The Cowboy and the Quaker

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The Cowboy and the Quaker Page 8

by Margaret Tanner

  “Look, sheriff, I need to get Rachael over to Lottie’s place, she’s on the verge of collapse.”

  “Yeah. See me later, Ben, and I’ll take down the full story.”

  Ben swept Rachael up in his arms and strode toward the Flaming Star, with Lottie scurrying in his wake.


  Back in the parlor at Lottie’s, Ben gently deposited Rachael on the sofa.

  Lottie left them alone.

  “I thought I’d lost you, darlin’,” his voice broke. “I love you, Rachael. I want our marriage to be a real one from now on.”

  “Yes, yes, I’d like that. I love you, Ben, have done for a while, but I was too bitter and scared of being hurt to admit it.”

  “Me too, darlin’, I was thinking.” Ben picked up Rachael’s hand, and kissed each finger separately. “How about I get us a room at the hotel for the night? Too late for us to make it home now.”

  “I…I’d like that, but…”

  “I can get two rooms if you’d prefer. I don’t want to rush you, not after all you’ve suffered.”

  “No, one room would be good.”

  “Well, what is it then? If we share the same room.” He cleared his throat. “And sleep in the one bed. I wouldn’t ask you to do anything you’re not comfortable with. ” He smiled. “A few kisses and cuddles will do for now.”

  “I want to be a real wife to you, Ben. The thing is, I don’t have a nightgown.”

  He grinned. “You won’t need one.”

  She blushed, and he laughed out loud.

  “I’m only teasing you, darlin’. We can go over to the mercantile and buy whatever you need.”

  “It will be closed by now,” Rachael said.

  “Lottie can loan you one.”

  “What can I loan you?” Lottie returned carrying a tray containing cups and saucers, and a silver coffee pot. There was a plate of pastries as well.

  “Rachael is worried about tonight because she doesn’t have a nightgown, and the mercantile is closed. I told her you could loan her one.”

  Lottie laughed. “If Ben is the man I think he is. You wouldn’t be wearing it for long.”

  “Lottie!” Ben admonished.

  “Sorry Rachael, I was only joking. I can loan you whatever you need.”

  Rachael’s cheeks burned. She wasn’t as uninhibited or daring as Lottie. Maybe she did still have a sprinkling of Quaker in her.

  “I’m sorry, I must sound like a prude.”

  “Nothing to apologize for. Like I said, I only want you to do whatever you’re comfortable with. Lottie has a dirty mind. Always did have.”

  “Ben Lonigan, how dare you make dispersions on my character, I’m deeply hurt.” She gave a saucy grin, and poked him in the ribs.

  “I’m joking, Rachael, but he leaves himself wide open for this sometimes, and I can’t resist teasing him.”

  “I swear Lottie.” Glen suddenly made his presence known. “You might be my sister, but you are a wicked, wicked woman. She was the bane of Ben’s life when we were young. It’s a wonder she didn’t get herself hung, and us with her, the stunts she used to pull.”


  The four of them ambled down to the diner for supper, and after the other two left them Ben and Rachael strolled over to the hotel. Their room was on the second floor. Outside the door, he swept her up in his arms and carried her into the room.

  “It’s not much,” he said, setting her down on the carpeted floor. “I asked for their best room, and this is what I got.”

  “It’s all right. I don’t care about the room.” She reached up and patted his cheek. “It’s the man who’s in it that’s important to me.”

  Ben moved from one foot to the other. “Um, I’ll go downstairs and see about breakfast for tomorrow. It will give you privacy in which to change.”

  It touched her that he was trying so hard to be thoughtful. “I won’t always be this embarrassed to undress in front of you.”

  “I understand.” He grinned. “You don’t need help with your buttons I suppose?”

  Smiling, she shook her head. What was wrong with her? Ben was her husband, they loved each other. “Don’t leave,” she said.

  “Are you sure?” His grin widened.

  She nodded. “You can close your eyes, though.”

  He burst out laughing, reached over, picked her up and spun her around several times. She squealed when she landed on the bed with him on top.

  His mouth met hers in a tender kiss that eased her nerves. Trembling with emotion she returned his kiss, and he groaned out loud. Soon gentle kissing wasn’t enough, she wanted more.

  Rachael rolled off the bed and started to undress. The shocked expression on Ben’s face was almost comical, but he dived off the bed and ripped off his shirt. His pants quickly followed.

  Standing in her undergarments, she worshipped his naked body. He was truly magnificent, and she would never tire of looking at him in all his naked, aroused glory.

  “Happy with what you see, Mrs. Lonigan?”


  As she removed her undergarments, he turned the bed down ready for them. Within seconds she was in his arms, exchanging wild, passionate kisses. He explored her body at will. She did the same to him. Then he entered her. Never had anything felt so right. Higher, and still higher, she soared to the highest peaks of ecstasy.

  Finally, satiated and completely loved, she plummeted back to earth. Rachael lay quietly in Ben’s arms. This was the best night of her life, and she was now Mrs. Ben Lonigan in every sense of the word.


  Twelve months later

  Ben and Rachael stood before the preacher who had married them, so that baby Jesse Benjamin Lonigan, could be baptized. His proud Godparents, Lottie and Glen watched on. Eve and Dusty, along with Amy, Glen’s new wife, also attended.

  If it hadn’t been for Ben’s Uncle Samuel, none of this ever would have happened.

  Rachael sent up a silent prayer of thanks to God. Her life was complete now. She enjoyed ranch life. She had a loving husband, a beautiful baby son, and loyal friends.

  After thanking God for his gifts of Rachael and baby Jesse, Ben prayed for the soul of his brother who could rest in peace, because there was another Jesse Lonigan to grace the world with his presence.

  The End


  Margaret Tanner is an Award Winning Historical Romance Author who has now added Western Historical Romance to her writing repertoire.

  She lives in Australia, and has three grown up sons and two gorgeous granddaughters.

  With the encouragement of friend and Western Romance Author, Susan Hornell, she has fallen in love with writing Western Historical Romance. Frontier Australia and frontier America, have many similarities, isolated, untamed communities where only the strong will survive, a large single male population, and a lack of eligible women.

  She has always loved Westerns, soaking up all the western shows on TV and at the movies when she was young. Bonanza was her favorite show. Little Joe Cartwright (Michael Landon) her hero, although John Wayne is close on his heels. Zane Grey was her favorite Western Author.

  Margaret has a short story published in the Western Romance Anthology, Rawhide ‘N Roses, which was a 2015 Rone Finalist.

  She has a novella, Christmas Cowboy, in the Western Christmas Anthology, Silver Belles and Stetsons. Christmas Cowboy is also available as a single, stand-alone novella.

  Contact Margaret Tanner at: [email protected]

  Margaret Tanner’s Western Website:!cowboy-christmas/cadi

  Margaret Tanner’s Website:

  Other Books by Margaret Tanner

  Western Romance:

  Western Romance Anthology – Rawhide ’N Roses The Gunslinger’s Angel (short story)

  Christmas Western Romance Anthology - Silver Belles And Stetsons (Cowboy Christmas – Novella)

  Edwina: Bride Of Connecticu
t - Book 5 (American Mail Order Bride Series)

  Published by Books We Love

  Australian Frontier Romance:

  Frontier Belle

  Fiery Possession

  Savage Possession

  Falsely Accused

  Dangerous Birthright

  A Wicked Deception

  War Romance:

  Daring Masquerade

  Lauren’s Dilemma

  Make Love Not War

  A Mortal Sin

  We Never Said I Love You (novella)

  Allison’s War

  Haunted Hearts

  Daddy Dilemma

  The Loves We Left Behind (WW1 Special Centenary Edition)

  Published by Amazon Encore:

  A Rose In No-Man’s Land




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