Daddy's Pet (Lost Coast Daddies Romance Book 5)

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Daddy's Pet (Lost Coast Daddies Romance Book 5) Page 10

by Olivia Fox

  He began to fondle my private parts from the back, and his honking erection pressed into my side, insistent as all heck and encouraging the wetness that he found there. He secured my wrists behind my back with the other hand, imprisoning me.

  “Who’s your daddy? Tell me!”

  I lifted my hips toward the ceiling, offering myself to him. I dug my toes into the carpet beneath me, completely devoid of self-consciousness.

  “You are. You’re my daddy!” I moaned the words as Aiden’s hand slipped back between my legs and his middle finger slid into my pussy.

  “That’s right, little one. All is forgiven. You took your punishment without fuss and you used your words.” He squeezed my button, as if picking a small object off the floor, and it sent shock waves through my body. I pumped my hips at him, begging him to take advantage of me. “You are such a good girl.”

  What he did next made my breath catch in my throat.

  He slid his hand upward and traced around my puckered hole with his middle finger, his eyes locked onto my face the entire time. He let go of my wrists and used that hand to pull apart my ass cheeks before slowly entering me with his long middle finger, which was surely equal in size to some men’s penises.

  Gently finger-fucking my ass, he said, “So snug here, princess. Today is the day Daddy will fuck you hard here. Get up and get on your knees on the bed.”

  I did as he commanded, my arousal sent my shyness to put her nose in the corner. Aiden rubbed my clit while he fucked my ass with his other hand. In a quick and graceful move, he slid beneath me, putting his mouth on my clit and bore down to focus on it with his tongue as he fingered both holes. Just as I was about to lose my mind, he pulled away to say, “That’s right, princess. I want you to gush all over my face. Come for Daddy.” Then his mouth returned to my pussy with a vengeance as his fingers worked my pussy and ass.

  The explosion inside me was like none other, and Aiden was there with me the entire time. As I drifted back to earth, he pulled away, getting to his knees behind me, his finger slipping out of my back hole and leaving me strangely empty, like an unfulfilled, unnamed craving.

  “That’s right, up on your knees and your elbows.” His hands stroked down my body, lifting and adjusting me to suit his needs. “All right, Scarlett. Daddy’s going to fuck your ass now.” He leaned over me, and stretched forward to grab the lubricant from the nightstand.

  “Is it going to hurt?” I whispered, a little afraid but so turned on there was no turning back now.

  “I’ll go slowly.” His voice got a little deeper. “Are you frightened?”

  “A little bit. No one’s ever taken me there before.”

  “And no one but me ever will!” he snarled. “Stand up on your knees, kitten. Daddy needs your beautiful breasts.” He lowered his lips to my nipples, tonguing them, pulling them with his lips and pinching them to the precipice of pain, which made me ache between my legs until I uttered one continuous whine of desperation.

  I pushed Aiden away from my breasts, letting my shoulders and chest fall flat against the bed. My hands crept back to my ass, and I pulled my cheeks apart to show Daddy my unclaimed hole. “Please, show me what it’s like to have you in my tight little hole. Let me know who’s boss.”

  I should have been afraid of the sounds emanating from deep within Aiden’s throat, feral as they were. He was going to take me like the alpha beast that he was, and I wanted it. His huge, muscular thighs rubbed against me when he moved up behind me, trapping my legs between his.

  “Stay like you are, little one.” He covered my hands with his, latching me in place beneath him. “Spread your ass wider for me like a good girl.” My asshole was stretched open for him to see, and I heard him squirting lube onto his hands to warm it before smearing it around the edges of my back opening.


  His gigantic head rested at my much smaller entrance, and it surprised me how erotic it was to have the velvety smooth bulk of him rubbing circles around my most private hole. A little sinful, so naughty you wouldn’t say it out loud. Only he made me—say it out loud.

  “Tell Daddy. What does his little girl want?”

  “I want you in my… um, tiny hole back there.” I said it into the comforter on my bed. I didn’t want anything more than having his sizable johnson thrust up my back passage.

  “Speak up, little girl. Use your words or Daddy can’t give you what you want.” He pulled my head back off the mattress by my long blonde hair.

  I looked back at him over my shoulder, aroused by the sheer sight of him in my bed, and it drove me to say, “Fuck me. Fuck my ass, Daddy.” I pushed it back in his general direction.

  “Of course.” He pushed his head harder against my sphincter muscle. “Daddy will give his little girl anything she asks for.”

  I tried to allow him entry and realized at this point I didn’t have much of a choice. Wait a minute, my safe word. I had a safe word.

  If any of this made me uncomfortable, one word stopped him.

  But I didn’t want him to stop. Aiden pushed himself inside of me, and I pulled my hands away from my ass and mewled, never uttering the word “red.” As he shoved further inside, I instinctively shifted forward, trying to escape the overwhelming intensity of fullness. His hands clenched on my hips, preventing me from crawling away.

  “Is this still what you want, baby girl?” He paused with a quarter of himself shoved inside.

  I surprised myself by saying, “Yes, I still want it.” I needed to have Aiden in all of my holes, so my body became his and his alone. He drove himself forward, and the further he pushed inside, the wider he got.

  “Oh, Daddy….” I arched my back, and Aiden held me steady with hands on each of my hips.

  “Halfway there, baby. How do you like that?” His gentle concern for my well-being came in a whisper, and the width of him stretched me wide.

  I moaned. “It’s so huge. Go slow, okay?”

  “Remember your safe word?” He gyrated a little. The sensation built to a peak of pleasure, and as he reached forward and caressed my clit, I saw stars. The two sensations at once overwhelmed, and I thrust myself back on him, taking his entire length which moments ago seemed impossible.

  Aiden drove into me, meeting my attempts, and bumped against my ass with his pelvis. Our movements became frenzied, and I thrust back toward him in a paroxysm of pleasure.

  “Is that what my princess likes? To have her daddy fuck her most private place?” Aiden breathed into my ear, grinding his hips into me.

  A rush of sensation flooded my clit, and my release spasmed like an earthquake through my entire being. It didn’t hurt having him in my unexplored hole; in fact, it drove me to convulse beneath him, and I howled like the wild animal I had become.

  “Little one, when you wriggle and struggle, I can’t hold back.”

  He flooded my insides with his heated liquid, shouting aloud, and fell over me. His panting rough and ragged, like the act we just completed.

  I passed through a strange afterglow lying in Aiden’s arms, both defiled and revered at the same time.

  What have you gotten yourself into now, Scarlett? You would never allow just a hookup to explore your body in such a way. This means trouble.

  Love. What a concept. We ventured out into the world as young adults, with a notion of what love was all about, only to have our ideas shattered by the harsh reality. Once again I found myself in the beds, trying to take it all in, planting a row of rosemary in my herb garden, daydreaming and hoping against hope fairy tales came true. The last time I was in this situation, that hope ripped apart, and set itself on fire.

  Aiden was different than Darwood. Even his rules showed tenderness. Use your words to talk about your feelings. Daddy will always listen.

  Didn’t every woman dream of meeting a partner who would pay attention to what she said? Only one problem, I didn’t trust my gut anymore. There was so much risk in that.


  She was suc
h a rebellious, skeptical little thing.

  And, God, I’d be damned if I’d let her fear keep us apart. What she needed was an old-fashioned courtship.

  Whether or not she admitted it, we would live together and she was my baby girl. And I didn’t mean on a temporary basis. She was mine. Her stubbornness was just impeding something great. Thankfully, I had just what it would take to convince her. After I finished up at work, I’d go home, shower, and pay Ms. Scarlett a visit.

  A man on a mission, I got out of my pickup truck and walked around the property to find Scarlett. I’d never felt so determined about anything in my life.

  Her beautiful, generous ass was the first thing I saw. She was setting a hose in front of her roses to soak them in sprinkle. She rose and stretched her spine, putting one of her elegant hands at her lower back, pushing into it.

  Elegant hands? Really? She had me thinking things I would never say out loud.

  “Get those grubby clothes off, girl. I’m taking you to dinner.”

  “Aiden! You scared me.” She spun around to face me, her hand clutching her chest.

  “Sorry, I guess I’m just happy to see you. Been almost twenty-four hours. Don’t like it.”

  “We didn’t have plans, did we?”

  “Nope, but I realized what’s missing here.” I waggled my pointer finger back and forth between us. “I never tried to woo you. With us, it’s all: horse conks you on the head, and I take you to bed.”

  “It was kinda sudden for me too. I think you recognize I don’t make a habit of leaping into bed with men.”

  “I get that, Scarlett. You’re a lady.”

  She snorted, which made me chuckle. Thank goodness. Things were getting a little serious for a minute, and I didn’t do serious well. Dominate? Check. Discipline? Double check. Spank? Triple check. Plant my face in my baby’s pussy? Quadruple check. But dramatic and tense, not so much, and our conversations about our relationship had been sobering lately.

  “I never courted you. To make matters worse, I haven’t taken the time to do all the things that a princess deserves, so no wonder you’re hesitant to dive into living together.” I brushed back the thin strands of hair that blew across her mouth as I was talking to her, pulling them out of the way so I could bend down and take her kiss. Her lips were soft beneath me and begged me to plunder them with my tongue. She whimpered and swayed on her feet as I obliged.

  “Nope. Not gonna happen.” I set her back from me. “If I kiss you, we’ll never make it out of here. God, my dick can’t go a full day without having you.” I shoved the hair back from my forehead. “Please, Scarlett, let me take you to dinner? Go put a dress on and we’ll paint the town red.”

  “The town of Briarville? Painting it will take all of ten minutes.”

  “Daddy wants to take you out. Do as you’re told.”

  She spun on her heel and headed to the house, yelling back to me, “There’s cold iced tea in the fridge if you’re thirsty. Help yourself!”

  It was warm outside, so I had the truck window down and my elbow resting on the sill. The circulating breeze had the erotic effect of fluttering Scarlett’s low neckline against her chest, but I told myself no looking since it would do nothing for my willpower. Restraint, Aiden. Don’t be a wuss. Your dick can go as long as it needs to show Scarlett you care about more than her banging body.

  So banging.

  God, dresses like that should come with a warning label. The barely hanging on, thin shoulder straps tied in bows, the ends of which hung down to nipple height. Gathered material trapped her breasts in place, the effect more sexy than if the dress was slit to the belly button in front. It was the lightest shade of yellow, covered with butterflies, and followed the sinful curves of her hourglass waist before fluttering outward over her ample bottom.

  The skirt came to a provocative point four inches above her knees, I glanced down to where those lusciously displayed legs rested on the truck seat.

  It was torture, but one I could handle.

  When we reached the restaurant, I opened her door, but before I let her out, I put my hands over my head on the roof of the truck and looked down at her. “You know how gorgeous you are, little one?”

  She squirmed on the seat, uncomfortable with the direct compliment.

  “What will be even more beautiful is seeing you obey Daddy’s orders in the restaurant.”

  “Anyone ever tell you you’re a real stickler for rules?” She raised her chin slightly.

  “And you agree to obey them.”

  “If I don’t?” She shoved her hands under her thighs, and hunched her shoulders forwards slightly.

  “If you don’t? Are you kidding me? Didn’t you learn your lesson yesterday? I’m surprised you can sit down.” Dammit, my dick went from begging for attention to demanding it with the memory of what I had done to her the day before. And, hello, this wasn’t exactly what I would call wooing. “Scarlett, you wind me up like no other woman ever has. Whenever I’m around you, I’m torn between holding you on my lap and cuddling you and throwing you down on the bed and fucking you. Please. Have mercy on me; I’m only human.”

  She slid her left pinky under the strap of her dress and pouted. “I’m sorry. I won’t be naughty. It’s just that sometimes it’s so hard for me to be good. What do I need to do in the restaurant?” Her voice stroked my cock when she discussed being naughty and asked me how to obey. I wouldn’t fuck her in a public place, but the thought sure as hell crossed my mind. In her seated position in front of me on the truck bench, all I’d have to do was lower myself to my knees, pull her panties down and…

  I had to touch her, but schooled myself that it had to be in a first date kind of way, so I grabbed her chin with my fingers and lifted her gaze to meet my eyes. “Who’s your daddy?” Okay, that wasn’t exactly first-date talk.

  “You are, Aiden. You’re my daddy.” Her lips parted, and she stroked my arm, causing my internal voice to proclaim, She’s the one.

  “That’s right, and you will select whatever you want from the menu, and you will whisper it into your daddy’s ear so he can order it for you.”

  “That’s doable.”

  “Daddy will cut your food for you, and he will feed it to you.”

  “Aiden! We might see people we recognize. I can’t eat off of a fork you hold out to me, as if I can’t feed myself.”

  “Who’s your daddy, Scarlett?”

  “You are.”

  “You were a good girl telling me your feelings, even though the delivery lacked respect.” I squeezed her chin just a bit. “We’ll let it slide this time, and I will only feed you some of your meal so you can grow accustomed to it. This includes your drink; you will drink from my hand.”

  “Some of it, not all of it.” She crossed her arms.

  “Agreed. And finally… Daddy pays. No argument.”

  I cannot tell a lie. I wasn’t able to hold out. It was the porch swing’s fault. When I led her to her front door and that wooden bench seat swayed slowly back and forth under the moonlight, all I could think of was how luminous Scarlett would be on the seat beside me.

  And how hard I wanted to fuck her.

  So I rationalized my way into her panties, if that makes sense.

  We sat next to each other, the cool but not chilly air stroking our skin. The kiss was a first-date smooch to start, but then the chemistry between us kicked in. I slid my right hand into the smooth silk of her hair and couldn’t keep from pulling her neck back so I could nibble and kiss my way across it. That right there raised the temperature about twenty degrees. I should have known better than to start in with the neck kisses.

  When she crawled onto my lap, I mentally chanted, Down, boy, willing myself to be soft, flaccid, anything besides the pile driver I had in my pants. I had to tell her before we got in too deep, and pushed her back in her seat. “Scarlett, I need to tell you something, and I want you to understand that when I make an oath, I never break it. There’s a reason I’m as old as I am an
d I never married.”

  “You’re afraid of commitment?” she teased.

  “No, baby. I have never felt this way about a woman in my life. You’re the best thing I’ve ever waited for.”

  Scarlett shoved her toes off the porch to make us swing a bit. I gave her a moment to let it sink in. I pushed too hard and too fast, and the last thing I wanted was to make her bolt. Time for some levity again.

  I sank down in front of her on the porch, shoved her knees apart, and pulled her panties to the floor. “Now tell me, do you need Daddy to make your tingles go away?”

  The El Dorado Steak Club where we ate dinner epitomized fine dining, but the most delicious thing I tasted that night was Scarlett.


  “I’ll give you some time,” he had said after giving me the most astonishing orgasm on the planet while we sat on my front porch. Even though I didn’t have a lot of experience in the subject, it didn’t take a genius to understand that Aiden won the American Idol prize for delta of Venus mastery… the Duchess Down South. No matter what you called it, my honeypot was happy as hell.

  A generous and attentive lover, he sent me to outer space and left me as limp as the fettuccini noodles we had devoured just an hour earlier. His tender kiss traced the arches of my eyebrows as he told me good night. After waiting for me to lock the front door, he blew me a kiss through the window before he strolled off to his truck and waved out the window as he pulled away. I stood there like a dope, wishing with every cell of my being that we were having a sleeping over. My heart’s desire wanted him to return and tenderize my ass, telling me what a naughty girl I was for refusing his intentions to live with me, and making me moan into the mattress until I couldn’t help but wiggle in frustration.

  I mean, what the ever-loving frack? My chest cavity seemed made of lead, hanging heavy from my shoulders. I missed him. I missed him, and he was just here. With my back against the door, I slid down it to place my stupid butterfly-print fanny on the floor, calling Toby over to lay his head in my lap while fat tears spilled over my cheeks and onto my date dress. I spent a restless night in my bed alone, tossing on the mattress and wishing Aiden slept beside me under the covers.


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