When Knight Falls

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When Knight Falls Page 3

by Nikki Rose

  Anthony roamed hungry eyes over my body, which was now bare before him. His look was as powerful as a physical touch. His hazel eyes locked on mine with blazing intensity and his raspy rumble vibrated over me. “God, there aren’t even words to describe how beautiful you are.”

  We kissed until I thought I might combust, purely from desire. He seemingly struggled to tear his lips away from mine and quickly slid on a condom while his burning eyes bored into me. “I’ve wanted this for so long. I’ve imagined you like this more times than I can count. But the reality is so much better.”

  Our fingers intertwined on either side of my head as his lips found mine again. He kissed me so deeply that I could feel it in my core. Then I felt him where I needed him most. He teased me, rubbing the tip of his arousal in little circles at my entrance.

  My body ached with need. I lifted my hips and whimpered, quietly begging to feel him. Anthony accommodated my unspoken plea, plunging his hard shaft into me in one smooth motion, filling me completely. I reveled in the delicious ache of my body stretching to take him in. My inner walls quivered around him and I swear I almost came right then.

  Anthony paused once he was deep inside me and gave my body time to adjust. My chest rose and fell with panting breaths. He pushed up on his arm and gazed down at me.

  “I love you,” he whispered.

  The tenderness in his eyes overwhelmed me, stealing my words. I pulled him to me and poured all of the emotions that were too strong to speak into our kiss.

  He began to move his hips in long, slow thrusts that teased every inch of me. Pleasure slowly built until I thought I might explode. I lifted my hips to take him in deeper and moaned out his name.

  “Oh God, Rachel,” he swore.

  He plunged into my heat and I arched my back.

  Each thrust came faster and harder. I gripped his shoulders then dragged my nails down his arms. Short bursts of ecstasy-filled cries spilled from my lips in rhythm with his movements. He kissed me again, hard and fierce. The need I’d held in for so long came pouring out like a dam finally giving way.

  I threw my head back as pleasure tore through my body. It ripped me apart and pulled me back together, all at once. Anthony’s release quickly followed. He swelled inside me and exploded, which only drew out my release. He uttered a guttural cry as he buried himself in me. His whole body shuddered as we rode out the waves of completion together.

  I collapsed with weak and trembling limbs and he fell to the side so he wouldn’t crush me. We both lay in tangled sheets, panting for several minutes before either of us found the energy to move or speak. Anthony leaned over the side of the bed to throw away the condom we were using for birth control before settling back beside me.

  “Are you all right?” he whispered as he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me against him.

  I snuggled beside him as he rolled to his back and nodded as I found that perfect little dip at his shoulder where my head fit perfectly. “More than all right.” I smiled up at him.

  He grinned down at me and tightened his arms around me. “That was amazing,” he whispered then kissed my temple.

  “Incredible.” My eyes felt heavy and I closed them just as Anthony brought the sheet over us.

  Chapter Three


  I stood at the kitchen counter fixing myself a cup of coffee when the knock I was expecting came from the front door. I put my coffee aside and opened it.

  Dante was a beast of a man—a couple of inches shorter than me, but with an imposing wrestler’s build. He was dressed in a tailored black suit, which somehow enhanced his muscles instead of hiding them.

  I have to remember to ask him what tailor he uses.

  “Dante, good to see you.” We shook hands, then I pulled him in and slapped his shoulder.

  I almost hadn’t seen the girl behind him. She was slender and looked younger than Rachel, with soft strawberry-blonde curls that reached her shoulders.

  “And you must be Emily.” I offered her my hand and she shook it with an impressive grip that showed confidence without trying too hard.

  “That’s me. It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir.”

  “You too. I’ve heard great things about you.”

  “Thank you, sir. That’s a great compliment coming from someone so talented.”

  “Please, come in, you two.” I led them into the kitchen and motioned toward the table. “And sit. I was just fixing myself a cup of coffee. Can I offer either of you a cup?”

  “Sure. Black.” Dante situated himself in the seat facing the kitchen at an angle where he could see the front door.

  I nodded to him then looked at Emily. “How about you?”

  “Nothing for me, thanks.”

  “Good morning, Daddy. We have people over?”

  “Belle, you’re up. You remember Dante, don’t you?”

  “Yes. You gave me a piggyback ride at the park.”

  “That’s right.” Dante grinned at Belle and his hard exterior melted away.

  Belle walked over to Emily, studying her curiously. “Who are you?”

  “My name is Emily, but my friends call me Em.” Emily leaned down in her chair to be face-to-face with Belle.

  “Can I call you Em?”

  “Well, that depends… Does that mean we can be friends?”

  “Yes! I love making new friends.”

  “That’s great. So do I, and I think we are going to be great friends.”

  “Would you like to see my room? I have a new baby doll and her name is Crystal.”

  “I would love to.” Emily glanced up at me for my nod of permission then gave a wink before letting Belle lead her off into the bedroom.

  I brought Dante his coffee and took the seat across from him. “So, how have you been?”

  “I’ve been good—better than you, from what I’ve heard.”

  “I take it you’re up-to-date on things?”

  “Yes, the director had me briefed on the situation.”

  Movement caught my eye. Rachel peeked into the kitchen wearing yoga pants and one of my T-shirts, and she’d put her hair up in a messy bun.

  I was excited for her to meet Dante. I called her in and stood from the table. “Rachel, good…you’re up.”

  Dante stood from his seat to greet her as well.

  “Ms. Dae, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Dante.” He offered his hand and she shook it. Rachel glanced at me for further explanation.

  “Dante is going to be your security detail until this cartel business is sorted out.”

  “Security detail? You mean like a bodyguard?”

  I nodded. “Dante will be your bodyguard and driver until the situation is taken care of.”

  “While I appreciate the gesture, I don’t want some guy following me around all the time.”

  “You won’t even know he’s there.”

  “Anthony, look at him. How could anyone not know he’s there?” She motioned toward Dante and he shrugged.

  “This isn’t up for discussion.”

  Rachel sighed and rolled her eyes. Dante fought to hide a grin.

  “Rachel, I made a new friend.” Belle’s bright little voice radiated down the hall from her room.

  Rachel turned with her best forced smile to hide her annoyance at the situation. Belle was running down the hall, dragging Emily by the hand.

  Emily chuckled at Belle’s enthusiasm before reaching out to shake Rachel’s hand. “I’m Emily.”

  “But her friends call her Em. I’m her friend now,” Belle interjected.

  “It’s nice to meet you.” Rachel shook Em’s hand.

  “You too.”

  Rachel was trying, but I could tell that she wasn’t sure about all this. “Could you excuse us for a minute?”

  “Of course.” Emily led Belle into the living room.

  Rachel motioned me over to the kitchen sink.

  I quietly explained, “Em works at the agency. She’ll be keeping an eye on Belle for us.” />
  “You mean that I get Dante and Belle gets a girl who barely looks old enough to be her nanny, much less her bod—”

  I stepped closer and whispered so Belle, who was now distracted by something on TV, couldn’t hear. “As far as anyone else knows, Em is just Belle’s nanny. I don’t want Jess asking more questions than necessary, even if she is Belle’s mom. And, as far as Emily’s ability goes, she has been trained to use her size to her advantage. I’ve seen her take down Dante.”

  Rachel walked nearer to the door and looked at the slender girl sitting next to Belle with new eyes. As much as she would hate to admit it, I could tell by her expression that she was impressed.

  “I don’t like all these strangers hanging around.” She sighed.

  “They won’t be around all the time, just when you or Belle are outside of the apartment. Besides, this could be a good thing. You get a driver, Belle gets a nanny and I get some peace of mind when I’m not around, until we get this mess with Ian and the cartel under control.”

  There was pain in her eyes. I stepped closer and wrapped her in my arms. Rachel battled back tears, blinking them away before they had the chance to escape. She rested her cheek against my shoulder. I kissed her temple and whispered softly into her hair. “Everything’s going to be okay. We’ll get through this, then things will go back to normal. Just be patient. Please?”

  Rachel looked up at me with a half-smile and pressed her warm, soft lips to mine, then Dante cleared his throat. “I’m sorry to interrupt, but I believe it’s time for Em and Belle to get going.”

  “Of course.” I turned from Dante to Rachel. “Em is taking Belle to the park near my parents’, then to visit them while I’m at work.”

  “You’re going to work today?”

  “I need to handle a few things.”

  She nodded and forced a smile, even though it was obvious that she didn’t want me to leave.

  “You’re just staying in the apartment and studying today, right?”


  “Okay, just don’t overdo it.” I turned back to Dante. “Rachel will be staying home today, so you won’t need to stick around.”

  “Yes, sir.” Dante looked from me to Rachel. “It was a pleasure meeting you, ma’am.”

  “You too,” she answered, but her smile never reached her eyes.

  Chapter Four


  A few days later, with Anthony at work and Belle still at school, I sat on the couch, studying for my LSATs. Anthony pulled my attention away from my work when he came through the front door unexpectedly.

  “Hey, you’re home early,” I said.

  “Yeah. What are you working on?” He tilted his head curiously.

  “The LSATs.”

  “You find out the next test date?”

  “Yeah.” I sighed.

  “That bad?”

  “Three weeks, if I don’t want to wait another six months.”

  “You can do this.” He sat beside me and pulled me close.

  “It’s been a while since I’ve been in school for this.”

  “Yeah, but you lived it every day at work. You know this stuff.”

  I nodded thoughtfully before checking the clock. “Not that I’m not happy to see you, but what are you doing home so early?”

  Anthony didn’t look happy. I put my book aside and sat up straighter.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I’ve got to go out of town for work.”

  “What? Now? With everything—”

  “Trust me. I tried to explain that to the director. He doesn’t have much choice. They need me to handle a sensitive case that I’m more familiar with than anyone else in the agency. I have contacts I’ve been working to establish for years.”

  “Will you be able to be in touch? What about the cartel?”

  “Don’t worry, Rach.” He tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ear and gently caressed my face. “I’ve got it all taken care of. Dante and Em will be around more while I’m away. They’ll check in regularly and be with you at all times if you leave the apartment. My mom’s going to help watch Belle some so you can still have a chance to study, but I don’t want to displace her the whole time.”

  “Belle and I will be fine while you’re away, but what about you? Are you going to be in a lot of danger?”

  “Some. I’m not going to lie to you.” Anthony leaned in and kissed me gently. He pulled back and rested his forehead on mine.

  “When do you leave?”

  “Three in the morning.”

  I sighed and my heart sank into my stomach. “That soon?”

  “I’m afraid so. The good news is that Jess doesn’t have Belle this weekend, so you won’t have to deal with her. And, like I said, my mom’s going to take Belle for a few hours during the day.”

  “I’m not worried about that. We’ll get it all sorted out. Don’t worry about us. I want you focused on what you’re doing, so you can come home safe.” I snuggled into the crook of his arm.

  “You are my everything.”

  “And you’re mine.” I gently rubbed my nose against his. “How long do you think you’ll be?”

  “About a week.”

  I let out a small sigh, not looking forward to Anthony being gone even that long, but I’d known what I was getting into from the beginning.

  “I’m going to go ahead and get packed really quick so that’s out of the way. Then, the rest of the day, I’m yours.”

  “I like the sound of that. Why don’t we get food delivered so we don’t have to waste time cooking tonight?”

  “That sounds like a good plan.” With that, Anthony kissed my forehead gently before getting off the couch to go pack while I finished my studying. When Belle got home from school, we ordered in so we could spend the whole evening, just the three of us, doing nothing but cuddling on the couch and watching movies. Once Belle went to bed, Anthony nuzzled my hair and whispered softly against my ear, “Let’s go take a shower.”

  “Only if you promise to lather me up,” I bargained.

  “A chance to rub all over your wet, naked body? Deal.” He smirked and pulled me against him.

  He cupped the back of my neck with his free hand and pulled me into a deep, passionate kiss that made everything else in the world fade away. Then Anthony led me to the bathroom and turned on the water while I tugged off my shirt. His eyes heated with so much desire for me that it took my breath away as he scanned my body.

  As I slowly undressed in front of him, he drank in every inch of me. He removed his own clothes idly but never took his eyes off me. Standing bare before him, my cheeks warmed and I bit my lip. He’d seen me naked before, but in the well-lit bathroom, I was more exposed.

  When steam billowed from the shower, Anthony took my hand and led me in. My muscles relaxed under the soothing spray. I closed my eyes as Anthony slipped his hands around my waist and pressed against my back. His strong arms always comforted me, reminding me of the safety he provided. He lathered soap in his hands and began rubbing them all over my body.

  He caressed my breast with one large hand while trailing the other down my stomach. I arched my back, forcing my ass to push against the evidence of his arousal. Just then, he reached the apex of my thighs and cupped me, letting his finger run along my slit, teasing me into a writhing mess. He pulled me against his rippling muscles and I could feel his length hard against my backside.

  “I need you.”

  He teased me faster with his fingers and made me squirm against him as his name poured from my lips on a breath. “Anthony…”

  “Do you want me, sweetheart?” he teased and pushed his hips harder against me.

  “Yes, please.” I whimpered and rolled my bottom. “Please…” It had been too long, but then minutes without him sometimes seemed too long.

  He adjusted himself so that the tip of his cock pressed against my opening. I spread my legs and he held my hip as he slid into me.

  “Anthony…” I moaned.r />
  He moved his hips in slow, deep thrusts and my body welcomed him. He slipped his hand across my breast to gently cup my throat.

  He kept the pressure firm but uninhibited. With anyone else, the vulnerable position would have scared me, but with Anthony, it felt intimate. I trusted him completely. It reminded me of his power—the same power he used to protect me, to keep me safe, to strengthen me.

  From the very first time we’d made love, Anthony had known my body better than I did. We shared a deep level of communication that went beyond mere words.

  I shuddered with pleasure and he thrust into me harder. His unwavering rhythm quickly sent me spiraling toward ecstasy as the pleasure built.

  I made a futile grasp at the slick tile as my knees began to tremble. Pleasure burst inside me and erupted from my throat in a loud cry. Anthony wrapped his arm around my waist to hold me up.

  I leaned my flushed cheek against the cool shower wall and panted while my trembling body tried to recover.

  Anthony’s rumbling voice seeped through my euphoria. “I’m not through with you yet.”

  His words made my insides clench with excitement and anticipation. He slipped out of me and turned me to face him.

  Steam filling the air made everything feel unreal—but this was no dream. This was my reality, my fantasies come true.

  He crashed his lips into mine in a deep kiss that made my body quiver.

  He grazed his firm hands down my thighs, reached around to grab my ass and lifted me. I wrapped my legs around his waist and tangled my hands into his hair as I increased the passion of the kiss.

  Anthony thrust up into me again, reaching something deep within that made my body sing. I tilted my head back as he trailed kisses down my neck. He nipped at my shoulder and swelled inside me.

  That was all it took to throw my already-ignited body over the edge again. I bit my lip to muffle my cry and my inner muscles clenched around him. My body had a mind of its own where Anthony was concerned. My walls gripped at him, holding him deep where he belonged.


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