Virginal Headlines: Love Between The Headlines

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Virginal Headlines: Love Between The Headlines Page 18

by Knoebel, Candace

  Veiled beneath a bed of ivy, he pulled me down beside him on one of the chairs. I snuggled against his side. A perfect fit as we watched the lights twinkling in the distance.

  His kisses started along my neck. Soft and timid, thawing my nerves. I tilted my head back, giving him more space. His lips felt good against my skin. A sensual torture that had my mouth lifting in response. I liked how my body reacted around him. The way it seemed to come alive.

  Every touch felt new. Every feeling giving way into something more.

  Our lips grew hungrier. Hands restless as we tugged on each other with desperation.

  I wanted more of last night. I needed more of him, drunk on the heat of the summer.

  Sliding a hand down his thigh, I rested it against the hard length straining against his pants, desperate to feel it again. He unbuttoned my blouse. Kissed every inch of exposed flesh with such tender affection I felt I was melting.

  “I want to take my time with you, Prim,” he said as his hands cupped my face, planting kisses to every visible space. “Unravel you strand by strand. Watch your body shudder under my touch.” His hand slid between my legs, palm cupping my sex. “I want you to writhe for me.”

  My hips bucked up involuntarily against his hand as he applied just the right amount of pressure. I held onto his shoulders, fingers digging into his back, urging him on. “Please.”

  “One step at a time, my love.” His lips were on mine again, driving me further into a madness I never wanted to surface from.

  And then they were gone, carving a path over my breasts, coaxing my nipples into hard peaks. Swirling and tasting as my hands dug into his thick mass of hair.

  “I want to taste you,” he said, his gaze flitted up toward me, hooded and driven. “Sip on you until you spill all your secrets to me.”

  Down the quivering rise of my stomach his lips went, slow and sensual. Kisses branding every inch until he was between my thighs. I was a shuddery mess, barely able to grab hold of my nerves as they shook with inexperience and longing.

  He pressed a hot kiss against the inside of my thigh as his hand smoothed over my stomach, rubbing, calming the bursting quakes. Slowly, he trailed a path along the sensitive flesh. Switched to the other leg, lowering it slowly until I was fully open to him.

  With a fiery grin, he brushed my panties to the side.

  I was locked on him. Hands fisting the sides of the chair. Heart stammering to keep up. It was really happening. He was about to go down on me.

  And I didn’t care.

  I writhed for it.

  When his mouth parted and his tongue swirled over me, my head flung back as a flurry of sensations erupted within my belly, spreading like a wildfire beneath my skin. He took his time, tasting, exploring. Sucking and pulling. His hands cupping my thighs, pulling me closer, fully under his command.

  He growled against me as my hips began to move. His pace increased as his finger slid inside me. I was one giant nerve on the edge of bursting. Every square inch of flesh a shivering mess of cells bursting to life. I felt him everywhere as he centered on the heart of me, tongue twirling and then stopping. A hot, pressing pressure as he moved up and down. Over and around.

  I was losing it. Barreling over the edge when his hand reached up and cupped my breast, pulling my nipple between his fingers. His name burst past my lips as a dizzying array of sensations took over my body.

  My thighs bucked and quivered against his head as his tongue lapped up every bit of my desire. A rollercoaster of feeling I had only just ridden. I never knew an orgasm could feel that powerful. Could spin me in a whirlwind of feeling.

  When the sensations subsided into something a little more drunk, a little more languid, I fell back against the chair. His cheek rested against the inside of my thigh, hands still cupped around them.

  “I fucking ache for you,” he said, the smile on his lips turned toward the stars overhead.

  “Come here.”

  He crawled over me. Kissed me softly, the tang of me still on his lips. When he rested beside me, one hand tucked under his head, the other sliding beneath mine, my brows pressed together.

  “Don’t you…?”

  “Another time,” he said with a knowing smirk. “Like I said, I want to take my time with you. Let the pleasure I bring you unspool in your belly until you’re craving more. Only then, Prim. Only then.”

  The Affair

  Prim was curled against my side when my eyes peeled open, the first golden bans of sun beginning to peek through the clouds. Her body molded perfectly against mine, as if it was always meant to be there. An extension I hadn’t known I’d been missing.

  A satisfied smile formed across my lips as I listened to the soft sounds of sleep exhaling from her mouth, lips slightly parted. The fan of her dark lashes touching the dip just below her eyes. She was almost angelic as she slept. A fucking miracle.

  We found ourselves curled up in my bed the night before, watching a movie. When she dozed off, I couldn’t bear to wake her. Not when she was tucked against me, safe and sound. But also because I didn’t want her to go. I liked her being by my side. Liked holding her while she dreamed.

  She shifted a little, her ass brushing against my dick, which instantly grew hard from the contact. Fuck, how I wanted to lose myself inside her last night. But I wouldn’t. Not yet. Not until I knew she was good and ready.

  I stole a touch, running my finger over the small dip between her stomach and hip. Goosebumps lifted on her skin as she shifted again, a breast peeking out from under the sheet, shielded by my shirt she wore. I wanted to memorize every inch of her body. Stay locked up for days devouring her until I fucked her out of my system. A feat I didn’t think was possible.

  Part of me wanted to wake her with my tongue between her legs, inspiring the heated look she’d given me last night. Watch her unravel as her wilder side emerged. But the other part of me, the softer side I hadn’t known existed, wanted to take care of her. Nourish her. Replenish her appetite by feeding her before feeding her desire.

  Slipping out from under the sheet, I found my phone on the counter where I’d left it the night before. It was almost dead, but it was loaded with text messages. Ignoring them all, I pulled up the number to the diner across the street and ordered a bountiful breakfast. A feast that would surely make her happy.

  Hanging up, I put on a pot of coffee and waited, leaning against the counter. Losing my thoughts to Prim. By the time the buzzer rang downstairs, I’d already finished one cup. Rushing down the steps, I greeted the man and took the bags, offering him a decent tip. Prim was on her tiptoes in the kitchen, reaching for a mug when I returned.

  “I never understood the lure of a woman in a man’s shirt until now,” I said, wishing the shirt would lift a little higher so I could see the sweet swell of her ass.

  She turned, a smile springing across her face as her feet twisted in. “Morning.”

  I set the food on the counter and pulled her against me, kissing her deep. Already I had an erection. I wanted to fuck her right there. Bend her over the counter, then bury my dick inside her until she cried out my name.

  “Looks like he’s happy to see me, too.” She playfully licked her lips, a stark contrast to the wild blush brandishing her cheeks. Though she was growing comfortable with me, and with intimacy, her innocence still peeked through.

  “He’s very happy to see you.” I brushed a hand over her breast. Pulling her raised, fabric-covered nipple gently between my teeth. When she gasped, I slid a hand between her thighs, touching the wetness that soaked her sweet spot. “As are you.” I slowly slipped a finger inside her, mapping the tight ripples that swelled around me.

  Her eyes slid shut, head rolling back as I worked her.

  “Mmm,” she moaned.

  I was hungry for her. Ravenous.

  Kneeling down, I spread her thighs. Kissed a trail up the supple skin. Inch by inch, nipping at her flesh, wanting to leave marks. Claiming her. Devouring her. Her hand fisted in my
hair as she watched, pleasure marking her face in soft angles.

  “Please,” she whimpered as I licked along the folds of her, my finger still working inside her, searching for the soft slope resting just past her rippling plains.

  When I sucked her clit into my mouth, her hamstrings went tight, and I smirked. Sucking and licking. Reveling in the way her thighs involuntarily bucked and jolted. Her hips began to move up and down, more of her weight pressing against my face as she gave in to the sensation. To the control.

  Give in. That’s it.

  My eyes traced up the soft slope of her belly, up to her breasts that bounced with every hesitant roll forward. She was silk across my lips. A fucking goddess taking what I offered.

  I watched in awe as the rosy hue of her cheeks deepened into something more carnal. Her hesitant movements shifting to encouragement. Exploring. Taking. Fully settling into herself.

  It wasn’t fair, how inhumanely beautiful she was in that moment. It nearly stole my breath as I drove her forward. The way desire sloped on the perfect curve of her lips. The dark lashes sealing her eyes shut. The way her hands moved over her skin, feeling, living in this moment.

  And when she fully gave in, I held onto her ass.

  Now that was a good breakfast.

  “I got you pancakes, but I’m afraid they’re cold now,” I said as I opened the Styrofoam containers. The sweet scent wafted up, eliciting a growl from my stomach.

  “My hero.” Her arms were wrapped around my waist, head resting against my back.

  I loved that I could feel the sated curves of her body wrapped around mine. Satisfaction seemingly pulsing from her pores.

  “And you’re distracting.” I was glad we had the weekend off, because there was no way I was ready for her to leave. I moved the food onto plates, then put them into the microwave.

  She hopped onto the counter, her feet swaying from side to side. She looked completely at ease. Sated. A far cry from her usual posture around me.

  “Are you going to the conference next weekend?”

  She snorted. “Are you kidding? Quinn would flip if I didn’t.”

  “She goes anal over this every year,” I said with a chuckle.

  “Do you know her well?”

  I pulled her plate out and handed it to her. Watched as she slathered tons of syrup on. “As well as one can know Quinn.”

  A question formed in her eyes.

  “I’ve been around a few of the blowouts between Harrison and Quinn. The two of them…” I shook my head. “Sometimes, I wonder how they were ever a pair. Like oil and vinegar, those two.”

  Her lips pursed in a small O, but her words were cut off by the buzzing of my doorbell.

  My eyebrows dipped. “One sec,” I said, trying to figure out who the hell could be stopping by at this hour on a Saturday. My heart sank to my feet, blood freezing solid as I recognized the face on the screen.

  My father.

  “Who is it?” Prim called as she moved in behind me. Her hands slid over my shoulders as she stood on tiptoes, trying to peer over me.

  If it wasn’t for her touch thawing me, I wasn’t sure I would have been able to move.

  “It’s my father.” My lungs felt punctured from the words, robbing me of breath.

  How long had it been since I’d last seen him? Since our last falling out? Why was he here? Nothing good ever came of his presence in my life. Surely this would be no different.

  “Oh, dear.” Prim nudged her glasses up the bridge of her nose. “I’m indisposed. And you’re… you’re… “

  “Not going to let him up.”

  Her shoulders sagged, a small, frumpy sound whooshing past her lips. “Grayson…”

  My head shook. “I’m serious. I have nothing to say to him.”

  I walked past her, heading for the kitchen even though the last thing I wanted was food.

  “Grayson, you can’t just ignore him. What if… what if he has something important to say?”

  “Then he can call.”

  “But he came all this way. Maybe he wants to reconcile.”

  “When hell freezes over.” I opened the fridge, only to slam it shut. Messed with the dishes in the sink, rinsing them out before placing them in the dishwasher.

  “Grayson,” she said, and it was how she said my name, almost in a motherly tone, that had me spinning around. “I can only imagine what you’ve been through. How you must feel. But think of your mother.”

  My mouth fell open, but she was quick to close the distance, placing her fingertips over my lips to shush me.

  “I say it only because of how much she meant to you. How much you love her. She wouldn’t want this for you. No mother ever would. Just… just hear him out. That’s all. I’ll be right here for you.”

  She removed her hand. Planted a soft, tender kiss against my lips that had my shoulders involuntarily bowing in defeat.


  She smiled.

  “But not before…” I glanced down at her half-naked body.

  “Oh,” she said with a lighthearted giggle. “Of course.”

  As she headed for the bathroom, I made my way to the door. My father still stood there, his form bent over one of the large pots by the front door where a cluster of bushes were. He was wearing a suit. The type of man who likely slept in only business attire. Always needing to look his best. His thick, silver hair perfectly combed back. His wrist wearing a fat watch that was probably the latest Rolex as he stood back up and stared at my front door.

  What’s going through that head of yours, Old Man?

  Taking in a huge gulp of air, I pressed the buzzer.

  Here goes nothing.


  His face lifted to the camera. “Grayson?”

  “What do you want, Dad?”

  His hands in his pockets wrenched out, clenched by his sides. “Is that any way to greet me?”

  I let out a groan. Banged my forehead against the wall. What would Mom want? With another encouraging inhale, I said, “Hello, Father. What do you want?”

  He stared at the camera. “I’d like to speak to you. May I come up?”

  With a grumbled curse, I buzzed him up, then opened the front door, waiting for the hurricane sure to come.

  “Are you satisfied now you’ve inspected every inch of my home?” I asked as I pinched my forehead between my thumb and forefinger.

  Prim sat beside me on the couch, her hand rubbing small, soothing circles on my back as I watched my father scope and judge everything I’d earned on my own.

  “Yes,” he said with a gruff snort. “Seems you’ve done well for yourself.”

  I chortled. “Was that a compliment?”

  His back was still to me as he peered through the expansive windows.

  He never answered.

  “So, why are you here?” I asked, wanting his visit to be over.

  He turned. The heavy heels of his shoes clicked against the ground as he ambled over to the love seat across from us. When he sat, his eyes veered in Prim’s direction. “Primrose Amberly. Might you be the girlfriend of my son? The one littering the tabloids as of late?”

  Before the embarrassment of his intrusive question could sink in, I quickly answered, “Look. You’re clearly beating around the bush. Whatever it is, please just get on with it.” I didn’t want him knowing a single detail about my life. The more he knew, the more leverage he had for whatever he was scheming.

  Finally, his gaze pulled to mine, cold and odious. “You haven’t answered the RSVP.”

  “I figured my silence was a good-enough answer. You did get the tulips, didn’t you?”

  He tsked. “And here I thought you might have grown out of your childish mannerisms.”

  Though I desperately wanted to roll my eyes, I willed myself not to. I wouldn’t give him an inch.

  “Badgering me can’t be why you came.” I leaned forward. “What’s the real reason?”

  His lungs expanded, then contracted. Whatever
it was, it must not have been good, because he never piddled around any problem. For him, problems were like golf balls he managed to sink every time. He always won. Always found a way out.

  “Soon, there is to be a scandal headlining with my name attached to it.” His gaze met mine head-on. He never was one to cower from any situation, even the scandalous kind.

  “What kind of scandal?”

  He brought his hands together in front of him, pressed to a perfectly pointed steeple. “An affair.”

  My hands flew up in the air as I stood. “Jesus, Dad. Really? Is it…?” I bent to his eye level, peering at him. “Is it true?”

  A second ticked by. A silent, voided second that said it all.

  “You’re the best at what you do, aren’t you?”

  “Yeah. When it comes to writing about fashion. Not indiscretion.”

  He crossed his legs, seemingly undisturbed.

  “I swear on everything,” I said as I started to pace with my hands in my hair. He must have lost his mind. Fallen completely off his rocker to think I would even attempt at handling his PR nightmare.

  “How many is that now? Four affairs? Five? Does monogamy mean anything to you?”

  His chuckle was cutting. A cold, barbed-wire sound. “This coming from my son who was famously dubbed the serial dater.”

  “Because of you,” I shouted at him, hands sliding down the sides of my face.

  His eyebrow quirked. “The sins of the Father revisited by the Son.”

  “Don’t even try to get biblical on me, old man. You already have a gold-stamped, one-way ticket to hell.” A sharp ache rolled down the length of my clenched jaw.

  His smirk was deadly. “And you don’t?”

  “I might have dated a lot of women, but never once did I put a ring on any of them, only to find a newer model.” The words spewed past my lips with enough venom to paralyze.

  “What can I say?” he said with an apathetic shrug. “Marriage has its benefits. You should try it some time.” I didn’t miss the look he darted in Prim’s direction.


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