A Lady's Passion Knows No Distance: A Historical Regency Romance Book

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A Lady's Passion Knows No Distance: A Historical Regency Romance Book Page 26

by Henrietta Harding

  “Though I greatly agree with you, I believe we both feel strongly about the idea of marrying sooner rather than later,” William admitted. “We feel as though we’ve already lost so much time and would like to make things official as soon as possible.”

  “You should know that Caroline did admit many things to me after the death of her parents,” Lord Murphy said as he leaned back in his chair and folded his arms. William lifted his chin, curious to know what Caroline might have said to the Earl.

  “I had asked her if she’d known you for some time, based on her reaction to seeing you during the wake. She admitted that she had, that you used to be Lord Goldman’s footman in a past life.” William smirked as he nodded his head, feeling it wouldn’t hurt to confess to the truth.

  “I have been in love with Caroline for a very long time. When her father found out about our affections for one another, he forbade me to see her ever again. I had even agreed with Caroline to travel to Scotland to be married. However, Lord Canton had assumed our course of action and stopped us.

  “He paid me a handsome fortune to leave the countryside. I took my father and our dear housekeeper to town, where he was finally able to receive the medical attention he needed. With Lord Canton’s money, I supported risky business ventures and surprisingly got very lucky.”

  “And then you joined the Navy?” Lord Murphy asked.

  “Indeed, I did,” William confirmed with a nod. “I had plenty of fortune, but still needed a good reputation. I sought to find it through the Navy. However, I met a Daniel Roberts instead and was shocked by how similar we did look. We made a deal that I would sail underneath his name so that he could stay in town and be with his dying father. I agreed and in turn made the Roberts name very famous.”

  “And is the real Daniel Roberts still alive?”

  “Yes, he is. However, now he sails underneath my birth name of William Ryan. He only wishes to sail the rest of his days and has no need of fame and fortune.”

  “Let’s hope not,” Lord Murphy said with a deep sigh. “For if the Ton discovered your real nature, they would tear your reputation to pieces.”

  “I would not risk so much if I was not certain of my future, Lord Murphy,” William said with every conviction of his soul. “I plan to marry Miss Caroline and offer her everything I couldn’t as a footman. She deserves to be loved and cherished the rest of her days and for as long as I shall live. I never want to see her cry again in sorrow.”

  Lord Murphy raised his hand then and rubbed his chin, appearing to be thinking long and hard about William’s words. But when a smirk came upon his lips, William was no longer worried and sighed heavily with relief.

  “I will hold you to your words, Sir Roberts. And if at any time I feel that Miss Caroline is not being taken well care of, I will ruin you completely and open my home to her once more,” Lord Murphy finally said.

  William couldn’t help but chuckle as he reached across the table and shook the man’s hand. “I will always be mindful of your words, Lord Murphy. I don’t take you as a man who says anything lightly.”

  “Indeed, I don’t, young man. Now, let’s move on to the dining room. I am famished,” Lord Murphy said as he stood and led the way to the dining room. William was at least grateful that their conversation had gone well. He was excited to tell Caroline the good news about Lord Murphy approving their match. As he waited for Caroline to recover once more for visitors, he looked forward to writing his father to give him all the details about the recent events. There was certainly a large amount to write about.


  William didn’t get the opportunity to speak to Caroline once more till the following day. After eating a hearty breakfast at the tavern, he returned to Lord Murphy’s estate once more to pay Caroline a visit. Lord Sergio joined him, of course, saying that he had plans to take Miss Gwendolen on a picnic that afternoon.

  William couldn’t help but rib the man a little as he said, “You will soon be longing to return to England not for business, but for personal matters.”

  Lord Sergio laughed along with him as he nodded his head. “I have become very much attached to Miss Gwendolen. I shall be saddened when my time to go does come.”

  “Surely you can plot a return trip shortly after returning home to Spain?”

  “Ah, we shall see. I must know how my family is doing first. The post takes so very long from Spain, if it even does arrive. I must return to them,” Lord Sergio admitted with a sorrowful voice.

  “You’re a good man, Lord Sergio. I am confident that you will discover what to do once you’ve returned home.” William wanted to encourage the man because he could easily see the attachment between the two when he did see them together in the evenings, talking quietly together in the drawing room.

  Upon arrival at the coastal estate, William and Lord Sergio were warmly welcomed by Lord and Lady Murphy. Then, William was shown up to Caroline’s bedchamber, where the door remained open and her lady’s maid stood right outside the door as a way to give Caroline a chaperone.

  As William entered the room, he saw Caroline sitting in bed once more, though she looked well rested and had a happy smile upon her face. Her long brown hair had been freshly combed and she appeared as though an angel would.

  “You are looking well today,” William said as he rounded the bed and came to place a kiss upon her forehead just as he’d done the day before. Then, he settled down on the edge of the bed where he then took her hands in his.

  “I am feeling better today, if not still sore. I have ideas to talk a walk out to the veranda, but my lady’s maid is insistent that I continue to rest,” Caroline told him with a chuckle.

  “I am sure she is only worried about your care. There is no shame in resting,” William encouraged.

  “Yes, but I long to sit in the sun and look out over the ocean. I don’t like the idea of being in this room for very long,” Caroline said, her voice becoming very soft as she spoke.

  “Are you afraid?” William carefully asked. Caroline nodded, turning her head away from him. William reached out his hand and guided her head back towards him so that he could look into her beautiful eyes.

  “You need not feel afraid any longer, my love. Lord Canton can’t harm you anymore.”

  “Even though I know that, I am still afraid. I was taken in the night and can’t help but be afraid of something like that happening once more,” Caroline confessed.

  “Then we should talk to Lord Murphy about having you moved to another room. Perhaps a change of scenery would do you some good?”

  “Perhaps,” Caroline reasoned as she raised her hand and rested it on the side of his face. William leaned into her touch, closing his eyes for a moment as he simply enjoyed her presence.

  “I’ve spoken to Lord Murphy about us marrying. He has approved the match, yet suggests that we wait till the end of summer to make the announcement of our engagement,” William said as he opened his eyes once more.

  “I am glad that he approves,” Caroline said with a wide smile. “I long to be your wife, William. All these years, my longing has not changed.”

  “I do greatly agree, my dear. I would take you to a priest this morning if you were well enough to walk down the aisle with me. And though we are both eager, I believe there is much truth in Lord Murphy’s advice,” he said.

  “William, people are going to talk no matter if we wait or not. My marrying the man that slayed my last fiancé is bound to get tongues wagging nonetheless,” Caroline said, her voice becoming stern. William smirked, knowing how stubborn she could be. Her strong desire was just one of the many things that William loved about her.

  “It does not need to be decided right at this moment. This morning I did post a letter to my father to explain all that has happened. It won’t be long before the articles on Lord Canton are published, along with the names of the other lords that have hired pirates to do their evil biding,” William explained. “We have some time.”

  “In that case,
I shall simply enjoy your company. Will you soon return to town?”

  “Not unless my father sends for me. I am finding this neighbourhood rather refreshing,” William said, wishing he could be alone with Caroline for some time. His passion and desire for her was rising and he longed to feast upon her body once more.

  “I take comfort in knowing you’ll be staying close by,” Caroline admitted.

  “And once you are well enough, I shall take you down to the beach once more,” William said with a wink, making her laugh openly. Once her mirth had subsided, William leaned down and captured her lips with his. They both relaxed as William kissed her gently. He was pleasantly surprised when she used her tongue to parts their lips, their tongues coming together as William laced his fingers with her hair, loving the feeling of holding her once more.

  Knowing that her lady’s maid was right outside the door, William didn’t indulge himself for very long. He didn’t want them to be discovered in case he’d be restricted from seeing her until they were married. Yet, as he broke their kiss, he felt how breathless they both were from that simple kiss, their cheeks flushed red with desire.

  “I will go and speak to Lord Murphy about having you moved to another bedchamber. Then, perhaps I can help you down to the veranda so that we may both sit in the sun for some time,” William said after a while.

  “I would like that very much,” Caroline replied with a bright smile.

  After giving her one last kiss upon her lips, William made his way downstairs to speak to Lord Murphy about the situation. He readily agreed, wishing he had first thought about the idea. And as Caroline’s things were moved to her new room, William helped her down the stairs and to the veranda where they did sit in the sun till the afternoon meal.

  Chapter 30

  Despite how much they were all enjoying the warm summer days on the coast, eventually things changed. When it came time for Lord Sergio to return to town, Lord Murphy hosted a large feast for the man, hoping the Spaniard would come and visit England once more.

  Caroline was pleased to see that Lord Murphy approved of the man, since she understood how strong the feelings were between him and Gwendolen. So much so that when Lord Sergio and William left the house that night, Gwendolen quickly retired to her bedchamber with tears in her eyes.

  “I shall go see to her,” Lady Murphy had said. Caroline felt dearly for her friend, hoping that in the following weeks she could bring some sort of joy to her life once more like she had done for her.

  As they all returned to town at the end of the summer months, having thoroughly enjoyed the sun and the warm weather, Caroline knew she had a lot of plans to make. She had her reputation to recover, which Lord Murphy was quick to help her do. Caroline attended different charitable functions with the Murphys, willing to spend her dowry money to help others. The news articles about her efforts around town certainly seemed to cushion the news for when her engagement to Sir Roberts was finally announced in the papers.

  “I wonder how many hearts were broken due to the announcement?” William had teased one night as they dined at his townhouse with his father and ‘grandmother.’

  “Why? Were many young ladies smitten with you?” Caroline asked in return.

  “I’m certain there were at least a few,” William said with his head raised high, causing everyone to laugh openly at such a remark.

  “Well, it is of no matter now. We shall soon be married and perhaps may become the envy of town.”

  “I greatly agree,” Gwendolen spoke up. “Your wedding dress is going to be so spectacular that the Ton will be discussing the design for weeks.”

  “Shush now, Miss Gwendolen. I don’t want Sir Roberts to know anything of my gown,” Caroline retorted.

  Though Gwendolen was clearly saddened with Lord Sergio’s departure back to Spain, she seemed to cheer up as Caroline incorporated her opinion and help into the wedding plans. Since William was pleased to simply be married, he had left the plans up to the women. In turn, they had planned a magnificent reception at the townhouse, the wedding itself becoming the topic of all their discussions.

  More than anything, Caroline was ready to be with William. She desired to lay with him again as his wife. And though there were times when they could have found private time to be together, their heated kisses causing their bodies to yearn for something more, they had both decided to wait till they were officially married.

  The night before the wedding, Caroline stood outside in the gardens with William at Lord Murphy’s townhouse. He would be leaving shortly, and Caroline knew she needed to get some rest for the big day tomorrow. But for now, she held William’s hand as they both stared up at the stars above, the night becoming cooler as summer gave way to fall.

  “This time tomorrow, you shall be with me at my townhouse,” William said.

  “I look forward to it,” Caroline replied, leaning her head on his shoulder.

  “I have longed for this moment for so long that it almost feels like a dream that it’s actually happening now.”

  “I’m sure it will feel more real when I am in your bed tomorrow night,” Caroline told him with a chuckle.

  “I suppose you are correct,” William said as he leaned down towards her and placed a kiss on her head. “Yet, for now, let us retire for the night so that tomorrow might come sooner.”

  “If only my parents were here to see how happy I am,” Caroline mused as she allowed William to lead her by the arm back inside.

  “I’m confident they can see you well enough, Caroline. They are no doubt looking down on you from heaven.”

  “Thank you, William. That was certainly what I needed to hear tonight. After everything we’ve been through, I like to think that they are still with me.”

  “As long as you hold them in your memory, Caroline, they will be. All the monsters of our past have been laid to rest, and now we can look forward to the rest of our lives together, as we should have always been.”

  “I love you, William,” Caroline said as they paused at the open door.

  “And I love you, too, Caroline.”


  Butterflies were swarming in Caroline’s stomach as she readied the next day. Gwendolen sat with her in her bedchamber as her lady’s maid helped her into her wedding gown and teased her hair into long curls that she then pinned to the top of her head. Caroline couldn’t stop smiling as she watched herself be transformed in front of the looking glass.

  “You were not kidding, Gwendolen. This is the finest wedding gown I have ever seen,” Caroline said as she moved in front of the reflective glass to see all the details. The gown was rather fitted, with a lacy bodice that gave way to layers of silk. Though it was detailed with pearls and embroidered lace, it did not weigh very much.

  “I pride myself on being able to spot good fashion, my dear. When we went to have the seamstress design your unique gown, I was not willing to let the older woman change my mind. I knew this design would suit your body perfectly,” Gwendolen said proudly.

  “I can’t wait to see Sir Roberts’ expression when he does see me,” Caroline said as she tilted her head from side to side to get a good view of her magnificent hairdo.

  “He will look at you with those hungry eyes that men get when they want to be alone with their wives,” Gwendolen said, causing them all to laugh openly, to include the maids.

  “Hush now, Gwendolen. Let us not discuss such things. There is a wedding to perform first,” Caroline said as she sat and allowed her lady’s maid to place the veil comb into her hair before folding the front part of it over her face.

  “You are truly a vision, Caroline. I can’t wait for the Ton to see you,” Gwendolen said as she stood and moved closer to Caroline. In turn, Caroline looked up at her through the veil, smiling at her friend.


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