Are You Alone in the House

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Are You Alone in the House Page 4

by Travis Szablewski

  “Have you talked to your mother about this? Or your father?” Melissa asked.

  “God no,” Reese said, quickly shaking her head. “They’d have a shit fit,” Reese’s eyes widen as she brought her hand to her mouth. “Sorry.”

  “Don’t sweat it,” Melissa smiled.

  “I just know that ever since that night, I’ve felt different. I’ve felt like a piece of me was taken away. And I know that’s expected; trust me, I’ve searched online for twin deaths and everything else under the damn sun. But my gut…it’s telling me that there is more to all of this. I try to shut my brain off. I try to tune it all out. But I can’t. I just…can’t. It won’t stop. And I know it won’t…until I find out what happened once and for all.”


  The final bell for the day sounded off as Quinn nibbled at the eraser of her mechanical pencil; her eyes glued to Mr. Alex Newman’s muscular back as he moved the chalkboard eraser along the board ahead.

  “Have a good night, everybody! Don’t forget that your report on Hemmingway is due tomorrow!” Alex said. Quinn slowly began to gather her books as she watched the last student exit the classroom, the wooden door shutting behind them. The coast was finally clear…

  “That color looks great on you, Mr. Newman. It really brings out the blue in your eyes,” Quinn said as she swayed towards his large wooden desk ahead.

  “Damn. I thought the first thing you’d notice would be my new khakis. They hug ever so tightly in all the right areas,” Alex smirked as he turned towards Quinn. She leaned forward, draping her arms on his strong, muscular shoulders as she kissed his lips. He slowly moved back, his eyes darting to the closed door.

  “Don’t worry! Everyone is gone,” Quinn whispered into his ear, her warm breath prickling at his ear. Alex looked down at her as a smile spread across his face. His hands rested on her hips as he pulled her in, kissing her softly.

  “So, are you coming over tonight? My parents are in New York visiting my brother,” Quinn said as she sat onto the edge of Mr. Newman’s desk. Alex ran his hand through his long, dirty blonde hair as he sat into the chair at his desk. His chiseled jaw tightened as he shrugged.

  “I don’t know. It just depends on what Melissa has planned.”

  “Oh, God; here we go with Melissa,” Quinn scoffed as she rolled her eyes and sat up from the desk. She began to walk away as Alex darted up, grabbing her arm and pulling her back to him.

  “There are only so many excuses I can make. You know that. You know I want to spend time with you…it’s just…it’s hard,” Alex said apologetically.

  “Well, it wouldn’t be if you would just leave her ass already,” Quinn pouted as she cupped his face and kissed him.

  “It’s not that simple; I’m thirty years old, we’ve got a house together,” Alex said as he moved away from her and sat back down into his chair.

  “Yeah, it is that simple. You say, “here’s the papers, sign on the fucking dotted line! I don’t see why you have to make this so complicated, Alex.”

  “Well, it seems simple when you’re not standing in my shoes,” Alex said as he flipped through the quizzes on his desk.

  “Knock, knock!” a soft voice rang out. Quinn and Alex both looked to the classroom as Melissa Newman stepped inside. “Hope I’m not interrupting anything.”

  “No, you’re fine! Quinn was actually just leaving,” Alex said as his blue eyes darted to Quinn. Quinn threw on a fake smile as she spun around on her heel and walked towards the door.

  “Thanks again, Mr. Newman!” Quinn said over her shoulder as she pulled the door open and stepped into the hallway. Alex stood up and walked to Melissa who stood in front of his desk.

  “How are you?” Alex asked as he kissed Melissa’s cheek. Melissa sighed…defeated as she wrapped her thin arms around Alex’s waist.

  “I don’t know. I’m worried about Reese,” Melissa said softly.

  “What do you mean? I thought you were making good progress with her?”

  “I did, too. But today…she just seemed so…distant…and disconnected. I don’t know. I think I’m losing her,” Melissa said sadly as she stared down to the ground. Alex put his hand under her chin, raising her face to his.

  “You’re brilliant, Melissa. You’re a terrific counselor and if anyone can help her, it’s you. She’s had a rough go. I mean, Riley’s only been dead for three months. Just…give it time,” Alex said as Melissa smiled.

  “I know.”

  Alex leaned forward, placing a gentle kiss onto Melissa’s lips as she hugged him tightly. Her face buried into his chest. Alex looked to the classroom door…

  To see Quinn…staring through the small glass window…her eyes burning into him.


  Reese took a long sip from her latte as her eyes rose from her books and scanned the deserted Julius Café. She sat in a booth at the edge of the shop as she took notes from her English book and wrote them diligently onto her paper.

  “God, I thought they’d never leave! On the plus side, I got some badass tips!” Jessie said as she untied her red apron and threw it down onto the seat across from Reese and sat.

  “Aren’t you in a feisty mood! It wouldn’t have anything to do with Ethan, now would it?” Reese asked coyly, teasing Jessie.

  “You’re an ass!” Jessie giggled as her cheeks turned red. “Maybe…maybe we made up,” Jessie said as a huge smile spread across her face.

  “I’d say, you guys were in Quinn’s car for nearly thirty minutes,” Reese laughed.

  “Hey, ten of that was for talking; the other twenty was for…things that we will not be discussing at this table,” Jessie giggled as she hid her face in embarrassment behind her apron.

  “God, you dirty slut! I mean, in the school parking lot! Really?” Reese laughed.

  “Oh, come on! Quinn has done it in worse places than that!” Jessie said.

  “I’d expect that from her, though!” Reese giggled.

  “Hey, a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do! I got mine and he got his and we both went about our day as happy campers,” Jessie smiled.

  “So, are you guys, like, official?” Reese asked as she sipped her latte.

  “We’re working on things. Just taking it day by day,” Jessie said as she picked at the lining of her black uniform polo. “You know I have to ask you about Burke.”

  “God, no!” Reese laughed.

  “No! I told you, so now you have tell me! Spill those beans, bitch!” Jessie laughed as Reese blushed.

  “Same as you two; we’re working on things. Seeing what happens,” Reese said as she hid her smile.

  “Isn’t it crazy?” Jessie asked.

  “What?” Reese asked.

  “Life…” Jessie said.

  “You have no idea…”


  Reese turned the handle of her front door and made her way into the foyer. She could hear the loud television echo through the entire house.

  “Mom? Are you here?” Reese called out as she hanged her coat onto the hook. She turned, making her way towards the living room…to see…

  Her mother, Lorraine, passed out on the couch. An empty bottle of wine sat on the coffee table in front of her. Reese shook her head to herself as she made her way up the stairs and towards her room.

  Her hand flipped the light switch as she stepped into her bedroom and pulled off her white sweater. All she wanted to do was crawl into bed…but it had been three days since she had washed her hair. She had to shower. She had to rinse this sad, greasy excuse for hair. And that’s when she saw it…

  The tiny, white envelope in the center of her bed. Her eyes narrowed on it as she reached down, grabbing the envelope tightly. Her name and address were typed on the front…but there was no return address.

  Reese gently ripped the envelope open, running her finger along the glued lip. She reached inside…as she felt the hard, cold pieces inside. What the hell was this?

  Reese gently pulled the mysterious
object out of the envelope…as her eyes widened. Her heart began to pound inside of her chest…as she stared back at the tangled, golden heart shaped locket that hanged from her fingers…

  It was hers…the one that went missing that night she died…

  It was Riley’s locket…


  Quinn stared back into her bathroom mirror as she gently blended her blush into her high cheekbones with a purple make-up brush, carefully placing the final touches. She grabbed a piece of her long, blond hair that she missed and brought her curling iron to it, gently twisting the strand around the piping hot rod. She placed the curling iron down as she crunched her bouncy, voluminous hair with her hands.

  She turned to her side, studying herself in the large white mirror above the sink. She looked drop dead gorgeous…and knew it. She adjusted her light blue and yellow lace bra around her perky breasts and tugged onto her matching boy shorts panties that began to crinkle around her crotch. She winked at her reflection as she grabbed a pale yellow short, silky robe and draped it onto her body, leaving the front wide open.

  Alex had to be there soon. He always texted her when he couldn’t make it...but she got nothing. He was all hers tonight. He clearly came up with a good excuse to get out of the house and away from Melissa. Quinn ran her manicured nail underneath her eyelid, removing a tiny glob of mascara from her right eyelash. She snatched her dirty towel from the sink counter and turned towards the laundry chute built into the wall beside the bathtub. She pulled the door open, tossing it down the chute that lead to the laundry room below.

  And that’s when she heard the front door downstairs creak open. She bit her glossed lip nervously as she spun around, rushing through her bathroom door and into her room.

  The scene was set. Her dresser in the corner was covered with candles, supplying the only light in the dark and quiet bedroom. The candle flames flickered in the dark, their glowing shadows dancing across her pink walls. A bottle of champagne with two wine glasses sat on her white, French style side table. Quinn’s heart raced in her chest as she hopped onto the center of her bed, posing herself provocatively. She tossed her long, curly blond locks over her shoulder as she laid onto her side, her silk robe dangling from her shoulders, exposing her bra. She listened to the silence…as she heard the front door slam shut. A big grin spread across Quinn’s face as she stared at the open bedroom door, the dark second level hallway in her sight.

  “About time, Mr. Newman! I was just about to give up on you!” Quinn giggled flirtatiously. She listened…her heart racing in her chest…as she heard the heavy footsteps slowly sound off on the stairs. He was coming…he was getting close. Quinn sat up quickly, ready to pounce onto him like a wild animal. The steps grew louder…coming down the hallway and towards her bedroom. Just a few more feet…

  And they stopped…

  The silence filled Quinn’s ears as her smile slowly faded.

  “So, now you’re going to be a shy guy?” Quinn smirked as she moved towards the edge of the bed on her knees, her eyes glued to the open doorway of her room.


  Not a sound…

  Quinn sighed in annoyance as she heard her phone sound off from her side table. She turned on the bed, snatching her phone from the wireless charger. She typed her security code in as her phone opened. It was a text message…from Alex. Quinn’s eyes widened as she stared down at the message.

  “Not going 2 make it 2night! I’m so sorry beautiful! Maybe 2morrow!”

  Quinn’s cellphone trembled in her hand as her eyes slowly rose to the open doorway just a few feet away…

  Someone…was in the house.

  Quinn’s lips quivered as she slowly inched towards the edge of the bed, her body tight…as she struggled to not make a sound. Her bare feet slowly lowered from the bed, planting firmly onto the cold, wooden floor. She inched closer towards the doorway…just a few more feet…

  Quinn closed her eyes tightly…and let out a silent breath. It was now or never. Quinn grabbed a small cheerleading trophy from her dresser; the small, golden figurine on top doing a cartwheel. It was better than nothing…

  She tightened her grip onto the base of the trophy, holding it out like a knife…as she lunged forward, leaping through the doorway and into the hall. Her bare feet slammed onto the wooden floor of the hall…as she stared forward…the trophy raised above her head, ready to strike…to see…

  No one.

  The dark hallway, deserted.

  “Hello?” Quinn called out, her voice trembling. “Mom? Dad? Are you guys already back?”


  Quinn inched down the hallway as she felt the whole house vibrate softly, the sound of rumbling thunder booming from the dark skies above. She tiptoed down the hall, the boards creaking under her every step. She turned the corner to see the staircase in front of her that lead to the foyer below. Her eyes scanned the dark foyer below…to see the front door…slightly ajar.

  “What the fuck?” Quinn whispered to herself as she rushed down the stairs. Her silk robe flowed in the air as she leaped from the last step and threw her hands against the wooden front door, slamming it shut. She quickly turned the deadbolt, fastening it tight, as she backed away slowly into the dark foyer. She stared ahead at the small, stain glassed window of the door as lighting struck outside, the light flashing through the crystal blues and deep reds of the glass. Quinn listened to the cryptic silence that surrounded her as she heard the gigantic raindrops pound against the roof high above her. “Blake, I swear to God; if you’re in my house, I will call the cops! You’re pathetic! You’re going to have to do a lot damn better than this to scare me!” Quinn snapped as she turned in circles, eyeing the dark foyer. Quinn yelped in terror as her phone sounded off in her hands. She quickly put in her passcode…to see a text message from an unknown number. Her eyes squinted in the darkness as the bright light of her screen burned into her eyes. Her vision finally adjusted…as she read the short text message on her screen.


  The closet door to Quinn’s right then swung open…as she spun around…and let out a blood curdling scream. Her eyes widened as she stared back at the masked figure charging towards her, a bowie knife raised in their gloved hand. The figure, covered in a long, black hooded cloak. An aged, cracked baby doll mask covered their face. Their dark, piercing eyes burning into Quinn through the tiny, empty eye sockets.

  “Ah!” Quinn cried out as the masked figure swung their knife through the air at her. Quinn quickly dunked down, dodging the knife by only inches. Quinn fell onto the floor as her phone slipped from her hands and slid across the wooden floor. Quinn quickly backed away as she threw the trophy in her hand through the air and towards the figure. The figure quickly dunked down, dodging the spinning trophy as it smashed into the wall behind them. Quinn quickly picked herself up off the floor and ran towards the laundry room door to her left, tears streaming down her face…her heart pounding in her chest. She rushed into the laundry room, slamming the door behind her as she watched the mask figure charge towards her…their knife in the air…ready to strike.

  Quinn turned the lock and backed away as she could hear the masked maniac pound onto the door from the other side. She had to get out here! She had to escape! Quinn turned to see the small window above the washing machine. It was plenty big enough! She could fit right through! She had to go now…or maybe…she could trick them. Quinn rushed towards the washing machine ahead, crawling on top of it as she slid the tiny window wide open.

  Quinn quickly crawled off the machine…as she watched the large knife blade stab through the wooden door from the other side, the handle turning rapidly. She had to do it…she had to do it now! Ready or not…they were coming. She raced towards the bottom of the metal laundry chute in the corner, kicking the towel she dropped down earlier out of the way. She had to climb…and fast! She looked back…the blade of the bowie knife hacking and slashing at the wooden door…the blade stabbing through the f
rame again and again…forming a tiny hole near the doorknob. She didn’t have much time! She had to move fast!

  Quinn stood up onto her feet beneath the bottom of the metal chute, her entire upper torso inside. Her legs, exposed below. She just had to get inside. She had to hide. She could hear the wood splintering outside of the chute as she pressed her back tightly against one wall of the steal chute…and rose her feet up…pressed tightly against the opposite wall. She slowly moved up the slippery metal chute, her hands clawing at the slick sides.

  Just a bit higher…

  Just a few more feet…

  She heard the door handle turn rapidly below as she climbed her way up the chute…the opening just a few feet above her.

  And that’s when she heard the laundry door bust open. Quinn froze in terror as she covered her mouth tightly with her trembling hands. She closed her eyes tightly as mascara streams trickled down her face. She held her breath…and prayed to God…as she heard the figure’s footsteps sound off below.

  Her eyes slowly opened as she peeked down to the opening of the chute a few feet below. She watched as the figure’s shadow spread out across the laundry room floor below. She closed her eyes tightly…to terrified to look. Quinn tilted her head up…to see the opening…right above her. She had to wait. She had to be patient. Quinn listened…as she heard the figure’s footsteps travel out of the laundry room.

  Was the coast clear?

  Did they fall for it? Did they think she went through the window?

  Quinn’s teary eyes drifted back down to the opening of the chute below…to see the figure’s shadow…gone. The laundry room, silent below. It was time. She had to do this now. Quinn grabbed at the walls of the slippery chute as she struggled to climb towards the opening above. She reached her hand up…as her fingertips barely touched the handle above.

  The blade of the bowie knife then stabbed through the metal chute wall beside her, the blade stabbing through the center of her hand placed firmly against the wall.


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