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Mystic Rising

Page 20

by J L Lawrence

  I really hate that man.

  Rowena listened to all the arguing, then held up her hand. “Kate, we respect you as the Mystic and new leader. You’ve proven time and time again how powerful you can be. I would ask that you talk to us before you merge realms or begin any other battle plans as a sign of respect to us. We’ve successfully guided the Council for centuries.” Her chiding remarks rubbed Kate the wrong way.

  “Rowena, I do respect you. All of you. But I’m going to be honest. This Council is part of the reason we’re in this mess. You ignored realms, created enemies, and missed obvious signs of distress in your previous Mystic. Your traditions are outdated and your methods have caused more despair than solutions. I’ve spent months correcting all the mistakes of this Council. Should I have spoken with you before talking to Gregory and Roxy? Maybe. But I already knew the outcome. Because it had never been attempted, you’d all resist it. Yet, sitting in your group is a human Council member turned immortal. Where was that on your radar that night? I knew you’d refuse, and I simply don’t have time for you to catch up with the new needs of the modern realms.

  “Furthermore, this is my Council, and you pledged to follow me. Like it or not. Name one thing I’ve done outside your approval that hasn’t brought us one step closer to winning at the Rising. I challenge you to name one.” Her gaze fell on Marcus.

  He’d stayed quiet through all the debate. “It pains me to consider allowing Gregory back into this realm. His betrayal to my sons shook the core of our people. However, Kate has a valid point. Her destiny has been to reshape our world and unite the realms. How can we support her adding the humans, yet turn away other allies? It’s been made clear to us by the fates that her purpose is to bring us all back together as a solid unit to defeat the treacherous evil we must face. The darkness grows stronger each year. If we don’t accept change, it will eventually consume us. We must follow the Mystic and stop bickering.”

  Micah jumped from his seat. “You’ve all gone crazy. She’s bewitched you somehow. Maybe she’s the evil one we should fear.”

  He advanced toward her. “You’re responsible for the destruction of this Council. You think all those people love you. They don’t, sweetheart. They tolerate your presence and as soon as Braxus is defeated, they’ll turn on you. Rogues? Seekers? Humans? You haven’t united them, you’ve made us a laughing stock. They’ll never follow our rule once this is over.” His eyes glowed with anger.

  “Our rule?” Kate struggled to keep the pulsing energy filling her entire body under control. “Who says you’ll still be here?” One move from him and she might strike him down for sheer pleasure.

  No need. Tristan came flying in and leveled Micah with a resounding punch to the jaw. The crunch of bone actually sounded satisfying.

  Micah landed on his backside with blood trickling from his lip, still spewing his thoughts. “Look, what you’ve done to us. Evil surrounds her.” Tristan sneered in reply, ready to attack again.

  Micah jumped to his feet and lunged toward him. He possessed decent fighting skills if only they weren’t housed within a whimpering idiot. They knocked over chairs and people were diving out of the way. Xander started to intervene, but backed away at Tristan’s growl. And if Kate had to bet, he’d also backed off to see Micah get his ass kicked.

  Expecting Rowena to step in, Kate waited in silence. She figured cheering might not be the right thing to do at the moment. Instead, the fighting continued. Maybe Rowena thought he needed a lesson, too. Tristan delivered, kicking Micah into the air, catching him, and then slamming him down on the ground.

  Boisterous laughter froze the room. Camilla doubled over in a fit of giggles. Always reserved, Camilla had stunned everyone, including Tristan and Micah. She couldn’t stop. Tears fell down her cheeks, and she held her side from the intensity. Had she gone mad or been possessed?

  “Look at us.” She finally sobered enough to speak. “We have become exactly what our enemy expects. We’re fighting each other instead of planning for the battle which was the purpose for this meeting. What did we accomplish?” She turned to Micah. “You curse humanity but your actions displayed their greatest weakness. We’re not different and we’re not above any other species. We should be their guardians. This is the world Kate is creating, and she has my full support. We’ve been blinded by our power these last centuries. She is our wake-up call. We’d best heed her teaching and protect our future.”


  Their heads hung in shame as the reality of their mistakes over the centuries became evident. Tristan lowered his hand to help Micah off the floor. Rowena healed him, then they all returned to the table. Crisis averted by the once human turned immortal and leader of all covens. Her quiet words resonated in their hearts.

  Tristan patted her shoulder. “I agree with Camilla. Kate has shown us a new way to save all our realms and live in a time of peace that’s always been elusive. The first trio of Mystics found her worthy, and we’d be fools to stand against them. Kate has my full support.” He faced her. “Some words of caution. You’ll need every ounce of energy to defeat Braxus. Be sparing in what you’re willing to risk.”

  He returned his focus to the entire group. “It’s a solid backup plan should we need assistance. You’ve all seen the horrors of this battle. We simply can’t afford to turn away help.”

  Marcus and Rowena nodded in agreement. Micah scowled, but said nothing else. He’d become her enemy, but she’d live with that. If they all survived, she’d make peace.

  Rowena dismissed them. Tristan and Camilla returned to the training facility. Micah stormed out toward his chambers, presumably to pout.

  Sighing, Rowena touched Kate’s shoulder. “You sure do keep us on our toes. Not sure whether to say thanks or go to hell. Guess I’ll decide which you’ve earned, after the Rising.” She exited. What a parting line.

  At least she hadn’t mentioned that if Kate failed, they’d probably all be dead anyway. Rowena would find a way to haunt her in the afterlife, so she’d better stay alive and kill some demons.

  Marcus walked up behind her. “For some, it’s hard to imagine life any other way. For others, change reminds them of how long they’ve existed on the earth, carrying the weight of the world. You must forgive their questioning nature. Even Micah. In the end, we all want the same thing. We simply have different opinions on how to get there.”

  She leaned against him, wishing she had his wisdom and faith. “What about you and Pam?” Xander and the others had joined Tristan with training so only the two of them remained. She’d avoided asking what his future held.

  “Pam and I plan to see the world. I’ll step down from the Council, and we’ll get to explore everything we’ve imagined. Eat, live, and have fun. No limits or wars. When we’ve seen all this world has to offer, we’ll cross over into the Eternal Realm knowing we lived a full life. Our children are our legacy and have made us proud. A good life and a happy ending. What more could you ask for, right?”

  Their plan sounded amazing. She hoped to have that same future someday. Pam walked in and placed her arm around Kate’s shoulders. “Your destiny is far greater than ours, but have faith that you’ll find the same happiness. We love you like a daughter, and we’ll always be here for you. Don’t fear that we might leave you. Embrace that life goes on, and you’ve set us free.”

  “But what if I fail? What if I can’t give you this life you dream of?” Her voice shook, and her throat hurt from holding back tears.

  “Then, we change the dream. Anyway, that won’t happen. I see the determination and power within you. I choose to believe in our future. It’s time you do. The Rising is here. You know what to do. You always have. Focus on what you can control and let the rest go. Fill in the next few days with special moments and heartfelt goodbyes. Leave nothing unsaid.” Pam leaned over and kissed her cheek. Kate remembered the first time they’d met. She’d been astonished by the light and kindness as she’d healed her upon her arrival in the Meadows.

bsp; Who would be left when the Rising ended, became her greatest fear. She couldn’t imagine picking up the pieces of so many lives lost. Rowena’s inner sadness made sense. Saying goodbye would be difficult, but she understood what Pam meant. Better to make sure you’ve said your piece and have no regrets.

  * * *

  Pacing the room, Nikki cursed herself for acting like a child. She owed Kate an apology and an explanation. The Council meeting had been disastrous, and she’d hidden in her room instead of showing support. Kate wanted to save them by any means necessary. Who could blame her for exploring all the options? A knock at her door interrupted the self-pity party.

  With a wave of her hand, she opened it. Kate stood on the other side with her arms crossed and a serious expression on her face. Guess I deserve what’s coming. She stepped to the side and motioned for her to come in.

  She didn’t wait for Kate to start fussing at her. “I know why you’re here and I deserve it. I acted like a foolish idiot and didn’t support you with the Council. Before you send more disappointed glares my way or tell me how childish I’ve been, please let me explain my reaction. It doesn’t justify my behavior, but I hope it helps you understand.” Reading Kate’s emotions had become much more difficult since her return.

  Seconds passed, but Kate nodded. “I needed you out there. It hasn’t been easy communicating with Roxy. Facing her after she gave her life for mine. Asking Xander to work with his former best friend and reason for his nightmares. You know me well enough to realize I didn’t decide this easily. But I will listen with an open mind and try to understand what troubles you.”

  The old Kate would’ve been much easier to talk to. This version scared her a little. A piece of her core being hadn’t returned with all the other memories. Rowena told her not to be concerned, but it didn’t make sense.

  Taking a deep breath, she decided to be honest. “It’s my fault Gregory captured Xander and drug him to the Hell Realm. I got distracted and missed it. I’m so sorry.”

  “What are you talking about? No one saw it. That plan had been in motion for months. Roxy’s one of the greatest Seers I’ve ever known. Her visions were incredibly accurate. Hard to control rattling around in my head, but still impressive.” Kate’s eyes softened and she took her hands. “Why would you think any of this rests on you?”

  “Because I became more focused on Storm and less on the traitor. I broke into the Hell Realm and obtained valuable information. For weeks, I continued to search, getting whatever facts I could find until I reunited with Storm. Then, I spent all my time trying to find a realm where we could be together. I put an impossible love over my brothers, and I almost lost them.” She hung her head, not wanting to see the anger in Kate’s eyes.

  Instead, she came over and embraced Nikki’s shoulders to comfort, not condemn. Maybe Kate couldn’t remember everything from her past, but she still had compassion in abundance.

  Nikki leaned against her as Kate spoke, letting her soothing words wash over her. “I charged the Hell Realm to save Xander, putting the entire world at risk. We can’t blame ourselves for following our hearts. Roxy barely broke through. We all knew something was coming. Nothing would have changed destiny’s design. The quest showed me that every step we take has been planned and leads us to the ultimate battle. Rest your mind. Gregory’s betrayal. Roxy’s sacrifice. Me storming into Hell. All had to happen. Each event made us stronger. Finding Storm brought you strength and love. We all need hope for the future, Nikki. You included.

  “You loved Gregory like a brother, as did I. That’s what causes you so much pain. You trusted him to protect your brothers when you couldn’t. His betrayal hurt us all despite his reasons. But we have to move forward. With their help, we could have a better chance at winning. None of the past lies on your shoulders. Let it go before it does hurt someone you care about.”

  “But what if they deceive us again?”

  “I’ll throw them in the deepest, darkest realm I can find for eternity. Let’s move on to a happier topic and forget the mess from today. How are things with you and Storm?”

  Nikki hesitated, not sure how much to reveal. She contemplated telling her everything was fine, but opted for the truth instead. She’d read her thoughts anyway, so she opened her mind to share her final moments with Storm and her decision to keep her distance for the foreseeable future.

  “I see.” Kate sat quietly beside her on a small sofa next to her bed. She didn’t judge and let her cry.

  “Why didn’t you tell him, Nikki?” Kate’s soft voice soothed her.

  “I’m an idiot that didn’t want to admit I’d have to make a choice like he did. I thought I could find a way to have it all and risked everything to prove it.” She blew her nose and tried to stop the tears. When would it end? How many centuries could she cry over the same man?

  Kate picked up on her thoughts. “If it’s the right man, you’ll love him for eternity.” Just what she needed. An eternity of hopelessness.

  Ignoring her inner pity, Kate continued. “I can’t guarantee what our future holds, or if I’ll be here to help you visit Storm. Some of us will die at the Rising. Every war has casualties. You know this more than most. We can’t leave the Meadows and risk exposure. We leave for our new location day after tomorrow. You should tell him how you feel and say goodbye.”

  Tears streaked down her cheeks again. The last Rising had been horrific and she’d barely survived. Storm and her brothers had protected her. Chances were high she wouldn’t be as lucky this time. “I tried, but he’s angry with me, and I can’t risk a drain on my powers.”

  “What if there’s another way? It won’t be as personal. I’ll set up a window between the realms. I promise to tune out and give you privacy. Unfinished business will haunt you.”

  She flung her arms around Kate, nearly landing in her lap. Her biggest regret had been not seeing him one last time. He hadn’t spoken with her much lately. The distance between them killed her. She didn’t blame him for being angry.

  A window similar to the one Xavier had opened at Joseph and Lucia’s appeared in front of her. Storm stood on the other side with his arms crossed. He tried not to look at her, but once he did, his expression softened. Memories filled her head and clogged her throat.

  “What is it, Nikki?” His voice sounded like he was speaking through glass.

  “We leave for battle in two days. I needed to speak with you before we go. Kate opened this portal for us.” She paused and gathered her courage. “The Rising will be harsh, and there are no guarantees. If I don’t return, I needed you to know how much I love you. Every day you’re in my heart, my mind. I would’ve spent an eternity by your side and had children with you as we dreamed. It wouldn’t matter what realm we chose to live, as long as you were there. You are my home. I had so many plans for us. So many dreams. I would’ve spent every second of our lives giving you every ounce of my love.”

  She burst into tears, and her heart broke into a million pieces. Nikki raised her hands to the invisible glass.

  Storm stepped forward and placed his hands opposite hers. “Nikki, I’ve loved you since the moment we met. Thoughts of you kept me alive all these years. That day on the cliffs, I should’ve stayed with you, and I’ll always regret that choice. My world revolves around you and without you, I’m lost. These past few months have brought me greater joy than I ever believed possible. I want so badly to protect you in this battle. It haunts me that I can’t be there to make sure you return to me. I can’t live even this half-life if you’re not in it.”

  “But even if I survive, we can’t be together.”

  “I’ll take every moment in your presence and treasure it. Love isn’t perfect, but you have mine for eternity.” Drops of tears rolled down his cheeks. She wanted to hold him one last time and show him how much she loved him.

  The portal wavered. Kate couldn’t hold it forever.

  Nikki leaned her head forward to meet his. She didn’t want to let go. It ripped at her soul
to say goodbye. She had a horrible feeling this would be the last time she saw his face. She committed to memory the love shining in his eyes.

  “You are my heart, Nikki.” He could barely get the words out. “Be careful and come back to me. Please.”

  Her words wouldn’t come at all. Every time she tried to speak, a sob escaped instead. Taking several deep breaths, she gained a little control.

  “And you are mine, Storm. My everything. If I could’ve chosen the perfect life, every moment would’ve been spent with you.” She couldn’t let go, but she had to.

  “Goodbye, Storm.”

  “I’ll see you again, Nikki.”

  He blew her one final kiss, and the portal disappeared. Her cheeks were wet and her chest hurt from holding back the sobs, so she let it free, falling into Kate’s arms. She held her until she had no tears left to cry. She tried to focus on the positive. She’d found her soulmate and had a great life and wonderful family. In the grand scheme, she’d had more than most and would stand beside her friends till death.

  Kate tucked her in bed and left to give her space.

  Chapter 14

  “Where are you taking me? We can’t leave the Meadows.” Kate struggled not to remove the blindfold Xander had placed over her eyes before they left the house.

  He kissed the tip of her nose. “Don’t worry. Dad and Rowena gave me permission. This is my gift to you before the battle. Be patient.”

  Yeah right, when had that ever happened? He guided her through the portal. A soft breeze caressed her face and a calm spread throughout her entire body, wiping all doubts away. She could stay here forever. But where was here?

  “We’re in the Serenity Realm.”


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