloj= _m_ clock, watch (=da= strikes).=relojera= _f_ watch-stand.=rematar= _t_ dispatch, put through.=remediar= _t_ help.=remedio= _m_ remedy, help for it, way out; =poner---- en= remedy,redress.=remendar= _t_ patch, piece.=remojo= _m_ (=de= in) soak.=remontar= _t_ exalt; _r_ soar, mount up.=remoquete= _m_ blow (_fig._ slap) in the face; sarcasm; =decir el---- =call one names (_etc._) to his face.=remordimiento= _m_ compunction, remorse.=remoto= far-off, distant; _adv._ =--mente=.=renacer= _i_ be born again, spring into new life.=rencor= _m_ rancor.=Renialdos (Reinaldos)= _m_ Renaud, Rinaldo, Reynold; N =167= 1.=renovacion= _f_ renovation.=renovar= _t_ renew.=renta= _f_ income; rent.=renunciar= _t, or i w._ =a=, renounce, resign.=renir= _i_ quarrel; _t_ scold.=reo= culprit, prisoner at the bar.=reparar= _t_ repair; note.=reparo= _m_ consideration, hesitation, demur.=repartidor= distributor.=repartir= _t_ distribute (=por= about).=repente, de----,= of a sudden, all at once.=repetir= _t_ repeat.=repitio= _see_ =repetir=.=replicar= _t_ reply, rejoin.=reponer= _t_ put back, replace, reply; _r_ recover one's self.=reposar= _i_ repose; =--do= reposeful, _adv._ =--mente=.=reposo= _m_ repose.=repregunta= _f_ cross-question.=reprender= _t_ reprimand.=reprension= _f_ reproof.=representante= representative.=representar= _t_ represent.=reprimenda= _f_ reprimand.=reprimir= _t_ repress.=reproducir= _t_ reproduce.=republica= _f_ republic.=republicano= Republican.=repugnante= repulsive.=repulsion= _f_ repugnance.=repulsivo= repellent.=repuse= _see_ =reponer=.=reputacion= _f_ reputation; _at_ =88= 22-23 =reputacion= _is matter ofopinion_, =fama= _is as to matters of fact_.=requerir= _t_ examine; require, call for.=res= _f_ cow (or other cloven-footed beast).=resabio= _m_ after-taste, tang; vestige, (bad) habit, trick.=resentimiento= _
m_ resentment.=reserva= _f_ reserve.=residencia _f_ residence.=residir= _i_ reside.=resignacion= _f_ resignation.=resignar= _t_ resign.=resistencia= _f_ resistance, opposition.=resistir= _i_ resist, hold out; _t_ resist (passions etc.); bear.=resolucion= _f_ resolution.=resolver= _t_ resolve, decide, determine, settle; solve; =resuelto=determined _etc._, resolute, purposeful, brave; =esta resuelto= has hismind made up.=resonar= _i_ resound, echo.=respecto= _m_ proportion, relation; =---- a,---- de,= with regard to.=respetabilidad= _f_ high repute, respectability.=respetable= worthy, respectable.=respetar= _t_ respect.=respeto= _m_ respect.=respetuoso= respectful, deferential.=respiracion= _f_ breathing, respiration.=respirar= _t_ breathe, take breath.=respiro= _m_ breathing-time.=resplandecer= _i_ gleam.=resplandeciente= gleaming.=resplandor= _m_ splendor, luster.=responder= _t_ answer, reply.=responsabilidad= _f_ responsibility.=responsable= responsible (=de= for).=responso= _m_ respond, responsory.=respuesta= _f_ answer, reply.=restablecer= _t_ reestablish, restore.=restante= one who is left; remainder.=resto= _m_ remainder, remnant, rest, _pl_ remains.=resucitar= _i_ come to life, rise from the dead.=resuelvo= _see_ =resolver=.=resuello= _m_ panting.=resultado= _m_ result.=resultar= _i_ the result is, it turns out that there is.=resumen= _m_ recapitulation, gist; =en---- = to sum up.=retablo= _m_ altar-piece, reredos, retable.=retahila= _f_ string (series).=retama= _f_ (bush of) broom (N =73= 14).=retardar= _t_ put off, delay.=retebien= extra well, capitally, N =11= 5.=retemblar= _i_ tremble repeatedly, shake again; (_not in A._) brandish(=con=).=retener= _t_ detain, retain.=retirar= _t_ withdraw, retire, go.=reto= _m_ defiance, challenge.=retono= _m_ sprout; (_Gall.?_) offspring, scion.=retorcer= _t_ twist.=retorica= _f_ rhetoric; _pl c_ fudge, hocus-pocus.=retorico= rhetorician.=retozar= _i_ frolic, frisk, skip, romp, play.=retozo= _m_ frolic, romp.=retratar= _t_ portray, depict.=retrato= _m_ portrait, picture.=retroceder= _i_ turn back.=retruecano= _m_ antithetical inversion, (verbal) jugglery.=retulo= _m error for_ =rotulo, titulo,= address.=retumbar= _i_ resound, reverberate.=reunion= _f_ gathering.=reunir= _t_ assemble, gather, get together.=revelacion= _f_ revelation, disclosure.=revelar= _t_ reveal, disclose, betray.=reverencia= _f_ reverence; bow.=reverenciar= _t_ reverence.=reves= _m_ reverse; =al----, del= (_A._ =de=) =---- =, reversed,topsy-turvy, back end foremost.=revision= _f_ revision, reexamination.=revista= _f_ review.=revocar= _t_ revoke, whitewash (outside; with plaster of Paris),plaster (outside).=revoltoso= boisterous, turbulent, disturbing.=revolucion= _f_ revolution.=revolver= _t_ stir, stir up, disturb; wrap, roll; =--uelto= turbulent,troubled.=revolver= _m_ revolver.=revuelto= _ptc of_ =revolver=.=rezar= _t or i_ say prayers, N =172= 15.=ribera= _f_ riverside.=ricacho= _depr augm of_ =rico=.=rico= rich.=rich= _onomatopoeia for the rustling sound of a fan, a window-shade,etc. sharply moved_.=ridiculo= ridiculous.=rie= _see_ =reir=.=riesgo= _m_ risk, risks.=rigido= stiff.=rigor= _m_ rigor.=riguroso= rigorous, strict.=rincon= _m_ corner (inside), nook.=rio= _m_ river, stream.=riqueza= _f_ riches, wealth.=risa= _f_ laugh, _sg or pl_ laughter.=risible= laughable, droll.=ristra= _f_ trace, rope (of onions etc.).=risueno= smiling, blithe.=rito= _m_ rite.=ritolicas= _error for_ =retoricas=.=rivalidad= _f_ rivalry.=rizar= _t_ crisp, curl, crimp.=robar= _t_ rob (=me lo= me of it), steal, plunder; abduct.=roble= _m_ oak.=robo= _m_ robbery; abduction.=robusto= robust.=roca= _f_ rock.=rociada= _f_ (fall of) dew, bedewing, (fine) shower.=rodar= _i_ roll, whirl.=rodear= _t_ surround; _i_ go around.=rodeo= _m_ roundabout way, circumlocution.=rodilla= _f_ (1) knee; =de---- s= on one's knees; (2) scrubbing-cloth,mop (not with handle).=roer= _t_ gnaw.=rogar= _t_ ask, beg, beseech.=Roldan= _m_ Roland.=Roma= _f_ Rome.=romance= _m_ ballad, N =150= 3.=Romancero= _m_ Romancero, N =150= 3.=romano= Roman.=romboide= _adj (not in A.) and m_ rhomboid.=romper= _t_ break, burst; break out (=a reir= laughing), break off;=--se= (_dat._) =la cabeza= cudgel one's brains, wear out one's brains.=ronco= hoarse.=rondador= _m_ night-walker.=rondo= _m_ rondo.=ropa= _f_ clothing, clothes, garment.=ropero= _m_ wardrobe.=ropon= _m_ wrapper ('ordinarily over the other clothing' _A._).=rosa= _f_ (_also L_) rose.=Rosarillo = Rosarito=.=rosario= _m_ rosary; =R---- = _f_ N =24= 33.=Rosarito= (_or better_ =Rosarita, 24= 28) _f d of_ =Rosario=.=rostro= _m_ countenance, face.=roto= _ptc of_ =romper=; =papeles---- s= waste paper.=rubio= blond (hair).=ruborizar= _r_ redden.=rudimento= _m_ rudiment, elementary knowledge.=rudo= rough-hewn, rough.=rueda= _f_ wheel; =que hace la---- = with outspread tail.=ruego= _m_ request.=rugir= _i_ roar.=ruibarbo= _m_ rhubarb.=ruido= _m_ noise.=ruidoso= noisy; _adv._ =--mente=.=ruin= vile, shabby, scurvy, despicable, infamous.=ruina= _f_ ruin, fall.=ruinoso= ruinous.=rumiante= ruminant.=rumiar= _t_ chew (as cud), ruminate.=rumor= _m_ rumor; murmur, hum (_A._ '2, confused noise of voices; 3,vague dull continuous noise').=rustico= rustic, rural, country.=Rutilio= _m_ Rutilius, N =175= 30.=rutina= _f_ routine.

  =sabado= _m_ Saturday.=saber= _t_ know (as fact), know how; come to know; can, have theability; _m_ knowledge, learning; =sepa usted= let me tell you; =no seque= something or other, some ... or other (_but_ =yo no se quien= I donot know who); =no se por que= for some reason or other.=sabiduria= _f_ wisdom, learning, sagacity.=sabio= wise, learned, scientific (man); sage, wise man, learned man,scientist, scholar.=sablazo= _m_ saber-cut.=sable= _m_ saber.=saborear= _t_ relish.=sacar= _t_ extract, get out, get, draw (out) (_from_, =de= _or dat._);discover; =---- de un error= free from an error.=sacerdotal= priestly.=sacerdote= _m_ priest.=saco= _m_ sack (in almost all senses).=sacramento= _m_ sacrament; N =187= 9.=sacrificar= _t_ sacrifice.=sacrificio= _m_ sacrifice.=sacrilegio= _m_ sacrilege.=sacrilego= sacrilegious.=sacristan= _m_ sacristan.=sacristia= _f_ sacristy.=sacro= sacred.=sacudir= _t_ shake, shake off; _r w._ =de= _or_ =de encima= shake off.=saeta= _f_ arrow.=sagaz= sagacious, astute.=sagrado= consecrated, sacred.=sagrario= _m_ sanctuary; a chapel (in a cathedral) serving as parishchurch, _say_ parochial chapel _or_ sagrario.=sajon= Saxon.=sala= _f_ hall, (large) room.=salida= _f_ start, going out, coming out, exit; (_esp. w._ =tener= _andadj._) (sudden) idea, impulse; =---- de tono= rudeness of speech.=saliente= salient, projecting.=salir= _i_ go out, come out, get out, leave (=de=); be drawn; =----con= plump out, spring; =---- adelante= (_A._ =avante=) put the thingthrough (against difficulties).=salitre= _m_ saltpeter.=saliva= _f_ saliva.=saltar= _i or t_ leap, jump.=salto= _m_ leap, jump; =---- de agua= waterfall.=salud= _f_ health.=saludar= _t or i_ salute, greet.=Salustio= _m_ Sallust.=salutifero= salutiferous, health-bringing.=salvacion= _f_ salvation.=salvador= saving, savior.=salvaguardia= _f_ safe-conduct.=salvaje= wild, savage (as uncivilized, not as ferocious), primitive,uncivilized.=salvar= _t_ save; pass over, overleap.=salvedad= _f_ saving clause, limitation.=salvo= safe, saved; _before noun_ saving, with deference to, withoutprejudice to, without denying.=San= _for_ =Santo= _before m. names of saints, that do not begin withunaccented_ =To= _or_ =Do=.=saneamiento= _m_ drainage.=sangre= _f_ (=hacer= draw) blood.=sangriento= bloody.=sanguijuela= _f_ leech.=sanguinario= sanguinary, bloody, bloody-minded.=sanguineo= sanguine.=sano= healthy, sound, well; (of air) fresh, pure.=santiguar= _r_ make the sign of the cross, cross one's self.=santo= holy; saint; blessed.=sana= _f_ rabidness.=saquear= _t_ plunder, loot, pillage.=sarcasmo= _m_ sarcasm.=sarcofago= _m_ sarcophagus.=sargento= _m_ sergeant.=sarta= _f_ string (of strung objects).=Satanas= _m_ Satan.=satisfaccion= _f_ satisfaction.=satisfacer= _t_ satisfy (=de= as to, =a= in, _w. ptc._ with); =--echo=self-satisfied (=de= over).=saudades= N =24= 30.=savia= _f_ sap.=sayon= _m_ (mediaeval) executioner.=sazon= _f_ season; =a la---- = then, at the time.=sazonar= _t_ season.=se= himself, herself, itself, themselves; _as acc., forms refl. verbsw. sense of Eng. i. or passive (less often of active t.), also inreciprocal sense or in sense of possibility, as_ =lo reduzco a esto= Ireduce it to this, =se reduce a esto= it reduces to this, =verse= beseen, be to be seen, be visible, see each other, one sees, =asustarse=get scared; =hoy no se trabaja= no working to-day; _also usedimpersonally as_ =se me olvida= I forget _or as_ =se renuncia alauxilio= (_note the_ =a=) the aid is renounced; _as dat. often untr._;_w. intr. verbs the refl. sense is commonly 'not felt except in anextremely evanescent and obscure way' (Bello), but may be recognized
assuggesting spontaneity or vigor (id.)_.=se= _see_ =saber=.=sea= _see_ =ser=.=seca= _f_ drought.=secar= _t_ dry.=seco= dry; gruff; (of blows) sharp (_A._ 'strong, quick, and notloud'); _adv._ =--mente=.=secretaria= _f_ secretaryship, office of the secretary.=secretario= secretary.=secreto= secret; _m_ secret, secrecy.=secta= _f_ sect.=secuestrar= _t_ treat as a prisoner.=secundario= secondary.=sed= _f_ thirst.=sede= _f_ see.=seducir= _t_ seduce, beguile.=seductor= seductive, seducing, seducer.=seguida= _f_ sequence; =en---- = next, at once.=seguir= _t_ follow, go on with; _i_ go on, keep on (=por= in); =--do=consecutive, successive, running.=segun= according to, in accordance with, as is; as; it seems to; tojudge from; (_also_ =---- y conforme=) that depends; =---- esta de= heis so.=segundo= second, secondary; _m_ second.=seguridad= _f_ security, assurance, certainty, safety.=seguro= (=tener por= be, make) sure, certain, sure-footed, safe; _adv._=--mente= be sure to, beyond a doubt; =de---- = assuredly.=seis= six.=seleccion= _f_ selection.=selvicultura= _f_ forestry.=sellar= _t_ seal, stamp; N =64= 23.=semana= _f_ week.=semblante= look, expression; face.=semejante= like (=a=); such.=semejanza= _f_ likeness.=semejar=_i_ resemble (=a=).=semental= for breeding.=semestre= _m_ six months, semi-annual payment.=semilla= _f_ seed.=seminario= _m_ seminary (theological or other).=sencillez= _f_ simplicity.=sencillo= simple; _adv._ =--mente=.=senda= _f_ path.=sendos= _pl_ each =a=.=seno= _m_ bosom.=sensacion= _f_ sensation.=sensibilidad= _f_ sensibility.=sensible= perceptible by the senses; painful.=sensibleria= _f nonce-word?_ sensitivism.=sentar= _t_ seat; lay on; _i w. dat._ become; _r_ sit down, sit.=sentencia= _f_ dictum, maxim, sentence (in law, not in grammar)decision.=sentencioso= sententious; _adv._ =--mente=.=sentido= _m_ sense, senses, purport; (=en= to) effect.=sentimental= sentimental.=sentimentalismo= _m_ sentimentalism.=sentimiento= _m_ sentiment, feeling.=sentir= _t_ feel, perceive, hear; be sorry (for, _acc._), regret;=tanto---- = feeling so much (_lit._ so much feeling, _taking_ feeling_as strictly verbal noun and not as an abstract which has becomeindependent of the verb_).=sena= _f_ sign, signal, countersign.=senal= _f_ mark, token; signal (to do a thing).=senalar= _t_ mark; point to, point out.=senor= lord, gentleman, Mr., sir, master; _before other titles, nounsof kinship, etc., untr., but expressing respect;_ =---- mio= sir.=senorito= young gentleman, Mr., Master.=sepa= see =saber=.=separacion= _f_ separation.=separar= _t_ part, separate.=sepulcro= _m_ tomb; =de---- = tomb-like.=sepultura= _f_ burial, burial-place, grave.=sequia= _f_ drought; (_not in A._) droughtiness.=ser= _i_ be (permanently, in essence); _auxiliary of passive; m_ being,creature; =es que= the fact is, the thing is, _or untr._; =lo que es= asto; =?no es esto? ?no es eso?= isn't that so? didn't you? won't he?_etc.; cf._ =el;---- de= become of.=serafico= seraphic.=serenar= _t_ calm down.=serenidad= _f_ serenity, equanimity.=sereno= serene; _m_ night watchman.=serie= _f_ series.=seriedad= _f_ seriousness.=serio= serious, grave.=sermon= _m_ sermon.=sermoncillo= _m_ sermonette; _loosely_, palaver.=sermonear= _t_ lecture.=servicio= _m_ service; =de---- = on duty, in waiting, in use.=servidor= servant.=servidumbre= _f_ servitude, easement; household, servants.=servir= _t_ serve (=de= for, as); be good (be serviceable; =para= for);=para---- a usted= at your service.=seso= _m_ (good) sense; brain, _pl_ brains.=sesudo= sensible.=severidad= _f_ severity.=severo= severe, rigorous; _adv._ =--mente.=Sevilla= _f_ Seville.=sexagenario= sixty years old.=sexo= _m_ sex.=si= if; why _w. comma in Eng. ('to give emphasis or energy,' A._;_introducing the ground of an implied assertion, Bello_); now,_unaccented_; =---- no= if not, unless, else (N =64= 1); =un---- es noes= a bit, a trifle.=si= _pr see_ =se=; _adv_ yes; indeed; _emphasizes positive statement inantithesis to_ =no=; (_also_ =---- que=) = _emphatic auxiliary_ do, _oremphasis on other auxiliary in Eng.; after_ =que= it is, I do, it is so,_etc._; =---- que lo es= it is, it is that (_accent_ 'is'); =un dia----y otro no= every other day.=sibarita= Sybarite, sybarite.=siembra= _f_ sowing, planting.=siempre= always, ever, still, right along; =---- que= whenever,provided that; =lo de---- = the same old story.=sien= _f_ temple.=siendo= _see_ =ser=.=siente= _see_ =sentir=.=sierra= _f_ saw; (jagged) mountain-range.=siete= seven; =guerra de los---- anos= seven-year war, N =125= 19, _notthe Seven Years' War_.=siglo= _m_ age, century.=significar= _t_ mean.=significativo= significant.=signo= _m_ sign, symbol.=sigo= _see_ =seguir=.=siguiente= following; =el---- = this; =dia---- = morrow.=silaba= _f_ syllable.=silbato= _m_ whistle.=silencio= _m_ silence.=silencioso= silent.=silla= _f_ chair.=sillon= _m_ armchair.=simbolo= _m_ symbol.=simpatia= _f_ sympathy; liking.=simpatico= winning, genial, fascinating, agreeable, acceptable.=simple= simple.=simplote= simple indeed.=simular= _t_ simulate, make a pretense of.=sin= without;-less (_e.g._ =---- defensa= defenseless); _w. inf._un-_w. adj. or ptc. (e.g._ =---- poder= unable, =---- ser oido=unheard); =---- que vieran= without their seeing.=sinceridad= _f_ sincerity.=sincero= sincere.=singular= peculiar, especial, rare, extraordinary.=singularidad= _f_ peculiarity, oddity, thing out of the common track.=siniestro= left (hand); sinister.=sino= _connecting words_ except, unless, but; anything but, anybody but(=---- a= to anything but, to anybody but); other than; _connectingclauses_ but _after neg._; =no parece---- que= it seems for all theworld as if.=sintetizar= _t_ synthesize (_for Galdos' use cf._ =resumir= summarize).=sintoma= _m_ symptom.=siquiera= at least; _w. neg._ even.=sirena= _f_ Siren.=sirte= _f_ Syrtis (sandbanks of African coast; _Acts xxvii, 17_).=sirve= _see_ =servir=.=sirviente= (household) servant, domestic.=sistema= _m_ system, method.=sistematico= systematic.=sitio= _m_ place, spot, locality.=situacion _f_ situation, position; state.=situado= (_ptc of_ =situar=) situated.=so= _m c_ you ... thing.=soberbia= _f_ arrogance, conceit, asperity.=soberbio= conceited; furious, wild, mad, all worked up; (_of horse_)spirited.=soborno= _m_ subornation, bribery, bribe, (pecuniary) inducements.=sobrar= _i_ be left over, be more than enough.=sobre= over, on, upon, above; about, as to; =---- todo= above all.=sobrenatural= supernatural.=sobreponer= _t_ set above.=sobresaliente= distinguished, eminent.=sobrevenir _t_ come over, come upon.=sobrinejo= no-account nephew, that nephew of---- 's.=sobrinillo, sobrinito,= little nephew, young nephew.=sobrino= nephew.=sobrio= temperate, moderate (=de= in).=socarron= sly; _adv._ =--mente=.=social= social.=sociedad= _f_ society.=socio= colleague, member.=socorro= _m_ succor; =del S---- 62= 27.=sofa= _m_ sofa.=sofisma= _m_, =sofisteria= _f_, sophistry.=sofocar= _t_ smother, suffocate.=sofoco= _m_ suffocation; disgust.=sol= _m_ sun.=solapado= veiled, dissembling.=soldadito= _m_ little soldier, dear soldier.=soldado= _m_ soldier.=soldadote= _m_ high and mighty soldier.=soldadura= _f_ solder, soldering.=soledad= _f_ solitude.=solemne= solemn; momentous; _adv._ =--mente=.=solemnidad= _f_ solemnity.=soler= _t_ be in the habit of, use to, be apt to, be wont to; =sueledecirse= is commonly said.=solfa= _f_ music (by note); _c_ drubbing.=solicitar= _t_ solicit, beg, apply for; draw, attract.=solidaridad= _f_ solidarity.=solido= solid; well founded.=solitario= solitary.=solo= only, single, solitary, alone; _adv._ =solo= only, just; =a----as= by one's self, in solitude; =tan solo= merely.=soltar= _t_ let go, let out.=sollozar= _i_ sob.=sollozo= _m_ sob.=sombra= _f_ shadow, shade, the dark.=sombrear= _t_ enshadow.=sombrero= _m_ hat.=sombrio= gloomy.=someter= _t_ reduce to submission, subject; _r_ submit.=son= _verb see_ =ser=.=son= _m_ sound (of melody; _A._ 'a =sonido= that is pleasing to theear; especially such as is artistically made').=sonajear= _i_ jingle.=sonar= _i_ sound, sound out; =--do= famous, notable; =hacer---- =sound _t_.=sonido= _m_ sound.=sonoro= sonorous.=sonreir= _i_ smile.=sonrisa= _f_ smile.=sonrisilla= _f d of_ =sonrisa=.=sonrojo= _m_ blush.=sonrosado= pink, rosy.=sonsonete= _m_ patter, rat-a-tat (_A._ 'sound resulting from repeatedsmall blows, imitating a musical note'); sneering tone.=sonador= dreamer.=sonar= _t_ dream of; _i_ dream =con= of (things), =en= of (actions).=sopicaldo= _m, not in A._ (dish of) soup (=caldo=) with bread shreddedin (=sopas=).=soportar= _t_ stand, endure.=sordo= deaf; silent; faint, dull (sound).=sorprendente= surprising.=sorprender= _t_ surprise.=sorpresa= _f_ surprise.=sosegar= _t_ compose; =--do= calm, placid.=sosiego= _m_ composure, calmness.=sospecha= _f_ suspicion.=sospechar= _t_ suspect, _r_ there is a suspicion.=sospechoso= suspicious.=sostener= _t_ hold up, uphold, hold, maintain, carry on.=sota
na= _f_ cassock.=Sr. = Senor=.=su= his, her, its, their; (_also_ =su ... de usted=) your.=suave= gentle, easy, soft; _adv._ =--mente=.=subida= _f_ ascent.=subir= _t_ raise, lift, carry up; _i_ go up, come up, climb up; = detono= raise the key of one's voice, pitch one's voice higher.=subito= sudden; =de---- = all of a sudden; _cf._ =improviso=; _adv._=--mente=.=sublimar= _t_ exalt, raise to sublimity.=sublime= sublime; =lo---- = the sublimity.=sublimidad= _f_ sublimity, grand idea.=subsistir= _i_ persist, exist, last.=substancia= _f_ substance, essence, subsistence.=subterfugio= _m_ subterfuge.=suceder= _i_ occur, take place, happen; =--ido= _c_ thing that happened.=sucesivo= succeeding; successive; _adv._ =--mente=.=suceso= _m_ event, occurrence.=sucumbir= _i_ succumb.=sudar= _i_ sweat, perspire.=sudor= _m_ sweat, perspiration.=suegro= father-in-law.=sueldo= _m_ pay, salary.=suelo= _m_ ground, soil; floor.=suelta= _see_ =soltar=.=suelto= loose; odd; brisk; N =129= 5.=sueno= _m_ sleep; sleepiness; dream.=suerte= _f_ fortune; sort.=Suetonio= _m_ Suetonius.=sufrir= _t_ suffer.=sugerir= _t_ suggest.=sujeto= subject, subjected; _m_ subject; person.=sulfurar= _t_ get hot, get into a rage.=suma= _f_ sum; =en---- = in short.=sumaria= _f_ charges.=sumision= _f_ submission, submissiveness.=sumiso= submissive.=sumo= the highest, the greatest; signal, extreme.=superar= _t_ outdo, beat.=superficial= superficial.=superior= superior; higher, upper.=superioridad= _f_ superiority.=superposicion= _f_ overlaying, superposition.=supersticion= _f_ superstition.=supersticioso= superstitious.=supino= supine; (_of ignorance_) careless, inexcusable, negligent.=suplica= _f_ supplication.=suponer= _t_ suppose, suppose to be; =vamos a---- = (let us) suppose;=por supuesto= of course.=suposicion= _f_ supposition.=supremacia= _f_ supreme superiority.=supremo= supreme.=sur= _m_ south.=surgir= _i_ arise, spring up, crop up.=susceptible= susceptible; touchy, over-sensitive.=suscripcion= _f_ (=hacer= take up) subscription.=susodicho= _lawyer's word_ aforesaid, _lit._ abovesaid.=suspender= _t_ suspend; lift into the air.=suspirar= _i_ sigh.=suspirito= _m d of_ =suspiro; S---- s= Sighie.=suspiro= _m_ sigh.=suspiron= ever-sighing, sighful.=sustentaculo= _m_ support.=sustentar= _t_ maintain.=sustituir= _t_ replace (this by that); _i (not in A._) take the placeof (=a=).=susto= _m_ alarm, scare.=sutil= subtile, fine; light (hand); slender; ingenious.=sutileza= _f_ subtlety.=suyo= his _etc._, his _etc._ own; yours; =hacer de las---- as= be up totheir tricks, N =7= 16.

  =taberna= _f_ bar-room, saloon.=Tacito= _m_ Tacitus.=taciturno= taciturn, uncommunicative.=tachonar= _t_ stud.=tafetan= _m_ taffeta.=tahali= _m_ shoulder-belt.=tal= such; any such; such and such a; that; =un---- Mateo= one Mateo;=---- cual= once in a while a; =con---- que, con---- de que,= so long as(in sense of proviso).=talante= _m_ will, pleasure, air, appearance, style; =de mal---- =sourly, unwillingly, in a bad humor, with a displeased air, testily.=talentazo= _m augm of_ =talento=.=talento= _m_ talent.=talon= _m_ heel; check (in coupon form, e.g. for baggage).=talle= _m_ figure, make.=tambien= also, too.=tampoco= as little, no more, neither, not ... either, not that (_etc._)either; _w. neg._ either; =ni---- = nor yet, or yet.=tan= so, as; _in loose translation_ such; as much of a, so much of a;=---- solo= solely; =la idea---- solo= the bare idea; =que ...----fuerte= what a strong, what a mighty; =---- ... como= equally ... and;=siempre---- = as ... as ever.=tantear= _t_ take the measure of, sound; _i (not in A._) feel one's way.=tantico= _m_ little bit.=tanto= so much, as much, as much of; so many a; _in loose translation_such, so; _pl_ so many, as many; =un---- = a bit, rather, to somedegree; =en----, entre----,= meanwhile; =al ---- = posted, informed(=de= about); =por lo---- = consequently; =---- asi= 'so much as _that_'(_Knapp_),_ the least bit.=taner= _t_ play (musical instrument).=tapa= _f_ flap, lid.=tapar= _t_ cover up, stop up, stop.=taparrabo= _m_ breech-clout.=tapete= _m_ (table-)cloth.=tapia= _f_ tapia (1, block of earth made in a mold as part of a wall;2, wall of such construction), mud wall (cased with brick =212= 29).=tapiar= _t_ wall up.=tapujar= _t_ muffle, disguise.=tapujo= _m_ muffling, disguise, blind, dissimulation.=tarambana= rattle-head.=tararear= _m_ humming (of a tune).=tardanza= _f_ delay.=tardar= _i_ delay, linger, lose time, be late, be long in coming _etc._.=tarde= _f_ afternoon, evening; _adv_ late; too late; =buenas---- -s=good afternoon.=tarea= _f_ (=en= at) task, toil.=tasa= _f_ appraisement, limit, stint.=te= you (_familiar_); _r see_ =se=.=teatro= _m_ theater.=techo= _m_ roof; ceiling.=tedio= _m_ repugnance, disrelish.=tejado= _m_ roof.=tejar= _m_ brickyard, N =65= 10.=tejer= _t_ weave.=tela= _f_ cloth.=telar= _m_ loom.=telegrafiar= _t or i_ telegraph.=telegrafico= telegraphic.=telegrafo= _m_ telegraph.=tema= _m_ text; theme, topic; hobby, crotchet, (permanent) fixed idea.=temblar= _i_ tremble.=temblor= _m_ trembling, tremble, quiver.=temer= _t_ fear, be afraid of.=temeridad= _f_ rashness.=temible= redoubtable, formidable.=temor= _m_ fear (_esp._ as motive).=tempestad= _f_ tempest.=temple= _m_ temper (of metal); _fig._ grain.=templo= _m_ temple.=temporal= temporal.=temprano= early.=tenacillas= _f pl_ (_d of_ =tenaza(s)= tongs) curling-tongs,crimping-iron.=tender= _t or i_ stretch, spread out, tend.=tenebrario= _m_ tenebrarium ('hearse' for candles at tenebrae).=tenebroso= murky, darksome.=tener= _t_ have; hold, keep; hold in; there is ... for; =tengo= is thematter with me; =aqui tienes= here is (_more lit._ here is for you, _asif 'ethical dative'_); =que tiene de particular= what is there specialabout it; =---- hambre= _etc._ be hungry _etc._; =---- dos anos= be twoyears old; =---- la culpa= be to blame, be responsible; =---- por=regard as, think; =---- para= have enough for, _or supply_ occupation, asupply, _etc._; _in_ =---- para= _w. inf. often supply_ 'the' _in Eng._;=---- que= _w. inf._ have to, have ... to, have something to, havethings to; =no---- las todas consigo= not be at ease in one's mind(_for_ =las= _cf._ N =7= 16).=teniente= _m_ lieutenant.=tenientejo= _m_ no-account lieutenant.=Tenorio= _m_ Don Juan (N =86= 24).=tentar= _t_ feel, try, tempt.=tentativa= _f_ attempt, trial.=tenue= fine, delicate, slender, slight.=tenir= _t_ dye.=teodolito= _m_ theodolite.=teologia= _f_ theology.=teologico= theological.=teologo= theologian.=teoria= _f_ theory.=tercer[o]= third.=terciopelo= _m_ velvet.=terco= obstinate, pertinacious.=tergiversar= _t_ wrest, misrepresent.=terminante= distinct (of commands).=terminar= _t_ terminate.=termino= _m_ term; territory (governmentally dependent on a city).=ternera= _f_ veal.=terneza= _f_ tenderness, expression of affection.=ternura= _f_ tenderness, affection.=terquedad= _f_ stubbornness, obduracy; wrangling; (_not in A._)crotchet.=terrado= _m_ flat roof (not generally top of main building), rooflessbalcony, (roof-)terrace.=terremoto= _m_ earthquake.=terreno= _m_ ground, field, sphere.=terrible= terrible.=terror= _m_ terror.=terruno= _m_ piece of ground.=tertulia= _f_ social circle, evening of conversation, conversazione,company, conversation.=tertuliar= _i_ spend the evening (socially).=tesoro= _m_ treasure, thesaurus.=testamentaria= _f_ execution of will, administration of estate.=testarudo= stubborn, pig-headed.=testero= _m_ side, front.=testigo= _m or f_ witness.=thesaurum= _L acc_ thesaurus.=ti= you _w. prep., familiar_.=tibieza= _f_ lukewarmness; listlessness.=Tibulo= _m_ Tibullus.=tiempo= _m_ (=a= in, precisely in) time, weather; =un ---- = for atime; =hace---- (que)= for quite a while.=tienda= _f_ shop.=tiene= _see_ =tener=.=tierno= tender.=tierra= _f_ earth, land, ground, region; =por estas---- s= about thispart of the country.=tiesto= _m_ potsherd, flowerpot (_A._ 'maceta,' _but note difference inquality at_ =93= 12, 16).=tiniebla= _f usually in pl_ darkness, the dark; N =196= 8.=tino= _m_ skill, good judgment, capacity, gumption.=tinta= _f_ paint, dye; ink; tint.=tinte= _m_ dye; shade.=tio= uncle.=tipo= _m_ type; original, oddity, monstrosity (_vulgarly merely_scoundrel); =cada---- = all sorts of odd fish.=tiranico= tyrannical.=tirano= tyrant.=tirar= _t or i_ throw, throw away; pull, draw (=de= by); fire; tend;extend.=tiro= _m_ shot.=tisico= phthisical.=Tito= _m_ Titus; N =150= 32; =---- Livio= Livy.=titulado= so-called.=titulo= _m_ title; address (on envelope etc.).=tocar= _t or i_ touch; play (musical instrument); ring (=a= for);appertain, concern (=a=).=todavia= still, as yet.=todito= _c for_ =todo=, N =44= 28.=todo= all, every, the whole of; altogether; _m_ anything, everything(_often w. untr._ =lo=, N =32= 17), _pl_ everybody, all; =---- s losdias= every day; =---- lo que quieras= as much as you please; =de---- =all sorts; =no del---- = not altogether, not quite; =en---- y por---- =to the utmost.=
toga= _f_ toga; magisterial gown.=tolerancia= _f_ tolerance.=tolerar= _t_ tolerate, stand.=toma= _f_ taking, capture.=tomar= _t_ take, take on; =toma= there, well.=tomo= _m_ volume.=tono= _m_ pitch, key; tone; =buen---- = good breeding, style;=darse---- = make one's self important.=tonteria= _f_ (piece of) silliness, silly thing.=tonto= silly, stupid, fool, blockhead.=topar= _i_ fall in with, come across, hit against (=con=).=torbellino= _m_ whirlwind; swarm, concourse, profusion, congestion.=torcer= _t_ twist, bend, turn, crook; _adv._ =--idamente=.=tormenta= _f_ storm.=tormento= _m_ torment, torturing.=tornar= _t or i_ turn; =---- a= _w. inf._ over again.=torno= _m_ wheel (machine so called); going around; =en----de= around.=toro= _m_ bull; _pl_ bull-fight, bullfighting.=torpe= clumsy, dull; gross, foul, unseemly; unlovely.=torre= _f_ tower.=torvo= glowering.=tosco= rough, uncouth, rude.=total= total; _adv._ =--mente=.=totalidad= _f_ totality.=trabajador= industrious, worker.=trabajar= _i or t_ work.=trabajo= _m_ work, labor.=trabar= _t_ join, mix, engage in, enter into.=tractado= _f obs for_ =tratado=.=tradicion= _f_ tradition.=traduccion= _f_ translation.=traducir= _t_ translate.=traer= _t_ bring, carry; give (pain etc., _w. ptc. corresponding to Engobject noun_); =---- entre manos= have in hand.=trafico= _m_ traffic.=tragaluz= _m_ light (_properly_ small window high up in the wall, _orelse_ skylight).=tragar= _t_ swallow.=tragedia= _f_ tragedy.=traginero= (_A._ =trajinero=) carrier, teamster.=trago= _m_ draft.=traicion= _f_ (=hacer= commit) treason; =a---- = by foul play,sneakingly, underhandedly.=traidor= traitor; _theatrical_ villain.=traigo= _see_ =traer=.=trailla= _f_ leash, couple, pack.=traje= _m_ costume.=trampa= _f_ pitfall; trapdoor; '=caer en la---- = _fig c_ = caer en ellazo' _A._; =se lleva la---- el x.= _c_ the x. fizzles out, the x. comesto nothing, the x. falls through.=trance= _m_ crisis; (trying) experience.=tranquilidad= _f_ tranquillity, quietness, quiet.=tranquilizar= _t_ calm down, set at ease.=tranquilo= tranquil, calm, at ease; _adv._ =--mente=.=transcurrir= _i_ pass (of time).=transeunte= transient, passer-by.=transformar= _t_ transform.=transladar= _t_ transfer.=transmitir= _t_ transmit.=transparente= _m_ shade.=transportar= _t_ transport.=Trapisonda= _f_ Trebizond.=trapo= _m_ rag, (piece of refuse) cloth.=tras, tras de=, behind, after, back of.=trasbordar= _t_ tranship, _i_ change cars.=trasero= hind, hinder, back.=trasparencia= _f_ transparency.=traspasar= _t_ run through, strike through; overpass, go beyond.=trasplantar= _t_ transplant.=trasquila= _f_ (sheep-)shearing.=trasquilar= _i_ shear (the sheep).=trastazo= _m_ blow ('porrazo' _A._).=trastienda= _f_ back shop; long-headedness.=trasto= _m_ piece of furniture (_esp._ when it becomes rubbish),utensil; _pl_ implements; (a gentleman's ordinary) weapons.=trastornar= _t_ upset, turn.=tratado= _m_ treaty; treatise, discussion.=tratar= _t_ treat; associate with (_acc.; or i, not r according to A._,w. =con=), be acquainted with; _i_ endeavor (=de=); speak (of); _r im_it is a question, it is about (=de=).=trato= _m_ intercourse, manner, manners.=travesura= _f_ (piece of) naughtiness, mischievousness ('with skill andingenuity,' _A._).=travesurilla= _f_ little bit of mischief.=travieso= restless, uneasy, giddy, flighty, wayward.=traza= _f_ design, device.=trazar= _t_ chalk out, mark out, draw the lines of, trace.=trece= thirteen; =seguir en sus---- = stick to it.=trecho= _m_ interval.=treinta= thirty.=tremendo= formidable, tremendous, fearful.=tremulo= tremulous, trembling.=tren= _m_ (railway) train.=Trento= _m_ Trent (in eastern Alps).=tres= three.=tresillo= _m_ tresillo (a short three-handed game of cards).=treta= _f_ feint.=triangulo= _m_ triangle.=tribulacion= _f_ tribulation.=tribunal= _m_ court, tribunal.=trigo= _m_ wheat.=trillador= threshing, thresher; =-a= _sc._ =maquina=.=trillar= _t_ thresh.=trimestral= quarterly; _adv._ =--mente=.=trinar= _i_ trill, warble.=triperia= _f_ tripe-market.=triste= sad, dismal, downcast; distasteful.=tristeza= _f_ sadness, dreariness, dejection.=triunfal= triumphal.=triunfante= triumphant.=triunfar= _i_ triumph.=triunfo= _m_ triumph.=triunvirato= _m_ triumvirate.=trocar= _t_ exchange; (_A. only as r._) change, turn.=Trojae qui primus ab oris= _L_ who first from Troy's coasts.=trompeta= _f_ trumpet.=tropa= _f_ troop; troops, soldiers; =los de---- = the regulars.=tropel= _m_ disorderly haste, hurry, flurry.=tropezar= _i_ stumble upon, come against, run against (=con=).=tropo= _m_ trope, metaphor.=trote= _m_ trot.=Troya= _f_ Troy.=troyano= Trojan.=trozo= _m_ bit, piece.=tu= your _(familiar)_.=tu= you _(familiar)_.=tumba= _f_ sepulcher.=tumulto= _m_ tumult.=tunante= scamp, reprobate.=tunel= _m_ tunnel.=turba= _f_ mob, (confused) throng.=turbacion= _f_ perturbation.=turbamulta= _f_ mob, (confused) throng.=turbar= _t_ disturb, perturb, upset; _adv._ =--damente= agitatedly.=turbio= turbid, muddy.=tutear= _t_ say 'tu' to.=tutelar= _adj._ guardian.=tuvo= _see_ =tener=.=tuyo= yours (_familiar_).

  =uf= O dear, O my.=ulterior= ulterior, further.=ultimo= last, utmost; latter; _adv._ =--mente= recently; =por---- =finally.=ultraje= _m_ outrage.=umbral= _m_ threshold; portal.=unanimidad= _f_ unanimity; homogeneity, identity (of ideas).=unico= single, only, sole; _adv._ =--mente=.=uniforme= _m_ uniform.=union= _f_ union.=unir= _t_ unite, bring together; =--se a= join, join with.=universidad= _f_ university.=universitario= university, of the university.=un[o] a; one; N =153= 15, =46= 3; _pl_ some, a few, a lot of, a set of,a pair of, _or untr._; =---- y otro= both, the two; =---- dia y otro=day by day; =el---- ... el otro,---- s ... otros=, each other; some ...others; =el---- o= (_neg._ =ni=) =el otro= either one; =a la-a= at one(o'clock).=una= _f_ finger-nail; claw; =---- y carne= hand and glove; _hence_=---- y carne de= hand in glove with.=urbanidad= _f_ urbanity, civility.=urbano= urban, city; urbane, polite, _adv._ =--mente=.=urbs= _L f_ city.=urbsaugustanus-a-um, urbsaugustensis-e=, _impromptu L_ Urbaugustan.=urgente= urgent, urgently important.=urna= _f_ urn, vase.=usar= _t_ use, customarily use.=uso= _m_ use.=usted= you.=usual= ordinary.=usura= _f_ usury.=util= useful.=utilizar= _t_ utilize, make use of.=utopia= _f_ a Utopia.

  =va= _see_ =ir=.=vaca= _f_ cow.=vacilar= _i_ waver.=vacio= empty; _m_ empty space, void.=vadear= _t_ ford.=vagabundo= roving, wandering, vagabond.=vagar= _i_ wander.=vago= vagrant, vague; loafer; _adv._ =--mente=.=vaguedad= _f_ vagueness, indefiniteness.=Valdeflores= _m_ Bloomingdale.=valentia= _f_ prowess; bravado.=valenton= roisterer, bully, fighting man.=valer= _t or i_ be worth, amount to, avail, import, be of importance,carry weight; be good (=para= for); _r_ employ (=de=), make use; _m_worth, importance; =---- mas= be better; =mas vale= better; =de quevale= what good does ... do, (of) what good is; =ni cosa que lo valga=nor anything of the kind; =valgame Dios= bless me; =de tan poco---- =who amounts to so little.=valeroso= valorous, of valor.=valiente= brave.=valor= _m_ value, worth; import, consequence; valor, courage.=valle= _m_ valley (of some breadth).=vampiro= _m_ vampire.=vanidad= _f_ vanity.=vano= empty, hollow, vain; groundless; trivial.=vapor= _m_ (=al= by) steam.=vaporoso= misty, nebulous.=vara= _f_ rod; _as measure_ vara, nearly a yard.=variar= _i_ change (=de curso= its course).=variedad= _f_ variety.=vario= various, varied, variegated, sundry.=varon= _m_ male (of man; =macho= of beast); _in honorific phrases_ man.=varonil= male, masculine.=Varron= _m_ Varro.=vaso= _m_ vessel; tumbler.=vastago= _m_ shoot, sprout, _fig._ scion.=vasto= vast, extensive, spacious.=vaya= _see_ =ir=.=vecindad= _f_ neighborhood.=vecindario= _m_ population, body of citizens.=vecino= neighboring, near by, neighbor; citizen (resident withindependent household), taxpayer.=vegetacion= _f_ vegetation.=vegetal= _m_ member of the vegetable kingdom.=vehemencia= _f_ vehemence.=vehemente= vehement, impetuous.=veinte= twenty.=vejacion= _f_ vexation.=vejamen= _m_ molestation, misadventure.=Vejarruco:-uco= _is depr. suffix_, =vejarron= (=-on= _augm. suffix_)'_c. augm. of_ =viejo=' _A._.=vejez= _f_ old age.=vela= _f_ candle.=velar= _i_ keep awake.=veleta= _f_ weather-vane.=velo= _m_ veil.=veloz= swift.=vencer= _t_ overcome, vanquish; _i_ win, be successful; (of time) beup, come to an end; _r_ repress one's self; =--ido= due, that has fallendue.=vender= _t_ sell.=Venecia= _f_ Venice.=venerable= venerable.=veneracion= _f_ (=en= held in) veneration.=venerando= reverend, entitled to veneration.=venerar= _t_ revere.=venga= _see_ =venir=.=venganza= _f_ revenge.=vengar= _t_ revenge; _r_ take revenge (=de= on).=vengativo= revengeful, vindictive.=venida= _f_ coming.=venir= _i_ come; be ... as one comes; =---- mal a= be a bad thing for;=venga, vengan,= out with.=ventajoso= advantageous.=ventana= _
f_ window.=ventilar= _t_ ventilate.=ver= _t_ see (=de= _w. inf._ about), look at; _r_ find one's self, be,_see also under_ =se=; =(bien, mal) visto= (well, ill) thought of; =porlo visto= apparently; =a ---- = let us see; =vamos a---- = let's haveit; =tener que----con= have to do with; =--se con= pick a crow with; =yase ve= of course.=veras= _f pl_ (=de= in) earnest; =de---- = seriously.=verbosidad= _f_ verbosity.=verdad= _f_ truth; =es---- = it is true (_in assent_); =?no es----?=isn't that so? won't you, _etc._; =?----?= don't I, haven't you, isn'the, _etc._.=verdadero= true, real, genuine; _adv._ =--mente=.=verde= green.=verdeguear= _i_ show green, be tinged with green.=verdor= greenness.=verdoso= greenish.=verdugo= _m_ executioner.=vereda= _f_ footpath.=vergel= _m_ (_esp._ pleasant) garden.=vergonzoso= shameful, ignominious.=vergueenza= _f_ shame, sense of shame.=veridico= truth-telling, truthful.=verosimil= plausible, credible.=version= _f_ version.=verso= _m_ line (of poetry), verse.=vestido= _m_ dress, clothing.=vestir= _t_ dress; dress in; _i_ dress, be dressed.=vetusto= ancient.=vez= _f_ time (_as_ 'three times,' _not as_ 'long time'); =una---- =once; =de una---- = all at once, once for all; =unas veces= in somecases; =alguna---- = now and then, once or twice, ever; =otra---- =again; =pocas veces= seldom, not much; =cada ---- mas= more and more;=tal---- = perhaps (_climax after_ =quizas 103= 28, =104= 1); =en----de= instead of; =hacer las veces de= take the place of, serve instead of.=via= _f_ thoroughfare, way, track.=viaducto= _m_ viaduct.=viajante= wayfarer, traveler.=viajar= _i_ travel.=viaje= _m_ (=hacer= take) journey, trip; =de---- = traveling.=viajero= traveler.=vibora= _f_ viper, adder.=vibrante= vibrant, vibrating.=vibrar= _i_ vibrate.=vicio= _m_ vice.=vicioso= vicious.=victima= _f_ (=hacer= claim) victim.=victoria= _f_ victory.=victorioso= victorious.=vida= _f_ life; =en mi= (_etc._) =---- = _sometimes_ never in the world.=videncia= _f_ (_not in A._) power of sight.=vidriera= _f_ the glass (of a window or door); glass door _etc._.=vidriero= (_only with_ =puerta=) glass, glazed.=vidrio= _m_ glass.=viejo= old; old man.=viene= _see_ =venir=.=viento= _m_ wind.=vientre= _m_ belly, stomach, abdomen.=vigilancia= _f_ vigilance.=vigilar= _i_ watch, keep watch (at night).=vigor= _m_ vigor.=vigoroso= vigorous.=vil= vile, base.=villa= _f_ town (e.g. Madrid).=villania= _f_ act of baseness, villainy.=villano= commoner, plebeian; boor.=villorrio= _m_ little cluster of houses.=vinagre= _m_ vinegar.=vino= _m_ wine.=vinoso= crapulous, boozy.=vina= _f_ vineyard.=violacion= _f_ violation; _as less direct term for rape now representedin American newspapers by_ criminal assault.=violencia= _f_ violence (=de obra= in act), violence to one's self.=violentar= _t_ do violence to.=violento= violent; _adv._ =--mente=.=vireinato= _m_ viceroyalty.=virgen= virgin (_word perhaps even more completely appropriated toreligious and fig. uses than in Eng._).=virgiliano= Vergilian.=Virgilio= _m_ Vergil.=virilidad= _f_ manhood.=virtud= _f_ virtue.=virtuoso= virtuous, possessed of virtue(s), potent; (_m in Italian,Eng., etc.; not in A._) virtuoso; _this sense as adj. =--isimo=superlative in virtuosity, of supreme virtuosity.=visagra= (_A._ =bisagra=) _f_ hinge.=visera= _f_ visor.=visible= visible; _adv._ =--mente=.=visita= _f_ visit; visitor, visitors.=visitar= _t_ visit.=viso= _m_ height; (patch of) shimmer; appearance; =de---- = conspicuous.=vista= _f_ (=de= by) sight, view (_often tr._ eyes); hearing, trial; =ala---- = in sight, before one, under one's eyes.=visto= _ptc of_ =ver=.=vital= of life, vital.=vitis= _L acc pl_ grapevines.=vituperar= _t_ abuse.=vituperio= _m_ abusiveness, indignity.=viudez= _f_ widowhood.=viudo= widower.=vivaracho= vivacious, rollicking.=viveza= _f_ liveliness.=vivienda= _f_ dwelling, abode, house.=viviente= living; living soul.=vivir= _i_ live (=de= on; =con= by, with); =-a,-an, que-a,= long live,hurrah for.=vivo= living, alive, lively, brisk, quick, strenuous, keen; _adv._=--mente=.=vocablo= _m_ word, term.=vociferar= _t_ vociferate.=volante= flying.=volar= _i_ fly, be on the wing; =echar besos--dos= throw kisses, blowkisses.=volcan= _m_ volcano.=volcanico= volcanic.=volcar= _t_ upset.=voluble= circling, gyrating, ever-turning.=voluntad= _f_ will, volition.=volver= _t or i_ turn; go back, come back; turn to; come to, recoverone's senses; =---- a= _w. inf._ again, be going to again; =que no sevuelva a hablar= that no more be said; =----por= defend, befriend,champion, stand up for, uphold; =---- loco= drive crazy, _r_ go crazy;=vuelto= return (mail).=voraz= voracious; _adv._ =--mente=.=voto= _m_ vow, invocation, execration.=voz= _f_ voice.=vuecencia= _f_ your excellency; =mucha---- = _tr. w. quotation marksbetween the two words_.=vuelo= _m_ flight (of birds etc.; not of fugitives exceptmetaphorically).=vuelta= _f_ turn, return; =dar---- s= go back and forth (_A._ 'lookingfor a thing without finding it'; =varias= several times), go round andround, turn over and over, shilly-shally over; =----a manana,---- conmanana=, to-morrow to-morrow tomorrow! =dando una ---- por= taking aroundabout course through; =por mas---- s que le des= twist and turn itas you will; =no hay que darle---- s= there's no use talking.=vuelve= _see_ =volver=.=Vulcano= _m_ Vulcan.=vulgar= ordinary, popular; _adv._ =--mente=.=vulgaridad= _f_ commonplace.

  =wagon= _(A._ =vagon=; _A. does not acknowledge_ =w= _as a letter of themodern Spanish alphabet) m_ (railway) car.=wals= (_A._ =vals=) _m_ waltz.

  =y= and; _omission of the words which should precede is commonly a signof exclamatory language_.=ya= already, now (_in antithesis to past or future_; =ahora= _simplymarks the present in itself; for form of verb cf._ N =169= 13), rightaway, in good time, _sometimes untr._; oh well; sure enough; =---- se mefiguraba= I had already been fancying; =---- era tiempo= it was quitetime; =---- puede= may just; =---- que= seeing that, since.=yacer= _i_ lie (often of the dead).=yelmo= _m_ helmet.=yerba= _see_ =hierba=.=yermo= waste, desert.=yo= I.=yugo= _m_ yoke.

  =zagal= (young) shepherd, horse-boy.=zagalillo= little horse-boy.=zalamero= blandishing, cajoling.=zampar= _t_ slip out of sight, juggle away; gobble.=zangano= _m_ drone (bee).=zapatito= _m_ little shoe.=zapato= _m_ shoe.=zarzuela= _f_ zarzuela (N =63= 27), vaudeville (not in sense of varietyshow).=zas= _'word expressing the sound of a blow or the blow itself' A., 'andmany other sounds' Knapp_.=zascandil= _m_ potwalloper (_A._ 'contemptible, obstreperous,troublesome man who tries to give himself standing by meddling andoffering what he cannot fulfill')..=zig zag= _m_ zigzag.=zorra= _f_ fox.=zozobra= _f_ uneasiness, anxiety.=zumbar= _i_ buzz, hum.=zumbidillo= _m d of_ =zumbido=.=zumbido= _m_ buzz.


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