Designs on the Billionaire

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Designs on the Billionaire Page 11

by Meg MacRose

  Therese wrapped her thin arms around his shoulders. “Mummy will be okay. She’s strong. And the nice nurse is helping her. I have packed my ponies to look after her.”

  He pulled his little girl close in a big hug, she smelt like sweet apples. Her bouncy curls tickled his nose. She was one resilient lass, he thought with pride.

  “Come on Daddy. We must go. Mummy might be waiting for us.” Pulling out from the hug, Therese went back to Lacey’s dresser.

  “Mummy likes wearing her cotton trousers the best, and t-shirts. They’re in this drawer, but I can’t pull it by myself. It’s too heavy.”

  Nick knelt in front of the drawer, he placed his hands over his daughter’s, and together they opened the bottom drawer. He watched on as Therese explained her selection process. In the end, she chose a very hippy looking pair of purple cotton trousers that had orange circles. Lacey is an interesting woman, that’s for sure. Nick was sure that none of the female members in his family even owned cotton trousers, let alone vibrant colourful ones like this. Therese pointed to the drawer with Lacey’s t-shirts in it, while she found a superhero night dress and matching dressing gown.

  “I think this is enough. We can buy more if Mummy needs it.”

  Nick agreed with the five-year-old logic and wondered when she had become so sensible.


  Nick was sitting on one of the plastic chairs with Therese nibbling her bag of fast food on his knee. The hospital waiting room was far too small for the number of people jammed in together. The triage staff were frantic, trying to confirm the condition of those from the crash for relatives and friends.

  “Relatives of Lacey, please come to the reception desk.”

  “That’s us, honey.” Nick helped Therese jump off his knee and scooped up the rest of her food back into its brown bag. Her hands were trembling, and he held his hand to her, clasping it tight.

  Before they made it through the throngs of people standing around, a voice Nick recognised from the earlier phone calls beckoned to them.

  “Excuse me. Over here.” A petite and very pregnant woman wearing a shimmery black dress had her hand out waving them down.

  “I’m Melissa. Come this way.” She opened a big heavy door and leant against it to allow Nick and Therese through. “That’s better. We can at least hear ourselves think in here. It’s bedlam out there. But from the size of the pile up, it’s not a surprise.”

  “I’m Nick, and this is our daughter Therese.” Shaking Melissa’s warm small hand, he was impressed when she turned and shook Therese’s hand too.

  “Is Lacey okay? Can we see her?”

  “She’s still being prepped for surgery. There’s a bit of a queue, but the doctors will make sure she’s not in pain. Looks like she has a broken ankle. But we can go across to the waiting room of the ward that she’ll be going into when she finally comes out. She came to in the ambulance, and there doesn’t seem to be any indication of concussion. But they’ll be keeping her in for observation for a few days, just in case. Though don’t be surprised if they transfer her. I doubt this hospital can cope with such an influx of patients.”

  Nick let out a long breath. “Thank goodness.” Kneeling to face his daughter. “Did you hear that Muffin? Mummy’s going to be okay. He almost wept as Therese stepped closer to him and embraced him, her wet face against his cheeks as she sniffled back her tears.

  “Come on beautiful. How about we go and wait for your Mum on the ward.”

  Therese nodded resolutely, relief evident on her face, though her tears continued to fall. Nick scooped up his little girl and rested her on his hip as he followed Melissa through the rabbit warren of corridors and stairwells until they reached a smaller ward.

  “Here, you can sit here and wait. The nurses working tonight will keep you posted with any updates. I’m glad everything is going to be okay. I’m going to leave now. I’m supposed to be at a family dinner.” She looked down at her dishevelled dress. “I’ve explained the situation to my husband and am just going to head straight home. By the way, I have left all of Lacey’s personal effects with the carpark security. Just ask for the stuff that Melissa left from the crash. Any problems, and you’ve got my number anyway.” He turned to Therese, who sat perched on her own plastic chair with wide eyes. “Your Mummy is going to be fine. She’s got the best doctors and nurses here looking after her. She’s going to want to see you and your beautiful smile when she wakes up.”

  Therese nodded as if the message was the most important message that she’d ever heard.

  Despite the assertions from Melissa that Lacey was going to be okay, being in the hospital made the gravity of the situation even more real. As he held onto his dear little daughter, he hoped fervently that Lacey would be okay. He kicked himself for not expressing his feelings to her sooner. He vowed that when she was recovered, he’d man up and tell her. But first there were three things to do. First, was to care and protect Therese. Second was to get Lacey out of hospital and recuperated. Third was to woo Lacey so that she had no choice but to fall in love with him. With that plan in mind, Nick gave his daughter a big hug. “It’ll be all okay. You’ll see.”

  Once she was back conscious, they were going to have a proper conversation. About them. Hearing that she’d been in a crash had left him with a nervous hollow in his stomach. He had to let her know his feelings for her.

  Chapter 11

  Lacey blinked and tried to open her heavy eyes. Nothing was clear, just a blur of shapes. She closed her eyes back again. Things beeped and hushed conversations from unknown directions swept around her. The beeping sound was already getting on her nerves. She tried again to open her eyes. Blinking quickly as she adapted to the bright rays of light that caused her to squint.

  “Well hello there, lovely. About time you woke up.”

  A jovial voice that belonged to a body stood to the side of her. As her eyes became more accustomed to the light, she saw a nurse waiting patiently with a kind round face peering down at her.

  “Now I gotta ask, how are you feeling? Not that you’ll be in top-notch condition. But can you tell me if anything hurts?”

  Lacey slowly flexed her fingers. They were all good. Then she tried to flex her toes. A pain went up her leg. She tried again, but with more gentle actions. Again, a shard of pain went through her body.

  “My toes hurt every time I move them.”

  Lacey tried to lift her legs and her head in a bid to try and see why her toes hurt. Only her right leg wouldn’t lift. Something was weighing it down. And her head pounded. She collapsed back onto the bed.

  “What happened? What’s wrong with me?”

  “You hurt your leg pretty bad in that accident. And your head will have a nasty egg on it for a few days yet. You just settle yourself in and enjoy your stay here. We’ll keep an eye on you and make sure you don’t have any concussion. That lovely husband and girl of yours will be back shortly. They not long left. Been camped out here for every possible visiting hour. They’ll be back in a couple of hours. Now why don’t you rest. Is there anything I can get you?”

  “But …” Lacey’s mind was fuddled. She didn’t have a husband. Unless they were referring to Nick. The nurse was about to walk away, she raised her hand, desperate to get her attention again.

  “Water. I need some water. Please. My throat is so parched.”

  “Of course. I’ll get some now.”

  The nurse helped her drink bottled water through a straw. It hurt to swallow and there were tubes going through her nose.

  “Now you make sure you rest up. Your baby girl will be bounding in here in no time at all, and believe me, she’ll be wanting a hug or two. She’s left you her collection of ponies, just in case you need the company!” The nurse chuckled as she went out.

  Lacey tried to raise her head so she could see the ponies, but the effort was too much. She lay back down and sunk into a fitful sleep.


  “Mummy. Mummy. It’s me, Therese. Mummy. Ar
e you awake?”

  Lacey’s cheek was poked and prodded by familiar little fingers. These same fingers had woken her many times over the past five years. Lacey opened one eye and then the other. She focussed on the face that was only inches from her own face.

  “Therese honey. Am I happy to see you!” She croaked out.

  “Mummy. You’re awake. See Daddy, I told you she’d be awake.” Therese looked back to the doorway. Nick stood lounging against the doorframe. The lazy smile on his face reassured Lacey that Therese had been looked after since her accident. She didn’t even know when the accident occurred or how long she’d been in hospital.

  “So, what’s the verdict? Are you heading home with us soon?” Nick enquired. He hadn’t moved from the door.

  Lacey shook her head. “Not for a day or so I don’t think. I haven’t spoken to the doctor yet. But the nurse said they need to check for concussion. Apparently, I’ve done my leg in and hurt my head. I don’t know anything more than that. Any idea if my bike survived?”

  “Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but your bike is a goner.”

  “Mummy, I’ve brought in some special pictures for you. And Daddy has brought in some treats, haven’t you Daddy? We’ve got chocolates, grapes and flowers.”

  “Indeed, we have, little one. Just as well I have you here to remind me, otherwise I might have forgotten.” Nick looked back to Lacey. “The nurse is just putting the flowers in a vase of water. But there are chocolates and grapes here if you’re feeling up to them.”

  She smiled in gratitude. “That’s brilliant. Thanks. I’m not hungry just yet, but I think I can guess someone who is!”

  “Me. I am. I am. Can I have a chocolate first? Pleeeease Mummy?” Therese hoisted herself onto the side of the bed and peered, her bright twinkly eyes optimistic as she asked.

  Lacey smiled. How could she resist her daughter?

  “Maybe one or two.” She conceded. She heard Nick’s chuckle as Therese bounced off the bed and ran straight over to the bag of goodies on the table near the door.

  “We’ve missed you Lacey. I have to say you gave us a bit of a scare.” Nick’s voice was solemn as he watched their daughter battle with the cellophane wrapping on the box of chocolates.

  “I’m just glad that you were with Therese. Thanks so much, Nick,” she whispered, the words still an effort to form in her head before she spoke.

  “Anytime. That’s what Dads are for, right?”

  “Right.” If there was ever a time that Lacey held absolutely no regrets over telling Nick about Therese, it was right now.

  “Mummy, guess what?” Chocolate dribble trickled out of Therese’s mouth as she spoke.

  It wasn’t the time or place to reprimand her daughter for talking while she ate.

  “What, darling?”

  Lacey didn’t really get why her head was so foggy. Not if it was only her foot that was injured. Oh, the head injury. The nurse had mentioned that.

  “I got a new dress and a new t-shirt. Daddy bought them for me. When you come home, I’m going to wear them and show you. They’re special ones. And I got some jeans and some sandals.”

  “And did you see my ponies? They’ve been looking after you.” Therese jumped up in haste and grabbed her ponies, setting them out on the end of the bed.

  “Do you mind if I play with my ponies here Mummy? Does it hurt your legs?”

  Exhaustion had already set in, but she managed to wearily shake her head. “No that’s fine Poppet.”

  Nick stepped forward and helped Therese to clear a space so that she could sit up on the bed with her ponies.

  He checked that she wasn’t anywhere near Lacey’s injured leg, before he pulled himself a chair across and placed it at Lacey’s bedside.

  Concern flickered on his face. “Are you okay? I don’t mean your leg, but are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. Just a bit tired I guess.”

  The warmth of his hands as they cradled her left one radiated through her body. His face leaned in closer to her so that he could talk to her without Therese hearing.

  “You know you don’t have to worry about anything. I’ll stay with Therese at your house until you’re ready to come home. Anything you want, you just have to ask. Anytime. Nothing is a problem.”

  Lacey didn’t know if it was the drugs that the doctors had pumped into her, but suddenly she was an emotional mess. A sob formed in her throat, and all she wanted was for Nick to not let go of her hand. The last time they had seen each other, she had almost ravished him, then how he made her feel had her put her boundaries up. Now another set of emotions were setting over her, partly grateful, partly happy to have him in the room, and partly relieved to know that she could rely on him. So many thoughts and feelings were passing through her.

  “Thanks Nick. For everything.” It was all she could muster without revealing her inner turmoil. Or without weeping. Why she felt like balling her eyes out, she had no idea.

  “Shhhh. As I said, it’s what Dads do. I’m still just learning this role. But I’ll give it my darned best go. We just want you to mend so that you can join us at home. I’ll work from home at your place while Therese is at school. So even when you are home, there’ll be someone around to help. Okay? And don’t say that you don’t need looking after. I insist. You’ve given us all a hefty scare. Besides I’ve given my word to Therese that I’ll help out.”

  The back of Nick’s hand grazed her cheek. The tenderness of his stroke brought tears to her eyes.

  “Hey, you don’t need to cry. I promise, we’ll be here for you when you come home.”

  “Thanks.” She sniffed back more tears. His niceness was almost her undoing.

  “Umm. Lace. By the way, I told the nurse that I was your husband. They wouldn’t give me any updates unless I was considered immediate family.”

  “Fine. It’s not a problem.”

  “What about your family, Lace? Do you want me to call them and let them know what’s happened? I know you don’t have anything to do with them or anything. But sometimes our view of the world changes from a hospital bed.”

  Lacey wanted to scream out loud. She struggled to sit up. “No. I don’t want them called.” Her eyes frowned at the thought of him calling her parents. She definitely didn’t need their judgements right now.

  Nick’s hand shot out to offer support as she sunk back down into the starched sheets.

  She looked across at Therese

  “Hey. Don’t get distressed. It’s fine. I won’t call them.”

  Lacey compressed her lips. “Please promise me you won’t try and contact them. Not now. Not ever. They are not part of our lives.”

  Even as drowsy as she was, she knew that Nick was a man of his word and would follow her request.

  He leant forward and encircled himself on her and offered her a hug of comfort. She liked that Nick’s masculine smell as it surrounded her senses was the last thought on her mind as she fell back into a more peaceful slumber.


  Lacey leafed through a fashion magazine that one of the nurses had left with her. She wasn’t really that interested in it. But it gave her something to do. Therese would be already at school, the school bell would have rung a few minute ago. Nick said that he’d try and drop by to see her, but she’d insisted that she’d be okay. Only, the minutes were dragging by really slowly.

  Nick had thoughtfully left a phone with her in the hospital so that she could speak to Therese anytime. Before the accident, she’d never had a night away from her daughter. But Therese wasn’t unsettled. She just took it in her stride. Though that was thanks to Nick. Nick again. What was she going to do about Nick? He made her feel things that she’d never felt with any man before. His presence alone made her nervous, yet happy. His touch brought tingles to her body, and she found herself preoccupied with the next time that they’d meet. They’d only had sex on a few occasions, and yet each time it was like she was consumed with needing more of him. And this is what scared her. Her
infatuation with him puzzled her. The thought of being smitten with a man of his background petrified her. She was terrified of the day when she wasn’t enough for him and he moved on to someone who fitted into the mould of the dutiful housewife. What would she do then? And that day would come, she was convinced. How could it not. She’d done everything in her power to remove herself from the upper echelon of society. And now she craved the physical and emotional attention of one of the most eligible bachelors of that stratum. It was bound to end in tears.

  There was another notion that worried her. What if her and Nick did remain together? Would she slowly morph into someone like her own mother? Someone with no sense of identity who readily judged others. It would be her worst nightmare.

  No. She shook her head. She just had to keep the barriers up and focus on Nick being there for Therese. No sooner did she convince herself did her body betray her with a burning need to lie against Nick. To feel him inside of her. To feel his kisses on her body.

  She was tormented anyway she looked at it. They make love again, and her head would be spinning in circles worrying about what happens next. They don’t make love again and her body would be hankering for him. And her heart? Even she didn’t know where her heart lay at the moment. Somewhere between totally scared, totally enraptured and totally missing him.

  The magazine had fallen from her fingers. She didn’t have the energy to pick it up. Trying to work out what to do between her and Nick had quickly drained all the energy from her.

  Her eyes fluttered as her eyelids grew heavy. The last thing she saw as she sunk back into the pillows were the flowers from Nick standing proud in a vase. Her flowers from her Nick was the last thought that went through her mind before she slept soundly.


  Nick sat at the breakfast bench finishing off a report. He’d send it through to the executive team at work shortly. Therese sat freshly bathed in pyjamas on the sofa watching a movie. He’d heard Lacey add more hot water to the bath, and she was now clunking around her bedroom getting ready for her bath.


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