Mystic Rising

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Mystic Rising Page 14

by J L Lawrence

  His brothers looked at one another but none had an answer. They possessed guilt but nothing more. It clouded their vision, and she didn’t know how to help them. She met Rowena’s eyes with desperation. “This isn’t right. Tell them.”

  It didn’t appear that Rowena would intervene, then she heard her sigh of defeat. “Zane, you and your brothers are the rightful heirs to the throne. Your father broke the covenant and only his children can repair it. If you leave, your people will fade from existence. My limited visions, which you know I rarely share, indicate that each of you will endure a set of trials similar to Kate. She’s the first link and then you will have a turn. Each must prove their worth. If any fail, you all fail. Sins of the father passed to the sons. However, I’ve foreseen all this occurs after the Rising. You must be patient and keep your people at peace. If Kate succeeds, she will be your guide and lead you to freedom.”

  Storm reached for Nikki’s hand. “Zane listened to her. He’s going to remain our leader until we’ve had the chance to redeem our line. Then, who knows. His heart overflows with pain and regret. It makes him physically ill to think of our father and what he did.”

  Furtive glances passed between all the brothers. “Then why does it look like a decision is still being made?”

  “Zane believes we should tell the truth to all our people. Most of my brothers think we should focus on this future test and see if we succeed. They’re afraid of another uprising or worse, the warriors deciding to cross over to the Eternal Realm. Zane has faith it will make our realm stronger. My brothers disagree. I sided with Zane. Secrets only cause heartbreak, don’t they?” Loaded question.

  Nodding, she walked over and placed her head on his chest. He linked his arms around her waist, and her powers wavered. She couldn’t stay here much longer, even under Rowena’s protections. She needed to talk to Storm before leaving, so she sent a silent plea to Rowena. She agreed and guided Zane and his brothers into Zane’s study to provide her own opinions as to what they should do.

  Storm snuck away and pulled her down the hallway to his bedroom. He grabbed the back of her neck and crushed her lips with his own. Desperation and urgency surrounded their movements as he guided them toward the bed.

  The temptation to let him take control and to give into a few minutes of absolute bliss distracted her. His hands slid under her shirt. She wouldn’t be able to stop him soon, especially when she wanted him so badly. Her survival instinct finally kicked in and zapped her foggy brain.

  “Wait. We can’t do this.” She took a step back, shaking her head.

  “Why on earth not? We’re alone and Zane can talk for hours. You have some time left before you have to return. It’s not exactly like we get this opportunity often. What aren’t you telling me?” He held her hands, but took a step back to give her room.

  She sat down on his chair, trying to hold in the tears. “I didn’t tell you this before because I didn’t want to worry you. And I didn’t know the next time we’d be together, or if Kate would free you soon. Don’t be angry.” To his credit, his eyes narrowed, but he didn’t speak.

  “After the last time we made love, it completely drained me. Even with Kate and my mom helping, a full week passed before I regained full strength. Since the curse, our bond spans between two forbidden realms. When we mate in the shadows, it sucks everything from me kind of like a punishment. I understand why now.”

  “I don’t. First, you should have told me. We both know secrets only lead to pain. Second, why did it happen? You left in plenty of time that day with the others. Have you suffered this every time?” She hadn’t wanted to cause him more pain but failed miserably. His heart accelerated and his breathing increased.

  She bowed her head. “Yes, it happens each time and has gotten progressively worse. I didn’t tell you because I couldn’t let go. But the last time, I realized that if Kate, Xander, or anyone needed my help, I would’ve been useless. It’s a price I can’t pay, not even for us. The Rising is the responsibility of all of us.” She choked back the tears and fought the urge to allow him to take the pain away. She needed to finish what she’d come here to say, before time ran out.

  “The why is the curse. The design isn’t to keep you locked in the shadows but also to prevent any entanglements with other species. I didn’t mention that in front of your brothers because it only relates to us. Until you and your brothers restore the realm, it will be difficult for us to be together. After the Rising, I can handle the dip in power occasionally, and if Kate becomes the full Mystic she can restore me. But we’ll always depend on others.”

  “What are you saying, Nikki? Spell it out because I’ve had quite the day so far. Do you want us to stay apart again? I can’t go back to that existence.”

  “Neither can I. For now, we continue to talk and see each other the best we can. We simply can’t trigger the bond between us. I can’t be drained when we could be called to fight at any moment. I barely sleep, waiting on Xander or Xavier to call on me. I can’t lose another brother because I’m indulging in a fantasy. As much as it hurts for me to say, that’s what we are right now. Just a fantasy, and it breaks my heart.” She burst into tears and his anger faded.

  He could read her thoughts, so she had no doubt he knew how much she loved him. Instead of yelling and fighting to no avail, they held each other until the tears subsided.

  Why must fate be so cruel? She’d spent four hundred years without him. Then, he’d been brought back into her life like a gift and once again snatched away. What had she done in life to deserve this fate? Her thoughts hung in the air between them.

  “Nothing. You did nothing, my love. My father did this and I swear to you that I’ll find a way to fix it all. All I ask is that you don’t disappear this time. Give me a chance to make it right. My life isn’t whole without you, and centuries apart didn’t weaken our bond. You have to believe that a greater destiny awaits us.” Kissing her cheek, he then stroked her face to wipe away the tears.

  She sniffled. “I want to believe. But if Kate can’t figure out how to set you free, what kind of future could we have? Eventually, it will destroy us both. I feel like we’re back on the cliffs facing the same problem. My heart and soul can’t take this forever. It eats at me every day.”

  A slight tick in his jaw warned her that his anger had returned. He exhaled slowly and struggled to keep his patience. She couldn’t blame him when she sounded like a petulant child. That hadn’t been her intention, but her emotions had gotten the better of her. He’d been through enough today.

  He pulled her roughly against his chest. “Don’t give up on us. If it can’t be fixed, then we’ll talk about what to do next. Promise me that much. You’re right that we have to focus on the Rising and can’t allow distractions. You’re wrong that love is a distraction. It’s the guiding force that tells us we must survive. Look at what Kate risked to save Xander. Our love is what keeps me going, despite the devastating setbacks like today. I need you.”

  “I need you, too. I love you with all my heart. I promise to hang onto our love and trust in the future.” At least for now. But she wouldn’t wait forever. This time she’d seek eternal solitude, trusting her family to go on without her. No reason for him to know that.

  Resting her forehead against his, she clung to him, knowing this might be the last time before the Rising. Her heart ached. She didn’t want to let go. Tears spilled down her cheeks again. Her grip around his neck tightened. Her powers wavered but she didn’t care.

  Would one more time hurt? He’s my mate. Everything that I am. Her resistance weakened as he caressed her back.

  Thoughts of them joining overpowered her will to keep her distance. She leaned back as his head descended to meet her lips. She’d pay the price one last time. What could it hurt?

  Rowena interrupted. “Nikki, we have to return to the Meadows. Several of the humans have returned injured from their latest attempts to save innocents. Many died. We’ll need to inform Kate. I don’t think we can ri
sk any more missions into the Human Realm. They’re expecting us now and setting traps. If we follow the patterns of the past, the Rising won’t be far away. Meet me in the great hall immediately.”

  And that’s why she had to eliminate distractions. What would have happened if she’d fallen into his arms once again? She’d be powerless to help all those that needed her healthy and focused. How many would have died because she’d indulged in forbidden behavior? She closed down her emotions and stepped back from his embrace.

  His eyes were full of pain and clashed with her determination. “I’m not willing to sacrifice this mission. We must keep our distance until the Rising is over. I won’t watch my brothers die because of my mistakes.” She softened her tone and squeezed his hand. “After the battle, I’ll return to you…if I can.”

  Her last few words came out as a choked sob. She turned and hurriedly joined Rowena in the great hall. He didn’t follow, but maybe it was for the best.

  She entered the portal with a new resolve and purpose.

  * * *

  When they arrived back in the Meadows, Nikki felt immediate relief when she saw Teri, Chris, Randy, and Nate all running around helping the wounded. She’d never be able to face Kate if anything had happened to them on her watch. She’d made the right decision. Time to be the warrior her namesake demanded. She’d train them harder and make sure they were all ready to defeat the demons.

  She spent the next few hours healing each soldier. Then she met with the Council. They didn’t have anything new to add. Everyone waited patiently for Kate to start her next trial. She’d rather be with them, but knew Kate depended on her to keep her friends safe. She’d almost failed because she’d begged Rowena to take her into the shadows. She believed they had a right to know, but her ulterior motive almost cost lives.

  You’d think I’d learn after six hundred years.

  When darkness fell, she retreated to her true sanctuary. Opening up the ground, she floated inside, letting nature surround her. It replenished her power and spoke to her about everything happening in all the realms. After she’d learned all she could, peace and quiet descended over her.

  * * *

  “Thanks, big sis. I’ll let her know.” Xander knew Kate would be furious when she woke up. But that might be a while. She’d been out over ten hours.

  He guessed her exhaustion and emotional roller coaster had caught up with her. Sleep had become her way of working through issues. This latest fiasco with the human casualties would have her blaming herself for the foolishness of others yet again. The Council shouldn’t have allowed them to leave. Her mind had to be completely clear for the next task. They’d been lucky with the first task being more of a mental challenge, but he doubted they’d get off that easy again.

  Not that they knew when or where. The amulet had told her to rest and wait for its call. Even in his world, an amulet calling the shots wasn’t normal.

  He stroked Kate’s hair and focused his thoughts on the future they could have. The vision from Roxy had become his talisman for hope. He didn’t mind it being a long shot. So far, they’d seen a whole lot of death surrounding the Rising but not much life. He needed the light in all the darkness.

  The thought of her leaving him to face Braxus tore his heart out, but he couldn’t follow. He wanted to be able to let her go, but could he? If she left the room, he worried. These trials were killing him. Probably not rational, considering her fate. Didn’t change things. He wanted to stand in front and protect her, not step aside like some weakling. They should be able to fight together to defeat the Omega and find their perfect future.

  “But we can’t and you know it.” Kate kissed his cheek.

  He smiled and ruffled her hair. “Maybe not, but a guy can dream. Why are you in my head this early? Thought you were sleeping.”

  “I slept so long, I figured I’d better check on any updates. I saw the fallen soldiers Nikki told you about. Part of me is furious, but another part is telling me they need to see reality and the pain. Rowena assured me they will not venture out again. However, it did provide some chinks in the armor that need to be addressed. Tristan made the adjustments and will implement them today.”

  “Do you think it will be enough?”

  “No, but I have to believe there’s a chance that it will. What other choice do I have?” She walked to the window. Her long flowing gown caressed her body. Opening the latch, she leaned forward and inhaled the fresh air. In her dreams, she’d replayed Cillian’s answers over and over. Even in sleep, she’d been allowed little peace. Her mind had become too strong for him to provide much comfort. She had to see it through despite the consequences. No one deserved her fate, yet here she was paying for the sins of the world. He longed for it to be over and feared it more than anything.

  The sun added to her golden glow. She shined like an angel. For a brief moment she embraced the wonder of nature and felt peace. He wished he could give her that feeling permanently. Closing her eyes, she extended her arms like she could fly.

  He walked behind her and pulled her close. The fear that he’d have to let her go placed panic in his heart, so he clung to her. He’d watched the life fade from Lily while Xavier held her. If she died while fighting Braxus, he wouldn’t even get to do that.

  “Then, I better live, huh? Please don’t worry so much. Cassius is one of two Mystics who died during the battle. And he chose to die, which is why I’m in this mess. The odds are in my favor to survive. We have to make sure I finish these trials to have my best shot at living. I won’t give up.” She tucked her head under his chin. No, she wouldn’t stop until she won or died. He didn’t like the odds.

  She stroked his chest and smiled. “Let’s gather up Xavier and Angie. They went for a walk. I want to explore the area a bit before our next task. Galway has shopping and historical landmarks, I’d love to see. The threat level around us is low. We can even eat in a real restaurant and have authentic Irish food. I want happy memories from this trip, not lingering realities of the quest. Please, Xander?”

  He wanted to say no. Why leave the safety of the house? Or tempt fate? Hadn’t they had enough bad luck? Demons were everywhere. But, he knew how much she treasured the human part of her existence. Maybe this would help her feel more connected and less sad.

  “Why are you debating this, bro?” Xavier’s thoughts interrupted them. “You’ve already lost and know what we’re going to do. Man up and accept.” His brother could be a real pain, but he had a point. Even if he refused, she’d look up at him with those puppy dog eyes and they’d go anyway. Why fight it?

  At least this way, it’d look like he supported the horrible idea. “Fine, you two are coming with us. So get comfortable. There’ll be lots and lots of people.” He couldn’t resist popping an image of crowds into his twin’s mind. Served him right for intruding on his internal debate.

  Kate had already begun getting dressed, but he figured he should respond anyway. “Galway isn’t a far drive, and I guess we could blend in. But you have to promise you will disappear if we see any sign of trouble. You can’t be the hero and go charging into something. If you’ll give me your word, I’ll go quietly.”

  “Fine. I honestly don’t want any trouble right now. I want to be a tourist and take pictures until the amulet shares the next phase.” Who knows when that will be. She seemed more patient than usual. Maybe she simply needed a break.

  Angie found a parking spot close to Eyre Square, so they decided to begin with a walk through the John F Kennedy Park. The flowers, trees, grass, and warm sun pulled them in. Despite all the tourists, it didn’t seem overcrowded. Kate stopped at the Quincentennial Fountain, which commemorated Galway’s five hundredth anniversary as a city. They strolled around for a bit enjoying the spring air.

  Kate headed down one of the streets with lots of shops. She and Angie darted in and out of all the little stores while Xander tried not to have a heart attack. He scanned for demons constantly. Everyone that looked at Kate a little too lon
g became suspected evil.

  “Your wife is absolutely gorgeous, as is mine.” Xavier wouldn’t stay out of his head, but maybe that was a good thing. “They’re staring for a different reason. They don’t want to kill her, but they wouldn’t mind being in a room alone with her. Until she electrocutes them. I’d worry more about those thoughts and appreciate the fact she’s with you. We’ve both scanned and we’re paying attention. At least pretend to be enjoying yourself, or you’ll ruin her day. They deserve a moment of happiness.” How had Xavier become the grounded one and he’d turned into a pansy?

  “Fine, but keep that radar of yours on full alert. If anyone spots her, we could be surrounded in seconds.” His brother smirked and nodded. “Sometimes, you really annoy me.”

  Kate pointed at one of the buildings and brought his attention back to their surroundings. Structures, no more than four stories high, lined both sides of the street. Many of the stores were geared toward tourists looking for souvenirs or sweaters. They sold a lot of sweaters. Some shops were more authentic in nature. It reminded him of a small town closed off from the rest of the world.

  He’d been born and raised in the Meadows, so he spent most of his time in the U.S. while in the Human Realm. Sure, he popped in to see some of the wonders of the world because he could. But seeing the majesty through Kate’s eyes created a whole different experience.

  “Look at the cute little train.” She squealed and tugged on his arm. They’d come to an end of the road and saw a tourist train coming from the West End area. He hadn’t seen her this happy in a while. He couldn’t help but smile at her childlike joy.

  Pulling her braided hair, he leaned over and whispered, “You big softie.”

  She punched him in the shoulder. “And? Got a problem with that? This place, this whole country speaks to me. Someday, I’m going to come back and explore every inch of it.”


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