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Tales Of Eleutheros

Page 36

by S D Huss

  Queen Mundiri adopted a look of horror as she saw the malicious smile of Turak beaming back at her. “How..?” She mumbled, lashing several more blades of wind at them. Still, they stood, as though nothing had happened.

  “Well then...” Turak began again. “I can’t say I’m surprised...” He turned to look at the woman in the black gown who stood to her left. “You are Thalassa, are you not? Daughter of the Queen?” The frightened girl nodded, circumspectly. “Do you wish to see your people suffer?” She shook her head slowly. “Did you know that your mother was plotting against us?” She hesitated. “Answer,” Turak growled. “I have no time for more foolish politics.”

  She jumped at the words and looked to her mother, but still said nothing.

  Turak then turned back to the Queen. “I see… this is how it is going to be then. Tell us Mundiri, admit that you plotted this, before me, and before your court… If you do not, I will kill your daughter.”

  Yellow clad guards lunged forward with spears and swords, stabbing them into the two bodies of Turak and Robert. They looked on in shock and confusion as their blades passed harmlessly through the images; causing Turak to laugh darkly.

  He looked to Robert who sighed deeply, then stretched his arms toward Thalassa. Black smoke shot from his hand and began to writhe around the girl. She screamed in terror and fell to the ground, scrambling to escape. The crowd of nobles began to shout, and the Queen panicked, grabbing her daughter in her arms and cursing.

  “Mother! Help me!” She screamed as the smoke entered her mouth, cutting off her voice.

  “Say the words, Mundiri!” Turak snarled. “Or she dies a horrible death! If you still refuse to speak, I will raise her corpse and you will watch as she tears herself apart!”

  The Queen used her own Dunamis, powerful as it was, but to no effect. She tried to fill her daughters’ lungs with air, to bring the horrible smoke out, but her efforts were in vain.

  Tears flowed from Mundiri’s eyes as she tried in futility to keep the black smoke from entering her daughters’ mouth, smothering her. “You monster!” she screamed

  “Speak!” He shouted again.

  Thalassa’s eyes bulged in fear as she choked and gagged. She wept, unable to make a sound. Her mother whimpered at the sight, unable to do anything to stop it. It happened in the span of a few seconds, she had no time to think.

  “Yes!” She cried. “I did it! I ordered the southern lords to attack you! Now please spare her! She is with child!”

  In an instant, the smoke in her lungs shot out, and she began to cough violently. Mundiri cried out in relief, and hugged her daughter tightly, weeping.

  There was silence in the throne room. Turak approached the queen, kneeling down beside her. The guards attempted again to stop him, but he walked right through them, like a ghost.

  “You all heard it.” He said. “Not only did she betray the Rexunii… but all of Visgo as well. She has dishonored you.” He stood again, looking to the nobles in the room. “Hear me now, oh great Dae of Visgo. This filth does not deserve to sit on your throne! We are not asking you to go to war with us against the oppressors, we know that to commit warriors against the Lokkadonians is foolish if you are not prepared. We only ask that you watch… that you wait to engage us as puppets of the Torre’, so that we may prove to you that we are worthy of your loyalty. I will be hard pressed to trust you after this… seeing the honor of your Queen, but if you choose this… you will not be disappointed.” Turak stepped down from the throne and opened his arms to the Dae. “I leave the rest of this in your hands. Send word to Thule once your council has made up their minds.”

  With those words, the images of Turak and Robert faded and disappeared into thin air.


  Robert gasped as he opened his eyes, looking frantically at everyone around him. Faces of the Rexunii warriors stared back at him, relieved.

  “Shhhh,” Demessa said, holding his head on her lap. “Calm yourself, Prince Reku.”

  Robert’s mind was exhausted, and his vision blurry from the exertion. “I… I can’t believe I did that...” He croaked, guilt flowing over him in a terrible wave.

  “We did what we had to do...” Turak said, laying down beside him, equally drained. “The girl will live, so stop worrying about it. They won’t attack us… that was what we needed to ensure…” He groaned.

  Tears welled in Robert’s eyes as the screams of a desperate mother echoed again and again in his mind. -What have I done?- He thought.

  “She has lost credibility,” Turak said, attempting to sit up. “If they wish to retaliate, we will have no choice, but to conquer Visgo as well.”

  “My Lord,” Demessa said, her voice unsure. “King Alektor told us that it was imperative that we gain the support of Visgo, did we accomplish this?”

  Turak grunted. “We don’t ‘need’ them, and Alektor only said that because he did not see the full picture. None of us did.”

  Demessa nodded her head. “Prince Reku’s abilities.”

  “Yes,” Turak said, looking at Robert, who still rested his head on her lap. He could tell that he was traumatized by the experience. He was powerful and had abilities Turak could only dream of, but he had a tender heart. So, he took in a deep breath and did his best to calm the dazed prince. “Deceptions and lies, Reku. That's all it was. Mundiri will be able to hold her daughter tonight, alive and well. Unlike the warriors who stood against us, the same Dae who’s bodies still roam the countryside. They were sons, daughters, fathers, and mothers… who will never come home to loving arms again. Because of her treachery, hundreds of families are denied such a blessing. She doesn't deserve your sympathy.”

  “I won’t become a monster…” Robert said, more to himself than anyone else.

  Turak shook his head. “You are not a monster… You proved as much when you went out of your way to spare the lives of nearly three hundred Dae. Something that not one of us even considered. It is we who have turned into monsters… gorging on the blood of our enemies to satiate our lust for vengeance, and for the justice that has been denied our people.” He adjusted himself, leaning against one of the trees. “Lokkon is my enemy, all of ours. You must come to terms with this, despite what our King tells you. At the end of the day, it is your decision to make. I know you have friends there, other humans who you may care for, but our goal is to topple that clan… and free our people.”

  Robert looked at the leaves and branches of the trees above him, lost in memories of his friends. He suddenly began to feel the urge to close his eyes and sleep. His fingers and toes were tingling, and a strange euphoria came over him. He imagined Katrina’s face again, her smile, her laugh.

  “My Prince?” Demessa asked, seeing his almost lucid expression.

  “You’re beautiful…” Robert said, still seeing Katrina’s face in his mind.

  Demessa was taken aback by the bold statement, blushing uncomfortably.

  “Let him rest…” Turak said. “We will need him well rested for our travel back to Thule.”

  Robert heard the muffled words of Turak, but couldn’t seem to make them out. His heavy eyelids began to droop, and his vision began to darken. -How the hell did I get… so damn… tired…- He thought, just before he fell into a deep sleep.

  chapter 37

  Katrina sat on a stone bench in Lord Vonos’ gardens, listening to the amiable sounds of the dozens of fountains he had decorating the area. She plopped another unknown fruit in her mouth, chewing it absentmindedly. They had been guests of the Torre’ Hego for several days now, and though the immediate awe of his palace was powerful, she had been bored out of her mind. Daniel had spent most of his time with the warriors, who were camped outside of the estate, and Boros had been occupied with his stately duties. So, Katina had been left to her own devices. She’d been mulling over sorrows and regrets that she had at first, but then quickly realized that sitting in a beautiful garden alone would be a waste if all she did was feel sorry for herself.
/>   She heard a latch open from the entrance to the garden, and several pairs of footsteps entered. She perked up, looking to see who had invaded her tranquil environment, and was surprised to see Daniel, accompanied by several warriors. He took a moment to admire the scenery, then nodded to Katrina as he approached.

  “Enjoying yourself?” He asked, a smile on his face.

  “Oh yeah…” She plopped another grape-sized fruit in her mouth. “I’m having the time of my life here.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Sitting here, in the lap of luxury, eating fruit and bored out of your mind, huh?”

  “Yup.” She said, lazily.

  Daniel chuckled and crossed his arms. “Well, you’re in luck. Boros is finished with coordination and funding. He just gave the order to pack it up and move out.”

  “Thank God,” Katrina said, standing with a stretch. “This place is nice and all, but… I think I prefer a good practice field.”

  Daniel nodded, and they left the garden, running into Cato and Boros, who were having a conversation with two finely dressed Dae women.

  “Ah! Daniel, and Katrina.” Cato said, opening his arms and grinning broadly. “I would like you to meet my wife, Zinnia.” She bowed elegantly and smiled. “And my daughter, Phenia.” The girl mirrored her mother's gesture but seemed a little timider. “We are fortunate that they arrived to meet you before your journey back to Vul De Rah”

  “It is very nice to make your acquaintance,” Phenia said.

  The two humans greeted them in kind, offering bows and prevalent words.

  “I am sad to see you leaving so soon, but I know you all have work to do.” Cato put his hand on Boros’ shoulder. “Remember what I told you, young Prince. We are approaching desperate times, I need an answer from your father as soon as possible.”

  Boros nodded, seeming as though he was a little uncomfortable.

  “And think about my other offer as well!” Cato said, giving his back a heavy slap. “It would be good to join our houses! Phenia would be more than happy to do so. Isn’t that right dear?”

  The girl blushed and smiled awkwardly.

  Boros coughed, glancing to Katrina. “It’s about time we left, my Lord. You will hear from us soon, and again, thank you for your hospitality.”

  “You are all welcome in my land anytime, son of Ignos. Your father should be very proud of his son.” The Hego gave Boros one final pat on the back, and bid them all farewell.

  As they left, Boros seemed a bit uneasy. Katrina walked beside him, happy to finally be on their way back to Vul De Rah.

  “What was that about?” She asked, playfully. “Your father’s trying to marry you off?”

  Boros looked at her gawkily, unable to hide a slight blue blush. -That's so adorable.- She thought.

  “It was inevitable.” He said, with a sigh. “Spirits know the political placement of certain unions brings benefits to houses. House Ignos will be the ruling faction of Lokkadonia before long. It’s only natural that suitors will begin coming my way.”

  “It must be so hard, having to fight off droves of beautiful women. You poor man.” she quipped.

  Boros laughed, but quickly returned to a more solemn mood. “It is difficult when you have feelings for someone but are unable to express them.” He looked at her, seeing it was an uncomfortable topic of discussion. “I don’t mean to make you feel uneasy. I apologize for that. It’s just… difficult to go on about my business as a Prince. Everyone in court is talking about you, you are the most beautiful creature on Pelemont for many of us. I...” He stuttered for a moment, forcing the words from his mouth. “I find myself thinking of you constantly, unable to act on it for fear of how you would react. I know you are mated with Robert, and that situation is… complicated, to say the least.” He sighed, looking to his boots. “Anyway, I felt I had to get that off my chest. Do not judge me too harshly.”

  Katrina watched as he picked up his pace, and walked to the front of the small group on their way to the main force’s encampment. She had the urge to tell him to wait, to grab his arm and console him, but she said nothing. Her mind was a writhing mess of emotion and confusion, and she just let him walk. -I’m sorry…- She thought.


  Daniel found himself back in his quarters at the Ignos estate; being the squire to the heir of their clan had its perks. He had a large and lavishly furnished room, with a large balcony, and Doulos servants at his beck and call. He rested his worn body on his bed and removed his cumbersome boots.

  “Finally…” He said to himself, quietly.

  He laid his head on one of the soft pillows and let out a relaxed sigh. As he closed his eyes to let sleep take him away, there was a knock on his door. He groaned, looking toward the large doors, and watched one of the servants enter.

  “My Lord.” The servant bowed. “Prince Oros has requested your presence. He asks that you respond with some urgency.”

  Daniel sat up from the comfort of his bed and slid on his boots again. Stifling a grumble to himself, he made his way to Oros’ chamber, which was located at the top of one of the towers, one of the highest points of the palace. He was irked to find that the prince had left, and was now waiting for him in the main hall. This time, he did grumble aloud and walked his way down to where he saw Oros speaking with several dozen nobles and dignitaries.

  “Daniel!” Oros called, waving him over. “Welcome back. The road wasn’t too harsh on you, was it?” The handsome man gave him a grin and gestured Daniel to walk with him, excusing himself from the conversation in the middle of one of the nobles sentences. The man protested, but Oros just continued to walk, out of the main gate, and in front of the keep.

  “All this business of war has given me a great deal to... well, deal with here. This is why I petitioned my father to always go on the missions.” Oros complained, leading Daniel across the massive stone bridge that led into the city of Vul De Rah below. “Ever since my joining with Avria has been announced, I have been stuck here, listening to bloated nobles and dealing in mind-numbingly tedious politics.”

  “Sorry to hear that,” Daniel said, not quite sure what to say. He figured he would keep his answers short. The prince more than likely wanted to just vent.

  “It’s torture, I tell you!” Oros continued. “It has only been a few months and I long for the smell of the field, wet grass beneath my boots, and the sound of cursing warriors.” He inhaled deeply through his nose. Then let it out, slightly disgusted. “Not the same.”

  By the time they got to the city itself, two dozen guards had hurried to catch up with them. Oros didn’t acknowledge them in any way, as they fell into a formation around the two of them. Oros lifted a hood from his cloak and concealed his face, Daniel did the same, though it seemed pointless; it would be difficult to miss the entourage of warriors that surrounded them.

  “Boros told me of what Hego Vonos had to say.” The Dae prince pressed. “And frankly, I’m pleased with the news. Having an ally like Cato will be a great advantage to us in the Torre’ court. He’s a member of the High King’s council, you know?” he trailed off.

  “He was talking about another human,” Daniel said.

  “Yes. Very peculiar indeed. All this strange talk of dark forces and what not.” Oros turned toward a large stone structure, clearly a restaurant of some kind. “I think we should take heed, and work more closely with him in regards to this. Sending an expedition to Delmaya, for example. Finding other humans, seeing what we might do to help. All this, after the Rexunii are crushed, of course.”

  “You said,” Daniel pressed. “Before I left, you had been looking into some rumors. Something that might have to do with my friends here.”

  Oros stopped before entering and turned to him. “Yes… I was going to bring that up after I had some wine, but I guess now is as good a time as any. We have found traces of another human in Baa’Yega territory. For reasons that are understandable, the existence of this one was guarded very carefully. All we know is that it i
s a female and that she has been virtually imprisoned for a long time by one of the far Eastern Hegos.”

  Daniel paused to contemplate this. It was a woman. -I guess that rules out Henry or Angelo…- He huffed at the thought. “Well, we should go to retrieve her anyway. She needs to be here with us.”

  “We will have to leave quickly,” Oros said, looking apologetically at Daniel. “I have much to do here in Vul De Rah. Preparation for the coming conflict must take precedence, but as I mentioned, my promise to you will be fulfilled.”

  Daniel shrugged. “Not the first time I’ve had to move out just as I came back in the wire.”

  Oros chuckled at the strange comment, and they entered the restaurant. As they strode in, the owner, a shorter Dae woman with dark red skin ran over to greet him.


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