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Mystic Rising

Page 4

by J L Lawrence

  They landed with a thud and to the sounds of pain and vomiting. Teri, Chris, and Randy tried to get to their knees. The longer the distance, the worse the aftershocks. Maybe they should have bought a couple plane tickets. She could’ve warned them, but they had to go through it to understand it. No words described flashing in and out of places. Pain, fire, flaying, and torture didn’t put a dent in it.

  Kate glanced at them and waved her hand, healing them. Then, she took away the memory of the pain. She guided them into their living quarters and placed them in a deep sleep. They’d need their strength. Would have been nice if someone had done that for her and Angie when they first arrived in the Meadows. Plus, it was probably better not to start new recruits with disorientation and agony.

  Wait, wasn’t that how she and Angie were introduced into this crazy ass world?

  “I was thinking the same thing.” Angie broke into her thoughts. “At least you could soften the blow for them. Look how far we’ve come.” Kate laughed as she walked toward Cian for updates.

  “Yeah, we’ve traveled a million miles yet seem to be no closer to winning than when we started.”

  “You don’t really believe that. It’s been an emotional twenty-four hours.” She gave her a quick hug, then followed Xavier to their sleeping quarters. Angie laid her head against his shoulder, and he kissed the top of her head. So much love flowed between them. It brought tears to her eyes. And hope into her heart.

  “I agree with her, you know.” Xander leaned in and pulled her in his arms. “If you could only see what the rest of us do, you’d know just how far we’ve come in a few short months. Only a few weeks ago, you overpowered the entire Council. Focus on the quest and the rest will fall into place.”

  “I’m not sure how I got so lucky with you. There were times I never thought real love would be a part of my life, but you changed that. Thank you.” She turned into him and held on tightly. He created a shield so no one could see the emotional display and exhaustion. Her hero. Forever and always.

  “I’m the lucky one. You braved hell itself to rescue me. We’re going to have an amazing future together. Roxy believed in that and risked everything for us to find the way. My heart beats in time to yours.” She’d checked in with Cian and Rowena, so they headed back to their area.

  She hoped he was right. Fear had wrapped its tentacles around her heart, and she couldn’t shake it loose. Would adding humans be enough? Or would this battle be her last? If they couldn’t figure out the quest, would she destroy the entire world?

  Xander leaned over, his searing blue eyes meeting hers. “Enough.”

  He kissed her forehead and chased away the doubts.

  Chapter 3

  “Son of a…” Angie stuttered. “I know you said the plan was to keep things as natural as possible but come on. It’s fifty below out here.” Xander smothered a laugh at her horrified expression.

  He connected to Kate. Bitter cold stung her cheeks while the icy air stole her breath. She’d released her usual self-regulation to test the conditions around her, but hadn’t complained. However, Angie had a point. Maybe they should regulate a tad. It was hard to train blocks of ice to fight. He’d have to speak with the Council later. Taking pity on Angie, he threw a shield over her. Then, they headed to the main headquarters designed similar to the room in Utopia.

  “Kate, Xander. I’m so happy to see you.” Nikki came running and knocked Kate backward. Even his own sister greeted her first.

  “We’ve been apart less than twenty-four hours, big sis. This much worrying can’t be good for you. Missed you, too, by the way.” He ruffled her hair affectionately and she scowled.

  He could see the smudges under her eyes that she tried so hard to hide. She’d been up all night again communicating with nature to gain more information. Humans weren’t her area of expertise, so she decided to help Cian build the facility and assist with training. Even though she denied it, he would bet she still scouted other realms that she shouldn’t be. They were all desperate for answers.

  Cian led them to the main three-story training facility. The building reminded him of a mix between the one in the Meadows and the one in Utopia. His effort to combine their worlds hadn’t gone unnoticed. This location focused on hand to hand and weaponry. Technology became a tool to explain the past and what they would face. Wouldn’t help much on the battlefield. Humans also didn’t need the white padded arena where Kate had spent most of her time training to fight Braxus. Witchcraft rooms had been included, but more for the visiting magical beings or coven recruits, not average humans. Xander tried to keep bitterness out of his thoughts. He feared that this endeavor would be a waste of time and a distraction for Kate. She didn’t need anyone else to protect.

  He slid to the side as Kate provided the grand tour for her three friends. They didn’t want to be here any more than he wanted them here. Maybe Kate was right, and they did need help to win this battle. He simply didn’t agree that humans were the best option. There had to be another way other than adding in weak-minded fools. He kept his thoughts guarded. He refused to cause Kate any additional stress. She believed they were part of the design. We’ll see.

  Chris’ petulant whining wore down his nerves. Teri appeared normal, but fear consumed her. Honestly, he thought she’d be a great asset working with Angie and Xavier on strategies. Her mental abilities were phenomenal and she had a sixth sense with reading emotions. Randy’s talents lay in his ability to fight and properly use every weapon they placed in his hands.

  I bet he could handle a fiery sword like I made for Angie. I’ll add that to my to do list.

  Despite his dislike of Chris, he had to admit the man could handle a crossbow with deadly accuracy. He had no desire to get to know him or do anything extra to help him. And it had nothing to do with the fact that Chris had a thing for Kate and continued to have feelings for her. Nope, not at all. He’d stomp that thought right out of his head quickly. Overall, two out of three wasn’t bad considering the recruits he’d met so far.

  More human soldiers arrived. Goody. His head already throbbed from even the thought of having to work with them all day. Tristan hadn’t wasted any time piecing together a new recruitment schedule. The only human he’d personally agreed to recruit had been Nate down in New Orleans. He’d agreed immediately and took a leave of absence. Xander hadn’t had the heart to tell him that this move would probably be permanent. That summed up his list of trustworthy humans. A deep dark part of him had hoped that Kate would completely break all human ties, except Angie. He loved her like a sister and technically she was a witch and descendant of Cassius. So, she didn’t count anyway.

  Adding to the whole list of complications, the mysterious quest loomed over all of them. What would happen then? Where would it take them? He needed to meet with Zane again soon. He’d stayed out of the whole human debate, but his amulet tied into this quest. But why? They needed answers. First, he’d find Kate and see why she suddenly rushed off to meet with Rowena. He’d had enough surprises to last a lifetime. And I’m freaking immortal.

  He sighed and headed toward the tent where Rowena and Kate were making their exit.

  Crap. Something’s up. They were lining up all the humans and speaking to each of them. Kate even had her full glow and tattoo going on. He moved closer out of morbid curiosity.

  She held up her hand to gain silence. “You’ve all been asked to serve your country, your species. We have one chance to save the world. Only a chosen few can know about this threat and the potential fate of all our worlds. Upon entry, you agreed to be warriors and fight for a higher purpose. To ensure that we can watch and protect each of you, a tattoo will be placed on your forearm. Please step forward to complete your initiation.”

  Her secret meeting made sense now. They were going to brand them like cattle.

  Every individual did as they were asked one at a time. Kate kissed their cheek and then laid a hand across their forearm. The air sizzled, and they hissed from the heat of th
e mark. Teri held her breath, then stood beside him while Chris and Randy received theirs. Randy already had several covering his arms, so Kate had to look for an open area. He didn’t bat an eye as the scorching commenced. Chris eyed her suspiciously but held out his arm. To his credit, he barely flinched.

  Reaching for Teri’s arm, he took a closer look. No surprise. The tattoo had taken the shape of a phoenix, its wings starting to unfold but not fully open. He read Kate’s mind for a little explanation. If they survived the training, they would be reborn into a new world. What they didn’t know was that they’d just agreed to a tracker. It also prevented them from leaving the camp or contacting the outside world. Pretty ingenious, that Mystic of his. Scary but clever. They all belonged to her now and would do her bidding. Not only because of the tattoo but because of the loyalty she inspired within them. He never ceased to be amazed by the woman she’d become.

  * * *

  “Enough of this.” Micah’s face turned a new shade of red. He believed Kate had undermined his authority one too many times. Not that he ever had any real authority. Xander still loved to see him squirm. A definite highlight for the day.

  Kate swirled and cut him off. “What do you mean?” If looks could kill…

  “Have you seen these humans? They are already bickering amongst themselves. How are we supposed to get them ready to fight in the Rising? They don’t even believe in what we are, and they’ve seen it. How are they going to fight it?” Damn. He had a point there. Though he’d cut his own foot off before admitting it.

  Threading his finger through his hair, Marcus stood to calm everyone. “Micah’s correct. If this is going to work, we need a solid plan and to work together. As a Council, we’ve become disjointed. All the realms are our responsibility and we mustn’t lose sight of that. The only humans that seem to be engaging in earnest are your fellow FBI agents, Kate. I’m concerned.”

  “Maybe, but we all agreed that a new direction must be chosen to protect the realms this time.” Tristan walked over to Kate. “We made a decision and because it’s getting too hard or you don’t like humans, you’re digressing from the plan. Suck it up. They’re here and we’ll train them.” Micah glared at him but retreated quickly when Tristan returned the icy stare down.

  Several seconds of uncomfortable silence passed. Marcus made a good argument. They all did. The Council couldn’t afford to fall apart. The constant disagreements would only lead to more drama and distraction. He stayed toward the back seated next to Camilla. She’d chosen to keep her two cents out of this one. And Kate needed space to do her thing. She believed in this plan with all her heart, and he’d never stand against her. Whether he agreed or not.

  But Rowena silenced them all. “After much reflection, I agree with Kate wholeheartedly that this is the correct path. Once the humans arrived, I detected something special in each of them. Jane drew blood and performed a quick analysis. She sent me the results. Every man and woman that we recruited has a special ability. It may be heavily hidden but it’s there. For example, with Kate’s friends, Teri has the ability of an empath and telepathy. Randy has incredible strength and speed. Chris is a little different. His brain is becoming more like a computer and he can control the environment around him similar to compulsion. It’s why his memories were so hard to alter at Kate’s wedding. They were brought here for a purpose. It’s why they were the leaders in their fields and why they were chosen to save the human race.”

  “Why weren’t we told?” His dad looked a little testy for once. He usually kept all his emotions hidden. “This is what I’m talking about. We’ve stopped being a collective unit.”

  “Calm yourself. We only suspected a short while ago, and Jane just confirmed. We weren’t hiding anything. The additional tests were designed to show us the depth of our suspicions. Before the results, Kate and I decided to create a special tattoo to brand the soldiers. Through this mark, we can track them and enhance their powers if deemed appropriate.”

  “What? Are you kidding? Have you both lost your mind? This is your doing.” He pointed at Kate but glared at Rowena. His anger had overtaken his fear of Rowena. Or maybe one fear finally outweighed the other. Tristan shifted uncomfortably, signaling he slightly agreed with Micah.

  Rowena forced him into a chair. Xander was hoping for something a little more forceful, but, oh well. His pacing had become an irritant anyway. He crossed his arms and muttered something about getting them all killed. Was he wrong? His visions had never led them astray. No one spoke until Kate finally stood and moved to the center of the room. After her last face-off with the Council, they tended to give her space.

  “You all have excellent points, and there is truth in what you speak and fear. Tristan, your thoughts are riddled with concern for our realms. Given your history with humans and evil, I get it.”

  “Kate, I’d follow you anywhere. But increasing the power in humans seems reckless and against everything we’ve ever done to keep magic out of that realm. And where do they go if they survive this battle? They’ll never fit in their own world again and they can’t stay in ours. You know this. What kind of life have we sentenced them to?” Surprisingly, he had true compassion in his voice.

  She nodded and bowed her head. She could see his sincerity, but she had her own convictions. “You think I haven’t considered this? Searched for a better solution? My own friends are out there.” Her voice broke and he sent her waves of reassurance. “They have come to us with gifts like empathy, telepathy, telekinesis, and so many others. Rowena and I are not giving them powers. We’re simply enhancing what already resides within them. This will not be done until a final commitment is given at the end of the training. We’re still working on details.

  “After the Rising, I don’t know. We’ll find a place for them. Once it’s over, the enhancements may not last anyway. That’s not our immediate concern. I promise to make it right, but my mind can’t focus on this right now. I won’t leave them without a purpose. All I ask is you give me your patience and trust. Haven’t I earned at least that?”

  It took everything in him to remain seated, but this was her moment with the Council. She’d challenged them to open their minds to new possibilities.

  Tristan laid an arm around her shoulders. “You have our trust, Mystic. All our hope resides in you.”

  Everyone returned to their seats around the table. Crisis averted. This time. He noticed how the Council deferred to Kate. She’d become their leader without noticing. He forced his own misgivings regarding the humans deep inside. One, he didn’t trust them. Two, if they failed her, she’d be devastated. So much was riding on the humans having the courage to fight.

  “When a group of soldiers are brought in from all over the world, there will be bickering,” Kate boldly said. “The difference between my recruits and the others is that my friends actually battled demons and witnessed their destruction first hand. After we teach them basic skills and knowledge, they must meet the enemy.”

  Their brief peace was short-lived. Everyone jumped out of their chairs again and started yelling. Rowena and Kate rolled their eyes. They’d spent a lot of time talking about this before the meeting. He’d anticipated some of the reaction.

  “Are we inviting demons into our camp, too?” Micah slammed his fist against the table.

  “No, you fool.” Kate met him nose to nose. “There are humans dying every day for our cause. Covens being attacked and destroyed. Families ripped apart. You see it all in your visions and choose not to share it. Don’t forget Roxy gave me her gift of sight. While I can’t control or understand it yet, it has shown me the basics which I have no doubt you’ve seen.”

  “Is that true, Micah?” Camilla spoke softly for the first time. “Have you seen our allies being targeted and hidden it from us?”

  “Yes, it’s true, but nothing could’ve been done to change their fate. I didn’t want us to carry any more weight than we already do.”

  She wiped a tear rolling down her cheek. “Still,
you should have told us.”

  Hugging her in comfort, Rowena tried to regain order. “I think what Kate is suggesting is that once we have trained our new soldiers, we can send out a few teams to defend some of the innocents under attack. It gives them a chance to see what they are fighting and reminder of who they are protecting. In the process, we save lives. We have to change our way of thinking for this battle. The Omega has and nearly got the better of us. We follow the plan. We follow our Mystic. End of story.”

  “Agreed.” Marcus rose and placed a hand on Kate’s shoulder. “Tell us what you need.”

  “Right now, we train them to be amazing warriors. Then, we’ll see. They each have trackers on them, and as part of the spell I placed within the tattoo, they can’t speak with anyone in the outside world unless approved by me. They’ll get their chance to face the enemy, but it’s up to us to show them how to survive it. Tristan, is everything ready?”

  “Yes, the rest of the recruits should be here by tomorrow and we’ll begin. We only have a matter of weeks at best.”

  “Make every second count then.” He nodded. “I have a meeting with Zane soon to discuss my upcoming quest. We’ll meet again once I know more about when I’ll be leaving. My instincts say it won’t be long.”

  She hid it well, but she was exhausted. The mysterious quest caused her nightmares. He tried to provide comfort, but the pressure had taken its toll. He still struggled with his own memories of torture. He tried to bury them deep, but they snuck up on him from time to time. He kept it from her as best he could. He didn’t want to cause her any more pain or worry, and she already blamed herself that she couldn’t get there sooner. The grief of losing Gregory still haunted them both. It had become a reminder that everything could be lost in this battle. Wars didn’t happen without causalities. Her mind whirled through all the possibilities constantly. She needed a break.

  Lacing his fingers through hers, he guided her back to their temporary home. Angie, Xavier, Nikki, Kate and himself had one set of living quarters to themselves. Cian had even brought in a television and DVD player. He couldn’t remove the pain and fear. It would be a constant until the end, but maybe they could have a fun night as a group of friends, not warriors. He sent the idea to Nikki and left her in charge of arrangements.


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