Daddy's Pet (Lost Coast Daddies Romance Book 5)

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Daddy's Pet (Lost Coast Daddies Romance Book 5) Page 3

by Olivia Fox

  “Oh my God. You’re such a good girl, Scarlett,” he said and surprised me by using my ponytail to pull me off his dick. “Your turn, baby girl.”

  “Let’s get that T-shirt off you, baby. I want to see what you’ve been hiding from me.”

  I was super embarrassed about my spongy tummy and king-sized behind. I crossed my arms over my breasts and attempted to suck my stomach flat even though I sat down, which made it pooch out even more.

  “Don’t you dare hide yourself from me.” He lowered my hands to my sides and took a nipple in his mouth, pulling at me. The sensation zinged to my pleasure center where fantasies and babies formed.

  Erotic encounter coming in three, two, one…

  No sooner did I have that thought, when out of the blue I heard tires grinding to a halt on gravel, a metal door slam, and the dramatic baying of Darwood. “Letty!”


  Her sweet spot seconds away from my mouth; some fool screeched to a stop outside the barn and wailed for someone named Letty, interrupting my pending paradise.

  “Oh God, it’s my ex. Help me!” Scarlett whispered, and I noticed the urgency of her command. We both shimmied into our clothing and tried to fluff each other back into neatness. She dusted the hay off my butt, and I pulled pieces of straw out of her hair.

  I watched her sweet, bountiful behind sway away from me. “What are you doing here, Darwoo… Darren?” Scarlett shoved through the tall barn doors, quickly shutting them behind her. We decided it would not be in our best interest to present jointly at the battle of the exes, so I stayed behind listening to it play out.

  “What do you mean? I found out in town you had a concussion. I came to check on you!” The guy sounded whiny and not too believable.

  Through the closed barn door, I sensed the irritation rising off her like heat off a sidewalk as she stated, “Because you’re so worried about me.” She didn’t say it like a question.

  “Letty, we were married for five years. Of course I will worry if I discover one of these confounded animals knocked you on the head.”

  Hard to believe she ever found that pathetic ingrate attractive.

  “Look, it’s Scarlett. It’s never been Letty, and yet you insist on calling me that. Besides, you’re not worried. You just came to check and see if I’d kick the bucket so you’d get this place back!”

  A pitchfork has a a highly distinctive shape, and there was no mistaking it’s outline as I peeked through the wooden slats of the barn door as she lifted it in the air as if to strike.

  I figured a sneak attack would be best. She was mad as a hornet, and there was no telling which direction she’d toss that farm implement.

  I swung the door inward and grasped the pitchfork from behind. “Scarlett, honey, you don’t wanna do that. He’s not worth it.” I bent and placed a commanding kiss on her lips.

  Claiming my territory.

  “Who’s this?” her ex screeched, flinging an accusatory finger in my direction.

  I turned to consider the ex over the hood of his Corvette, locking eyes with him until I stared him into submission. When he looked away, I said, “I’m taking care of her, and you’re not welcome here. She’s mine.” Nice, Aiden. Real Neanderthal of you.

  The ex thought about my offer for fifteen seconds, climbed into his midlife crisis ride, and sped off.

  “You okay?” I asked.

  She nodded at me, a shell of her former erotic and satisfied self.

  “Your ex’s timing always that great?”

  “Ugh, you have no idea.” She hustled toward her house. “Let’s go into town for some brunch. I’m starvin’ like Marvin.”

  I let her go, following her back to the house. About Dinkus—did she still hold a torch for him? His showing up was certainly a mood killer, and I wondered if there was more to it. Was I pushing way too fast? At any rate, I cared way more than I should about a baby girl who didn’t belong to me, but had 100 percent of my attention.


  Lila, the waitress who read us the specials in the Pinup Paradise Diner, placed one hand in the pocket of the low-slung black apron wrapped around her tiny hips. While Aiden looked hotter than hot in his reading glasses and concentrated on the menu, she stood behind him and held up her fingers at me in an “Okay” sign as if to say, “Way to go landing the stud muffin.”

  Her face took on an innocent expression when Aiden looked up and ordered for both of us, insisting on getting me banana chocolate chip pancakes with whipped cream on top. After shoving her small paper pad into one of the front pockets of her apron, Lila grabbed our menus and pointed at me. “We need to get together, Scarlett. So many things to catch up on.” Then she pirouetted away from us and sashayed toward the kitchen.

  “Who’s that?”

  “Lila. She was in the same grade as me in school,” I answered as I filled in the cloud castle picture on my placemat, making it purple and teal. This place didn’t dole out the crayons five at a time. They set the whole dang box on the table. Unlike my housekeeping style, my coloring technique was tidy as shiz. I did a bold line on the outside border of each illustration and a light layer on the inside.

  “Small town.”

  I crossed my eyes at him and said, “That it is.”

  “So you like coloring?” he asked, but it sounded as if he referred to something more than crayons. He grinned when I nodded in answer. “Thanks for letting me order for you. It pleases me… I can’t tell you how much.” The sleigh bell jingle of another customer coming in rang at the front door, and Lila swished over with menus.

  “I kinda got the impression you’re an old-fashioned guy.”

  As if to prove a point, Aiden held out a spoon full of whip cream scraped off the top of my hot cocoa and held it out for me. I opened my mouth and let him slide it inside, the sweetness exploding over my tongue. No one, other than my parents, had ever fed me before, and for sure, the act of them doing didn’t arouse me. My inner sex kitten purred again. So this was what dating an older man involved? So far it included being pampered and appreciated. Though an unfamiliar experience for me, I understood the appeal.

  Our food came, and I tried to shove a brick-sized stack of pancake into my face. Before the doughy disc of breakfast deliciousness made it to my mouth, he caught my wrist in his hands, turned it toward the ceiling, and kissed them, one at a time. I dropped the fork on my plate, making him chuckle. Aiden picked it up and said, “Showing your impulsivity, just like the pitchfork. Let me do that for you.”

  He cut my pancake into dainty little slices, bite sized for a chipmunk, and fed them to me one at a time. His stare zoned in on my lips when I opened them to bite and chew, making me think about where my mouth had been not less than an hour ago.

  “My God, you have a fuckable mouth,” he whispered and brushed my bangs across my forehead, his touch making me pant. He rested his chin on his hands, observing me. “Your arousal is so charming.” He stared into my eyes, and lowered his head now and again to nibble, kiss, and bite my hands.


  “Yes, gorgeous?”

  “What did you mean when you told Darwood I belonged to you?”

  He peered at me. “I thought you said his name was Dinkus.”

  “It’s Darren. Darwood just sounds like an insult, so I use the term when he’s not within hearing range.”

  His lips pursed. “Okay if I call him ‘Dinkus’? At least in my mind?”

  “Fine by me, don’t evade my question with a question though. Why did you say that?”

  I eyed him cautiously. It seemed a little early in the game for him to be making claims on me, and a relationship wasn’t my deal. I just wanted Aiden to take me to bed.

  “Just reacting to the situation,” he finally said. “It seemed like you wanted him gone, and I figured if dorkballs thought you and I were a couple…. It worked, right?”

  “Yeah, it worked.” I squinted at him. “When are you gonna give me my pancakes?”


  This mature man was as mouthwatering as the breakfast he shoved into small stacks and fed to me one forkful at a time, not once stopping to take a bite of his food.

  Aiden insisted on driving both to breakfast and back. I invited him inside and tossed my purse on the floor, sitting down on my sofa in front of the huge living room windows that faced the fields outside. The view relaxed me.

  “Do you plan on hanging out with me all day?” I asked as he sat on the couch with me.

  “That’s the general idea.” He smiled, and I couldn’t resist smiling back at him; his expression infectious. “Now, where were we?” he asked.

  “What do you mean?” I understood full well what he meant, but I wasn’t letting his muscular glutes off so easy. Sure, he could have his way with the ladies whenever he wanted, but that didn’t mean I was caving.

  “You know what I mean.” He looked at the cushions beneath him. “This is a nice couch. Pretty sure you don’t want to get it wet.” He took my hands in his, pulled me up with him, and scooped me into his arms. “Let’s go to the bedroom.”

  “Mighty cocksure of yourself, aren’t you?”

  “You have no idea.” He leaned down to take my mouth in his. In my entire adult life, no man had carried me, let alone kissed me senseless while holding me in his arms.

  I could become accustomed to this.


  She kissed me back, and all the blood flooded to my dick. “Shit, Scarlett. I’m having certain urges, and I don’t know if I can control myself.”

  She planted another kiss on my lips before saying, “Go ahead, lose control. Totally fine with it.”

  I sat her on the mattress of her canopied bed that had a plethora of flower-printed pillows scattered like fallen leaves against the headboard, the sheets and blankets still shoved to the bottom of the bed. I grabbed her hands in mine, and took a seat next to her. “We need to talk.”

  “For real? The whole point of this is to give into our urges, not hold a lecture about them.”

  She made me smile when I least expected it. “I’d like to see if you’d be open to something with me.” What was I doing? This conversation might ruin everything if it turned her off. “I want to be your daddy.”

  Her lips parted, and she whispered, “You mean like my sugar daddy?”

  A stack of orphaned socks on the window seat distracted me while I had been waiting for her to respond. Her question jerked me back to reality, and I realized that I risked freaking her out and spoiling the mood. I wanted this one time with Scarlett, to savor her no matter what happened. Cowardly, I backed off and told myself we should revisit the DDlg topic another time.

  “On second thought, you’re right, it would be better to go into details later. Let me show you what I want to do to you.” I peeled her T-shirt over her head to expose her mouthwatering breasts. Her chest flushed a delightful shade of pink, and I traced my fingers down to the swollen tips of her nipples. “I think you’re excited. Don’t worry, baby girl, I can give you what you need.” With that I lowered my head to her breast and sucked, using my tongue to swirl around the tip until her hands raised to my head and fisted my hair to pull me onto her, shoving her rigid nub into my mouth.

  I feasted, pulled at her with my lips and whirled my tongue around her tips as she gasped and moaned the word, “More.”

  “Lay down, precious. Let me help you.”

  She instantly complied, such a sweet and obedient girl when I pleasured her, a far cry from the pitchfork princess that almost ran her ex through with metal tines before I stopped her. The contrast bewitched. I luxuriated in the sight of her beneath me, breasts heaving with each ragged breath. I reached down, unfastened her jeans, and ripped them off.

  “Hey!” she cried out in surprise.

  “Spread your legs, princess.” The moment of truth. My eyes locked on hers, and I expelled the breath I didn’t realize I held as she inched open her thighs for me. I positioned myself over her and held wrists down on either side of her head, claiming her mouth again with mine before demanding, “Let me tease you until you’re begging to be fucked.”

  Her peach-colored, cotton panties with lace trim, not those of a seductress or a woman trying to impress; were sexier than any lingerie I had ever seen. I lowered my head to nibble my way along the lace edging, pulling at the material with my teeth and flicking my tongue at her soft skin along the way.

  And then I approached her little bonbon with my tongue and, through her panties, began licking and lapping at the crease to encourage her delicate humping of my mouth.

  “Oh, Aiden. Aiden, please! You get what I want. Don’t make me say it.”

  As fond as I was of those panties, I tore them off and took one of her knees over each of my shoulders to dive toward her with my face. I claimed her clit between my lips and savored her flavor, loving how she thrashed beneath me and whimpered my name as the last intelligible thing said before my fingers and tongue took her to a place that caused her to shove at my mouth and shudder beneath me.

  “Good?” I asked, hoping this was it, because I was incapable of waiting a second longer to be inside of her.

  She whined unintelligibly, but I got the general drift. “Fuck me, Daddy.” Okay, that last part only took place in my imagination, my ultimate fantasy.

  “I’ll be on top, baby. Your body’s driving me wild, and I can’t control myself.” I held her face while pressing my rigid cock at her dripping wet entrance. “And I’ll be a bit rough, is that okay?”

  Her eyes glossed over as they looked into mine. She nodded, and inched her legs further apart.

  “Oh God, little one, that feels like heaven.” My voice came out in a growl. I shoved into her, pulled my hips back, and slammed back into her, unable to hold back.

  She bit her lower lip as I impaled her, and I lowered my head to clamp down onto her nipple before sliding my lips upward and sucking hard at the skin above her areola. “I’m going to mark you as mine.” She wrapped her legs around my hips, and she clung to me, blowing my mind. “Mmm, such a good little girl. You like that, don’t you, baby? You like taking it nice and deep?”

  To prove a point, I continue to buck at her with my hips, driving myself into her and watching her face, her eyes squinted shut, mouth open and issuing a steady stream of moans. “Open your eyes, Scarlett. Look at me.” She did what I told her to do, casting a spell over my Dom. “Don’t you dare look away. Tell me what I’m doing to you right now.”

  The effort that it took for her to form complete sentences appeared almost pathetic, but I needed to learn, now, whether she would follow this one small command. This enchanting girl made me weak, and the things unfolding between us, I didn’t remember experiencing, ever. I was dying to learn if she would surrender to me and be compatible as my baby girl.

  Her voice turned to squeals while I held her gaze and dragged my cock in and out of her, claiming her pussy as my prize. “Say it!”

  “You’re fucking me, Aiden. You’re fucking me so hard.” She spoke quietly and ducked her face away from me.

  “What am I fucking, little girl?” My balls pulled up into my body, and I was close. Feeling her tremble beneath me, I fucked her harder.

  “You’re fucking my pussy, Aiden. You’re fucking my wet little pussy, and pounding me so good.”

  “Oh my God,” I moaned. “Open your mouth right now!” Her eyes locked on mine, and she followed my direction, while I buried myself in that tight, magical pussy. I shoved three fingers inside of her mouth, fucking them across her heated tongue like my dick had done earlier in the day.

  And she sucked.

  The head of my cock slammed through the soft flesh of her core that gripped me in its inferno. Scarlett continued to pull on my fingers with her mouth, and the sensations engulfed me. I plunged into her, my explosion matching hers.

  She wrapped her legs and arms around me, holding tight, and I whispered in her ear, “Don’t let me go.”

  Dammit. She had me smitten.
The words that nearly left my mouth sounded in my mind, “Never let me go,” and if that shocked the hell out of me, it would have Scarlett running for the hills.


  Sufferin’ suckotash. Here I went from grade A Girl Scout, Scarlett to horny vixen, Scarlett at the drop of a hat. Perhaps the conk on the head caused this amplified arousal. Maybe I’d use the conk as an excuse to have one more serving of whatever Aiden dished up because he was so yummy I wanted to sop him up with a biscuit.

  He stroked my back as I lay in his arms and our hearts slowed to the point where we could speak again.

  “What the hell was that?” Aiden groaned.

  “What the hell was what?”

  “Come on.” He grabbed my chin. “That was amazing.”

  “I guess,” I said and shrugged. He was right, and I was still trying to wrap my mind around what to think of it all.

  “You gonna sit there and pretend like that wasn’t some of the most fantastic, if not the most fantastic, sex you’ve ever had.” He positioned himself between my legs before looking up at me with his mouth open and his tongue ready for action. “Well, I guess I didn’t do a good enough job. We must rectify that.”

  The sight of him preparing to go down on me again while locking eyes on me was so hot.

  “No, Aiden, come on. Please. I’m kidding you.”

  “Don’t do that, princess. The male ego can be fragile.”

  “That was the most amazing sex I can remember having, but I hate to tell you, that isn’t saying much since I can’t remember the last time I had sex.”

  “Oh, you are gonna get it.” His fingers skittered across my flank, tickling me silly until he had me kicking my feet up and down and rolling back and forth on the mattress from his torture.

  “Okay, I give. I give. Please.”

  He stopped and lay down at my side again, propped on one elbow and staring at me.


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