Worth the Wait: A Young Adult Sweet Romance (Oak Brook Academy Book 4)

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Worth the Wait: A Young Adult Sweet Romance (Oak Brook Academy Book 4) Page 15

by Jillian Adams

  “Yes! Aaron!” I pulled out my phone and dialed the number for the stables. As I waited for him to answer, my plan began to come together.


  “Aaron, it’s Mabel. Do you think you could help me out with something?”

  “Sure. What do you need?”

  I took a deep breath, then launched into my idea. Once he agreed, I hung up the phone. I typed out a text to Oliver. Instead of rewriting it over and over again, I sent it right away.

  Oliver, I didn’t say goodbye. Could you please meet me at the stables in an hour? I’ll be waiting.

  Chapter 35

  As I stared at my phone, I hoped that he would respond instantly.

  Several minutes slid by with no answer.

  “I don’t know if he’s going to be there.” I frowned as I glanced up at Fifi.

  “He’ll be there.” She smiled as she led me toward the door. “Let’s make sure you’re there and ready when he arrives.”

  “Do you think this is silly?” I sighed as I followed her out the door. “Maybe I’m just being ridiculous.”

  “Not at all.” She led me down the stairs toward the common room. “I think it’s romantic and there’s nothing wrong with that, Maby. Trust me, he’s going to be so happy to see you.”

  I thought about that possibility. I imagined him meeting my eyes and knowing that the time had finally come for us to kiss. He would help me down off the horse and into his arms and everything would be just fine—better than fine—wonderful.

  As much as I wanted to believe that was what would happen, I worried that it would actually be far different.

  Maybe he’d get there and just want me to say goodbye. Maybe he’d help me down from the horse, pull me into his arms, and say that he wished things could have turned out differently.”

  I winced at that possibility. How would I survive that?

  Worse, what if he didn’t show up at all? My chest ached at the thought.

  I checked my phone again. Still no response. Even with Fifi beside me in the taxi, I still felt very alone. Was this how it would be from now on? Would I always feel this way?

  “Ugh, I’m a mess.” I looked over at her. “He’s not answering. What if he doesn’t come?”

  “Relax.” She patted my knee and smiled. “I’m pretty sure Oliver would do absolutely anything to be there. Soon enough you’ll have your answer.”

  I wished that I could feel as confident as Fifi sounded. But that was her job, wasn’t it? She had to tell me that everything was going to be alright. As my friend, she would be as positive as possible. I was not feeling positive. Not even close.

  When we arrived at the stable, Aaron met us.

  “So far so good?” He smiled at me.

  “I’m not sure.” I frowned as I shoved my hands into my pockets. “This might not work out after all.”

  “I made sure the horses are ready.” He tipped his head toward the corral. “When he gets here, I’ll make sure he gets Clover.”

  “Don’t worry, I’m here!” Candy shouted as she ran down the driveway with a picnic basket in her hands. “Sorry, I had to do a bit of running around to find some real English-style cuisine, but I got it!”

  “Candy?” My eyes widened as I looked at her.

  “I recruited a bit of help.” Fifi smiled. “I thought you two might like to share a picnic.”

  “You two are amazing.” I hugged them both. “Candy, I hope you’re not upset with me.”

  “Not at all. I knew you two had a connection from the start. I’m just glad that you’re willing to admit it and see where it goes.”

  “It might be going nowhere.” I frowned as I checked my phone again. “I still haven’t heard from him.”

  “He’ll be here.” Fifi met my eyes. “Try not to worry.” She glanced over at Candy. “We should go—let the lovebirds have their time together.”

  “Good idea.”

  I winced at the term. Was that what I was? Some silly creature flitting through the air?

  As much as I didn’t want to admit it, I knew that it was true. My heart beat as fast as any bird’s wings and the very thought of seeing Oliver made my mind swirl with excitement. I did my best to hide this by forcing a frown as I waved to my friends.

  With the picnic basket placed in front of me, I rode Goldie down the same path that we’d taken on the day that she’d been frightened by the storm. A glance up at the sky revealed that it was still bright and sunny. No, I wouldn’t be able to recreate the exact moment, but at least it would be a beautiful day.

  I guided Goldie toward the patch of trees that Oliver and I had stood under that day, then slid down off the horse. As I spread out the blanket on the grass nearby, I tried to resist checking my phone. Maybe he hadn’t even gotten my text yet. I doubted that. He’d never left me waiting when I texted him.

  Once the picnic basket was on the blanket, I pulled my phone from my pocket. My heart dropped as I saw no new messages from him.

  “Maybe Fifi was right, maybe I already have my answer.” I frowned as I stared at the screen. I couldn’t blame him if he didn’t show up. He’d already made up his mind to leave and I was the one who’d asked him to go. So why should he risk seeing me again?

  I thought about sending another message, pleading with him to show up, but I decided against it. If he had decided not to come, there was nothing I could say to change his mind.

  I sat down on the blanket and took a few calming breaths. There was still time for him to arrive. I just needed to keep an open mind.

  I thought about all the time we’d spent together. He constantly challenged me, which I found infuriating at first, but now I craved it. He had seen the truth inside of me, when even I refused to see it. He knew that my rules wouldn’t stop me. I felt like he had opened me up and now there was no way to shut everything down again. Whether he showed up or not, he had permanently changed me. Was it for the better?

  I stared up at the clouds drifting across the sky and hoped that was true.

  As more time slid by, calming breaths did nothing to help my mounting frustration. He hadn’t texted me back. He hadn’t shown up at the stables.

  I began to fold up the picnic blanket. It was clear that his lack of response was an answer. Still, the thought of climbing onto Goldie and riding back to the stable made me feel even worse. Maybe if I waited just a little longer, he would change his mind and show up. I couldn’t sit still.

  Instead of pacing, I began to walk a nearby trail. It was a narrow path that led to a small stream. I could recall walking it with Jenny a few times. She always called it a romantic place because it was hard to find, and when you went around one bend in the trail, the stream appeared out of nowhere. She called it magical.

  “I need some of that magic now, Jenny.” I shoved my hands into my pockets and tried to imagine my friend right beside me. She would give me a shove, tell me to stop being so serious, and then run off, forcing me to chase her. She had such a spontaneous nature and a zest for life that a part of me envied.

  The thought of her made me smile. No matter what, I had amazing friends and that was something I would always be grateful for.

  More time passed. It was clear that he wasn’t coming.

  I sighed as I rounded the bend and neared the stream. The sun sparkled on its surface; the water rushed past, dedicated to its journey. But Oliver didn’t magically appear.

  Disappointed, I walked back down the path. As I neared the end of it, I closed my eyes and prepared myself for the reality I would have to face. Oliver had moved on; he’d made his decision and that was something that I would have to find a way to live with. Tears began to flow down my cheeks as the harsh truth of that took root in my heart.

  Suddenly, I needed to run. I needed to get as far from the stables as I could, before anyone could see me. With my eyes squeezed shut in an attempt to hold back my tears, I launched myself forward, then slammed into something warm and solid.

  A chest?

  “Maby?” Someone sputtered out my name as the person stumbled back.

  I looked up to see who I’d bumped into. Who would be out in the woods in the exact same place I was?

  Chapter 36

  It was one more thing that had gone wrong with my day. One more reminder that nothing was going smoothly for me. Annoyed, I was ready to snap at whoever dared to step in my way. I was also mortified. I didn’t want anyone to see me. I wanted to hide. The tears that streaked down my cheeks would give away the truth to anyone who was paying attention.

  With my heart in my throat, I looked up at the person I’d bumped into, prepared to launch into a lecture about being more careful about looking where they were going.

  As I caught sight of his familiar face, my chest tightened and my breath grew short. Was it possible? Or had I just imagined his presence? Nervously, I met his eyes. Was he here because he wanted to be or had he shown up out of kindness?

  “Ollie?” I took a sharp breath as I pressed one hand against the curve of his arm to make sure that he was real.

  “Hi there. Are you okay?” He trailed his fingertips through the tears on my cheek.

  “I thought you weren’t coming.” My heart raced as I realized that it was real. He was definitely there and he didn’t seem to be interested in leaving any time soon. His touch comforted me in the same moment that it frightened me. He had shown up. Now I had to do my part.

  “I thought you’d already left. Then I saw Goldie tied up back there and I hoped maybe I’d find you.” He stared into my eyes. “I know I’m late, I’m sorry. I didn’t think you would wait for me.”

  “Ollie, I’ve been waiting for you for a long time.” I bit into my bottom lip. “All this time, I’ve told myself that it was best to wait, wait until I was ready for something real. I’m so glad I did, because it—because you are worth the wait.”

  “What are you saying?” He brushed my hair back from my eyes and stepped closer to me.

  “I’m sorry if it’s too late.” Tears blurred my vision. “I’m so sorry that I fought this so hard—and if I hurt you.” I caressed his cheek as a shiver carried through my body. “I never meant to do that.”

  “Maby.” He frowned as he caught my hand, then pressed it against his chest. “You haven’t hurt me. You’ve set me free.”

  “Ollie.” I winced. I didn’t want him to be free, I didn’t want him to move on and go back to England. I wanted him to be with me.

  “You opened my eyes.” He covered my hand with his own and continued to hold it against his chest. “I never knew what real love was until the day I met you, Maby.”

  “Me either.” I gulped down a breath. I could feel his heartbeat pound against my palm. It quickened when I looked into his eyes. “Ollie, I know it’s not fair of me to ask, I know that I’m the reason for all the chaos between us, but I don’t want you to go.”

  “Maby.” He whispered my name as his head tipped toward mine.

  “Ollie, please.” My forehead touched his as I whispered as well. “Please stay.”

  The fingertips of his free hand glided through my hair. He tangled the locks around his hand and tickled his touch along the back of my neck. Every light caress sent a new bolt of electricity through my skin.

  My mind swam, awash with the desire that his closeness inspired in me. I had fantasized so many times about what it would be like to kiss him, to feel his arms around me, for him to hold me with no intention of ever letting go, but in that moment, I realized that none of those fantasies could ever come close to the real thing. My body buzzed from head to toe and the air between us became so thick with passion that I felt as if I was breathing in the essence of what we felt for each other.

  This wasn’t some silly high school crush. It wasn’t a dream that I could live in for a few minutes and then abandon for the sake of safety. The feeling of his skin, as he slid his head to the side and brushed his cheek against mine, was full of danger and potential. I knew that this was my chance. If I let fear overtake me, if I let it drive me into pulling away, I would never know the sweetness of his kiss.

  While my heart raced with anticipation, my muscles tensed with fear. What if he ducked away and told me it was already too late? What if he we kissed and he realized he didn’t really feel the same way?

  He leaned back, his cheek abandoning mine. He let his hand fall away from me and settle against his chest. His other hand remained tangled in my hair as he gazed into my eyes.

  “Maby.” His lips quivered as he spoke my name. “I will always be right here. I’ll never walk away. I will always stay.”

  At those words, I could no longer resist. All desire to run from his touch vanished and my lips headed toward his. I wrapped my arms around his neck and felt a shiver course through him as my mouth neared his.

  Then it happened. As if it had been planned to happen just this way for as long as I’d been alive.

  I pressed my lips to his and the entire world swirled around me. It was as soft and sweet as I imagined, but so much more. Warmth filled every inch of my body and spilled out in the eagerness of my kiss.

  Instead of pulling away, I tightened my arms around him. I felt as if I could kiss him forever.

  He must have felt the same way, because the moment my lips broke free of his, he chased them down and drew them back into another heavy kiss.

  Overwhelmed by my passion for him I swayed forward into his arms. I leaned against his chest and felt his arms wrap around my waist. In that moment, I felt as if the sun shone just for the two of us.

  I had no idea what the future might hold. Would he eventually want to go back to England? Would I want to go with him? Would our lives take separate paths? With his arms around me, I couldn’t even imagine that possibility.

  One thing I knew for certain, no matter what happened as our lives continued on, I would never regret breaking my rule and falling for a boy in high school. Maybe it still didn’t make sense to me, but it didn’t have to.

  “I was trying to text you back.” He brushed his lips across my cheek and whispered. “I was so excited to get your message. I tried to respond, but I dropped my phone and it fell behind my desk. I tried to get it back. I thought if I didn’t respond you might think I didn’t want to be here. It took me forever and I couldn’t get to it. I’m so sorry that I kept you waiting.” He met my eyes.

  “Don’t be so sorry.” I brushed my fingers through his hair and smiled. “I waited. I would have waited even longer. You are worth the wait, Ollie.”

  As I kissed him again, I realized that was true. For all the times I’d avoided dating—for all the times I’d told myself that it was for the best to remain alone while all my friends were falling in love—now I could see that I was right.

  I wanted it to be the right moment with the right person and finally that moment had arrived. And Oliver was more than worth the wait. He was everything I’d ever dreamed of.


  “Keep up!” Oliver shouted back over his shoulder at me as Clover raced forward.

  “Let’s go, Goldie.” I leaned forward toward the horse’s mane as I urged her to quicken her gallop.

  Oliver threw his head back and laughed as he maintained a short distance ahead of me. “You’re never going to catch me, are you?”

  My heart raced at the thought. “I’m right behind you! Just wait!”

  “We’ll see!” He winked at me, then guided Clover into a jump over a low fence.

  Goldie jumped into the air and cleared the fence right behind them.

  Over the past few months, I’d discovered what it was like to be truly, madly in love. Oliver still challenged me at every turn, but he also guided me through the ups and downs of our relationship.

  At first, every little squabble made me think that it would be over. But he showed me that as promised, he would stay, and I learned to be patient and to trust that we could navigate any hurdle that we faced.

  As Goldie finally pulled up beside him, he glanced over at

  “Oh, there you are.” He grinned. “I was wondering when you might show up.”

  “Now, see if you can catch me…!” I flashed him a smile as Goldie pulled past him and continued toward the stables.

  Oliver and I spent a lot of our time riding, and lately we hadn’t been out on the trails alone.

  “Are you two ever going to catch up?” Jenny called out from her horse as she glanced back at us. “Slowpokes!”

  “How does she get that horse to go so fast?” Oliver shook his head as he laughed. “She’s amazing.”

  “Yes, she is.” I eased Goldie into a trot right beside Clover and reached for Oliver’s hand. “And so are you.”

  “I am, aren’t I?” He smiled as he leaned over to kiss the back of my hand. “You are so very lucky.”

  “I am!” I laughed and swatted at him as I pulled my hand away.

  After we caught up with Jenny, I slid down from the saddle and walked Goldie over to a post near the stable.

  “You win—again.” I rolled my eyes.

  “I can’t help it.” Jenny smiled as she tied her own horse up as well. “I love feeling the breeze in my hair. Being cooped up at my aunt’s house was no fun at all. It’s great to be back here. I just wish everyone felt the same way.”

  I noticed a shadow in her expression. That shadow was never there before. My once bright and cheerful friend hadn’t exactly been welcomed back to Oak Brook with open arms. She’d faced some resistance from the other students. I wished there was a way I could erase her pain, but I knew it wasn’t possible. Still, I hugged her and held her close against me.

  “Jenny, I’m going to tell you a secret.”

  “You are?” She smiled as she looked at me. “But we’re not in the right place to tell secrets.”

  “It’s alright, I don’t need to whisper it.” I watched as Oliver led his horse over to a trough for a drink.


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