A Convenient Darcy Marriage

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A Convenient Darcy Marriage Page 15

by Rebecca Preston

  Charlotte nodded. “I am glad that you have found him, Liz, even if you did have to deceive your parents and everyone else.”

  “It is not easy to pretend to love someone like Darcy for long. I found myself thinking about him more often than anything else quite early in the farce. And for me, it stopped being a game long before it did for him. I am under that impression anyway.”

  “How long ago did you two realize that you were not playing a game anymore?” Charlotte sounded genuinely curious.

  “Two months. We went on a carriage ride and he told me that his feelings had changed, and that he wanted to set a date to marry. He was so… his words were so loving and… well, even if I had doubts before then, I did not after. He said two months, and here we are on the day that I will make a new beginning with a man I love.”

  Charlotte smiled at her. “I am so happy for you, I truly am!”

  “And have you and your gentleman thought of a date to be married yet?”

  Charlotte lowered her head and blushed. “Not yet. We are still in the early stages. I have not seen him in a few days.”

  “How does Lady de Bourgh feel about it? Have you spoken to her?”

  “Oh, of course. As his patroness, she wanted to talk to me frequently. We have had many long discussions. I believe she is happy about our little arrangement.”

  “It is good to get along with Lady de Bourgh. She carries much weight regarding Mr. Collins.”

  “Yes, I know.”

  “Shall we turn back now? If we go too far, we will not be back in time.”

  “And you must be back in time for your wedding. I am so excited for you. Thank you for letting me help you and be in your wedding with you. You are truly a dear friend.”

  “I adore you, Charlotte. Why would I not want you to be here on this very special day for me?”

  “Oh, I would have been here anyway.” Charlotte laughed as they turned and headed back in the direction of the parsonage. “I am just so honored to be in your wedding party. Were your sisters all right with it being a smaller wedding? I would think with four sisters, you would have a very large wedding party.”

  “No, it is not something I wanted to be extravagant. I just want you there. My sisters don’t need to participate. Besides, it is unlikely Darcy would have found four men to walk them down the aisle ahead of me.”

  “You cannot be saying he does not have many friends.”

  Elizabeth shrugged. “I know of no actual friends that he has except for Mr. Bingley, and the man is not welcome anywhere around Jane. I do not think he would have come if Darcy had sent a personal invitation.”

  “Poor Jane.”

  Elizabeth nodded. “She will find love again. She just is not ready. That is apparent.”

  “I do hope she has not given up entirely on love and marriage. She is such a beautiful woman.”

  “Some say she is the most beautiful of all us sisters.”

  “You are very beautiful yourself, Liz. Do not think that you are not.”

  “Oh no.” Elizabeth shook her head. “I know that Jane is a very beautiful woman. And I am proud to say that all of us Bennet girls are nice to look at. I am not jealous of her.”

  “Of course, you are not jealous, Liz. That would not be like you at all.”

  Charlotte impulsively threw her arms around her friend and pulled her into a hug. “I am so delighted for you, Liz. I am so happy that you got a man you wanted and that you are in love. You will be so happy! And I must say,” she pulled away and looked at Elizabeth with her hands placed firmly on her shoulders, “you will have some beautiful children. The two of you together? Oh, yes, very handsome children.”

  Elizabeth giggled. “Oh, my. I will be having children someday, won’t I?”

  Charlotte laughed. “You cannot tell me that had not crossed your mind. Of course, you will have children with him. The two of you will be so happy, you won’t know what to do with yourselves.”

  Both women walked back to the parsonage, laughing.

  Elizabeth was on top of the world.

  Chapter 31

  The wedding went off without a hitch, which surprised Mary, who had watched over every smallest detail the entire time, sure that something would go wrong.

  The reception afterward was grand. Everyone had a lovely time. Elizabeth didn’t see anyone without a smile, though a few of the women looked like they were forcing it. She didn’t mind. In fact, she was amused by it. She and Darcy had shared many a knowing look throughout the night.

  Her father commented on the fact that she seemed to be very much in sync with Darcy.

  “You two are a good couple,” he said, lifting his glass in her direction. “I must say I am somewhat surprised by it.”

  “Why do you say that, Papa?”

  He seemed to think about it for a moment. “Well, I have watched you grow from such a small child, Liz. And having dealt with Darcy for business dealings, it would not have seemed a match I deemed would work. But I have watched you both through the ceremony and here tonight at the ball, and I am amazed by how well you two work together.”

  “It pleases me to hear you say that, Papa. I do so want you to approve of the decisions I make.”

  He pulled her into a hug and kissed her forehead. “I am very proud of you, Lizzie. You have made me a proud papa.”

  Elizabeth blushed.

  “I did not expect you to be the first one to marry. I thought it would be Jane. But here it is, the day of your wedding, and she is still not recovered from her heartbreak.”

  Elizabeth nodded. “Yes, Papa, I saw her face during the ceremony. She looked sad and happy at the same time. I felt for her.”

  “You must not let anything dampen your day, my dear. This is the only time you will ever be in this situation.”

  “I certainly hope so.”

  Her father looked at her. “Whatever do you mean? You cannot possibly believe Darcy would let anything else happen.”

  “I do not know what will happen in the future, Papa. And I was thinking about death, not anything else.”

  Mr. Bennet nodded. “Yes, unfortunately, we have no idea what might happen to cause our demise early in life. But you should not be thinking about anything like that. Especially today! You are happy today, full of confidence and hope. And that is what is most important. I want my girl to be happy.”

  “I am happy, Papa.”

  “Tonight will be your first night away from Longbourn.”


  Mr. Bennet laughed. “On a permanent basis. Not a temporary stay in London or Meryton, or at Netherfield.”

  Elizabeth couldn’t help giggling at the way her father said Netherfield. He made it sound like a haunted house. “Yes, it will be.”

  “And how do you feel about that?”

  Elizabeth took a moment to think about it. It had actually been on her mind for the last two months. Every day the ceremony came closer, she would grow more and more excited. She was afraid to leave the home she always knew, but was sure she could and would adapt to Pemberley House.

  “I think it might be lonely at first. There will be servants, of course, but Darcy will be gone on business much of the time and I will be in the house alone. However, he did tell me that I would be free to go where I wanted whenever I wanted. So, I suppose I will be at Longbourn again for a while until I am used to being alone.”

  “You know you are always welcome to come to Longbourn to relieve your boredom and loneliness.”

  “I know, Papa, thank you.” He gave her another hug.

  “And I do hope there will be time for you to come when I am there.”

  “I will see you again, Papa. I will have dinner at Longbourn all the time. I’ll bring Darcy if he is not busy.”

  “You must do that. I like our conversations. He is a very knowledgeable man.”

  “Yes, he is.”

  “Have I just heard a compliment about myself?” Darcy’s voice made both father and daughter turn. They smil
ed at him.

  “You have, as a matter of fact.” Mr. Bennet held out one hand. “Welcome to my family, son. I am proud you have decided to join us.”

  “I am delighted to have become a part of it.” Darcy took Mr. Bennet’s hand and shook it firmly. “May I take my bride from you? I believe they would like us to share a dance together as husband and wife.”

  “Of course, son. Of course.”

  Elizabeth was delighted to see the proud look on her father’s face as Darcy led her out onto the dancefloor. The orchestra struck up a familiar song and she was swept out over the floor by Darcy’s strong lead. She felt like a queen. A wide smile covered her face and she lost herself in the moment, listening to the music, her feet moving across the floor perfectly in time with Darcy’s. By the time the song was over, others had joined in the dance. She collapsed against his chest and he held her tight, kissing the top of her head.

  “I know you will be happy with me, Liz. I know you will be.”

  She could barely hear his words over the sound of the orchestra. Though she had understood what he said, she looked up at him and cocked her head to the side to indicate she hadn’t heard and he should speak into her ear.

  She closed her eyes when he leaned forward and whispered the same words. His breath against her ear sent chills down her thighs. She pulled in a deep breath and wrapped her arms around him.

  “I will be,” she whispered. “I will be.”

  The dance ended, and he led her back to the long table where they were beginning to serve a big dinner. Elizabeth looked around after taking her seat, once again feeling like a queen looking over her subjects. But these weren’t her subjects. They were her friends and her family. They cared about her and she cared about them.

  They were all smiling, talking, laughing. It was one of the most beautiful sights Elizabeth had ever seen. She nudged Darcy with her elbow and he leaned toward her.

  “Look how happy our guests are,” she whispered loudly to him. “Even the women who were at first giving me narrow glances are having a good time. They must have come to terms that you are not available anymore, and decided to have a good time instead.”

  “Very wise of them,” Darcy replied in the same loud stage-whisper. “Because I am definitely not available any longer.” He took her hand and squeezed it tight. They shared a look. Elizabeth was certain she had made the right decision. She was determined to be happy. She would not give up on that hope.

  “No. You are rightfully mine.”

  Darcy had to laugh. “By the rules of society, you are mine. I am still a free spirit.”

  She frowned, though she didn’t mean it. “You are not going to cause scandal, are you, Darcy? Please tell me you do not intend to do that.”

  He could tell she was teasing him and tilted his head to the side. “Perhaps I might?”

  “I do hope you are joking with me.” Elizabeth narrowed her eyes and gave him a pinched look.

  He laughed. “Yes, I am joking. I have no intention of causing a scandal. That is one of the very reasons I have been so upset with Wickham for so long. He caused scandal in my family. He was deceitful, and tried to tell others that it was my doing that caused his financial problems.”

  “I am sure very few people believed him. And he was not a member of your family anyway, was he?”

  “True, he was not. But my father doted on him, and practically raised and adopted him, though he never formally did. That fact may have been one of the reasons Wickham was upset after his death. His benefactor was gone. He turned that obligation on to me.”

  “You were not obliged to do anything to help him. He should have taken his money and used it wisely.”

  “While Father was still alive.”

  Elizabeth nodded. “Yes, exactly.”

  “But he spent it frivolously and… look, there he is.” Darcy didn’t point, he just stared at a place down the hall, across the dancefloor, which was currently vacant. Elizabeth followed his gaze. Wickham was indeed on the other side of the floor, speaking with a young man and woman Elizabeth recognized from Meryton. They had visited her aunt and uncle a few times while the Bennet sisters were there. She couldn’t recall their names.

  “I am surprised he doesn’t have Lydia next to him.”

  “Oh, do not say that,” Elizabeth said. “I do not want to think about that right now.”

  “I am afraid he will run off with her and they will elope somewhere.”

  Elizabeth gave him a narrow look. “I do not want to talk about it,” she said firmly. “Perhaps after our honeymoon. But not today. Not now. Lydia is over there. Wickham is on the other side of the room. Let us not put them together when they are not together.”

  Darcy nodded. “As you wish.”

  Chapter 32

  The first time Elizabeth stepped into Pemberley House, she was stunned by its beauty. Darcy had excellent taste in interior decorating.

  This time, stepping into Pemberley House as its mistress, she felt different. She was still amazed by the beauty, but also in a bit of shock that she now owned everything that was Darcy’s. She didn’t really own it at all, but it was still hers in a way.

  “We are packed to go to London in the morning. We will get up early and leave. Would you like a late-night drink?” Darcy took her hand and led her into his parlor. He held her hand until they got to the settee by the fireplace, where a fire had been started to combat the evening chill. He only let go when she was seated.

  “This is so lovely, Darcy. I feel so comfortable.”

  “I know you will want to change from your wedding gown as soon as you can. But I thought we would have a drink before we prepare ourselves for the night and for the honeymoon tomorrow.”

  She nodded. “It sounds wonderful, Darcy.”

  He left her on the settee to go to the bar in the corner, and fixed them both drinks. “I know you will be happy here, Liz. I am certain of it.”

  “I am already happy here,” Elizabeth replied. “I do not think that is going to change any time soon.”

  “I hope not.”

  He brought back two glasses, handing one to her. He sat next to her on the settee. “I propose a toast. To our future, my dear. May it be filled with love, prosperity, and happiness.”

  They clinked their glasses together and Elizabeth let the warm wine slide down her throat. It had a sweet taste to it, almost like berries. She enjoyed it very much, and looked at the glass as if it might have its qualities written on the side.

  “You like the taste?” Darcy said, observing her face. She nodded.

  “Very much.”

  “It is imported from Italy. Very expensive. I have been saving this bottle for some time now. I thought this would be the perfect occasion to bring it out.”

  “Thank you, Darcy.”

  “I like the taste, as well. I am glad I decided to bring it out now.”

  “We will have many adventures together, won’t we, Darcy?”

  “I do believe we will.” He smiled at her, taking one of her hands in his and holding it tight. “I will continue to change into a man you will be proud of.”

  “You do not have to change to do that.”

  He looked at her closely. “I had to change to be the man who would eventually win your heart, Liz. I was the arrogant, cocky man that you thought I was. I truly was. And it was only after looking at myself through your eyes that I realized I needed to be a better man for a woman like you.”

  “Oh, Darcy. I am… I am…” She couldn’t continue. His words had touched her heart. He leaned forward and kissed her lips softly.

  “I am, too,” he said, as though he knew what she was going to say. “If you were going to say that you love me, or you are in love with me, I am, too, Liz. I am proud to have you as a bride. I am proud to be your husband.”

  Elizabeth’s heart was racing. She tried to keep herself from shaking but couldn’t. He noticed.

  “Why are you shaking, my dear? Are you afraid?”

�I… I guess I am a little afraid, Darcy. I have not been married before. I have not been with a man. And I have not been in a situation like this ever before. It will take a lot for me to adjust.”

  “You must never worry about being lonely. You will have full access to the carriage and a horse of your own. In fact, we already made arrangements to bring your horse from Longbourn, so you don’t have to get used to a new one. That is a special bond between owner and animal that is not easily broken.”

  Again, Elizabeth felt overwhelmed by his generosity and her love for him. “I do love you, Fitzwilliam Darcy. I do love you.”

  “I love you, too, Elizabeth. I have for some time now. I just would not admit it and would not let anyone know how genuine my feelings were. Even when we were playing our little game at the start, it got me thinking about what it would be like to truly be married to you. As we went along through the last nine months, and you forgave me for my slights and I forgave you for yours, at some point I fell in love with you.”

  “You forgave me for my slights?” Elizabeth held back a grin. “And what exactly were my slights?”

  Darcy laughed. “Will we argue on our wedding night?”

  She let her grin come out and shook her head. “No, I am only teasing.” She paused. “But truly, what slights are you talking about? I cannot change if I do not know what I am doing wrong.”

  “You cannot change these things, Liz.”

  “Because they are in the past?”

  “No, because they are part of what makes you who you are. I am speaking generally of our arguments about Wickham, Lydia, and especially Bingley and Jane. You forgave me for pushing Bingley away from your sister… You have forgiven me for that, have you not?”

  “I have.” She nodded.

  “And I still believe I did the right thing, and you forgive me for that, too, do you not?”

  Elizabeth pressed her lips together before looking directly at him to answer his question. “I have had time to think about it. And if Bingley could so easily walk away from Jane the way he did, you did her a favor by not encouraging a courtship or marriage. He was a scoundrel for doing that to her. And my family will be angry with him for a long time. But if he was weak enough to be tempted into the arms of another woman and manipulated by his sisters, he was not suitable for my dear sister.”


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