Mystic Rising

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Mystic Rising Page 27

by J L Lawrence

  “What about Nate? Is he with them?”

  “Yes, he wanted to help. He’s seen so much in his life. You’ll need to find him a new purpose, Kate.” She’d have to do that for all the survivors. None could return to the lives they’d once had.

  A few ideas solidified in her mind. Hundreds of minions had slipped through the cracks and more would be created. Several demons had invaded the human world, too. They’d wreak havoc without control. Her warriors could track and take care of the upper level demons, but they also had several other realms to protect. She confirmed her previous thought that they should keep the RISE academy created for the human soldiers. They could even expand it especially in information technology. They would train generation after generation of human warriors to protect the realm from halfling and demonic threats. She’d work closely with them to ensure they followed protocol and created a safe place for those with exceptional gifts to call home.

  Humans weren’t built to fully accept the complexity of multiple realms, but a select few could. Nate, Chris, Teri, and Randy would be excellent leaders for the new academy. They would now be able to take missions and protect more human lives, since typical government rules and regulations would’ve prevented their ability to previously act. Not anymore. A new day for justice had dawned.

  Satisfied with that decision, she refocused on the losses. “Where are Joseph and Lucia? Jeff and Jane? Illianna and Marco?” Her words tumbled out. Fear built inside as she waited for Rowena’s response.

  Xavier answered instead. “Joseph and Lucia have returned to the Meadows with the injured to assist with healing. Some of the more severe cases are being handled in Serenity. Illianna and Marco are identifying the fallen magical beings and helping Tristan dispose of all demonic remains. You’ll be able to cleanse the land before we depart.”

  “And where are Jeff and Jane?”

  “I’m sorry, but they didn’t make it. Jeff came under heavy attack and Jane stayed by his side until the end. Ace and his men arrived soon after and held the boundary.”

  Something inside her snapped. This time she didn’t push the pain aside. Instead, she grieved for her friends that had supported her since their first meeting in the Meadows. They’d made so many plans for after the battle that would never be. Their inner light and spirit would be sorely missed. Even after victory, so much death and destruction remained.

  Roxy cleared her throat. “It’s time for us to leave, Kate.”

  Great, another goodbye. Both had fought tirelessly till the moment Braxus disintegrated. Without their assistance with the Ghost Realm, the humans would’ve been executed upon entry. She owed them an enormous debt. What they craved was forgiveness, and she could give them that.

  “Gregory. Roxy. Thank you. There are no words strong enough to express the gratitude and respect for what you risked for us. I know you seek forgiveness, especially you, Gregory.” She reached forward and cupped his cheek.

  “It hurt when you betrayed us because we lost a great friend, a brother. If you’d trusted us, would the outcome have changed? Probably not. I understand that now. Everything had a path that led us to this moment, and we were the pawns. It’s not what we envisioned for ourselves, but fate rarely leads us in a straight line. We, yes all of us, forgive you from the bottom of our hearts. Your actions allowed us new depths and saved lives. Painful but necessary. Lessons learned. What can I grant you?”

  Watery green and silver eyes met hers. “Redemption. We’d like to cross over to the Eternal Realm but can’t without your blessing. We refused the realm and chose to enter the Ghost Realm hoping to help, but our way is now blocked because of that decision.”

  “We wouldn’t be able to reach you any longer. All ties would be permanently severed. Are you sure?” Kate searched both their minds. Their desires were unwavering.

  Part of her wanted to talk them out of it. She didn’t want to lose anyone else, but an eternal sentence of a half-life wasn’t fair either. Sighing, she had to do the right thing and give them the gift they’d earned.

  Opening a portal to her left, she held back tears. “Roxy and Gregory, I acknowledge your redemption and wish you peace for your next journey. I’ll miss my friends, but will have joy in the memories made. Thank you for your service to the Council. I bless your request to enter the Eternal Realm.”

  They hugged and cried, but the moment had come.

  Roxy looked back over her shoulder. “I sure will miss the Scooby Gang. Thank you for letting me join. Remember, the future is what you make it. The visions are options. Let your heart lead the way. Thanks for providing a light back into my life. I’m forever grateful.”

  Gregory struggled with what to say, being too overcome with emotion.

  Xander grasped his shoulder. “I understand. Find peace, my friend. Thanks for having my back while my brother suffered through his loss. We wouldn’t have made it to the Meadows without you. I love you, man. Goodbye.” They shook hands.

  Stretching out her arm, Roxy gently told him it was time. Hand in hand, they stepped through the portal and entered the Eternal Realm. Kate held hope in her heart that one day they’d meet again.

  Rowena gathered them all together. “Well, this has been a very emotional day, and I’m afraid this will only make it worse.”

  Kate wanted to scream. No more. But the determination in Rowena’s gaze made her stomach clench.

  Nikki, Angie, Xavier, Xander, and she surrounded Rowena along with Tristan and Marcus, who’d joined them.

  Rowena stood tall. “My time has come to take leave of you as well.”

  What? No! Kate’s mind scrambled to grasp what she meant. The other Council members didn’t seem surprised, but she couldn’t take any more of this. “Why now, Rowena? You can’t leave us. We need you on the Council, and I need you to continue my training.”

  “Child, there is nothing left I can give you. Your power and abilities far exceed mine. As you’ve proven multiple times. The knowledge will come. My greatest wish over the last few centuries has been to cross over into the Eternal Realm and join my family in tranquility. However, I realize there is still much to be done before the next Rising.”

  So, was she staying or going? Kate tried to sort through the information. “You’ll stay then?”

  “No, since you turned down the Ancestors, they’ve asked me to join in your place. My work with Cassius and bringing you home has granted me favor with them. I’ve accepted until the next Rising and will then join my family for eternity.” She grasped Kate’s hands and her voice wavered. “Just reach out for me and I’ll be there.”

  “That’s not the same. We’ve already lost so much, especially on the Council. This will be devastating to the balance within the realms.”

  “Nonsense. A new Council is being chosen as we speak. Once you arrive in the Meadows, you’ll see the new direction of your future. I’m not needed in this capacity anymore. You’ve set me free.”

  Yay, me. How could a former Mystic not be useful? Kate had no doubt Rowena knew more than she’d spoken. Didn’t she always? “Will you at least stay for the memorial for the fallen?”

  Rowena took several steps back, separating herself from Kate and the others. “No, to ascend I must enter from this realm before you seal the land. It’s my time.” She held up a hand to stop the protests.

  Marcus nodded his support. He must’ve known her decision to cross for a while. In hindsight, so did she.

  “I have a few gifts before I depart. Time runs short, so I must complete this task.” Rowena’s golden glow shimmered, and red flaming hair cascaded down her shoulders. She’d returned to one of her trademark gowns like the one she’d worn when Kate first met her. Every time Kate saw her like this, it reminded her of a Greek goddess.

  Once again, it’d become time to say goodbye.

  “With the ancestors, I have no need for the earthly powers I possess in this plane. I have decided to transfer them to you instead of releasing them into the world.

�Nikki, I give you my ability to walk in the shadows. It still has limits I’m afraid, but this will aide in your journey while the Mystic and Shadow Warriors attempt to correct the past. Never give up on love, Nikki. Sometimes the pain, no matter how extreme, is worth the end result. Hang onto it. I’ve enjoyed watching you grow and mature over the years. Keep the love of nature alive inside you. It’ll help lead your way.”

  Sniffling, Nikki stepped forward, and a transparent ball of energy floated from Rowena to her. Tears streaked down her face as she hugged Rowena and returned to her spot. It wasn’t perfect, but Nikki and Storm had a chance for a future. She’d granted her deepest desire.

  “Dear, sweet Angie. You were dragged into this world only for us all to discover you belonged. A descendant of Cassius and the truest friend I’ve ever known. Camilla transferred all her knowledge of witchcraft and the covens of the world. Only one thing remains for me to bestow. That’s my immortality.”

  An eerie blue light encased Angie, then absorbed into her skin. Angie gasped and tears flowed down her cheeks. Emotions had taken her ability to speak but gratefulness shined in her eyes. Xavier held her close as he wrestled with his own shock and gratitude.

  “Wield your immortality well and always support your best friend. Never doubt she needs you. Unlike Camilla’s life extension, you are granted the immortality of a Mystic which means little in this world can take your life. Just like a Guardian and his twin brother. I wish you happiness.”

  Kate’s heart soared. Angie had become immortal. An answer to their prayers. Now, Xavier and she would have an eternity to live and love. To Xavier, she gave all of her battle strategies gained over the years and the command of the army. A high honor given to the greatest warriors. His bowed head hid his emotion. He’d been humbled by the gift but cared more about Angie’s immortality. He spun her around and kissed her repeatedly while profusely thanking Rowena for the extraordinary gift. Their laughter brought a smile to her face.

  Xander received the pooled knowledge that Marcus and Rowena had accumulated over the years about wizarding and the foundations of power. He’d be his father’s equal, maybe more. Rowena hugged each of them and turned to Kate.

  “My dear Kate, you’ve exceeded every vision, every expectation. The purity in your heart astonishes me, but the loyalty to your friends and innocents inspires me more. There’s not much I can give you, except my memories and all my visions past and present. You can have all the power within me. May it guide you well on your next journey.

  “Part of me wishes I could stay and see some of the visions come to fruition, but I’m not meant to be a part of this world any longer. It’s your time to reign and mine to guide. Lead them well. It’s been an honor, Kate. I’d always imagined that if my daughter had chosen to stay immortal, she would’ve been just like you. Strong and independent with fierce loyalty.”

  Kate wiped her eyes and cleared her throat. She embraced Rowena and held her close. Her heart ached. It felt like losing a mother. They’d had their ups and downs, but she’d never doubted her support or belief that she’d win the battle. She wouldn’t have defeated Braxus without Rowena’s help and guidance. She’d be a great asset for the Ancestors.

  How can I say goodbye?

  A light opened behind them. Its soft warm glow invited Rowena inside. It spread peace and happiness, so she understood Rowena’s decision. She’d earned that much. The weariness of life and leading the realms had weighed heavily, and now she could prepare future generations and share her wisdom in total contentment.

  So, she let her go. “Be safe, Rowena. If you can, reach out now and then so we know you’re happy. We love you and wish you well.”

  She smiled and nodded, encouraging Rowena to take the leap of faith. Rowena floated into the warm embrace of the light. Kate prevented herself from reaching out to stop her. She didn’t want to lead alone. The fact she ruled the Council on her own terrified her. Things had been easier when she could look to Rowena. At least Kate had seen a peaceful expression cross her face for the first time.

  “Goodbye, my friend. You served the Meadows and the Council well.”

  Everyone looked to her for their next move as Rowena faded from sight. What did she say? How could she cover a hole this deep?

  Tristan interrupted before she found a solution. “Everything has been cleared. You need to cleanse the realm and we can return home.”

  She’d been about to ask how, when she realized she already had the answer, thanks to Rowena’s gift. She focused the energy inside and extended her hands.

  A bright white light released and covered every corner of the battle grounds.

  The light has won and survived once more

  Protect our realms and seal Hell’s door

  Remove any trace of darkness from where we stand

  We release our future into our Ancestor’s hands

  The handful of remaining warriors stepped into her circle, and she brought them home to the Meadows.

  * * *

  Bittersweet memories flooded Kate’s mind when they arrived close to the castle’s entrance. The entryway had survivors and those left behind lined on both sides cheering loudly. A hero’s welcome, but she didn’t feel heroic. Sadness clung like a second skin. She could only see the faces of those who’d given their life for her. She kept her face emotionless while her heart wanted to burst into a million pieces.

  They entered the massive doors and made their way into the main hall to debrief and reestablish the Council. Marcus completed Rowena’s task of setting up the room. Kate couldn’t bring herself to do it yet. He motioned for them all to take their seats.

  “Due to Rowena’s decision to ascend, she asked for them to delay the Council selection until we could all return together.” He closed his eyes and said a chant. Kate couldn’t quite make out the words.

  She started to ask, but a searing pain appeared in the palm of her hand. Her Mystic marking had reappeared, affirming her official position on the Council. Survival of the Rising appeared to be one of her requirements. Ignoring the sting, she watched as Tristan’s symbol reappeared and he raised his palm in the air. She followed his lead and waited for the others.

  Surprise crossed Xander’s face as he received his summons next. He met his father’s eyes, then turned his hand. Marcus’s emblem stretched across his palm. “Dad, how is this possible?”

  She’d never had the chance to tell him about their conversation and his parents’ future plans.

  “My time as a Council member has ended. I resigned in a way. Your mom and I want to celebrate life. We plan to travel the world and spend time with our grandchildren. I’ll always be here for consult but no longer wish to be burdened by all the responsibilities. You and Kate are the strongest Mystic and Guardian in recorded history. Do me proud. I know you will. Maybe we’ll start with the places in Ireland that Kate always talks about.” He moved to the side of the room where the extra guests usually sat.

  Her mind tried to take in all the changes. Angie’s sharp cry brought a brief shot of terror followed by amazement. Angie held up her hand. She’d received the mark of the Council. She’d been chosen to take Camilla’s place. Only one spot remained.

  It belonged to Nikki. She would replace Micah as the Council Seer. Rowena had secretly taken his abilities when Kate had banished him. She’d collected them as he died. Having Rowena’s memories proved useful. She’d transferred it to Nikki along with shadow-walking.

  Nikki raised her hand, palm forward. A range of emotions flew across her face. Everyone had always believed Maximus, their brother who died in the previous Rising, would have a spot on the Council, but it had been meant for her. She would carry on the family legacy along with her younger brothers. Funny how things worked out in life.

  A new generation of the Council had been chosen. With Xavier named leader of the warriors, he’d sit with them as well. They’d all come a long way and endured a lot of suffering to earn the titles.

  Tristan walked them t
hrough the process to swear allegiance. Then, they discussed the successes and failures of the Rising. Nikki brought in a scribe from the Faery Realm to record all of their memories from the past year. No future generation would question any of the events that had elapsed.

  The memorial conversation came next. It might take a while to ensure that every warrior had been found or accounted for. Kate wanted to make sure none were forgotten. Cries of grief echoed from the streets below as more and more families were informed that their loved ones weren’t coming home. She wanted to comfort them as best she could.

  Adjourning the meeting, she went to join the grieving masses. Angie and Xavier traveled to the human base camp to assist Chris and Teri in sorting the survivors. A few families had to be notified but most had been loners. It was part of the reason they had been chosen. Sad, but true.

  Chapter 19

  Kate sent a message to each of her former team members and to Nate. She thanked them. They were super excited to learn about Angie. Kate had to admit she had a permanent glow. Chris let her know they supported her decision to stay behind and comfort the families. The world couldn’t have bestowed better friends in her life. Soon, she’d introduce them to their new destiny, and they’d flourish in their new role. Her visions had shown her the way.

  “Kate.” Zane’s deep voice reverberated in her mind. She couldn’t help but remember the first time his tone had startled her. She hadn’t understood much about this world at the time, and he’d shown her patience. They’d all developed enduring connections.

  “Yes, Zane?”

  “We’ve eliminated all demons snared in our traps. A massive amount escaped. I guess they didn’t trust Braxus to win and bailed early. At some point, you’ll need to establish a plan, but I predict they’ll lay low for a while. You did great.” She sensed he had more questions but didn’t want to bother her.

  She decided now was as good a time as any to tell him about her vision. “When I sent the final killing blow, our realms briefly linked. A variety of visions involving the Hell Realm leaked out.” He wasn’t gonna like the next part.


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