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Entangled Page 4

by Stacy-Deanne

  “Hey,” Grayson said. “You busy?”

  “Of course I’m busy. I’m working.” She peeked at Lisa who glared at her with her hands on her hips. “Are you busy?”

  He moaned. “Busy dreaming about you. I’ve been lying on the floor in my living room...smelling your scent.”

  “Grayson,” she whispered.

  “Who is that?” Lisa snapped.

  “I have to see you again,” he said. “I’ll need a thousand cold showers if I don’t.”

  Dee covered her mouth as she spoke. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “Hello?” Lisa poked her in the back. “We’re on an investigation here. Get off the damn phone.”

  Dee exhaled. “I gotta go,” she whispered into the phone.

  “Will I see you tonight?”


  “Oh please.” He moaned. “I’ll be a good little boy.”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Dee!” Lisa hit her back. “Hang up the damn phone!”

  “Bye.” Dee hung up and put the phone in her pocket.


  An Hour Later:

  Detective Winston Lewis walked over to the center table in the police station lounge. “Hey.”

  Lisa looked up from her sandwich. “Hey.”

  He held a tray with one of those stinky burritos. “May I join you?”

  “Sure.” She opened her can of strawberry soda.

  He sat and took the greasy burrito out of the foil wrapper. “What’s up with Dee?”

  Lisa sipped soda. “What do you mean?”

  “She’s acting all weird.” He opened a packet of salsa. “And she’s been on the phone all day whispering.”

  “I don’t know what the hell’s up with her but I got a feeling it has something to do with Grayson Paul.”

  “So how’s the case coming anyway?”

  She sighed. “I don’t know, but I got a lot of ideas running in my head about Mr. Paul.”

  He bit into the burrito. “You don’t like him do you?” A bean fell from his mouth.

  She grinned and dabbed the corner of his mouth with her napkin.

  He gripped her hand, caressing the bottom of it with his thumb. “Lisa.”

  She snatched her hand away. “Don’t.” She cut her eyes to the doorway. “We gotta remember to keep it professional around here.”

  “Around here?” His blue eyes lit up. “Well where can we be unprofessional?” He cleaned his mouth.

  “You know what I mean.”

  “Do I?”

  His foot brushed her leg under the table.

  “Stop.” She hit his shoe. “I’m serious. Every time I turn around people are looking at me or whispering about us.”

  “I don’t care what anyone thinks.” He chewed.

  “Well I do. I don’t like rumors being spread about me.”

  “It’s not a rumor if it’s true.” He squirted more salsa on his burrito. “There is something between us and the more you fight it—”

  “Winston.” She picked up her sandwich. “Please.”

  “All right,” he mumbled between chews. “What were you going to say about Grayson Paul?”

  “Owen Holloway suggested that the murders in some of Grayson’s books are similar to murders that have happened in Baltimore.” She bit into her ham and cheese sandwich. “Does that sound strange?”

  He chewed. “You’re not saying that you think Grayson Paul committed the murders he wrote about in his books are you?”

  “No, but don’t you find it a little strange that the murders he wrote about resemble real life murders from around here?”

  “No.” He dabbed his mouth. “That’s what writers do...use inspiration. Have you ever read any of his books?”

  “No.” She licked mustard from her lip.

  He grabbed his soda. “Then maybe you should start.”

  Dee flew into the lounge. “Leece!”

  She set her sandwich down. “What’s up?”

  “I was just doing a check on Owen. I knew he was hiding something.”

  “What did you find?” Lisa asked.

  Winston sat at attention.

  “He was arrested about five years ago,” Dee said.

  Lisa wiped her mouth. “For what?”

  “Attempted murder.”


  “Why the hell am I here?” Owen stood from the table when Lisa and Dee walked into the interrogation room. “I keep telling you guys the same things over and over.”

  “That’s right, you do.” Lisa sat and propped her feet on the table. “This time we want the truth.”

  Owen sat.

  Dee leaned on the table. “You been lying through your teeth haven’t you, Holloway?” She sat. “I knew you had something to hide the moment we met.”

  “What in hell are you talking about? I didn’t kill Edana and you got no proof that I did.”

  “Why didn’t you tell us you were charged with attempted murder five years ago?” Lisa squinted.

  He sat back with wide eyes. “What?”

  “You heard her.” Dee unbuttoned her blazer. “Why didn’t you tell us you were charged with attempted murder?”

  “Jesus.” He covered his mouth.

  “We know the charges were dropped,” Lisa said. “But still that’s something you could’ve mentioned to us, don’t you think?”

  He shrugged. “It has nothing to do with Edana’s murder.”

  Dee smiled. “We’ll be the judge of that.”

  Lisa shrugged. “What happened?”

  “I was having an affair with this lady. Her husband didn’t like me one bit. I mean he was a real asshole to me.”

  “Oh?” Dee crossed her arms. “I wonder why.”

  “He always threatened to kill me if I didn’t stay away from his wife. One night she invited me over to their place when he was out of town. He came back when we were in the hot tub and he went crazy.” He clawed at air as if he were grabbing something. “He pulled me out of the hot tub and started beating me. I grabbed the champagne bottle and smashed it over his head. We ended up back in the house, tussling.” He moved his fists as if he were fighting. “He’s smacking me and I’m smacking him.” He imitates a jab. “He gives me a hard right and I give him a hard left.”

  Lisa nodded.

  “Well, then he grabbed a gun from inside the desk. He started waving it at me!” He jerked. “At this time I was freaking out. I mean no amount of pussy is worth that headache.”

  Lisa covered her grin.

  “So he aims the gun at me and I hit him. I grabbed the gun and pistol whipped him.”

  “Are you serious?” Dee asked.

  Owen pointed his hands as if he were holding a gun. “I held the gun on him and told him to just let me leave. I promised I’d never set foot in his house again if he’d just let me leave. I dropped the gun and left.”

  He moved his hands as if he’d dropped something. “Well later I’m sleeping at my mom’s and the police come banging on the door. The husband said I tried to shoot him!” He put his hands flat on the table. “Can you believe that?”

  “Well you were sleeping with the man’s wife,” Dee said.

  “But he lied.” He pulled at his shirt. “He attacked me. That’s why he ended up dropping the charges.”

  “Is this a pattern?” Lisa asked. “Sleeping with married women?”

  “Look, I’m not a saint, but I’m not a killer.” He tugged on his collar. “I keep telling you that you’re wasting your time with me. Grayson’s the one who—”

  “Oh stop it.” Dee sat back.

  “It’s the truth! Grayson is the one you should be looking at.” He glared at her. “Why are you so convinced he’s innocent and I’m guilty? I see a bias forming here that I don’t like, Detective Quarter.”

  “There’s no bias, Owen,” Lisa said. “I assure you we’ll both be objective and fair during this case.” She looked at Dee and gritted her teeth. “Won’t we, Detective

  She rolled her eyes.

  “Did you check out Moon Day?” Owen pointed at Lisa. “That’s the latest book in the Ronnie Pine Series. It just came out a few months ago. Check it out. Some of the murders in the book match murders that happened last year here in Baltimore.”

  “So?” Dee held her arms out. “I read the damn book and we could say those murders are

  patterned after any murder, anywhere! It’s pathetic that you’re trying to say Grayson is a killer based on his work.”

  “Wow.” Owen rubbed his chin. “Sounds like you like more than his writing.”

  Lisa glanced at Dee.

  “Well I definitely like Grayson more than I do you.” Dee winked.

  “You seem to be the levelheaded one in all this,” Owen said to Lisa. “Read the book then tell me I’m bullshitting.”


  The Next Day:

  “You son of a bitch!” Owen shoved Grayson to his couch and wrapped his hands around his throat. “I ought to kill you!”

  “Get off me!” Grayson tried to pry Owen’s hands from his neck. “You know you did it! You killed Edana!”

  “That’s a lie!” Owen lifted his fist over Grayson.

  Dee and Sylvia ran inside Grayson’s living room.

  Sylvia covered her mouth.

  “Stop it!” Dee grabbed Owen from behind. “Let him go or you’re under arrest!”

  Owen turned Grayson loose.

  Dee almost tumbled to the floor. “What the hell is your problem, Holloway?”

  Sylvia rushed to Grayson. “Are you all right?”

  “Yeah.” He rubbed his neck. “He’s a moron and that looks like it’ll never change.”

  “You admit what you did to Edana!” Owen pointed at Grayson with spit hanging from his lip. “Admit it!”

  “Stop it!” Dee yelled. “Now what the hell’s going on?”

  “What are you doing here?” Grayson sat up and straightened his shirt.

  “Sylvia called me.” Dee exhaled. “She said you and Owen were arguing and she was afraid it would escalate. What the hell is going on?”

  “He killed Edana, that’s what’s going on.” Grayson pointed.

  “I...I answered the door.” Sylvia’s voice shook. “And Mr. Holloway came charging in like a lunatic.”

  “That’s because he’s a killer!” Grayson shouted.

  “I didn’t kill anybody and you know it, Paul!”

  Dee jumped in front of Owen. “Cool it!”

  He pointed over Dee’s shoulder. “He did it because he’s a fuckin’ monster! He’s sick!”

  “Calm down!” Dee shoved Owen.

  Owen moved from behind her. “So what’s the next step now, Grayson? You gonna put Edana’s murder in your next book?”

  Grayson jumped up. “I didn’t kill Edana! I had no reason to!”

  “You’re sick!” Owen stuck his finger in his face. “That’s the fuckin’ reason!”

  “Stop it!” Dee pulled Owen away from Grayson. “Both of you just calm down.”

  The men huffed and glared at each other.

  “Owen.” Dee turned to him. “You have no right busting into someone’s place and trying to strangle them no matter what you think they’ve done. I could haul your ass in.”

  “No.” Grayson wiped sweat off his forehead. “As long as he gets the hell out and promises not to return then I’ll forget the whole thing.”

  “Son of a...” Owen straightened his T-shirt. “I know you killed her, Grayson.”

  “Get out.” Dee pointed toward the doorway.

  “She was afraid of him during their entire marriage!” Owen yelled. “You’re gonna deny that, Grayson?”

  “Get out!” Dee shoved Owen. “Go or I will arrest your ass.”

  “It’s the truth.” He wiped his mouth.

  “You got five seconds to take your ass out of here or you’re coming to the station with me.” Dee put her hand on her gun. “One...two...three—”

  “You’re making a mistake, Detective.” Owen glared at Grayson. “He’s the one you should be worried about and you’re gonna see that soon enough.” He left.

  “Are you all right, Mr. Paul?” Sylvia rubbed her hands.

  He nodded. “Could you give me and Detective Quarter a moment please?”

  She left.

  Dee held her waist. “What the hell is going on?”

  “Come here!” Grayson grabbed her into a suffocating hug. “Mmm!” He kissed her and threw her on the couch.

  “Grayson!” She struggled. “Wait.”

  “Why didn’t you come over last night?” He kissed her neck. “You have no idea how much I missed you.”

  “Grayson.” She wiggled in his tight grip. “I’m working.”

  “Me too.” He kissed her rougher.

  “No.” She tore her mouth from his. “I mean I’m on duty.” She put her hands on his chest. “We need to talk. Is what he said true about Edana being afraid of you?”

  “No.” He moved his mouth to hers.

  She turned her face. “Are you telling me the truth?”

  “Of course.” He moved her hair from her face. “You doubt me? I thought you trusted me.”

  “Trusted you?” She pushed on his arms but his grip remained. “I hardly know you, remember?”

  “Oh, I wouldn’t say that.” He planted kisses down her neck. “I think you know me very well.” He lifted her blouse. “Why don’t you get to know me even better?”

  “Grayson.” She laid her hand on his, stopping him from lifting her blouse. “You can’t lie to me or hide anything regarding this case. You understand that?”

  “Dee.” He touched her cheek. “Owen is a liar. Did you know he almost killed a guy five years ago?” He kissed her belly button.

  “Found it out yesterday and talked to him about it.”

  “Well.” He lifted his head. “That proves he’s capable of murder. Look how he attacked me just now. Is that the action of someone who is stable?”

  “No.” She caressed his hand. “But—”

  He moved his hand up her blouse. “I’m sick of talking about this case when I’m with you.” He pulled her blouse over her bra.

  “Grayson.” She maneuvered herself underneath him. “Wait.”

  He laid his finger on her lips. “I’m tired of us talking period.” He unbuttoned her pants.

  “Grayson.” She pushed his hand away.

  “What?” He sat up. “I told you this isn’t just about sex if that’s what you think.”

  “Then what is it?” She wiped lipstick off his chin. “It sure as hell isn’t love.”

  “I like you and I just like us being together. I also value you as a fan.” He walked to the bookshelf and got a stack of bound papers. “This is for you.” He laid the typed manuscript in her lap.

  “What’s this?”

  “Bound to Darkness. It’s the next installment in the Ronnie Pine Series.”

  “What?” She thumped through the manuscript. “You gotta be kidding me.”

  “You’re the first person to see it besides Veronica. She’s my beta reader so she always sees my stuff first.” He smiled. “Plus, I value her opinion. I’ll be sending it to my agent soon so cross your fingers that she likes it.”

  “She’ll love it if it’s half as good as your other work.” She glanced at paragraphs as she turned the pages. “I can’t believe this. I’m actually going to read a Grayson Paul book before publication?” she squealed. “That’s...that’s a dream for any fan.”

  “Now it’s time for you to make my dreams come true.” He pulled her down on the couch and got on top.

  “Wait a minute.” She laid her hands on his chest. “Come on.”

  He laid the book on the table. “Be nice.” He pulled her pants down, revealing her red thong. “Now don’t tell me you were wearing this, and didn’t intend for me to see it.”

  “Grayson.” She laid her hand on his shoulder. “We can’t do this.”
br />   “Oh we can.” He dragged his tongue down her cleavage. “We already have, remember?”

  “It’s not right.” She grunted.

  He leaned up. “But do you wanna do it?”

  Her chest pounded. Her crotch tingled. Her nipples shot out like darts.

  “Yes.” She started to unbutton his shirt. “Hell yes.”


  Three hours later:

  Dee rushed into the room and did her best to avoid eye contact with detectives as she made it to her desk. Something about having forbidden sex made her question if others could tell she’d had it just by looking at her.

  She plopped down at her desk.

  Lisa yanked half a cinnamon roll out of her mouth. “Where have you been?”

  Dee straightened her blouse. “I had an errand to run.” Her slacks were unbuttoned.


  She laid her hand over the gap.

  Lisa pointed with the cinnamon roll. “You lost an earring.”

  Dee touched her right ear. “Did I?” She took the other one off. “I guess it fell off during my...errand.”

  “And come to think of it...” Lisa stared at her clothes. “How come you look like you’ve been in a tornado?”

  “What?” Dee straightened her blouse.

  “Clothes all wrinkled.” Lisa grimaced. “Are your pants open?”

  “No.” Dee covered her lap with a notebook. “I just had an errand.”

  “What errand?”

  “Do I have to tell you everything?”

  “Yes. We’re on duty. You can’t just disappear for three hours and expect me not to ask why.” Lisa bit into the cinnamon roll. “I called you four times,” she said with a mouthful of pastry.

  “Well, my phone was off.” Dee scooted up to her desk. “I’m here now so what’s up?”

  Lisa stared at her with icing on her lips.

  “Why are you looking at me like that?” Dee passed her a napkin. “And wipe your mouth.”

  Lisa snatched the tissue. “I want to know where you were for three hours and why you were so busy that you couldn’t answer your phone.”

  Dee turned on her computer. “I had something to take care of, okay? Can we just drop it?”

  Lisa rolled her chair to Dee and sniffed her.

  Dee shoved her. “What the hell are you doing?”


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