Mystic Rising

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Mystic Rising Page 21

by J L Lawrence

  “The what?”

  He laughed when she crinkled her nose in confusion. Taking her hand, he led her into a wide open green meadow full of wildflowers. “It’s a unique realm of healers. They are completely neutral like your Switzerland in the human world. Because of their talents and willingness to help anyone in need, both sides leave them in peace. Rowena and Marcus created a spell to give them complete control of who enters, with the exception of the Mystic. Otherwise, you have to seek their permission. I put in a special request. After what you’ve done for Nikki and my entire family, I thought you might like to see what true peace can create. Let’s take a walk.” He removed the blindfold.

  She held her emotions in check as he guided her through the meadow. All of her worries drifted out of her mind. The rolling hills seemed endless until they reached the base of the most beautiful white-capped mountains she’d ever seen. The clouds reminded her of soft cotton balls floating above them. Crystal clear streams flowed along the edge of the meadow. The cool, crisp air brought her entire body to life. Her mystical energy drank in the perfection and strength of this realm.

  “It’s stunning. But why don’t they help with the battle? Seems like they wouldn’t want evil to intrude.” She lowered her hand and skimmed some of the tall wildflowers as they walked.

  He didn’t respond for a moment, like he needed to think about the reason. “I guess in their own way, they do help us. Not many demons stick around to be healed. However, they know if they asked, help would be given. For that reason, Lucian leaves them in peace. Healing isn’t their only purpose. They also protect magical creatures from extinction.”

  “Like what?”

  Gesturing to the tree line on his left, he pointed at a massive white unicorn that stepped out of the forest. It frolicked with a young centaur, darting in and out of view. Kate couldn’t believe her eyes. She’d thought nothing else could surprise her, but she’d been wrong.


  A baby griffin swooped down to greet her. It nuzzled against her head until its mother squeaked, then it hurriedly returned to its family. “They’re incredible. Why are they kept hidden here?”

  “Most were exploited for their uniqueness or magical ability. Over time, they became endangered. The Council offered protection if the healers offered the creatures a safe home. Come meet the grandest of them all.”

  She followed Xander into the trees. After a while, they came to a clearing. The ground dropped away into a ravine.

  Her heart hammered in excitement. A dragon’s nest stretched for miles in front of them. A dragon, covered in golden scales, rose up to greet her. It had to be over twenty feet tall and with a wing span of forty feet. Its tail added another ten to fifteen feet of length. As it soared toward her, his jewel-like ruby eyes met hers. Several others stayed below, protecting their territory. Each as colorful as the one standing before her.

  His head dipped. “Hello, Mystic. We’ve waited a long time for you.” He continued to speak of past battles and future concerns. She hadn’t been prepared for their amazing intelligence. He spoke into her mind as if they were old friends.

  “What is your name?”

  “Ardan, my lady. Xander’s a good man. He used to visit me often and bring news of other worlds. While the healers are content to stay isolated from everything, dragons are more curious. We can’t co-exist with humans. We’d be hunted for sport, but we still desire to know what’s happening in the world we used to call our own. May I have your permission to communicate with you, once you leave Serenity?”

  “Of course. It would be an honor.” She smiled at the formality of his bow.

  She reached out and placed her hand along his side. His scales were strong and shiny like titanium, yet didn’t hurt or feel cold when she pressed against them. His large head matched the length of her body, but he gently rubbed against her as a sign of respect. These animals were incredible and rare. She couldn’t wait to spend more time with them in the future.

  Xander patted the small of her back. Ardan asked where they were going. “I’m taking her up to the peaks, so she can see the view of the whole realm.”

  Lowering his front legs, he bowed his head, offering them a ride. She climbed aboard the glittering golden scales. She waited for the harsh feeling of metal under her full weight, instead it felt like sitting on a sofa with no discomfort at all. How strange.

  Kate held on tightly as they launched into the sky. Wind whipped through her and stung her cheeks. She’d never felt more free or more disappointed, once they reached the top of the mountains. It ended too soon.

  She climbed down and stood on the ledge. His ruby eyes met hers as he hovered in the air. “Stay safe, my new friend. If you’re ever in need, call out my name.” His wings extended, and he soared straight up into the clouds. Then he dove past them, returning to his home. Magical and majestic.

  Once her focus left Ardan, Xander gestured in front of them. “Take it all in.”

  The beauty overwhelmed her senses. The scene before them reminded her of her childhood and how she used to imagine what heaven looked like. Tears filled her eyes. Sunlight radiated through the clouds over the land, providing an ethereal glow. Beams bounced off the clouds, completing the awe-inspiring scenery below. Flowers danced in the breeze and all the creatures frolicked with friends and family. Contentment washed over her soul and took the fears away. The healers worked the land and led a simplistic life full of love and hope. Seemed like the perfect existence.

  “It doesn’t seem real. What’s the catch?” Kate had learned the hard way that nothing in this world was free. There was always a price.

  “The healers choose to give their life to the cause. They are immortal and embrace the peace around them. Did you notice there were no children running about?”

  She hadn’t thought about it until Xander pointed it out. “Why not?”

  “That’s the price. Immortality but no procreation. The inhabitants are chosen and dedicate their life to protecting the realm. But don’t be upset. It’s a choice and never forced. Their children are comprised of all realms, especially those that need healing.” Xander held her close and whispered softly in her ear.

  She slid her hand across his back and laid her head on his shoulder. The sounds of nature soothed her. The air seemed to call out, asking her to join this world. Taking a step away from Xander, she extended her arms and let the wind wash all her concerns away. She couldn’t help but notice he had kept his hands anchored at her sides, as if he feared she might decide to take another dive.

  The breeze whipped her hair and a golden light emanated from her inner core. Feathers rippled across her chest, begging to break free and fly. So simple, and yet, not.

  * * *

  Xander maintained a tight grip. His heart couldn’t take that again. He didn’t want to rush her, but he still had one more place to show her before they headed home. He had more than one motive for bringing her here today.

  She jumped when his lips tickled her ear. “When we first met,” he whispered, “I had all this anger deep inside. And a little envy. You had so much power but didn’t want to use it. I knew how powerful you’d become, and I wanted that ability for myself to win the battle. I doubted you.”

  Turning in his arms, she met his eyes. “What changed your mind?”

  “Your enduring love and loyalty for all innocents. Your willingness to trade your life for others without thought. The endless love you’ve given me, even when I didn’t deserve it. Every day the capacity of your heart humbles me more. When the sun rises each morning, I don’t feel its warmth until I touch your face or meet your eyes. You changed my destiny and made it so much better. I wanted a chance to tell you all this before we head into battle.”

  He wiped the runaway tear from her cheek. “I don’t know what will happen or how much loss we’ll have to endure. I do know I have to let you go, so you can conquer Braxus and save the world. We have to become the warriors that fate dictates. But today is for us.”
  Concern clouded Kate’s bright blue eyes. “You sound like you’re saying goodbye.”

  “Not goodbye. But I don’t want things left unsaid. You’re my world and my entire heart is encased in your existence. I want that vision you hold so close. I can’t imagine anything greater than raising a family and waking up beside you every day. That’s what I’m trying to tell you. You’re my hope, my dream for the future.”

  Tucking her head under his chin, she squeezed him tightly. “I want that same future. Soon I have to be the Mystic and lead an army into battle. For now, I’m simply your wife who loves you more than life itself. I had blocked all emotions until the day we met in that alley. You started a fire in my heart that still rages only for you. Despite our bickering in the beginning, you’ve had my heart from day one. It’s yours always and forever.” Her voice hung. “I don’t want to say goodbye.”

  She wept while he stroked her back. He didn’t want to say goodbye either, but the alternative that he might never be able to tell her wasn’t acceptable. So, he held her until the sad emotions began to fade. Her dying in the battle terrified him. Having to sit on the sidelines and watch haunted him night and day. He’d stay by her side until the end and beyond.

  After several minutes, Kate turned around and placed her back against his chest. He clasped his hands in front of her stomach and lowered his head to hers. Neither wanted to break the silence.

  Kate finally asked, “Does this spot have a name? I’d like to remember everything about this place.”

  “Hope Valley. Legend says that a warrior possessing the name Hope will bring peace to all the realms and bring a renewed time of magic. She will proclaim peace to all from this very spot. My mom used to tell Xavier and me that story every night. I think it’s you, Kate. Your middle name is Hope and you provide that emotion to everyone you meet.”

  She started to respond but stopped. Her eyes swirled a crazy electric blue. When she refocused, a soft smile emerged. “I only start the path. Another bearing the name Hope will bring peace and light to all realms. Hers is a destiny greater than mine.”

  “I don’t have a clue what you’re talking about.” Xander’s body clenched with need as her laughter ignited a fire within him.

  Her hands gripped his face and she kissed him. “Silly man. My journey is to defeat the Omega and open the door to this destiny, but it’s not for me to complete. Another will carry that honor in the future. I do want to return to this realm someday.”

  Xander still wasn’t clear about the vision she’d had. Since her transition after the quest, her mind had become difficult to follow in several aspects, like her visions. He simply trusted her to share what he needed to know. Dealing with all the whirling thoughts and visions would drive him insane. He didn’t envy that responsibility.

  “We have one more place to visit before we leave.” Xander held out his hand and she laced her fingers with his. He transported them to his favorite spot.

  Kate gasped when they arrived in a secluded picnic area. The smile and light in her eyes proved he’d picked the right location.

  A ring of trees provided privacy for the area, with the exception of a small opening on the bank of a crystal-clear stream. He placed a light blue blanket and basket of food onto the ground. They sat down and enjoyed the small feast. With bellies full and hearts lifted, he knew the time had come for his final surprise.

  “Close your eyes.”

  “Again? Why? What else have you done? This is too much, Xander.”

  He sent her his best glare. “Can’t you just do what you’re told? At least once without a million questions. Please?”

  “Well, since you said please and all, I guess I can.” She rose to her knees and shut her eyes.

  Pulling the gift from his pocket, he reached for her right hand. He singled out her ring finger and slid the jewelry into place. “Open your eyes.”

  Her grin stretched from ear to ear, lighting up her entire face. Kate threw her arms around him. “It’s a Claddagh Ring. You remembered.” She wiggled her fingers, watching the light bounce off the center stone. He’d chosen well.

  “Your love for Ireland was hard to miss. We’ll go there again someday and explore the entire country.” Her gaze held the total love he’d always craved. Whatever the outcome of the battle, she’d given him a wonderful life.

  He leaned forward and slid his hand around the back of her neck, pulling her into him. Their lips met in a sweet gentle kiss. A spark ignited and the kiss deepened. A frenzy began taking hold as they removed clothes and fell in a heap of tangled arms and legs onto the soft blanket.

  Her body fit perfectly against his. His hands caressed her hip and continued upward until he reached the underside of her breast. He took his time exploring every inch of her body. In the back of his mind, he knew this might be their last chance to be together before the battle. He intended to make every second count. Her back arched as he sparked her first orgasm. Hearing her moans of satisfaction set his body ablaze with desire.

  He took a deep breath to gain control of his body. He didn’t want to rush their time together. Her eyes glowed a brilliant blue, and he unleashed all his emotions, connecting them mind and soul. His heart pounded and the pressure built. He became lost in the pure pleasure of her love.

  Kate pulsed with the need he’d created deep within. His hands explored her most erotic spots, sending her mind over the edge. He’d lit a blazing inferno inside her. The intensity increased until she thought she’d rupture from sheer bliss.

  Energy currents began to rise and shoot from her finger tips. A pale blue glow encased their bodies as the pressure continued to build. Both held onto the moment, trying to make it last forever. He released one final thrust and lightning erupted, sending a firework display into the atmosphere.

  He cradled her against him and for a moment she allowed him to take away her worries. Gazing into his deep blue eyes, she could almost believe they’d win. The rapid rise and fall of his chest and sigh of contentment brought satisfaction and comfort. He started to move, but she held him tight, not ready to admit the time had come to wake up from this perfect dream. Why couldn’t this moment last forever?

  It took a while to catch their breath. They slowly dressed and cleaned up the picnic items. She walked to the water’s edge and bent down, skimming her fingers through the cool water. The inevitability of the Rising weighed heavily against her desire to stay in this perfect place of peace. Her head dropped as she admitted to herself that she might never return to see this beauty again.

  Xander stepped up behind her and pulled her against him. “It’s time to go. I’ve activated the portal. Are you ready to go home, Mystic?” He reached down and brushed her cheek with his fingers.

  “You are my home, Guardian. Always.” She turned and gave him one last kiss before relinquishing to the inevitable. Hand in hand they crossed through the portal, returning to the Meadows. If only this feeling of contentment could last forever.

  * * *

  “Well, it’s about time. Nice of you to join us.” Micah glared in Kate’s direction. Back into the frying pan.

  The moment they’d arrived, Rowena had summoned them to the training facility. Kate longed for the peace she’d found in Serenity.

  Counting to ten and squaring her jaw, she met his enraged eyes. “What is it now, Micah? I’m tired and need to prepare for the move.”

  “That’s just it. We’ve never moved before the battle or added humans or any of this craziness you’ve brought into this world. Now you speak of draining your energy to bring in a completely unreliable world. For all we know, they could be working for Lucian.” He grabbed her shoulder as his crazed eyes swirled. “My visions hold death and destruction for all of us. There won’t be a world for us to return to even if we manage to survive. What have you done to us?” His voice reached a new level of panic.

  She held her tongue, searching for patience and understanding. The disturbing visions circling his head were gruesome. But
not all of them. He couldn’t see past his own fear to embrace the positive possibilities. “Micah, push past the fear. You must, or it’s you who will risk all our lives. I’ve seen what troubles you, and it’s horrifying. There are so many other visions where we win. Why can’t you see the light that’s within our grasp?”

  “Because you’ve extinguished it. I had hoped you would be as great as the prophecy led us to believe. So far, you’ve been a disappointment.” Tristan and Xander both advanced to defend her, but she held them back.

  Holding out her hand, a light burst forth above their head like a projector. She scrolled through the small battles, the allies gained, innocents saved, and her full transformation. Then she turned and stood nose to nose with the help of a little levitation. “You’re an absolute prick and unworthy to sit on this Council. I’m aware of the darkness circling your mind, but you no longer possess the abilities to control the visions. Otherwise, you’d be leading us to success, instead of your perpetual pity party. Get it together or stay behind. I don’t care. If you want to throw stones, aim at yourself. Give me one piece of useful information you’ve provided that Roxy, Nikki, Rowena, or myself did not already possess. I’ll help you with the tally. Zero. Who’s the real disappointment?”

  A red flush crept up his neck, and his eyes darkened. “You have no concept of the powers I possess. Since your talk with the Ghost Realm, my visions have darkened. Do you intend to bring them into battle along with all these feeble humans?” She’d give him credit. He didn’t back down.

  “The humans are worth ten of you because they understand what they’re fighting for. You can’t see past saving yourself. As for my decision, the truth is that I don’t know. I’m not a fool and know the risk to my energy levels could be significant. So, I won’t choose lightly. I also won’t promise not to ask for their help if the need arises. I am the Mystic and leader of the Council. Do not bore me with any more whining. Try doing your job instead.” She wanted to smack him, but too big of an audience had gathered. She needed to exude control and dignity.


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