Moon's Web

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Moon's Web Page 13

by C. T. Adams

  She dropped her hands to her side and stood motionless. Her eyes were dark and electric and her breath was coming in small pants. I stepped forward and touched her blouse, but not her skin. The tension was thick enough to walk on as I undid the first button. The second button was opened just as slowly. The white lace of her bra was peeking out and I wanted to see more.

  Oops. First things first. I reached down and lifted one hand by the sleeve of the blouse, still staring at the swell of creamy skin hidden by the white lace. She reached up her hand to help me open the cuff, but I stopped her.

  “Let me. You just stand there and keep looking beautiful.”

  She smiled at me, and it lit up her whole face. “You’re the only one who’s ever called me beautiful.”

  My glowing eyes caught her gaze. I found it sad that she was telling the truth. “Then the guys you’ve known have been fools.”

  Her scent was growing deeply musky. It made it hard to breathe. I opened the last of the buttons, and stared with lust at the long line of skin from her neck to her waistband. I wanted to touch her so bad it almost hurt, but I was enjoying making us both wait. I stepped behind her and nuzzled my nose in her hair, breathing in sweet flowers. She shivered as my warm breath tickled her skin.

  I lifted the shirt from her shoulders and pulled it down. The cream-colored cotton slipped down her arms and landed on the floor at my feet. I moved away a little and looked at the long expanse of soft skin, broken only by a band of white elastic. I removed my shirt and the unlatched the buckle on my belt.

  She gasped and shuddered as I unhooked her bra and then with slow, lingering movements, slid the straps down her arms.

  My brow furrowed as I stared at her whole, perfect back. There should be a scar or a dimple where the bullet took her through the shoulder. I moved my thumb to lightly glide over the spot. She moaned expressively.

  “The nerves are still a little sensitive there,” she whispered. “It feels like little pins pricking me.”

  “There’s no scar.” My voice sounded deep and throaty with the slightest hint of a growl.

  “Betty worked really hard to heal it so that it wouldn’t leave a scar. It took weeks. But the wound was too well-known, being on the news and all. It had to be completely gone.”

  I nodded and let my fingers explore her skin. I put my hands on her waist and then slid them around to unsnap her blue jeans while I kissed her back.

  I was easing down the zipper when she spoke with breathy urgency. “I’m not sure I can stand up much longer, Tony. My legs are all shaky.”

  I smiled. I liked having that effect on her. “We wouldn’t want you to fall down.”

  I turned her around and caught her on the spin, bringing her against my chest tightly. She stared into my glowing blue eyes, unable and unwilling to move—to break the spell. I leaned forward, my lids fluttering closed as my lips traced her jaw. A small sound of pleasure spilled out of her mouth as I nibbled her earlobe, and then covered her neck with kisses. My tongue bathed her neck, taking her scent and leaving my own in its place. I slid a hand between us and completed unzipping her pants, accompanied by the sound of her moans.

  Her fingers smoothed along my back as I slowly moved my hand up the side of her body. The silver bells and rabbits scorched along my skin, but healed as quickly as they burned. She had to keep on the bracelet. I knew that. One scratch without it and she might become Sazi.

  But I’d forgotten the sensation of silver during sex. I’d never been much into pain before I became a wolf. I found I was liking it—a lot. My groin tightened with urgency as my hand stroked the smooth curve of her hip, the dip of her waist and then the fullness of her breast. I lingered there, feeling the weight of tissue between my fingers as I kneaded and teased. The texture of the skin changed as her nipple tightened in response. I moved my mouth to kiss her deeply and slowly as I fondled her.

  My body was urging me on, turning the kiss fierce and hungry. I moved back from her breathlessly and fought for control with eyes closed. It would be too easy to have a quickie. This should be more special.

  Sue wasn’t helping matters any. She had leaned forward and was kissing a slow line down my chest and unzipping my pants. I could barely think, much less move. But I touched her shoulders as I felt my pants slide over my thighs.

  “A little slower, okay? I’m going to be all over you in about ten seconds otherwise.”

  Her eyes were wide and nearly panicked. Her breath was coming in short gasps so that the words were filled with air. “I don’t care if it’s fast or slow, Tony. I just want you—I need to feel you inside me.”

  “But I have some new tricks to show you. I don’t want to spoil it.”

  Her brows raised and she stood. Her voice was a little stronger as she regained control. “Tricks?”

  I smiled lightly and then pushed her backward so she landed sitting on the bed. “Mmm-hmm. All sorts of very pleasant things.”

  I knelt down and untied the laces on her shoes and pulled them off. The pants easily slid over her legs and joined the sneakers on the floor. It was obvious now that she’d lost weight, but not so much that she still didn’t have a nice hourglass figure. I find women who try to look like twigs annoying. Guys like curves.

  She was down to just a pair of silken panties with a bare chest. I let my gaze wander over her nearly naked form. “Very nice. You look incredible.”

  She smiled and gave a little laugh. “Nothing like a few weeks of being fed through tubes to help a girl diet. I will warn you, though—I’m a sucker for sweets. I might not stay this way. And speaking of looking good—you had a nice build before, but wow.”

  I glanced down at my rock-hard pecs and thick biceps. I was also pretty proud of the six-pack I’d acquired. Betty and Bobby had told me that I could have a great physique if I worked at it. They’d said that the wolf blood maximizes body mass, so I gave it a try. All the better to start a new life with. It was years of results acquired with only a few weeks worth of effort. My favorite kind of exercise program.

  I smiled in return as I took off my own shoes and socks and finished pulling off my pants. “Not much else to do on the island. I was a little crazy after they took you to Boulder and severed our tie. I got a few panic attacks. Running on the beach and working out in Carmine’s gym in the cabin helped take off the edge.”

  “I was okay. They took good care of me.”

  I nodded and crawled up the bed to lie beside her. I pulled her into my arms and just held her for a moment. I breathed in her scent and let the warmth of her body seep into my skin. “I know. It was just a little hard. I missed you.”

  She was silent for a moment. I could tell from her thoughts that she wanted to say so much. I’m here now. I’m yours. She hugged me tight and my breath caught when the silver burned. It brought me back from the past to her very real, alive body.

  “Speaking of being a little hard,” she teased, and moved her leg to press against the front of my briefs. “What sort of new tricks have you learned?”

  I chuckled with my face buried in her hair. The press of her body against me caused a rush of passion and fluttering of need to flow through me. She shivered as warm air teased her ear. “I think you’re going to like this.”

  I moved up onto one elbow and took in the sight of her. The chestnut hair with hints of fire as the light caught it, her green eyes brimming with expectation and need, and the smooth expanse of skin with no hint of the trauma that had ravaged her chest—was it only a few weeks ago? I pulled on the power inside me, so close to the surface this near to the moon. I let it fill my arm my hand, my fingers—and then lowered the hand to touch her skin.

  Her back arched immediately and her eyes went wide over a mouth that had opened to pull in a massive breath. Her hands scrambled on the bed, clutching at the spread. She couldn’t speak, couldn’t even think. I heard fragments of thought spinning through her head. What is…How…Oh, God! Yes, more…

  After the initial shock, she man
aged to get in control enough to glance down at the patterns I was tracing on her skin. Her eyes blinked repeatedly as she tried to focus through the pleasure. “What is that?”

  “I told you. It’s magic.”

  “It feels like there’s a thousand fingers touching me, just behind where your hand moves. It’s like something slithering over my skin that’s connected to my stomach.”

  I smiled at her again and moved up the hand to slide along her jaw and tingle her lips. “I don’t think it’s connected to your stomach, Sue.” I knew exactly where the feelings resonated. I could feel them too.

  I moved my hand down—past her breasts, past her belly button, and along her hipbones to disappear between her legs. Her cries turned up the heat between my own legs. Her eyes closed, giving in to the rhythmic surges that caused wetness to fill my palm. The scent of her desire made my body tighten further and spasms racked my groin. The throbbing was insistent, needy. I fought again for control. I managed, but just barely.

  My warm tongue found her throat and I bit down lightly. She groaned and grabbed my head to move it down. I obliged and licked a slow line to her breast as I moved my hand lightly over the silky cloth covering her crotch.

  “God,” she exclaimed. “That is amazing!”

  “It gets better. Watch this.” I pulled the power away from my hand and felt it crawl inside me, obeying an unspoken command. The magic resurfaced at the tip of my tongue. Each flick against her nipple caused gasps and cries. I moved in a steady line down her body, just lightly moving the magic along the hairs of her skin. Her legs spread as I lowered between them. I tried to pull down her panties as I reached the gentle mound of curly hair, but her open legs defeated me. My body was getting frustrated from being denied. I grabbed the pale blue nylon in both hands and ripped apart the narrow patch that fitted over both hips. She glanced at me in shock, but another surge of wetness told me she liked what I’d done. I pulled the cloth from her body with a light growl.

  She was completely nude beneath me now, and I wanted nothing more than to be inside her, but instead I lowered my face to breathe in the deep musk between her legs. Magic swelled inside me and flowed out my pores. I distantly heard her scream in pleasure as my tongue opened her folds. The taste of her made me almost delirious with need. I found her small, erect center of pleasure, and moved it firmly and rapidly, letting my power fill her. Her back arched once more and I could smell, taste, feel as the climax ripped through her. Shooting waves of pleasure so great they were almost pain. I couldn’t wait any more.

  I pulled off my briefs in a sudden movement and was inside her before I could even think. Her arms reached for me as her body embraced me fully. I drew back and plunged into her again, feeling her spasming passage caress and tighten along my full length. I moved with her in unrestrained abandon, giving into the need. The smells were strong enough to drown in, so I allowed myself to be enraptured. My mouth found hers and we ate at each other, our jaws working in rhythm with the movement of our hips.

  Her legs locked around me, pulling me in tighter, and changing the angle of my thrusts. There was no stopping now. The tension was reaching a peak. I could feel the climax gathering, hovering. I drove into her with raw force. She matched me move for move, and her nails bit into my back, ripping the skin in long lines. Every flash of pain sent searing pleasure through me. Just a moment longer. Just a mom—

  Sue raised up to me with every nerve taut, her own orgasm near again. I reveled in the sheer sensual pleasure as I called out her name and we soared over the edge. My deep groan was in harmony with her breathless cry as she repeated my name over and over. Magic flowed through the room, soaring and pounding at our bodies as the climax claimed us. Once again, the whirlwind of pleasure began, spinning through Sue, into me, and back through her. I raised on my arms and gave a final scream that was filled with joy, pleasure and the weight of the moon on my back. We collapsed into an embrace, sated and happy.

  Chapter 11

  THE ROUND OF lovemaking was followed by two more, in rapid succession. It’s one of the best things about the moon magic. It makes both of us almost insatiable. We spent the next couple of hours dozing in each other’s arms, awaiting the rising of the moon. I hadn’t been told that I couldn’t stay at home on the third night of the moon, so I fully intended to.

  A knock on the door shattered that illusion, plus the cozy sleep I was luxuriating in. I hoped that if I ignored the knocking, it would stop. But no such luck. The pounding increased, so I finally dragged my tired body out of bed. Sue was still asleep and probably would be for hours. I’d pretty much worn her out. I leaned over and moved her hair aside to give her a gentle kiss on the forehead before I pulled on my jeans and walked to answer the door, closing the bedroom door behind me.

  I padded barefoot through the deep shadows of the living room. The sun had sunk low in the sky. I could feel the pull of the moon. Whoever was visiting would have to leave soon.

  “Yeah, yeah, just a minute, damn it.” I called as I reached the vibrating door. I opened it just as Bobby had raised his fist to pound again.

  “What the hell took you so long?” he snarled as he brushed past me. I shook my head in annoyance and started to shut the door when a firm hand stopped it. I turned to see Asri’s raised brows and benign expression peering out of a fluffy hooded jacket. My jaw dropped open. What the hell was she doing here with Bobby? Did I get out of the frying pan just long enough to leap into the flames?

  She brushed past me, as well. Her voice was a whisper that chilled my blood and stilled my breath. “Good to see you so active, Tony.”

  Asri untied the string at her neck with gloved hands as she entered the living room. She smelled like peppermint. She glanced around, noting every detail, while she slowly pulled the fur-edged hood off her head. Why didn’t it surprise me it was wolf fur?

  “Bobby, what the hell are you doing here?” I asked in a quiet voice. I didn’t want to disturb Sue’s sleep. I pointed at Asri with undisguised loathing. “And why did you bring that…woman with you?” She didn’t even flinch at my tone. She just ignored me and continued to remove her gloves.

  “It wasn’t my idea. Trust me.” Bobby’s voice was just on the border of fury. He wouldn’t even glance at her. “Nikoli insisted. She’s my guide while I’m here.” His voice was sarcastic and cold.

  Uh huh. I knew what that meant. More like his guard while he’s here. I guess I wasn’t surprised. Carmine always did the same thing when a rival family would send a representative for discussions or was in town to visit. It’s one of those courtesies that keep you alive.

  Bobby’s cologne had worn off completely. I could smell the thick jungle vines explode from his bulky down jacket as he unzipped it halfway. He smelled like peppermint, too, but then I saw the red and white swirled candy rolling around his mouth. Asri still smelled like moldy lutefisk under the mint. It was quickly becoming one of my least favorite smells. Burning coffee and jalapeños filled the air, replacing the warm musky scent of desire and sex.

  “I hope we didn’t interrupt anything.” Asri’s voice was quiet and subdued. She’d noted the scent of our passion before Bobby did. Her tone was almost…respectful.

  “It’s been seven weeks since I’ve seen my wife. We’ve been getting reacquainted.” Not that it was any of her business. The exchange made Bobby flick out his tongue. He finally glanced at my disheveled appearance—the bare feet and chest, tousled hair and sleepy eyes. He had the good grace to look a little embarrassed.

  “Sorry. But we’ve got business. I hope you were done reacquainting, ’cause you need to get dressed.”

  “The moon’s coming, Bobby. I’d planned to stay here and enjoy a few steaks and get some sleep.”

  “We’ve got to go to the airport and pick up my boss.” Bobby was obviously annoyed, but I couldn’t place the source. Was it that his superior was coming—maybe to get in the way or supervise him, or was it something more than that? Or less? He’d been pissy since he arrive

  “So? Go to the airport. What do you need me for?”

  Asri spoke up from the couch where she’d primly seated herself. “Nikoli asked that you accompany us. Agent Mbutu and I will prevent you from changing until a more appropriate time.”

  “Did Nikoli give a reason?”

  “He is not required to give a reason, Tony,” Asri said seriously. “He is the Alpha. He asks and we obey.”

  Great. I was afraid of that.

  I heard movement from down the hall, and looked up to see Sue enter the room, wearing the slightly rumpled shirt and jeans she’d had on earlier. I wondered if she had put on new through her hair and freshen her lipstick. The deep wine color made her eyes almost luminescent. She smelled of trees and flowers, and me.

  “Oh, I thought I heard voices. Hello, Bobby.” She glanced at the visitor on the couch, and paled. She stumbled against the half wall at the edge of the living room with wide eyes. I’d forgotten that she’d been present during our discipline session. She recognized Asri and was very, very afraid. The scent of her terror made me fight down a growl.

  Asri saw her reaction. Dry heat, mixed with thick dust rose in a cloud from the direction of the couch. Asri stood in a fluid movement and walked the short distance across the room to where Sue clutched the doorway. I reached out to intervene, when Bobby caught my arm and held me back.

  “It’s cool, man. Just listen,” he whispered.

  Asri stopped in front of Sue and dropped to both knees with head bowed. “Mrs. Giambrocco, I am Asri Kho. In my own language, I would tell you Maaf. It is our most sincere apology, for a great wrong.”

  I glanced at Sue. She was startled at the sight of the fear-some dragon who had kicked the crap out of me abasing herself. Frankly, so was I. Neither of us was quite sure what to say. A flurry of mixed scents rose to fill the room.

  Asri continued to speak, her eyes firmly glued on the floor near Sue’s sneakers. The dusty heat still flowed in a long line up from her body, turning the air golden. “I…” Her voice cracked and she had to start over. “I was unaware when I battled your great and powerful husband that he was mated. When I learned that you were human, and were forced to suffer the pain of punishment along with him, I was saddened and shamed. I would have refused the punishment had I known.”


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