Matthew: House of Wilkshire ― Paranormal Dragon Shifter Romance

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Matthew: House of Wilkshire ― Paranormal Dragon Shifter Romance Page 4

by Kathi S. Barton

  “Yes.” He looked at Devon when he finally understood what was happening. Devon’s grandmother was asking who it was as Matt stared at Devon. “The white dragon. We’ve bonded. She is my mate.”

  “Something else happened too.” Matt nodded at Devon. “You could have told me that. You were acting all weirded out, and you could have just told me that Aisling is your— Where is she now if you’ve bonded? I would have thought that she’d be all lovey dovey around you. Did you perhaps piss her off? She seems to have it in her head that she’s not worthy of any of us. She would think that more so of you if you told her what she is to you.”

  “She is well aware of what I am to her. We need to talk about a few things. I would imagine that, like me, she needs a moment to come to terms with what transpired between our dragons.” Devon asked him what did transpire. “If you don’t mind, Devon, I’d like to talk to her before you and I talk it over. There was a great deal that I needed to explain to you before. But more now that she’s found me. She was, as am I, overwhelmed.”

  “I don’t understand. I’m sure that you’re right that you should speak to her first, but she has to be protected, Matt. There are a few people that are looking for her. One of them is her mother. Did you know that she helped humans find and kill dragons while her husband and child were fighting to save them? Bryce told me about it when she was here talking to me earlier. I’ve put out a warrant for Medusa’s arrest. She is going to have to face me for the crimes against our kind. I fear that once she is notified, she will cause harm to her child.” Matt asked him why he’d think that. “You didn’t know, I’m sorry. Bryce said that Medusa has sold her daughter off to a lab in California. All of her. And being a white dragon, she will be worth more to them than even I would be for all my power. I fear for her.”

  “Devon, as my mate, she will be worth a great deal more than before. She is also no longer white, as we have bonded—as I said.” Devon asked him what he wanted to do. “Right now, I don’t know. As I said, I really have no idea where she’s gone. I can ask Honey to find her, but I think, for now, she’s safe where she is. There are a few things I need to figure out, as well. I need to talk to the faerie queen too.”

  “Is it bad?” Matt told him that it could be if he didn’t get things worked out. “You know that if you need me, all you need to do is ask. I’m here for you. But as soon as you can, we really do need to talk about whatever it is that you know. I have a feeling that the sooner, the better with it.”

  “Yes, you’re right. Is there anything else that I should know about her? Anything that you know? Connor and I have to speak as well. He was caring for her, I guess, after she was injured.” Devon told him he thought that Medusa had something to do with Aisling’s injury as well. “Figures. Why can’t we have family members that aren’t out for their own personal gain? I think this all the time, my friend, but I believe you to have had the only really normal childhood. And yours wasn’t all that good.”

  “I know.” Devon looked at Kelly when she came into the office. There were several smaller dragons following her. “Talk to Connor. He might have an idea where she’s hiding out. Also, you should know this—Aisling really does think that she’s lesser than any of us. That might be an issue you wish to take care of right away.”

  Matt left the office when Kelly sat down on Devon’s lap. The two of them were great together, and he thought that he’d never seen his friend happier. Kelly was perfect for him, and the right person to keep him on track with life. He’d needed that a long time before his father had been killed. Love and happiness suited him very well.

  Connor wasn’t home, but it wasn’t difficult to find him. When he entered the building behind their house, he saw that Connor was sitting at a desk and looking decidedly lost. Matt sat down in front of him and waited. It took Connor a good five minutes to realize that he was no longer alone.

  “I’m in over my head.” Matt told him that he was as well. They could compare notes. “All right. I really pissed off my mate. I mean, to the point where she made me come out here to get some work done. The desk, computer, and my mess on my desk showed up about five seconds after I arrived. I really messed up.”

  “Can you fix it?” Connor grinned at him. “Ah, I see. You like seeing her pissy with you. You are very odd. I’m sure that’s been pointed out to you before, but today you’re particularly odd. I need to talk to you about Aisling. As in, do you have any idea where she might have gone to hide out?”

  “She was in a cave when I happened upon her and her little faerie Dak. He’s loyal to her, but he allowed me to help them out so that they could come here. I saw a little of her future. She was only to arrive here when the snow was on the ground for a while. I wasn’t sure why, but that was it. However, since you’ve arrived, things have changed up. Not so much when she was to arrive, but her. She’s going to be stronger than she was when I first met up with her.” Matt told him that Aisling was his mate. “That explains it then. That brings up something else. In all the years that I’ve known you, I haven’t any idea what sort of dragon you are. I don’t care one way or the other, but even when we were flying, you never seemed to give off any kind of vibe as to what you might be. Other than a dragon, of course.”

  “If you don’t mind, I’ll get to that later. I need to speak to Aisling. And to make sure that she’s all right.” Connor told him where the cave was that he’d found her in. “What on earth were you doing in a cave? I mean, it’s been a very long time since any of us had to hide away from humans.”

  “Not back then it hadn’t been. I was trying to find me a place to hide out. However, only long enough for me to shift and pretend that I was just out hunting for game. She was there with Dak, and her wounds, while not fresh, weren’t all that old. I was surprised that she’d been able to survive them, to be honest with you. She’d been near death, I thought, when she found herself a place to heal.” Matt asked him if she’d been a dragon or human. “Now that I think about it, she was a woman. Could that be right? I mean, when I’m in a deep sleep, I’m a dragon.”

  “I have no idea other than when I’m resting my body; I’m in the form I was in when I got the wounds. Human if I’m hurt as a human, and the other if I was a dragon. I only asked because I wonder how she was able to stay safe in there as either. But as a human, she’d be subject to more harm should something happen. Don’t you think?” Connor said that he’d think that as well. “I’m going to go and find her. Talk to her. I need to talk to her before I do anyone else. But I will tell you that I’m a dragon of the earth, wind, and fire, Connor. No one else knows that right now except you and Aisling. Please hold off in—”

  “Christ, Matt. No wonder you never told anyone what— Holy shit. That means that Aisling is one too. You have to keep her safe.” He said that he was planning on it. “I didn’t think there were any left. I know that they can fetch a high...I’m sorry. That was rude of me to think about what you’d be worth dead. I’m sorry.”

  “No, it was you thinking out loud. And trust me, my friend, I’ve thought of that numerous times over my life. My father doesn’t even know. Nor, thankfully, my brother. Rolland would kill me just for what he thinks he could get in the way of profit from selling me off.” Matt told Connor what Devon had told him about Aisling’s mother selling her off. “So, as you can understand, I have to have a talk with her and Dak so that the two of them are doing everything they can to keep themselves safe. For me too.”

  “You need me; you know all you have to do is ask.” Matt thanked him. “I’m not kidding, Matt. You’re my friend, and I will lay down my life for you. You and Aisling are too special to have anything happen to you. You do realize that when you have a child, it will be just like the two of you. A pureblood. Christ, that would be fucking amazing.”

  “Yes, well, as you can imagine, we have to get to the talking part of our relationship first.” Connor laughed. “I’ll not be around for a couple o
f days. Longer if she’s anything like the rest of the women in this family. Stubborn.”

  “I’d say she will be. Just from the conversations I’ve had with Dak.” Matt thanked him. “All right. I won’t tell anyone, but you do know that if Roxanna asks, I’ll have no choice but to tell her.”

  “That’s okay. I know the dynamics of mates.” He turned to leave and paused at the doorway. “Buy your wife a couple of dozen roses. Take her out to dinner and propose to her all over again. My dad, he’s the most romantic man I’ve ever met. He goes to great links to make sure, daily, that Julia knows just how much he loves her. You should do that as well.”

  “Thanks. I’ll do that. Roxanna is my life, Matt. I don’t know what I’d do if she were to be upset with me for very long. But the makeup sex is amazing.”

  Matt was still laughing when he went out into the yard.

  The thing about being what he was, he could fly any time of the day or night and not be seen. Being of the wind, he could blend into the skies like he wasn’t even there. Taking to the skies after shifting to his dragon, he was thinking about the house that he’d gotten from the family. There would need to be more improvements to it than he’d first thought about. Reaching out to Honey, he told her what was going on.

  Oh, my lord, that is the best news that I’ve ever heard—a mate. She will be a wonderful addition to our new home. What is it I can do to make her feel more welcome here? Matt told her everything that had been going on, including the information about her mother and Rolland. Honey knew what he was, of course, and she also understood the significance of Aisling being a white dragon. I will need more help around the house, my lord. Not just for the household with a mate here, but for security. It will be most terrible if her mother would find her here. Also, I have been getting updates on your stepbrother. He is plotting and planning, but Beta is keeping him sidetracked.

  Is she staying safe? Honey told him that she was always safe. That she’d been a warrior faerie long before he was born. See that she has help as well. Warrior or not, I don’t want anyone hurt while he’s around. Also, I’d like to make a suite for my father and Julia to come to stay in. Or a place beyond the house. Whatever you think to do to make them comfortable when they arrive. I’m hoping that I can convince them to stay, but I doubt very much that they will. I believe that they’re having fun exploring.

  A home that they can change the way that they wish would be better for them. Your father is a very happy man, is he not? Matt smiled as he spotted the cave he’d been looking for. My lord, I will have everything ready when you return—also a larger staff. You take care that she is safe as much as I would you. I wish now that I was with you.

  You’re helping me more by being there and taking care that the house is readied. If you need to expand anything, you have my permission to do whatever is necessary to make the house large enough for all of us. Matt landed on the stone just outside the cave entrance. He shifted to man as he finished up with Honey. Connor might need some help with his mate. He’s upset her. See what you can do to help him along. I know that you are very good at being a romantic. I’ve seen you with your own spouse, Billows.

  I will see what I can do for him. When they closed the connection, he felt her coming back to him. Your lordship, there is a man here that is looking for you. I can smell your brother on him. He’s been injured. I have called in the authorities to take him away. Until you return, I think it is safer for him not to be here until we figure out what he is about.

  Good idea. Keep me informed on what you find out. He entered the cave and watched as Aisling paced the large cave. Honey, would you also make sure that upon my return, there are roses for my mate? I don’t think she’s very happy with me either.

  Honey was still laughing when he closed the connection. Moving deeper into the cave, he knew the moment she realized he was there. Sitting down when she ordered him to, he understood in that moment what Connor had been happy about with his mate being upset. They were certainly beautiful when they were in high temper.


  “What did you do to me, and why?” Before he could answer her, even if he were going to, she pounced on another thought that entered her head. “Do you have any idea what happened to me when you decided that I was your mate? You hurt me.”

  “I know I did, and I’m profoundly sorry. As for what I did to you, there was no choice in the matter. My dragon did it.” She asked him what he meant. “My dragon, as is yours now, is not necessarily my other half. He’s a whole creature all on his own. I could, if I wanted, be a human with my dragon close to me as well. As I said, you could do the same.”

  “I don’t understand.” He nodded and started to explain. “I understand what you’re saying, but how is that possible? I’m just an ordinary dragon that has nothing much going for me.”

  “That was never true, even before my dragon claimed you as our own. You have extraordinary powers and gifts.” Aisling snorted at him. When Matt burst out laughing, she glared harder at him. “You’re very pretty when you’re upset. Beautiful even. But I do understand why you’re mad. I would be too if I had the same thing happen to me. I guess, when you think about it, I did.”

  “You didn’t hurt like I did.” Matt told her that he had because she’d been hurt. “Men say shit like that all the time. ‘Oh, my heart hurts because yours does.’ I don’t believe it. Men, all walks of males, will say whatever suits them at the moment.”

  “I’m sorry that you’ve been treated that way. And I’m very sorry for what Connor and Dak did to you as well. But without them keeping you safe, you and I would never have met. That would have been a tragedy too.” She told him that remained to be seen. “I have some information for you. It’s about both our families. I have a stepbrother that is forever trying to assume that we’re the best of friends when he needs money. Otherwise, he’s out on his own. I’m also to understand that your mother is out and about.”

  “I know.” She looked at him, wondering if he would think her mad if she told him what she’d experienced. “I stepped onto the dirt just over there when I first got here. Not only did I have the whereabouts of my mother shown to me, but that you have this sick brother that needs to be put in irons if you ask me. He’s a mother fucker. If you don’t mind me saying so.”

  “I don’t mind at all. And you’re absolutely correct on that.” Aisling wasn’t used to people agreeing with her so readily. Or being so polite to her. “Do you know what you are, Aisling?”

  “Dragon of the Earth. I’m assuming since you asked like that, there is more to it.” Matt told her of the magic that they were to have, telling her that they were the only breeding couple left. Aisling had to sit down. “I remember them from before when there were plenty of them around. I watched as one of them was killed in battle. The humans and other creatures tore her apart in seconds. There wasn’t even a drop of her blood on a blade of grass when they were finished.”

  “That would have been my grandmother. I remember the stories about her being in battle with my grandfather. He is with her in the faerie garden that the faeries with me take care of. There was little anyone could do when she was felled other than to allow them to take what they wished. As you said, it was quick.” She sat there thinking of that day and the other things that she’d remembered recently. “What is it you’re thinking about, Aisling? Tell me, and perhaps I can help you with it.”

  “Something else I got from the dirt. Something that, while I don’t want to believe it, I do. My mother, she set me up to die.” Matt didn’t say anything other than he was sorry. “So she did that. She sold some of us off so that people could profit from our deaths. It wasn’t just me that she did that to, but a great many dragons over the decades.”

  “I was speaking with Devon. He has only just found out about it himself.” She wanted to ask him what sort of king the new ruler was, but she didn’t know how to ask him. “Aisling, we’re mate
s. I cannot lie to you, and I don’t want to. Whatever you’re thinking about, we can fix it together if you tell me.”

  “You can read my mind, correct?” He said that they could read each other’s, but didn’t want to step beyond someplace where he’d not been invited. “I have so many questions that I cannot make my mind still enough to put them into words. I’m terrified if you want to know the truth. Not just of you, because I am, but all the things going around and around in my head. The new king. His mate. I liked her, but now that I know, I’m ashamed of what things we talked about when we were together. It wasn’t nice of her to not tell someone what she was.”

  “I think she did that so you’d not be all tensed up as you are now. She wanted to get to know the real you before you got all tensed up. And you are.” Aisling nodded. “Kelly and the other women only want the best for their family. They consider all of us their family, too. I and now you are included. She didn’t know at the time that you were mated to me, but I think she had an idea that you might be. Cole, another friend of ours, isn’t mated either.”

  “It sounds like they were checking me out to see if I was a good fit for the family. What would have happened to me if I didn’t meet their criteria?” Matt said that it didn’t matter now. “I guess not. But it sounds kind of scary. Any one of them at that table could have killed me on the spot, and no one would have been the wiser. Well, except for Charlie, the waiter. He tried to kill me. Well, any one of us, I guess. I heard that he’s getting help with his mental stability. I think everyone could use that once in a while.”

  “I do too. Not a great deal, but lately. Not with you, but before you came along. Aisling, what do you want to do about your mother?” She paced more, and he let her. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

  “I know that, moron.” He laughed again. “Look, I’m not sure of a great many things right now. Like why I am the one for you. Seriously, I have nothing at all to add to this relationship in the way of funds. Since I was a warrior dragon, I didn’t have the ability to make gems from tears. So there isn’t a stockpile of them lying around waiting for me. I don’t have a home other than this cave. I don’t think as a cave it belongs to anyone, but I haven’t any idea.”


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