Mystic Rising

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Mystic Rising Page 8

by J L Lawrence

  “I agree, Marcus.” Rowena stood. “Kate, your determination and grace under fire is something to behold. There’s a kindness and compassion inside you that sets you apart. I choose to follow your leadership.”

  Tristan laid a hand on Kate’s shoulder. “It seems like I’ve known you forever. Training you to become a warrior inspired me to be a better person. A better leader. You charged into the depths of Hell to save the man you loved and left no one behind. Even those who betrayed you. You have my highest respect. It’s an honor to follow you, my friend.” He’d never been one to show emotion, so Xander had been shocked at the sincerity and awe in his voice.

  Kate appeared to be fighting back tears, but Xander sent waves of calming energy to help her remain in control. This moment would define her as the true head of the Council. She’d become the leader they’d hoped to find. From all the trials, they’d emerged as one solid Ancient Council. Side by side, they would enter the battleground. How far they’d come stunned him. How far they still had to go terrified him.

  Camilla smiled and took her hand. “I’ll follow you, always. You’ve brought a light back into this world that I’ve only read about in stories. Thank you.”

  They all turned in unison to Micah. Anger still radiated from his aura. He looked at each one of the members and shook his head. “I’ll follow, but heed my warning. If you don’t find a way to be the true Mystic devoted to your purpose, you will fail and kill us all. That vision is quite clear. Be glad you don’t have to see it constantly.” He flashed out. No doubt to go somewhere and brood for a while.

  Would it be rude to clap for his exit? Sure would be satisfying.

  Xander hesitated, but things needed to be said. “I hate to agree with anything that moron says, but he does have one point, Kate. We need to focus on this mysterious quest. It may be the only way to save everyone. Let Angie and Xavier join your friends. He’ll keep them safe. I’ll even ask Ace to join them. I hear him and Chris get along much better now.” She narrowed her eyes but at least she listened. “We could visit—”

  “No need,” Nikki interrupted. “I just spoke with Zane. He’s almost completed the archives and will be ready to meet in a couple days. For at least one mission, she should join them. She gives them confidence that there’s a purpose to what they are doing. I’ve spent a lot of time this week communicating with all realms of nature. They need to see her fight, too. Who knows how long the quest will last, and no one will see her? A statement should be made before she departs.”

  Leave it to his sister to have a better plan that involves putting Kate at risk. Was she right? Recruitment and training wouldn’t stop while they were gone. They couldn’t afford to lose any ground. Maybe one more offensive statement would make a difference.

  He met Rowena’s intense stare. She gave a brief nod, agreeing with Nikki.

  Xander sighed inwardly. One good thing about leaving on this quest would be having Kate all to himself. He needed some alone time with her and without the Council hovering.

  Kate embodied everything to him. He believed in hope and healing because she did. After spending time in the outer reaches of Hell, he’d never doubt her absolute love for him.

  He leaned over and kissed the top of her head. She smiled, and her bright blue eyes drew him in. He lived for her.

  The next day all the recruits were separated and given instructions. Not an easy task. Everyone had an opinion or a place they’d rather go.

  Xander snapped at a couple of them, but Kate quieted him. “They’re nervous. This is their way of dealing. The reality doesn’t seem as close if they’re fighting part of the process. Leave them be. When it’s time, they’ll do what’s needed. Let’s get our own team together. I tried to pick the least annoying soldiers possible, since you’re such a big fan.” She poked his ribs.

  He tried to keep a straight face but couldn’t resist her infectious laughter. “Then how the hell did Chris get on our team? I thought I told Tristan to send him far away. He definitely doesn’t qualify as least annoying. I protest this decision.”

  This time she punched him in the shoulder and gave him her best school-teacher glare. “Everyone needs a challenge to reach their full potential. He’s yours. Plus, I’m keeping my former team together on this one.” He noticed she didn’t add how much she needed this mission with them. It helped her stay connected with the past, and who she’d once been.

  He figured she wouldn’t be separated from them. He could deal with Chris for a couple more days. After all the torture he’d endured, surely, he’d survive this sniveling whelp. When he made himself look at the situation objectively, he had to admit he’d probably like him if he hadn’t been connected to Kate.

  He’s definitely one hell of a soldier.

  Would it make a difference in the end? He didn’t want to like them, or the sorrow he’d feel if they died.

  Angie laid out a circle with Camilla’s help, then they placed their supplies inside. Each recruit stood in an assigned spot. Kate soothed their nerves so they could all focus. He admired her concentration and strength.

  He merged his mind with hers as she spread her arms to move the entire unit to New Orleans. He should’ve known they’d be one of the teams to go back in and clean up this particular city. She wouldn’t let Nate fight alone. Didn’t help she also felt responsible for taking the city’s protectors, including the rogues.

  She tried to hide her thoughts. He didn’t take offense anymore but wanted her to believe that she could talk to him about anything. Instead, she wanted to protect him. It had gotten worse since the rescue. A part of her considered him broken.

  Maybe it was true.

  They landed in Tristan’s house in the Garden District. Not many humans were out on the streets at night these days, but no reason to take the risk of being seen. Kate handed them room assignments and gave them a moment to unpack. Then, they met in the study area.

  He watched silently as she glided her fingers along the edges of the antique furniture. If only they were traveling over the length of his body instead. Shivers ran down his back and sweat trickled from his forehead. He forced his wayward desires under control. Since his days of capture, he’d been more desperate than ever to possess her often. She had absorbed his fears and sparked an incredible fire inside him.

  Xander took a seat on the window ledge and watched her work. They’d taught her well. She reviewed the layout of the city, the types of creatures roaming the streets, appropriate weaponry choices. Then, she discussed the importance of hiding from other humans, including killing quickly and purifying the area. All the men and women stood at attention, barely blinking an eye. Proof they had come to fight.

  Many of the attacks happened late at night, so they waited until most of the city slept. They broke into two teams to cover more territory. Ace and Nikki took Nate’s group. Kate, Xavier, Angie, and he stayed with Chris, Teri, and Randy’s group.

  They slowly made their way down the pitch-black streets. Inch by inch, they checked every alley. He wanted to do a quick scan, but Kate made him do everything like a human. Like he needed any reminder that he almost became one of them. The thought turned his stomach, but it’d mostly been his fault. If he’d trusted her from the beginning, it wouldn’t have become a near-death experience. That’s why he closed his mind down and followed her lead.

  Glass broke, and a woman screamed in the market area. The lack of moonlight wasn’t helping matters. Of course, it would be a new moon tonight. He stepped back and let Chris and Randy take the lead. Kate tried to hide it, but she’d already scanned the area and knew what they would find.

  He leaned over and whispered in her ear, “Cheater.”

  She winked back as he smiled and pulled her braid.

  They rushed in, but soon realized they’d fallen into a trap. The recruits hadn’t followed the proper protocol, and Kate let them make their mistake to teach them a lesson.

  A vampire flew in behind one of the soldiers. Kate fired a lightning bo
lt of energy straight into his chest before he sank his fangs into one of her people. Apparently, she wanted them to learn, but not by ambush.

  Xavier shook his head and stared straight at him. “They weren’t setting the trap for us. It’s how they’ve been capturing humans. Human nature leads them to come running and then they are ambushed. Scarily clever. I’ve never known them to show this much intelligence. I sent the info to Nate and Ace.” What was going on in this battle? When had demons gotten so smart? He’d like to blame Fury, but this seemed like something else. A training regime had begun in the Hell Realm. What did that mean for them?

  He lost his train of thought as demons and vampires flooded into the open area. Kate shielded her presence but watched each soldier and protected them. It only took the evil creatures a moment to realize they were facing trained soldiers. He put up a shield to hold them inside. The demons still fought to escape but the vamps became hungry and arrogant, wanting the fight. Xavier and Angie jumped into the foray to neutralize the speed of the vamps. Kate continued to watch while he corralled them in.

  Chris ducked a punch and swept the legs from under his opponent. Using his crossbow, he lit the arrow on fire and it pierced the heart of the vampire who screamed in agony. Chris turned and sent another flaming arrow at a demon approaching Teri from the back. The demon ripped out the arrow and continued toward her.

  Randy raced in and knocked down the creature she’d been fighting. Teri turned and sliced the head off the one coming up behind her. She motioned Randy forward and finished the one he’d kicked to the ground. The three formed a circle back to back and fought as one.

  Impressive. They’d come together as a real unit.

  Xander hadn’t believed that humans could fight selflessly and join together into one weapon of destruction. Randy neutralized their speed with his own brute strength. Chris outsmarted them and got them into a perfect position. Then, Teri swung the sword, eliminating demon after demon. They killed everything in their path. Even more impressive, the other soldiers caught on and followed their lead.

  Angie and Xavier had backed away to watch. The humans had this under control.

  Words I never thought I’d consider.

  Chris’ flaming arrows took out two more vamps, while another group beheaded two demons simultaneously. With a few final blows, the evil creatures were obliterated. Once again Kate’s plan had been a brilliant success. She had a faith in humankind he simply didn’t grasp, but he’d try. These humans might prove to be useful after all.

  I’m good with whatever keeps her alive.

  Cleansing the area, Kate called off orders like a drill sergeant. She removed any traces of the creatures and humans. They didn’t want to risk any of them being tracked. “Xander, have you checked in with Ace? The last time I connected, they were deep into the fight and I didn’t want to distract.”

  “Yeah, they encountered something similar. They lost one recruit in a sneak attack, but overall minimal injuries were sustained. Ace said most of the vampires left in this area were lower on the totem pole. That’s why they weren’t in the arena when you fried them all, but I’m not so sure. I saw intelligence and purpose tonight.”

  Chris stepped forward and glared at Kate. “Wait a minute. What do you mean fried them all? You could have eliminated all these things without us, couldn’t you?” His anger made sense. What he didn’t understand was that these were the demons Kate wouldn’t have time to deal with at the Rising.

  She reached out and grabbed his shoulder. “Of course. You’ve seen what I can do. But we needed to see what all of you can do in a pressurized situation. Look at the team all of you became tonight. My job is to teach you how to survive when I’m not there. ’Cause I won’t always be there to maintain protective shields or kill the enemy that slips through. I have to trust that you can hold the first wave of minions at bay, so I can kill the one that ends the war. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be.” Randy interrupted Chris when he started to respond. “You treated us like combat soldiers and not babies. I appreciate that. I’d like to live through this battle if possible and know there’s only one way that happens. You have to be the best damn soldier out there. I’ll take any of these training assignments you offer. I never want to see these creatures harm another human as long as I live.” His eyes blazed with sincerity and determination. No doubt, he’d be one of the squad leaders.

  Xander respected the man. He might become the first human recruit he liked. Whether she’d meant to or not, Kate had created a new version of this species. Super warriors. Only time would tell the consequences of that disaster.

  Teri laid her head on Randy’s shoulder as they turned to the portal Kate had created for them to return to Tristan’s home.

  Chris followed with his shoulders slumped in humility. He stopped and turned to Xander. “She’s amazing and not human. I had to let the memory of her go before I could see that. I’m glad she found you. I guess I’m also a little jealous at what she and Angie became. Foolishly, I felt like we were being purposely left out. I get it now and see how much she wanted to protect us. Just wanted you to know.”

  No reason to tell him he’d already read all that in his mind while he’d been trying to find the words. Instead he held out his hand. Chris grasped it. Xander nodded. “Our common goal is to protect her so she can save us all. It’s a burden none can completely understand.”

  “Amen to that.” Angie ran by with Kate in tow. “Let’s get some sleep in Tristan’s fancy house and enjoy some New Orleans cuisine. I ordered all our favorites.”

  Xander looked around and took in all the faces of his friends. Over the years, he’d lost so much to this ultimate and master plan Fate had cursed them with. Yet, he’d gained more than he’d ever imagined possible. Love, peace, and family. What else could he ask for in a lifetime?

  * * *

  Kate snuggled against Xander in the Victorian bed she adored. She loved being back in this house and reliving some of the memories from their last visit and reenacting quite a few. She smiled. Definitely sweet dreams tonight.

  Closing her eyes, she drifted to sleep, then felt that old familiar tug.

  Oh no, not again. “Hello, Cass.”

  They were back in Ireland at the same spot where he’d first spoken to her in a vision. The smell of the meadow flowers tickled her nose, and the small girls giggled as they splashed in the stream. Odd how they never seemed to age, and the setting never altered in this place. One perfect day.

  She knew all the names this time and what their future held. Did that make things easier or harder? She didn’t know. Cassius. Guinevere. Trinity. Felicity. Harder for sure. Tears leaked down her cheeks.

  “Kate, my child. How are you?”

  “Well, my last vision starring you happened to be the last Rising. I know what you did and what Rowena sacrificed. I think maybe I even know why.”

  He patted her hand and nodded. “Yes, I knew you’d eventually be allowed to see the battle. We did everything for a reason. Our intention wasn’t to change destiny, but to give you the best chance for survival. Maybe we went a little overboard. Grief led me to a place I’m not always proud of. Someday I’ll explain everything and show what Guinevere witnessed in her visions. I don’t have the time today. Time is in short supply, especially for you.”

  Uh oh. These conversations never worked out well for her. “Return to the Meadows immediately,” he went on. “Zane has the information to begin your journey. Remember you’re dealing with a destiny written thousands of year ago. So don’t expect him to know every detail or ask a million questions. Most of what you need is already inside you.” He knew her so well.

  “What about the human recruits?”

  “Initiate them. Deep in your heart, you’ve always known the test they must pass in order to enter the Meadows. Have faith that most will have that honor. Be prepared that some will not. Once that task is completed, meet with Zane. I’m only able to appear because it’s time for you to begin t
he quest. Once you start, I won’t be able to help you much.”

  More cryptic crap. She needed an instruction manual. If she survived, she’d write one for the next unlucky candidate. “Any more words of wisdom, Cass?” She didn’t want to insult him but something had to give.

  He stood and leaned forward, then kissed the top of her head. “My stubborn child. At some point, you’ll have to trust what resides inside you and all the answers that are there for you. I’m sorry for the pain my decision brought to you and Rowena. I wish I could tell you more, but it must wait.”

  He glanced over his shoulder at his family, and his eyes became haunted. “I feel it, Kate. This quest has more significance than I’ve ever seen. You have to repair the fabric of our very being.”

  His image started to fade, but his piercing blue eyes held her captive. “Go now. It’s time. The Mystic must prove her worth.”

  Chapter 6

  A strange calm descended over Kate as she glided across the stage, then turned to face the recruits. They gave her their undivided attention, and she’d give them a probable death sentence. She couldn’t dwell on that for now. The time had come for them to make the ultimate decision to sever their ties to humanity and embrace a new world that they’d respect and honor.

  Choices. Didn’t it always come to choices made? What would these soldiers choose for their future? She’d soon know.

  Dressing for the occasion, she’d worn the same white gown that had been bestowed upon her during the Awakening when she’d become the Mystic. It rustled along the floor. The only sound heard in the room. Her long blonde hair flowed down her back in waves, and she allowed her electric swirling blue eyes to shine their brightest. For now, she chose to keep the tattoo to a minimum. Just enough to remind, but not overwhelm. Before they could decide, they had to see the whole picture. They needed to know what they were leaving behind and the new world they’d embrace. Only then, could they understand the permanency.

  “How powerful are the bonds of friendship? Of love? Of hope?” Her voice entered their hearts and minds as if she were whispering in their ears. They became enthralled in the magic of her words. A brief moment of guilt and grief washed over her, but she pushed it aside.


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