Crime Lord's Wife

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Crime Lord's Wife Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  She just couldn’t believe her life had taken this turn. Sean had collected numbers.

  Screw Sean.

  “I thought you’d snuck off again,” Jared said, coming up behind her. He wrapped his arms around her waist, pressing kisses to her neck before snagging her cup of coffee. “Ugh, instant. How do you drink this shit?”

  She chuckled. “Us mere mortals know how to survive on this shit.”

  “I love it when you talk dirty.” Another kiss to her neck and he disappeared into the kitchen. She’d been standing in the entryway to the sitting room. There was no way she’d get close to the windows. It scared her too fucking much. Heights were her nemesis. “Do you want something to eat?” he asked.

  Moving toward the kitchen, she watched him brew his own coffee. “You can cook?”


  “And it’s not ordering from one of your many places?” She’d come to learn Jared was a one-of-many-places kind of guy. Whoever he was, he wasn’t always legal. She’d come to see that within the first week.

  “What’s going on in that head of yours?” he asked.


  “I’ve come to read you, Rose. That’s not nothing.”

  “I’m realizing I don’t know a whole lot about you and you’re supposed to be my husband.” She nibbled on her lip. “Sorry.”

  She watched his inked hands as they lay flat on the counter and he leaned forward. “You know, if you want to get to know someone, most people just ask.”

  She scoffed. “What, just ask you?”

  “Rose, you’re my wife. I like to think that in the short time we’ve been together, I’ve proven to you I want this marriage to work. What I do, you’re not going to like, but I’ve got a feeling you’re also loyal.”

  “You don’t know me.”

  “Actually, I do. I know deep down you’re a good person and the shit you know about me scares you. Or at least, what you don’t know about me scares you. Grow some balls and ask me. If you’re ready, that is.”

  She gritted her teeth and shook her head. “I’ll have whatever you’re making.”

  “You’re going to chicken out. You don’t want to know?”

  “I didn’t ask for any of this.”

  “You asked for this the moment you married Sean and wanted to divorce him.” He stepped around the counter. “I know every single time I get my hands on you, you can’t believe just how fucking hot this is.” He grabbed the belt of her robe, opening it up. “Even now as you want to hit me, you’re also wet and begging for my touch. It’s what you want.” He cupped her hip.

  She was completely naked beneath the robe. He didn’t believe in clothes to bed and any she did wear, he often got rid of by ruining them. It wasn’t like she missed wearing pajamas. Rose cried out as his hand touched her pussy. He slid a finger inside her and he groaned.

  “You have no idea how hard it is to resist fucking you. I’m hard as rock right now, but I need you to get dressed. I’ve got places I need to be and it’s important. You’re not going to like the truth about me, Rose. I’m not a nice guy. I don’t play by the rules everyone else does, and I never will.” He kissed the corner of her mouth. “But you’re my wife. I respect you and I’ll treat you right. You got anything you have to say or ask, do it. I won’t bite, unless of course it’s what you want me to do.” He pulled his fingers from her, licking them clean. “Go.”

  She took a shaky step away from him, going to their bedroom. A suit was already waiting for her. It was ironic to her that he’d pulled out a pair of cream pants, a white blouse, and a cream jacket. Heels complemented the ensemble.

  Not once did Jared mention love. It was stupid of her to still be thinking of love. What kind of woman changed men within hours and still wanted love?

  Wrapping her arms around herself, she felt weak, pathetic, and above all else, somewhat hopeful that there was a chance for her and Jared.

  Stop it. Just stop it.

  Love is for children.

  There were no panties; of course there weren’t. She quickly got dressed but the love question was still in the back of her mind.


  With his wife outside at the main bar far away from him, Jared pummeled the man who would dare to steal from him. In all of his years of being the one and only crime lord, he’d learned to rule with an iron fist. There was no room to allow people to take what didn’t belong to them. If they decided to smuggle their drugs, he dealt with him. If they thought they could pimp out their women, again, he came for them. If they borrowed from him without the intention of paying him back, again, he dealt with them swiftly, efficiently, the only way assholes needed to be dealt with.

  This man had decided to not only sell his drugs, but claim the baby powder he’d wrapped in a bag hadn’t sold, and stolen the couple hundred grand he’d made. Now, he never stooped so low as to organize these backstreet deals. He had men in control of each element, men he trusted, all of whom were loyal to him. When anyone tried to manipulate or rob him, they got to deal with him. It was only fair.

  “I’m sorry.” The sound became gurgled as he smashed his fist into the guy’s face, breaking teeth. At some point, he heard bones give way.

  To make sure his suit wasn’t covered in blood, he wore a coverall. With his wife in the car, he didn’t want to startle her with the harsh reality of who she was actually married to. That would be a little too much for her to deal with right now.

  His wife.

  Even now, he found himself in the middle of the night watching her sleep. Rose was a beautiful woman. She deserved someone a lot better than him but now that he’d had many tastes of her, he didn’t want to give her back or let her go.

  Sean wasn’t a problem. The slimeball had moved on to other prey. He was currently trying to marry an heiress to get at her fortune. When the right time came, Jared intended to warn the heiress of her suitor.

  He didn’t know what it was about Rose that had drawn him from the single picture. The way Sean had spoken about her, it hadn’t exactly been flattering. Sure, the words coming out of his mouth had been. How she was a great cook, amazing in bed, and lovely to stray animals. They had all been genuine. It had been the look in Sean’s eye as if he couldn’t stand her. As if her good nature offended him.

  Jared had wanted to take her from him then and there. It helped that her background check had also confirmed everything Sean had told them. She was a good person.

  Stepping away from the unconscious man, Jared cleaned his hands in the water provided. “He’s got a week to earn back my money,” Jared said. “If he doesn’t, he’s dead.”

  With his hands cleaned, he removed the coverall and smoothed out his shirt to put his jacket back on. Leaving the back rooms, his men followed him as they got to the main bar. Rose sat at the bar, a cup in front of her, and she was snacking on some peanuts. The barman kept a wide berth, which he’d ordered him to.

  Joining her at the bar, he took a seat. “What are you watching?”

  “The band. They sounded like crap a second ago. He can sing. He’s really good.” She swung her legs back and forth. She was so adorable.

  “Did you get what you needed to do done?” she asked.


  Seconds passed. Her swinging feet stopped.

  She spun around. “I want to know what it is you do.”

  He raised a brow. “You do?”

  Nibbling on her lip, she nodded. “Yes. I know it’s not…” She glanced around the bar. “Legal.” She mouthed the words. “I, I want to know.”

  “You really want to know?”

  She nodded. This time there was no hesitation.

  He clicked his fingers, and a coffee was placed in front of him moments later. “What you need to understand, Rose, if you go to the police, if you try in any way to ruin me, it will not end well for you.”

  “Wow, seriously? I want to know who you are and you’re threatening me? How does that even work?”

le try to lock me away every other week. I’ve got cops in my pocket and people who watch me. Of course nothing can ever be proven.”

  “You’ve killed people?” she asked.

  He stared at her.

  “You have.” She nodded her head, pressing her lips together. “Are you like the mafia?”

  He laughed. “No, I’m not. I’m not so strict with my rules. I’m everything and nothing at the same time. I own cafés, bars, restaurants, nightclubs, casinos. I have an entire résumé of companies under my belt. It’s what goes on inside them that is less questionable.”

  “Like the gambling Sean was part of that you won me from?” she asked.


  Rose glanced around the room, frowning. “Drugs?”

  He nodded.


  Another nod.

  “Erm, what about, women? Do you steal them?”

  “I’m not into trafficking. It’s one area I have been approached about that I don’t agree with. I have brothels where women fuck clients with my protection and I take a cut.”

  “Oh,” she said.

  “No woman works for me who doesn’t want to be there, Rose.”

  “You’re a saint.”

  “I’m not a completely bad guy. It’s what I like to believe.”

  Another oh slipped out of her mouth.

  He watched her, waiting for her reaction to his news. He didn’t know what to expect. She sipped her drink, took some more peanuts, and nodded to herself. “What other work do you have to do today?” she asked.

  “I’ve got one of my casinos to visit. You want to come?”

  “Sure. I’ve got nowhere else to be.”

  He held out his hand and she took it. There was no shaking to her body and she seemed determined. Good. If she could handle the truth, there may be hope for them yet.

  Chapter Five

  Rose groaned. “We shouldn’t be doing this.”

  “No one can see.”

  “But I can see.”

  “That’s the beauty of it.” Jared stroked through her slit, drawing his fingers back to tease her asshole while she looked across his desk at the people below. It was too much height for her, and she found herself closing her eyes each time the ground seemed to move. They were in one of his nightclubs, only this one had strippers in it. Powerful men and women were watching the show. Not only did Jared have female strippers, but also naked ones, and they put on shows for those eager to watch. She was sure she saw a couple of politicians watching below.

  “I can’t keep looking,” she said, covering her eyes.

  She let out a cry as he lifted her up, moving her away from the window overlooking the nightclub. Jared bent her over a sofa. He’d already pushed up her dress, and lo and behold, no panties. He didn’t like her wearing them.

  He spread the cheeks of her ass and his slick fingers stroked over her anus. Like all the other times before, she tensed up. Jared was never in a rush as he worked her ass. With his other hand, he was already stroking her pussy, and it was hard for her to not rock against him, searching for her orgasm as he teased her.

  “Do you have any idea how sexy you look like this? Wanting to come, needing to.”

  “Please,” she said. She cried out as he pushed inside her ass, two fingers, stretching her out. At the same time, he worked her clit, moving back and forth, and she whimpered. The sudden increase in pressure was almost too much.

  He released her clit as he pumped into her ass.

  “I feel how wet you are, baby,” he said. “You want my cock in your ass.”

  “It’s going to hurt.”

  “Only until you get used to it.” Fingers from both hands were inside her, working in and out. “Tell me to stop, Rose. Tell me you don’t want this.”

  Her mouth opened. No sound came out. Nothing.

  She wanted this. Was way too curious to say no.

  Jared suddenly pulled away from her and she looked over her shoulder to see him go to his desk. She licked her lips as he returned. He was already coating his dick in some lubricant.

  “Last chance?”

  Again, she was silent. She wanted this. Craved it.

  The moment his large, bulbous head touched her asshole, she gasped, tensing up. He stroked the base of her back.


  “Easy for you to say.”

  He pushed but he didn’t go in straight away. He started to stroke her clit and within seconds, she found herself pushing back, and then crying out again as the tip of his cock slid inside her. Jared stopped and allowed her to get used to the stretch. It was an odd sensation to feel him within her.

  Gripping the couch beneath her, she closed her eyes, taking several deep breaths to try to focus. It was impossible to do so.

  “I’ve got you, baby,” he said.

  Slowly, inch by inch, he began to work his cock inside her. The pain lessened and as he continued to stroke her pussy, it morphed into the pleasure she was searching for. When he was all the way inside her, he stopped. Both of his hands went to her hips.

  “You’ve got me.”

  “Wow,” she said then giggled. “Sorry. I guess it’s not very often we go wow.”

  He kissed her back and she couldn’t resist closing her eyes. Jared was a bad man. He hadn’t held anything back whenever she asked a question. He was always open and honest, even when she didn’t want him to be at times. But he never made her regret asking him.

  You’re falling for him.

  Ignoring the little voice in the back of her mind that wanted attention, she whimpered as he started to move. Working his cock out of her until only the tip of him remained and sliding in and out.

  The sensation was odd.

  “Touch yourself. I want to feel you come.”

  Letting go of the couch, she touched her pussy, stroking over her swollen clit. Jared had a habit of randomly touching her throughout the day so that by the time evening came, she was at a loss of all sensibility and her senses. He drove her wild and she had no complaints.

  “Fuck, if you could see how hot this is. Your asshole opening up around me. Fuck, it’s a sight to behold, baby. Now I’m going to fill it.”

  He sped up, his thrusts going deeper, harder, and when she came, it was like he was almost too big for her ass. She screamed his name, the sound echoing off the walls, tormenting her with how easy she had succumbed to him. His growl followed seconds later with the hard feel of him as he pulsed within her.

  Each spurt flooded her ass with his cum.

  She collapsed on the couch and groaned. “I’m not leaving here. I’m going to stay right here and you can’t make me go.”

  He chuckled, kissed her shoulder. “I’ll clean you up.”

  She turned her head, watching him as he got some tissues. “Jared, you’re faithful to me, right?”

  He looked up. “What makes you think I’m not?”

  “I know Sean never was.”

  “I don’t stray.”

  “Right.” She hated bringing up any kind of insecurities but it wasn’t lost on her that Sean had sex with a lot of other women.

  “Did you love him?” Jared asked.

  He came back, putting tissues at her asshole. She covered her face a little, embarrassed at what he was doing.

  “I thought I did, in the beginning. I think I was hoping to find something, anything. It didn’t happen. I knew I’d made a mistake, but I thought I could make it work.”

  “And it never did.”

  “It didn’t. Then you came into my life. The rest is history.”


  The rest is history.

  Those words played in Jared’s head for the next month.

  All his life, he’d used people to get ahead. If anyone stood in his way, he dealt with them swiftly. He’d gotten used to fighting at a young age. Growing up in the foster system, he’d only learned to hate and give pain.

  Fear and being the meanest motherfucker meant people left him
alone. Where others were hurt, he was the one who dished out the pain. No one touched him, not when he started to fight back. They knew not to mess with him.

  He sat in the doctor’s office, having been with his wife for a grand total of two months. She’d started to be sick in the mornings. Her breasts were tender and the scent of coffee made her feel sick. There was only one explanation for it.

  The doctor was alone with his wife right now.

  She was pregnant.

  The doctor who was on his payroll had already texted him the news and was right now dealing with Rose. He hadn’t gotten her on the pill when he probably should have. It wouldn’t be long before she’d start to show. Her stomach filled with his child. Her tits, already big, would get bigger. He loved her curves and spent most of his time wanting to get his hands on her.

  Glancing at the time, he waited, expecting her to come out. When she finally did, he saw she wasn’t happy, not in the slightest. In fact, she looked rather pissed off.

  She stepped up to him and he put a hand at the base of her back. They left the office, to a car waiting for them.

  After helping her inside, he sat and waited for her to speak. She looked pale, shaken even.

  “I know,” he said.

  She jerked her head toward him. “What?”

  “I know you’re pregnant.”

  Rose nodded.

  “You’re angry?” he asked. “You don’t want to have my child?”

  Her lips pressed into a firm line. “No, how could you … what is wrong with you men?”

  “Us men?” he asked.

  She lifted up her ass and produced some leaflets. “Is this what you want? You want me to abort our child?”

  He glanced over the leaflets which were options for adoption or abortion. Jared was shocked.

  “Is that why you didn’t come into the room with me? You didn’t want me to hear exactly what you thought about me being pregnant?” She began to unbuckle the seatbelt. “I need to get out of here.” She reached for the door handle.


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