by Marc Allen
Bhagavad Gita, The, 7, 87, 219–21
body, physical. See physical body
Brand, Dorothea, 150
breaths, counting, 229–30
Brinker, Bob, 199, 289
Buddha, 156–57
Burnham, Daniel, 281
Burns, H. S. M., 162
calling. See vocation
Campbell, Joseph, 64
Canyon, Sky, 270
caring and not caring, 241–42
Carroll, Lenedra J., 33, 39, 188, 189
Chalice and the Blade, The (Eisler), 102–3
Chardin, Pierre Teilhard de, 217, 251
charity, 205, 206
Chopra, Deepak, 74, 133, 254
Colton, Charles, 200, 206, 208
communities, relationship with, 106–7
Conscious Evolution (Hubbard), 72, 113
flooding your body with, 231–32
pyramid of human, 203–5
core belief process, 168–77
mini, 178–79
core beliefs, 179–80. See also belief(s)
Coué, Emile, 34
Covey, Stephen R., 20, 131
the life one wants, 10
opportunities, 267
Creating Affluence (Chopra), 133
Creating Visualization Workbook, The (Gawain), 168
creative solutions, finding, 88–89
creative visualization, 239–40
Creative Visualization (Gawain), 30
creativity, 89–90
credit cards, 52
crisis, management by
ways to avoid, 127–28, 146–49
See also specific topics
cynicism. See half-empty and half-full glass; inner critic
dancing, 156, 160–61
declarations/decrees, 226
desires, 133. See also dream(s); wishes turning them into intentions, 43–44
Dieter, Katherine, 26
direct public offerings (DPOs), 53
dominator model, 50, 118, 121, 161
breaking free of, 108–9
Donahue, John Clarke, 95
doubts, making a deal with your, 190–92
dreaming freely, 21–22, 89–90
dream(s), 83, 184, 255, 258–60. See also desires; imagining wishes
fragility, 127–28
it all begins with a, 261
living the life of your, 263
partnership helps people realize their, 123
pay attention to your, 87–88, 127–28
Einstein, Albert, 215
Eisler, Riane, 109n
Eliot, T. S., 241
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 74, 254, 302
emotional body, 215–16
emotions, 169, 173–74. See also feelings
employee benefits, 117–25
employees and employers, partnership between, 109–11. See also under New World Library
emptiness, 241
equity. See also financing “sweat”, 51
expansiveness, pull toward, 92
expectations and disappointments, 156–57
experience, nonnecessity of, 268–69
failure, celebrating, 95–96, 256–57
Fast Food Nation (Schosser), 118
Faust (Goethe), 211
feeling overwhelmed, 56
feelings. See also emotions expressing one’s, 135
financial goal, having a clear, 55–56
financial management. See Ten Percent Solution
financial spreadsheets, 48–49
financing your business, 49–50
basics of, 50
ways of, 51–54
Ford, Henry, 117, 119, 181
form and formlessness, 241
future, projections for, 48
Gawain, Shakti, 30, 168, 290
generosity, power of, 205
goals, 75. See also ideal scene purpose affirming your, 26–32, 35–36, 75–76, 129–30. See also affirmations
listing your, 75, 129–30
God, 219, 236, 241, 270
talking to, 220, 223–24
will of, 223
Goethe, 49, See also Faust
Golden Rule, 105
“grace, ease, and lightness”, 68, 158, 178, 238
Graham, Martha, 91
half-empty and half-full glass, 128
focusing on the full side, 128, 131
noticing and accepting the half-empty side, 84
happiness, See joy
health care, 119–20
Hill, Napoleon, 86, 145–46
Hoover, J. Edgar, 157, 161
Horan, Jim, 42, 45
Hubbard, Barbara Marx, 72, 113, 205
human growth and development, 183–85
ideal scene
imagining your, 4, 35, 133, 206, 75
imagining, 25–26, 89–90. See also dream(s); ideal scene; visualization
imprinting, power of, 32–33
infancy, 183–84
inner critic, 153, 154, 191
intention(s), 9
turning desires into, 43–44
international relationships, 107–8
Internet, 54. See also websites
interrupting, listening without, 135
investments, equity
from friends and family, 52
Jesus, 17, 71, 94
Jones, Shirley Ann, 139
joy, 56, 64, 257
of being, 238–39
discovering what you love to do, 275, 277
judgment. See inner critic
Kafka, Franz, 241
koans, Zen, 236–38
Lahr, Burt, 257
laughter, 184
lawsuits, avoiding, 137–38
laziness, 192. See also Millionaire Course, short
learning, stages in, 4–5
lens, 104
Letters to My Son (Nerburn), 62, 78
letting go, 6, 58, 160, 238. See also resistance
of thought, 233–34
gift of, 79–80
purpose in. See purpose
resistance to. See resistance
limited liability corporations (LLCs), 53
limited partnerships, 53
listening, 134–37
loans, 52
imagining having won, 67–69, 253–54
you don’t have to win, 69–70
love, 277
in your heart, feeling the, 235–36
love change, 157–60
lowering the gradient, 199
luck, 92–93
Magicians, 145
management styles, 50, 161–63. See also crisis, management by
managers and management, 12–13, 121–22
marketing strategies, 47
Maslow, Abraham, 203–4
mediation, 137, 138
medical and dental insurance, 119–20
meditation, 226–42
attaining enlightenment on the freeway, 235
basic, essential, 228
benefits of, 228
creating an inner altar, 240–41
essence of, 227
how to meditate, 228
looking within, 236–37
in motion, 237–38
power of, 218, 226–27
reflecting on a phrase, 240
mental body, 216–17
Millionaire Course
condensed version, 97
creating your own, 168
example of the process, 267–68
expanded, 279–80
how the process works, 265–67
not having to do it all, 5–7
promise of, 8
short, 273–78
origin of, 273–74
Milton, John, 21
7, 249
money. See also financial goal; lottery; profit; Ten Percent Solution nonnecessity of great wealth, 114, 268–69 right attitude toward, 23–24 understanding and mastering, 141–46
Money Magic (Price), 144–45
“money types”, 144–45
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 271
national relationships, 107
nature, relationship with, 108
near-death experiences, 211–14
needs, hierarchy of, 203–5
negotiation, 50, 135–36
Nerburn, Kent, 62, 78, 187
New World Library, 30
employee benefits, 120
founding and development, 172–76
imagining and planning, 45, 152–53
partnership and employee relations, 111, 118, 137
nonprofit corporations, 203, 205
One Page Business Plan, The (Horan), 45
opportunities, 93. See also problems creating, 267
overwhelmed, feeling, 56. See also Millionaire Course, short
Packer, Duane, 244
pain, 215–16
partnership (model), 50, 117, 125, 161–63. See also teams in business, 109–11. See also employee benefits
New World Library
creates solutions, 202–5
in every relationship, 124
living and working in, 250
with all, 130–31
power of, 104–6
receiving the benefits of, 124
Patanjali, 66
peace, let there be, 242
pension plans, 120
persistence, 275. See also failure
physical body, 215
flooding it with consciousness, 231–32
plan, 129, 276
blueprint as key to your, 39–40
keeping it simple and short, 40
as map to your future, 40–41
a more extensive business, 44–49
once you have a, 54
one-page plan for each goal, 40
The One Page Business Plan, 45
simple outline for, 41–42
writing a, 41–42
you don’t have to see the entire, 84
polarities, 247–48
Ponder, Catherine, 31, 155
positive attitude. See half-empty and half-full glass
Power of Now, The (Tolle), 70, 232n, 244, 268
Power of Partnership (Eisler), 104, 109
prayer, 6, 223, 266. See also ritual
power of, 225, 226
preparation for success, 92–93
presence, 70, 212. See also Power of Now
seeing the, 236–37
Price, Deborah L., 144–45
problems and obstacles. See also failure
overcoming, 79, 82–83. See also arguments
seeing the benefits within adversity, 86–87
products, description of, 47
profit sharing, 195
profit-sharing formula, 121–23
profits. See also Ten Percent Solution increasing, 30
purpose, 64–65. See also goals
achieving our, 73–74
discovering your, 61–62, 67–69, 71–73, 76–77
power of, 65–67
putting it in your words, 72, 76–77
ultimate, 258
quantum leap, 263
quiet, learning to be, 242
receiving. See also “Ask and you will receive”
readiness for, 6
relationships. See partnership
relaxation, 218, 243–48
a call to inaction, 247–48
joy of being a semi-hermit, 246–47
power of, 243
prescription for a Type-A culture, 243–44
taking breaks from day-to-day
details, 128–29
relaxing moments throughout the day, brief, 244
repetition, importance of, 15, 32
resistance, giving up, 158, 159, 224, 238. See also letting go
respect between employees, 118
resting, longer periods of, 245–46
retreats, 247
morning, 221–25
power of, 221
Roman, Sanaya, 244
salaries, livable, 118–19
Sallust, 54
samadhi, 230
relative and absolute, 234–35
Sarkar, P. R., 124
Satchidananda, Swami, 156
saving money. See Ten Percent Solution
secrets, 7–8
Sekida, Katsuki, 233–35
self, relationship with, 106
service, 257
services, description of, 47
Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, The (Covey), 20, 131
silence. See quiet
simplicity, 40, 41, 47
of achieving success, 113–14
Simply Living (Jones), 139
Small Business Administration (SBA), 52
small company offering registration (SCOR), 53
solitude, 246–47
spirit, 17, 210, 270
relationship with, 11, 108
spiritual bodies, 209–10, 217–18
spiritual path, types of people on, 220
stillness, action and, 247–48
stillness within
finding, 189–90, 230–31
vast ocean of, 237
strengths, focusing on your, 85
subconscious mind, 40, 42, 112
success(es), 13
attitude that brings, 256
believing that one deserves, 93–94
defining, 21–22
formula for ongoing, 186
keep picturing, 89–97, 131–32
keeping your eyes on the, 96
keys/secrets to, 3–4
are everywhere, 2
are in your hands, 7–8
life-changing, 9–10
moving from struggle to, 79
multiple ways of achieving, 187–88
preparation for, 92–93
simplicity of achieving, 113–14
steps to, 263
why more people aren’t successful, 256–57
suffering, cause of, 157
surrender. See letting go
Suzuki Roshi, 235
Tagore, Rabindranath, 184, 257
“take it easy”, 193–94
talent, 111
nonnecessity of, 268–69
Tao, 81
teams. See also partnership
successful businesses are, 47–48
Ten Percent Solution, 197, 201–7
giving away at least 10 percent, 205
lowering the gradient, 199
save at least 10 percent, 197–99
Ten Percent Solution (M. Allen), 172
Think and Grow Rich (Hill), 86, 145–46
thinking, “small”, 133
third eye, 236
Thoreau, Henry David, 91, 192
finding the gaps between your, 229
letting go of, throughout the day, 233–34
watching your, 229
what we think about expands, 44, 80, 81, 255
time, understanding and mastering, 17, 138–41
Tolle, Eckhart, 68, 70, 212, 224, 232n, 233, 238, 244
transparency, value of, 132
Twain, Mark, 56
unconscious. See subconscious mind
Unity Churches, 242
universe saying “yes”, 33–34
vacations, 72, 246
generous paid, 119
vision, 42, 203. See also dream(s)
vision quest, 72
visionary, becoming a (conscious), 13–15
visionary business, xii
sionary Business (M. Allen), 111, 123
visualization, 9. See also imagining; plan creative, 30, 239–40
discovering your, 61–62, 67–69, 76–77
questions to facilitate, 63–64
is in your ideal scene, 62
putting it in writing, 63, 76–77
wages, livable, 118–19
Walsh, Neale Donald, 132
watcher, the, 177–78
websites, 244, 289–90
“What Ifs”, 202, 203
Winfrey, Oprah, 64
wishes, 64. See also desires; dream(s) envisioning your deepest, 269–70
working smarter, not harder, 192, 193
a one-page plan for each goal, 41–42
putting your vocation in, 63, 76–77
written words become powerful, 41
your ideal scene, 75
yin and yang, 81, 247
young persons, short Course for, 273–78
Zen koans, 236–38
Zen meditation, 235
Zen Training (Sekida), 233–34
Marc Allen is co-founder (with Shakti Gawain) and president of New World Library. He has written several books, including Visionary Business, The Ten Percent Solution, and A Visionary Life. He is a popular speaker and seminar leader, and is also well known for his music. He has produced several albums, including Solo Flight, Breathe, and Petals. He lives with his family in the San Francisco Bay Area.
For more information, see these websites:
To laugh often and love much;
To earn the respect of intelligent people
and the affection of children;
To find the best in others;
To give of oneself;
To leave the world a bit better,
whether by a healthy child,
a garden patch,
or a redeemed social condition;
To have played and laughed
with enthusiasm