Her Texan to Tame

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Her Texan to Tame Page 9

by Sara Orwig

  “That’s a long drive to make for dinner.”

  “We can fly. I thought you might like to see what they’re doing and how their food is. The menu isn’t up on the web yet, but the people opening it have impressive backgrounds in the restaurant business. Would you like to go?”

  She gazed at him solemnly for a moment and then smiled. “Thank you. I would like to see what they do.”

  “How about leaving at six?”

  “Fine.” He didn’t tell her he had reservations in Dallas and had had them for a week and only gotten them because he knew one of the owners.

  They ate, talked to more people and finally arrived back at the ranch midafternoon. “Jessica, you don’t have to carry in all the groceries, today or any day. Call the barn or bunkhouse and the guys will come unload everything. You’ll have enough work putting it all away.”

  As Ryan carried in groceries, she carried sacks and began putting them away. Soon he left her to her work while he checked on mail and calls.

  Later, as he dressed for the evening, excitement built in him, even though he shouldn’t be taking her out and he shouldn’t do more than just harmless kisses again. How many times had he reminded himself to wait until more time had passed and she was over her divorce, more able to cope with dating, kisses, seduction? He should wait until she was out of his house, living elsewhere—somewhere he could have an affair and walk away when he wanted, the way he had always done.

  She was beginning to focus on other things with her reading to kids and starting an exercise program and both should help her adjust and heal. He just needed to control himself until she mended a bit more. But his good intentions seemed to evaporate when he was around her.

  He wore a charcoal suit, a matching tie and his boots. He was ready before she was and waited in his study, thinking about kissing her. Finally, he heard her heels clicking on the polished oak floor in the hall. She entered the room and his breath left as if an invisible fist had punched him.

  In a plain sleeveless black dress with a low V-neckline, she was stunning. The dress ended just above her knees and she wore black pumps with stiletto heels. Her blond hair was held away from her forehead by a thin diamond-and-sapphire headband, and she had diamond studs in her ears.

  “You’re beautiful, Jessica,” he said, his voice hoarse and deep as yearning enveloped him and intentions to keep his distance became nonexistent.

  “Thank you,” she said, smiling at him. “You look quite handsome, too. I’m looking forward to this evening.”

  “So am I. You’ll see some Dallas nightlife,” he said, knowing they had different reasons for their anticipation of the evening. Still, he avoided telling her that he had been looking forward to this night all week.

  “The plane is waiting,” he said, taking her arm and heading to his black sports car, which would take them to the airstrip.

  All the way during the flight she was bubbly about the restaurant and what plans she had for her own, as well as the part of Nashville she wanted to be in when she opened a restaurant. He didn’t care what she talked about, because he just wanted to be with her and look at her.

  “It’s going to be expensive, Jessica.”

  “I have money put away from my grandfather. I’ve never touched it. I have some more money I’ve saved. My sister says she wants to buy into it and my friend does, too. I don’t think I’ll have any financial problems. If it looks like a solid business, my dad will be willing to invest. He can’t resist something good, but he’ll wait to see. I doubt if he can imagine that I can handle the business side.”

  “After what you’ve done at the ranch, I expect you to handle the whole thing quite easily.”

  “Thank you for the vote of confidence. I hope someday you’ll come visit and eat in my restaurant so you can see what your former cook has done.”

  “I promise I’ll do that,” he said, smiling at her, making an effort to keep from looking at the long legs that her short dress revealed. Her eyes sparkled and her cheeks were rosy. She looked happier than ever, so maybe Texas was going to be good for her. He hoped so and he would try to squelch his impulses to flirt for this evening, but someday, sometime when she had recovered, maybe moved out, he wanted to just go out with her, flirt with her, seduce her, make love to her.

  For now, though, he’d settle for less. He wanted to hold her in his arms, to dance with her and later tonight to kiss her. She had kissed him before; he thought she would again. Kisses would never hurt her. Kisses would be therapy.

  He almost had to laugh out loud at himself. When had he been this foolish about a woman?

  As they flew east over the flat prairie, he listened to her talk about the library and whom she had seen in town. The flight seemed to go quickly as she spoke enthusiastically and held him in her spell. He couldn’t wait to see her reaction to the restaurant.

  She’d had a rough time, losing her baby and having her marriage fall apart. He wanted to see the sparkle in her eyes, to help her get over the trauma. Tonight he wanted just to have a fun time, the kind of fun they’d had at the barn dance. With every minute that passed, his anticipation of her kiss grew. Hers were the best kisses of his life. Like so much else about her, they were fantastic.

  * * *

  Jessica glanced around, taking in all the details. Set atop a new Dallas high-rise, the elegant restaurant had floor-to-ceiling windows that offered a panoramic view of the skyline in the setting sun. All around her the decor was black-and-white. Black carpeting and black linen tablecloths. White gardenias floating in crystal vases that were rings centered with tall candles. Even the waitstaff wore black and white. Providing the perfect soundtrack to the elegance, a man played a piano in the corner of a small dance floor.

  Ryan had already ordered white wine and she saw their waiter approaching with a bottle and glasses.

  When they were alone and the wine had been poured, Ryan raised his glass. “Here’s to your restaurant. May it be as huge a success.”

  “Thank you,” she said, smiling at him as she touched his glass lightly and then sipped the dry white wine.

  “And here’s to you, Ryan. May your life on the ranch always be what you hoped.”

  As his brown eyes held her gaze, she took a sip and her heart drummed faster than usual.

  “So, Jessica, do you want a fancy place like this or something folksy and simple?”

  “I want it upscale, but not to this extent. I want a family business with kids, so that automatically means far more informal than this. No dance floor, just nice. Not too folksy. I don’t want peanuts on the table and shells on the floor.”

  “I hope no pets allowed.”

  “No, no four-legged animals in my restaurant.” She laughed and watched as he stood and held out his hand. “More people are dancing now. C’mon. This will be exercise and therapy.”

  She hadn’t planned to dance with him. She hadn’t even expected to find a dance floor, but now that he was holding out his hand and asking in such a casual manner, she couldn’t say no. She placed her hand in his and got up, excitement fluttering in her at the thought of dancing with him.

  They walked to the darkened dance floor to join half a dozen other couples for a fast number. She began to dance with Ryan, looking into his dark eyes, smiling at him, feeling good about moving around and having fun. How easy with Ryan to let go of worries and hurtful memories she had dwelled on too much for too long.

  They danced two fast dances. When a ballad started, he took her hand. “Shall we go back and see if our salads have been served?”

  “Sure,” she replied, feeling a tiny knot of disappointment because she was having fun. But a slow dance with Ryan might be more personal than she should get, so it was just as well to go back to their table.

  She had left her hand in his, aware of their holding hands, curious if he ever gav
e it a thought. She enjoyed being with him, probably a bit more each time she was. She couldn’t get entangled with anyone yet. She didn’t trust her own judgment and wondered whether she ever would again. When she had fallen for Carlton, she had been so certain he was the right man for her. She had been sure he was all the good things he seemed. She had been wrong on all counts. How could she have been so blind? She needed to keep her distance from Ryan because she was too vulnerable right now.

  Their salads had been served on white china plates. Next came the main course. She had ordered grilled salmon, while Ryan had lobster.

  “The lobster mashed potatoes are marvelous,” she said. “This is something I should learn to cook.”

  “Good. I’m glad you like the dinner. I thought it might be difficult to please an excellent cook who plans to have her own restaurant.”

  “No, I’m sort of easy to please. Maybe there are some things I definitely do not like, but in general, I don’t think I’m picky.”

  After dinner he asked her to dance again when a fast number played. Each time there was a change to something slow, they would sit out a few dances.

  Finally, when the tempo changed to a slow song and he led her back to their table, she stopped. “Are you avoiding a slow dance with me, Ryan?”

  “Of course not. I’m trying to do what I figured you wanted, but now if slow dancing suits you, I’ll be more than happy to oblige,” he said, looking amused. Taking her hand, he drew her into his arms to dance to an old slow song that she’d heard her parents play when she was a child.

  Ryan was warm, solid, moving with her in perfect time to the music. She could dance with him without it becoming a major thing. It was just a dance at a restaurant. “Ryan, you’re the best therapy possible,” she said quietly. “I almost drove on and didn’t go to the agency to see about working for you, but Pru really pushed me to see about the job.”

  “I’m glad she did. I have the best cook in all of Texas and that’s saying a lot.”

  She laughed. “I don’t think you really do. Texas has wonderful cooks. So does Tennessee. I guess great cooks are everywhere. Dinner tonight was excellent.”

  “I’m glad you liked it. Since this place is new, it was a shot in the dark.”

  “It was very good and this is nice, Ryan.”

  “I think so, too,” he said, looking down at her. He wrapped both arms around her waist as they danced slowly, barely moving, and her breath caught deep in her throat while her heartbeat sped. Looking into his eyes, standing so close, his arms around her, desire stirred. Ryan was bringing her out of her depression, out of being numb, out of hurt and uncertainty about her own judgment.

  Was she falling in love with him?

  The thought scared her because she definitely was not ready for love. Even if she were, Ryan would not be the man for her. He would never take an affair seriously enough for it to develop into a real relationship and she suspected marriage wasn’t even a tiny speck on Ryan’s radar. He loved the girls and they loved him—it had been obvious at the barn dance, at the grocery, at church. This rancher belonged on his ranch in Texas and she belonged home in Tennessee.

  She needed to back off and keep falling in love from happening. She shouldn’t have asked him to slow-dance with her.

  No, Ryan was not the man for her. She wasn’t happy-go-lucky like Ryan, with everyone he met a friend but none too close. She definitely planned to go home to Tennessee when a year was up.

  The music ended and a fast piece started and the moment was gone. The next slow dance, when he took her hand, she tugged lightly to walk in the direction of their table.

  “Maybe we should start home. It’s a long way.”

  “That it is,” he said. “I’ve already taken care of the check, so we can go.”

  He took her arm and they left, riding down in the elevator. The limo waited and they were driven to Ryan’s plane, which was ready for the return flight to the ranch.

  It was midnight when they entered his house. “Jessie,” he said, shortening her name, something no one else had ever done, something uniquely Ryan. Her heart thudded as she turned to him. His eyes conveyed his need before he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close and all her sensible thoughts about Ryan not being the man for her vanished. His mouth covered hers in a possessive, demanding kiss.

  Her heartbeat raced as she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him in return. “You make me want you, Ryan,” she whispered, and placed her mouth over his to kiss him again.

  He released her briefly, tossing aside his suit coat and yanking loose his tie to drop it. Watching her, he reached out with care to take off her fancy headband and set it on a nearby table. He drew her back into his embrace, leaning over her and holding her close while he kissed her hard.

  She wound her fingers in his hair, feeling the thick texture, pouring herself into her kiss, wanting to kiss him, wanting passion and loving and to know that she was desired by him. She wanted to give to Ryan, to shower him with kisses for bringing her out of despair, for making life fun again, for making her feel like a woman, whole and wanted.

  Trying to convey those feelings, she kissed him, relishing his touch, which ignited fires and set her own desire raging.

  She ran her hands over his broad shoulders, down over rock-hard biceps. Her fingers flew to the buttons of his shirt and she twisted them free, then pushed the fabric off his shoulders to run her hands over him. Yearning grew, a physical hunger, a need for Ryan, his strength, his kisses, his passion.

  She felt his hands at the neckline of her dress and then he slid the zipper slowly down her back, finally, pushing the soft material off her shoulders until it fell around her ankles. While he continued kissing her, he cupped her breasts, filling his hands.

  She gasped with pleasure, wanting him, needing his caresses and kisses. She ran her fingers over his muscled chest and barely noticed when he unfastened the clasp to her bra and pushed it off. A dim voice warned her to stop before she was captivated and her heart belonged to him. She paid no heed to wisdom. Instead, she followed her heart.

  His thumbs drew circles, stroking her as he held her softness in his hands. She gasped again while need for more grew.

  Her hand slipped to his belt to unfasten the metal buckle and then his trousers, letting them fall. He stepped out, shedding the rest of his clothes swiftly and peeling away her lacy panties until he placed his hands on her hips to hold her back and look at her slowly.

  “You’re beautiful, so beautiful,” he whispered before pulling her into his embrace to kiss her passionately again.

  With a muffled cry, she clung to him, feeling his arousal press against her, hard and thick and ready.

  She ached to make love with him, to not stop to think, to just take this man with her whole being.

  “Ryan,” she whispered, and then his mouth covered hers again and words were gone. Still kissing her, he picked her up to carry her to her bedroom. He knelt on the mattress, placing her down, continuing to kiss her.

  When he finally moved away, he shifted. Holding her ankle gently, he showered kisses along her leg, behind her knee, moving up along her thigh while her fingers twined in his hair and her breath caught with pleasure.

  Next he knelt between her legs to touch and kiss her, his hands moving over her to drive her wild. Sitting up, she wrapped her arms around his neck to pull him close as she kissed him while they both fell back on the bed.

  Then it was her turn. She knelt beside him, trailing kisses down over his chest, his nipples and then over his flat belly. He closed his eyes, his hands roaming over her as she caressed his thick erection, leaning down to kiss and stroke him until he rolled her over on her back on the bed.

  His weight came down on her as he kissed her passionately, another possessive kiss that made her feel the bond between them more strongly than
ever, making her want a union, want him totally.

  While he had become important to her, this night he became necessary. They belonged together. She couldn’t turn back now. She felt as if she had been moving toward this point since the moment she met him. On this night he was the most important man in her life and she desired him with all her being.

  She spread her legs, opening for him, wrapping her long legs around him. With a groan he stepped away, getting his trousers, hunting for protection.

  “Ryan, I’m on the Pill,” she whispered, and he returned, moving between her legs, poised while his gaze trailed over her with the effect of a caress.

  “Ryan,” she whispered again, grazing his hard thighs. He knelt, wrapping his arm around her, holding his weight slightly off her as he entered her slowly, tantalizingly, a torment that made her arch beneath him and cry out.

  He thrust slowly, deeply entering, withdrawing as deliberately. Need drove her while she moved wildly. Her head thrashed back and forth as her hips gyrated, urgency building with pleasure pouring over her in a burst of release. His control shattered then and his thrusts were rapid, unleashed passion while he climaxed.

  Ecstasy exploded, but she was deaf to all sounds except the drumming of her own pulse.

  She gasped for breath, turning to kiss him while he gradually slowed, finally letting his weight down. It felt heavy, warm and solid pressing on her.

  He showered light kisses on her temple, down over her ear and cheek, down along her throat and then her breasts. “Jessie, you’re perfect, fantastic,” he whispered. He held her tightly and let his weight down a bit more.

  Aware of holding Ryan in her arms, she refused to think beyond the present moment. Their passionate lovemaking suddenly had seemed necessary to her.

  His breathing returned to normal while hers did the same. He rolled to his side, taking her with him, and pushed hair away from her face, ran his hand down over her shoulder.


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