Daddy's Pet (Lost Coast Daddies Romance Book 5)

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Daddy's Pet (Lost Coast Daddies Romance Book 5) Page 7

by Olivia Fox

  Exactly what had my panties in a wad, was no mystery. My kitten, Rufus, was out of food, and Pickerson’s Feed Store was the only place in town to get it. Every time I went there, I felt like the town joke, even though I realized the philandering wasn’t my fault and didn’t speak to my character just because Darwood got caught boinking a barely legal girl on the hay bales in the back of Pickerson’s Feed by her own father. The only consolation was that they had to pull ol’ Mr. Sanchez off Darwood, his ass handed to him on a platter by a man twice his age.

  So combine that balled-up newspaper of regret with the pitchy kindling fuel reminder of me having to visit the site where it all happened, and then just toss a match on it.

  When I’d arrived home, my strength and resolve to avoid regretful memories (Darwood) and potential heartache (Dr. Dreamy) was further dismantled by the two dozen pink and white roses Aiden left on my front porch with a note saying, “You grow your own flowers, but never, ever will there be enough roses in the world for you, Daddy’s girl.”

  So, yeah, I was officially toast when he called me after my first shot. A girl only has so much willpower, and only someone with superhuman self-control could resist the question: “Does your pussy miss me, baby? ’Cause I miss her. I want to pet her and put my mouth on her.”

  Swear to God, I almost hung up. I mean, who can take that kind of temptation after three days of telling myself better to go it alone, that proceeding with our little lust affair would only end with me getting hurt.

  I was only human.

  So imagine my surprise in hearing my sex kitten say back to him, “I miss you, Daddy. I want you to come over.” I mean, what. The. Ever-loving. Fuck?

  There was no controlling that hussy. “Did I do a good job with my mouth on your cock last time I saw you, Daddy. Am I a good girl?”



  “You stay put.” Next thing you know, that rascal hung up on me.

  By the time Aiden arrived, I was two shots in, no food in my belly, and listening to Dwight Yoakam while dancing around my kitchen. I heard his pickup pull up outside, Toby’s welcome bark, and then the deep reply acknowledging Toby’s status as a good boy.

  He rang the doorbell, and I raced to meet him, leaping into his arms and wrapping my legs around him as he stood on my front porch. “Hey… hold on there, princess.” He pried my legs off, and I slid down his front, placing my feet on the floor.

  “Why?” I looked up at him, puzzled. Three days, I thought he would be more than ready to see me again. Great, Scarlett. You misread that one, didn’t you?

  I turned toward my front door, opened it, and strode away from Aiden who caught my hand at the last moment. “Because, silly, I brought you a present.”

  “What is it?” I loved presents and spun at him quickly to say, “Come inside, you can show me.”

  Turned out, he held a large white gift bag with light pink tissue paper behind his back and out of sight. He pulled out the present and gave it to me, so I could open it on the couch. Reaching inside, I was a little confused. The overnight bag itself was a gorgeous, delicate pink satin that mimicked the tissue paper. “You got this at the emporium downtown, didn’t you?” The place was the priciest establish in our Victorian village; everything they stocked was elegant.

  Aiden nodded and waited for me to open the individual tissue-wrapped pieces inside the travel bag—salon quality shampoo and conditioner and a rose gold, electric toothbrush.

  I arched a brow at him in question.

  “Read the card, Scarlett.”

  I opened the foiled gift card and read, “You’re welcome anytime, little one. When you’re ready. I’ll wait as long as I need to. I promise I’ll be true to you.”

  It was the tequila, or perhaps the humiliating reminder of being the town’s laughingstock, or the shock of being adored by a guy for a change. I started crying like a third-grade girl.

  Aiden wrinkled his brow, “Well, that’s not the reaction I was hoping for,” and scratched his head, which made me sob much louder. “Hey, sweets. What’s going on?” Aiden kneeled in front of me and brushed the hair out of my face. Just like a daddy. He wrapped one arm around me. And that’s when he noticed.

  Old Patron on the counter with a single shot glass, and a sink and counter piled high with dirty dishes. He got to his knees again and caught my attention by whispering, “How much of that did you drink, pumpkin?”

  “Mmm.” I rocked back and forth while standing in front of him. “This many.” I held up two fingers.

  “And did you have anything to eat before, little one?”

  Him whispering these questions got me hotter than if he yelled. I didn’t expect his next statement, but getting to appreciate Aiden, I realized surprises were the order of the day. “I believe Daddy needs to teach his baby girl his rules, but first, come here and have a seat while I make you something to eat.”

  I sat my Kardashian-sized keister on the kitchen stool and salivated, but not from hunger. Aiden took one of my aprons and folded it to fit him at the waist. He made himself right at home, asking me from time to time where to find something. The first thing he put in front of me was a vanilla shake that he whipped up in my blender, on top of which he placed a whipped cream swirl, two chocolate chip eyes, and a raisin nose so I was eating a pretend polar bear. The spins started going away once I drank milkshake. Then he whipped up a quesadilla cut into neat triangles and sliced cucumber with ranch dressing, which he fed me by hand. Afterward, I remembered brats got punishments and asked, “What am I, a tiny kid or something?”

  He turned away from the Mount Saint Helens stack of plates, cups, and glasses, which he was already working through, and looked at me. “Only if you want to be, baby. Unnecessary for me, but if you want to act little, you have 100 percent of my support. I won’t dominate you in your little space, though.”

  “What if I like when you dominate me?”

  “Even better. When you accept me as your Daddy Dom you don’t need to regress in age like some littles do. Littles are as diverse as humans and there is difference between needing to go to a ‘little’ space and needing me to take care of you and dominate you.”

  Was there anything more arousing than a man with a back like a Douglas Fir trunk and arms that bulged with every scrub performing domestic duties, all wrapped up in a pretty flannel shirt? If so, I’d never seen it.

  “I’m just wondering why you’re treating me like this. As if I can’t take care of myself. As if I need you to feed me and give me rules.”

  “It’s who I am, Scarlett. I love taking care of you. For once in your life, just go along with something without arguing. See what how it is to be cherished for a change. If you find it disagreeable, fine. You never have to see me again.” He kept applying his elbow grease until the stack of dishes became a tiny tower, “You told me you explored Daddy Dom relationships online, what did you learn?”

  So nerve-wracking the way his piercing eyes focused all of their attention on me. “Um, I learned that sometimes there are rules.”

  “Oh, I have rules all right, and I regret to inform you, you have broken one of them tonight.”


  That did it. Now that there was food in her tummy, I wasn’t above showing her who was boss. I picked her up, slung her over my shoulder, and carried her out the door.

  As she observed the upside down, moonlit view of stacked fruit bushels, a ladder leaning against the cherry tree, and the plum branches propped up by wedged poles to support the weight of fruit, I reveled in the masculine satisfaction of carrying her on my shoulder like she was my conquest and reward.

  I took her to the barn. “Princess, if you plan on seeing me, there will be rules, and there will be consequences for breaking those rules.”

  “How am I supposed behave if I never even heard the rules in the first place?” She playfully pounded her tiny fists against my back, and my cock responded with approval.

  I placed her delicate f
eet on the brick path in the barn and told her, “Don’t move.” Then I walked to the double barn door we came in through and padlocked it shut.

  When I returned, she was exactly as I left her. “Raise your arms above your head.” I used a soft lead rope to strap her wrists in a “V” over her head and hung her from bridle hooks, so that when I wrapped her ankles and tied them tight against the barn wall she made a star shape.

  “Oh, kitten. Tonight’s the night you learn that I am in charge and you must give yourself to me.” I took a leather riding crop off the wall and used the end to trace tight circles around her nipple. I flicked her nubs with the leather tip and then snapped it off her hindquarters, causing her to clench her fists and swear under her breath.

  “You are not mistaken. Daddy has rules. Rules that you must learn by heart and obey. Are you ready for rule one?”

  “Rule one,” she spat. “This is more than what I bargained for when I agreed to date. That’s date, not commit to. I never signed up for being your little play toy that you can just carry around!”

  Whip! Whip! Whip! She flinched away from me, which only fueled my sick fire; I found it hot, and it had a corollary effect on my cock. “God, that smarts! You are a horrible son of a beehive!”

  I appreciated the view of her curvy and reddened shape displayed before me. “Scarlett, your life will be much simpler if you realize Daddy is the boss of you. Now.” I moved in to stroke her, lifting one breast at a time in appreciation. “Are you ready for your rules and their memorization, or are you going to continue to force me to punish you?”

  “I’m ready for them.” She swung her body seductively at the end of her tethers, and I proceeded with her lesson.

  “Rule One: You never have to do anything you are uncomfortable with, that’s what safe words are for. So Daddy needs you to remember your safe word now, baby girl,” I snapped, driven by sexual frustration of my own. It wasn’t fair to surprise her. “Safe word. Now.” Three times the black leather painted her hide red, and three times she pushed against the restraints, arching to get away from the sting.

  “Ow! Daddy, ow! My safe word is big fat meanie!”

  “That’s three words.” I leaned over to take in the sight of her slit before me, juicy with desire, dripping with excitement. It gave me inspiration. Ever so gently, I grasped it between my fingers to squeeze her little clit which peeked out between her slick lips. I barely flicked that same frustrated, achy little button with the whip. When she moaned “please,” I took pity on her and dropped to my knees, laving the center of her pleasure back and forth with my tongue.

  Before letting her explode, I backed off and sat on a nearby hay bale to look at her, enjoying the view.

  “You can’t do this to me! Tie me up. Leave me here naked while you watch. It’s criminal. Let me go!”

  I pretended to deliberate. “I’ve been thinking. It makes little sense for big fat meanie to be your safe word. That’s something you might say while I’m disciplining you.”

  “Okay, fine. Red. My safe word is red.” She stomped the straw.

  “See? That wasn’t so hard. What a good girl you are.” I strode over and, without warning, drew one of her nipples in my mouth and suckled, hard, swiping my tongue off the end.

  “Rule Two: Accept your punishment without fussing. You will need to get better at that, Scarlett.” I flicked the back of her thick, succulent thighs with the whip, and she flailed on the ropes to escape. “Rule Three: Practice excellent self-care. This means always get enough to eat. Did you do that tonight, Scarlett?”

  “No, Daddy, I didn’t. I’m sorry. Can you let me go now?”

  “Nope. Rule Four: Respect Daddy. The other rules can wait. Tonight, lets deal with number three. Princess drank two shots of tequila on an empty stomach, not even considering the consequences. Daddy was here to help her. If not, think of what could have happened! Daddy needs to punish you to help you remember to stay safe.”

  I lowered my head to meet her glower and said, “Remember your safe word, little one. This will hurt.” Scarlett was too smart by half, and she needed challenge. The threat of anticipation and thrill instilled by a little fear. Letting her know it would hurt. I would work to earn Scarlett’s respect, making her affections all the more prized.

  I ran my left hand over the streaks on her tail, thinking it was a shame to further inflict pain on them, but my cock swelled in my jeans at the thought of how I would stripe her and make her mine. This was the dichotomy of a Daddy Dom—tender caregiver on one hand and stern disciplinarian on the other. The mental tug-of-war could be complex. It came down to being able to read your little, to sense whether she was in a space where she needed a gentle touch or if she was testing her limits because she needed to know she could rely on her Dom to keep her safe, even if that meant punishment training when she broke the rules.

  Here, it was the latter.

  I’d brand her so that no other man could have her without knowing I was there first. I’d keep her marked, making it impossible for her to be anyone’s but mine.

  Whip, whip, whip, whip….

  At first her keening lament held the promise of desire. As my strikes continued, the lament turned into a plea for help.

  Her shrieks and howls filled my ears. Still, I didn’t relent in my ministrations to her ass, and the assault to her burning cheeks made her beg me to stop.

  If there was one thing I was soft on, it was the begging and pleading of my princess, even though she hadn’t used her safe word.

  I closed in on her and whispered, “Shh,” while stroking her body with my hands. “Daddy will stop, little one. On one condition.”

  “Anything. Please, just make it stop,” she begged, and I found it charming.

  “I have one more rule for you, Scarlett. So long as you promise to obey it, I will make it stop.”

  “Yes! Yes, I promise to obey it.”

  “Rule Five: All your holes belong to Daddy.”


  “You agree to the terms?”

  Silence showcased this battle of wills between us. Either she would or she wouldn’t. There was no forcing it. I’d hurried her introduction to the DDlg arrangement, and it might cause me to lose her altogether. I was risking everything for the role I wanted to play for Scarlett: her daddy, her Dom. I’d accept nothing less as a poor substitute to the connection I’d give her. Earning that privilege was worth the risk.

  My heart leapt to hear her whisper, “I agree to the terms.” She leaned on the ropes to stretch her back. Ever so gently, I untied her so she was free to rub her wrists where the rope bound her. After hanging the leads back on their hooks, I stooped down and took Scarlett over my shoulder.

  My chest swelled at hearing her yelp, “Daddy! I can walk just fine! I can get there by myself.”

  “That’s not the point though, is it? If I let you walk, this wouldn’t be possible.” Holding her waist tightly to my right shoulder with my left hand, I slapped her ass with my right as a reminder of what she had barely escaped. She shrieked without words this time, a brief yelp of protest.

  I set her on the ground at her front step and opened the door for her, locking it behind us. Scarlett thought to wander to the kitchen again, but I had other plans. I grabbed her hair and walk-dragged her to the bedroom, throwing her down on the mattress and pinning her wrists down.

  My naughty girl surprised me. “Oh, Daddy, I want your enormous thing inside of me again.”

  I surprised myself even more by ripping my clothes off and moving behind her where she waited on her knees for me, looking back upon my face, almost as if she was presenting a challenge. I gently shoved myself inside of her to the hilt.

  By the whimper it inspired, I guessed the technique was satisfactory. The shudders and tremors rippling through her fascinated me. “Is that what my baby wanted right there?”

  She whined her agreement.

  I kept a slow, steady rhythm up, back and forth, in and out of her silky channel until she knew ex
actly what to expect. Then I switched it up and snapped my hips at her, going deep.

  I alternated between pummeling and stroking her with my cock, never following a predictable pattern while changing my rhythm between fast and slow. Finally, there was no more holding back. “Here it comes, sweetie.”

  But before I allowed myself to climax, I played with her clit, squeezing and stroking it between my fingers while I fucked her, guaranteeing she would find her pleasure before I did. It was that sensual occurrence that brought me to my release. She arched her back and threw her head back, keening her agonized release into the air, and when she did, her pussy pulsing around me, I emptied myself into her.

  She fell asleep in my arms, while lying in my arms enjoying the afterglow of our love making. The next morning, Scarlett suddenly popped up and announced, “Oh God, I have to feed the animals. Gus had a family barbecue to get ready for today, and I told him I would.”

  Gus, I had learned, was one of the ranch hands that Scarlett used to do the heavy lifting and some of the more mundane chores, which gave her free time for her puppies and gardening. I argued that some would consider gardening a chore, but she countered that she was most peaceful and at ease in the garden.

  “I’ll help you, princess.”

  After getting our clothes on, we went about completing our tasks, Scarlett made it clear she was used to getting by on her own. She nearly attempted to drag a bale of alfalfa down the barn walkway on her own with only the aid of a hay hook. Never so entranced was I by the everyday motions of a female. She hypnotized me.

  “Hey, I said I wanted to help.” With that, I stuck the other end of the bale with a second hay hook, and together we finished feeding the barn animals and moved on to the portable chicken roost in the pasture next to her yard.

  She showed me how to lift and drag the small structure so that the chickens had a new patch of grass to enjoy free range while remaining safe from the local critters who would be happy to have chicken for lunch. Scarlett had a healthy collection of Araucana, which she said she preferred because of their light blue and green-colored eggs, which made it like Easter every day. The hens crossed the floor of the wire-enclosed cage in jerks and stops. Right there, right then, with Scarlett wearing rubber boots, the smell of dusty chicken feed and dirt in the air, my heart locked in place, turned by her key. I realized this girl was all I’d ever need.


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