A Lady's Passion Knows No Distance: A Historical Regency Romance Book

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A Lady's Passion Knows No Distance: A Historical Regency Romance Book Page 12

by Henrietta Harding

  “I only ask so that I might inquire if you have a dance partner as of yet,” the man replied, coming closer so he could be seen easier in the candlelight. Though he wore a mask and was mostly hidden from sight, Caroline reasoned that this man was rather handsome. Though, his blonde hair was rather short, quite unlike the common longer styles that gentlemen tended to wear these days.

  “I’d be delight to dance with you,” Caroline replied as she curtsied. The man extended his black leather-gloved hand to hers, and she placed her hand carefully in his, feeling a warmness there that she often didn’t feel with a dance partner. Slowly, he led her back through the gardens towards the dance hall, where music emanated and filled the night air.

  “Since it is forbidden for us to exchange names till the revealing tonight, why don’t you tell me something about yourself?” the man offered.

  Caroline smiled, thinking he was trying to be clever. “And how will you determine if I am telling the truth or not?” she asked.

  “I suppose I will simply have to trust you. After all, I have to put some faith in my dance partner,” he replied.

  “Very well. I’m a daughter of an Earl. I’m attending this function with a close friend of mine. I’m staying with her parents for a week before my own meet me in town,” Caroline said. Her words were plain enough that she was certain this man would not be able to guess at her identity.

  “How interesting. I found you not only without your friend, but without an escort. Are you to tell me you quite scandalous, my lady?” he asked, a chuckle rumbling in his chest that Caroline could feel in her own being. It sent a warm sensation through her body that she didn’t quite recognize.

  “I see no harm with being frank with you, kind sir, because we are doubtful unlikely ever to meet again. Therefore, I shall admit to you and only you that I can be quite scandalous sometimes. I’m what every man dreads in a potential wife. Headstrong, stubborn, opinionated, and sometimes willing to take a risk for my own pleasure,” Caroline said, trying to contain her mirth. It was quite fun to confess these things to a complete stranger when they wouldn’t ever know who she really was.

  “My word, you are quite peculiar. I don’t think many young ladies would ever admit to such a thing and still be able to walk with pride in their steps as you do now,” he replied. “I like to think I’m quite fortunate to have discovered you before another man had the chance. I tend to be quite lucky, you know.”

  “Is that true? And what makes you think you are a lucky man?” she asked, intrigued that this gentleman hadn’t abandoned her upon hearing about her true nature but had instead continued to engage with her.

  “Out of all the eligible young ladies this evening who are willing to dance, it was you who I discovered. And since you are unlike any woman I have ever met before, I am certain to be the luckiest man in the room,” he said in such seriousness that Caroline almost didn’t believe his words.

  But as he looked down at her while they walked the remaining distance from the gardens to the veranda outside the dance hall, she stared into his eyes and felt he meant every single word he’d just said. His admiration caused her to grow silent as she thought how nice it would have been if Lord Canton was more like this man than the beast he actually was. Then, she wouldn’t be so frightened to marry him.

  Caroline and this mysterious man soon joined the other dancers in the first set. She saw Gwendolen dancing gracefully with the foreigner, and she could tell that she was instantly smitten as her eyes never left his. As she entered the dance with her partner, she soon learned that this man was not only witty and charming, but also a fantastic dancer.

  His hands supported her with the right grip and in the best places to encourage her steps throughout the set. Never before had she danced with such grace because for once she had an excellent dance partner.

  “You are absolutely stunning,” he whispered in her ear as the dance brought them close together. “I could see signs of your beauty in the garden, but now, before all the candlelight, your radiance shows brightly.”

  Caroline blushed deeply, thinking she hadn’t heard such kind words in years. Never ever since…

  She did her best to push those memories out of her mind. For the first time since that dreadful night, she was actually enjoying herself in the company of another man. It was all just flirting, but there was something about the way he spoke with confidence that made her think that perhaps he was telling the truth.

  “I suppose you don’t look so bad yourself,” Caroline replied with a smirk. He laughed, and the rich sound that emanated from his being filled Caroline with pleasurable shivers. She certainly liked to hear his laugh.

  “I’m pleased to hear that you find me at least tolerable,” he replied, the dance steps taking them apart for a moment till they were back together.

  For the entire set, they danced together without growing fatigued, laughing and flirting with one another. Every time their hands came together, she thought how lovely it would be to feel his hands on other parts of her body.

  Never before had she ever had these thoughts and wondered what was happening to her. What kind of spell was this man weaving around her? How would she ever be able to leave him when the dance came to an end?

  When the music came to an end, Caroline was sad that it was already time for the dance to be finished. She had enjoyed her time with this masked fellow and could easily see herself spending the evening with him. But as she curtsied to him, Gwendolen was quick to find her way through the dancers to reach her. Caroline greeted her friend, and when she went to introduce her to her dance partner, he was already gone.

  “Did you see me dancing?” Gwendolen asked as Caroline tried to look around quickly for her dance partner.

  “I sure did. You looked splendid and seemed to really be enjoying yourself,” Caroline said as she turned her eyes back on Gwendolen.

  “Oh, was I,” Gwendolen said happily. “And my dance partner has asked to remain close to me for the remainder of the evening. I’m off now to introduce him to my parents.”

  “Then I shall join you,” Caroline said with a smile. “For Lady Murphy will want to see us together and I want to see your parent’s reaction when you introduce them to a foreigner.”

  They giggled together before Gwendolen asked, “What about your dance partner? You two seemed rather fond of each other.”

  “Yes, I would admit that it was rather enjoyable. But he seems to have disappeared already,” Caroline said as she looked around once more but couldn’t see the pirate all dressed in black.

  “Well, the night it still young. You’re bound to meet again before the night is through. The dinner buffet hasn’t even begun yet.”

  Caroline, thankful for Gwendolen’s hopefulness, followed her back to her dance partner where they were introduced, then the trio found Lord and Lady Murphy lounging not far from the dancers. Caroline sat down as she watched the introduction, looking closely at Gwendolen’s parents’ faces to gauge their reaction. They seemed cordial enough as they learned the man’s name and his reason for being in town.

  “My name is Lord Sergio from Spain. My fortunes are in merchant ships and I have come to London to oversee one of my investments personally. This evening’s festivities are a way for me to relax from all of my hard work,” the man said as a way of introduction.

  “Would you care to sit with me, Lord Sergio, and share with me your trade secrets? I am always looking for new ways to invest,” Lord Murphy encouraged, gesturing to the chair beside him. The Spaniard obliged the Earl, allowing Gwendolen to come sit beside Caroline and speak quietly about the man while the gentlemen talked.

  “Have you ever seen such a specimen of a man?” Gwendolen said with a light giggle on her lips. “He’s so handsome.” Caroline thought about her last dance partner and reasoned they were both very handsome. Though she decided to keep those thoughts to herself.

  “You are very fortunate, Gwendolen. You’ve not only danced with one of the most handsome
men in the room, but he is also quick to speak with your father on matters of business. I think the two of you will have ample opportunity to become acquainted with one another if things continue to progress so nicely.”

  “Wouldn’t that be wonderful?” Gwendolen said in a dreamy voice. “I shall discover in this night if this man would make a good husband for me.”

  “And what about Sir Roberts? It is clear that this Spaniard is not him.”

  Gwendolen shooed at Caroline with her hand. “Sir Roberts no longer concerns me. I am happy with the man who has discovered me,” she replied.

  Caroline smiled, thinking that was a good thing for Gwendolen when an amiable gentleman seemed to be right in front of her. Caroline noticed the way that Lord Sergio did look towards Gwendolen from time to time, making her think that the man was taken with Gwendolen as well.

  As the second set began, and Caroline, having not been asked to dance by another gentleman, wandered through the dance hall and made her way out into the gardens once more. It was easier to breathe amongst the open night air, and she dearly loved seeing the gardens decorated so. Around every corner, she could hear the whispers and sounds of lovers. Caroline always made sure to steer clear of anyone she did hear so as not to intrude upon their special moment.

  Caroline came to a halt as she spotted her dance partner sitting upon a stone bench before the central fountain. She stood still a moment, watching him to see if he was alone. He seemed to be looking into the water and thinking deeply about something by the way his eyes did not move from the fountain. Eventually, she gathered her courage and approached him, even though she was an engaged woman.

  Chapter 14

  “You don’t seem like the type who would enjoy one’s own company,” she remarked as she approached, causing him to stir and look up at her. A smile crossed his face as he seemed to recognize her. He even moved over on the stone bench, offering her a spot to sit.

  “You are correct. I do enjoy the company of others. Would you care to join me so that I might not be so lonely?” he asked.

  “I would be delighted. Then, we could keep each other company,” she said as she sat beside him, thinking this wasn’t too improper. After all, she might as well be considered a married woman now.

  “So, why are you not dancing?” he asked after a moment of listening to nothing but the water splashing against itself.

  “I was not asked to dance, therefore I took to the gardens once more. My dear friend has been wooed by a Spaniard and her mother is quite trusting of my good character,” Caroline explained.

  “Do you love to dance?”

  “I do enjoy dancing, but never before have I enjoyed it so much as I did with you,” Caroline admitted, turning her head to look at him and finding him already watching her. She couldn’t help but blush and smile at him.

  “I’m glad I could have been of a good service to you,” he said. “I’ve been out to sea for well over a year and haven’t had much practice. I can easily agree you have been by far my favourite dance partner of all time.”

  Caroline laughed, thinking that he was praising her too much. “I’m sorry for laughing, but it is hard for me to believe that I dance that well.”

  “Never apologizing for laughing. You have a beautiful laugh that anyone could easily grow to love.”

  Caroline looked at him once more, thinking this was the most interesting man she’d ever met. He was quick to compliment her and didn’t seem afraid to do so. She was curious about his business and why he had been sailing.

  “What took you out to sea for so long?” she asked.

  “I joined the Royal Navy a while back, wanting to create a better name for myself than what I had been born with. Never in my wildest dreams could I have ever imagined what would happen during my journeys. There were more pirate ships than I thought possible and our days seemed to be spent facing one battle at sea after another and another.”

  Caroline listened to him talk, thinking that was the most dreadful thing she’d ever heard. She couldn’t imagine what that must have been like or what type of man it took to endure such days.

  “Did you gain what you were hoping for by joining the Navy?” she asked.

  “I did, sure enough,” he admitted with a smirk.

  “Then I suppose I could guess rather easily at your name,” Caroline said as she leaned in close to him. “You must be Sir Roberts, the man everyone is talking about.”

  The masked man smiled at her as he nodded his head. “I suppose it is too hard to hide my identity these days. A simple description of my past few years, and everyone seems to already know who I am,” Sir Roberts explained. “I went chasing after a way to improve myself in society and ended up being knighted.”

  “You must be very proud of your accomplishments,” Caroline mused.

  “I am grateful what the King did for me, yet, all this fame and fortune has come at a price. I served alongside many great men who are not with me today,” Sir Roberts admitted. “I wish to honour them in my own way one day.”

  “And how do you suppose you’ll do that?” Caroline wondered.

  “Well, I suppose I should marry and have a litter of children. I shall name them all after the sailors I do truly miss,” Sir Roberts said, causing Caroline to laugh.

  “And what would you do if you were to sire all girls?”

  “I’m afraid then that my daughters will become rather cross with me once they are old enough to realize their names are rather masculine in nature.” His statement only made Caroline laugh more, and when her mirth had subsided, she realized she hadn’t laughed this much in a very long time. Though her dear friend Gwendolen was always quick to say something funny, Sir Roberts’ wit was far superior.

  “So, is that why you have come to the ball tonight? To find yourself a wife so you may have these children and honour your fellow sailors?” Caroline asked.

  “It was part of my design, yes. But there is only one particular person that I am interested in at this time,” he explained. Caroline quieted upon hearing this, knowing that the person couldn’t possibly be her. After all, she was no engaged. And before this moment, Lord Canton had done well to steer any gentlemen interested in her far away.

  “Then it seems I should leave you so you can find this woman,” Caroline said in a shy voice as she rose and went to leave.

  “How do you know it’s not you that I’ve designed to meet?” Sir Roberts said, causing her to pause in her retreat. She turned and watched as he stood, coming close to her. Her breath caught in her lungs and for a moment she wondered if she could fall in love with a man like this.

  “I suppose since you have already revealed your identity, that I should do so as well,” Caroline said in a clam voice. At least, she was trying to remain calm. “My name is Miss Caroline Goldman. I’m the daughter of Lord Goldman and have been recently engaged to Lord Canton.”

  “That much I did read in the papers,” he said with a shrug.

  “So, you already knew who I was?” Caroline asked, surprised. She’d never met this man before in her life and wondered why he was so drawn to her.

  “I would never forget the sound of your voice,” he said.

  “But when have we…” Caroline was speaking when her name rang out in the gardens. She heard Gwendolen calling after her and wondered if the dinner had begun. She turned from Sir Roberts, hoping to spot Gwendolen and assure her that she was well. And just when she was certain she could find her way to her friend, she turned quickly to finish her question to Sir Roberts only discover he had disappeared. Stunned, she looked for him quickly before Gwendolen found her.

  “Dear Lord, Caroline! I’ve been looking for you everywhere,” Gwendolen said upon finding her, sounding quite out of breath. “Dinner has begun, and I wanted to make sure you were well and got something to eat.”


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