Succubus Rescue (The Accidental Necromancer Book 3)

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Succubus Rescue (The Accidental Necromancer Book 3) Page 12

by JG Jerome

  “Yes, Lord.”

  “Mica, who is this?” I ask. I keep my eyes locked on the elven girl’s face.

  “Her name is Chiara, Lord. She is the Chief Healer’s daughter, and she recently was promoted from Apprentice to Initiate in her service to the Court Magician. She passed her thirtieth birthday just before we arrived on your plane, so she is a fully emancipated adult.”

  I nod. “Thank you, Mica. Why did you not tell me about her before?”

  Mica responds, “Lord, you asked about those remaining. She had already left with the healers. I didn’t even notice since she apparently threw a glamour to make herself appear to be wearing a healer’s uniform. No one bothers with glamour inside the stronghold, so I didn’t think to look for it. Please accept my apologies. I welcome whatever punishment you think is fitting, Lord. I was wrong.”

  “Mica, if I punish you for every little mistake you make, how likely are you to learn?” I ask.

  T’os interjects, “It is our way, Lord. Honestly, you can try to withhold punishment, but we are so used to being punished for every infraction, some of us may not think you are serious.”

  I turn to my elven zombie. “Lara, what do you think?”

  She walks up and takes my left hand before she looks up at me. “I fear Master T’os is correct, Lord. You’re not going to be able to give them all the same personal attention you gave to me. Even I have a hard time believing a human could treat me as well as you do and ask so little of me in return.”

  I sigh as I look up at her. “Well, I guess we can try it my way, and then make examples if that doesn’t work. Maybe let Clarice practice her whip on them.”

  Clarice says, “Daddy, I’m pretty sure that would only need to happen once. Remember how I destroyed Valya’s face with one stroke?”

  I nod my head at Clarice’s theater. The elves start muttering among themselves. Apparently the ones that understand are translating for their neighbors. I respond, “It’s too bad you left it at home.”

  Before I turn back to Mica, she says, “It’s in the truck, Daddy. I didn’t want to scare the elves.”

  I smile at her. “That’s very kind, my girl.”

  I turn to Mica, “Learn from your mistake, Mica. Always tell the truth. If I don’t like the truth, that is my problem. Oversharing should be your default reporting style. I’ll tell you to summarize if that’s what I need at the time. We will learn each other better over time, Mica.”

  “Yes, Lord,” Mica responds.

  “So, Mica. Should I forgive, punish, or kill Chiara? She has worked to actively deceive us, she tried to kill one of my wives. Why should I trust her?”

  Mica is overwhelmed with the responsibility. He squirms in place with the attention as he considers his response. “Lord, I am not qualified to decide her fate. What I can tell you is that she is not a nice person. She terrorized all of her peers among the apprentices, she is rude and demeaning to anyone she perceives to have no power. T’os was responsible for a significant amount of her tutoring, but she barely tolerated him as a teacher. After she passed her lessons with him, she was rude to him. I would recommend you observe her behavior and make up your mind.”

  I look down at the wounded elf. “Okay, Chiara. Despite your apparent bitchy behavior, Mica isn’t willing to have me kill you. So, let’s see what we can do about getting you healed.”

  I look at Leonore. “There’s no exit wound. Do you have instruments to extract projectiles, or should I just cut her wide open and then use healing energy to close everything up?”

  As Leonore’s shock lessens, she calls out in Elvish to one of her people. A middle-aged woman brings a bag over to Leonore. She pulls out a dark fist-sized stone and a long, thin, plier-looking instrument; I think they’re called ‘forceps.’

  Leonore tells me, “Cut open her robe to bare her abdomen.”

  I pull out my clip knife and snap it open. I reach for the garment when Chiara barks, “No!” Then she releases a stream of Elvish. I don’t understand a word, but I can tell I’m not going to like it.

  I pull my pistol and put it in her mouth. She reaches for my arm and I flood her hand with entropy energy as she makes contact. I watch as her hand shrivels before I wave everyone off the line from her head. Then I twist the barrel to point out her mouth through her cheek and pull the trigger.

  I pull the gun from Chiara’s bleeding mouth and press the barrel to Leonore’s forehead.

  I call out, “Jack! Warren! Do you have a pig sty or chicken coop Chiara could sleep in tonight? I think she needs a lesson in manners.”

  I feel energy building in Chiara, so I pull her soul out. The energy dissipates, and I slam Chiara’s soul back into her battered body. She gasps as her soul lights her body back up.

  I tell her, “Seriously, Chiara. You need to grow up. You will do so in the next 24 hours or I will make an example of you that will break your mother’s heart. I like your mother. She seems to be a caring person. You will grow to be like her rapidly, or the next time I pull your soul out I will turn your body to dust.”

  I holster my pistol and address the Elven healer. “Leonore, I respect that you want to protect your daughter, but I will not put up with this kind of behavior. Not from your daughter. Not from anyone else. Valya used up my last bit of patience I have with the elven people, and we have more than enough human assholes to start importing elven ones. Am I clear?”

  Leonore bows her head and tears run down her worn cheeks. “Yes, Lord.”

  I hand her my handkerchief. “Dry your eyes, Leonore. She’ll survive this and heal. Whether I let her survive after that is entirely up to her.”

  Leonore dabs her eyes dry. “Yes, Lord.”

  I tell her, “If I think I need to make an example, I can keep killing her and raising her indefinitely. I honestly could use the practice.” Leonore returns my handkerchief and nods quietly.

  I look down at Chiara. “Your fate is in your hands. You can start acting like an adult, or I can keep killing you and raising you until your soul is so tired it won’t be able to make it to the Summerlands. Clear?”

  She nods vigorously. I cock an eyebrow at her, and she mutters, “Yssss, Lo...” Missing a third of your teeth probably makes it hard to speak.

  Jack says, “Chicken coop. Our pigs have the run of a pasture.”

  I nod. “Okay. Chiara, I hope you like chickens. I don’t recommend eating the eggs. It could infect the mouth wound. Sit as carefully as you can. Don’t play in the chicken shit. Don’t pet the chickens. You will have drinking water and a bucket for a toilet.”

  I pick her up gently in a bridal carry. Jack leads me to the chicken coop, and Warren meets us there with a bale of straw. He puts the straw in the corner of the coop with the least amount of chicken shit, and I set Chiara on the bale.

  I kneel down in front of her, and I dry her tears with my handkerchief. “Spend the night figuring out how you can contribute to your community and this world. Things are going to get ugly. You can help resolve this peacefully with minimum loss of life, or you can be another casualty. I would prefer having your help to having your death on my conscience, too. Tomorrow, I’m going to heal you, and then you will tell me what you want to do.”

  Warren brings in a gallon jug of water. He opens it and demonstrates how to open and close. “Hello, little one,” he says. Then he speaks to her in Elvish. She nods and sobs. He pats her shoulder and leaves. Jack follows him.

  I stand and turn when Chiara speaks. “Lor…” I turn to face her. “Ki’ mee. ‘leez.”

  “No, Chiara. I will not kill you. We humans have a concept called ‘hell,’ eternal punishment in the afterlife. There are a variety of opinions of what that is. The one that scares me the most is revisiting all the evil you did in your life and feeling the impact of those choices repeatedly - forever. You are in hell right now, but I’m going to pull you out in less than a full day.” I return to kneel in front of her, cupping her undamaged cheek in my hand. I tell her fiercely. “Learn,
Chiara! Learn!” I caress her shoulder and walk out of the chicken coop and out the enclosure.

  Warren says, “You really fucked her up. She’s broken.”

  I nod morosely. “Yeah. I just hope it pays off. Please keep an eye on her, Warren. I really don’t want to lose her. As a magician, she has value to the community. Plus, I’ve killed enough elves that I’d prefer not find myself in a position to do it again.”

  “She’ll come around,” Warren says. “Now what?”

  “Do we have bunks set up for everyone?” I ask.

  “Yes. I’ve got a cauldron of chicken and rice ready. I loaded it heavily with butter and herbs, and that should hold them until late-morning.”

  Jack adds, “I’ve got Darcie coordinating with Rebecca to see about getting out here to cook pancakes, but we need to hit Costco first.”

  I nod. “Okay. Let’s go tell the kids the plan.”

  I walk back to the barn to find Marissa, Josie, Carla, and Clarice gathered around Leonore. I pull Marissa into a hug and squeeze her. “Are you doing okay, beloved? I hated leaving you after that.”

  Marissa turns her head over her shoulder and kisses me warmly. “I’m fine, Will. She scared the shit out of me, but I knew that one way or another, I’d be here kissing you at the end of it all. My sisters and our daughter comforted me. We’ve been talking to Leonore, telling her what kind of man you are and explaining why we love you. I think she’s relaxing a bit.”

  I release Marissa and address Leonore. “We hug to comfort each other, Leonore. If you won’t hug me, or another human, find someone you can trust.”

  She nods and sobs, turning her head away. Then she looks back at me and slowly steps closer. I hug her tiny body close and caress her back.

  “She will come through on the other side of this a better person. Warren will keep an eye on her. If she takes a turn for the worse, just keep her alive. Worst case, I capture her soul and build her a new body. She will survive,” I tell the Chief Healer.

  “Thank you, Lord. I never expected to have a child, and I have been a terrible parent. But I love her. Please save her,” the petite matron begs.

  “She will survive and be healed, Leonore. After that, she is an adult. She will have to make her choices and live with the consequences,” I tell her. “Now, you have one hundred twenty other people that need you to lead them. Will you?”

  She nods into my sternum. “Of course, Lord.”

  “Let’s get everyone together, and I’ll share the immediate plan. I’m going to let everyone know you are in charge. You answer to Warren,” I explain.

  Leonore nods before walking off to call everyone together. I lay out the plan for feeding them all tonight and then again late tomorrow morning. I tell them we will get them each a couple of basic changes of clothes over the next couple of days as we come up with a longer term plan. I tell them I’m leaving Leonore in charge of them all, and that she will report to Warren in my absence. I tell them they will all have to find ways to contribute and encourage them to think about what they would like to do. Leonore translates what I say into Elvish nearly simultaneously.

  I wish them all a good night.

  I check with Warren, and he assures me that he can get them all involved to help themselves. Plates and utensils will be a problem, but he has enough disposable stock on hand for one meal. He asks about giving Chiara a blanket, and I agree readily. I hand him the second gold plate I pulled from the treasury.

  “This is to help defray the costs, Warren. Do you have a way to cash it out? Otherwise I can get you cash,” I tell him.

  “This is fine, Will. I’ll just use operating cash for now, but I know someone that can get me a top exchange rate for this,” he assures me.

  “As long as it’s not Bernadette,” I tell him.

  He shakes his head. “I’ve heard of her, but sadly I’ve never had the pleasure of meeting her. Go get some sleep, Will. I’ve got this.”

  I ask Lara to stay with the elves until I come back, and she agrees. She plans to circulate among them to gain their trust and ‘spread the gospel of Lord William’ - her words, not mine.

  I wish Warren and Lara both a good night and promise to be back tomorrow afternoon. I make a point of also wishing good night to Mica and T’os.

  Marissa has Josie drive her home in the Audi. Carla rides with them, and Clarice rides with me. My daughter...that will take some getting used to. My daughter curls up in her seat and falls asleep, holding my hand.

  We arrive home about three o’clock in the morning. I’m expecting to find the ladies in bed, but I hear Rebecca call out as we enter the back door. “We’re in the playroom!”

  The five of us traipse down the stairs into the sub-basement.

  Audrey has a circle scribed on the basement floor. She yawns and wraps me in a hug after I kiss Rebecca hello. I see Erica curled up in a corner asleep on a pile of cushions.

  I ask Audrey after I kiss her. “Are you too tired to do this tonight?”

  She nods. “I’ll do it if you want me to, but I’m toasted. Plus I was drinking earlier. Carla’s been managing a shit ton of imps, and it’s 3am. Please, don’t put it on her. I recommend we get some sleep, and do this as soon as you get back tomorrow.”

  I sigh and run my hand through my hair. Clarice hugs my arm. “Daddy, you’re exhausted too. Waiting until you get back won’t matter, and it might increase your odds of success.”

  I nod, “Maybe Gabrielle will get complacent if we don’t try right away.” I sigh heavily. “Okay. Kisses and hugs, then I need to get to Chicago. It’s already 5am there.”

  I go kiss Erica’s cheek. She squirms and settles back into her cushions.

  I pull Carla into a hug and kiss her like a lover. “You did great tonight, Carla. I’m honored that you did that for me. Thank you.”

  The blond beauty blushes lightly. “You’re very welcome, Mr. James.” She kisses me again and whispers in my ear as she slides away. “Anything for you.”

  Marissa slides in to take Carla’s place. I kiss her passionately and squeeze her to me. “I’m so glad you’re okay, beloved. You were awesome in the battle and incredibly kind during the humanitarian bit despite getting shot. We’ll check you out tomorrow again.”

  She nods, “I’ve got a well woman exam next month, so all my plumbing will get checked out then. I feel great.” I kiss her again, and she slides away.

  Rebecca tells Clarice, “Tell your Daddy goodnight, and I’ll take you to your room, honey.”

  Clarice gives me a tight hug looking up at my face. “Goodnight, Lord William. Thank you so much for becoming my Daddy. If anyone can bring back Mummy, it’s you.” She kisses my cheek and slides away. It didn’t escape me that she used the title she said invokes her desire to bed me.

  Rebecca kisses me and tells me, “Get some rest, Will. You look exhausted. I love you, and I worry you’re not taking care of yourself.” We kiss again, and she leads Clarice up to the basement.

  Audrey cuddles up to me. I ask, “Are you okay, Kitten?”

  She nods into my shoulder. “I was just worried about you. Last time we were in battle, I was there beside you. I like that a lot better.”

  I kiss her hairline. “I agree, Kitten. It was like I was missing an important part of myself without you being there.”

  She kisses me warmly. “I’m just glad you’re alright, Master.”

  I nuzzle her neck and murmur. “We were lucky. We got all our people, even all the imps, out of there safely. That is a major coup. I’ll see you tomorrow, my love.”

  She says, “I can’t wait” as she caresses my head. I hear her yawn.

  I back up and kiss her lips. “Get some sleep, Kitten.” She slides away.

  After a moment, I call out, “Audrey.” I pull my holster, and hand it to her. “Hold onto this for me until I get back, Kitten.”

  “Certainly, my love,” she yawns and marches off to bed.

  I look around and find Josie sitting on the floor against the wal
l. I walk over to her and kneel in front of her. I lean in and kiss her gently. “I love you, Josie.”

  She murmurs, “I love you too, Will.” Otherwise she doesn’t stir. I walk over to the passage on the wall and walk through into my suite in Chicago.

  I strip as soon as I arrive in my suite. I’m pretty wired despite being exhausted, so I grab a relaxing hot shower. I dry my body and towel my hair as I walk into the bedroom.

  As I pull the towel down, I see a familiar blond sitting on the bed in a lotus posture facing the bathroom door. She is wearing her hair wrapped in a bath towel and her black floral ‘wives’ kimono robe.

  I toss the towel back onto the bathroom sink. When I look back at Carla, she is pulling the towel off her hair. She tosses the towel across the room and runs her fingers through her shoulder-length hair as her grey eyes watch me.

  “Did you come to be my teddy bear, Ms. Jackson?”

  She just shakes her head and pulls open the lapels of her robe to let the fabric pool around her hips. She crooks a finger and beckons me closer.

  “Are you sure, Carla?”


  “Aren’t you tired?” I ask.

  “Exhausted. You?” is her response.

  I nod. “Exhausted. I need to sleep.”

  “Can you? I’m wired,” she says.

  I chuckle. “Yeah, me too. That’s why I took a shower.”

  “Yes. Me, too. However, when I felt my soapy hands running over my body, I knew what I really needed,” she explains.

  “What’s that, Carla?”

  “You, William. I need you,” she says quietly. “I love you, William. Please make love to me. I want you to make me your wife.”


  Carla James

  So, we made love.

  I walked up to the bed slowly, and Carla stood on her knees on the edge of the mattress. I slid my arms around her lean, runner’s physique. We kissed and caressed there, and in no time at all my little friend was poking her leg. I eased her down onto the mattress. I started to maneuver my way south, kissing my way down her abdomen. When I reached her vulva, I found her in full bloom. Her trim outer labia were relaxed and her generous inner petals were dewy and full. I licked her from her taint to her clit with a flat tongue, locking eyes with her as I landed at her clit. She threw her head back and moaned as I gave her a couple of licks, but she quickly looked down and grabbed my face in her hands.


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