Tales Of Eleutheros

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Tales Of Eleutheros Page 12

by S D Huss

  Katrina did so and began to focus on the pulse within her.

  “You see? There it is… your power pulses with your heart… your passion... but it is not a part of you yet… so you can’t use it… clear your mind… and take it… it is yours.” The serpent said, his lithe voice ringing in her ears.

  She could feel it now. Like an earthquake priming itself; rumbling behind a mask of normalcy; hidden in plain sight. Then, as she reached deeper into her mind, she touched it. There was a sudden and sharp burst of pain that erupted in her head. Her eyes shot open and the darkness was gone. Again, she could see the intricate paintings and statues that decorated the interior of the shrine. Beyond that, however, she could feel so much more. She could feel the sand beneath her in a way that was far different from before. She could feel the vast power that flowed through it and into her own body, like a strong and constant current, gentle, but terribly powerful. Her mind felt complete now, and every one of her senses flared like an exposed nerve.

  Katrina turned now with tears streaming down her face. She saw Boros and several Dae at the edge of the bed of sand near the entrance of the shrine she had entered while in her trance-like state. His face a mask of worry at first, but upon making eye contact with her, he smiled broadly.

  “By the spirits!” Boros said in relief, walking into the bed of sand.

  “That is close enough…” The serpent said, erecting its head and body in a defensive and curved stance.

  Boros froze where he was. Katrina looked to the spirit but did not flinch in fear. Her mind was still recovering from the shock of the dunamis. “So, you weren’t just a vision.” She said bluntly.

  “Kat,” Boros said urgently, waving her toward him. “Do as it says and get out of there.”

  Katrina looked to the serpent again. Its eyes narrowed, but still shining a brilliant green.

  “Thank you.” She said. “You helped me find myself.”

  She rubbed tears from her eyes and stood. “My name is Katrina.” She bowed at the waist deeply to the serpent and asked. “What’s your name?”

  The spirit's eyes softened at the gesture, and it bowed its head slightly in return. “You may call me… Koh… and we will meet again my dear… there is much I would like to learn from you…” The serpent's body began to sink into the sand and quickly disappeared into it.

  “By the spirits…” The Espi-Dae said with his hand on his forehead. “A manifestation… here! In my shrine! This… is unbelievable.” His eyes glistened with tears and a smile was on his face.

  Boros ignored the man and walked to help Katrina out of the sand. She was still fairly discombobulated from the ordeal but walked out of the shrine into the main hall. There were gasps and murmurs as she emerged from the observing Dae. Apparently, many had seen her walk away in the middle of Boros’ explanation and watched the spirit emerge.

  Then she remembered her company. “Wait, where’s Daniel?” she asked.

  Boros stopped and looked around, puzzled. “I’m not sure… he was here with us just a minute ago.”

  Katrina’s eyes scanned the main hall, and as her sight passed the entrance to another shrine, she saw Daniel stumble out and hold the archway for support. Sweat dripped from his face and there were tears in his eyes. He looked up to meet her gaze, and she realized that he too must to have experienced something similar.

  chapter 16

  Robert sat in the dining hall of the keep, silent, but looking intently at his hands. His vision began to blur as tears welled in his eyes. Again, he cursed himself for his weakness and looked around to see if any Dae were watching him. The words shared with Katrina were more than a bit hurtful, the two had been inseparable for years. Things have changed though, in that respect she was absolutely correct. His eyes hardened at that moment, he knew he had to find a way back home, find a way to return his life to normalcy.

  It was then that the door opened and two Dae warriors entered. Behind them was a young Dae woman with large and cumbersome robes.

  “Hello dear…” Amynta looked at a small paper she was holding to read the human’s name. “Robert, is it?” Her smile widened as the human nodded. “I was told to meet you here by lady Illya, she said that you are in search of knowledge.”

  Robert's eyes went over the girl; she was strangely rigid and uncomfortable around people. “I am.” He said standing to greet her. “I want to try and understand what happened to us, anything would be helpful. Is it possible to go back to that forest? Maybe there is some clue that we missed.”

  “Well,” She said politely cutting him off. “I am not sure Lord Agron would agree to an expedition like that.”

  Robert just blinked at her. He wasn’t disappointed as much as he was frustrated. It seemed like every step he tried to take toward finding some answers brought some inconvenient obstacle to block him.

  “First.” Amynta continued. “The spirits there are not friendly. They tend to attack Dae that venture into their territory. Second, there are Rexunii raiding parties all near our southern border. And believe me, you do not want to run into them.”

  Robert sat down again, his eyes in deep thought. -There has to be some way- he thought to himself.

  “Perhaps if we appeal to Lord Agron, he might provide us with a detachment of warriors for protection. After all, this might be a good opportunity to gain some knowledge about what you are and what your coming here might mean.”


  Daniel opened his hands and clenched them, still trembling from his experience in the shrine.

  “Remarkable,” Oros said, looking him over. “There is a clear difference in your energy, my friends.”

  Boros stood proudly before his brother, and with a large smirk on his face. “It was the same spirit from the plains that we encountered. It manifested itself in the earth shrine and helped Katrina find her Dunamis.”

  Oros nodded. “Was there a similar manifestation in yours?” He asked Daniel.

  “No…” He responded. “I… followed the call… and found myself in the fire shrine, but I managed to get it on my own.”

  Daniel, Katrina, and Boros had returned hastily to bring their discovery of their new power to Oros and their father Agron, who sat silently observing the conversation.

  The large doors of the throne room opened, and the grey-skinned Avria entered, flanked by Eslan and Vikko on either side. She walked before Lord Agron, pointedly ignoring Oros and Boros, and bowed deeply.

  “You summoned me, my Lord?” she said, bringing herself upright.

  “Yes.” The Hego said, finally breaking his silence. “It would appear that the humans have found the Dunamis.”

  Avria’s eyes widened slightly, and she looked to Boros, who stood still smirking. “I… are you sure?” she asked.

  Agron continued. “It would seem that a spirit manifested itself in the earth shrine as well. The Espi Dae there has confirmed this, as well as many Dae who were present. The humans have voiced a desire to learn from us in the ways of our abilities, to better understand our world.”

  “But my Lord Agron,” Avria protested, “we know next to nothing about them, or their true intentions. It would seem a great misjudgment to further their knowledge in our ways, before being absolutely sure of what it is we are actually dealing with.”

  Several moments passed as Agron shook his head slightly. “No Avria, not only are we going to show them our abilities, but we are going to teach them how to use them.” He leaned forward in his throne toward her. “There have been two manifestations of spirits in Vul De Rah in as many weeks. Something that has never happened here before. We all witnessed Gro’ak appear, and now a plains spirit? Who, I might add, took it upon itself to help her find the Dunamis, and provide her with its name. When have you ever heard of that outside of a children's story?”

  The Hego leaned back into his throne and let out a long sigh. “No Avria, we will do what we can to help them. I trust the words and actions of the spirits we worship over the misguided t
houghts and mullings of a Dae we all know to be corrupt.”

  Avria bit her tongue but bowed regardless of her objections. “How should we proceed then, My Lord?” she asked.

  “Katrina wishes to train under the tutelage of our steadfast and skilled ward,” Oros said, looking at her with a smug smile.

  Avria stiffly turned to him, not attempting to hide her irritation. “What do you mean?”

  “She says she would like to become your squire. Learn the ways of the Dunamis, and the secrets of the great spirits.” Oros said.

  Boros chuckled openly at his brother’s hidden insult. Katrina shifted where she stood, uncomfortable at the rising anger of Avria.

  The Dae ward scoffed and brought her hand to her forehead. Rubbing her brow, she shrugged her shoulders and looked to the Hego. “Is this your command, My Lord?

  “This is not because she has asked for it, but because I would trust few beyond my children for such a task. Your power and judgment are what I am relying on, dear Avria, to watch over them and ensure that they are not harmed.” Agron looked at her softly, as a father would his daughter.

  “They?” She asked, looking to Daniel. “Forgive me my Lord, but I do not think that--”

  “Don’t worry,” Daniel said cutting her off. “I don’t have any intention of being in your way.” He turned to look at the Hego. His hands were still shaking, though now less from the shrine and more from the audience before him. “I would rather go through a more formal process to learn the Dunamis. Like the training, we witnessed in the Glade.”

  Agron raised his eyebrows at the strange request. “You would deny the opportunity to be a squire under one of my chosen elite?” He asked, puzzled.

  “Daniel.” Oros chimed in. “It is no trouble, believe me, we would be more than happy to teach you the way of our abilities. I could teach you, I have yet to choose a squire.” The Dae prince shared his father's expression.

  Daniel shook his head. “I’m sorry Oros… it just seems strange to me. Maybe for Katrina, but… I have to figure this all out.”

  Oros brought his hand up to rub his chin. “Perhaps something you are somewhat familiar with? Didn’t you say you were in your world’s military?”

  Daniel nodded but found himself confused by the question.

  “It might be interesting to introduce yourself” Oros continued, “by attending the Egeiro.”

  Daniel looked at him, still profoundly lost. “The what?” He asked.

  “The Egeiro is Vul De Rah’s training regimen for our warriors, we saw the training grounds several weeks ago.” Oros smiled broadly. “Nothing permanent of course, you could learn the fundamentals of our power there, as well as test your strength against our warriors.” Oros saw Daniel’s eyes blink in intrigue. “You will be free to leave if you wish and will possess all the privileges of a noble. I can give you that authority.”

  Agron exhaled in agitation. “Oros…” He said in a grumble.

  Oros just continued to press. “Once you are comfortable with where you are, then you have but to ask and I will take you on as my squire.”

  Daniel thought for a long moment and glanced to Katrina, who looked like she was holding her breath. “I…” He began. “I think that might be interesting enough. Sure… why not?”

  “Excellent!” Oros exclaimed. “We will keep a close eye on you, my friend.”

  Avria rolled her eyes in irritation. “What a terrible waste of time, Oros.”

  Daniel did his best to ignore the woman and spoke again to Oros. “I do have a request though…”

  The Dae prince smiled and looked curiously at him. “What would you ask of me?”

  “I have two friends that must have come here with me… to your world. Daniel continued. “I would like to go and find them if we can, or at least search for other humans that might have come here. I don’t want them being killed like…” He paused. “Like the other one.”

  Oros’ smile faded and he looked to his father. Agron just nodded in approval of his son’s judgment.

  “Daniel, we will do what we can. I will have my warriors find any information on humans that have been sighted, I promise you that if any information is found, I will take you with me, to personally investigate.

  Daniel smiled at the prince. “Thank you, Oros, I really appreciate it.”

  Then the doors once again slid open, and Amynta entered with Robert in tow. The robed scholar approached and bowed deeply to the Hego.

  “My Lord Agron, thank you for accepting our audience. This human, Robert, has asked me to bring forth a proposition for you in regards to the mystery of their strange arrival.”

  She turned to Robert, who swallowed hard and stepped in front of her.

  Daniel, and Katrina both just looked at him, unsure of what they were about to hear.

  “Lord Agron.” He said, beginning. “I have come to ask if you might allow... an expedition of some kind to venture to the Spirit forest, and try to find anything that might give us some insight on how we got here.”

  “Robert,” Katrina said, walking to him, her eyes filled with guilt from her earlier outburst to him. “We found that we do have their magic.” She gestured to Daniel.

  Robert looked at her but said nothing. His eyes now cold and determined. “Daniel and I are going to learn how to use it. We should wait a bit before we go on the expedition until we have a better understanding of it.”

  “No, Kat.” He said “I'm doing this now. Even if I have to leave by myself, I’m going back there and finding out how the hell we got here, and how to get back.”

  Robert looked again at Agron. “Please my Lord, this will serve to help explain your defense of us to your king. I heard from Princess Illya that he’s not happy with how you are protecting us. There is a chance that you may also prove to him that we aren’t actually demons.”

  Agron sighed and looked to Avria who had her arms crossed across her chest. “I don’t see why we shouldn’t, My Hego, This may, in fact, prove to be more beneficial to us than we realize. The king is sure to retaliate in some way, as having uncooperating clans does not show for a strong leader.” Avria walked over to where Robert was standing. “If Lord Agron approves your little expedition, you will need some protection. The Southern border is not a safe or secure area at the moment.”

  Amynta stepped forward apprehensively before Avria.

  “My Lord and lady, we would only need a small detachment of warriors. Not even the Rexunii are mad enough to venture near the spirit forest. The dark spirit they worship is frowned upon by all the spirits who make that forest their home.”

  Avria turned to face the Hego. “My Lord Agron, my advice remains the same. I know some adequate warriors who are eager to prove their worth to you. Say the word and I will have them organize it.”

  Agron pondered heavily for a moment. “These are troubling times indeed… But we must do what we can to pursue the truth in all of this. I give your expedition my blessing. Avria, appoint a warrior you see fit to lead them.” The Hego took this final word and stood from his throne. “Now I have some other pressing matters that I must attend to. Oros, see to our human guests.”

  All in the throne room bowed as the Hego made his exit, his six crimson-clad bodyguards close behind.

  Avria turned to Oros and Boros as the doors closed and gave her most convincing death stare.

  “This is all your fault, you fools. Your little games could bring down all that we have worked so hard to achieve. Peace with the Rexunii, an alliance with the Megune’ clan, our sovereign king, all dashed with the appearance of these creatures, and the-”

  “And the appearance of Gro’ak before your bloody eyes,” Oros said stepping toward her.

  “You can doubt all you want, you can complain and scheme to raise your station, but in the end, it is the spirits who guide MY actions. You have been given a task by your Hego, to train and tend to this human to the best of your ability. Do so, or bring even more disgrace to the Regios family name.”

  Oros’ last words lit a fire in the Dae woman. Her eyes narrowed at the inconspicuous jab at her younger brother’s failure. She took a few steps forward and bared her teeth.

  “I have it in my mind to challenge you to a duel in the glade, prince. You tread on matters that are dangerous.” She stiffened her neck, but let out a deep breath in an attempt to calm herself. “Either way, it is not our Lord Agron’s judgment that worries me. Only that of his two bumbling sons.” She looked to Katrina, who flinched at the sudden attention.

  “You will follow me from now on. You will live on my family estate, and you will obey my every command. As my squire, you will do as you are told, fight the way I teach you, and by the spirits… if you disappoint me, not even Gro’ak will be able to save you from my wrath.” Avria’s eyes then met with Daniel’s, but her heated momentum was diminished by them. She didn’t see the anger, fear, or reverence she was used to in most who came to know her. She saw nothing, but the cold and unmoving determination of a man who has seen worse things than her temper. She said nothing to him, just motioned to Eslan and Vikko to follow, and began to leave the throne room. Before she left the large doors, she stopped and turned to see Katrina still standing where she was.


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