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Infatuation - A Club Destiny Novel

Page 10

by Nicole Edwards

  A breathy moan escaped her lips as she pressed into the hard length of his erection prodding her bottom. She was naked, but he was not, which had both relief and disappointment warring inside of her.

  McKenna didn’t know what she wanted, other than to feel the heat of his hands on her skin, the firm warmth of his mouth on hers. She’d dreamed about it for weeks now, wishing for an opportunity such as this to present itself because whatever this attraction between them was, it was definitely based on sex and carnal satisfaction, which she was fully onboard with.

  Yet she felt the distance he was purposely keeping between them. That was the only way to explain his need to have her naked in front of him, but refuse to touch her. He knew what he was doing, building the flames until a wildfire raged out of control, burning through her veins and making her body come alive with need. She sensed that was something he was familiar with, an end goal with his lovers.

  She wanted to be his lover. Even if for such a short time.

  When his lips met the sensitive spot at the base of her skull, trailing downward, McKenna’s body went rigid as another vicious jolt of lust consumed her.

  “Tag.” She could barely speak his name, but the plea on her lips was what she needed him to hear. She needed him to relieve the ache that had been building ever since she laid eyes on him, ever since his mouth began tempting her with that very first kiss.

  ‘I’m here, darlin’.”

  That husky Texas twang did strange things to her insides. “Touch me, Tag. Please touch me.” McKenna wouldn’t hesitate in telling him what she wanted. It was the way she was made. When it came to sex, or physical gratification, she was overzealous at best.

  “Tell me.” The insistence in his tone sent a chill racing down her spine.

  This was what she longed for in her lovers. She longed for the alpha male who would dominate her, take her in every way possible. That’s not usually how it ended up because McKenna found that the men she came in contact with were looking for her dominance. They wanted to be mastered. Although she had enjoyed that aspect of sex previously, McKenna secretly wanted to be on the other side so to speak.

  Placing her right hand over his, the same hand covering her breast, McKenna squeezed firmly. “Harder. Like this.” She manipulated his fingers beneath hers until they were pinching her nipple, sending sparks of pleasure/pain bolting straight to her clit. “Harder.”

  It still wasn’t enough. She needed more.

  Tag apparently got the message because his callused hand began forcefully rubbing her breast, pinching her nipple between his index finger and thumb as he pulled her closer against him.

  When his other arm worked its way around her, McKenna found herself on her back, on top of him, both of his well-muscled arms wrapped around her, both hands massaging her breasts almost violently as she ground her ass against his cock, wanting to feel him inside of her.

  “You’re going to make me come, Tag,” she moaned. “Just by touching me.” Oh, God. His touch was forceful and turbulent, but in no way was it painful. It was the exact opposite.

  “Come for me, McKenna,” he growled, his hands only on her breasts, nowhere else, but she could feel every part of him infusing her as though she had just taken him inside of her body.

  “Oh, God, yes!” Her body imploded, her orgasm a welcome burst of fiery sensation blasting through her and leaving her sated and limp in his arms.

  “That was so fucking sexy.” Tag’s voice grumbled in her ear, the rich, dark tone soothing the frazzled nerves that were still sparking.

  “Do I get a turn?” She couldn’t help but ask the question, still lying on top of him, her back to his front, her head turned to the side, her cheek brushing against his as he held her in place. “Please tell me that I get a turn.” The last came out as a whispered plea.

  “You will. I promise.”

  Not what she wanted to hear, but somehow what she expected. He was keeping himself from her, refusing her yet again, and she was beginning to hate this little game.

  Long minutes later, Tag rolled her gently off of him and eased out of the bed, leaving her to watch him as he rose and when she got a good look at his body, her jaw dropped.

  Standing before her, clad in a pair of black boxer briefs and nothing else, McKenna was stunned by the sight of all that ink. His wide back, his well-muscled arms, his broad chest... almost entirely covered in intricate artwork that had her riveted.

  It had clearly taken some time to do all of that. Her eyes grazed his thick, sinewy arms, admiring the hours of work someone put in to accentuate an already perfect form.

  He was beautiful.

  As she watched him walk away, she didn’t peel her eyes from him, watching the way the muscles beneath the ink moved gracefully.

  Oh, fuck.

  She was in serious, serious trouble.


  Tag’s mind was still reeling; remembering the feel of McKenna’s lithe, slender body sprawled out on top of him, her tits in his hands, her ass grinding against his steel hard cock. He wanted her with a desperation he could taste.

  And to have her come apart in his arms from just his touch, Tag had been beside himself for the last couple of hours. He had taken her to breakfast at one of the small, hole in the wall places he frequented, and as they sat in near silence, Tag watched as McKenna ate, never noticing what was going on around her.

  The waiter was barely able to walk without tripping over himself every time he passed by their table, his eyes glued to the most beautiful woman in the place. McKenna didn’t seem to notice.

  Men, doing double and sometimes triple takes from where they sat, drinking their coffee, shoveling eggs and bacon while they admired her from afar. Even women were watching her, obviously enthralled by her sensual beauty. Never once did he see anything other than admiration in the faces of those around them.

  McKenna was by far the most beautiful woman Tag had ever laid eyes on. To the point of distraction.

  Today she was wearing a sleeveless silk shirt and hip hugging black slacks that caressed every slender curve. But it was her hair – the fiery, crimson silk that flowed down her back, over her shoulder. She didn’t contain it the way she normally did with some delicate looking clip. Today it was like a satin curtain hanging down, touching the top of her perfect, heart shaped ass.

  When her eyes finally met his, Tag couldn’t help but smile. She seemed so oblivious to the envy that was pulsing in the air around her. He just knew that if any one of her admirers got close enough to see those striking, unusual eyes, they’d be just as infatuated with her as he found himself to be.

  “What?” Even her voice was mesmerizing.

  “Nothing. How’s breakfast?” Tag had long since finished his meal, now left to sip his coffee and observe everything about this woman who had somehow intrigued him beyond explanation.

  “Great.” Glancing around, McKenna smiled when she looked back at him. “I’ve never been here before, but I’m definitely going to give it some press on my blog. Very impressed.”

  “It’s not much to look at.” Tag didn’t usually come for the decor though. The food was enough to keep the seats filled and a line out the door. Especially for breakfast.

  “The best places usually aren’t. With food like this, I don’t care if I’m sitting in the back alley.” Her husky laugh had his blood taking an unexpected detour farther south. He wasn’t opposed to taking her to the back alley either.

  “So, what’s the plan for the rest of the day?” McKenna locked her eyes with his as she pushed her plate away and delicately wiped her mouth with her napkin before placing it beside the half empty plate.

  Tag eyed the remaining bacon on her plate and without asking he reached over and stole the last piece. When she smiled, he felt like he’d just opened his eyes to stare directly into the sun.

  Fuck. This woman was doing something to his head. Both of them actually.

  “I’d like to introduce you to Luke this morning. He’ll
be at the club with my brother and their wife.” He waited to see if McKenna would have any sort of reaction to the way he described the threesome.

  “I hear congratulations are in order. The three of them must be so happy.” McKenna smiled, glancing up at the waiter when he stopped to collect their plates and hand Tag the bill.

  “How’d you hear about that?” He didn’t think they were trying to keep their blessed baby news a secret, but as far as Tag knew, the information hadn’t been shared outside of just a handful of people.

  “I have my sources.”

  Of course she did.

  “I guess that will make you an uncle, huh?”

  “That it will,” he replied, subtly hitting the waiter with the small book that held the bill and his credit card. The man couldn’t seem to take his eyes off of McKenna and Tag was about ready to pry them from his fucking head if he didn’t move on.

  “Sorry. I’ll be right back,” the man stuttered before shuffling off.

  “So, what’ll we do after I meet the three of them?”

  “We have a member’s only meeting this afternoon that I want to take you to. Travis Walker will be there to provide Club Destiny’s members with an introduction to the resort. He’s looking for some interest in his venture, and Logan and Luke thought their members might just provide what he’s looking for.”

  He could see the enthusiasm in her eyes. This would be her first glimpse at the members. “Don’t be surprised if attendance is low.” Tag felt it necessary to warn her. “They’ve been informed of your presence, so I wouldn’t be shocked if no one shows up.”

  “Understood.” She smiled again, acknowledging the waiter when he returned a few seconds later.

  Tag signed the credit card receipt and tossed the pen on the table. “Ready?”

  “As I’ll ever be.”

  Chapter Twelve

  *** ~~ *** ~~ *** ~~ ***

  McKenna had seen the man standing just two feet from her before, but for some reason, she’d never noticed how incredibly big Luke McCoy actually was. Nor did she realize how very small Sierra was.

  And Cole... well, he was an entirely different specimen altogether. That man was obscenely attractive.

  “Nice to meet you, McKenna,” Sierra said sweetly, extending her hand.

  McKenna quickly returned the gesture, shaking the proffered hand before doing the same with Luke and Cole.

  “So, I hear you’re doing an exclusive on the club,” Sierra mentioned, unabashed enthusiasm flashing in her eyes. “Have you met Samantha McCoy yet?”

  McKenna wasn’t sure what the two had to do with one another, but she shook her head and then answered with a quick, “No”.

  “Well, I’m sure she’ll be at the meeting this afternoon. She’ll be ecstatic to meet you. Sam is always talking about your magazine, or something you posted somewhere.”

  McKenna could feel the intensity of Cole’s and Luke’s gazes as she stood before them. She wasn’t sure what they were sizing her up for, but she could clearly sense their hesitation. Trying to ignore them, she smiled at Sierra. “I’m looking forward to meeting her.”

  “I presume Tag’s taking good care of you?” There was a hint of mischief in Luke’s penetrating gaze.

  “He is.” Not quite as good as she would’ve liked, but that was more her hormones speaking than anything else. “Would you mind if I asked you a few questions, Mr. McCoy?”

  McKenna couldn’t get over the fact that she was actually face to face with the owner of Club Destiny. Nor could she allow this opportunity to pass her by.

  “Tomorrow,” Tag interjected. “I’ve scheduled some time for you and Luke to meet. He’s agreed to answer any questions you may have.”

  Luke grinned and McKenna’s own body flushed. Apparently he didn’t have any illusions about who she was or what she was after in this case.

  “Be gentle with him.” Cole laughed. “He’s a virgin when it comes to interviews.”

  Luke McCoy and virgin in the same sentence? That made McKenna laugh, and everyone else for that matter. “I promise to go easy on him.”

  “You look so familiar,” Sierra commented, making McKenna feel a tad bit uncomfortable. “It’s like I know you from somewhere.”

  Yes, well, McKenna was pretty sure where Sierra knew her from, but she wasn’t going to be the one to say it out loud. “Maybe from my website? Or my magazine?”

  “I guess...” Sierra still didn’t seem convinced, and McKenna hoped no one else said anything.

  Tag’s eyes narrowed on her, and McKenna saw the recognition in his eyes. She wasn’t embarrassed of her past, but had she been old enough to know better, she was fairly certain she wouldn’t have made the decision to pose nude. But that was back then and she was a different person now, having explored her sexuality in various ways, including posing nude for one of the nation’s most highly rated men’s magazines. She had learned to ignore the constant stares and frequent double takes because more often than not, that was how she was recognized.

  “Do you mind if I steal McKenna for a bit?” Tag asked, obviously assisting to divert the conversation.

  “Not at all. I hope to talk to you more this afternoon.” Sierra smiled sweetly. “And I’ll have to introduce you to Sam. She’s going to love you.”

  The comment caught McKenna off guard, but she managed to conceal it easily. “I’m looking forward to it.”

  “I’ll take you home.” McKenna heard Cole say to Sierra as they walked away and the soothing sound of his voice as he spoke to the woman he loved had McKenna wishing for something she’d never wanted before.

  Maybe it was the man standing beside her; the one who actually took her hand in his as they walked up the steps leading to the second floor and the private rooms of Club Destiny.

  Once on the other side of the doors, McKenna was stunned when she was suddenly pushed up against the wall, Tag’s hard body pressed intimately against her. She barely had time to catch her breath before his mouth descended on hers, their hands instantly groping one another as though they’d been forced to be apart for the last couple of hours, rather than by choice.

  When he finally pulled back, she was reluctant to let him go, but McKenna opened her eyes and got lost in eyes the color of a forest after a spring rain. “What was that for?” She was still breathless, but she was at least coherent. She wasn’t so sure she had been when she’d given herself over to the most passionate kiss she’d ever known.

  Well, aside from the one in her office.

  “I’m having a damn hard time keeping my hands off of you,” he growled, nipping her ear with his sharp teeth.

  “Well, whose fault is that?” she whispered as she tilted her head to the side, hoping he’d use those teeth on her skin.

  “I don’t know what it is about you, McKenna...” Tag trailed hot, wet kisses down her neck, sending shards of pleasure ricocheting through her body like she’d been hooked up directly to an electrical current. She didn’t know what it was either, but whatever it was, she did not want it to end.

  Taking her hand, Tag quickly pulled her down the hall, her heels clicking on the slate tile floor, echoing through the long narrow corridor. When they passed Tag’s private room door, she bit her bottom lip. She hadn’t ventured anywhere other than his room, and she was torn between wanting to see what else went on behind those secured doors and wanting Tag to strip her naked and have his wicked way with her.

  When they approached a large, open room at the end of the hall Tag slowed. Walking in the room, McKenna noticed that there was no one else in there other than the two of them.

  “Playroom.” His words rang in her ear as she glanced around, noticing the elegant decor and expensive furniture.

  “What do you do in the playroom?” she dared to ask.

  “Anything you want.”

  “So others can come in here at any time?” The thought intrigued her, but for some reason, McKenna had conjured up a more wicked image of Club Destiny than just this.<
br />
  “They do.”

  “Is this the only room?” She wondered what all of the fuss was about if this was the only playroom they had.

  “They don’t have themed rooms here,” Tag commented, staring down at her. “And trust me; this room sees plenty of action.”

  “It doesn’t seem to be seeing anything at the moment,” she responded, still trying to wrap her mind around it.

  “Oh, darlin’, that’s where you’re wrong.” Tag’s mouth was once again closing in, and McKenna welcomed the persistent press of his warm, firm lips on hers. Sliding her arms around him, she pulled him closer and then gripped the back of his sexy, bald head. God she loved his beautiful, smooth head.

  Within seconds the air crackled with ignitable heat as Tag devoured her, his tongue insistently pressing into her mouth, dueling with hers while he held her body as close as physically possible. When he broke the kiss long minutes later, they were both out of breath.

  “I want to see your mouth on my cock, McKenna.”

  The words weren’t a request, and she knew it. She couldn’t help but revel in the intensity of his tone, the demand in those striking, all knowing eyes, and the zing his words inflicted deep down low.

  He was going to let her touch him, and McKenna damn sure wasn’t about to let another opportunity pass her by.


  Tag wasn’t sure why he tortured himself for so long. The sweetness of McKenna’s mouth was like a drug, the feel of her skin beneath his fingertips like an addiction he had no chance of kicking. He wanted her.

  Right here.

  Right now.

  The playroom was empty, but that didn’t make a damn bit of difference to him. It could’ve been filled wall to wall with people and he would still want to see her on her knees with his cock between her soft lips as she sucked him. Taking her hand, he led her to a black leather sofa, putting his hand firmly on her shoulder and pushing her until she was sitting before him.


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