Are You Alone in the House

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Are You Alone in the House Page 1

by Travis Szablewski








  Reese Taylor stared back into the mirror of the Brantley house bathroom as she ran her fingers through her long brown hair for the tenth time in a row. She could feel the base of a rap song booming against the floor beneath her feet, the party now kicking into full swing just below her on the first floor.

  “Reese, stop! You look amazing!” Riley Taylor said as she closed the bathroom door tightly behind her and walked to Reese’s side. Reese eyed Riley’s yellow sundress. Maybe she should have borrowed that one instead.

  “Easy for you to say, Miss. C-cup,” Reese groaned as she turned to her side, tugging at the loose, hanging neck line of the summer dress that she had borrowed from Riley. “Of course, God gives us the same face but not the same boob size; I could fit a small child in here,” Reese smirked as Riley giggled.

  “Hey, I may have gotten the boobs but at least you got the brains,” Riley smiled as she adjusted her shoulder length brown hair. That was the only way anyone could ever tell them apart; by their hair. Reese with her long locks and Riley with her short, edgy cut. Riley and Reese were only mere seconds apart, and since the day they had been born, they’d been inseparable. Riley toyed with the golden heart shaped locket hanging around her neck. A small keyhole in the center of the heart. Riley never showed her what was inside…not even once; the only secret her sister ever kept from her.

  “Real fair trade,” Reese said as she tossed a coy smile to Riley.

  “Are you ever going to leave this bathroom? Burke is downstairs waiting for you,” Riley teased as she pinched Reese’s arm gently. Reese could feel her cheeks grow warm as she turned to Riley beside her.

  “I’m just…nervous,” Reese said as her smile slowly faded and the butterflies in her stomach began to flutter.

  “About what? Clearly, he likes you; I mean, he did invite you even though he knows parties aren’t your thing,” Riley stated.

  “I know that. We’ve just been dating for a while now. I know he’s expecting tonight to be…the night,” Reese said as her eyes stared down to the floor, her hands shaking at her sides.

  “Reese, listen,” Riley said as she gently grabbed Reese’s arms. “You don’t have to do anything that you don’t want to. Burke is a nice guy; sure, he’s a little…rough around the edges,” Riley smirked as Reese laughed along with her. “But you know that deep down, he would never rush you. And if he did, then I would fucking kill him…well, after ripping his balls off,” Riley added with a sinister smile as Reese busted into laughter. “I know you like to be in control and I know that you want to do things your way, but just trust me on this. Go at your own pace. If he doesn’t like that, then fuck him; you don’t need a guy like that in your life anyway. Just go with the flow,” Riley said as she rubbed Reese’s arms.

  “You were wrong. You got some of the brains, too,” Reese smiled softly as she nodded.

  “Yeah, well I’ve had about three beers, so my speeches are on point right now,” Riley laughed as Reese hugged her tightly. Riley’s arms tightened around her twin sister.

  “Is there anything you want to talk about?” Reese asked as she released Riley and stepped back, her eyes settling on Riley.

  “Why?” Riley asked, confused.

  “Call it a twin thing, but I just feel like something has been bothering you these past few days. I mean, you didn’t go to school yesterday…and I just didn’t know if something was wrong,” Reese said softly. She could sense something was off with Riley. Sure, she was being normal now thanks to the liquor in her system, but before…she was so…distant; quiet. She hadn’t been her usual bubbly self for the last few days. Something was off…and Reese couldn’t quite put her finger on it.

  Riley’s smile slowly faded as she turned from Reese, staring into the mirror. Her hands gripped tightly around the edge of the porcelain sink as her head rose, her eyes staring deep into her reflection looking back at her.

  “I think I…” Riley began as…

  A loud, booming thud came from the wooden bathroom door. Reese jumped in fright as she looked to Riley beside her.

  “We’ll be out in a minute!” Reese yelled as she looked back to her sister beside her. “Go on,” Reese said softly.

  “Forget it. Burke is waiting for you. We can just talk tomorrow,” Riley said as she smiled and gave Reese a playful wink.

  “Cross your heart?” Reese asked as she grabbed Riley’s hands tightly. Riley gently tightened her grip on Reese’s hands as she nodded with her response.

  “And hope to die…”


  Burke Collins and Blake Brantley tossed their shots back simultaneously and slammed them onto the cluttered, messy kitchen island. Burke’s eyes watered as he felt the smooth, potent vodka roll down his throat and into his stomach; the warmth gliding down through his chest and towards his belly. Burke slicked back his long, black hair as he looked to Blake beside him.

  “Where the hell are your parents at?” Burke asked as he wiped his mouth with the sleeve of his leather jacket, the liquor dripping down to his leather biker boots.

  “In Cancun for the whole weekend, man!” Blake smiled widely as he poured two more shots. “Ready up!” Blake yelled as Burke’s eyes scanned the crowded kitchen. Every inch of the house was filled, wall to wall, with their peer from school. This was the party of the year, and every senior at Woodland Falls High wouldn’t dare miss it.

  “No, I am good!” Burke smirked as Blake moved the shot along the marble counter top towards him.

  “Oh, come on! Don’t be a pussy!” Blake begged. “Let loose! Have some fun!” he added as he shoved Burke playfully.

  “Have you seen Reese?” Burke asked as his eyes scanned the crowd, the familiar faces blurring into a mess around him.

  “I think she’s upstairs with Riley. So, give me the goods, man. Are you hitting that tonight or what?” Blake smirked as he threw his shot back, a trickle of the vodka trickling down his chin.

  “Come on, man,” Burke said, his jaw tight as moved the shot glass away from him; the strong, burning smell circled his nostrils as his eyes burned into Blake. “Don’t disrespect her like that,” he added.

  “Burke, just lighten up. You know I’m just jerking your chain. Somebody has to since Reese isn’t,” Blake cackled. Burke then threw his fist forward, punching Blake in the arm. “Dude come on! Chill!” Blake laughed as he rubbed his arm in pain. “It’s a damn joke!”

  “Where’s Quinn?” Burke asked. “I don’t see you worried about your girl with all these drunk dipshits around.”

  “Who the hell cares?” Blake rolled his eyes as he poured himself another shot of the vodka and swayed with the loud music blasting from the living room.

  “Oh, God. What’s going on, now? Are you guys off again? I swear, you both belong on some bad reality dating show,” Burke said, annoyed as he leaned against the kitchen island.

  “I’m breaking up with her is what’s going on,” Blake said in a stern voice as he turned to Burke beside him. Burke’s eyes widened as he moved closer to Blake.

  “Why? What happened?” Burke asked, concerned.

  “I’m just not feeling it anymore. I mean, it’s our senior year. I wanna have all the fun I can. And I mean, with her going to Berkeley and me going to UCLA…it’s bound to end. I just would rather cut the cord now. I don’t want to draw it out,” Blake said as he shrugged softly and his eyes drifted to the floor.

  “Hey, hey, hey!” a soft voice rang out behind them. Burke quickly turned to see Quinn Harmon rush up behind Blake and throw her arms around him.

>   “Oh, hey baby,” Blake smiled as he turned towards her.

  “What are you boys doing over here? Taking shots without me I see,” Quinn said as she pouted her lips and snatched Burke’s shot glass from the counter. Quinn ran her polished hands through Blake’s short blonde faux hawk as he pulled her close to his side, planting a kiss on her cheek.

  “I saved you one,” Burke said as he forced a smile. How could Blake be so calm about this? He was about to break this pour girl’s heart…and here he was, taking shots with his sticky paws all over her. Quinn took the shot and slammed it onto the counter as she tossed her long, blond hair over her shoulder. Quinn was gorgeous…no doubt about it. Burke had his moments where he found himself staring at her for too long. Blake and Quinn were made for each other; the typical quarterback and cheerleader. If a couple as cliché as them couldn’t make it, then who the hell could? Burke slowly turned from them…his eyes scanning the party…searching for the only girl he wanted…the only girl he needed…



  Ethan Harvey stood in the corner as his brainless peers danced in the center of the dark and crowded living room. He wiped his sweaty palms on the front of his black and red plaid shirt and pushed his thick rimmed glasses up the bridge of his nose. He could feel his social anxiety setting in as he wiped the sweat on his forehead beneath his shaggy, brown hair. He shouldn’t have came here. He should have known it would be a waste of time…and braincells. Yes, his friends were here…but the true reason he came here tonight was for one girl. And that’s when he spotted her through the crowd…her short brown hair swaying behind her as she made her way towards the kitchen.


  “Stop it. You’re drooling,” a familiar voice smirked beside him. Ethan jumped, knocked out of his trance, as he turned to see Jessie Tanner beside him.

  “You scared the crap out of me,” Ethan said breathless, his heart beating rapidly in his chest.

  “Nah, I think you’re good,” Jessie giggled as she checked the back of Ethan’s khakis. Jessie took a long sip from the plastic cup in her hand as she followed his gaze…glued on Riley as she made her way towards the kitchen. “Why don’t you just go talk to her?” Jessie asked.

  “Yeah, because that’s so easy,” Ethan said sarcastically as he crossed his arms tightly over his chest.

  “Well, standing in a dark corner like a fucking creep isn’t getting you anywhere, now is it?” Jessie giggled. Ethan looked to Jessie beside him. He had a thing for Jessie years ago. But as always…he was too scared to act…too scared to let the words come to the surface. Rejection was his nemesis…and it taunted him in every single way imaginable. Jessie twirled her long, black hair between two fingers as her eyes locked on their dancing peers ahead. “Do you wanna dance?” Jessie asked with a bright smile.

  “What?” Ethan asked, shocked as his eyes widened and he swallowed hard.

  “I mean, we’re both here alone. Plus, who knows; maybe it will make Riley jealous,” Jessie smiled, her eyes peeking over her cup as she took a sip.

  “I don’t really know how,” Ethan giggled, embarrassed as his cheeks grew rosy.

  “Well then now is your time to learn. Come on,” Jessie grinned as she grabbed his sweaty hand and led him towards the designated dance floor.

  Ethan felt the body heat surround him as he followed Jessie into the center of the crowded living room. Everyone was surrounding them, swaying their bodies…bumping and grinding to the rap song echoing around them. Jessie turned her back towards him…and took his trembling hands.

  “Take my waist,” Jessie smiled as she placed his hands along the waistline of her black ripped jeans. “Closer,” she added. Ethan gulped as he inched closer, his stomach tightly against her back. “Now just sway with the beat…like this,” Jessie said as she moved her hips, right to left…her bottom grinding against him. A small smile formed on Ethan’s face as he followed her lead, swaying this way and that. “There ya go! See! You’ve got moves!” Jessie giggled as she turned around. She rested her arms onto Ethan’s thin shoulders, pulling him in…closer and closer. He stared down at her white tank top, too scared for his eyes to drift any higher.

  Jessie gently lifted her finger to his chin…and raised his face. Their eyes met…as a smile formed on her face. Her long black hair draped her shoulders as she bit her lip. Their bodies moved together…slowly…in sync.

  “Eye contact is important, too,” Jessie laughed. Ethan couldn’t fight it. He struggled to resist. He leaned forward, kissing Jessie on the lips. Jessie quickly stepped back…her eyes wide…staring back at him.

  “What…what are you doing?” Jessie asked softly.

  “I…I…shit,” Ethan snapped as he quickly spun around and dashed through the crowd.

  “Ethan, wait!” Jessie called out. Ethan ignored her calls as he pushed through his peers. He had to get out of here. He felt his whole body burning up…the sweat beading down his spin and gathering beneath his armpits. He pushed through the crowd, yanked the front door open…and stormed off into the darkness.


  Jessie collapsed into a lawn chair outside of the Brantley house. The inground pool was packed; everyone splashing around, beer bottles in their hands. The entire back lawn…a cesspool of raging teenage hormones at their finest. Jessie took a long sip from her plastic cup as Quinn walked up to her side.

  “Is this seat taken?” Quinn asked as she sipped on a beer in her hand.

  “Yes,” Jessie snapped as looked to the lawn chair across from her own. She rose her legs and placed them onto the seat. Quinn smirked with Jessie as she removed her legs, freeing the seat for Quinn. She sat down across from Jessie as her eyes scanned the packed patio around them.

  “God, his parents are going to kill him,” Quinn said as she crossed her legs.

  “Good, then that means he can’t procreate; the world could use a few less Blake’s,” Jessie teased as she picked at the edge of her plastic cup.

  “What’s wrong? You’re only sarcastic when you’re pissed,” Quinn said as she sipped her beer.

  “I’m always sarcastic,” Jessie giggled.

  “Yeah, and you’re always pissed,” Quinn laughed as Jessie smiled.

  “It’s Ethan,” Jessie said as her smile faded.

  “What happened?” Quinn asked as she sat forward in her chair, anxious to hear the latest drama.

  “He kissed me,” Jessie said as her eyes darted up from her cup to Quinn. Quinn’s mouth parted in a shocked smile as she covered her lips.

  “Oh, my God! No fucking way!” Quinn said. “Why? I mean…was it good?”

  “We were dancing…and then it just happened,” Jessie shrugged.

  “OK, was it good?” Quinn asked again, fishing for the gory details.

  “I mean…it was a kiss,” Jessie giggled.

  “What kind of kiss? I mean, was it like how your grandma kisses you?” Quinn continued.

  “No, my grandma doesn’t put her tongue in my mouth, does yours?” Jessie smirked.

  “Holy shit! That’s awesome! I mean…with what you’ve told me…you’ve liked him for a while. This is good, isn’t it?” Quinn asked as she bounced in her seat in excitement.

  “I don’t really know. I mean, I kind of freaked out. I’m just scared,” Jessie said as she looked down at her lap.

  “Of what?” Quinn asked softly.

  “Of ruining our friendship. I mean, me and Ethan have known each other since kindergarten. I’ve always just pushed my feelings aside because our friendship was so great. I didn’t want to risk anything being ruined,” Jessie said as she took a sip from her cup, her leg bouncing up and down nervously.

  “Well, you’ll never know until you try. I mean, wouldn’t you rather know? Don’t spend your life with what ifs. One day, you’ll regret never taking that chance. You can’t fake life, Jessie. If you care about him, tell him. Don’t waste any time. Trust me,” Quinn said as she looked down at her feet.

  “I feel lik
e we’re not talking about me anymore,” Jessie said as her eyes narrowed onto Quinn across from her. Quinn bit her lip nervously. Jessie knew Quinn all too well. She was hiding something…something big.

  “Just tell him how you feel, Jessie. Don’t make the same mistake that I did,” Quinn said as she stood up and walked through the patio door and back into the Brantley house.

  “Just tell him…just say it…” Jessie said as she spoke to herself. She could feel her heart racing inside of her chest as she stood up. She was ready. No more lies. No more hiding. Quinn was right. She couldn’t live a lie. He clearly felt the same. Enough was enough.

  Jessie quickly made her way into the Brantley house as her eyes scanned the chaotic kitchen. She pushed her way through a couple kissing passionately by the island and made her way towards the living room ahead. Jessie rounded the corner…her eyes scanned the dark and crowded living room. She slowly turned…as she heard the quiet moans.

  She turned…to see Riley…kissing Ethan. His hands wrapped tightly around her. Her arms draped along his shoulders as they kissed passionately; sloppy and wet. Both hidden in the dark corner where Ethan once hid. Jessie’s mouth dropped open as she felt her blood boil inside of her.

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” Jessie snapped. Riley and Ethan’s lips parted as they both looked to Jessie standing in front of them.

  “What’s wrong?” Riley asked, breathless.

  “Jessie…” Ethan began.

  Jessie then lunged her cup forward as the beer flew through the air and splattered onto Ethan and Riley.

  “What the fuck? Are you fucking kidding me?” Riley screamed as the beer covered her and Ethan. Jessie turned around, throwing her plastic cup onto the wood floor…as she made her way through the crowd…and out of sight.


  Blake’s right hand cupped Quinn’s breast as he moved his mouth down her neck and towards her chest. He finally got her alone in his bedroom. It was time to make his move. Blake moved closer to her, both sitting at the foot of the large bed.

  “Blake, hang on,” Quinn said as she pushed on his broad shoulders, struggling to get him to pause.


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