Are You Alone in the House

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Are You Alone in the House Page 6

by Travis Szablewski

  The basement door swung open as Jessie, Reese, and Burke rushed down the dark, dusty basement steps.

  “Blake! Blake!” Reese cried out as she followed Jessie and Burke. They all three leaped off the last step…as they all stopped…frozen in terror. Their eyes wide. Their mouths hanging wide open…as they stared ahead at the bloody scene in front of them. Blake’s decapitated still laid on the cold, concrete floor; his headless, lifeless body beside the dryer.

  “Oh, my God!” Reese cried out as she covered her mouth and fell to her knees, tears streaming down her cheeks.

  “What the fuck happened Who the fuck did this?” Jessie cried out as she quickly turned away. Her stomach turned as she could feel the sour, burning vomit creeping up her throat.

  “Whoever did it…is long gone,” Burke said breathlessly…as he stared forward…to see the small basement window in the corner wide open.


  “What in the hell was she doing over there?” Ronald yelled, his loud voice bouncing off the walls of his small office inside the Woodland Hills police department as he plopped down into the roller chair at his desk. Reese and Lorraine sat in two lounge chairs across from him.

  “Are you kidding me, Ron? What do you expect her to do? Just not have any friends?” Lorraine snapped back as she leaned forward in her hair, her hand wrapped tightly around Reese’s who sat beside her. Reese wiped at the tears building up her red, puffy eyes as she looked up to her father across the desk.

  “I expect you to protect her when I’m not around, Lorraine! I expect you to know where she is and what she is doing at all times!” Ronald yelled as he rested his elbows onto the wooden desk.

  “Can you both just stop it?” Reese cried out as she ripped her hand from her mothers. Reese had lost two of her closest friends tonight. After Blake was killed and the police arrived, she called Quinn. But there was no answer. The phone just rang and rang. And that’s when she knew that something had happened to her. Quinn always answered. So, an officer headed over to Quinn’s… and Reese’s worst fears were confirmed. She was dead.

  “What the hell were you doing, huh? Probably passed out on the God damn couch, drunk off your ass!” Ronald growled to Lorraine.

  “I was napping, Ron! She woke me up and asked if she could go over to Blake’s and I didn’t see a problem with it! If I had it your way, she’d be caged up and locked tight inside the house like a damn animal!” Lorraine yelled as she shook her head.

  “Stop it!” Reese yelled as she lunged up from her seat; her long, tangled hair hanging in her face…the warm tears rolling down her red cheeks. Lorraine gently grabbed Reese’s hand.

  “Honey, I’m sorry. Just…just sit down. We can talk about it…if you want,” Lorraine said softly. Reese ran her sleeve under her running nose as she plopped down into the chair beside her mother’s.

  “Reese, did you see anything?” Ronald asked, his tone growing soft and smooth as his eyes narrowed on Reese across from him.

  “No. Were upstairs looking for flashlights and we came back down…and we heard the screams. Me and Jessie went to the basement door, but it was…stuck. It wouldn’t budge. We tried, and we tried but nothing worked. Then, Burke showed up and he busted the door down and that’s when we found him,” Reese sobbed as Lorraine’s heart broke into pieces inside of her chest. Her soft hand massaged Reese’s gently as she placed her other hand onto the Reese’s back, rubbing it softly.

  “We’re going to find who did this, Reese; I promise. We’re going to find out what happened to Quinn and to Blake…and why. But you’ve got to be patient. I’ve got to interview your friends…and Burke…and see where we stand,” Ronald said.

  “There were no prints? Nothing?” Reese asked as she cleared her throat.

  “We’re still processing both scenes; but as of now, nothing,” Ronald said sadly as he stared down at his callused, rough hands. “I want you to stay home for a few days. I’m going to have squad car sit outside the house.”

  “No! I don’t want to be alone! I’ll go crazy, dad! I want to be with my friends,” Reese yelled back.

  “Ronald, that’s ridiculous! If she wants to go, then let her go! They’ll be officers at the school anyways,” Lorraine snapped.

  “I don’t want to lose another daughter, do you?” Ronald growled back. Lorraine shook her head to herself as her watering eyes drifted to the floor. “That’s what I thought. Now, go home and get some rest,” Ronald said as he stood up from his desk and walked around it and towards Reese. Reese and Lorraine stood as he wrapped his arms around Reese, pulling her close.

  “Just find out who did this, dad. Please,” Reese cried into his chest as she held him tightly.

  “I will, baby girl. I will…”


  “Are you sure you don’t want to stay home?” Lorraine asked as her hands tightened on the wheel. Reese stared out through the passenger window, her heavy eyes squinted in the bright, morning sunlight that beamed down from above. She tossed and turned all night. She just kept seeing Blake’s head…lying there next to his body…all the blood…so much blood.

  “Mom, if I stay home, I’ll just go crazy. I’ll sit there in my room and just think and think and think,” Reese said softly as she looked to her mother in the driver’s seat.

  “I just don’t want you to go too soon. I mean, I know you want to see your friends. I know you don’t want to be alone, but you’ve been through a lot, honey,” Lorraine nodded.

  “Would you rather me sit in my room and go insane?” Reese asked as she stared through the windshield, the school just ahead.

  “Of course not. But please, keep in touch today. I don’t want to sit at home, worried sick. Let me know that you’re OK. Your dad has got a lot of officers posted at the school. If you want to come home…if it’s too much, just call me and I’ll be there in a heartbeat,” Lorraine said as she patted Reese’s knee.

  “I’ll be fine, mom,” Reese said as the car slowed at the curb in front of the small campus and came to a complete stop.

  “I love you.”

  “I love you, too, mom,” Reese said as she stepped out of the car and slammed the door behind her. Reese stared forward at the chaotic campus in front of her as her mom pulled away from the curb. Police officers were posted everywhere; from the main entrance to the small quad area. She stared down to the grass as she made her way towards the entrance ahead.

  She could feel everyone’s eyes burning into her. They wanted the gory details. They wanted to know what happened. Her eyes drifted up as she moved through the crowded campus…everyone’s eyes on her. Their conversations stopped as she moved around them. Could they make it any more obvious that they were talking about her? About Blake and Quinn’s horrific deaths?

  “What are you doing here?” a deep voice rang out behind her. Reese quickly turned as she adjusted her backpack on her shoulder to see her father. “I told you to stay home, honey.”

  “Dad, I can’t do that. I can’t,” Reese whispered as her eyes scanned the campus…her peers watching the scene like a movie.

  “You’re safer at home,” Ronald said sternly as he inched towards her.

  “I’m just as safe here as I am at home,” Reese said as she motioned to all the officers scattered along the campus.

  “I’m calling your mom. You’re not staying here,” Ronald said sternly as he pulled his cellphone from his heavy jacket, the Woodland Hill police department logo embroidered onto the right breast area.

  “I can’t believe you,” Reese snapped, shaking her head.

  “What?” Ronald asked, shocked by her sharp tone.

  “You leave us. You abandon me and mom…and Riley. You just move out like it’s nothing and you want to be a father, now? You want to pretend to be this amazing and caring person?” Reese said, her voice trembling as she fought back her tears. “Before last night, I hadn’t seen you in two weeks. You can’t just come back into my life and tell me what to do. You’re a stranger
, dad. You can’t just come back when life steers you my way. Being a father doesn’t work that way,” Reese said coldly as she spun around…and marched towards the entrance ahead.


  “Do you want to talk it, Reese?” Melissa asked as she crossed her legs; her gray skirt tightened around her thighs as she placed her notepad into her lap. Reese’s eyes scanned Mrs. Newman’s office and to the floor. She wanted to tell her everything. But what if she just thought she was crazy? Maybe she was…

  “I just can’t believe that they’re gone,” Reese said quietly as she picked at her cracked turquoise nail polish. There were a thousand things she wanted to say. She wanted to scream and cry as every question that haunted her swirled through her head.

  “We don’t have to talk today if you don’t want to. I know you’re going through a lot,” Melissa smiled softly as she nodded in understanding.

  “Has your husband…Mr. Newman…has he ever lied to you?” Reese finally spat out. Melissa’s eyes narrowed onto Reese across from her, conflicted by the random statement.

  “I hope not,” Melissa said as she forced a gentle giggle. “What does that have to with this, Reese?”

  “I think someone is stalking me, Mrs. Newman. And I think they killed Blake and Quinn,” Reese said, barely audible. Reese closed her eyes tightly, baffled that the words escaped her lips.

  “What makes you think that?” Melissa asked as she leaned forward in concern. “Has someone threatened you?”

  “No, but someone sent me this,” Reese said as she pulled Riley’s tangled locket from her pocket and held it up.

  “Oh, my God,” Melissa said as her wide eyes settled onto the locket wrapped tightly around Reese’s fingers. “Did you tell your father about this?”

  “God no; everyone already thinks that I’m crazy. Everyone keeps saying it was just an accident; that Riley was drunk…and that she fell. I know that’s not true. I know it in my heart, Mrs. Newman,” Reese cried. “And what happened to Quinn…to Blake…it has everything to do with that night.” Melissa shifted nervously in her chair as she wrote a few notes onto her pad.

  “Well,” Melissa said as she stood up and knelt in front of Reese. Melissa placed her hand onto Reese’s leg as she stared up at her tear-filled eyes. “I don’t think you’re crazy at all, Reese. Not even a little bit,” Melissa said as she smiled. “How you’re feeling is a totally natural reaction to the horrific events that have occurred. You are not going crazy. Trust me on that.”

  “I just don’t even know what to believe anymore,” Reese sobbed. The corner of Melissa’s smile fell as she wrapped her arms around Reese tightly, holding her.

  “It’s OK. It’s alright,” Melissa said as she patted Reese’s back gently. “It’s OK to feel this way, Reese.” Melissa released Reese as her kind, concerned eyes narrowed onto her. “Have you considered getting further help? Outside of school, I mean?” Reese’s eyes widened as they darted up to meet Melissa’s.

  “What do you mean? Like a therapist?” Reese asked, hurt and frustrated.

  “Reese just listen to me for a second, please,” Melissa begged.

  “You do think I’m crazy. You think I’m off my fucking rocker, don’t you?” Reese snapped as she stood up from her chair. Melissa rose to her feet as she grabbed both of Reese’s arms in her shaking hands.

  “No, Reese! Not at all! I’m just saying that maybe someone else more qualified can help you more than I can. I want you to get through this. I want you to get the best help possible!” Melissa said.

  “I’ve got to go,” Reese said as she jerked her arms from Melissa’s grip and snatched her backpack from the floor.

  “Reese, please!” Melissa begged as she spun around. Reese threw her backpack onto her shoulder as she pulled Melissa’s office door open, stormed out, and slammed it shut behind her…


  Burke closed his eyes as he titled his head back, turning his face up. The hot water rained down from the shower head above, covering his face. He turned, closing his eyes as he inhaled the warm steam that surrounded him inside the little shower stall. His eyes opened as he stared back at the white curtain hanging from the rod in front of him.

  He ran his wet hands against his eyes as the picture of Blake’s dead body kept flashing through his head. His best friend since second grade…was gone. Burke’s rubbed his lips together, the hot water burning the soft, chapped flesh as he hid his face into his hands…as he finally broke down.

  Burke slid down the tile shower wall and onto the floor as he sobbed into his hands, the hot water raining down onto him from above. He listened as the bell chimed through the empty locker room. He needed to get out of here. He needed to go to his foster parent’s house, lock his door, and go over every single detail of what happened last night. He wasn’t going to let whoever did this to Blake get away with it. He wasn’t going to let whoever did this to Blake live.

  They had to pay…with blood.

  Burke slowly stood up and turned the shower off as his muscular, naked body shivered…dripping with water. He pulled the white curtain back and reached around the corner for the towel hook along the wall. His fingertips ran along the cool tile and traveled up to the curved hook.

  His towel was gone.

  “Are you fucking kidding me. Those stupid dickheads,” Burke growled as he threw the white shower curtain open and stared into the deserted, steamy shower area of the locker room. “If you’re still in here, you better fuckin run, asshole!”

  Burke sighed in anger as he walked by the five sinks that lined the wall across from the shower stalls, each sink topped with a mirror. Every mirror’s glassy surface was plastered with condensation. Burke passed the sinks and snatched a new towel from the rack in front of him, wrapping it around his waist.

  “Stupid idiots,” Burke said to himself as he turned around, marching towards the doorway that lead to the main locker room area. He stepped through the large, tile doorway as his eyes searched the dark, deserted locker room. He walked down the locker room, passing the many aisles as he searched for the culprit. But he saw no one…

  Burke rolled his eyes as he turned, heading down a locker aisle. He tightened the towel around his waist as he stopped in his tracks in the middle of the small locker aisle…to see…

  His locker door…wide open.

  “What the fuck?” Burke cursed as he stomped to his locker and looked inside to see his clothes…gone. “Alright, I’m not in the mood for these fucking games!” Burke yelled as he slammed the locker door shut, his eyes scanning the dark aisle. “Come on out, you chicken shit!”

  Blake walked around the end of the aisle as he paced down the side of the locker room, staring down each deserted aisle. And that’s when he heard the sound…of the sinks turn on. Blake spun around as he ran towards the shower area ahead. “Got you,” Burke said to himself, his voice stern, as he made his way around the corner and rushed into the shower area. His eyes scanned the shower area…the vacant stalls in front of him…to see no one. Blake slowly turned towards the five sinks behind him. His eyes widened as he stepped back. Every sink was turned on. His articles of clothing were separated and put into each one of the five sinks. The hot water trickled over the edges of the clogged sinks as Blake moved closer…to see the words written into the condensation plastered against the five mirrors above the sinks. A single word…written on each mirror. He swallowed hard as his entire body went numb. The cryptic message staring back at him.



  “God, your dad wasn’t kidding about keeping the house secure, was he?” Jessie said as she stared out through Reese’s bedroom window and down to the squad car parked out front beside the curb. “I was scared I was going to be frisked before coming inside,” Jessie smirked. Reese smiled as she sat up on her bed. Jessie plopped down beside Reese. “So, how are you?” Jessie added. Reese shrugged as she picked at the embroidered butterfly sewn into her comforter.
br />   “Every time I close my eyes, I just keep seeing Blake,” Reese said softly as her tired eyes drifted up to Jessie beside her.

  “I know. I haven’t slept since it happened. I couldn’t go to school today; I couldn’t…” Jessie began.

  “Handle everyone staring at you like you’re some kind of alien that they’re just dying to probe?” Reese finished her sentence as she half smiled. Jessie smirked as she shook her head to herself.

  “I just can’t believe they’re gone. I was laying in bed last night and I just pictured myself sitting in Calculus. Quinn sat right beside me. I couldn’t handle it, Reese. I’m not as strong as you are. As something as little as a…empty desk. It was just too much. It still is,” Jessie said as she wiped the tears forming in her eyes. “I know we couldn’t have done anything more. But I just keep going back to that moment when we were at the basement door. If we would have just…pushed harder. If we could have reacted faster…then maybe he’d still be here,” Jessie cried.

  “You can’t blame yourself, Jessie. This was out of our control. All that we can do…is try and stop this,” Reese said sternly.

  “What do you mean? Jessie asked as she wiped her tears.

  “We need to find out who did it. Because I think if we do, then we find out who killed Riley,” Reese said softly.

  “You really think this is all connected?” Jessie asked, shocked.

  “I’d bet my damn life on it,” Reese nodded. “Whoever is doing this…whoever killed Blake and Quinn…killed Riley. I know it, Jessie. I just know it…”

  “You wanna try and catch this bastard, don’t you?” Jessie asked quietly.

  “I can’t do it alone,” Reese smiled through her tears as she nodded and placed her hand onto Jessie’s knee. Jessie stared down at Reese’s hand and slapped her own on top of hers.

  “Best friends till the end,” Jessie smiled as she nodded. “How the hell do we even start?”


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